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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Safety Reviews of Technical System Modifications in the Nuclear Industry

Falk, Thomas January 2013 (has links)
The function of safety reviews (here understood as expert judgements on proposals for design modifications and redesign of technical systems in commercial Nuclear Power Plants, supported by formalised safety review processes) plays a fundamental role for safety in nuclear installations. The primary aims of the presented case studies includes: critically examining and identifying the main areas for improvement of the existing technical safety review process as it is conducted at a Swedish nuclear power plant, developing a new process, and evaluating whether any improvements were accomplished. By using qualitative methods, observation/participation and interviews, data has been gathered on how the safety review process is perceived and conducted by experts involved in the safety review process, and ways to improve this process have been developed. This area is neglected in the larger safety literature. The novel approach here is to gather data directly from those involved in the safety review process, analysis of safety review reports as well as from inspection reports by the regulatory authority. The study presented in paper I shows that the partition between primary and independent review is positive, having supplementary roles with different focus and staff with different skills and perspectives making the reviews. The study identifies a number of areas for improvement, such as: - a tendency to put too much resource on minor assignments - a clearer prioritization would improve focus on the most critical projects - there is a need for improved guidance and direction for how to structure the work It is argued that future applications of safety review processes should focus more on communicating and clarifying the process and its adherent requirements, and improve the feedback system within the process. It is also recommended that the NPPs create introductory training for new reviewers The study presented in paper II concluded that grading of the primary safety review reports facilitates improved experience feedback by providing easier access to good examples for reviewers. Improvements identified by implementing the revised process are primarily linked to the independent safety review function, including better planning and means for resource allocation as well as clearer and more unambiguous supporting instructions. Introduction of formalized independent review meetings provides increased exchange of knowledge and strengthened the independent safety review function in the organization. / <p>QC 20130305</p>

Resurseffektivisering med hjälp av nyckeltal : En studie om effektivisering med hjälp av nyckeltal för anbudsprocessen med erfarenhetsåterkoppling från tidigare färdigställda projekt / Resource optimization using key ratios

Enkulla, Daniel, Karlsson, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Att bedöma hur mycket resurser man ska lägga på ett uppdrag är inte alltid lätt. Det finns åtskilliga metoder att på ett kvalificerat sätt ställa upp ett anbud och en prognos på vad uppdraget kommer att kosta, en av dessa metoder är erfarenhetsåterkoppling. Med hjälp av erfarenhetsåterkoppling finns det möjlighet att lokalisera nyckeltal som är utslagsgivande för anbudsprocessen. Dessa nyckeltal är givande att känna till innan anbudet läggs fram för att veta om uppdraget är lönsamt i den nuvarande formen eller behöver justeras. För entreprenörer finns det hjälpmedel som till exempel ÅF:s lilla prisbok, men för konsulter så saknas till viss del hjälpmedel. En del konsulter jobbar med individuell erfarenhetsåterkoppling men det krävs ofta några år i branschen för att skapa sig den erfarenhet som behövs. Dessutom har företagets övriga medarbetare sällan möjlighet att ta del av denna information på ett smidigt sätt. Syftet med examensarbetet var därför att sammanställa en erfarenhetsbank av tidigare färdigställda uppdrag och utveckla nyckeltal som kan användas till framtida anbudsförfrågningar. De frågeställningar som tagits fram för detta examensarbete var: · Vilka nyckeltal är relevanta för kommande anbud? · Finns det korrelation och samband mellan dessa nyckeltal samt hur påverkas nyckeltalen av parametrarna? · Vilken typ av uppdrag ger störst marginal, utifrån projekteringsfas, objekttyp, teknisk komplexitet och huruvida det var en om- eller nybyggnad? Examensarbetet behandlar erfarenhetsåterkoppling från ett konsultperspektiv inom projekteringsskedet i byggprocessen. De resultat som framtagits har gjorts med hjälp av Tyréns interna ekonomisystem och en enkätundersökning där uppdragsansvariga fick svara på frågor om sina uppdrag. Undersökningen resulterade i ett antal samband som visar på hur parametrar som objekttyp, teknisk komplexitet och bruttoarea påverkar uppdragets totala tid, marginal, mm. Dessutom utvecklades ett anbudsvektyg som kan användas som en indikation för kommande anbud. De slutsatser som kunnat göras i examensarbetet är bland annat att parametern tekniska komplexitet har en stor inverkan på tre av fyra nyckeltal marginal, total tid och TPR. För ekonomisk marginal hade varken objekttyper eller projekteringsfas lika stor inverkan på det den slutliga marginalen. Det visade sig även att om- och nybyggnation hade stor inverkan på de fyra nyckeltalen TPR, marginal, total tid och TPm2. / Determining how much time and resources ought to be committed on a certain project is not an easy task. There are several of different methods that can be used achieve a solid approximation for a tender, and one of these is by using experience feedback. It is possible, through the use of experience feedback, to construct key ratios based on previously completed project. These key ratios could then be of significant help in upcoming tender process. For estimating the construction cost, builders can use tools such as ÅF:s lilla prisbok. But these types of tools are not as common practice for the consultants planning the construction. This leads us to the purpose of this thesis, which is to collect and set up a database of previously completed projects and from this database develop key ratios that can be used in upcoming tenders. The questions posed by this report was: · Which key ratios are most relevant for upcoming tenders? · Are there any correlations and connections between these key ratios and how are these key ratios affected by the parameters? · Which type of project generates the greatest financial margin, based on design phase, the type of object that was designed, technical complexity and whether the project is a new construction or a reconstruction. This thesis looks at experience feedback from the perspective of a consultant firm working with the planning of buildings and infrastructure. All the results were collected through the use of Tyréns internal economy system as well as a survey were project leaders had to answer questions about the project that they had been in charge of. This investigation resulted in a number of correlations and connections that showed how certain parameters such as technical complexity affected the project total time, profit and so on. A tender approximation tool was created based on data gathered from previously finished projects. Finally, the conclusions that were drawn in this report was, among other things, that the level of technical complexity has a significant effect on three of the four key ratios analysed in this report. These three key ratios were financial margin, total time and time per design plan. The financial margin was not affected by neither the type of object that were designed nor the phase of the design process. The report also concludes that all four key ratios were considerably affected by whether the project is a new construction or a reconstruction.

Logistik vid begränsat utrymme : Jämförelsestudie mellan fyra byggarbetsplatser

Chyad, Yousif, Ali, Khadija January 2019 (has links)
Planning of material handling in limited spaces has become more relevant in the construction industry and since material cannot always be delivered at the right time in the right place, a delay in the flow chain is created. Each construction site has unique conditions and thus different solutions.In this thesis, four workplaces at Peab have been visited and inspected. The purpose of the thesis was to explore the problems that arise with the logistics in a limited space and find solutions that can be implemented on future construction projects.The aim of the study was to find the common factors that exist for the workplaces within a small area and find ways of working that can change the planning and execution of logistics.Surveys to professional workers and interviews with site managers and supervisors contributed with information to the report.After compiling the thesis work, the result shows that there are opportunities to change the working method of the work management to increase efficiency and productivity.In the study, it appears that there is a lack of communication in the workplaces as a large number of workers do not know when the next delivery of material takes place. In addition, the professional workers admit that they did not have a great influence over the business. Recommended solutions that were developed in the study were experience feedback and further development of the APD plan.

Kontinuerlig förbättring av kunskaps- och erfarenhetsdelning i växande konsultorganisationer : En studie genomförd på en konsultorganisation inom samhällsbyggnadsbranschen / Continuous Improvement of Knowledge and Experience Sharing in Growing Consultant Companies : A Study Conducted at a Consulting Organization Within the Public Construction Industry

Villegas, Teresa, Lara Matikainen, Meliina January 2021 (has links)
Kunskap- och erfarenhetsdelning är ett brett och viktigt koncept för företagens ekonomiska tillväxt och konkurrenskraft. För konsultfirmor är det av extra vikt då deras kärnverksamhet grundar sig i att sälja kunskap i form av tjänster, men där problematiken är att de projektledande konsulterna kan uppleva att hjulet kontinuerligt återuppfinns i projekten. Under de senaste årtionden har en trend i sammanslagningar och förvärv noterats inom samhällsbyggnadsbranschen. De organisatoriska förändringarna som förvärv medför ökar behovet av en lämplig kunskapshantering för att skapa synergi inom bolaget, så att kunskap och erfarenheter blir en kollektiv resurs. Utmaningen för konsultorganisationer är att företagen består av individer från olika företagskulturer med olika preferenser, att organisation är i ständig förändring samt konkurrensen medarbetare emellan. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att öka kunskaps- och erfarenhetsdelning medarbetare emellan genom att identifiera lämpliga metoder och medel, för att långsiktigt tillvarata den befintliga kompetensen inom organisationen. Genom att tillvarata på kunskaper och lärdomar från varandra och från tidigare uppdrag kan innovativa och hållbara lösningar delas, vilket medför att kunskapsluckorna och risker i nya uppdrag minskar samt att de undviker att återuppfinna hjulet. Syftet uppnås genom att besvara följande frågeställning; “Hur kan organisationer ständigt förbättra kunskaps- och erfarenhetsdelningen internt genom god förståelse för de olika kunskapsformerna?”. Arbetet resulterar i en tabell med lämpliga och förbättrade metoder för kunskaps- och erfarenhetsdelning, samt för hur dokumenteringen av kunskap kan gå till. Framtagandet av dessa metoder har gjorts genom analys av intervjumaterial som insamlats från respondenter som tillhör ett konsultbolag som växt genom förvärv. Analysen har kontinuerligt följt teoretiska ramverken om ständiga förbättringar av McLean och Anthony (2019) där de vanligaste fallgroparna är sammanställda, samt SECI-modellen för förståelse av kunskapsflödet inom organisationen. Slutligen resoneras det att, för att nå en ökad kunskaps- och erfarenhetsdelning inom ett konsultbolag som växt genom förvärv, krävs det att ledningen arbetar för en ökad teamanda, gemenskap och samhörighet. Eftersom detta skapar en stimulerande miljö som underlättar att motivera kunskaps- och erfarenhetsdelning genom att inkludera formella och informella möten, både fysiskt som digitalt. Något som behöver inkluderas är tydliggörandet av nyttan som förbättrande initiativ medför genom att visa mätbara resultat som ett incitament för konsulterna. / Knowledge- and experience sharing is a broad and important concept for companies' economic growth and competitiveness. For consulting firms, it is of extra importance as their core business is based on selling knowledge in the form of services, but the problem is that the project-leading consultants may experience that the wheel is continuously being reinvented in the projects. In recent decades, a trend in mergers and acquisitions has been noted in the public construction industry. The organizational changes that acquisition entail increase the need for appropriate knowledge management to create synergy within the company, so that knowledge and experience become a collective resource. The challenge for consulting organizations is that the companies consist of individuals from different corporate cultures with different preferences, that the organization is constantly changing and that there is a competition between employees. The purpose of this study is thus to increase the sharing of knowledge and experiences between employees by identifying appropriate methods and means, in order to utilize the existing competence within the organization in the long term. By utilizing knowledge and lessons from each other and from previous assignments, innovative and sustainable solutions can be shared, which means that the knowledge gaps and risks in new assignments are reduced and that they avoid reinventing the wheel. The purpose is achieved by answering the following question: "How can organizations constantly improve the sharing of knowledge and experiences internally through a good understanding of the various forms of knowledge?". This paper results in a table with suitable and improved methods for knowledge and experience sharing, as well as how the documentation of knowledge can be done. The development of these methods has been done through analysis of interview material collected from respondents belonging to a consulting company that has grown through acquisitions. The analysis has continuously followed the theoretical frameworks, continuous improvement of McLean and Anthony (2019) where the most common pitfalls are compiled, as well as the SECI model for understanding the flow of knowledge within the organization. Finally, it is reasoned that, to achieve an increased sharing of knowledge and experience within a consulting company that has grown through acquisitions, it is required that the management works for an increased team spirit, community and togetherness. As this creates a stimulating environment that facilitates the justification of knowledge and experience sharing by including formal and informal meetings, both physical and digital. Something that needs to be included is the clarification of the benefits that improving initiatives bring by showing measurable results as an incentive for consultants.

Hybridation des retours d'expérience statistique et cognitif pour l'évaluation des risques : application à la déconstruction des aéronefs / Hybridization of statistical and cognitive experience feedback to assess risk : application to aircraft deconstruction

Villeneuve, Eric 31 May 2012 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche présentés dans ce document s'inscrivent dans le cadre de la gestion des connaissances appliquée à la déconstruction des avions en fin de vie avec pour objectif l'aide à la décision par l'évaluation des risques. Pour répondre à cet objectif, nous avons développé des mécanismes d'aide à la décision hybridant les retours d'expérience statistique et cognitif pour évaluer les risques sur les zones critiques d'un système. L'approche proposée permet la combinaison des avis d'experts du domaine avec des statistiques issues d'une base de données en utilisant les fonctions de croyance. L'évaluation des risques est réalisée par le traitement des connaissances combinées au moyen d'un modèle utilisant les réseaux évidentiels dirigés. Ce document s'articule en quatre chapitres.Le premier chapitre constitue un état de l'art abordant les notions liées au risque et au retour d'expérience. Il permet de définir les concepts clés concernant l'évaluation du risque, la gestion des connaissances (et en particulier le processus de retour d'expérience) ainsi que les passerelles entre ces deux concepts. Le second chapitre permet d'introduire un modèle d'évaluation des risques basé sur les méthodes bayésiennes. Cependant, les méthodes bayésiennes ont des limites, en particulier pour ce qui concerne la modélisation de l'incertitude épistémique inhérente aux avis d'experts, qui nous ont incité à proposer des alternatives, telles les fonctions de croyance et les réseaux évidentiels dirigés que nous avons finalement choisi d'utiliser. Le troisième chapitre propose une démarche permettant d'évaluer les risques en utilisant les réseaux évidentiels dirigés. L'approche proposée décrit les mécanismes utilisés pour formaliser et fusionner les connaissances expertes et statistiques, puis pour traiter ces connaissances au moyen des réseaux évidentiels dirigés. Pour finir, des indicateurs permettant la restitution des résultats au décideur sont introduits. Le dernier chapitre présente le projet DIAGNOSTAT qui a servi de cadre à ces travaux de recherche et expose un cas d'étude permettant d'appliquer la démarche introduite précédemment à la déconstruction des avions en fin de vie au moyen de deux scénarios / The research work presented in this document relates to knowledge management applied to aircraft deconstruction. The aim of this work is to provide a decision support system for risk assessment. To meet this objective, mechanisms for decision support hybridizing cognitive and statistical experience feedback to perform risk assessment on system critical areas have been developed. The proposed approach allows to combine expert opinion with statistics extracted from a database by using belief functions. The risk assessment is performed by the combined knowledge processing using a model based on directed evidential networks. This document is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is a state of the art addressing concepts related to risk and experience feedback. It defines key concepts for risk assessment, knowledge management (in particular the experience feedback process) and the links between these two concepts. The second chapter allows to introduce a risk assessment model based on Bayesian methods. However, Bayesian methods have some limitations, particularly with respect to epistemic uncertainty modelling. That is why, some alternatives have been proposed, such as belief functions and directed evidential networks that we finally chose to use. The third chapter proposes an approach for assessing the risk using directed evidential networks. The proposed approach describes the mechanisms used to formalize and combine expert and statistical knowledge, and then to process this knowledge with directed evidential networks. Finally, indicators to inform the decision maker about results are introduced. The last chapter presents the DIAGNOSTAT project which provided the framework for this research and a study case to apply the approach introduced earlier for aircraft deconstruction by using two scenarios

Aide à la décision en réponse à appel d'offres : une approche intégrée de conception conjointe produit-processus, de gestion des risques et de retour d'expérience / Decision support in bidding process : an integrated approach of concurrent design of system and process, risk management and experience feedback

Sylla, Abdourahim 13 July 2018 (has links)
Dans le cadre d’une relation client / fournisseur, les entreprises proposant des produits ou systèmes doivent élaborer et proposer des offres personnalisées, attractives et réalisables. Pour cela, elles doivent tout d’abord concevoir et évaluer un ensemble d’offres techniques (couples systèmes / processus de réalisation). Ensuite, sélectionner, sur la base d’un ensemble de critères de décision pertinents, l’offre technique à considérer dans la proposition à transmettre au client. Dans des situations où les solutions techniques disponibles au sein de l’entreprise fournisseur couvrent une bonne partie des besoins exprimés par le client mais pas la totalité, situations dites de « conception non-routinière », l’analyse des pratiques industrielles et des travaux scientifiques a permis de définir trois problématiques de recherche majeures : (i) la conception des offres en situations de conception non-routinière, (ii) l’évaluation de la confiance dans les offres quant à leur bonne réalisation au regard des attentes et objectifs fixés, et (iii) la sélection, parmi un ensemble d’offres potentielles, de l’offre la plus intéressante en tenant compte de l’imprécision, de l’incertitude et de la confiance associées aux offres. Les travaux réalisés dans cette thèse apportent des solutions scientifiques et pragmatiques à ces trois problématiques. Concernant la conception des offres, des solutions sont proposées pour étendre les principes de configuration à des situations de « conception non-routinière ». Deux indicateurs ainsi qu’une méthode permettant de les quantifier sont proposés pour l’évaluation de la confiance de chaque offre technique. Enfin, une approche d’aide à la décision multicritère est développée pour aider à la sélection de l’offre technique la plus intéressante en tenant compte de l’imprécision, de l’incertitude et de la confiance. / In the context of a customer / supplier relationship, companies offering products or systems must develop and propose personalized, attractive and achievable offers. In order to do so, they have to design and evaluate a set of technical offers corresponding to pairs of systems and delivery processes. Then, on the basis of a set of relevant decision criteria, they must select the technical offer to be considered and sent to the customer. In situations where the technical solutions available within the supplier company cover a good part of the customer’s requirements but not all, so-called "non-routine design" situations, the analysis of industrial practices and scientific works has led us to identify three major research problems: (i) the design of technical offers in non-routine design situations, (ii) the evaluation of the confidence in these offers as to their good achievement with regard to customer’s expectations and supplier’s objectives, and (iii) the selection of the most interesting offer from a set of potential technical offers while taking into account imprecision, uncertainty and confidence. This thesis provides scientific and pragmatic solutions to these problems. Regarding the design of the offers, solutions are proposed to extend the principles of configuration to "non-routine design" situations. Two indicators and a method for quantifying them are proposed for the assessment of the confidence of each technical offer. Finally, a multi-criteria decision support approach is developed to assist the supplier in the selection of the most interesting technical offer, taking into account imprecision, uncertainty and confidence.

Skolan - en lärande organisation? : En fallstudie om hur ledarskap och säkerhetskultur kan påverka förekomsten av strukturellt personsäkerhetsarbete inom det svenska skolväsendet / The swedish school ssystem - a learning organization? : A case study of how leadership and safety culture influence the occurrence of structural personal safety work within the Swedish school system

Olsson, Lena January 2012 (has links)
I vår tid växer nya generationer upp i ett samhälle med hög förändringstakt. Ur ett personsäkerhetsperspektiv innebär förändringsintensiteten en osäkerhet gällande vilka potentiella risker vi utsätts för. Risker kan identifieras och hanteras genom ett systematiskt säkerhetsarbete. Det kräver en god säkerhetskultur som bland annat innebär att samtliga individer inom en organisation vet hur det ska påtala risker för sin arbetsgivare och känner sig trygga att göra det (Reason, 1997; Power, 2007). Arbetsmiljölagen (1977:1166) föreskriver att risker ska identifieras och hanteras i ett systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete. Samtidigt rapporteras att ca trettio procent av tusen grundskollärare upplever någon form av risk i samband med att föra fram kritik till eller om sin arbetsgivare (Helte, 2011). Hur påverkar den situationen förekomsten av internrapportering, förmåga att hantera risker och att dra lärdom av händelser? Är skolan en lärande organisation? Syftet med studien är att få en inblick i hur riskbilden kan se ut på en skola och, belysa hur fyra pedagoger upplever kulturen på sin arbetsplats, generellt och i förhållande till det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet enligt arbetsmiljölagens (1977:1166) intentioner. Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ fallstudie. Studiens resultat visar att i samtliga fall var avsaknaden av en god säkerhetskultur med systematisk och strukturell approach anmärkningsvärd, även på de skolor som hade en trygg och öppen kultur. Den riskbild som framkom i intervjuerna omfattade risker i den psykiska och fysiska arbetsmiljön. Riskerna var tätt sammanlänkade med den pedagogiska verksamheten. Informanterna förmedlade behov av ökat systematiskt säkerhetsarbete och nämnde flera önskvärda effekter inom hela verksamheten som detta skulle kunna medföra. / In our time, new generations grow up into a society of rapid change. From a personal security point of view, the high rate of change implies an uncertainty regarding which potential dangers we will face. Risks can be identified, addressed and managed through Systematic Safety Work. It requires a good safety culture which among other things means that everyone knows how they are supposed to report risks to their employers and that they are comfortable doing so. (Reason; 1997; Power, 2007). The Work Environment Act (1977:1166) stipulates that risks are to be identified and managed in a Systematic Safety Work. At the same time it is reported that about thirty percent of one thousand teachers experience some kind of risk expressing criticism to or about their employers. (Helte, 2011). How does this affect internal reporting, ability to manage risks and to learn from incidents? Is school a Learning Organization? The purpose of this study is to gain insight into what kind of risks there are in school and to illustrate how four teachers experience the culture in their workplaces, generally and in relation to Systematic Safety Work according to the intentions of the Work Environment Act (1977:1166). The study was conducted as a qualitative case study. Our results demonstrate that in all cases there was a notable lack of good safety culture including systematic and structural approach. This also applied even to the schools with a confident and open culture. The risks which were expressed in the interviews concerned both mental and physical work environment. The risks were closely interconnected with the educational activities. Informants conveyed the need for increased Systematic Safety Work and mentioned several desirable effects in the whole school organization as a result.

Kommunikationsmodell för APD-plan vid användning av materialrutor och gångstråk / Model of communication for a construction site plan when using material zones and walking path

Ahlander, Alfred, Ekroth, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Platsbyggd byggnadsproduktion är en komplicerad process. En tillfällig fabrik, med nya materialupplag och nytt arbetsplatsområde upprättas vid varje enskilt projekt, vilket komplicerar processen ytterligare. Materialhanteringen utgör en stor besparingsmöjlighet i byggnadsprojekt och 40 % av tiden som förloras på en byggarbetsplats kan tillskrivas materialhantering. För att få bukt med slöseri kopplat till materialhantering krävs en väl bearbetad logistikplanering, fungerande kommunikation samt kunskapsbeaktning från tidigare genomförda projekt. Studiens mål är därför att identifiera förbättringsåtgärder gällande användning av materialrutor och gångstråk, samt skapa en kommunikationsmodell för arbetsplatsdispositionsplanen (APD-planen) som stödjer erfarenhetsåterföring. Metod: Studien har utfört fallstudier på två projekt inom NCC:s organisation. Kvalitativ datainsamling i form av litteraturstudie, intervjuer, dokumentanalys och observation har använts. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts och innefattar sju respondenter med olika befattningar inom byggbranschen. Resultat: Studien har tagit fram faktorer som bör beaktas vid planeringen av materialrutor och gångstråk. Vidare visar resultatet att det krävs resurser och strukturerade processer för att erfarenhetsåterföring i byggnadsprojekt skall fungera. För att lyckas med användningen av materialrutor och gångstråk krävs god kommunikation av APD-planen. I studien har även en kommunikationsmodell av APDplanen som stödjer erfarenhetsåterföring tagits fram. Konsekvenser: Det är under inköps- och leveransplaneringen som förutsättningarna för materialrutor och gångstråk sätts, därför bör APD-planen vara mer i fokus under detta skede. En förutsättning för att användningen av materialrutor och gångstråk skall fungera är att det finns resurser som stödjer platsledningen vid planering och utförandet. Genom att använda sig av logistikresurser inom organisationen underlättas planering och hantering av material på byggarbetsplatsen och insamlade erfarenheter kan förmedlas mellan projekt. Ute i produktionen bör det finnas en ansvarig godsmottagare som är extra insatt i APD-planen och materialrutor, genom kontinuerlig kommunikation med platsledning och logistikresurs. Begränsningar: Eftersom arbetet endast omfattar studie av två byggnadsprojekt finns det en begränsning i vilka faktorer och resonemang som lyfts fram. Även om resultatet grundas från två byggnadsprojekt är de grundläggande processerna och händelseförloppen vid uppförande av byggnader likartade och resultatet kan därför tillämpas på liknande byggnadsprojekt. / Purpose: On-site construction is a complicated process. A temporary factory, with new zones for materials and workplace area must be established for each new project, which complicates the process further. Material management stands for a big saving opportunity in building projects and 40 % of the time lost on a construction site can be attributed to material management.  To overcome this waste connected to material management a well-processed logistics planning, god communication as well as experience feedback from previous projects is required. The aim for this thesis is therefore to identify improvement measure regarding the use of material-dedicated buffer zones and walking paths, and as well as create a model of communication that supports experience feedback. Method The thesis is a case study on two projects within the organization of NCC.  A qualitative data collection with literature review, interviews, document analysis and observation has been conducted. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted and includes seven respondents with different position within the construction industry. Findings: The thesis has produced factors that should be taken into consideration when material zones and walking paths are planned. The result shows that resources and structured processes are required if experience feedback should work during the construction project. To succeed with the use of material-dedicated buffer zones and walking paths, good communication of the construction site plan is needed. Furthermore, the thesis has resulted in a model of communication that supports experience feedback.   Implications: It’s during the purchase and delivery planning that the conditions for the material-dedicated buffer zones and walking paths are set, therefore the construction site planning should be involved more in this phase. A prerequisite for using dedicated material zones and walking paths are resources which supports the construction management with planning and performance. By using logistic resources within the organization facilitates planning and management of material at the construction site, enables that collected experience can be conveyed between projects. In the production there should be a responsible receiver of material deliveries, who is extra briefed in the constructions site plan and the material-dedicated buffer zones through continuous communication with the construction management and logistic resource. Limitations: Since the thesis only includes two building projects, there is a limitation of the factors and arguments that are treated. Although the result is based on two building projects the fundamental processes and course of events are similar and can therefore be applied on other building projects.

Amélioration des techniques d'optimisation combinatoire par retour d'expérience dans le cadre de la sélection de scénarios de Produit/Projet / Improvement of combinatorial optimization using experience feedback mechanism

Pitiot, Paul 25 May 2009 (has links)
La définition et l’utilisation d'un modèle couplant la conception de produit et la conduite du projet dès les phases amont de l’étude d’un système correspondent à une forte demande industrielle. Ce modèle permet la prise en compte simultanée de décisions issues des deux environnements produit/projet mais il représente une augmentation conséquente de la dimension de l'espace de recherche à explorer pour le système d'aide à la décision, notamment lorsque il s'agit d'une optimisation multiobjectif. Les méthodes de type métaheuristique tel que les algorithmes évolutionnaires, sont une alternative intéressante pour la résolution de ce problème fortement combinatoire. Ce problème présente néanmoins une particularité intéressante et inexploitée : Il est en effet courant de réutiliser, en les adaptant, des composants ou des procédures précédemment mis en œuvre dans les produits/projets antérieurs. L'idée mise en avant dans ce travail consiste à utiliser ces connaissances « a priori » disponibles afin de guider la recherche de nouvelles solutions par l'algorithme évolutionnaire. Le formalisme des réseaux bayésiens a été retenu pour la modélisation interactive des connaissances expertes. De nouveaux opérateurs évolutionnaires ont été définis afin d'utiliser les connaissances contenues dans le réseau. De plus, le système a été complété par un processus d'apprentissage paramétrique en cours d'optimisation permettant d'adapter le modèle si le guidage ne donne pas de bons résultats. La méthode proposée assure à la fois une optimisation plus rapide et efficace, mais elle permet également de fournir au décideur un modèle de connaissances graphique et interactif associé au projet étudié. Une plateforme expérimentale a été réalisée pour valider notre approche. / The definition and use of a model coupling product design and project management in the earliest phase of the study of a system correspond to a keen industrial demand. This model allows simultaneous to take into account decisions resulting from the two environments (product and project) but it represents a consequent increase of the search space dimension for the decision-making system, in particular when it concerns a multiobjective optimization. Metaheuristics methods such as evolutionary algorithm are an interesting way to solve this strongly combinative problem. Nevertheless, this problem presents an interesting and unexploited characteristic: It is indeed current to re-use, by adapting them, the components or the procedures previously implemented in pasted product or project. The idea proposed in this work consists in using this “a priori” knowledge available in order to guide the search for new solutions by the evolutionary algorithm. Bayesian network was retained for the interactive modeling of expert knowledge. New evolutionary operators were defined in order to use knowledge contained in the network. Moreover, the system is completed by a process of parametric learning during optimization witch make it possible to adapt the model if guidance does not give good results. The method suggested ensures both a faster and effective optimization, but it also makes it possible to provide to the decision maker a graphic and interactive model of knowledge linked to studied project. An experimental platform was carried out to validate our approach.

Gestion des risques par retour d'expérience dans le processus de réponse à appel d'offres / Risk management by experience feedback in bidding process

Botero Lopez, Juan Diego 27 November 2014 (has links)
Un appel d'offres (AO) est une procédure qui permet au maître d'ouvrage (MOA) de faire le choix du prestataire ou maître d'œuvre (MOE) à qui il confiera une réalisation de travaux, fournitures ou services. Cette pratique, incontournable pour quasiment tous les secteurs professionnels, repose sur la mise en concurrence de prestataires potentiels vis-à-vis d'une demande client. Chaque répondant engage des ressources et du temps pour élaborer des propositions qui ne seront pas toujours retenues. Le processus de réponse à appel d'offres (PRAO) est fortement contraint car, pour être acceptées, les propositions doivent satisfaire aux exigences du Cahier des Charges (CdC) tout en restant économiquement viables pour le prestataire. Le PRAO est une pratique risquée. De façon générale, le premier niveau de risque est de ne pas répondre à l'AO et d'écarter un projet intéressant sur le plan technique et/ou économique ; ensuite, si la décision a été de répondre, un deuxième risque est de ne pas être accepté par le client ; enfin, en cas d'acceptation, si la proposition a été mal élaborée à cause d'une appréciation incorrecte par le prestataire des difficultés sous-tendues par la réalisation, celui-ci peut s'engager dans un processus très pénalisant (dépassements de budgets, non conformités aux exigences techniques, non-respect des délais,…). Afin de minimiser ces risques, nous proposons dans ce travail une amélioration du processus de réponse à appel d'offres (PRAO) par la mise en place d'une instrumentation renforçant ce processus et la définition d'une méthodologie de conduite adaptée. L'objectif est de fournir au MOE des outils d'aide à la décision pour détecter, rendre compte et minimiser les risques potentiels. La démarche consiste à adosser au PRAO un système de retour d'expérience, portant sur les PRAO passés et sur les cycles de développement associés, couplé à une démarche structurée de gestion des risques afin d'offrir au soumissionnaire les appuis nécessaires à la construction d‘une réponse « robuste » à l'AO. Cette instrumentation du cadre de travail du souscripteur et la proposition de conduite associée forment le socle de la méthodologie BiPRiM (Bidding Process Risk Management) que nous avons développée. Nous proposons dans celle-ci la mise en œuvre pratique des modèles de risques et d'expériences PRAO que nous avons développés ; nous nous appuyons sur les mécanismes d'acquisition, de traitement et d'exploitation du système de retour d'expérience sous-jacent pour conduire le processus de gestion des risques PRAO et, en élargissant, le processus décisionnel qui supporte le PRAO. / Call for tenders is a procedure that allows a client company to choose the provider of works, supplies or services. This practice is essential for almost all industry sectors and is based on the competition of potential providers according to a client request. Each bidder commits ressources and time to develop proposals that will not always be accepted. Bidding Process (BP) is highly constrained because, to be accepted, proposals must meet the client requirements while remaining economically viable for the provider. BP is a risky practice. In general, the first risk level is related to the choice of not responding to a call for tenders whereas it was an opportunity (i.e. an interesting project on technical and/or economic terms). Then, if the decision was to respond, a second risk level is not to be accepted by the client; finally, when the tender is accepted, a third risk level is related to the proposal realization potential problems. Indeed, if the related offer was poorly developed, due to an incorrect assessment by the bidder of the difficulties of the underlying realization, the bidder can be engaged in a very penalizing process (overruns, non-compliance of technical requirements, non-compliance of deadlines...). In order to minimize these risks, an improvement of BP has been proposed by setting up an instrumentation reinforcing this process and by the definition of a methodology for its appropriate management. The objective is therefore to provide to the bidder decision support tools to detect, report and minimize potential risks. The approach consists in the integration to the BP of an experience feedback system involving past bidding processes and associated development cycles, coupled with a structured approach of risk management to provide to the bidder the necessary support for the development of a "robust" response to new calls for tenders. This proposed bidder decision support system instrumentation and the associated management process establish the basis of the BiPRiM methodology (Bidding Process Risk Management) that was developed. In this development, a practical implementation of risk models and BP experiences has been developed. It rests upon the mechanisms of acquisition, processing and exploitation of the underlying experience feedback system in order to conduct the risk management process in the BP while broadening the associated decision-making process.

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