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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kaukasische und albanische Mehrstimmigkeit

Stockmann, Erich 03 February 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Innehållsanalys av Albaniens nationella handlingsplan för genomförandet av UNSCR 1325 / Content analysis of Albania's National Action Plan for the implementation of UNSCR 1325

Lindahl, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Under 2017 påbörjades arbetet med att ta fram en Albansk handlingsplan för genomförandet av UNSCR 1325. Arbetet utmynnade i framtagandet av ett utkast som fastställdes i maj 2017 med målet om att anta slutgiltig version under 2018. Denna studie ska undersöka vilka förutsättningar den albanska handlingsplanen har för att lyckas och identifiera eventuella riskområden där implementationen riskerar att stöta på problem. För att uppfylla studiens syfte kommer en innehållsanalys göras av utkastets innehåll. Innehållsanalysen utgår från två uppsättningar av faktorer: de generella rekommendationerna som har sin grund i tidigare dragna erfarenheter om vad som utgör en framgångsrik handlingsplan, och de landspecifika rekommendationerna som tagits fram för Albanien utifrån den nationella kontexten. Resultatet av innehållsanalysen visar att handlingsplanen i viss mån följer det tidigare dragna erfarenheterna på området, dock med några tydliga brister. Studien presenterar tre riskområden där implementationen av handlingsplanen riskerar att stöta på problem. Avslutningsvis lyfts tio kompletterande rekommendationer inför antagandet av den slutgiltiga albanska handlingsplanen.

A Corpus-based Comparison of Albanian and Italian Student Writing in L1 and English as L2: Hedges and Boosters as Modalization by Degree

Dheskali, Vincenzo 28 February 2020 (has links)
Within the system of modality, modalization builds an area of uncertainty. It is an intermediate point between positive polarity (it is) and negative polarity (it is not), which has various degrees of indeterminacy (Halliday and Matthiessen 2014: 176). This indeterminacy includes probability and is expressed through items that Holmes (1990) and Hyland (1998) termed hedges and boosters. However, hedges and boosters can also function within intensity, where they convey a certain level of degree. Through them, writers achieve approval by finding the right balance between the reinforcement of statements with the assurance of reliable knowledge and the tentativeness to convey doubt and adequate social interrelations (Hyland 1998b: 349). The aim of this comparative study is to investigate the usage of hedges and boosters in Italian and Albanian student academic writings in their L1 and L2. Author-related and proposition-related hedges (e.g. suppose, approximately) and boosters (e.g. show, completely) as well as interrelated aspects such as their positioning, orientation, manifestation, and prosody of modalization will be analysed. My paper will interweave Prince et al.’s (1980) categorization of hedges, Quirk et al.’s (1985) model of boosters, Lafuente Millán’s (2008) categorization of approximative meanings and related concepts of the Systemic Functional Grammar (henceforth SFG) (Halliday and Matthiessen 2014) to create an innovative combination. I have compiled two corpora of Italian student writings (around 3 million words each) respectively in Italian and English and two corpora of writings by Albanian students in Albanian (around 2.2 million words) and in English (around 600.000 words). All corpora include a similar number of words and genres for each disciplinary domain as well as a balance of male and female writers. Disciplinary domains pertain to both soft and hard sciences (Social Sciences, Languages and Literature, Medicine, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Informatics). As Toska (2015) stated, very little research has been conducted on academic writing in Albania. Thus, it is essential to initiate research in this field. Results of the quantitative analysis show that hedges were favored by Albanians and boosters were favored by Italians. The neutral position (in-between the clause complex, next to the verb, temporal or finite operator) of hedges and boosters was the most frequently encountered position in my corpora, followed by medial (in-between the clause complex, not next to verb, temporal or finite operator) and thematic position (at the beginning of the clause). Lastly, the same hedge (probably) and booster (significantly) appeared as author-related (shield) and proposition-related (approximator). This overlap between author-related and proposition-related categories demonstrates the importance of context in ranking these items and suggests relevant modifications to the original categorization by Prince et al. (1980). From my findings, I conclude that Italians show more commitment than Albanians, who appear more tentative in their writings. / Da Sprache (nach Halliday/Matthiesen 2014: 25) ein Mittel des persönlichen Ausdrucks und der fachlichen und gesellschaftlichen Verständigung ist, beinhalten unsere Texte unsere persönlichen und pädagogischen Erfahrungen, unseres alltäglichen Umfeldes und unserer Kultur. Die vorliegende Dissertationsschrift ist ein Beitrag aus der Perspektive der systemisch-funktionalen Grammatik und des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens. Sie befasst sich mit pragmatischen, semantischen und syntaktischen Aspekten von Hedges und Booster. Dafür wurden vier Korpora albanischer und italienischer wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten von Studenten in deren Muttersprache sowie ihrer Zweitsprache Englisch erstellt und untersucht. Die fünf Forschungsfragen beziehen sich größtenteils auf die qualitativen und quantitativen Unterschiede in der Verwendung von Hedges, Booster und deren semantischen und pragmatischen Unterkategorien in den albanischen und italienischen Korpora. Zudem wurde untersucht, welche Rolle Geschlecht und Genre bei der Verwendung von Hedges und Booster spielen.

Kulturarv som livsvärden : En kritisk undersökning av kulturarvsbegreppet / Cultural Heritage as Life Values : A Critical Examination of the Concept of Cultural Heritage

Josefsson, Johan January 2014 (has links)
This critical examination of the concept of cultural heritage is based on an overall phenomenological approach, with focus on Alfred Schütz’s further development of Edmund Husserl’s idea of the lifeworld. With strong emphasis on the subjective and intersubjective dimensions, the concept of cultural heritage is contextualized, analysed and criticized from different aspects for the purpose of enriching the discourse of cultural heritage. A literature based methodology is used, including a hermeneutic analysis of theoretical texts in the field of cultural heritage studies and the new Swedish Culture Environmental Law (“Kulturmiljölagen”) and related bills. Qualitative interviews deal with people’s notions about the concepts of culture, cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage. Finally, this study includes field observations of the Mount Dajti National Park in Albania, involving a visual methodology (photos) and non-visual field notes. A linguistic analysis with a gender perspective, finds that the concept of cultural heritage can be criticized for its patriarchal connotations. The central issue with the concept of cultural heritage concerns its involvement in the complexity of fixed notions and definitions, causing arbitrariness and ambivalence. The interview data indicates a strong connection between cultural heritage and history, despite their distinction. The field observations verify this complexity through an account of the relationship between cultural and natural heritage. The constitutions and values of cultural heritage are established within the Authorized Heritage Discourse (AHD), obviating alternative notions of heritage. Thence, this thesis stresses the importance of going beyond the discursive frames and of transparency and critical reflection within the field of cultural heritage. Phenomena can always be interpreted in a subjective or intersubjective way, leading to dissonant and contested heritage, and a new term called “life values”. This is a two-year master’s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.

Investigations into the impact of culture on successful knowledge transfer : illustrated by practical examples at Raiffeisen International in Vienna and Raiffeisen Bank Albania /

Keco, Brikena. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
University, Diploma Thesis, --Linz, 2008.

Chanter la Nostalgie : émigration, culture et créativité en Albanie du Sud / Singing Nostalgia : migration Culture and Creativity in South Albania

Pistrick, Eckehard 07 December 2012 (has links)
La thèse propose une approche culturelle du phénomène de la migration albanaise fondée sur une méthodologie interdisciplinaire recourant à l’historiographie, l‘ethnomusicologie, l’anthropologie des émotions, l’anthropologie de la mémoire et de l‘absence. La recherche est basée sur un travail de terrain en Albanie du Sud, particulièrement entre 2007-2012 dans les régions où la tradition de chanter à plusieurs voix est encore vive. Le focus principal de ces missions fut les fêtes de villages pendant les Pâques et au mois d’août, occasion pour des milliers de migrants albanais d‘Italie et de Grèce de retourner dans leur village d’origine. La problématique principale de la thèse concerne les divers relations entre la migration vécue et imaginée et le chant. On a suivi les processus de création du chant et la „traduction“ de l’experience de migration en émotionnalité et en vocalité. A cette fin on a choisi une approche strictement émique en suivant les discours des chanteurs et les discussions entre ces derniers et leurs destinataires. Dans la discussion sur la „naissance du chant“ on a mis en évidence quelques concepts cruciaux indispensables à la création d’un chant d’exil (këngë kurbeti). C’est en premier lieu le concept de përjetoj („vivre l’experience“) qui rend possible et légitimise cet acte de création. Pendant la performance, deux autres concepts sont importants: „chanter la vérité“ et „pleurer en chantant“. Ont été cérnés les concepts émotionnels en usage en Albanie rurale, le développement historique du phénomène de la migration, la ritualité de la migration, et les processus de la mémorisation de la migration. Au centre de la thèse figurent les discours locaux et la performance de la musique en acte. / This thesis, based on extensive fieldwork in South Albania between 2007-2012, proposes a cultural, performance-centred approach for studying Albanian migration in past and present. Migration is discussed both as a lived reality and an imaginary representation. Local village feasts occupy a central place in this discussion as highly symbolic events in which the social and cultural shift between remaining villagers and returning migrants becomes prominently visible. This contradictory reality is approached by applying an anthropology of absence and by discussing migration as seen through local narratives. The notion of absence is of particular importance as it generates a spatial, social and sonic nostalgia (mall), which becomes prominently visible in everyday life. This nostalgia is not understood as a depressing mental state which impeeds action, but as mobilizing creative energy. The thesis examines the creative processes for „translating“ migration experience into an emotionalised vocality following a stricly emic approach. For local singers the concept of „living through“ (përjetoj) is central, as it provides them with the legitimacy to sing about it. This holds particularly true for migration songs (këngë kurbeti) which possess a vital social and emotional function. They contain elements of two juxtaposed categories: those of song (këngë) and those of lament (vajtim). What singers and audiences define as a migration song, is largely subjective and contextual. Consequently we propose to describe migration songs either as a hybrid repertoire or a „performative category“. The second term implies that the very meaning of the song is constructed in the moment of its performance.In a final part the multiple links between death and migration are discussed, exemplified by the tragedy of Otranto in 1997, an accident which caused the death of several migrants. Death as permanent absence, and migration as temporary absence considered as a metaphorical extension of death coincide here in an emblematic case. / Diese Promotion versucht, basierend auf ethnologischen Feldforschungen in Südalbanien zwischen 2007 und 2012, eine kulturelle Perspektive auf das Phänomen Migration in Albanien zu eröffnen. Dabei wird Migration sowohl als gelebte Alltagsrealität, als auch als eine mentale Konstruktion betrachtet. Lokale Dorffeste nehmen in dieser Diskussion als symbolisch besetze Orte der sozialen Auseinandersetzung über Konzepte wie Tradition, Modernität und Authentizität eine zentrale Rolle ein. Gleichzeitig werden in ihnen die sozialen und kulturellen Brüche zwischen verbliebener Dorfbevölkerung und den zu diesen Anlässen heimkehrenden Migranten sichtbar. Methodologisch wurde diese widersprüchliche Realität durch die „Anthropology of Absence“ einer näheren Untersuchung unterzogen. Zudem wurde Migration aus dem Blickwinkel individueller Narrative betrachtet. Das Konzept der „Abwesenheit“ ist für den Fall Albaniens von entscheidender Bedeutung, da es räumliche, soziale und klangliche Nostalgie (mall) definiert, die im Alltagsleben omnipräsent ist. Diese Nostalgie erweist sich nicht als hinderliches Element, sondern als eine Quelle der Inspiration für lokale Musiker. Sie aktiviert Prozesse der „Übersetzung“ von Migrationserfahrung in Emotionalität und in Gesangspraktiken. Für lokale Sänger steht beim Schaffensprozess das „durchleben“ (përjetoj) der Migrationserfahrung am Anfang eines Liedes. Diese Erfahrung verleiht ihnen die nötige Autorität um in authentischer Art und Weise über Migration zu singen. Das dabei entstehende Migrationslied (këngë kurbeti) besitzt wichtige emotionale und soziale Funktionen für die Dorfgemeinschaft, die in der Arbeit diskutiert werden. Musikalisch handelt es sich um ein Repertoire, das sich zwischen den grundsätzlich entgegengesetzten Polen von Lied (këngë) und Totenklage (vajtim) bewegt. Aus der vergleichenden Analyse von verschiedenen Aufführungskontexten für Migrationslieder geht hervor, dass die Einordnung eines Liedes als Migrationslied von subjektiven Perspektiven und dem jeweiligen Aufführungskontext abhängig ist. Der Begriff „performative category“ wird daher vorgeschlagen um diese Gruppe von Liedern näher zu definieren.Im abschließenden Teil werden die engen Beziehungen zwischen Tod und Migration als Formen der permanenten bzw. temporären Abwesenheit am Beispiel der Tragödie von Otranto 1997 untersucht. Die Koinzidenz von Migration und Tod führte in diesem Fall zu einer kulturellen Reaktion und zur Schaffung zahlreicher Lieder, in denen sich Migration als „nationale Mythengeschichte“ wiederfindet.

Öffentliche Finanzen im postkommunistischen Albanien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der öffentlichen Einnahmen

Bislimi, Besnik 16 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Öffentliche Finanzen wurden in den bisherigen Forschungsaktivitäten in Albanien mehr als vernachlässigt. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass vor allem das Steuersystem des Landes voll von Unvollkommenheiten ist. Steuergesetze sind eher rudimentär, sehen viele Vergünstigungen vor und sind sehr unstabil. Ständige Gesetzesänderungen infolge der politischen Instabilität erschweren den Überblick und komplizieren die Arbeit der Steuerzahler erheblich. Zudem ist die Steuerverwaltung immer noch organisatorisch schwach und korruptionsanfällig, was zu einer schlechten Implementierung der Gesetze führt. Dies ist vor allem bei der Zollbehörde evident. Die Unfähigkeit der Steuerverwaltung, ausreichende Finanzmittel für die Finanzierung der öffentlichen Ausgaben sicherzustellen hat ständige Haushaltsdefizite bewirkt, was zu einer sehr schnellen Anhäufung der Staatsschuld geführt hat. Bereits wenige Jahre nach Beginn der Transition machten die Zinszahlungen den wichtigsten Posten bei den öffentlichen Ausgaben Albaniens aus.

Öffentliche Finanzen im postkommunistischen Albanien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der öffentlichen Einnahmen

Bislimi, Besnik 10 February 2005 (has links)
Öffentliche Finanzen wurden in den bisherigen Forschungsaktivitäten in Albanien mehr als vernachlässigt. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass vor allem das Steuersystem des Landes voll von Unvollkommenheiten ist. Steuergesetze sind eher rudimentär, sehen viele Vergünstigungen vor und sind sehr unstabil. Ständige Gesetzesänderungen infolge der politischen Instabilität erschweren den Überblick und komplizieren die Arbeit der Steuerzahler erheblich. Zudem ist die Steuerverwaltung immer noch organisatorisch schwach und korruptionsanfällig, was zu einer schlechten Implementierung der Gesetze führt. Dies ist vor allem bei der Zollbehörde evident. Die Unfähigkeit der Steuerverwaltung, ausreichende Finanzmittel für die Finanzierung der öffentlichen Ausgaben sicherzustellen hat ständige Haushaltsdefizite bewirkt, was zu einer sehr schnellen Anhäufung der Staatsschuld geführt hat. Bereits wenige Jahre nach Beginn der Transition machten die Zinszahlungen den wichtigsten Posten bei den öffentlichen Ausgaben Albaniens aus.

Sustainable Tourism Development in Gjirokastra : a current situation analysis / Hållbar Turismutveckling i Gjirokastra : en nulägesanalys

Grevsjö, Sara, Noorzaei, Mehran January 2014 (has links)
The typical tourism planning and development process can be divided into different phases: preparation (goals and objectives), research, conclusions, recommendations, implementation, monitoring & evaluation. This thesis is a part of such a development process and position itself in the research phase with the aim to create a knowledge base for future sustainable development of tourism in the world heritage city of Gjirokastra in the southern part of Albania. To create the socio-environmental map of the thesis, the authors lived two months in Gjirokastra, and with a holistic approach collected, compiled and analyzed an immense amount of data. Thus this thesis is only providing the first piece in the puzzle of the bigger project: to create a sustainable tourism development plan for the city of Gjirokastra.  Gjirokastra has special conditions for tourism since it is a World Heritage site, elected in 2005 for its rare type of Ottoman stone houses which the old bazaar/old town is dominated by. The management of a World Heritage site is both a national and a global concern involving many stakeholders exhibiting different desires and requests. World heritage management and tourism destination aspirations are only two of many other issues facing the city of Gjirokastra and the nation of Albania. Like many other post-communist countries Albania is struggling between a fast economic development and the restraints of preserving heritage: modernization vs. tradition. In Gjirokastra this is evident through the city’s division in a new and old town – each fighting for attention and resources.  The results of the thesis contains information on the tourism resources of Gjirokastra; this is described in chapters of supply research and culture-, economy- and natural resources. The current status and potential of each has been described and analyzed, data being collected through participant observation, analyzing written material and through interviews with visitors, local businesses and stakeholders.  The result describes a city facing many problems due to lack of laws and regulations creating a variety of issues both in nature, culture and economy: poverty, “brain-leakage” through migration, waste, water and pollution, unemployment, poor stakeholder collaboration, abandoned houses and traditions, bureaucracy, corruption, management issue, a lack of tourism activities and information, poor marketing and poor tourism services. Tourism development is identified as an important tool for problem solution and societal development by the stakeholders, however the municipality’s actions are focused on the citizens and by catering to them it is considered that tourists will also benefit. This approach results in interest conflicts between the stakeholders where the municipality is focusing on improving the new town and the cultural organizations on the old town. Even though many elaborate tourism strategies already exists amongst the different stakeholders no one has so far been successfully implemented due to unclear responsibilities, action time frame issues and a lack of funds. Since there is no budget for tourism the different strategies turns into wish-lists from which money is sought. The result is a few successful short term projects funded by various different European organizations. The problem of restoring houses is also the following revitalization of them. The citizens of Gjirokastra want a modern life which the old houses cannot under the world heritage regulation provide. Here is where tourism is considered to be the solution – creating an attractive living and business area that will revitalize the old town. As of now the world heritage suffers from not having a management plan, the old houses are stuck in after-communism-legal issues in many cases then abandoned or modernized. There is no waste management in Gjirokastra and the effects of this is not being researched. The observation and interview result shows that there are multiple environmental problems that now accumulate, in this study the tourist satisfaction was affected by the waste appearance. Without laws and restrictions on tourism, heritage and environment it is easy to turn the eyes away from carrying capacity and focus on short term solutions.  Tourism is in the meanwhile driven by private local entrepreneurship and innovation but without strategies, regulations or market research an imbalance in the tourism system is evident in the market and supply match. A bench marketing tradition or “copy & pasting” has so far resulted in restaurants, hotels, cafes and souvenir shops selling indistinguishable products and only a few other activities than sightseeing are being offered. In the visitor surveys from time to time it is apparent that tourists think Gjirokastra has great potential but the city’s problems are surfacing and affecting the level of satisfaction.   There is thus a pressing need for collaboration between the different stakeholders to create one sustainable tourism development plan, to define roles and responsibilities and action implementation. The natural and cultural resources and its potentials for tourism are huge but without these regulatory bodies tourism impacts might be irreversible negative. It is in this moment of time, before goals are decided upon, ideal that ideas of sustainability, in this case meaning that the environment’s, culture’s and economy’s interests are also taken in account and incorporated to shape the development process. This is highlighted throughout the thesis.

Narrare l'Albania in italiano : Dalla letteratura di immigrazione verso il colonialismo dell'immaginazione / Narratives of Albania in Italian : From migrant literature to colonialism of the imagination

Da Lio, Giulia January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to show how the contemporary critical debate on migrant literature in Italy has proved to be inadequate to grasp the complexity of novels such Onela Vorpsi’s The Land where No One Ever Dies and Anilda Ibrahimi’s Rosso come una sposa (“Red as a Bride”). The main critical trends are presented, the two novels are analysed in their themes and new methods of analysis are suggested. In particular, I open for the possibility of framing these two novels within the multidisciplinary debate on the imaginative colonisation of Eastern Europe.

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