Spelling suggestions: "subject:"with work"" "subject:"ith work""
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Pedagogų pasitenkinimo darbu sąsajos su poreikiu savirefleksijai ir įsitraukimu į savirefleksijas / Teacher satisfaction with work associations with need for self-reflection and involvement into self-reflectionsZinkevičiūtė, Agnė 03 July 2012 (has links)
Esminiai žodžiai: pasitenkinimas darbu, savirefleksija, pedagogai.
Šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti pedagogų pasitenkinimo darbu sąsajas su poreikiu savirefleksijai ir įsitraukimu į savirefleksijas. Tyrime dalyvavo 122 Utenos ir Švenčionių pedagogai.
Respondentams buvo pateikta anketa, sudaryta darbo autorės ir naudota demografiniams kintamiesiems rinkti. P. E. Spector (1994) pasitenkinimo darbu klausimynas (Job Satisfaction Survey ) ir A. M. Granto (2001) sukurta SRIS skalė (Self-reflection and Insight Scale).
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad amžius susijęs su pasitenkinimo darbu aspektais: bendradarbiai ir komunikacija; pedagoginis stažas susijęs su pasitenkinimo darbu aspektais: vadovavimas, bendradarbiai ir komunikacija; pedagogų turimas darbo krūvis susijęs su bendru pasitenkinimu darbu ir pasitenkinimu darbo aspektais: bendradarbiai ir komunikacija. Tiek bendras pasitenkinimas darbu, tiek ir pasitenkinimas jo aspektais skiriasi priklausomai nuo auklėjamosios klasės turėjimo bei kvalifikacinės kategorijos.
Taip pat tyrimo metu buvo nustatyta, kad poreikis savirefleksijai yra susijęs su pedagogų turimu darbo krūviu ir kvalifikacine kategorija. Įsitraukimas į savirefleksijas yra susijęs su amžiumi.
Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė ir pedagogų poreikio savirefleksijai sąsajas su bendru pasitenkinimu darbu bei jo aspektais: vadovavimas, darbo pobūdis bei komunikacija. Įsitraukimas į savirefleksijas yra susijęs su pasitenkinimo darbu aspektais: darbo pobūdžiu ir pripažinimu.
Tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to evaluate teacher satisfaction with work associations with need for self-reflection and involvement into self-reflections. The subjects of the study were 122 teachers from Utena and Švenčionys towns. The study subjects were given a questionnaire that included demographical questions, Job Satisfaction Survey by P. E. Spector (1994) and Self-reflection and Insight Scale (SRIS) by A. M. Granto (2001).
Results of the study showed that participant age is related to satisfaction with work in aspects of associates and communication; pedagogical experience correlates with satisfaction with work in aspects of leadership, associates and communication; teacher‘s workload is associated with general satisfaction with work and satisfaction with work in aspects of associates and communication. General satisfaction with work and satisfaction with work in separate aspects differs depending on having educating class and pedagogical qualification category.
The research found that the need for self-reflection is related to teacher‘s workload and pedagogical qualification category. Involvement into self-reflection is associated with participant‘s age.
It was discovered that the need for self-reflection is correlated to work satisfaction in aspects of leadership, work specification and communication. Involvement into self-reflections is related to satisfaction with work in aspects of work specification and acceptance.
The predictive models revealed that... [to full text]
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Chirurginio profilio slaugytojų darbo motyvacijos veiksniai / Motivation factors of surgical profile nurses workNamajuškaitė, Vaida 15 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the study – investigate the motivation factors of surgical profile nurses work.
The objectives of the study:
1. To investigate of satisfaction with work, to identify the motivation positive factors, emotional exhaustion of nurses, which are working in the surgical profile departments and operating-theaters.
2. To investigate negative factors (emotional exhaustion, salary, nursing load).
3. To give the offers for the main problems solutions.
Hypothesis – the nurses motivation, which are working in the operating-theaters or surgical profile departments, is the same.
Investigative – nurses, which are working in Kaunas University of Medicine clinic, departments of orthopedics and traumatology, neurosurgery, childrens surgery in the operating-theaters and departments.
Investigation method – Questionnaire-based inquiry, emotional scale.
Statistical analysis has been made by Microsoft Excel 2003 program. The obtained findings were processed using SPSS for Windows 12.0 statistical software package.
The results and conclusions of the study: 70% of all nurses are satisfied with theirs job, ‘cause they are „responsible for what they��re doing“. The bigger pay could induce to work better even 82,5% of nurses. Almost for the half of nurses, working in the departments, the motivation for better work could be financial support-awards; for the third of operating-theaters nurses – the compliments of the heads. Statistically significant (p = 0,002) was the emotional... [to full text]
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Slaugytojų motyvacijos ir jų požiūrio į motyvavimo sistemos elementus VŠĮ Kauno Medicinos Universiteto Klinikose įvertinimas / Evaluation of nurses' motivation and their approach to the elements of motivation system at the hospital of Kaunas University of MedicinePetkevičiūtė, Dalia 10 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of the study : to evaluate nurses' motivation and their approach to the elements of motivation system at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine.
Methodology of the study :
The object of the study – motivation of the nurses' at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine, their fulfilment with their work, the role of self – realization in the motivation, potentials in career planning, nurses' approach to the elements of motivation system .
Methods of the study - Questionnaire for the nurses at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine.
Scope - 65 pages .
Methods of statistic analysis – data of the study are accomplished and analysis of statistic data is obtained having used statistic package SPSS for Windows 12.0. Statistic reliability of the differences of responses was controlled according to Chi (χ²) criterium. Checking statistic hypotheses, 0,05 importance level was chosen Man – Withney test was applied to determine the differences between two separate groups.
Results and conclusions - forms of material stimulation has the greatest significance in the motivation of nurses at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine. Self – realization and career potentials stimulate the nurses least. Less than a half of the nurses staff is satisfied with their job. The essential reasons are inadequate pay and depreciatian of this occupation. Most nurses are paid extra money from incentive fund, and it has some motivating significance, but majority of nurses... [to full text]
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Medikų nuomonė apie sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas Vilniaus mieste / Opinion of medical community on health care services in vilnius cityŽukauskaitė, Simona 09 July 2011 (has links)
Pagrindimas: Lietuvoje vykstant sveikatos priežiūros reformai, didelio visuomenės ir mokslininkų dėmesio sulaukia įvairūs sveikatos priežiūros organizavimo, paslaugų kokybės aspektai, kurie dažniausiai vertinami vykdant pacientų apklausas, tačiau svarbus yra ir medicinos personalo nuomonės tyrimas šiais klausimais dėl realaus požiūrio į tam tikras sistemos funkcionavimo galimybes. Darbo tikslas: Išsiaiškinti kaip Vilniaus miesto medikai vertina dabartinę sveikatos priežiūrą ir paslaugas, analizuojant tam tikrus sveikatos priežiūros organizacinius aspektus, atsižvelgiant į medikų specializaciją, darbovietę ir darbo stažą. Metodika: Anoniminės anketinės apklausos būdu apklausti 297 respondentai (gydytojai ir slaugytojai) dirbantys pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centruose, stacionaruose ir privačiose įstaigose. Tyrimo tikslui ir uždaviniams pasiekti naudotas kiekybinis momentinis sociologinis tyrimas. Anketa sudaryta remiantis viešosios nuomonės ir rinkos tyrimų bendrovės ,,Spinter tyrimai“ 2004 m. atlikto tyrimo, kurio metu siekta išsiaiškinti, kaip medikai vetina sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų restruktūrizaciją ir kt. problemas, klausimynu. Duomenų apdorojimas ir analizė atlikta naudojantis statistiniu paketu SPSS. Skirtumai tarp atitinkamų rodiklių laikomi patikimais, kai klaidos tikimybė p ≤ 0,05. Šią reikšmę programa ieškant ryšio tarp kintamųjų, suskaičiuoja automatiškai. χ2 statistinis kriterijus taikomas tikrinant kokybinių požymių ryšio hipotezes. Taip pat... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Background: While the Lithuanian health service reform is being implemented, major attention of the public and of the scienctists is drawn to different health service organization, service quality aspects, which often are being evaluated by implementing polls of the patients. However also is important poll of the medical personnel about these questions regarding the real opinion of particular functional abilities of the system. Purpose of the work: to find out how medics of the Vilnius city treat current health supervision and the services by analyzing particular organizational aspect of the health service, considering specialization, workplace and probation of the medics. Methodology: in the way of the anonymous questionnaire 297 respondents have been questioned (medic doctors and caregivers), working at primary health service centres, stationeries and private institutions. For reaching the purpose and the goal of this survey quantitative instantaneous sociological survey was used. The questionnaire was compounded using questionnaire of public opinion and market survey company ,,Spinter tyrimai“ of year 2004 intended to find out how the medics treat restructurizing of the health service institutions and other problems. Processing of data and analysis was completed using statistical packet SPSS. Differences between appropriate rates are treated as reliable when likelihood of mistake is p ≤ 0,05. The programme figures this value automatically when finds connection... [to full text]
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Le management interculturel : Le processus d'intégration des juniors en cabinet d'audit au Luxembour, en Espagne, au Royaume-Uni et en France / Intercultural management : integration process of juniors in auditing firms in Luxembourg, Spain, Great Britain and FranceFerrand, Olivier 18 January 2008 (has links)
De nombreuses entreprises sont confrontées aux problèmes issus de la pratique de la gestion dans des contextes culturels différents ou avec des équipes internationales provenant de cultures différentes. La délocalisation de certaines activités de l’entreprise, leur expansion commerciale vers de nouveaux marchés, le recours à des fournisseurs lointains et situés dans différents pays, le développement de l’immigration avec des ressources humaines caractérisées par une diversité culturelle engendrent des obstacles à la mise au point de procédures managériales uniformes et un retard dans les prises de décision à cause des facteurs culturels reliés aux décisions managériales. La finalité de l’entreprise est la création de richesses dont bénéficient, directement ou indirectement et à différents degrés, les actionnaires, les employés, la collectivité et les pouvoirs publics. Divers facteurs favorisent le développement des entreprises multinationales implantées dans divers marchés avec des équipes d’employés, d’ouvriers de culture différente ; dont notamment la globalisation des marchés et les nouvelles techniques d’information et de communication qui incitent les entreprises à standardiser l’organisation et les procédures de travail dans toutes leurs activités tout en instaurant un contrôle plus efficace. Cette thèse vise à étudier une situation particulière du management interculturel, l’étape première constituant la rencontre entre des styles managériaux différents : à savoir l’intégration d’une équipe interculturelle. Notre étude porte sur le secteur de l’audit où les processus sont relativement normés au niveau international ; ce choix réside en partie dans la volonté de mettre en évidence les pratiques locales qui y ont cours et de les comparer entre elles.Notre problématique visait à comprendre les formations en management interculturel destinés aux jeunes intégrants des cabinets d’audit. Nous verrons les relations que ces formations entretiennent respectivement avec les notions de sensibilité interculturelle et de compétence interculturelle / Numerous companies are confronted with the problems from the practice of the management in different cultural contexts or with international teams resulting from different cultures. The relocation of certain activities of the company, their commercial expansion towards new markets, the appeal to suppliers distant and situated in various countries, the development of the immigration create obstacles to the clarification of uniform manager procedures and a delay in decision-making because of the cultural factors connected with the manager decisions. The end of the company is to make benefit for the shareholders, the employees, the community and the authorities. Diverse factors faciliate the development of the multinational companies implanted in diverse markets with teams of employees, workers of different culture; among which notably the globalization of markets and new techniques of information and communication which incite companies to standardize the organization and the working procedures in all their activities.
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A closer look at the work hours and work/family relationship: The moderating and enhancing effects of fitTuttle, Matthew D 01 June 2006 (has links)
Managing the conflict between work and family role demands is a critical issue that has generated substantial interest for both individuals and organizations in recent decades. One factor thought to contribute to the occurrence of work-family conflict (WFC) is the amount of time committed to activities in either the family or to the work domain. Because time is a finite resource, it has been posited that when one dedicates a certain amount of time to one domain, this will invariably take away from the amount of time available for activities in the other domain. The result of this is conflict between the domains of work and family (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985). However, the relationship between time at work and work-family conflict is not always this clear. In the current study, it was proposed that work schedule fit is a moderator of the relationship between working hours and both forms WFC.
That is, the nature of the relationship between the amount of time spent at work and WFC depends, in part, on perceived work schedule fit.Recent research has gone beyond the notion of the work and family domains existing in perpetual conflict and has begun to focus on how these two domains can benefit each other. It has been argued that certain resources gained in the work domain can be beneficial to the family domain, and vice-versa (Greenhaus & Powell, 2006). Furthermore, affective states in one domain can spill over to the next, which could have both positive and negative consequences. In the current study, it was proposed that work schedule fit is a resource that facilitates both positive spillover from work and positive spillover from the family. Hypotheses were tested using moderated multiple regression and zero-order correlations. Support was not found for proposed moderator hypotheses, however support for mediation was found in exploratory analyses.
Support was also found for the proposed relationship between work schedule fit and both positive spillover from home and positive spillover from work. Implications of these findings are discussed.
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När oro för jobbförlust påverkar upplevd work-life conflict : En kvantitativ studie om hur oro för jobbförlust kan leda till svårigheter att släppa arbetets krav, vilket i sin tur kan öka upplevd work-life conflict.Eriksson, Josefin, Orén, Ellinor January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan oro för jobbförlust och upplevd work-life conflict. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt grundar sig i forskning om rollkonflikt och anställningsotrygghet. Work-life conflict (WLC) definieras som en rollkonflikt där arbetslivet och privatlivet konkurrerar om en individs begränsade resurser. Oro för jobbförlust syftar i huvudsak till en subjektiv oro över att bli av med sin anställning, snarare än faktiskt otrygga anställningsvillkor. Uppsatsens datamaterial kommer från en tvärsnittsundersökning från den svenska studien inom det internationella forskningsprojektet ISSP från 2015 vilken undersöker åsikter om jobbet och arbetslivet via enkäter. Det obundna slumpmässiga urvalet har begränsats i uppsatsen och består av totalt 596 respondenter som alla vid tillfälle för besvarad enkät förvärvsarbetar. För att undersöka sambandet och testa hypotesen används linjär regressionsmodell som analysmetod. Resultaten visade på ett positivt samband mellan oro för jobbförlust och work-life conflict vilket förstärker tidigare forskningsresultat på området. I den multivariata regressionsanalysen inkluderas kontroll för demografiska, samt arbetslivsrelaterade variabler och sambandet blir något starkare. Sammanfattningsvis går det positiva sambandet mellan oro för jobbförlust och work-life conflict att generalisera till hela populationen, det vill säga Sveriges arbetande befolkning då resultatet i den multivariata regressionsanalysen är av statistisk signifikans. Dessa resultat bidrar med en ny kontext på forskningsfrågan i och med det bredare urvalet och intressanta samhällsläget.
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Manufacturing satisfaction with work-family balance: the effects of employee type, technology use, & life role salienceFrizzell, Rebecca E. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Psychological Sciences / Patrick A. Knight / Satisfaction with work-family balance is a relatively new construct that differs from other work-life constructs in several ways: it is not focused on conflict between work/family domains, does not include cross-domain transfer processes, has no directional implications, and is not multidimensional.
The current study has three purposes:
1. Examine work-family balance issues for both blue-collar and white-collar employees, as the literature has focused mainly on white-collar employees.
2. Examine relationship between technology and satisfaction with work-family balance.
3. Assess how role salience influences satisfaction with work-family balance.
Participants were recruited and compensated for completing a 60 item online survey via Qualtrics. Blue-collar participants were recruited from manufacturing industries, while no industry was specified for white-collar employees. The sample consisted of 210 participants (105 blue-collar, 105 white-collar). Several checks were included throughout the survey to ensure data quality.
Two hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. The first regression revealed that boundary control and autonomy predict satisfaction with work-family balance, while employee type and boundary interruptions do not. Boundary control, family identity, and stress significantly predicted satisfaction with work-family balance in the second regression, while boundary interruptions, work identity, hours worked, and technology use did not.
Results indicate white-collar workers have higher satisfaction with work-family balance, lower stress, and lower turnover intentions compared to blue-collar workers. Results also reveal that technology use to complete work outside of work hours is significantly and positively related to stress. Nearly half of participants report feeling expected to utilize technology to complete work outside of work hours. In addition, while it was hypothesized that those higher on family identity would have lower satisfaction with work-family balance when they used technology outside of work hours, worked longer hours, and had more frequent boundary interruptions than would those lower on family identity, the opposite effect was found for each of these variables.
Implications of the study include:
1. Organizations may improve employee satisfaction with work-family balance by increasing autonomy and boundary control.
2. Employees may improve satisfaction with work-family balance by taking time to de-stress from work and limiting use of technology to complete work outside of work hours.
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The experiences of middle-class professional working mothers from central and Southern Cape Town with regard to work-family conflictDrummond, Susan Margaret January 2011 (has links)
Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / Women’s roles in the workplace have increased but expectations within their family roles have not diminished. Work-family conflict (WFC) occurs when work and family roles are mutually incompatible in some respect. Mothers’ representations of their own particular personal contexts seem largely absent from the cultural iconography and so motivations for the study included bringing to light the phenomenological experiences of contemporary fulltime working mothers by developing a rich description of their lived experience. These ideas have not been widely explored in South Africa. The study aimed to explore how full-time working mothers experience work-family conflict, including how they conceptualise their dual roles, how salient each role is to them, the factors in the work and family domains which
are particularly pertinent for them and any coping strategies they might employ. The study used as a theoretical framework the model of work-family conflict developed by Greenhaus and Beutell in 1985, together with an extension from the work of Amstad, Meier, Fasel,
Elfering and Semmer in 2011. The study used a phenomenological methodology. Eight middle-class, professional, full-time working mothers from the Southern Suburbs and City Bowl of Cape Town were interviewed individually, using a semi-structured interview schedule. A qualitative paradigm was used to analyse the interviews. Emotional and cognitive repercussions of WFC were many, including feelings of unsustainability. Some participants acknowledged a need to compromise in order to cope, but the current normative messages are
not conducive to this. Participants aspire, not to stop working, because the role of worker is regarded as important for self-definition, but to reduce their overall load. The generalisability of this study was reduced because of its localised ambit, its small size and some similarities
in socio-economic profile among the participants. Future studies could further explore the choices or strategies which are successful in reducing WFC.
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The relationship between perceived organisational support, frustration with work and occupational commitment among public secondary school educators in the Sedibeng West DistrictEkujumi, Temidire Messiah 09 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / The primary objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived organisational support, frustration with work and occupational commitment among public secondary school educators in the Sedibeng West District. The social exchange theory, expectancy theory and side-bet theory constituted the bedrock in this study.
In order to achieve the primary objective, a quantitative research approach was adopted, and a descriptive survey research design was utilised. The reliability of the measuring instrument was confirmed satisfactory, and thereafter the questionnaires were self-administered to three hundred and seventy-three educators, HODs, deputy principals and principals at nine public secondary schools using a convenience sampling technique. Two hundred and forty questionnaires were retrieved, constituting 64.3 percent response rate, and the data obtained was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 25.0 and the Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) 25.0 for statistical analysis.
The statistical analysis performed include descriptive statistics using frequencies, mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics was utilised to determine the relationship between the two factors of perceived organisational support, frustration with work and occupational commitment. The inferential statistical methods used include Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis and structural equation modelling.
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to confirm the factor structure of the constructs in the study, and to determine if the data fit the model. Six model fit indices were used to assess the measurement and structural model fit assessments, which include Chi-square value over degree of freedom (χ2/df), Goodness-of-fit index (GFI), Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), Norm fit index (NFI), Tucker Lewis index (TLI) and Comparative fit index (CFI). The results of the model fit indices indicated a satisfactory fit of the data with the measurement and structural models. Thereafter, path analysis was performed on the research model to measure the path coefficients in the research model.
Structural equation modelling (SEM) was applied to test the hypotheses and the results revealed that there was a significant negative relationship between the job-related factor and frustration with work; a significant negative relationship between the relationship factor and frustration with work; a significant negative relationship between frustration with work and occupational commitment; a significant positive relationship between the job-related factor and occupational commitment; and a non-significant positive relationship between the relationship factor and occupational commitment.
The correlation analysis also showed that there was a moderately significant negative correlation between the job-related factor and frustration with work; a moderately significant negative correlation between the relationship factor and frustration with work; a strong positive correlation between frustration with work and occupational commitment; a moderately significant positive correlation between the job-related factor and occupational commitment; and a moderately significant positive correlation between the relationship factor and occupational commitment.
The reliability of the measuring instrument in the main study was tested using Cronbach alpha coefficient and composite reliability, while the validity tests were confirmed using face validity, content validity, construct validity, convergent validity, predictive validity and discriminant validity.
Based on the findings, recommendations were proposed to enhance the perception of organisational support among educators, HODs, deputy principals and principals; reduce the level of frustration with work; and foster increased level of commitment to the teaching profession.
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