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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Timing pubertaire et adaptation psychosociale à l'adolescence : le rôle des relations interpersonnelles et des vulnérabilités individuelles

Benoit, Amélie 03 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens longitudinaux entre le timing pubertaire et les problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés à l’adolescence, soit les problèmes de conduite et les symptômes dépressifs. Guidé par la perspective théorique biosociale et le modèle de vulnérabilité-stress, le rôle modérateur de l’environnement social et des vulnérabilités personnelles préexistantes était également évalué. Les hypothèses initiales étaient qu’un timing pubertaire précoce ou déviant de la norme (précoce et tardif) serait associé à des niveaux plus élevés de problèmes de conduite et de symptômes dépressifs, mais que ce lien serait accentué dans des contextes sociaux et interpersonnels plus à risque et en présence de vulnérabilités individuelles chez les adolescents. Pour vérifier ces hypothèses, des données provenant de l’Enquête Longitudinale Nationale sur les Enfants et les Jeunes (ELNEJ) ont été analysées. Gérée par Statistique Canada, l’ELNEJ est une enquête prospective biennale comportant différents échantillons représentatifs d’enfants et d’adolescents canadiens. Les mesures utilisées dans cette thèse ont été collectées à différents cycles de l’enquête, soit à 10–11 ans, 12–13 ans, 14–15 ans et 16–17 ans, directement auprès des adolescents et de leurs parents par le biais de questionnaires et d’entrevues. Le premier article de la thèse a vérifié si l’interaction entre le timing pubertaire et des caractéristiques du contexte social des pairs (c.-à-d. l’affiliation avec des pairs déviants et l’implication amoureuse en début d’adolescence) prédisait la présentation de problèmes de conduite avec et sans agressivité physique à l’adolescence. Les résultats ont montré que le contexte social des pairs modérait l’association entre le timing pubertaire et les problèmes de conduite. Une interaction significative entre le timing pubertaire et l’affiliation à des pairs déviants a indiqué qu’une puberté plus précoce était associée à des fréquences plus élevées de problèmes de conduite agressive seulement chez les filles et les garçons qui fréquentaient des pairs déviants. Autrement dit, parmi les adolescents s’affiliant à des pairs déviants en début d’adolescence, les adolescents pubères précoces tendaient à présenter plus de problèmes de conduite agressive deux ans plus tard, en comparaison à leurs pairs pubères dans les temps moyens ou tardifs. Une seconde interaction significative obtenue chez les filles a montré que la puberté plus précoce était prédictrice des problèmes de conduite non-agressive seulement en présence d’un engagement amoureux en début d’adolescence. En effet, dans un contexte d’implication amoureuse, les filles pubères précoces présentaient plus de problèmes de conduite non-agressive que leurs pairs. Le deuxième article de la thèse avait pour objectif d’évaluer le rôle modérateur des vulnérabilités individuelles à la dépression (présence de symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance), du contexte social des pairs (affiliation à des pairs déviants, expérience amoureuse précoce et perception de popularité auprès des pairs) et des relations parent-adolescent (perception de rejet de la part des parents) dans l’association longitudinale entre le timing pubertaire et les symptômes dépressifs en fin d’adolescence. Chez les filles, une interaction triple a révélé que la puberté plus précoce était liée à davantage de symptômes dépressifs, mais seulement chez celles qui présentaient des symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance et une implication amoureuse précoce. Chez les garçons, un effet curvilinéaire du timing pubertaire a été observé alors que la puberté précoce et tardive était associée à plus de symptômes dépressifs, mais seulement chez les garçons qui manifestaient des symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance. La puberté plus précoce était aussi liée à des niveaux plus élevés de symptômes dépressifs en présence d’affiliation à des pairs déviants (garçons) et de perceptions plus importantes de rejet parental (filles et garçons). En somme, la mise en évidence d’interactions significatives entre le timing pubertaire, les caractéristiques de l’environnement social et les vulnérabilités individuelles suscite différentes réflexions au plan théorique et pratique. Tout d’abord, les résultats suggèrent que le timing pubertaire en lui-même ne paraît pas représenter un facteur de risque généralisé des problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés à l’adolescence. Plus particulièrement, ces résultats soulignent l’importance de considérer l’environnement social et les facteurs de risque individuels préexistants afin de mieux comprendre l’effet de la transition pubertaire sur l’adaptation psychosociale des adolescents. / The objective of this dissertation was to evaluate the longitudinal links between pubertal timing and internalizing and externalizing problems during adolescence. Within a theoretical framework of biosocial interactions and the vulnerability-stress model, the moderating effect of social environments and preexisting individual vulnerabilities was examined. Two empirical studies investigated the links between pubertal timing and conduct problems and between pubertal timing and depressive symptoms. It was expected that early or off-time puberty would be associated with conduct problems and depressive symptoms, but that this link would be intensified in risky social and interpersonal contexts and if paired with prepubertal individual vulnerabilities. These hypotheses were tested using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY), a representative biennial survey of Canadian children and adolescents managed by Statistics Canada. Measures analyzed in this dissertation were collected at 10–11 years old, 12–13 years old, 14–15 years old and 16–17 years old through questionnaires and interviews with adolescents and their parents. The goal of the first empirical article of this dissertation was to evaluate whether the interactions between pubertal timing and characteristics of peer context, namely deviant peer affiliation and romantic experience in early adolescence, predicted physically aggressive and non-physically aggressive conduct problems two years later. A significant interaction between pubertal timing and deviant peer affiliation was found, suggesting that early puberty was associated with higher frequencies of physically aggressive conduct problems only in the context of deviant peer affiliation. Therefore, among adolescents who affiliated with deviant peers in early adolescence, early maturing adolescents were more prone to report higher frequencies of physically aggressive conduct problems than on-time or late maturers. A significant interaction also emerged for girls’ non-physically aggressive conduct problems, as early pubertal timing was associated with non-physically aggressive conduct problems only in the context of romantic experience. Indeed, when adolescent girls reported romantic experience, early maturers showed more non-physically aggressive conduct problems than their peers. The second article of this dissertation investigated the moderating role of individual vulnerabilities to depression (emotional problems in late childhood), peer factors (deviant peer affiliation, early romantic dating and perceived peer popularity) and parental factors (perceived parental rejection) in the association between pubertal timing and depressive symptoms in adolescence. For adolescent girls, early puberty was associated with more depressive symptoms only in girls who combined emotional problems in late childhood and early dating experience. For adolescent boys, early and late pubertal timing was related to depressive symptoms, but only in those who had previously experienced emotional problems in late childhood. Early pubertal timing was also linked to depressive symptoms in the context of deviant peer affiliation (boys) and in the presence of higher levels of perceived parental rejection (boys and girls). In sum, the significant interactions found between pubertal timing, characteristics of social context, and individual vulnerabilities bring theoretical and practical considerations. Firstly, these results suggested that pubertal timing is not a risk factor per se of internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence. These findings underscored the importance of taking into account the social environments and individual risk factors prior to puberty in order to better understand the impact of pubertal transition on adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment.

Sounds on time : auditory feedback in learning, re-learning and over-learning of motor regularity / Feedback auditif et régularité motrice : apprentissage, réhabilitation et expertise

Van Vugt, Floris Tijmen 27 November 2013 (has links)
Le feedback auditif se définit comme un signal auditif qui contient de l'information sur un mouvement. Il a été montré que le feedback auditif peut guider le mouvement en temps réel, mais son influence sur l'apprentissage moteur est moins clair. Cette thèse a pour but d'examiner l'influence du feedback auditif sur l'apprentissage moteur, en se focalisant sur le contrôle temporel des mouvements. Premièrement, nous étudions l'apprentissage moteur chez les non-musiciens sains et montrons qu'ils bénéficient de l'information temporelle contenue dans le feedback auditif et qu'ils sont sensibles aux distorsions de cette information temporelle. Deuxièmement, nous appliquons ces connaissances à la réhabilitation de patients cérébro-lésés. Nous trouvons que ces patients améliorent leurs capacités de mouvement mais ne dépendent pas de la correspondance temporelle entre le mouvement et le son. Paradoxalement, ces patients ont même bénéficié des distorsions temporelles dans le feedback. Troisièmement, nous étudions les experts musicaux, car ils ont établi des liens particulièrement forts entre leur mouvement et le son. Nous développons de nouveaux outils d'analyse qui nous permettent de séparer les déviations temporelles en variation systématique et non-systématique. Le résultat principal est que ces experts sont devenus largement indépendants du feedback auditif. La proposition centrale de cette thèse est que le feedback auditif joue un rôle dans l'apprentissage moteur de la régularité, mais la façon dont le cerveau l'utilise dépend de la population étudiée. Ces résultats donnent une nouvelle perspective sur l'intégration audio-motrice et contribuent au développement de nouvelles approches pour l'apprentissage de la musique et la réhabilitation / Auditory feedback is an auditory signal that contains information about performed movement. Music performance is an excellent candidate to study its influence on motor actions, since the auditory result is the explicit goal of the movement. Indeed, auditory feedback can guide online motor actions, but its influence on motor learning has been investigated less. This thesis investigates the influence of auditory feedback in motor learning, focusing particularly on how we learn temporal control over movements. First, we investigate motor learning in non-musicians, finding that they benefit from temporal information supplied by the auditory signal and are sensitive to distortions of this temporal information. Second, we turn to stroke patients that are re-learning motor actions in a rehabilitation setting. Patients improved their movement capacities but did not depend on the time-locking between movements and the resulting auditory feedback. Surprisingly, they appear to benefit from distortions in feedback. Third, we investigate musical experts, who arguably have established strong links between movement and auditory feedback. We develop a novel analysis framework that allows us to segment timing into systematic and non-systematic variability. Our finding is that these experts have become largely independent of the auditory feedback. The main claim defended in this thesis is that auditory feedback can and does play a role in motor learning of regularity, but the way in which it is used varies qualitatively between different populations. These findings provide new insights into auditory-motor integration and are relevant for developing new perspectives on the role of music in training and rehabilitation settings

Age, récurrence et mécanismes de déstabilisation des flancs des volcans océaniques d'après l'exemple de Tenerife (iles Canaries) / Age, recurrence and triggering mechanisms of flank collapse episodes on ocean islands after the Tenerife Island exemple (Canary Islands)

Boulesteix, Thomas 30 September 2011 (has links)
La croissance des volcans océaniques est fréquemment ponctuée par des effondrements latéraux géants qui peuvent générer des avalanches de débris volumineuses et engendrer des tsunamis dévastateurs. Néanmoins, les causes, les mécanismes et les conséquences de telles déstabilisations, critiques pour la caractérisation des aléas, demeurent largement incompris.L'île de Tenerife (Canaries, Espagne) constitue une cible privilégiée pour étudier ces phénomènes. Son évolution récente inclue le développement d'un volcan central différencié et d'une ride volcanique proéminente le long d'une rift-zone principale NE-SW (NERZ). Durant le dernier Myr, ces systèmes ont été tronqués par trois effondrements de flanc géants, dont la semelle est partiellement accessible à la faveur de galeries souterraines à usage hydrogéologique.Cette thèse développe une analyse systématique des relations entre construction volcanique et instabilités récurrentes le long de l’axe de la NERZ. L'approche inclut des investigations de terrain en surface et dans les galeries, afin de reconnaître et d’échantillonner les séquences volcaniques affectées par chaque effondrement et remplissant leurs structures; la datation K/Ar Cassignol-Gillot sur phases séparées pour en contraindre l’âge précisément ; des reconstructions morphologiques 3D afin d'estimer le volume des édifices et des structures gravitaires; des analyses chimiques sur roches totales, visant à caractériser l’évolution de la composition des laves avant et après chaque déstabilisation.Les nouveaux résultats montrent le fonctionnement intermittent des différents tronçons la NERZ, avec un schéma récurrent comprenant :1) la croissance rapide d'un édifice imposant, dont la charge induit la création de niveaux de stockage superficiels et l’éruption de termes différenciés visqueux, favorisant l'inflation locale de la structure et sa déstabilisation2) la rupture proprement dite, datée à environ 840 ka, 525 ka et 175 ka (glissements de Güimar, La Orotava et Icod, respectivement)3) une réponse éruptive immédiate, impliquant la vidange rapide (<50kyr) du système d’alimentation, et le comblement des loupes de glissement sous des dizaines de km3 de lave.4) Un déplacement consécutif de la construction volcanique vers les secteurs moins matures de la NERZ (moindre épaisseur de l'édifice/moindre pression lithostatique)Nous montrons que les phénomènes de charge/décharge ont une influence primordiale sur le développement des instabilités gravitaires et l'évolution des systèmes d'alimentation des îles océaniques. / The growth of oceanic volcanoes is frequently punctuated by large flank collapses, which can generate voluminous debris avalanches and destructive tsunamis. The causes, the mechanisms and the consequences of such instabilities, crucial for risk assessment, remain poorly understood.Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) is a target of particular interest to study such phenomena. Its recent evolution includes the development of a large silicic central volcano and a prominent volcanic ridge along a main NE-SW trending rift zone (NERZ). During the last Myr, these volcanic systems have been truncated by three large flank collapses, the base of which is partly accessible through underground water mining galleries.This thesis develops a systematic analysis of the relationships between volcanic construction and recurrent flank instabilities along the NERZ. Our approach includes field investigations at the surface and in the galleries to identify and sample the volcanic units affected by each landslide and the successions filling their scar; unspiked K/Ar dating (Cassignol-Gillot technique) on fresh separated groundmass to constrain precisely the timing of the landslides; 3-D morphological reconstructions to estimate the volume of the edifices and landslides structures; and whole-rock geochemical analyses to characterize the compositional evolution of the magma prior to and after each collapse event.Our new results show the intermittent functioning of the various sections of the NERZ with a recurrent pattern comprising:(1) The rapid construction of a large volcanic edifice. The resulting load favors the creation of superficial storage levels, the associated evolution of the magma and the eruption of viscous differentiated terms, favoring local inflation of the structure and its destabilization(2) The collapse of a flank of the NERZ, dated at ca. 840 ka, 525 ka, and 175 ka (Güimar, La Orotava and Icod, events respectively)(3) An immediate eruptive response, implying the rapid emptying (<50kyr) of the feeding system and the filling of the landslide scars under tens of km3 of lava.(4) The subsequent displacement of volcanic activity towards the less mature sectors (lower thickness/lower lithostatic pressure).We show here that loading/unloading processes have a strong influence on the development of gravitational instabilities and the evolution of the magma feeding systems on such large intraplate volcanic islands.

Smartphones som ny marknadsföringskanal : Nya möjligheter inom precision, segmentering och relationer

Fohlin, Louise, Franzén, Emelie January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att öka förståelsen för hur samhällets och teknikens senaste utveckling har bidragit med nya marknadsföringskanaler och vad detta innebär för företags marknadsföringsstrategier. Med detta syfte som utgångspunkt har tre forskningsfrågor formulerats för att avgränsa forskningen än mer: Hur kan smartphones som marknadsföringskanal hjälpa företag att precisera sin marknadsföring till kunden? På vilket sätt har den nya mobila tekniken, i form av smartphones, påverkat företags segmenteringsmöjligheter? Hur kan ett företag använda sig av smartphones, som ett verktyg för att hantera kundrelationer? Metod: Uppsatsen är resultatet av en kvalitativ studie med en huvudsaklig induktiv inriktning. Primärdatainsamlingen har skett genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Efter att ha undersökt detta ämne har vi dragit slutsatsen att valet av smartphones som kanal kan hjälpa företag att precisera sin marknadsföring genom att telefonen är tillgänglig och personlig för kunden. Därför menar vi att kunders integritet och acceptans kommer att vara avgörande faktorer och viktiga att beakta. Timing är en väsentlig del av precisionsmarknadsföringen och vi har därför presenterat två nya begrepp; företagsstyrd timing och kundstyrd timing. Smartphones har även bidragit med nya möjligheter för företag att segmentera marknaden där vi framhållit slutsatsen att plats och kontext torde vara nya segmenteringsvariabler för företag att beakta. Vår slutsats är även att smartphones är en fördelaktig kanal när det kommer till byggande och hantering av kundrelationer och vi har sett tendenser till att kunden umgås med varumärket på ett sätt som tidigare inte varit möjligt. Vi introducerar ett nytt begrepp, interaktionsintensiva kommunikationsenheter, där smartphones ses som den ledande enhetstypen idag. Nyckelord: Mobilmarknadsföring, smartphones, precisionsmarknadsföring, kundstyrd timing[1], segmentering, kontext, relevans, integritet, kundrelationer, interaktionsintensiva kommunikationsenheter[2] [1]Begreppet är av oss introducerat och utgör en del av en egengjord modell. Se s 58, kapitel 5.1.1 [2]Vi har valt att introducera detta begrepp som ett samlingsnamn för en ny typ av marknadsföringskanal. Se s. 63, kapitel 5.1.3 / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of how the development of the society, as well as the technology, has increased the numbers of marketing channels and how they affect companies’ marketing strategies. In order to investigate this subject we have formulated three main questions: How can smartphones as a marketing channel help companies pinpoint their communication to the customer? How do smartphones affect companies' ability to segment the market? How can a company use smartphones, as a tool to manage customer relationships? Approach: We have done a qualitative study with an inductive approach. Primary data has been collected through seven qualitative semi-structured interviews with persons from different companies. Conclusions: After investigating this subject we have come to the conclusion that using smartphones as a marketing channel can help companies to pinpoint their marketing because of the device’s availability and because that the phone is personal to the customer. We mean that customers’ acceptance and integrity is very important to take into consideration and will be of great importance in how well companies will succeed in its use of smartphones as a marketing channel. Timing is another important question and we have therefore presented two new concepts; business-driven timing and customer-driven timing. Smartphones has also contributed with new strategies when it comes to market segmentation. We suggest place and context as new market segmentation variables so that companies could be able to find their customer in right place and in right time. We have also come to the conclusion that smartphones as a marketing channel is advantageous when it comes to building relationship to the customer and we have also seen tendencies that the customer socialize with the brand in a way that they has not been done before. We have also introduced a new concept, interactive communication devices, which is a name for a new type of marketing channels and where smartphones is the leading device today. Keywords: Mobile marketing, precision marketing, customer driven timing[3], market segmentation, context, relevance, integrity, brand, customer relationship, high interactive communication devices[4] [3]This is a new concept that we have introduced and is a part of a model that we have created. See page 58, chapter 5.1.1 [4]This is a new concept that we have introduced and is a concept for a new type of marketing channel, see page 63, chapter 5.1.3.

Timing pubertaire et adaptation psychosociale à l'adolescence : le rôle des relations interpersonnelles et des vulnérabilités individuelles

Benoit, Amélie 03 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens longitudinaux entre le timing pubertaire et les problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés à l’adolescence, soit les problèmes de conduite et les symptômes dépressifs. Guidé par la perspective théorique biosociale et le modèle de vulnérabilité-stress, le rôle modérateur de l’environnement social et des vulnérabilités personnelles préexistantes était également évalué. Les hypothèses initiales étaient qu’un timing pubertaire précoce ou déviant de la norme (précoce et tardif) serait associé à des niveaux plus élevés de problèmes de conduite et de symptômes dépressifs, mais que ce lien serait accentué dans des contextes sociaux et interpersonnels plus à risque et en présence de vulnérabilités individuelles chez les adolescents. Pour vérifier ces hypothèses, des données provenant de l’Enquête Longitudinale Nationale sur les Enfants et les Jeunes (ELNEJ) ont été analysées. Gérée par Statistique Canada, l’ELNEJ est une enquête prospective biennale comportant différents échantillons représentatifs d’enfants et d’adolescents canadiens. Les mesures utilisées dans cette thèse ont été collectées à différents cycles de l’enquête, soit à 10–11 ans, 12–13 ans, 14–15 ans et 16–17 ans, directement auprès des adolescents et de leurs parents par le biais de questionnaires et d’entrevues. Le premier article de la thèse a vérifié si l’interaction entre le timing pubertaire et des caractéristiques du contexte social des pairs (c.-à-d. l’affiliation avec des pairs déviants et l’implication amoureuse en début d’adolescence) prédisait la présentation de problèmes de conduite avec et sans agressivité physique à l’adolescence. Les résultats ont montré que le contexte social des pairs modérait l’association entre le timing pubertaire et les problèmes de conduite. Une interaction significative entre le timing pubertaire et l’affiliation à des pairs déviants a indiqué qu’une puberté plus précoce était associée à des fréquences plus élevées de problèmes de conduite agressive seulement chez les filles et les garçons qui fréquentaient des pairs déviants. Autrement dit, parmi les adolescents s’affiliant à des pairs déviants en début d’adolescence, les adolescents pubères précoces tendaient à présenter plus de problèmes de conduite agressive deux ans plus tard, en comparaison à leurs pairs pubères dans les temps moyens ou tardifs. Une seconde interaction significative obtenue chez les filles a montré que la puberté plus précoce était prédictrice des problèmes de conduite non-agressive seulement en présence d’un engagement amoureux en début d’adolescence. En effet, dans un contexte d’implication amoureuse, les filles pubères précoces présentaient plus de problèmes de conduite non-agressive que leurs pairs. Le deuxième article de la thèse avait pour objectif d’évaluer le rôle modérateur des vulnérabilités individuelles à la dépression (présence de symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance), du contexte social des pairs (affiliation à des pairs déviants, expérience amoureuse précoce et perception de popularité auprès des pairs) et des relations parent-adolescent (perception de rejet de la part des parents) dans l’association longitudinale entre le timing pubertaire et les symptômes dépressifs en fin d’adolescence. Chez les filles, une interaction triple a révélé que la puberté plus précoce était liée à davantage de symptômes dépressifs, mais seulement chez celles qui présentaient des symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance et une implication amoureuse précoce. Chez les garçons, un effet curvilinéaire du timing pubertaire a été observé alors que la puberté précoce et tardive était associée à plus de symptômes dépressifs, mais seulement chez les garçons qui manifestaient des symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance. La puberté plus précoce était aussi liée à des niveaux plus élevés de symptômes dépressifs en présence d’affiliation à des pairs déviants (garçons) et de perceptions plus importantes de rejet parental (filles et garçons). En somme, la mise en évidence d’interactions significatives entre le timing pubertaire, les caractéristiques de l’environnement social et les vulnérabilités individuelles suscite différentes réflexions au plan théorique et pratique. Tout d’abord, les résultats suggèrent que le timing pubertaire en lui-même ne paraît pas représenter un facteur de risque généralisé des problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés à l’adolescence. Plus particulièrement, ces résultats soulignent l’importance de considérer l’environnement social et les facteurs de risque individuels préexistants afin de mieux comprendre l’effet de la transition pubertaire sur l’adaptation psychosociale des adolescents. / The objective of this dissertation was to evaluate the longitudinal links between pubertal timing and internalizing and externalizing problems during adolescence. Within a theoretical framework of biosocial interactions and the vulnerability-stress model, the moderating effect of social environments and preexisting individual vulnerabilities was examined. Two empirical studies investigated the links between pubertal timing and conduct problems and between pubertal timing and depressive symptoms. It was expected that early or off-time puberty would be associated with conduct problems and depressive symptoms, but that this link would be intensified in risky social and interpersonal contexts and if paired with prepubertal individual vulnerabilities. These hypotheses were tested using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY), a representative biennial survey of Canadian children and adolescents managed by Statistics Canada. Measures analyzed in this dissertation were collected at 10–11 years old, 12–13 years old, 14–15 years old and 16–17 years old through questionnaires and interviews with adolescents and their parents. The goal of the first empirical article of this dissertation was to evaluate whether the interactions between pubertal timing and characteristics of peer context, namely deviant peer affiliation and romantic experience in early adolescence, predicted physically aggressive and non-physically aggressive conduct problems two years later. A significant interaction between pubertal timing and deviant peer affiliation was found, suggesting that early puberty was associated with higher frequencies of physically aggressive conduct problems only in the context of deviant peer affiliation. Therefore, among adolescents who affiliated with deviant peers in early adolescence, early maturing adolescents were more prone to report higher frequencies of physically aggressive conduct problems than on-time or late maturers. A significant interaction also emerged for girls’ non-physically aggressive conduct problems, as early pubertal timing was associated with non-physically aggressive conduct problems only in the context of romantic experience. Indeed, when adolescent girls reported romantic experience, early maturers showed more non-physically aggressive conduct problems than their peers. The second article of this dissertation investigated the moderating role of individual vulnerabilities to depression (emotional problems in late childhood), peer factors (deviant peer affiliation, early romantic dating and perceived peer popularity) and parental factors (perceived parental rejection) in the association between pubertal timing and depressive symptoms in adolescence. For adolescent girls, early puberty was associated with more depressive symptoms only in girls who combined emotional problems in late childhood and early dating experience. For adolescent boys, early and late pubertal timing was related to depressive symptoms, but only in those who had previously experienced emotional problems in late childhood. Early pubertal timing was also linked to depressive symptoms in the context of deviant peer affiliation (boys) and in the presence of higher levels of perceived parental rejection (boys and girls). In sum, the significant interactions found between pubertal timing, characteristics of social context, and individual vulnerabilities bring theoretical and practical considerations. Firstly, these results suggested that pubertal timing is not a risk factor per se of internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence. These findings underscored the importance of taking into account the social environments and individual risk factors prior to puberty in order to better understand the impact of pubertal transition on adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment.

Market-Timing of Capital Structure and Factors Influencing the Leverage Decision of Firms

Weigl, Johannes 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to the closure of these aforementioned research gaps. Answering these calls, the following research objectives are proposed: 1. Understanding the main factors that have an influence on the capital structure decision of firms. 2. Understanding how the capital structure of firms differs among various industries and to fathom cross-sectional differences in the importance of debt determinants among industries. 3. Investigating the influence of time on the capital structure decision of firms. In specific, it must be found out whether certain debt determinants alter their effect on the capital structure decision of firms over time. 4. Studying the market-timing effect of debt financing. It must be researched how managers time the debt market when engaging in bond or loan issues. 5. Empirically proving how stylized factors and market-timing behaviour influences the transaction of equity, bond and loan issues as well as of share repurchases. 6. Finally, discussing how far the stylized facts can be explained by existing capital structure theory in order to crown the theory, whose notion can best account the observed financing patterns across the world.

Um estudo sobre a capacidade de gestores de fundos multigestor adicionarem valor aos cotistas

Cotrim, Felipe Mascarenhas 17 September 2012 (has links)
Submitted by MFEE Mestrado Profissional em Finanças e Economia Empresarial da EPGE (mfee@fgv.br) on 2015-02-23T22:54:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Cotrim - Versão Final.pdf: 2874262 bytes, checksum: c9adf65f93c0c6c7ad37a5c1dd872036 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-03-04T13:06:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Cotrim - Versão Final.pdf: 2874262 bytes, checksum: c9adf65f93c0c6c7ad37a5c1dd872036 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-03-04T13:06:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Cotrim - Versão Final.pdf: 2874262 bytes, checksum: c9adf65f93c0c6c7ad37a5c1dd872036 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T13:06:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Cotrim - Versão Final.pdf: 2874262 bytes, checksum: c9adf65f93c0c6c7ad37a5c1dd872036 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-17 / With lhe increase of lhe number of assei managers and an even larger a number of investments alternatives in lhe Brazilian hedge fund industry, Fund of Hedge Funds became an alternative for investors planning to diversify their investments through financiai specialists. The intention of this study is to evaluate lhe capacity of Brazilian Funds of Hedge Funds (FoHF), classified as Multimercados Multigestor, to generate abnormal returns (alpha). For this porpoise we studied a sample of 1421 Fund of Hedg Funds between January of 2005 and December of 2011. The results of multi-factor model regressions, derived from Jensen's model (1968), suggest that only 3.03% of lhe funds in lhe sample can add value. The three main potential sources of alpha generalion in Funds of Hedge Funds come from lhe strategic allocation of lhe portfolios, lhe anticipation of market movements (market timing) and lhe capacity of FoHF managers to select lhe best assei managers in lhe industry to com pose its portfolio (fund selection). To evaluate lhe Brazilian FoHF manager's ability to anticipate market movements we included quadratic terms in lhe multi-factor models, as proposed by Treynor and Mazuy (1966). The results showed lha! managers, on average, could not add value by market timing. To evaluate lhe strategic allocation ability and lhe fund's selection abilities, we created a new variable with lhe information about lhe asseis in lhe porlfolio of each fund in lhe sample in every different month. The tests indicated that FoHF managers, on average, could no! add value by selecting lhe best managers, but lhe strategic allocation ability showed a positive contribution to FoHF's return. We also studied lhe alpha generation capacity before costs. lt raised lhe percentage of funds with positive alpha to 6.39% of lhe funds in lhe sample, but it was no! able to change lhe signal of lhe average alpha, lha! remained nega tive. / Com o aumento do número de gestores especializados em um número cada vez maior de possibilidades de investimentos na indústria de fundos brasileira, os fundos Multigestor se tornaram uma alternativa para os investidores que procuram diversificar seus investimentos e delegam às instituições financeiras o trabalho de alocar os recursos dentro das diferentes estratégias e fundos existentes no mercado. O intuito deste estudo é avaliar a capacidade de gerar retornos anormais (alfa) dos fundos de fundos da indústria brasileira, classificados como Fundos Multimercados Multigestor. Para isso foi estudada uma amostra com 1.421 fundos Multigestor com tributação de Longo Prazo no período de janeiro de 2005 a dezembro de 2011. A análise dos resultados encontrados através de regressões de modelos de vários fatores, derivados do modelo de Jensen (1968), sugere que apenas 3,03% dos fundos estudados conseguem adicionar valor a seus cotistas. Foram estudadas ainda as três principais fontes potenciais de geração de alfa dos fundos de fundos, a escolha das estratégias que compõe a carteira do fundo (alocação estratégica), a antecipação de movimentos de mercado (market timing) e a capacidade selecionar os melhores fundos dentro de cada estratégia (seleção de fundos). A partir da inclusão de termos quadráticos, conforme proposto pelos modelos de Treynor e Mazuy (1966) pode-se verificar que os fundos Multigestor, em média, não conseguem adicionar valor tentando antecipar movimentos de mercado (market timing). Através da construção de uma variável explicativa com a composição estratégica de cada fundo da amostra em cada período de tempo, pode-se verificar que os gestores de fundos de fundos, em média, também fracassam ao tentar selecionar os melhores fundos/gestores da indústria. Já a escolha das estratégias que compõe a carteira do fundo (alocação estratégica) mostrou contribuir positivamente para o retorno dos fundos. Ainda foi avaliada a capacidade de gerar alfa antes dos custos, o que elevou o percentual de fundos com alfa positivo para 6,39% dos fundos estudados, mas foi incapaz de alterar o sinal do alfa médio, que permaneceu negativo.

Online game design theories for interactive marketing : Gamification is not enough

Lundgren, Beatrice January 2017 (has links)
This research looks at how interactive marketing can become more motivating for customers by designing it as a full game, not only by adding some game elements like in gamification. The result of the research gives marketers an alternative and complementary way of incorporating game design in marketing.The theory builds on fundamental online game elements and player types, assembled into a model for analysis also useful as a planning tool. The research conducted a qualitative case study of the Volvo XC90 First Edition campaign which gave insight on how game theories can be applied for more engaging interactions. Through dialogue with team members and an overview of design artefacts it showed that when all elements reinforce each other for a certain mix of player types, not only one type, it creates dynamics that strongly motivates the audience to interact. The data also revealed that when any of the fundamental elements are missing the result will not be as engaging, which confirms what have already been found in earlier research. / Denna studie undersöker hur interaktiv marknadsföring kan bli mer motiverande för kunderna genom att designa det som ett komplett spel, inte bara med några spelelement som i spelifiering. Resultatet ger marknadsförare ett alternativ och komplement till hur man kan använda teorier från speldesign för bättre interaktion. Teorin baseras på grundläggande spelelement och spelartyper som har satts samman i en analytisk modell, också användbar som ett planeringsverktyg. Studien genomfördes i en kvalitativ fallstudie av Volvo XC90 First Edition-kampanjen och gav insikt om hur spelteorier kan tillämpas. Genom dialog med medarbetare i kampanjens projektgrupp och en överblick över designartefakter visade det sig att när alla element förstärker varandra för en specifik mix av spelartyper, inte bara en typ av spelare, skapar det en dynamik som starkt motiverar målgruppen att interagera. Studien visade också att när några av de grundläggande elementen saknas blir inte interaktionen lika engagerande vilket bekräftar vad tidigare forskning hittat.

Decisões de estrutura de capital no Brasil - uma abordagem por setor de atividade, fatores econômicos e de mercado e desempenho empresarial

Silva, Marcos Roberto Alves da 03 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:31:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcos Robertoprot.pdf: 3270286 bytes, checksum: 656412122410522073af0f0ac5a7066e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-03 / Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie / The aim of this study is to verify the influence of the sector of activities, economic and market factors and business performance in the definition of capital structure. It uses data from Economática with 415 Brazilian companies that operated in the capital market (BM&FBOVESPA), between 2001 and 2014, to examine the behavior to such dimensions and their adherence to the wider theoretical set today. Inappropriate decisions of capital structure raises the cost of capital, hindering acceptable investments that maximize the wealth of the owners. Many studies regarding the indebtedness of companies were made in recent decades, but so far has no obvious response of relevance or lack thereof. In this sense, one can conclude that we do not have a theory fully accepted on the capital structure. It is difficult to generalize about funding policies because they differ widely from company to company and in the various sectors of activity. The specific variables to business performance continue to be used exhaustively to seek underpin a theoretical framework on the subject. Other studies, on a smaller scale, mainly in Brazil, investigate a possible influence of the sectors of activity and the economics and market conditions / restrictions in the choice of capital structure. In this sense, realizing the gap of capital structure studies in Brazil, that address sectors of activity and economic and market variables, it opens up the opportunity for this research project. As a result it appears that, after robust regression problems correct order autocorrelation of errors and heteroscedasticity, the variables average leverage of sector, investment of sector, Ibovespa, GDP, inflation, market-to-book, Tobin's Q, profitability, liquidity, growth and business risk were statistically significant in order to explain the variations dependent variable, ie, leverage the market value. Other variables, such as concentration of the sector, interest rate, size and tangibility, did not show, after the robust regression, statistical significance. As a result it appears that, after robust regression correct order autocorrelation problems of errors and heteroscedasticity, the average leverage variables sector, industry investment, Ibovespa, gdp, inflation, market-to-book, Tobin's Q, profitability, liquidity, growth and business risk were statistically significant in order to explain the variations of the dependent variable, ie, leverage at market value. Other variables, such as concentration of the sector, interest rate, size and tangibility, did not show, after the robust regression, statistical significance. / O objetivo principal deste estudo é verificar a influência do setor de atividades, dos fatores econômicos e de mercado e do desempenho empresarial na definição da estrutura de capital. Utiliza-se de dados da Economática com 415 empresas brasileiras que atuaram no mercado de capitais (BM&FBOVESPA), no período entre 2001 e 2014, buscando examinar o comportamento de tais dimensões e sua aderência ao conjunto teórico mais difundido atualmente. Decisões inadequadas de estrutura de capital eleva o custo de capital, dificultando investimentos aceitáveis que maximize a riqueza dos proprietários. Muitos estudos em relação ao endividamento das empresas foram realizados nas últimas décadas, mas, até agora, não foi encontrada uma resposta de relevância ou falta dela. Neste sentido, pode-se concluir que não temos ainda uma teoria totalmente aceita sobre a estrutura de capital. É difícil generalizar sobre políticas de financiamento, pois elas diferem bastante de empresa para empresa e nos diversos setores de atividades. As variáveis específicas de desempenho empresarial continuam sendo usadas de forma exaustiva para buscar alicerçar um arcabouço teórico a respeito do tema. Outros estudos, em menor escala, principalmente no Brasil, investigam uma possível influência do setor de atividade e das condições/restrições econômicas e de mercado na escolha da estrutura de capital. Neste sentido, percebendo a lacuna de estudos de estrutura de capital no Brasil, que contemplem setor de atividades e variáveis econômicas e de mercado, abre-se a oportunidade para a contribuição deste projeto de pesquisa. Como resultado constata-se que, após regressão robusta visando corrigir problemas de autocorrelação dos erros e heterocedasticidade, que as variáveis alavancagem média do setor, investimentos do setor, Ibovespa, pib, inflação, market-to-book, Q de Tobin, lucratividade, liquidez, crescimento e risco do negócio apresentaram significância estatística, no sentido de explicar as variações da variável dependente, ou seja, a alavancagem a valor de mercado. Outras variáveis, como concentração do setor, taxa de juros, tamanho e tangibilidade, não apresentaram, depois da regressão robusta, significância estatística.

Synchronised metronome training : The effects on soccer players’ lower-limb motor dynamics and performance in a soccer-related stepping task.

McDonald, Rachel January 2015 (has links)
Good timing is important for all daily motion, even more so for athletes where the smallest movements can make the difference between a goal and miss. Despite this, there has been little research into just how timing ability is related to sport performance. Therefore the present study used a between-within groups experimental design with a sample of female elite- and semi-elite soccer players to describe the effects of a synchronised metronome training (SMT) intervention on lower-limb movement, and accuracy and speed, in a soccer-related stepping task. Participants were randomly assigned to receive SMT (n = 12) or to the control group (n = 12). The SMT group received 12 hours of Interactive Metronome (IM) training over four weeks. Pre- and post-test results showed a strong effect of SMT in improving timing and rhythmic ability. An effect of SMT on accuracy in the stepping task was seen, signifying an effect on motor planning ability. Correlational analyses showed some evident effects of IM on the kinematic parameters, as indicated by relationship between timing and rhythmicity ability with increased movement segmentation, though this did not reach significance. These results present new information and provides support for kinematic analysis to be used in future studies to address the effect of SMT. / God timing är viktig för alla dagliga rörelser, och än mer viktigt är det för idrottare där minsta lilla rörelse kan innebära skillnaden mellan mål och miss. Trots detta finns lite forskning om hur förmåga till timing kan förbättra sportsliga prestationer. Huvudsyftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur synkroniserad metronomträning (SMT) påverkade prestationen och rörelsedynamik i en fotbollsrelaterad uppgift. I studien deltog 24 aktiva fotbollsspelare från Damallsvenskan och Division 1, varav 12 fick träna med SMT under fyra veckor. Resultatet visade att SMT påverkade exaktheten i utförandet av den fotbollsrelaterade uppgiften, vilket indikera en effekt på motorplaneringsförmåga. Denna studie jämför för första gången 3D-kinematikdata från före- och efter träning med SMT samt med en kontrollgrupp, 3D-kinematikanalysen av rörelsesegmentering och kumulativ 3D-distans visade inga övertygande relationer mellan SMT och rörelsedynamiken efter IM-träning. Däremot visade korrelationen stöd för en relation mellan rörelsesegmentering och timingförmåga. Därför stödjer denna studie tidigare forskning kring timing och motorisk prestation, och det finns tillräckligt med bevis för att motivera vidare analyser av kinematiska parametrar för att studera effekten av SMT och rörelsedynamik.

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