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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ODINI, LUCA 22 March 2013 (has links)
La ricerca si propone, attraverso una lettura ermeneutica storico-teoretica della quasi totalità dei testi anselmiani, di far emergere quale sia la concezione antropologica dell’autore e all’interno di quali linee teoriche possa essere ricondotta. Emergerà come innegabile il riferimento all’impianto antropologico e teologico agostiniano ma sarà altrettanto evidente come Anselmo si ponga in parziale discontinuità con questo nucleo fondativo proponendo notevoli elementi di novità. Lo studio si snoda su cinque capitoli che rispondono al tentativo di mostrare come - pur non potendo prescindere dal fondamento di Dio da cui tutto procede, per poi passare attraverso l’icona del Cristo e della sua incarnazione, fino ad arrivare all’uomo ed essere nuovamente condotti in ultima istanza a Dio – l’impianto anselmiano proponga significativi aspetti di discontinuità con il paradigma di riferimento. Nella parte conclusiva, attraverso una ripresa del Proslogion, si è mostrato come alla luce del percorso compiuto anche l’id quo maius acquisti un significato e una valenza ancor più ricca soprattutto per i suoi riflessi sul versante antropologico che possono suggerire stimoli assai interessanti anche per l’uomo contemporaneo. / The aim of this study is to analyze Anselmo's scriptures, his literary references and anthropological conception through an hermeneutic historical-theoretic approach. The analysis shows an anthropological and theological connection with Agostino's inheritance but, at the same time, it is possible to evidence that Anselmo introduces new elements of reflection. My research is based on five chapters that try to demonstrate the distinctive feature of Anselmo anthropological conception starting from his main philosophical/theological subjects such the foundation of God, the proceeds of everything from Him, the figure of Christ, his incarnation and the human being. In conclusion, the id quo maius acquired an important and renewed meaning -through the anthropological interpretation done - not only for the historical research but for the contemporary man too.

Communication interne et culture dans l’entreprise multinationale : régulation sociale et ordre négocié / Internal communication and culture in the multinational enterprise : social regulation and negotiated order

Jebli, Fedwa 20 September 2011 (has links)
Une des caractéristiques des entreprises multinationales est leur implantation dans des pays divers géographiquement et culturellement. Les services de communication interne sont représentés majoritairement comme la solution pour susciter l’adhésion à la culture d’entreprise et pour développer une synergie autour de celle-ci en dehors des considérations culturelles de chacun.Le discours dominant veut que la culture d’entreprise soit acceptée de la même façon par l’ensemble des salariés, notamment grâce à la communication interne qui y est définie comme un acteur stratégique jouant un rôle dynamique dans le quotidien de l’entreprise. L’objectif de cette thèse est de contraster les discours sur la communication interne avec les conclusions tirées de l’observation des tâches assurées par ses responsables dans trois filiales d’entreprises multinationales, en particulier pour constater à quel point les questions interculturelles font partie de leur quotidien. Il s’agit également de contraster les discours qui représentent l’entreprise comme une organisation à l’ordre social statique, basé sur une culture d’entreprise consolidée, avec le quotidien des salariés qui essaient de se trouver un espace d’expression de leur différence culturelle face à la culture de l’entreprise, ce qui remet en cause l’idée de l’environnement interne d’entreprise solide et inerte.Pour faire ressortir les écarts entre les discours et la réalité du travail dans l’entreprise multinationale, nous avons construit un cadre conceptuel basé sur la théorie de la régulation sociale de J.-D. Reynaud, en faisant l’hypothèse que la communication entre la culture de l’entreprise et les cultures des salariés se manifesterait via un jeu de règles permanent, et sur la théorie de l’ordre négocié de A. Strauss qui représente l’organisation en construction permanente de son ordre social basé sur la négociation des compromis entre acteurs. Les concepts du pouvoir et des représentations sociales sont utilisés pour renforcer l’idée selon laquelle toute interaction au sein de l’entreprise ne peut exister sans la présence des différentes manifestations de ces deux concepts.Pour formuler des conclusions, nous avons adopté une méthodologie de recherche basée sur l’étude de cas durant laquelle nous avons eu recours à l’observation participante, aux entretiens semi-directifs et à l’analyse du contenu des publications de la communication interne. / One of the characteristics of multinational enterprises is their implementation in countries geographically and culturally diverse. Internal communication services are represented mostly as the solution to build support for the corporate culture and to develop synergy around it beyond workers' cultural considerations. The dominant discourse states that the corporate culture is to be accepted in the same way by all employees, notably through internal communication services, which are defined as a strategic actor playing an active role in everyday business. The objective of this thesis is to contrast the discourse of internal communication services with the conclusions drawn from the observation of tasks performed by its officials in three subsidiaries of multinational companies, in particular to see how cross-cultural issues are part of their daily lives. It aims also at contrasting how discourses that represent the company as an organization whose static social order is based on a consolidated corporate culture, with employees trying to find a space to express their cultural difference against the company culture in their daily life. In order to highlight the gaps between the rhetoric and reality of working in a multinational enterprise, we assembled a conceptual framework based on J.-D. Reynaud's theory of social regulation, assuming that communication between the corporate culture and the cultures of the employees would manifest itself through a set of permanent rules, and A. Strauss' negotiated order theory, which represents the organization permanently constructing its social order through the negotiation of compromises between actors. The concepts of power and social representations are used to highlight the idea that any interaction within the company can not exist without the presence of different manifestations of these two concepts. In order to draw conclusions, we have adopted a research methodology based on case studies. We have therefore used participant observation, semi-structured interviews and content analysis of the publications of internal communication services.

SAPER TESSERE LA VITA. UNA RINASCITA DELL'ETICA DELLE VIRTU' IN GERMANIA / Knowing How to Weave the Life. A Revival of Virtue Ethics in Germany

MERCURI, MIRIAM 14 March 2008 (has links)
L'argomento di questa tesi è una particolare forma di ripresa tedesca dell'etica delle virtù, ad opera di Anselm W. Müller, sorta in quel movimento di rifondazione della filosofia morale che prende il nome di Rehabilitierung der praktischen Philosophie. Una prima parte del lavoro ricostruisce tale contesto, la cui causa è l'esigenza di restituire all'etica la sua capacità di guidare l'azione. Esaminando la filosofia politica e la scuola ermeneutica, è possibile risalire alla loro matrice comune: l'interpretazione heideggeriana di Aristotele. Nel neoaristotelismo pratico si radica, infatti, l'etica delle virtù tedesca (Tugendethik), che si propone come risposta all'impasse della filosofia morale denunciata dalla Rehabilitierung. Vengono evidenziate innanzitutto le differenze rispetto alla più ampia Virtue ethics angloamericana e poi i concetti intorno a cui questo modello di etica si costruisce: la virtù, la saggezza, la vita buona come attuazione di tutte le potenzialità umane realizzata grazie alle virtù; il carattere come struttura costantemente in fieri, modellata da una pratica continua di atti virtuosi o viziosi. L'influsso di ciascuna azione non è rivolto, dunque, verso l'esterno, ma verso l'interno della personalità del soggetto. L'etica delle virtù è, pertanto, un'etica “di prima persona”, concentrata sull'agente, piuttosto che sulle sue singole azioni. / The topic of this Ph. D. thesis is the latest discovery of virtue ethics in Germany, developed in the frame of that moral philosophy Renaissance called Rehabilitierung der praktischen Philosophie. I use as a model the latest Anselm Müller's work. The first part of my work describes this context, whose cause is the requirement of giving back to ethics its ability to lead action. Observing political philosophy and hermeneutic school, we can discover their common origin: Heidegger's interpretation of Aristotle's ethics. German virtue ethics (Tugendethik), which is the main topic of the second part, is based on practical Neoaristotelism. Tugendethik can be a possible answer to the difficulty of moral philosophy that Rehabilitierung has shown. At first, I have highlighted the differences from the largest Anglo-American virtue ethics; then I have exposed the main concepts of this ethics model: virtue, wisdom, good life – as total human fulfilment and flourishing, allowed by virtues - and character – as a permanent changing fabric, woven by a continuous practice of virtuous or vicious acts. The main influence of every action is, in fact, not external, but internal: its target is the agent's personality. Therefore virtue ethics is a “first person-ethic”, because it cares more about the person who acts than about his singular actions.

Rupture et continuité : étude comparative du clergé anglo-saxon du Xe siècle issu de la Regularis Concordia avec le clergé anglo-normand des XIe et XIIe siècles

Simard, Joël 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour but de comparer l’état du clergé anglo-saxon de la période de la Regularis Concordia du Xe siècle, avec celui du clergé anglo-normand d’après conquête situé entre 1060 et 1150. La base de cette recherche se fera à partir des sources narratives les plus pertinentes pour cette période. Mais celles-ci ne seront utilisées qu’en support puisque l’essentiel de ce mémoire sera basé sur le dépouillement des listes d’archevêques, d’évêques et d’abbés ayant vécu entre 1060 à 1150. Nous détaillerons leurs origines géographiques, les charges qu’ils ont occupées durant leur vie de même que leurs réseaux sociaux. Nous tenterons de démontrer que contrairement à l’idée reçue, il n’y eut pas de véritable réforme du clergé anglo-normand suite à la conquête, mais davantage une mise à jour de ce dernier, et qu’en fait, le modèle de gouvernance qui fut imposé au clergé anglo-normand au tournant du XIIe siècle fut largement inspiré du fonctionnement de l’Église normande. / This thesis aims at comparing the state of the Anglo-Saxon clergy from the Regularis Concordia period of the 10th century with the state of the Anglo-Norman clergy of the post- conquest era from 1060 to 1150. This research will be based on the most relevant narrative sources available for this period. However, they will be used only as support since the main part of the thesis will be based on various listings of archbishops, bishops and abbots, who have lived between 1060 and 1150. We will study in details their geographic origins, the positions they held as well as their social networks. We will try to demonstrate that contrary to preconceived ideas, a true reform of the Anglo-Norman clergy did not occur following the conquest. The Anglo-Norman clergy was simply updated. Also, the governance model, which was imposed to the Anglo-Norman clergy at the turn of the 12th century, was largely inspired by the functioning of the Norman Church.

Ratio et intellectus: étude terminologique dans le corpus des oeuvres d'Anselme de Canterbury (1033-1109)

Brouwer, Christian January 1999 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Paralelizace ultrazvukových simulací s využitím lokální Fourierovy dekompozice / Parallelisation of Ultrasound Simulations Using Local Fourier Decomposition

Dohnal, Matěj January 2015 (has links)
This document introduces a brand new method of the 1D, 2D and 3D decomposition with the use of local Fourier basis, its implementation and comparison with the currently used global 1D domain decomposition. The new method was designed, implemented and tested primarily for future use in the simulation software called The k-Wave toolbox, but it can be applied in many other spectral methods. Compared to the global 1D domain decomposition, the Local Fourier decomposition is up to 3 times faster and more efficient thanks to lower inter-process communication, however it is a little inaccurate. The final part of the thesis discusses the limitations of the new method and also introduces best practices to use 3D Local Fourier decomposition to achieve both more speed and accuracy.

La liberté chez Anselme : de la chute à la grâce

Pelletier, Jean-Patrick 08 1900 (has links)
Le philosophe et théologien saint Anselme de Cantorbéry (1033—1109) offre une pensée riche de la liberté qui a été influente au Moyen Âge. Katherin A. Rogers a récemment jugé bon de mettre Anselme en dialogue avec la philosophie contemporaine par rapport au débat sur le libre arbitre. La présente étude approuve ce projet, mais rejette le rapprochement que Rogers opère entre Anselme et Harry G. Frankfurt (1929—) avec son Interprétation Hiérarchique. Cette étude se donne pour tâche, dans un premier temps, de reprendre à zéro une étude historique sur la liberté chez Anselme en l’abordant par différents angles d’approche dans chacun de ses cinq chapitres, et dans un deuxième temps et de manière secondaire, de mener à bien une conversation entre Anselme et la philosophie contemporaine analytique sur le libre arbitre. À travers ces chapitres sur la pensée anselmienne, l’on verra : ce qui constitue le fondement de la morale, de la causalité, de la possibilité, et de la nécessité ; les distinctions et les concepts autour desquels s’articule le problème de la liberté, notamment la distinction entre faire sponte et naturaliter ; qu’Anselme se classe parmi les penseurs libertariens par rapport au libre arbitre, mais avec d’importantes qualifications ; le concept de la liberté du choix et sa force insurpassable ; les différents sens du mot « volonté », soit la volonté-instrument, la volonté-usus, et les affections de la volonté ; ainsi que la solution qu’Anselme apporte au problème de la possibilité du mal. Dans une conclusion, plutôt que de rapprocher Anselme de Frankfurt, on l’associera avec la théorie nommée agent-causation, dont Roderick M. Chisholm (1916—1999) est un des plus grands représentants. / The philosopher and theologian Saint Anselm of Canterbury (1033—1109) offers a rich framework for thinking about freedom that has been influential in the Middle Ages. Katherin A. Rogers has recently judged right to put Anselm in dialogue with contemporary philosophy with regard to the debate on free will. The present study approves this project, but rejects the attempt to link Anselm with Harry G. Frankfurt (1929—) that Rogers operates with her Hierarchical Interpretation. This study gives itself the task, firstly, to rework from scratch a historical study on freedom in Anselm by tackling the subject from different vantage points in each of its five chapters, and secondly as well as secondarily, to establish communication between Anselm and contemporary analytical philosophy on the topic of free will. Throughout these chapters on Anselm’s philosophy, the following will be seen: what constitutes the foundation of morality, causality, possibility, and necessity; distinctions and concepts around which the problem of freedom articulates itself, in particular the distinction between doing sponte and naturaliter; that Anselm can be classified as a libertarian thinker regarding free will, but with important qualifications; the concept of freedom of choice and its unsurpassable strength; the three different senses of the word “will”: instrument of the will, usus of the will, and the affections of the will; as well as the solution that Anselm gives to the problem of the possibility of evil. In a conclusion, instead of bringing Anselm closer to Frankfurt, it is with the so-called agent-causation theory that he will be associated with, of which Roderick M. Chisholm (1916—1999) is one of the main upholders.

Sådan Fader, sådan Son? : Kort och gott om Guds vrede / Like Father, Like Son? : Briefly on the Wrath of God

Stattin, Johan January 2024 (has links)
Genom en innehållslig idéanalys av Gustaf Auléns bok ‘Den kristna försoningstanken’ och Agne Nordlanders bok ‘Korsets mysterium’ med C. Baxter Krugers teologiska ståndpunkt i hans bok ‘Jesus and the Undoing of Adam’ som den vetenskapliga utgångspunkten för min analys ger jag mig i kast med ett tidlöst ämne som ställer mig i en mångtusenårig tradition. Jag hoppas kunna göra en teologisk analys och bedömning av vad litteraturvalet har att säga om begreppet Guds vrede och därigenom ge exempel på hur försoningslära kan förankras i patristisk teologi. / Through a thematic analysis of Gustaf Aulén's book 'Den kristna försoningstanken' and Agne Nordlander's book 'Korsets mysterium', using C. Baxter Kruger's theological standpoint in his book 'Jesus and the Undoing of Adam' as the scholarly foundation for my analysis, I delve into a timeless subject that places me within a tradition spanning millennia. I aim to conduct a theological analysis and assessment of what the choice of literature has to say about the concept of ‘the wrath of God’, thereby providing examples of how atonement theology can be anchored in patristic theology.

No Greater Love Than This: Violence, Nonviolence, and the Atonement

Post, Kaeleigh A. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Turning back : continuity and difference in modernist and postmodernist reflexivity

Collett, Rachel Joan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA VA (Visual Arts))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary function of paintings and novels in Western culture has historically been considered the depiction or description of reality. Over the course of the last century, however, the inherent reflexivity of both art and literature has become progressively more insistent and programmatic, in such a way as challenges the relationship between form and the world. A re-thinking of the role of representation is thus central to both modernism and postmodernism. This thesis is an investigation into the relationship between modern and postmodern reflexivity. Through the close examination of four artists who serve as case studies, I argue that literary and artistic modernism‟s emphasis on form and subjectivity, as well as the tendency of postmodern art and writing to flaunt its own status as rhetoric/fiction, are different facets of a continuous response to a rapidly changing world. Using the insights of post-structuralist theory, I suggest that whereas modernism‟s reflexive drive is directed towards truth and self-knowledge, postmodern reflexivity is centrally concerned with the elusive, continually shifting nature of meaning. What emerges in the light of the practice of individual artist and authors, however, is that the modern and postmodern reflexive modes are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but can co-exist, producing a vital and necessary tension. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beskrywing en uitbeelding van die werklikheid word geskiedkundig as die kernfunksies van skilderye en die roman in die Westerse kultuur beskou. Gedurende die laaste eeu het die inherente refleksiwiteit van beide kuns en letterkunde toenemend meer programmaties en sistematies geword. Dit het geskied op „n wyse wat die verhouding tussen vorm en die wêreld uitdaag. „n Herbesinning van die rol van uitbeelding of representasie is gevolglik van sentrale belang vir beide modernisme en postmodernisme. Hierdie tesis is „n ondersoek na die verwantskap tussen moderne en postmoderne refleksiwiteit. Deur „n noukerige ondersoek van vier kunstenaars se werk, stel ek voor dat die letterkundige en artistieke klem van modernisme op vorm en subjektiwiteit, sowel as die gebruiklike kenmerk van retoriek/fiksie, verskillende aspekte is van „n voortdurende weerkaatsing op „n vinnig veranderende wêreld is. Deur die teoretiese perspektiewe van post-stukturalisme toe te pas, stel ek voor dat modernistiese refleksiwiteit neig na die waarheid en selfkennis, terwyl postmoderne refleksiwiteit fokus op die onbepaalde en veranderlike aard van betekenis. Nietemin, uit my kritiese beskouing van die kreatiewe praktyk van afsonderlike kunstenaars en skrywers blyk dit dat die modernistiese en postmodernistiese refleksiewe benaderinge nie noodwendig mekaar uitsluit nie, maar saam kan bestaan en „n dinamiese en noodsaaklike spanning skep.

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