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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A framework for the integration of online learning in distance education / Tlhako ya kopantsho ya boithuti ka inthanete ka go boithutikgole / Uhlaka lokudidiyelwa kokufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kwezemfundo yamabanga

Gani, Faiza 11 1900 (has links)
Online learning through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) features in institutions of higher education globally. If integrated successfully online learning holds many benefits. Research however has highlighted that the focus of online learning is often on the technology, while pedagogical considerations are neglected. As such online learning has not yielded significant changes from a pedagogical perspective. The impetus of this study was driven by the need to find approaches of integrating pedagogically sound online learning in distance education (DE). The study employed a case study research design, and was qualitative in nature. Questionnaires, interviews and documents informed the case study. The findings of the study reveal that online learning should be purposefully planned. In light of the findings, the study presents a framework for the integration of online learning in DE. The framework is built on the concept of awareness and argues that online learning should depart from three types of awareness, i.e. lecturer, student and institutional. The framework is entrenched in theory from both DE and online learning and offers direction for stakeholders at various levels of DE higher education institutions in terms of integrating online learning. / Boithuti ka inthanete ka tšhomišo ya theknolotši ya tshedimošo le kgokagano (ICT) bo hlaga ka go dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana lefaseng ka bophara. Ge e le gore di kopantšwe ka katlego, boithuti ka inthanete bo na le mehola ye mentši. Le ge go le bjalo, dinyakišišo, di bontšhitše gore nepišo ya boithuti ka inthanete gantši e ka go theknolotši, mola ditlhoko tša mokgwathuto di hlokomologilwe. Ka fao, boithuti ka inthanete ga se bo tšweletše diphetogo tša go bonagala go tšwa go kgopolo ya mokgwathuto. Tlhohleletšo ya dinyakišišo tše e laolwa ke nyakego ya go hwetša mekgwa ye e kopantšwego ye e kwagalago ya thuto ya boithuti ka inthanete le boithutikgole (DE). Dinyakišišo di šomišitše tlhamo ya dinyakišišo ya tshekatsheko ya maemo, gomme ka tlhago e be e le tša boleng. Mananeopotšišo, dipoledišano le dingwalwa di tsebagaditše tshekatsheko ya maemo . Diphihlelelo tša dinyakišišo di utolla gore boithuti ka inthanete bo swanetše go beakanywa ka maikemišetšo. Go ya ka diphihlelelo, tlhako e hlagišwa ke kopanyo ya boithuti ka inthanete ka go DE. Tlhako ye e theilwe godimo ga kgopolo ya temošo le go hlagiša gore boithuti ka inthanete bo swanetše go tšwa go mehuta ye meraro ya temošo, k.g.r. mofahloši, baithuti le dihlongwa. Tlhako ye e hlalošwa ka botlalo ka go teori go tšwa go DE le boithuti ka bobedi ka inthanete gomme e fa taetšo go baamegi maemong a go fapafapana a dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana ya kgole go ya ka boithuti ka inthanete. / Ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha ngokusebenzisa ubuchwepheshe bolwazi nokuxhumana (i-ICT) kuyinto ekhona ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme emhlabeni wonke. Uma kudidiyelwe ngempumelelo, ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kunemihlomulo eminingi. Kodwa-ke, ucwaningo luqhakambise ukuthi ukugxila ekufundeni ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kuvame ukuba mayelana nobuchwepheshe, bese kuthi okuphathelene nezindlela zokufundisa kunganakwa. Kanjalo, ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha akuzanga noshintsho oluningi maqondana nezindlela zokufundisa. Isisusa salolu cwaningo kwaba ngukukhuthazwa yisidingo sokuthola izindlela zokudidiyela izindlela zokufundisa ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha ezisebenzayo kwezemfundo yamabanga (i-DE). Lolu cwaningo lusebenzise uhlobo lokucwaninga olubheka izindawo ezithile okugxilwa kuzo kanti luwuhlobo olubheka imininingwane yezinto ezikhona ezingamaqiniso. Amaphephamibuzo, izingxoxiswano kanye nemiqulu yikona okwaholela ocwaningweni olugxila ezindaweni ezithile. Okwatholakala kulolu cwaningo kwaveza ukuthi ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kumele kuhlelwe ngendlela. Ngenxa yokutholakele, uhlaka luhlinzekelwa ukuba kudidiyelwe ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kwezemfundo yamabanga. Uhlaka lwakhiwe ngomqondo wokuqwashisa futhi lubeka phambili ukuthi ukufunda ngokuxhumana kwekhompuyutha kufanele kusukele ezinhlobeni ezintathu zokuqwashisa, kuthisha wasenyuvesi, kumfundi nakwisikhungo. Uhlaka lugxile emqondweni wezinzululwazi wakona kokubili imfundo yamabanga nokufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha futhi luhlinzeka umhlahlandlela kwabathintekayo emazingeni ahlukahlukene ezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme yamabanga maqondana nokudidiyela ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha. / Educational Studies / Ph. D. (Education)

Select psychosocial risk factors contributing to domestic violence against women in Tshwane, South Africa

Dreyer, Cherie 11 1900 (has links)
South Africa has among the highest rates of physical and sexual violence against women in the world. Research indicates that understanding the causality of domestic violence is very complex and the measurement of risk factors are deemed challenging. Yet, it is important to understand and identify the risk factors associated with domestic violence to effectively prevent it. This phenomenological research study aimed to investigate the lived experiences of female domestic violence victims and sought to identify risk factors (e.g. alcohol and drug abuse, violence in the family of origin, personality factors, cultural differences, socio-economic factors, and the impact of pregnancy) that may have contributed to the occurrence of domestic violence in their intimate relationships .The participants were selected based on purposive and convenience sampling and also their willingness to participate. The sample consisted of six participants between the ages of 18 – 45 years old, residing in Tshwane, South Africa. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews. A qualitative methodological design was used to collect and explore information about the participants’ personal experiences with domestic violence. Hycner’s explicitation process was employed to identify the four main themes, namely the participants’ experience of domestic violence; socio economic factors; cultural differences, and domestic violence during pregnancy. Each main theme was comprised of sub-themes. The findings of this study differed slightly in comparison with the existing body of literature that highlight substance abuse as one of the highest risk factors for the occurrence of domestic violence in intimate relationships. In this study, other risk factors such as pregnancy and socio-economic factors played a much bigger role than substance abuse as the key risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of domestic violence. / INingizimu Afrika ingenye yamazwe omhlaba anamazinga aphezulu odlame nokuhlukunyezwa kwabesimame ngokocansi. Ucwaningo lubonisa ukuthi ukuqondisisa izimbangela zodlame lwasekhaya yinto eyisixakaxaka ukuyiqondisisa kanti futhi kuyinselele ukukala izinto ezinobungozi kwabesimame. Kodwa ngisho noma kunjalo, kubalulekile ukuqondisisa kanye nokwazi izinto ezinobungozi ezihambisana nodlame lwasekhaya ukuze lukwazi ukuvinjelwa. Lolu cwaningo oluhlaziya ngaphandle kokuthatha uhlangothi, lunenhloso yokuphenyisisa indlela abantu besimame abangamaxhoba odlame abalubona nolubaphatha ngayo udlame lwasekhaya kanye nokubheka izinto ezinobungozi (ezifana nokusetshenziswa kabi kotshwala nezidakamizwa, udlame emakhaya okuqala abahlukumezi, izinto eziqondene nomuntu siqu, umehluko kwezamasiko, eziphathelene nomnotho nabantu kanye nomphumela ekukhulelweni), okungaba yizinto ezinomthelela kudlame lwasekhaya ebudlelwananeni basekhaya. Abantu ababambe iqhaza kucwaningo bakhethwe ngokulandela isampuli enenhloso yokukhetha abathile abazohlangabezana nenhloso yocwaningo kanye nokuzimisela kwabo ukubamba iqhaza kucwaningo. Isampuli ibinababambi-qhaza abayisithupha abaphakathi kweminyaka engu 18 ukuya kwengu 45 ubudala, okwamanje abahlala eTshwane. I-data itholakala ngokwenza ama-interview ahlelekile kodwa angenamkhawulo kakhulu. Kusetshenziswe idizayini yocwaningo esebenzisa i-qualitative method ukuqoqa nokuthola ulwazi maqondana nezipiliyino zababambi-qhaza kudlame lwasekhaya. Kusetshenziswe inqubo ye-Hycner's explicitation ukuphawula izihloko ezine ezinkulu, ukuyizipiliyoni zababambi-qhaza kudlame lwasekhaya, izinto eziphathelene nabantu nomnotho, umehluko kwezamasiko, udlame lwasekhaya ngesikhathi sokukhulelwa. Isihloko nesihloko esikhulu, besihlukaniswe ngezihlokwana ezincane. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo yehlukile kancane uma kuqhathaniswa neminye imibhalo ekhona egqamisa ukusetshenziswa kabi kwezidakamizwa njengenye yezinto ezinkulu eziyingozi nembangela yodlame lwasekhaya kanye nakubudlelwane babantu abasondelene kakhulu. Kulolu cwaningo, ezinye izinto eziyizingozi ezifana nokuhlukunyezwa ngesikhathi sokukhulelwa kanye nokuphathelene nabantu nomnotho kunendima enkulu kunokusetshenziswa kabi kwezidakamizwa notshwala njengezinto eziphezulu kakhulu ezinomthelela kudlame lwasekhaya. / Afrika Tshipembe ḽi vhukati ha phimo ya nṱhesa ya khakhathi dza zwa vhudzekani na dza u huvhadza vhafumakadzi kha ḽifhasi. Ṱhoḓisiso i sumbedza uri u pfesesa vhakwameaho nga khakhathi dza mitani zwi a konḓa nga maanḓa na u elwa ha zwiitisi zwa khombo zwi vhonala zwi khaedu vhukuma. Fhedziha, ndi zwa ndeme u pfesesa na u wana zwiitisi zwa khombo zwine zwa tshimbilelana na khakhathi dza miṱani u itela uri dzi kone u thivhelwa. Iyi ndi ngudo ya ṱhoḓisiso nga tshenzhemo yo livhiswaho kha u ṱhoḓisisa tshenzhemo ye vhafumakadzi vho ṱanganaho na khakhathi dza mitani vha tshenzhema na u ṱoda u wanulusa zwithu zwi vhangaho khombo iyi. (zwine zwa nga vha tshumiso ya zwikambi na zwidzidzivhadzi, khakhathi dza murahu muṱani, vhuvha ha muthu, zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano, phambano ya mvelele, u ḓihwala) zwine zwa nga vha zwo livhisa kha u bvelela ha khakhathi dza miṱani kha vhafunani. Vhadzheneli vho tiwa zwo ḓitika nga ndivho nauri vha tsinisa na lutamo lwa u dzhenelela lwa avho vhathu. Sambula yo vhumbwa nga zwipiḓa zwa rathi zwa vhadzheneli vha miṅwaha ya vhukati ha 18 – 45, vhane zwa zwino vha dzula kha ḽa Tshwane. Data yo kuvhanganywa nga kha mbudziso dzi sa langiho kufhindulele. Nḓila ya u tandula ‘qualitative’ yo shumiswa u kuvhanganya na u ṱhaṱhuvha zwidodombedzwa nga ha tshenzhemo dza vhadzheneli nga ha khakhathi dza miṱani. Kuitele kwa Hycner a songo ḓoweleaho kwo shumiswa u wana ṱhoho dza ndeme nṋa; dzine dza vha tshenzhemo ya vhadzheneli nga ha khakhathi dza miṱani, zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano; phambano ya mvelele, na dzikhakhathi dza miṱani nga tshifhinga vho ḓihwala. Ṱhoho khulwane yo vhumbwa nga ṱhoho ṱhukhu. Mawanwa a ngudo iyi a fhambana nyana na mbambedzo na tshivhumbeo tsha maṅwalo ane a vha hone ane a ombedzela tshumiso ya zwidzidzivhadzi sa tshiṅwe tsha tshivhangi tshihulwane tsha khakhathi dza miṱani kha vhushaka ha vhafunani. Kha ngudo iyi, dziṅwe khombo dzi fananho na u ḓihwala na zwiitisi zwa ikonomi ya matshilisano zwi vha zwivhangi zwihulwane u fhira tshumiso ya zwidzidzivhadzi na zwiitisi zwa khombo zwa ndeme zwine zwa vhanga khakhathi dza miṱani. / Psychology / M.A.(Psychology)

Pollinator communities and plant-pollinator interactions in fragmented calcareous grasslands / Bestäubergemeinschaften und Pflanze-Bestäuber-Interaktionen auf fragmentierten Kalkmagerrasen

Meyer, Birgit 19 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Reasons for the Underperformance of Clean Development Mechanism Project Activities in the Animal Waste Management Sector / An Analysis of Swine Manure treating Facilities in Latin America / Ursachen des geringen Erfolgs von Abwasserbehandlungsprojekten in der Tierproduktion im Rahmen des Clean Development Mechanism / Eine Analyse von Schweineproduktionsbetrieben in Lateinamerika

Deecke, Imme Dorothea 04 February 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Spinnen in Agrarlandschaften und die biologische Kontrolle von Getreideblattläusen / Spiders in agricultural landscapes and the biological control of cereal aphids

Schmidt, Martin H. 27 May 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Financial accountability and reporting by governing bodies of public schools in South Africa

Hlongoane, Moses Thabang 05 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Xhosa and Southern Sotho / This study was about the lack of uniform financial reporting guidelines to be used by South African School Governing Bodies (SGBs) in preparing their financial statements and financial records, which resulted in the inconsistencies and the lack of comparability in the financial statements of section 21 schools. The researcher aimed to develop recommended practice guidelines to be used by SGBs of public schools in South Africa when preparing their financial statements. The research was conducted through a qualitative approach using document analysis, supplemented by individual interviews. Provincial guidelines and selected schools’ financial statements were analysed. Schools’ principals, finance officers, auditors, School Governing Body treasurers, as well as districts officials were interviewed. The participants were selected using a purposive sampling method. Without generalising, the findings revealed that the existing provincial guidelines as well as the financial statements of the selected schools, are not consistent. The inconsistencies affect the comparability of the financial information negatively and that may also have negative impact on the reliability of financial information. The findings from the interviews, supported by the literature review, revealed that there is a need for uniform guidelines in terms of preparation of schools’ financial statements. The findings also revealed that the majority of SGBs opt for the examination of accounting records and financial statements instead of the audit thereof. Recommended practice guidelines were developed using information acquired through the literature review and the data acquired through document analysis and interviews. The study recommended amongst others that a further study be conducted on the effectiveness of financial management training in addressing the financial reporting challenges of South African public schools and whether the examination (instead of audit) of schools’ financial records and financial statements should still be acceptable. / Thutopatlisiso eno e batlisisitse go tlhokagala ga kaedi e e tshwanang ya dipegelo tsa ditšhelete e e ka dirisiwang ke Makgotlataolo a Dikolo tsa Aforikaborwa (diSGB) fa a baakanya dikanego tsa ona tsa ditšhelete mmogo le direkoto tsa ditšhelete, e leng se se bakileng gore go se nne le go tsamaelana le tlhaelo mo ntlheng ya tshwantshanyego ya dikanego tsa ditšhelete tsa dikolo tsa Karolo 21. Maikaelelo a mmatlisisi e ne e le go tlhama kaedi e e tlaa atlenegisiwang ya tiriso e e tlaa dirisiwang ke diSGB tsa dikolo tsa setšhaba mo Aforikaborwa fa di baakanya dikanego tsa tsona tsa ditšhelete. Thutopatlisiso e dirilwe ka mokgwatebo o o lebelelang mabaka go dirisiwa tshekatsheko ya dikwalo, e tshegediwa ke dipotsolotso tsa batho bongwe ka bongwe. Go sekasekilwe kaedi ya porofense le dikanego tsa ditšhelete tsa dikolo tse di tlhophilweng. Go botsoloditswe bagokgo ba dikolo, batlhankedi ba ditšhelete, baruni, batshwaratlotlo ba Makgotlataolo a Dikolo, gammogo le batlhankedi ba dikgaolo. Bannileseabe ba tlhophilwe ka go dirisa mokgwa wa go tlhopha sampole ka maikaelelo. Kwa ntle ga go akaretsa, diphitlhelelo di bontshitse gore kaedi ya ga jaana ya porofense gammogo le dikanego tsa ditšhelete tsa dikolo tse di tlhophilweng, ga di tsamaelane. Go tlhoka go tsamaelana go ama go tshwantshanyega ga tshedimosetso ya ditšhelete ka tsela e e bosula mme seo se ka ama go ikanyega ga tshedimosetso ya ditšhelete. Diphitlhelelo go tswa mo dipotsolotsong, di tshegediwa ke tshekatsheko ya dikwalo, di senotse gore go na le tlhokego ya gore go nne le kaedi e e tshwanang malebana le go baakanngwa ga dikanego tsa ditšhelete tsa dikolo. Gape bontsi jwa diSGB bo itlhophela gore go tlhatlhobiwe direkoto tsa palotlotlo le dikanego tsa ditšhelete go na le gore di runiwe. Go tlhamilwe kaedi ya tiro e e atlenegisiwang go dirisiwa tshedimosetso e e bonweng ka tshekatsheko ya dikwalo le data e e bonweng mo tshekatshekong ya dikwalo le dipotsolotso. Thutopatlisiso e atlenegisitse, gareng ga tse dingwe, gore go nne le thutopatlisiso e nngwe ya nonofo ya katiso ya botsamaisi jwa ditšhelete malebana le go samagana le dikgwetlho tsa dipegelo tsa ditšhelete mo dikolong tsa setšhaba tsa Aforikaborwa gammogo le go bona gore a tlhatlhobo (go na le boruni) ya direkoto tsa ditšhelete le dikanego tsa ditšhelete tsa sekolo e sa ntse e tshwanetse go amogelesega / Ndzavisiso lowu wu lavisise hi makombandlela ya ndlela yo fanana yo endla xiviko xa swa timali leswi swi faneleke ku tirhisiwa hi va Tihuvo ta Vufambisi bya Swikolo eAfrika Dzonga ku nga South African School Governing Bodies (SGBs) ku lulamisela switatimende swa timali na tirhekhodo ta timali, leswi nga vangela leswaku ku va na mafambiselo yo ka ya nga fanani na ku va swilo swi nga pimanyiseki kahle eka switatimende swa timali eka swikolo swa Xiyenge 21. Muendli wa ndzavisiso u ve na xikongomelo xa ku endla xibumabumelo hi maendlelo na makombandlela lama ya faneleke ku tirhisiwa hi ti-SGB ta swikolo swa mfumo eAfrika Dzonga, loko swi lulamisa switatimende swa timali. Ndzavisiso wu endliwe hi ku landza fambiselo ra qualitative hi ku xopaxopa tidokumente, ku tlhela ku endliwa na mimburisano ya ti-interview na vanhu hi wun'we-wun'we. Makombandlela ya xifundzhankulu na switatimende swa timali swa swikolo swi xopaxopiwile. Ku endliwe mimburisano ya ti-interview na tinhloko ta swikolo (vaprinsipala), vaofisara va swa timali, vakamberi va swa timali (ti-odithara), vatameri va minkwama ya Tihuvo ta Vufambisi bya Swikolo (School Governing Body treasurers) xikan'we na vaofisara va tidistriki na vona ku endliwe mimburisano ya ti-interview na vona. Vokhoma-xiave va hlawuriwe hi ku tirhisa fambiselo ra sampuli ya xikongomelo ku nga purposive sampling method. Handle ko navisa vuyelo eka hinkwavo, vuyelo byi kume leswo makombandlela ya xifundzhankulu na switatimende swa timali eka swikolo swo karhi, a swi fanani. Ku hambana swi endla leswo ku nga vi na ku fambelana na ku pimanyiseka ka vutivi bya swa timali, na swona swi na vuyelo byo ka byi nga ri kahle na ku tshembeka eka vutivi bya swa timali. Vuyelo eka mimburisano ya ti-interview, hi ku seketeriwa hi ku hlayiwa ka matsalwa, swi kombise leswo ku na xilaveko xa makombandlela ya ku fanana hi ku landza ku lulamisiwa ka switatimende swa ta timali lomu swikoleni. Vunyingi bya ti-SGB byi endla na nkambelo kunene wa tirhekhodi ta timali na switatimende swa timali ku tlula ku lava leswo ku endliwa nxopanxopo lowu fambisanaka na ku xopaxopa vumbhoni bya swa matirhiselo ya timali ku nga auditing ya tibuku ta timali. Makombandlela lama ya bumabumeriwaka ya endliwe hi ku tirhisa vutivi lebyi nga kumeka eka ku hlayiwa ka matsalwa na data leyi nga kumeka hi ku xopaxopa tidokumente na mimburisano ya ti-interview. Ndzavisiso wu bumabumela, exikarhi ka swin'wana leswo ku endliwa ndzavisiso wun'wana hi ku tirheka ka vuleteri bya mafambiselo ya swa timali eka ku langutana na mintlhontlho leyi nga kona hi ku vika hi swa timali eswikolweni swa mfumo eAfrika Dzonga, no kumisisa leswo xana nkambelo kunene (ku nga ri nxopanxopo lowu xopaxopaku na vumbhoni ku nga auditing) ya tirhekhodo ta timali na switatimende swa timali swa ha fanela ku amukeriwa xana / College of Accounting Sciences / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

An evaluation of the effectiveness of the integrated tutor model in open and distance learning: a case of Unisa

Ntuli, Cynthia Hlekwase Smangele 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Sotho / The provision of education through an open and distance learning (ODL) mode calls for institutions of higher learning to provide support services that can respond to students’ needs and expectations, and impact positively on their learning experiences. Tutorial support is one of the pillars of student support services which contribute to the academic success of students in this academic context. The use of technology has led institutions of higher learning to change the way support is provided to students by integrating online learning to reach students who cannot attend traditional face-to-face (F2F) tutorials at a specified time and venue. The University of South Africa (Unisa) responds to these global changes by integrating F2F and online services to support its students through the integrated tutor model (ITM) which seeks to address the learning needs and expectations of students. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of this ITM. The study was guided by a social constructivist theory of learning supported by connectivism, empathy theory and Salmon’s five stage model of e-learning. The fundamental theory of social constructivism is based on the assumption that learning is constructed in a social setting before individuals engage with knowledge. The experiences of individuals play a big role in the construction of knowledge hence it is crucial to acknowledge their prior knowledge. Students who are supported through the ITM in the six Unisa regional service centres and the Unisa staff involved in the implementation of the ITM participated in the study. A purposive sampling technique was used to select these participants. A random sampling technique was also used to sample students to complete a questionnaire. Qualitative data were collected through individual and focus group interviews and documents analysis. The findings of this study reveal that the ITM is not quite ffective as it partly meets the students’ needs and does not meet students’ expectations. This is because Unisa offers students’ needs such as F2F and online tutor support for some modules. However, students’ expectations in terms of receiving teaching by tutors, provision of assignment aswers to students, fully fledged resource provision in the learning centres and receiving technical support from tutors are not met. In light of the findings, the study contributes to the ITM by identifying and filling its gaps using the Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP) model of evaluation. The improvements will assist Unisa to relook at the ITM to intensify its support for students to fully meet their needs and expectations. / Uhlelo lokuhlinzeka ngemfundo olusebenzisa uhlelo oluvulekile nohlelo lokufunda ukude (ODL) linxusa amaziko emfundo aphakeme ukuthi anikeze anikeze izinsiza ezixhasayo ezingabhekana nezidingo nezinhloso ezilindelwe kubafundi kanti futhi zinomthelela omuhle ohlelweni lwabo lokufunda. Uxhaso lweThuthoriyali ngolunye lwezinsika zemisebenzi yokuxhasa abafundi olunegalelo kwimpumelelo yabafundi kwezemfundo kulesi sizinda sezemfundo. Ukusetshenziswa kobuchepheshe sekuholele amaziko emfundo ephakeme ukuba aguqule indlela abafundi abaxhaswa ngayo – ngokuhlanganisa uhlelo lokufunda nge-inthanedi ukufinyelela abafundi abangeke bakwazi ukuya kumathuthoriyali okuhlangana nabafundi ngobuso nobuso (F2F) ngesikhathi kanye nendaweni enqunyiwe.. INyuvesi yaseNingizimu Afrika (Unisa) ibhekene nalezi zinguquko zomhlaba ngokuhlanganisa uhlelo lwe-F2F kanye nezinsiza zohlelo lwe-inthanedi ukuxhasa abafundi bayo ngokusebenzisa imodeli ehlanganisiwe yamatjhutha (ITM) efuna ukwanelisa izidingo zokufunda kanye nezinhloso ezilindwe abafundi. Ucwaningo beluqonde ukuhlola ukusebenza kahle kohlelo lwa le ITM. Ucwaningo belulandela ithoyori ebizwa nge-social constructivist theory of learning ngokuxhaswa ukuxhumana (connectivism), i-empathy theory kanye nemodeli yokufunda kaSalmon yezigaba ezinhlanu. Ithiyori yokuqala yokwakhiwa komphakathi isuselwa phezu komqondo wokuthi ukufunda kwakheka ngaphansi kwesizinda sabantu ngaphambi kokuthi abantu bahlangane nolwazi. Ulwazi abantu abahlangabezana nalo ezimpilweni zabo ludlala indima esemqoka ekwakhiweni kolwazi, kanti-ke kubalulekile ukwamukela ulwazi lwabo lwangaphambilini. Abafundi abaxhaswa ngohlelo lwe-ITM ezikhungweni ezisebenzayo eziyisithupha zezifunda kanye nabasebenzi ababandakanyeka ekusetshenzisweni kwe-ITM bazibandakaye kulolu cwaningo. Indlela yesampuli enezinhloso isetshenziselwe ukukhetha labadlalindima, kanti ngakwenye ingxenye indlela yokuksampula yinoma ngubani isetshenzisiwe ukusampula abafundi ukuba baqede umbhalo wemibuzo. Idatha eyencike kwingxoxo iqoqwe ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo zabantu kanye namaqembu aqondiwe kanye nokuhlaziywa kwemibhalo. Ulwazi olutholakele lwalolu cwaningo luveza ukuthi i-ITM ayisebenzi kahle njengoba yanelisa izidingo zabantu ngokwesigamu, kodwa lolu hlelo lwe-ITM alufinyeleli izinhloso zabo ezilindelwe. Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi i-Unisa ifeza izidingo ngokuhlinzeka, isibonelo, ngohlelo lokufundisa lwe-F2F kanye nohlelo lwe-inthanedi lwamatshutha uma kunesidingo sabanye omojuli. Yize-kunjalo, izimpokophelo ezilindelwe ngabafundi mayelana nokuhlinzekwa ngemfundo eyethulwa ngamatshutha, ngokunikezwa izimpendulo zama-asayimenti kubafundi, ngokusebenzisa imithombo eqotho ezikhungweni zokufunda kanye nokuthola uxhaso lwesithekinikhali oluvela kumatshutha akuyona imisebenzi efeza lokhu. Ngokolwazi olutholakele, ucwaningo lufaka igalelo kwi-ITM ngokwehlukanisa kanye nokuvala izikhala zalo ngokusebenzisa i-Context. I-Input, uHlelo kanye noMkhiqizo (CIPP) okuyimodeli yokuhlola. Izintuthuko zizonceda i-Unisa ukuba ibuyekeze i-ITM ukuqinisa uxhaso lwayo kubafundi ukuze kufezwe izidingo kanye nezinhloso zabo ezilindelwe. / Kabo ya thuto ka mokgwa wa go ithuta ga phatlalatša le ga kgole (ODL) o ipiletša go dihlongwa tša thuto ya godimo go fana ka ditirelo tša thekgo tšeo di ka kgonago go arabela dinyakwa le dikemelo tša baithuti le go ama gabotse maitemogelo a bona a go ithuta. Thekgo ya dithutišo ke ye nngwe ya dikokwane tša ditirelo tša thekgo ya baithuti tšeo di tsenyago letsogo go katlego ya baithuti ka mo seemong se sa thuto. Tšhomišo ya theknolotši e dirile gore dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana go fetoša ka fao thekgo e fiwago ka gona go baithuti – ka go kopanya go ithuta inthaneteng gore go fihlelele baithuti bao ba sa kgonego go tsenela dithutišo tša setlwaedi tšeo baithuti ba kopanago le bafahloši (F2F) ka phapošing ya bofahloši. Yunibesithi ya Afrika Borwa (Unisa) e arabela ditlhohlo tše tša lefase ka bophara ka go kopanya F2F le ditirelo tša inthaneteng go thekga baithuti ba yona ka go diriša mokgwa wa go ruta wo o kopantšwego (ITM) wo o nyakago go rarolla dinyakwa le dikemelo tša go ithuta tša baithuti. Dinyakišišo di ikemišeditše go sekaseka go šoma gabotse ga ITM ye. Dinyakišišo di hlahlilwe ke teori ya kago ya setšhaba mabapi le go ithuta yeo e thekgwago ke tirišo ya theknolotši thutong, teori ya go naganela ba bangwe le mokgwa wa Salmon wa dikgato tše hlano tša go ithuta. Teori ya motheo ya kago ya setšhaba e theilwe go kwešišo ya gore go ithuta go agwa ka seemong sa setšhaba pele ga ge batho ba ka hwetša tsebo. Maitemogelo a batho a raloka tema ye bohlokwa ka go kago ya tsebo, ke ka lebaka leo go le bohlokwa go lemoga tsebo ya bona ya peleng. Baithuti bao ba thekgwago ka ITM ka disenthareng tša Unisa tše tshela tša ka dileteng le baithuti bao ba kgathago tema ka phethagatšong ya ITM ba tšere karolo ka mo dinyakišišong. Mokgwa wa go dira sampole ka maikemišetšo o šomišitšwe go kgetha bakgathatema ba, mola mokgwa wa go dira sampole ka sewelo o šomišitšwe go dira sampole ya baithuti go tlatša dipotšišo tša dinyakišišo. Tshedimošo ya boleng e kgobokeditšwe ka go botšiša batho ba nnoši le dihlopha dipotšišo gomme gwa dirwa le tshekatsheko ya dingwalwa. Dikutollo tša dinyakišišo tše di utolla gore ITM ga e šome gabotse kudu go fihlelela dinyakwa tša baithuti ebile ga e fihlelele dikemelo tša bona. Se ke ka lebaka la gore Unisa e hlokometše dinyakwa tša baithuti ka go fana ka, go fa mohlala, F2F le thekgo ya baithuti ya inthaneteng go dimotšule tše dingwe. Le ge go lebjale, dikemelo tša baithuti mabapi le go amogela go rutwa ke bafahloši, go fa baithuti dikarabo tša diasaenemente ke bafahloši, kabo ya methopo ka botlalo ka disenthareng tša thuto le go amogela thekgo ya sethekniki go tšwa go bafahloši ga di fihlelelwe. Go lebeletšwe dikkutollo tše, dinyakišišo di tsenya letsogo go ITM ka go tseba le go tlatša dikgoba ka go diriša mokgwa wa tshekatsheko wa Seemo, Tšweletšo, Tshepedišo le Setšweletšwa (CIPP). Dikaonafatšo tše di tla thuša Unisa go lekodišiša ITM go maatlafatša thekgo ya yona go baithuti gore e fihlelele dinyakwa le dikemelo tša bona ka botlalo. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

A criminological exploration of female drug mules incarcerated in Kgoši Mampuru II and Johannesburg female correctional centres

Mnguni, Nokonwaba Zandile 14 January 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Xhosa and Tswana / The recognition of the role of females in drug trafficking was established more than 30 years ago and there are notable cases of women undertaking leading roles in this crime for almost 100 years. This phenomenon has gained popularity in South Africa as is evidenced by the number of women who are found and incarcerated for smuggling drugs into or out of South Africa. The purpose of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding of the female drug mule phenomenon and explain the reasons why female drug mules are involved in drug smuggling. The objectives of the study were to develop a profile for female drug mules incarcerated in South African correctional centres, specifically Kgoši Mampuru II and Johannesburg Female Correctional Centre; to establish risk factors for being recruited and used as drug mules; to explain the mules’ motivations for being involved in drug smuggling; to determine the physical and emotional impact drug smuggling has on the drug mules; and to determine the methods used by drug mules to smuggle drugs. A qualitative research approach, with the use of one-on-one semi-structured interviews, was used to obtain information from participants. The sample comprised 20 diverse female offenders incarcerated at Kgoši Mampuru II and Johannesburg Correctional Centres. The data from the schedule of interview questions were analysed using thematic analysis, coding and categorising. It is envisaged that this research will be of significance to the criminal justice system, as recommendations on deterrence and preventative measures regarding the use of females as drug mules may be made from the findings. The general findings of this research demonstrate that a female drug mule, in the context of this study, is an African or Spanish woman that is open to methods that can produce various streams of income to support her children and family. Secondly, the findings in this dissertation revealed that women are recruited as drug mules because of their vulnerable economic state. Lastly, the most common method used to smuggle drugs revealed by participants in this research is through luggage concealment. Through this study, an in-depth insight into the history and life circumstances of female drug mules is provided. This will also help society to understand why some individuals are at risk of being recruited as mules or are motivated to engage in drug smuggling. Consequently, this research study may assist in the creation of early detection, education and awareness programmes surrounding the risks associated with drug smuggling. / Ukuthatha inxaxheba kwabasetyhini ekuhambiseni iziyobisi kwaqala ukubhalwa ngako ngaphaya kweminyaka engama-30 adlulayo, kanti phantse kwiminyaka eli-100 eyadlulayo zazikho iingxelo ngamakhosikazi adlala iindima eziphambili ekuhambiseni iziyobisi. Apha eMzantsi Afrika lo mbandela uye wafumana ukwaziwa kakhulu ngenxa yeqela labasetyhini abafunyaniswe baza bavalelwa entolongweni ngenxa yokuthubelezisa iziyobisi ezingenisa okanye ezikhupha kweli loMzantsi Afrika. Injongo yesi sifundo yayikukuqonda nzulu lo mkhwa wemeyile (isilwanyana sokuthwala) yeziyobisi nokuchaza izizathu zokuba ababhinqileyo babe ziimeyile zeziyobisi. Esi sifundo sijonge ukuqulunqa ubume bomntu obhinqileyo oyimeyile yeziyobisi okhe wavalelwa kwiintolongo zaseMzantsi Afrika, ngakumbi iKgoši Mampuru II kunye neJohannesburg Correctional Centre. Okunye okujongwe sesi sifundo kukufumanisa umngcipheko abakuwo abafazi abarhwebeshwayo basetyenziswe njengeemeyile zeziyobisi; kuchazwe izinto ezikhuthaza ukuba ubani abe yimeyile yeziyobisi; kufunyaniswe ukuba ukuthubelezisa iziyobisi kumchaphazela njani umthubelezisi/imeyile emphefumlweni nasemzimbeni; kubuye kufunyaniswe iindlela ezisetyenziswa zezi meyile zingabafazi ekuthubeleziseni iziyobisi. Kusetyenizswe indlela yophando eqwalasela amanani ukuze kufunyanwe ulwazi kwabo bathathe inxaxheba, kwenziwa nodliwano ndlebe lobuso ngobuso olungaqingqwanga ngqongqo. Isampulu yophando ibe ngamabanjwa abhinqileyo angama-20 ahlukeneyo navalelwe eKgoši Mampuru II naseJohannesburg Correctional Centre. Iinkcukacha zolwazi/idata ehlalutyiweyo iquka ezo nkcukacha zithathwe kwiimpendulo zemibuzo yodliwano ndlebe apho kuhlalutywe imixholo, kwafakwa iimpawu/iikhowudi zabuya zahlulahlulwa zaba ngamahlelo iinkcukacha zolwazi. Kucingwa ukuba olu phando luya kuba luncedo kwinkonzo yezobulungisa kuba okufunyanisiweyo nokucetyiswayo kunganceda ekuqulunqeni amanyathelo okuthintela nokuthibaza abaphuli mthetho ekusebenziseni abantu ababhinqileyo njengeemeyile zeziyobisi, kubabonise nabo abafazi ububi bokuba ziimeyile zeziyobisi. Uluntu ngokubanzi nalo luya kuncedakala kokufunyaniswe lolu phando. Esi sifundo siveze ukuqonda nzulu ngembali neemeko zobomi beemeyile zeziyobisi ezibhinqileyo. Olu lwazi lunganceda ukuba abantu baqonde ukuba kwenzeka kanjani ukuba abanye abantu babe semngciphekweni wokurhwebeshelwa ukusebenza njengeemeyile zeziyobisi, baqonde nokuba zintoni ezikhuthaza ubani ukuba azibandakanye nokuthubelezisa iziyobisi. Ngoko ke olu phando lunganceda ekwenzeni iinkqubo zokuqaphela kwangoko ubani oyimeyile, ezokufundisa nezokwazisa uluntu ukuze kuthintelwe imingcipheko enxulumene nothubeleziso lweziyobisi. / Seabe sa batho ba bomme mo kgwebong e e seng mo molaong ya diritibatsi se kwadilwe la ntlha dingwaga di feta 30 tse di fetileng, mme mo sebakeng se se ka nnang dingwaga di le 100, go nnile le dikgetse tse di lemogilweng tsa basadi ba ba eteletseng pele kgwebo e e seng mo molaong ya diritibatsi. Mo Aforikaborwa, ntlha eno e tlhageletse thata ka ntlha ya palo ya basadi ba ba tshwerweng le go golegwa ka ntlha ya go tsena gongwe go tswa ka diritibatsi ka tsela e e seng mo molaong mo Aforikaborwa. Maitlhomo a thutopatlisiso eno e ne e le go tlhaloganya thata ntlha ya basadi ba ba tsamaisang diritibatsi e seng ka fa molaong le go tlhalosa lebaka la gore goreng basadi ba ba tsamaisang diritibatsi e seng ka fa molaong ba nna le seabe mo go tsamaiseng diritibatsi jalo. Maikaelelo a thutopatlisiso ke go dira porofaele ya basadi ba ba tsamaisang diritibatsi ka tsela e e seng mo molaong, ba ba golegilweng kwa ditikwatikweng tsa kgopololo tsa Aforikaborwa, go totilwe Ditikwatikwe tsa Kgopololo tsa Kgosi Mampuru II le Johannesburg, go bona dintlha tsa matshosetsi a gore basadi ba ngokelwe go dirisiwa jaaka batsamaisi ba ba seng mo molaong ba diritibatsi; go tlhalosa gore batsamaisi ba ba seng mo molaong ba diritibatsi ba susumediwa ke eng gore ba nne le seabe mo go tsamaiseng diritibatsi ka tsela eo; go lebelela gore go tsamaisa diritibatsi go go seng mo molaong go amile jang motho yo o tsamaisang diritibatsi mo mmeleng le mo maikutlong; le go lebelela mekgwa e e dirisiwang ke batsamaisi ba diritibatsi ba basadi go tsamaisa diritibatsi ka tsela e e seng mo molaong. Go dirisitswe molebo wa patlisiso e e lebelelang mabaka go bona tshedimosetso go tswa go bannileseabe, ka tiriso ya dipotsolotso tse di batlileng di rulagana tsa batho bongwe ka bongwe. Sampole e dirilwe ka bagolegwa ba basadi ba ba farologaneng ba le 20 ba ba golegilweng kwa Ditikwatikweng tsa Kgopololo tsa Kgosi Mampuru II le Johannesburg. Data e e lokolotsweng e na le data e e gogilweng go tswa mo sejuleng ya dipotso tsa dipotsolotso mme e lokolotswe go ya ka morero, go khouta le go aroganya data ka dikarolo. Go solofelwa gore patlisiso eno e ka nna mosola mo tsamaisong ya bosiamisi jwa bosenyi ka ntlha ya fa diphitlhelelo le dikatlenegiso di ka thusa mo go tlhamiweng ga dikgato tsa thibelo go dira gore batlolamolao ba tshabe go dirisa basadi jaaka batho ba ba tsamaisang diritibatsi e seng mo molaong le go thibela basadi go nna batsamaisi ba diritibatsi ba ba seng mo molaong. Baagi le bona ba ka ungwelwa go tswa mo diphitlhelelong tsa patlisiso eno. Ka thutopatlisiso eno, go tlamelwa ka tshedimosetso e e boteng ya lemorago le seemo sa botshelo sa basadi ba ba tsamaisang diritibatsi e seng ka fa molaong. Seno se ka thusa baagi go tlhaloganya gore goreng batho bangwe ba le mo matshosetsing a go ka ngokelwa go tsamaisa diritibatsi ka tsela e e seng mo molaong gongwe ba rotloetsega go nna karolo ya go tsamaisa diritibatsi ka tsela eo. Ka ntlha ya seo, thutopatlisiso eno e ka thusa gore go tlhamiwe mananeo a temogo ya go sa le gale, thuto le temoso go fokotsa matshosetsi a a amanang le go tsamaisa diritibatsi e seng ka fa molaong. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminal Justice)

Perceptions of primary school student teachers regarding the practical application of constructivism

Mavesere, Benjamin 23 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Venda / Constructivism is a relatively recent theory of learning which focuses on using learner-centred strategies in learning. Reform efforts in education in Zimbabwe have been aimed at incorporating constructivist-inspired strategies in the classroom, with mixed results. Some teachers continue to prefer traditional approaches to learning in their classrooms, despite these being teacher-centred and generally looked down upon. The study examined the perceptions of primary school student teachers regarding the practical application of constructivism in the classroom. A qualitative research design was adopted, and the study was grounded in a constructivist and interpretivist paradigm aimed at understanding perceptions emanating from the lived experiences of the student teachers. In all, eight student teachers were sampled for the study by means of purposive, convenience and stratified random sampling. Data was collected through a literature review, lesson observations and semi-structured individual interviews. The rigour of the study was maintained by ensuring trustworthiness and the credibility of the findings. Ethical issues were adhered to. Data was analysed using Tesch’s method of data analysis, through which the researcher identified categories and themes, and reported on in narrative format. The study findings indicate that student teachers have a positive perception of the practical application of constructivism in learning. Participants expressed the view that the practical application of constructivism leads to deeper learning and greater understanding by learners. Participants nevertheless stated that in their efforts to implement constructivism in learning and teaching during their practicums they experienced a lack of support from mentor teachers and shortages of resources. Considering these findings, the researcher made several recommendations to various stakeholders with the aim of helping student teachers to be more effective constructivist teachers. The recommendations include the need to carry out more research on the constructivist learning theory and its practical application in the classroom as well as encouraging teachers to apply constructivist learner-centred strategies in their classrooms. The researcher also made recommendations for further research. / Konstruktivisme is ʼn leerteorie wat betreklik nuut is en wat fokus op die gebruik van leerdergesentreerde strategieë vir leer. Inisiatiewe vir opvoedingshervorming in Zimbabweis daaropgerig om konstruktivisme-geïnspireerde strategieë in die klaskamer te inkorporeer – met gemengde resultate. Sommige onderwysers verkies om steeds tradisionele benaderings tot leer in hul klaskamers te volg, al is dit onderwysergesentreerde benaderings waarop daar oor die algemeen neergesien word. In hierdie studie is die persepsies van laerskool studentonderwysers rakende die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme in die klaskamer ondersoek. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gebruik en die studie is gegrond in ʼn konstruktivistiese en interpretivistiese paradigma wat ten doel het om die persepsies vanuit studentonderwysers se werklike (‘lived’) ervarings, te verstaan. ʼn Steekproef is onder altesaam agt studentonderwysers gedoen deur middel van doelbewuste steekproefneming, gerieflikheidsteekproefneming en gestratifiseerde ewekansige steekproefneming. Data is ingesamel deur middel van ʼn literatuurstudie, leswaarnemings en semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude. Die akkuraatheid van die studie is gehandhaaf deur betroubaarheid en die geloofwaardigheid van die bevindinge te verseker. Algemeen ooreengekome etiekvoorskriftewat by die meeste instellings geld, is nagekom.Data is ontleed met behulp van Tesch se metode van data-ontleding, en sodoende kon die navorser kategorieë en temas identifiseer en in narratiewe formaat daaroor verslag doen. Die navorsingsresultate toon dat studentonderwysers ʼn positiewe persepsie van die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme in leer het. Deelnemers het hul oortuiging gedeel dat die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme, tot ʼn dieper vlak van leer en beter begrip by leerders lei. Deelnemers het egter ook aangedui dat hulle ʼn gebrek aan ondersteuning van mentoronderwysers, sowel as ʼn tekort aan hulpbronne, ondervind het in hul pogings om konstruktivisme in leer en onderrig te implementeer tydens hul praktiese onderwys. Met inagneming van hierdie bevinding doen die navorser verskeie aanbevelings aan verskillende belanghebbers, met die doel om studentonderwysers te help om meer doeltreffend in konstruktivistiese onderwys te wees. Die navorser hetook aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing gedoen. / Thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswai tou vha thyeori ya u guda ya zwinozwino yo sedzaho kha zwiṱirathedzhi zwo ḓisendekaho nga mugudi kha u guda. Nungo dza u vhuedzedza pfunzo Zimbabwe dzo livhiswa kha u ṱanganyisa zwiṱirathedzhi zwa u fhaṱa zwo ṱuṱuwedzwaho kiḽasini, na mvelelo dzo ṱanganyiswaho. Vhaṅwe vhadededzi vha khou bvela phanḓa na u takalela u shumisa maitele a kale a u guda kiḽasirumuni, naho izwi zwi tshi ḓisendeka nga mudededzi na u dzhielwa fhasi. Ṱhoḓisiso yo sedzulusa kuvhonele kwa vhadededzi vha matshudeni vha tshikolo tsha phuraimari musi zwi tshi ḓa kha u shumisa nyito ya thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kiḽasirumuniHo shumiswa kuitele kwa ṱhoḓisiso ya khwaḽithathivi, ngudo yo ḓitika nga tshiedziswa tsha u fhaṱa nḓivho na muhumbulo miswa na u ṱalutshedzayo livhiswaho kha u pfesesa kuvhonele kubvaho kha tshenzhemo ine ya khou itea zwenezwo nga vhadededzi vha matshudeni.Kha vhadededzi vha matshudeni vhoṱhe vha malo, vhe vha itwa tsumbonanguludzwa kha ngudonga nḓila ya zwine zwa khou sedzwa khazwo, u swikelelea na tshigwada tshiṱuku tsho nangwaho. Data yo kuvhanganywa nga kha u sedza hafhu maṅwalwa, u sedza ngudo na inthaviwu dza u vhudzisa muthunga muthu dzo dzudzanywaho. Ndeme na u itwa nga vhuronwane ha ngudo zwo itwa nga u vhona zwauri hu na u fulufhedzea na u khwaṱhisedzwa ha mawanwa. Mafhungo a vhuḓifari e a tendelaniwa khao nga u angaredza nga zwiimiswa zwinzhi o tevhedzwa. Data yo saukanywa hu tshi shumiswa kuitele kwa Tesch kwa u saukanya data, hune muṱoḓisisi a topola khethekanyo na thero, na u vhigwa nga nḓila ya u tou ṱalutshedza. Mawanwa a ngudo o sumbedzisa uri vhadededzi vha matshudeni vha na mbonalo yavhuḓi ya nyito i re khagala ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kha u guda. Vhadzheneleli vho bvisela vhupfiwa havho khagala uri nyito dzi re khagala dza u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa zwi livhisa kha vhudzivha ha u guda na u pfesesa huhulwane nga vhagudiswa. Vhadzheneleli naho zwo ralo vho bula zwauri kha nungo dzavho dza u shumisa thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kha u guda na u funza nga tshifhinga tshavho tsha ngudo dza nyito vho tshenzhela u shaya thikhedzo u bva kha vhadededzi vhane vha khou guda khavho na ṱhahelelo ya zwiko. Musi hu tshi khou dzhielwa nṱha mawanwa aya, muṱoḓisisi o ita themendelo dzo vhalaho kha vhadzhiamikovhe vho fhambanaho hu na nḓivho ya u thusa vhadededzi vha vhagudiswa uri vha vhe vhadededzi vha re na vhukoni kha u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa. Muṱoḓisisi o dovha a themendela ṱhoḓisiso i yaho phanḓa. / Psychology of Education / Ph. D. (Psychology of Education)

The displacement of a Northern Cape community : an anthropological research

Becker, Elize 09 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Tswana with keywords in English and Tswana / Displacement in the South African context is a complex and diverse phenomenon which is under-researched, particularly from the point of view of post-resettlement stress. The Meetse-a-tala community from Groenwater, Northern Cape, was resettled in 1964 and returned in 1999 to their ancestral land after a 25 year struggle to do so. The community anticipated that the land would present all the natural resources they had in 1964, but unfortunately, when they returned, the outlook seemed a lot different. / Verskuiwing in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is ‘n diverse en komplekse verskynsel wat nog nie voldoende nagevors is, veral vanuit die oogpunt van post-hervestigingsstres nie. Die Meetse-a-tala-gemeenskap van Groenwater in Noord-Kaap is in 1964 hervestig en het in 1999 teruggekeer na die land van hul voorouers na ‘n 25 jaarlange stryd om dit te bewerkstellig. Die gemeenskap het verwag dat die gebied weer al die natuurlike hulpbronne sou aanbied wat hulle in 1964 gehad het, maar ongelukkig, met hul terugkeer, het die vooruitsigte heel anders gelyk. / Tiragalo ya go fudusiwa ka dikgoka mo bokaong jwa Aforikaborwa e tlhagisa marara a a farologaneng ka ntlha ya dipatlisiso tse di lekanyeditsweng malebana le kgatelelo ya maikutlo e e amanang le morago ga go fudusiwa. Baagi ba Meetse-a-tala go tswa kwa Groenwater, kwa Kapabokone, ba itemogetse tiragalo ya go fudusiwa ka 1964 mme morago ga go kgaratlha dingwaga tse 25 go boela kwa lefatsheng la badimo ba bona, ba boetse ka 1999. Baagi ba ne ba solofetse gore lefatshe le tlaa ba neela ditlamelo tsotlhe tsa tlholego tse ba neng ba na natso fa ba tsamaya ka 1964, mme ka bomadimabe, e rile fa ba bowa, ba fitlhela le lebega le farologane thata. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M.A. (Anthropology)

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