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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Balkonger i trähus : Systematisering av konstruktionsarbete

Ersson, Tina January 2019 (has links)
House construction today is largely project-based, where the buildings are tailored tounique conditions and locations that are rarely the same as another build on anotherbuilding site. In addition to the building itself and the building site, involved actorsusually also change from project to project. As a result of today's project-basedconstruction, there is a lack of a standardized and systematic work process forconstruction work. A systematic work process could contribute to all the players' pursuitof profit. To explore the possibilities of creating an improved work process, this study focusedon balconies of wooden houses. The purpose and objectives of the work were therefore designed to evaluate today'sconstruction work for the design of balconies in wooden houses, where possible areasof improvement were evaluated to create a systematic work process for constructorsin designing and dimensioning balconies in wooden houses.In order to achieve the purpose and objectives of the work, four questions have beendeveloped that focus on the production of systematic work processes, the current workprocess of the construction work, design methods and balconies in wooden houses.Existing research and published material were found through a literature and contextstudy to further develop the study’s work. Theory regarding systematisation and process development, balconies,dimensioning of supporting structures, etc. was the basis for how the work would becarried out. The systematized work process for balcony design was, however, createdusing information from the qualitative interview study with a total of eight (8)respondents in different roles I house building. The work process was then partiallytested in a quantitative verification. The work resulted in a systematic work process in the form of a checklist that includesgeneral tips as well as a chronological workflow that describes how, when, with whomand what should and can be done at the balcony design to get the best possible results.A description of the existing balcony types has also been developed to simplify workand to clarify important points and tasks in the design of a particular type of balcony. The workflow is divided into the activities of the design and dimensioning, such asstart-up, design and dimensioning of the balcony's main components, detail designand dimensioning of fastening components, drawing up drawings and assemblydescriptions, and follow-up and development of the work process. Based on the results of the study, the questions were answered with a description ofthe four (4) types of balcony, which were based on theory and were strengthened bymeans of empirical data from the respondents. Two (2) of the balcony types are viiiconsidered more common, balconies with pillars to land and rods above the balconyplate, where the latter is considered the most common in wooden houses at present.Today's construction work for designing and dimensioning balconies in woodenhouses is similar in large part, but due to the use of prefabrication and standardizationdegree the work differs from each other. The verification of a part of the work process resulted in a balcony solution with crosslaminated timber as a balcony slab and in a comparison between results from aproposed software and hand calculations. The comparison showed that the softwarecan be used for dimensioning balconies with cross laminated timber, with the exceptionthat the dimensioning for fire must be done by hand because of deficiencies in thesoftware's settings. The study has shown that systematisation is often based on LEAN Production, whichwas created by the Japanese automotive industry, which focuses on creating efficientwork processes by circularly examining, testing, evaluating and developing workprocesses. The conclusion of the work is that it is possible to systematise construction work, butunlike the manufacturing industry, the work process must have adjustment possibilitiesduring the work to meet the commonly occurring changes in house construction.However, in order for the systematisation work to be carried out, increasedunderstanding and involvement from and by other actors than constructors arerequired. A systematic work process together with type solutions and standardized calculationmethods can shorten the design time, improve and secure the solutions, and allowmore time for creative thinking to further improve the balcony solutions and the workprocess.

Inger iterativ arbetsstruktur fler fördelar än nackdelar inom level design till Unreal Tournament 3? : Reflektioner kring arbetsprocessen bakom "DM-Theatre"

Berg, Kenneth Arcade January 2008 (has links)
Rapporten är en reflekterande text som behandlar arbetsprocessen och omkringliggande mål för ett examensarbete inom medier som bedrivits mot Högskolan Skövde. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att analysera huruvida en iterativ arbetsform inger fler fördelar än nackdelar vid level design till Unreal Tournament 3. Rapporten tar i diskussionsform upp delar ur hela produktionen för att redovisa utmaningar, framsteg och lösningar författaren bemött. En inblick ges för hur en iterativ level design-produktion kan utföras och för- respektive nackdelar gällande olika delar av denna specifika process. Slutsatsen som dras hävdar att det för med sig många fördelar att lägga upp arbetet iterativt. Detta diskuteras med vissa restriktioner då inget annat jämförbart arbete med annan arbetsprocess bedrivits av författaren som denne kan jämföra med.

Byggprocessen i förändring - Visionen om BIM / The Construction process in change - The vision of BIM

Atto, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
Det primära syftet med detta examensarbete kan sägas vara att skapa en uppfattning hos Skanska Väg & Anläggning Sydost, som är initiativtagare till detta examensarbete, om vad BIM (Building Information Model) är och hur det lättast kan implementeras i deras arbetsprocesser. Det skulle vara omöjligt att täcka in alla aspekter av BIM under den korta tid som funnits till förfogande och inom ramen för detta examensarbete, därför har de aspekter som ansetts vara viktiga för företaget samt författaren lyfts upp för utredning. För att kunna nå dit har examensarbetet till uppgift att kartlägga och synliggöra de skillnader som finns mellan dagens byggprocess och BIM (Building Information Model) och utifrån det föreslå möjliga sätt att implementera denna arbetsmetod hos Skanska Väg & Anläggning Sydost. I examensarbetets första kapitel ges en kort introduktion och bakgrund till hur byggprocessen förändrats under tidens gång. Ett syfte och en frågeställning formuleras och en avgränsning för examensarbetets omfattning görs. I examensarbetets andra kapitel ges den teoretiska bakgrunden till dagens byggprocess. Viktiga aspekter av dagens byggprocess lyfts fram och förklaras. Därefter följer en presentation av begreppet BIM och vad det innebär. Därefter görs en kort genomgång för hur arbetet med BIM ser ut hos Skanska Sverige AB och generellt i byggbranschen. I examensarbetets tredje kapitel presenteras hur BIM används idag på vägprojekt utanför Katrineholm i ett projekt kallat för Förbifart Katrineholm där BIM tillämpats i viss utsträckning. Skillnaderna som finns mellan dagens byggprocess och BIM samt de för- och nackdelar som kan konstateras hos BIM i relation till dagens byggprocess presenteras. I examensarbetes fjärde kapitel besvaras frågeställningarna och resultatet analyseras samt diskuteras ur viktiga aspekter för byggande, för att i det femte kapitlet komma med konkreta förslag på hur en implementering av BIM i Skanska Väg & Anläggning Sydosts arbetsprocesser kan se ut. / The primary purpose of this thesis can be said to be to create a perception at Skanska Civil Southeast, which is the initiator of this thesis, on what BIM (Building Information Model) is and how it can most easily be implemented in their work processes. It would be impossible to cover all aspects of BIM in the short amount of time that has been available and in the context of this thesis, therefore, the aspects that were deemed important to the company and to the author has been picked up for investigation. To achieve this, the task of the thesis is to identify and highlight the differences between today's construction process, and BIM (Building Information Model) and from that suggest possible ways to implement this way of working to Skanska Civil Southeast. The thesis first chapter provides a brief introduction and background to the construction process and how it has changed over time. A purpose and questions on which the thesis is being based on are formulated and a boundary for the thesis is done. The thesis second chapter provides the theoretical background to today's construction process. Key aspects of today's construction process are highlighted and explained. This is followed by a presentation of the concept of BIM and what it means. After that, a brief review of how the work with BIM looks at Skanska Sweden AB and in the construction industry generally. The thesis third chapter presents how BIM is currently used on a road project just outside of Katrineholm in a project called Förbifart Katrineholm where BIM is being applied to some extent. The differences that exist between today’s construction process and the BIM and the pros and con that can be observed in BIM relative to today's construction process is presented. In the thesis fourth chapter answers the questions and the results are analyzed and discussed on important aspects of construction, to, in the fifth chapter make concrete proposals on how an implementation of BIM in Skanska Civil Southeast work processes may look like.

Audiologisk rehabilitering : En litteratur- och enkätstudie i Danmark, Norge, Sverige och på Island

Luckey, Marianne, Gunnarsdóttir, Kristbjörg January 2011 (has links)
Audiologisk rehabilitering är en komplicerad process som ska innehålla olika insatser byggda på ett holistisk synsätt med medicinska, tekniska och beteendevetenskapliga aspekter involverade. Historiskt har dock den tekniska och medicinska delen ofta fått ta större plats än psykosociala bitar i rehabiliteringen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka likheter och skillnader angående audiologisk rehabilitering utifrån ramverket, ideologin samt praktiken i Danmark, Norge, Sverige och på Island. Metod: För att kunna uppnå syftet och få en mer helhetlig inblick i ämnet delades studien i två delar (litteraturstudie och enkätstudie). Litteraturstudien berörde ramverket i samtliga länder samt ideologin. Enkätstudien berörde praktiken i form av audionomens egen syn på audiologisk rehabilitering samt deras uppfattning av tillvägagångssättet på arbetsplatsen. Resultat: En röd tråd går genom ramverket, ideologin och praktiken i varje land. Vad gäller dessa huvudpunkter visade studien att det fanns både likheter och skillnader länderna emellan. I det stora hela visar resultatet av studien att tankesättet inom audiologisk rehabilitering är något mer holistiskt i Sverige än i de övriga länderna. Slutsats: Trycket om en kostnadseffektiv vård står i kontrast till sjukvårdslagarna då en kortsiktigt planerad hörselvård riskerar att motverka en holistisk audiologisk rehabilitering. / Audiological rehabilitation is a complicated process entailing different aspects from medical, technical and behaviour science forming a holistic treatment. Historically more emphasis has been placed on the technical and medical facets of the treatment compared to the psychosocial. Purpose: The study´s purpose was to inspect similarities and differences regarding audiological rehabilitation by examining the framework, ideology and practice in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland. Method: To be able to achieve the purpose and to get a holistic insight the study was divided into two parts, namely litterature study and questionnaires. The litterature study reviewed the countries framework and ideology. The questionnaire analyzed the audiologists thoughts on audiological rehabilitation as well as the workplace approach. Results: There is a fine thread within each country that goes through the framework, ideology and practice. Furthermore, the study showed that there are both similarities and differences between the different countries. In general the study proved that the mindset in Sweden is more holistic compared to the other countries. Conclusion: The pressure for cost-effective care is in contrast with health care laws as short-term planned health care can counteract an holistic audiological rehabilitation

Retuschörens arbetsprocess : Djupintervjuer med professionella retuschörer / Retoucher’s work process : In-depth interviews with professional retouchers

Nilsson, Josefina January 2014 (has links)
Föreliggande studie har syftat till att, genom semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med professionella retuschörer aktiva i branschen, undersöka om gemensamma steg kunde urskiljas genom respondenternas beskrivningar av arbetsprocessen.Genom studien framkom det att respondenterna beskrev likartade processer samt att samarbete med medarbetare var en viktig faktor för ett utvecklande arbete. Beskrivningarna av arbetsprocessen tydde på att samtliga respondenter hade ett personligt intresse för arbetet och branschen.Respondenterna ansåg även att retuschörens tidigare erfarenhet var betydande och till stor del påverkar tidsåtgången för arbeten. De menade också att tidsåtgången även påverkas av hur utförlig arbetsordern är vid uppstart av projektet. Det framkom även att respondenterna själva inte genomför någon utförlig uppföljning och granskning av hur det slutliga materialet används. / The present study aimed to, through semi-structured in-depth interviews with professional retouchers active in the industry, examine if common steps could be identified by the respondents’ descriptions of the work process.The study revealed that respondents described similar processes, and collaboration with colleagues was an important factor for a developing work. The descriptions of the work indicated that all respondents had a personal interest in the work and in the industry.Respondents also felt that the retouchers previous experience was significant and largely affects the duration of the work. They also pointed out that the duration also is affected by the amount of details specified in the work order at the startup of the project. It also emerged that the respondents themselves did not make any detailed follow-up and review of how the final material was used.

Inger iterativ arbetsstruktur fler fördelar än nackdelar inom level design till Unreal Tournament 3? : Reflektioner kring arbetsprocessen bakom "DM-Theatre"

Berg, Kenneth Arcade January 2008 (has links)
<p>Rapporten är en reflekterande text som behandlar arbetsprocessen och omkringliggande mål för ett examensarbete inom medier som bedrivits mot Högskolan Skövde. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att analysera huruvida en iterativ arbetsform inger fler fördelar än nackdelar vid level design till Unreal Tournament 3. Rapporten tar i diskussionsform upp delar ur hela produktionen för att redovisa utmaningar, framsteg och lösningar författaren bemött. En inblick ges för hur en iterativ level design-produktion kan utföras och för- respektive nackdelar gällande olika delar av denna specifika process. Slutsatsen som dras hävdar att det för med sig många fördelar att lägga upp arbetet iterativt. Detta diskuteras med vissa restriktioner då inget annat jämförbart arbete med annan arbetsprocess bedrivits av författaren som denne kan jämföra med.</p>

Pandemins påverkan på revisionsprocessen : en kvalitativ studie om pandemins påverkan på revisorernas arbetsprocess och användningen av digitala verktyg / Pandemic’s impact on the audit process : qualitative study on how the pandemic affects auditors work process and use of digital tools

Abu-Tour, Ajat, Iskandarani, Aicha January 2021 (has links)
Pandemin covid-19 har haft en stor påverkan på arbetslivet då arbetare blir uppmanade att följa restriktioner vilket bland annat är att distansera sig från varandra. Detta innebär att revisorerna i denna studie har blivit tvungna att jobba hemifrån för att minska smittspridningen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur pandemin covid-19 har påverkat revisorernas arbetsprocess och vilka digitala verktyg som använts under pandemin. En kvalitativ metod har använts i studien för att besvara forskningsfrågan och syftet med studien. Sex stycken revisorer från BDO, Frejs revisorer AB, PwC, EY och Mazars har intervjuats. Respondenternas svar analyserades därefter med hjälp av studiens insamling av teorier. Insamlingen av data redovisas i resultatkapitlet som visar att pandemin har påverkat revisorerna både negativt och positivt. Det som har påverkats negativt är revisorernas sociala arbetsliv medan den positiva påverkan är att det har blivit effektivare att jobba hemifrån. Slutligen har digitala verktyg varit ett stort stöd i revisorernas arbetsprocess under pandemin. Utifrån den empiriska datainsamlingen kan pandemin fortsätta länge till. Teorin i studien och den empiriska datainsamlingen lyfter upp möjligheterna med digitalisering som gör revisorerna oberoende av arbetsplatsen. Revisorernas välmående under pandemin är det som ska sättas i fokus då pandemin kan pågå länge till. / The pandemic covid-19 had a major impact on the working life as workers are urged to comply with restrictions, which include distancing themselves from each other. This means that the auditors in this study had to work from home to reduce the spread of infection. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the covid-19 pandemic has affected the auditors work process and which digital tools have been used during the pandemic. A qualitative method has been used in the study to answer the research question and the purpose of the study. Six auditors from BDO, Frejs revisorer AB, PwC, EY and Mazars have been interviewed. Responses were then analyzed using the study's collection of theories. The collection of data is reported in the results chapter, which shows that the pandemic has affected the auditors both negatively and positively. What has been negatively affected is the auditors social working life, while the positive impact is that it has become more efficient to work from home. Finally, digital tools have been a great support in the auditors work process during the pandemic. Based on the empirical data collection, the pandemic could last many years. The theory in the study and the empirical data collection highlights the possibilities with digitization that makes the auditors independent of the workplace. The auditor’s well-being during the pandemic is what should be put in focus as the pandemic could last many years.

Gilla oss! : En studie av fyra svenska medieföretags arbete med sociala medier

Appelberg, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation contains an exploratory study of how four Swedish media companies has decided to use social media in their daily work, and also how they in fact use them. What are the goals with implementing social media, how do they differ between different companies and do the goals transfer into the newsrooms? The four companies studied are Sveriges Radio, Aftonbladet, Dalarnas Tidningar and Gotlands Media. Media companies that differ from one another both in size, geographical coverage and economy. They range from small local newspapers to national public service radio and the biggest tabloid on the Swedish market. The methods used are qualitative research interviews and field studies as well as quantitative data analysis. The theoretical chapter helps define traditional journalism and journalistic practice. The concepts of boundaries, participatory cultures and normalizing of work methods are also discussed and helps build a context for the analysis of the empirical data. Some key findings from the study are that there are more similarities than differences between the various companies in both how they aim to use social media and how they in fact use them. That the digital development in the surrounding society are much faster than the implementation of new technologies in the newsrooms. Also, that there are differences between how the companies aim to use social media and the actual usage. For instance, all companies strive for a more active dialog with the audience in their visionary work, but has a hard time turning this into reality. There is also notable that social media in this study do not change the journalistic fundamental routines and traditions. The studied journalists are still in control of their own content and they aim to meet the same standard in journalistic quality when working in social media. It is also evident that Facebook is invaluable for all the studied companies, which gives Facebook an interesting indirect power over the journalistic work process and product. Finally, the study finds that it is hard to engage the audience in an active collaboration even when working with social media.

Arbetsprocessen med Agenda 2030 : -En jämförelsestudie mellan Kalmar och Växjö kommuns arbete att implementera hållbar utveckling.

Ödeen, Jakob, Cederberg, Ludvig January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to review the work process with Agenda 2030 within Kalmar and Växjö municipality. Through qualitative data collection via semi-structured interviews, the study will show how the work with Agenda 2030 differs between Kalmar and Växjö municipality. Problem formulation: How differs Kalmar and Växjö municipality’s work process with implementing a standard within sustainability,in regards to Agenda 2030. -How does Kalmar municipality work with implementation of Agenda 2030? -How does Växjö municipality work with implementation of Agenda 2030? Method: A case study that treats the differences in work process within sustainability development, through an inductive approach. The collection of data was made with a qualitative collection method. Conclusion: The results show that both municipalities are working to implement the Agenda 2030 goals, but the approaches are different. Kalmar and Växjö municipalities have different conditions in terms of designed sustainability programs and business plans. Furthermore, goals and goal images are presented based on each municipality, which causes a variation between the municipalities follow-ups and assignments. This also means that management and governance are applied with different methods to achieve their goals or link their goal images to assignments related to the municipal administrations. Keywords: Agenda 2030, Work process, Sustainable development, Leadership and Governance, Implementation, Municipal administration.

Kreativt samarbete och individuellt skapande : En jämförande studie om samtida musikproduktion och låtskrivning

Eriksson Hult, Elina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med detta projekt var att jämföra individuellt arbete och samarbeten med andra, och studera hur de olika arbetsformerna mentalt påverkat oss som deltagit i detta arbete. Metoden som använts är genomförandet av tre delstudier som omfattat projekt där jag dels skapat musik tillsammans med andra och dels individuellt, samt en intervjuundersökning. En erfarenhet från detta projekt är att, när det kommer till samarbete och individuellt arbete inom kreativt skapande, är varje situation unik. Ett resultat av arbetet är att skillnaderna mellan hur de olika arbetsformerna upplevs är beroende av olika faktorer. Dessa faktorer är bland annat vilka som deltar, vilken uppgift som ska lösas, relationerna mellan deltagarna i en grupp och vilka tidsramar som gäller. För mig har en viktig insikt varit att jag fungerar allra bäst när jag både arbetar individuellt och samarbetar. För att kunna genomföra musikproduktioner och nå mina konstnärliga mål behöver jag, social gemenskap, dela och skapa idéer med andra, samt möjligheten att arbeta individuellt för att kunna skapa helt fritt utan att ta hänsyn till någon annan. / The purpose of this project was to compare individual and collaborative work, and to study how the different forms of work methods mentally affected me and the participants. The method used is the implementation of three sub-studies which included projects where I created music with others and individually, as well as an interview study. One experience from this project is that, when it comes to collaborative and individual work within music creation, each situation is unique. One result is that the differences between how the various working methods are experienced, depends on several factors. These factors include, who is participating, what task is to be solved, the relationship between the participants and what time frames apply. For me, an important insight has been that I prefer working both individually and collaboratively. To be able to make music productions and achieve my artistic goals, I need to, socialize with others, share and create ideas with different people, as well as the opportunity to work individually to be able to create music freely without taking anyone else into consideration.

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