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Familjehemsutredningar : Socialtjänstens arbete med privata aktörerBoberg, Gunilla, Filipsson, Annah January 2009 (has links)
This essay deals with the social services cooperation with the private sector relating to foster care. The aim was to examine whether and what the causes may be that the social service transfer tasks of authority to private actors. Furthermore, we have examined and discussed if such a working procedure can lead to consequences for the individual child and how / if the children's legal security is affected. Survey methodology is qualitative in nature where we conducted semi-structured interviews with three persons who work in different ways to be involved in work with a foster family. We have also made use of questionnaires sent to social workers around the country. The result has been interpreted on the basis inter alia, legal texts, legislative history, and two theories which have their origin in organization theory. Our results show that some municipalities do not feel that they have the resources to investigate the family. Furthermore, it appears that the cooperation of the social services have with the private sectors has declined, perhaps because of clearer legislation of 2008, or because of the sharp criticism that they received from the provincial government. Our study also shows that some municipalities still leaves management tasks to the private sector, without legal basis. Since there is no control over who is inquiring the family a result of this can be that a child is growing up in unsuitable environments, which in itself can affect the rule of law.
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Corporate Social Responsibility - Lost in Translation? : Hur CSR som idé tas emot i offentlig sektorDekermendjian, Nathalie, Rein, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
År 2007 uppmärksammades de oegentligheter som förekom i produktionen av de varor som landstingen köpte in till den svenska sjukvården vilket medförde att landstingen startade ett samarbete runt socialt ansvar i upphandling. Då CSR främst kopplas ihop med företag i privat sektor, avser denna kvalitativa studie undersöka hur CSR som idé har tagits emot i offentlig sektor och hur den har gjorts om för att passa i sin nya kontext. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och har sedan analyserats med skandinavisk nyinstitutionell översättningsteori samt teorin om inramning. Undersökningen visar att det tidigare var svårt att veta vilka sociala krav man som enskild förvaltning kunde ställa i upphandlingar och att när CSR som idé togs emot av aktörer i landstingen startade dessa ett samarbete där idén aktivt gjordes om för att passa i offentlig sektor. Det innebar att idén materialiserades i en uppförandekod som tog hänsyn till det unika med den nya kontexten, vilket främst var lagen om offentlig upphandling. Studien visar att CSR inte har förlorat sin innebörd i översättningen, utan den har enbart anpassats till de nya förutsättningarna.
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Networks and Nodes : The Practices of Local Learning CentresLögdlund, Ulrik January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the practice of local learning centres in Sweden. The aim is to describe and to establish an understanding of relations and the actor-networks that surround the practice. The thesis is based on four different studies. The first two studies focus on the organisation of the local learning centres and scrutinises the relation between the local learning centres, municipal administration and business in the region. What types of relations exist and what strategies are used by the local learning centres to enrol actors into the actor-network? The two latter studies investigate videoconference in the context of local learning centres. Videoconference is described as a socio-technical environment. The studies focus on interaction and communications asking what kind of relations are created between environment, material design and people? The theoretical framework consists of actor-network theory and the notions of space and spatial relations. The methods used in the four studies are interviews and observations. Informants that have contributed to the study are headmasters, teachers and students as well as project managers, politicians and businessmen. The results of the studies show how the local learning centres fails as brokers on an educational market. The reasons are many. The main results of the studies stress a number of obstacles of involvement and shed light on different strategies of enrolment. The results connected to videoconference show how material design and technology impacts the practice. Different strategies are developed by participants to manoeuvre in the videoconferencing classrooms. In conclusion the four studies show how actor-networks influence the practice of local learning centres by representations. / Denna avhandling är en studie om lärcentra i Sverige. Syftet är att beskriva och öka kunskapen om de relationer och de aktörsnätverk som omger praktiken. Avhandlingen bygger på resultat från fyra olika delstudier. Fokus i två av dessa ligger på lärcentra som organisation. Hur ser relationen mellan lärcentra och omgivande aktörer ut i regionen och vilka strategier används för att skapa aktörsnätverk? De övriga två studierna handlar om videokonferens där fokus ligger på hur relationer skapas mellan miljö, teknik och människor. Särskilt studeras interaktion och kommunikation mellan dessa aktörer i en utpräglat socioteknisk lärandemiljö. Den teoretiska ramen för de olika delstudierna är aktörsnätverksteori som används tillsammans med begrepp som spatiala relationer. De fyra studierna använder sig i huvudsak av kvalitativa metoder som intervjuer och observationsstudier. Datainsamlingen berör en bred samling informanter som rektorer, lärare och studenter tillsammans med projektledare, politiker och företagare. Studiernas resultat visar att det finns skilda synsätt på utbildning och kompetens mellan olika grupper av aktörer. Trots involveringsstrategier av aktörer från omgivande aktörsnätverk lyckas man inte agera som en mäklare på en utbildningsmarknad. Resultaten visar vidare att miljö tillsammans med teknik har stort inflytande på hur studenter och lärare agerar i videokonferensklassrummen. Det är den materiella designen och den tekniska logiken som styr praktiken. Resultaten visar också på hur olika studerandestrategier utvecklas för att stå utanför interaktion i klassrummet tillsammans med hur lärares kommunikation utvecklas för att överbrygga avståndet till de studerande. Sammantaget visar de fyra studierna på hur olika aktörsnätverk inverkar på praktiken genom representationer.
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Det handlar ju inte bara om att vi sätter dig på en sten mitt i skogen : om fenomenet natur och hälsofrämjande arbeteSjöberg, Sophie January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar att vistelse i natur kan bidra till förbättrad hälsa och att det finns ett samband mellan människors aktivitetsnivå, psykiska hälsa och tillgång till naturmiljöer. Idag startas allt fler verksamheter både inom privat företagande och inom offentlig regi där natur används som en resurs för hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete. Eftersom fenomenet är ganska nytt saknas beskrivningar av området. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur natur och hälsofrämjande arbete bedrivs av olika aktörer i Sverige. Metod: Kvalitativ ansats valdes som datainsamlingsmetod. Sex djupintervjuer genomfördes med aktörer som arbetar i verksamheter inom ramen för natur och hälsofrämjande arbete. Vid intervjuerna användes semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Intervjuerna analyserades med innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet visade att aktörerna använde natur i verksamheten i form av rum, som redskap och som symbol. Aktiviteterna i verksamheterna spelade en komplex roll då både aktiviteternas symboliska värden och de konkreta aktiviteterna i sig användes som metod. Aktörerna upplevde ett starkt personligt välmående i sitt arbete och ansåg att det är en växande bransch med goda möjligheter till att bedriva verksamhet även i framtiden. Konklusion: Området natur och hälsofrämjande arbete är ett brett område och bedrivs av skiftande verksamheter i fråga om aktiviteter, erbjudanden och inriktningar. Studien visar att områdets pedagogiska inriktningar skiljer sig från tidigare pedagogiska inriktningar inom liknande områden genom att fokusera på hur natur kan användas som ett hälsofrämjande verktyg. / Background: Previous research shows that nature can contribute to health development and shows a correlation between people's level of activity, mental health and access to nature environments. Today we see a growing number of new operations in both the private enterprise and the public sector where nature is used as a resource for health promotion and prevention. Since the phenomenon is fairly new, descriptions of the area are poor. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate how the nature and health promotion work are carried out by different actors in Sweden. Method: Qualitative approach was chosen as the data collection method. Six interviews were conducted with actors working in the field of nature and health promotion. The interviews used semi structured interview guide. The interviews were analyzed by content analysis. Results: The results showed that the respondents use nature as a resource in their business operations, both as a room, a tool and as a symbol. The activities played a complex role since they both had a symbolic value and was used as a concrete tool. The actors however felt a strong personal wellbeing at their work and that it is a growing industry with good opportunities to conduct business in the future. Conclusion: The area of nature and health promotion occupations is a broad field and involves diverse activities regard to activities, offers and specializations. The study also shows that the area's pedagogical orientations, differs from previous educational approaches in similar areas by focusing on how nature can be used as a health promotion tool.
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Kontanthantering i förändring : En fallstudie om samarbetet i strävan mot att minska kontanthanteringen i samhället. / Cash in transition : A case study referring to the cooperation regarding the reduction of cash in society.Jansson, Ida, Jansson, Karolina January 2011 (has links)
This study examines a case of cooperation between banks, commerce, police and the municipality of Skövde, which in a project has the target to reduce the use of cash by 15 % in the city during 2011. The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the importance of cooperation in which different actors come together to reach a common goal, such as speed or interfere with an ongoing change, while they must meet their own interests. In this study the case of cooperation has been studied by using a qualitative approach. The methods used in this study are participant observation and a group interview as well as personal interviews. The theories underlying the study revolve around the concepts of collaboration between organizations with similar interests, changes in society, conflict and resistance to change.
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Hög villighet kräver lägre tillfälle – Faktorer som påverkar den icke-statliga väpnade aktörens långa väpnade kampEllvén, Magnus January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Ekonomiska innovationer i den gotländska vindkraftsindustrin / Sources of funding for the wind power industry on GotlandCarlzon, Jonathan, Lundborg, Rebecca January 2011 (has links)
Currently there is a controversial debate about that we must reduce our impact on the global warming; therefore both the Government and the local authorities have invested heavily in developing renewable energy in Sweden. The major development on the wind power market can be seen as a result of both the technological development and also on the decision that the Government took in 1996, which opened up the wind power market for private parties. This paper has aimed to examine the types of financial innovations that have arisen from the investments and financing of wind power on Gotland, and what these innovations can contribute to the future development of wind power. The problems that this thesis is based on is; what kind of financial innovations have occurred within investment and financing of wind power? How can these innovations contribute to the continued development of wind power on Gotland? The conclusion of this study shows that respondents and participants have defined a number of financial innovations that have emerged. Where some of the innovations only can be seen as incremental since they are based on continuous improvements, while others can be seen as radical as they are completely new for the context in which they operate. The study has also shown that Gotland has a great potential to produce more renewable electricity, but the development is dependent on the new power lines being built, in order to export electricity to the mainland.
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Illegal fildelning i P2P-nätverk : ”Det är lugnt, du får bara böter”Nyman, David, Fransson, Martin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstrakt: Den illegala fildelningen har blivit ett omdiskuterat ämne runt om i världen sedan fildelningstjänsten Napster skapades av unge Shawn Fanning. På senare år har flera nya fildelningstekniker utvecklas och upphovsrättskyddat material delas ut och laddas ner av hundratusentals tals personer runt om i Sverige. Syftet med rapporten är att ge en beskrivning av tekniker och lagar som tillämpas inom illegal fildelning. Samt att beskriva olika aktörer som figurerar inom den illegala fildelningen och vilka åtgärder de tillämpar för att fortsätta och skydda sin verksamhet.</p> / <p>Abstract: Illegal file sharing has become a hot topic around the world. The topic has been heavily discussed since the young Shawn Fanning created the file-sharing service Napster. In recent years many new file sharing technologies has been developed and copyrighted files is now shared and downloaded by hundreds of thousands of peoples in Sweden.</p><p>The thesis purpose is to give a description of technology and laws which are applied in the area of illegal file sharing. And also to describe different actors which appear within the area of illegal file sharing and which measures they apply to continue and protect their activities.</p>
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Fotbollsallsvenska matcher, ortens tid i rampljuset : Sportevenemangets funktion inom turism- och destinationsutvecklingBenitez, Juan Carlos January 2015 (has links)
In this study, the authors researched how destinations are affected by sport events such as Swedish premier division soccer matches from a tourism perspective. Representatives from Norrköping, Halmstad, Falkenberg, Åtvidaberg and Kalmar shared information through interviews which along with previous research and theories contributed to the results of this study. The authors have used three theories in this research, Leiper’s tourist attraction system, stakeholder’s theory and the schema theory. Five of the interviews that was conducted for this research was performed at the respondent's workplace while the remaining two were conducted by telephone. All the interviews were recorded and transcribed. Among other things, it has emerged that sport events like Swedish premier division soccer games can be seen as a tourist attraction. It has also emerged that there are two groups of effects that this kind of attraction can generate. One of those is the marketing effect which includes the destination's Swedish premier division soccer team and its matches helps to put the destination on the map, but also to create a positive image of the destination. The second effect is about consumption associated with sport events such as Swedish premier division games, including traveling soccer fans that generate benefits for the local community and therefore contribute to its economic development. With the support of previous research and theories, it has emerged that effort to increase marketing impact, for example, visibility, service and create reasons to travel can generate an increased consumption. The marketing effects can influence current and potential visitor's view of the destination, which is considered to be able to change the stakeholders' behavior. Finally, there are signs that it is very important that there is good cooperation between local actors to boost the various effects that sport events such as Swedish premier division soccer matches can generate. / I den här uppsatsen har skribenterna undersökt hur destinationer påverkas av sportevenemang likt allsvenska fotbollsmatcher ur ett turistiskt perspektiv. Representanter från Norrköping, Halmstad, Falkenberg, Åtvidaberg samt Kalmar bidrog med information som gavs via intervjuer som tillsammans med tidigare forskning och teorier bidragit till uppsatsens resultat. De teorier som författarna använde i denna uppsats är Leipers turistattraktionssystem, Intressentteorin samt schema teorin. Fem av intervjuerna genomfördes på respondenternas arbetsplats medan de resterande två genomfördes per telefon. Samtliga intervjuer spelades in samt transkriberades. Bland annat har det framkommit att sportevenemang såsom allsvenska matcher kan ses som en turistattraktion. Det har även framkommit att det finns två grupper av effekter som denna attraktion genererar. En av dessa handlar om marknadsföringseffekten som bland annat innebär att sportevenemang och dess arrangörer exempelvis destinationens allsvenska fotbollslag och dess matcher bidrar till att sätta destinationen på kartan, men också till att skapa en positivare bild av destinationen. Den andra effekten handlar om konsumtion i samband med sportevenemang såsom allsvenska matcher, exempelvis från de tillresta fotbollsfansen något som kan gynna det lokala samhället på destinationen och bidra till dess ekonomiska utveckling. Med stöd av tidigare forskning och teorier så har det framkommit att arbetet med att öka marknadsföringseffekterna exempelvis genom synlighet, service samt skapa reseanledningar kan generera ökade konsumtionseffekter. Tillexempel genom att marknadsföringseffekterna kan påverka nuvarande och potentiella besökares syn på destinationen något som anses kunna förändra dessa intressenters beteenden. Avslutningsvis finns det tecken på att det är av stor vikt att det finns goda samarbeten mellan lokala aktörer för att öka de olika effekterna som sportevenemang exempelvis allsvenska fotbollsmatcher kan generera.
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Tidningsdöden : En studie om lokalpressens överlevnad i det digitala SverigeSvensson, Emil, Aziz, Yama January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the future of the Swedish newspaper industry. A special interest is taken in local newspapers and its distinguishing features. Our aim is to achieve a better understanding of the development of the Swedish newspaper in light of the looming threath of the death of newspapers. Will print media survive or is the industry forced to a migration to digital platforms? How are newspapers affected by this structural change in an advertisement-driven market? We performed a small case study on Norrtelje Tidning in addition to a historical study of the Swedish newspaper industry. Two-sided market theory was utilized in combination with a model describing actors, activities and resources in a network. This theoretical framework provided an overview of the prevailing market for newspapers, advertisers, and customers which facilitated further analysis of the intricate relations between these groups. The results reveal that the future for print media looks grim, however the uniqueness of content of local newspapers will probably ensure its survival in one form or the other for the foreseeable future.
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