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Utilização de enzimas para a obtenção de óleos essenciais e cumarinas da casca de Citrus latifolia TanakaCassini, Juliane 14 April 2010 (has links)
O óleo essencial de Citrus latifolia Tanaka (limão Tahiti) possui grande valor comercial e aplicações em diversos tipos de indústrias. A extração enzimática de óleos vegetais fixos aumenta o rendimento, consome pouca energia e causa um mínimo impacto ambiental, porém poucos estudos avaliaram o seu emprego para a extração de óleos essenciais de plantas aromáticas. Em vista disso, este trabalho teve como objetivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia enzimática para a extração do óleo essencial de cascas de C. latifolia Tanaka, além de avaliar a percentagem de compostos bioativos, como cumarinas, nos resíduos dos processos de extração. Para tanto, foram realizados pré-tratamentos enzimáticos nas cascas, através de um complexo constituído principalmente por celulases, caracterizado em papel filtro (FPA), e posterior extração do óleo por hidrodestilação. Nos três primeiros experimentos foram avaliados o efeito da carga enzimática (5, 7 e 12 FPA/g de substrato), o efeito do tempo de pré-tratamento enzimático (1, 2 e 3 horas) e o efeito do pré-tratamento em cascas trituradas sobre o rendimento e a composição do óleo essencial obtido por 1 hora de hidrodestilação. Em outro experimento foi avaliada a possibilidade de redução no tempo de hidrodestilação através do pré-tratamento enzimático, utilizando-se cargas de 5, 7 e 12 FPA/g em cascas trituradas, calculando-se o rendimento em óleo durante a hidrodestilação em diferentes intervalos de tempo (10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 e 60 minutos). As cumarinas foram extraídas com hexano dos resíduos líquidos e sólidos das hidrodestilações através de extração líquido-líquido e soxhlet, respectivamente. As análises dos compostos dos óleos essenciais e das cumarinas foram feitas por cromatografia gasosa (GC) e cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (GC/MS). Nos três primeiros experimentos descritos não foram verificadas diferenças estatísticas entre os rendimentos em óleo das amostras pré-tratadas enzimaticamente e os controles, demonstrando que o pré-tratamento enzimático não alterou o rendimento em óleo obtido por 1 hora de hidrodestilação. Porém, a análise dos componentes dos óleos permitiu observar um aumento nas proporções de alguns compostos oxigenados (p<0,05), responsáveis pela qualidade do aroma. No experimento onde foi avaliada a diminuição do tempo de hidrodestilação, verificou-se que o pré-tratamento com carga de 5 FPA/g atingiu o rendimento máximo em torno de 30 minutos do processo de destilação, enquanto que no controle o rendimento máximo foi em torno de 50 minutos. Utilizando-se a carga de 7 FPA/g, o rendimento máximo foi atingido em torno de 20 minutos, o mesmo ocorrendo com a carga de 12 FPA/g, enquanto que no controle foi em torno de 40 e 50 minutos, respectivamente. Estes resultados indicam que o pré-tratamento enzimático reduz o tempo de hidrodestilação apresentando vantagens do ponto de vista de custo energético e de integridade dos componentes do óleo, visto a redução do tempo de exposição do material vegetal à temperatura de ebulição da água, preconizando as bases para um processo tecnológico que envolve pré-tratamento enzimático associado à hidrodestilação para ser empregado na obtenção de óleo essencial de C. latifolia Tanaka. Em relação às cumarinas, os resultados obtidos indicaram que a percentagem da maioria desses compostos não foi alterada quando as amostras sofreram pré-tratamento enzimático. Entretanto, propõe-se que os resíduos gerados pela hidrodestilação podem ser aproveitados e utilizados como fonte de cumarinas. / Citrus latifolia Tanaka (Tahiti lime) essential oil has a high commercial value and a large application in different industries. The enzymatic extraction of vegetable oils increases yields extraction, energy efficient and cause minimal environmental impact, but few studies have evaluated its use for the extraction of essential oils from aromatic plants. As a result, this study aimed to contribute to the development of enzymatic technology for extraction of essential oil from peels of C. latifolia Tanaka, and assess the proportion of bioactive compounds such as coumarins, in wastes extraction processes. To do so, it was performed enzymatic pretreatment of the peels, through a complex composed primarily of cellulases, characterized in filter paper (FPA), and subsequent extraction of oil by hydrodistillation. In the first three experiments were evaluated the effect of enzyme loading (5, 7 and 12 FPA/g substrate), the effect of time of enzymatic pretreatment (1, 2 and 3 hours) and the effect of pretreatment on crushed peels, on yield and composition of essential oil obtained by 1 hour hydrodistillation. In another test, it was evaluated the possibility of reducing the time hydrodistillation by enzymatic pretreatment, using loads of 5, 7 and 12 FPA/g of crushed peels, calculating the oil yield during the hydrodistillation at different intervals time (10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes). The coumarins were extracted from the liquid and solid wastes from hydrodistillations with hexane through liquid-liquid extraction and soxhlet, respectively. The analysis of the compounds of essential oils and coumarins were made by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC / MS). In the first three experiments described not statistical differences were found between the oil yields of enzymatically pretreated samples and controls, demonstrating that the enzymatic pretreatment did not affect the oil yield obtained by 1 hour hydrodistillation. However, the analysis of the oil components allowed to observe an increase in the proportions of some oxygenated compounds (p < 0,05), responsible for the quality of aroma. In the experiment where was evaluated the short-time hydrodistillation, it was found that pretreatment with a load of 5 FPA/g reached the maximum yield of about 30 minutes from the distillation process, while in the control the maximum yield was about 50 minutes. Using the load of 7 FPA/g, the maximum yield was reached in about 20 minutes, the same happened with the load of 12 FPA/g, while in the control was around 40 and 50 minutes, respectively. These results indicate that enzymatic pretreatment reduces the time hydrodistillation with advantages in terms of cost efficiency and integrity of the oil components, since the reduction in exposure time of the plant material at a temperature of boiling water, pointing out the foundation for a technological process that involves enzyme pretreatment associated with hydrodistillation to be employed in obtaining essential oil of C. latifolia Tanaka. For the coumarins, the results indicated that the percentage of most of these compounds was not altered when the samples were enzymatically pretreated. However, it is proposed that the waste generated by hydrodistillation can be recovered and used as a source of coumarins.
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Assessment of aromatic, ornamental, and medicinal plants for metal tolerance and phytoremediation of polluted soils /Jeliazkova, Ekaterina A. 01 January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Βιογεωχημική μελέτη του φυτού Origanum Majorana με στόχο την προστασία της δημόσιας υγείαςΠαναγοπούλου, Αικατερίνη 07 October 2011 (has links)
Σε αυτή την εργασία μελετήθηκε η βιογεωχημεία του φυτού Origanum Majorana με σκοπό την προστασία της δημόσιας υγείας.
Το είδος Origanum Majorana είναι ένα αρωματικό βότανο με ποικιλία χρήσεων, τόσο του ίδιου του φυτού όσο και του αιθέριου ελαίου που παράγεται από αυτό, σε τομείς όπως η μαγειρική και η φαρμακευτική. Παρότι οι ιδιότητες του φυτού και του αιθέριου ελαίου είναι αρκετά γνωστές, οι μελέτες που έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί για τη γεωχημεία του φυτού είναι περιορισμένες.
Σε αυτή τη μελέτη καθορίστηκαν τα επίπεδα των απαραίτητων μακρο-στοιχείων N, P, K, Ca και Mg και του μικρο-στοιχείου Mn, καθώς και των τοξικών ιχνοστοιχείων Pb, Cd, As, Hg και Cr στο φυτό Origanum Majorana. Ο Hg δεν ανιχνεύθηκε ενώ το Mn φαίνεται να συσσωρεύεται σε αυτό το είδος φυτού. Από συγκρίσεις μεταξύ φυτών του είδους Origanum Majorana με διαφορετική ηλικία και διαφορετική τοποθεσία ανάπτυξης, προέκυψε ότι το είδος αυτό συσσωρεύει τοξικά μέταλλα, όταν αναπτύσσεται σε ρυπασμένο περιβάλλον (επιβάρυνση από κυκλοφορία οχημάτων και αποθέσεις οικοδομικών απορριμμάτων) και όταν αυξάνει η ηλικία του φυτού. Αυτό σημαίνει, ότι ο τόπος και τα έτη καλλιέργειας του φυτού Origanum Majorana θα πρέπει να λαμβάνονται υπόψη για την ασφαλή κατανάλωσή του. Οι ιδιότητες αυτές του συγκεκριμένου είδους φυτού δηλώνουν ότι το φυτό θα μπορούσε να χρησιμοποιηθεί σε διεργασίες φυτοεξυγίανσης ως βιοδείκτης ή βιοσυσσωρευτής τοξικών στοιχείων.
Η ικανότητα του φυτού να συσσωρεύει βαρέα μέταλλα στους ιστούς του επηρεάζει τη χημική του σύσταση και ως εκ τούτου επιδρά άμεσα στον ανθρώπινο οργανισμό, στον οποίο εισέρχεται. Συνεπώς, για την προστασία του καταναλωτικού κοινού και της δημόσιας υγείας, είναι αναγκαία η θέσπιση νομοθετικού πλαισίου που θα διέπει την καλλιέργεια και τη διάθεση των αρωματικών φυτών και βοτάνων στην αγορά, κάτι που προς το παρόν λείπει τόσο σε εθνικό όσο και σε Κοινοτικό επίπεδο. / In this study, the biogeochemistry of the plant Origanum Majorana was investigated aiming at the protection of public health.
The species Origanum Majorana is an aromatic herb with a variety of uses, both of the plant and the essential oil produced from it, in areas such as culinary and medicine. Although the properties of the plant and the essential oil are well known, studies on the geochemistry of the plant are limited.
In this work the levels of essential macro elements N, P, K, Ca, Mg and micro-component Mn, and toxic trace elements Pb, Cd, As, Hg and Cr in the plant Origanum Majorana were determined. Mercury was not detected while Manganese appears to accumulate in this plant. From comparisons between plants of the genus Origanum Majorana with different ages and different sites of cultivation, showed that this species accumulate toxic metals when growing in polluted environment (loaded by cars traffic and construction waste deposits) and with increasing age of the plant. This means that the location and years of cultivation of the plant Origanum Majorana should be considered for safe consumption. These properties of the plant species indicate that the plant could be used in phytoremediation processes as a bioindicator or bioaccumulator of toxic elements.
The capacity of the plant to accumulate heavy metals in tissues affects the chemical composition of the plant and thus directly affects the human body, when entered. Therefore, to protect consumers and public health, it is necessary to establish a legislative framework governing the cultivation and marketing of aromatic plants and herbs, something that currently is absent both at national or EU level.
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Agrorefinery of Myrrhis Odorata, Tussilago Farfara and Calamintha Grandiflora for flavours and antioxidants / Le bioraffinage de Myrrhis Odorata, Tussilago Farfara et Calamintha Grandiflora pour la production d’arômes et d’antioxydantsDobravalskyté, Diana 25 November 2013 (has links)
Les différentes plantes aromatiques, médicinales et d’épices sont une immense source de ressources naturelles et durables de composés avec des propriétés bénéfiques. Elles sont utilisées, depuis la préhistoire, comme aromatisants ou préservant des aliments ou comme traitement médicaux. Actuellement, certaines d’entre eux sont déjà cultivées commercialement pour utiliser ces propriétés. Néanmoins, il existe encore certaines plantes médicales et aromatiques qui ne sont pas encore valorisés et donc elles sont dénommées comme « plantes médiévales oubliées ». Par exemple, Calamintha grandiflora, Myrrhis odorata and Tussilago farfara correspondent à ce type de plantes et lesquelles seront considérées dans ce manuscrit. Afin de revaloriser ces plantes oubliées, la bioprospection est mise en place et laquelle permet la recherche, la collection de nouveaux composés bioactifs naturels et son utilisation dans les produits pharmaceutiques et cosmétiques, par exemple. De plus, la bioprospection permet analyser les profils chimiques de différentes plantes et définir une liste des composés phytochimiques associés à chaque plante. Ainsi, par exemple, au travers de l’analyse d’une plante spécifique, il est possible définir les différents types antioxydant existant ainsi que son quantité. Donc, cette plante peut utiliser comme une plante médicinale ou aromatique pour la consumation humaine afin d’absorber et neutraliser les radicaux libres ou la décomposition des peroxydes dangereux. L’apparition des plantes médicinales et aromatiques et leur composition dépend de nombreux facteurs, mais particulièrement, sur les conditions climatiques et le type de sol. La biogenèse des composés biologiquement actifs dépend de plusieurs facteurs : l’origine de la plante, la zone géographique, son génotype, phénotype et chémotype, ainsi que les fluctuations climatiques annuelles. La plupart des composés naturels possèdent plusieurs activités biologiques: antioxydants, antimicrobiens, anti-inflammatoires et autres. En conséquence, la comparaison des espèces végétales cultivées dans des sites géographiques différents afin d’évaluer leurs propriétés biologiques, il est une tâche intéressante et importante, en particulier, pour la valorisation de ces plantes pour leur culture commerciale. Par ailleurs, une autre tâche importante pour la valorisation est l’utilisation rationnelle des plantes dans toute sa totalité, c’est-à-dire, la valorisation de tout le produit avec le moins de déchets. Les déchets ou sous-produits obtenues lors que la transformation ou modification des transformer des matières premières des plantes peuvent représenter une ressource potentielle des antioxydants et d’autres substances importantes. Par exemple, les déchets produits pendant la distillation des plantes aromatiques pour la récupération de l’huile essentielle peuvent constituer jusqu’à 99,5 % des matières premières lesquels sont utilisés inefficacement ou ne sont pas utilisés. En effet, il y a des preuves croissantes que les composés non volatils présents dans ces résidus peuvent posséder diverses activités, qui pourraient être appliquées dans les aliments comme antioxydants et des additifs antimicrobiens pour la prévention de diverses maladies telles que le cancer, l’athérosclérose et des troubles neurologiques. De plus, en considérant les études récentes sur la fraction volatiles de plantes, traditionnellement appelées huiles essentielles, qui considère leurs propriétés antioxydant comme des substituts potentiels pour les antioxydants synthétiques. Il est possible utiliser (ou revaloriser) les sous-produits, qui sont obtenues après l’élimination de l’huile volatile par diverses techniques de distillation, afin de améliorer la faisabilité commerciale de la production de composés bioactifs de différents plantes. / Aromatic, medicinal and spice plants are immense and sustainable resources of natural compounds with various beneficial properties; they have been used for food flavouring, preservation, nearly all-medicinal therapies, and other applications since prehistoric times. Some of these plants are now grown commercially to produce a variety of valuable ingredients. However, some medicinal and aromatic herbs, Calamintha grandiflora, Myrrhis odorata and Tussilago farfara among them, for various reasons have not found wider application and sometimes are referred to as the “forgotten plants”. Search of new natural bioactive compounds for nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and other products has led to the increase in bio-prospecting, i.e. collection, investigation and utilization of diverse biological resources; therefore, it is reasonable to revisit the “forgotten plants” in order to assess their applicability more systematically. Many medicinal and aromatic plants contain large amounts of antioxidants, such as polyphenols, which may play an important role in foods and human body in absorbing and neutralizing free radicals, quenching singlet and triplet oxygen, or decomposing hazardous peroxides. The occurrence of medicinal and aromatic plants and their composition depends on many factors, particularly on the climatic conditions and the type of soil. The biogenesis of biologically active compounds also depends on several factors: origin of the plant, geographical growing zone, its genotype, phenotype, and chemotype as well as annual climatic fluctuations. Most of natural compounds possess several biological activities: antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and others. Therefore, the comparison of the selected plant species grown in different geographical sites in order to assess their biological properties is an interesting and important task, particularly for the valorization of such plants for their commercial cultivation. Another important task for the valorization of less widely used plants is their rational processing following the rule “more valuable products and less waste”. The residues and/or by-products obtained during processing of raw plant materials may represent potential natural resources for antioxidants and other valuable substances. For instance, during distillation of aromatic plants for essential oil recovery the wastes may constitute up to 99.5% of the raw material, which currently are used rather inefficiently. There is increasing evidence that the nonvolatile compounds present in such residues may possess various activities, which might be applied in foods as antioxidant and antimicrobial additives and for preventing various diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis and neurological disorders. The by-products of Calamintha grandiflora, Myrrhis odorata and Tussilago farfara from different origins, as it may be judged from the available literature, have not been studied until now. Furthermore, the variation of bioactive compounds from different origins is an important task both from the chemical point of view and for optimization of the production of bioactive functional ingredients. Therefore, these species, which sometimes are referred as «Medieval forgotten plants» growing in Lithuania and south of France, were selected in this study as candidates for the production of valuable ingredients and characterisation of their composition and properties, because in Medieval times these plants were the basis for food flavouring, preservation and nearly all-medicinal therapy until synthetic drugs were developed in the nineteenth century. However, very little information is known about the natural compounds present in these plants. Therefore, it is very important to analyse them and to assess their biological properties.
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Huiles essentielles d'espèces d'Aframomum camerounaises : composition chimique et activités antibactériennes / Essential oils from Camerounian Aframomum species : chemical composition ans antibacterial activitiesNguikwie Kwanga Mekondane, Sylvie 16 December 2011 (has links)
La tendance au retour vers le naturel encourage les scientifiques à rechercher de nouvelles sources d'actifs biologiques, notamment de nouveaux conservateurs et antimicrobiens biodégradables, pour les substituer aux additifs synthétiques. Ce travail est le résultat de la combinaison de l'étude chimique et biologique des huiles essentielles issues de 15 espèces aromatiques camerounaises du genre Aframomum (Zingiberaceae), utilisées couramment comme épices mais également en médecine traditionnelle.Les extraits volatils obtenus par hydrodistillation des feuilles, graines, péricarpes et racines d'échantillons représentatifs de ces 15 espèces d'Aframomum récoltés au Cameroun dans diverses zones géographiques et à différentes périodes de récolte ont été analysés par chromatographie en phase gazeuse (GC/FID), chromatographie couplée à la spectrométrie de masse (GC/MS) ou chromatographie chirale pour préciser la distribution énantiomérique de certains composés caractéristiques (113 échantillons d'huiles essentielles analysés au total).Le potentiel antibactérien de 41 extraits volatils et de leurs composés majeurs, isolés à partir de ces huiles essentielles et caractérisés, a été testé sur deux bactéries : Escherichia coli (Gram-) et Micrococcus luteus (Gram +) par une technique de dilution en milieu liquide; les résultats montrent une plus grande efficacité des dérivés oxygénés tels que le linalol, le géraniol, le myrténol ou le (E)-nérolidol avec l'observation, dans certains cas, d'une potentialisation de ces effets, dans les huiles essentielles, probablement par effet de synergie avec d'autres composés présents dans le mélange.Globalement, les essences des graines sont les plus efficaces, notamment celles de: A. citratum, A. dalzielii, A. pruinosum, A. letestuianum et A. polyanthum, ce qui justifie l'intérêt de leur utilisation traditionnelle dans l'alimentation ou dans la confection des préparations médicinales et ouvre des perspectives d'applications comme conservateurs naturels en agroalimentaire et dans les industries cosmétiques ou pharmaceutiques. / The antimicrobial properties of plant volatile oils have been assessed and there appears to be a revival in the use of traditional approaches to protecting livestock and food in industrial countries. This work is the result of combined chemical and biological studies of essential oils obtained from 15 Cameroonian aromatic species of the genus Aframomum (Zingiberaceae), commonly used as spices or as ingredients in traditional medicine.The volatile extracts were obtained by hydrodistillation of leaves, seeds, pericarps and rhizomes of representative samples of these 15 Aframomum species collected in different geographical zones of Cameroon; their chemical analysis was performed by gas chromatography (GC/FID), by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and chiral chromatography to assess the enantiomeric distribution of some characteristic components (113 samples of essential oils were analyzed in the total).The antimicrobial activities of 41 volatile extracts and of their main components, after isolation and characterization, were tested against two bacteria: Escherichia coli (Gram-) and Micrococcus luteus (Gram +) by a broth dilution technique; the results show a higher efficiency of oxygenated compounds such as linalol, geraniol, myrtenol or (E)-nerolidol, with possible synergistic interactions between components in essential oils.Globally, the seed essential oils are the most efficient, in particular those extracted from: A. citratum, A. dalzielii, A. letestuianum, A. pruinosum and A. polyanthum, justifying their traditional use in food as well as in medicinal preparations or their potential application as natural preservatives in the cosmetic, food or pharmaceutical industries.
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Uso de ervas aromáticas na estabilidade oxidativa de filés de sardinha (Sardinella brasiliensis) processados / The use (ou effect) of herbs on oxidative stability of processed sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis) filletsPiedade, Karen Rother 14 September 2007 (has links)
Durante as últimas décadas a preocupação do consumidor em relação à qualidade dos alimentos cresceu consideravelmente, juntamente com a procura por alimentos funcionais ou componentes alimentares ativos fisiologicamente, também designados bioativos. Paralelamente objetiva-se a redução do emprego de produtos sintéticos em alimentos industrializados fortalecendo o apelo de que o alimento deve desempenhar funções terapêuticas e ainda não trazer riscos à saúde. Os peixes são alimentos que atendem bem a alguns desses requisitos já que possuem ácidos graxos poliinsaturados essenciais omega-3. A sardinha é um excelente exemplo. Em diversas investigações foi verificado que esses ácidos graxos têm um efeito cardioprotetor, além de estarem ligados à redução de susceptibilidade a tumores malignos. Muito se fala sobre a importância do aproveitamento de lipídeos de pescado e seus derivados para a alimentação humana, mas é necessário um balanço de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados na dieta assim como de antioxidantes que evitem a oxidação lipídica já que esta pode causar importantes danos biológicos, começando com o comprometimento desses componentes. A deterioração oxidativa dos lipídeos é uma das reações mais importantes e freqüentes nos alimentos onde estão presentes, inclusive nos peixes e isso tem determinado uma série de estudos ligados à ação dos radicais livres no organismo ou no alimento e principalmente sobre os agentes que neutralizam essas substâncias altamente reativas. Juntamente com a preferência do consumidor por produtos mais saudáveis pode ser notado um aumento do interesse pelo uso de antioxidantes naturais e de pesquisas nessa área. Na procura por alimentos mais saudáveis de uma maneira geral, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo trazer a sua contribuição ao conhecimento da funcionalidade das ervas como antioxidantes naturais. / During the last decades the consumer\'s concern in relation to the quality of the foods grew considerably. On those years the use of harmful components to the health was avoided as well as the search for functional foods or physiologically active components, also designated bioactives enhanced. Nowadays, the industry aims at a lesser use of synthetic products in foods. Therefore, food should carry through therapeutic functions and still not to present any risk to health. Fish attain these requirements well by furnishing the essential omega-3 polynsaturated fatty acids to the diet. Sardines are an excellent example. In several investigations it was verified that these fatty acids have a cardio-protector effect and they are related to malignant tumors incidence reduction. When administratin fish lipids to the diet, it is important to remember that a balance between polynsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants content is necessary in order to avoid lipid oxidation since it can cause important biological damages starting with the reduction of these essential lipids. Oxidative deterioration of lipids is one of the most important and frequent reactions presents in foods including fishes and has determined a series of studies linked to the free radicals behavior in the organism or in the food and to the identification of the agents that neutralize the highly reactive substances. Together with the consumer\'s preference for healthier products, an increase of the interest for the use of natural antioxidants can be observed as well as new researches in this area. In the search for healthier foods in a general way, the present work had as objective to contribute to the knowledge of the functionality of herbs as natural antioxidants.
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Crescimento, produ??o e composi??o qu?mica do ?leo essencial de Martianthus leucocephalus (Mart. ex Benth.) J. F. B. Pastore em condi??es de Feira de Santana, Bahia, BrasilAzevedo, Bianca Oliveira de 31 March 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Lamiaceae is a family of flowering plants of great importance due to its aromatic herbs with pharmaceutical properties. Endemic species from the semiarid region of Brazil, as Martianthus leucocaphalus (Mart. Ex Benth.) J. F. B. Pastore, produce essential oils of great phytochemical and economic potential, due to its proven antimicrobial and antifungal activities. This species is not yet commercially cropped, but it is already known that biotic and abiotic factors play an important role on the production of essential oils, making it difficult to to explore these compounds. In this sense, we aimed to evaluate the effect of climate in different months of the year in edaphoclimatic conditions of Feira de Santana, BA, on the growth, production and composition of essential oil from M. leucocaphalus. Experiments were performed on Horto Florestal Experimental Unit from Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. We monthly quantified growth, by foliar area parameters, using fresh and dried leaves, branches and inflorescences. In each period we evaluated content and chemical composition of essential oilds under a combination of Gas Chromatography techniques (CG), in order to quantify constituents and Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (CG/EM) to identify these constituents. Climatic data were obtained over INMET. Obtained data were analyzed under SAS, using Spearman correlation among variables and descriptive statistics. A mean test was performed on SISVAR for comparison. Total dried mass (MST) and essential oil content (TO) were higher on months of great solar intensity and lower on months with abundant precipitation. Constituents varied considerably due to climatic factors, with major concentration of the majoritary compound on more humid months with a low solar irradiance. / A fam?lia Lamiaceae possui not?vel import?ncia devido ?s suas ervas arom?ticas com potencial farmac?utico. Esp?cies end?micas do semi?rido do Brasil, como Martianthus leucocaphalus (Mart. ex Benth.) J.F.B.Pastore produzem ?leo essencial com elevado potencial fitoqu?mico e econ?mico, com atividade antimicrobiana e antif?ngica comprovada. A esp?cie ainda n?o ? cultivada comercialmente, entretanto, sabe-se que a produ??o de ?leos essenciais sofre grande influ?ncia de fatores bi?ticos e abi?ticos, o que dificulta a explora??o desses compostos. Visando avaliar a influ?ncia clim?tica na produ??o do ?leo essencial de M. leucocephalus e, com isso, identificar a melhor ?poca de plantio e colheita da esp?cie para a produ??o de compostos bioativos, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do clima, ao longo de diferentes meses do ano, em condi??es edafoclim?ticas de Feira de Santana-BA, sobre o crescimento, produ??o e composi??o do ?leo essencial dessa esp?cie. O experimento foi realizado na Unidade Experimental Horto Florestal da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. Foi quantificado mensalmente o crescimento, atrav?s dos par?metros ?rea foliar, massa fresca e seca de folhas, ramos e infloresc?ncias. Em cada per?odo foi avaliado o teor e composi??o qu?mica dos ?leos essenciais atrav?s da combina??o de t?cnicas de Cromatografia Gasosa (CG), para quantifica??o dos constituintes e Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada a Espectrometria de Massas (CG/EM) para identifica??o dos mesmos. Os dados clim?ticos foram obtidos atrav?s do INMET. Os dados obtidos foram analisados atrav?s da ANAVA, realizando-se a correla??o de Spearman entre as vari?veis e teste de Scott-Knott para compara??o das m?dias. A massa seca total (MST) e o teor de ?leo essencial (TO) foram maiores nos meses com elevada intensidade solar e menor nos meses com muita precipita??o. Os constituintes variaram consideravelmente em fun??o dos fatores clim?ticos, com maior concentra??o do composto majorit?rio nos meses mais ?midos com baixa irradi?ncia solar.
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Morfoanatomia, composi??o qu?mica e atividade biol?gica do ?leo essencial de esp?cies nativas de LippiaOliveira, Ariana Reis Messias Fernandes de 17 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2015-10-02T00:07:17Z
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tese_ariana_reis_17_12_2014.pdf: 4645024 bytes, checksum: bcc726ad75f2d5883fb9e1118b2a9d3d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-02T00:07:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
tese_ariana_reis_17_12_2014.pdf: 4645024 bytes, checksum: bcc726ad75f2d5883fb9e1118b2a9d3d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-12-17 / The aim of this study was to characterize the morphology, production, content, chemical composition and bioactive activity of essential oils of Lippia bromleyana, Lippia lasiocalycina, Lippia insignis and Lippia thymoides, endemic species of the Bahia semi-arid. The species were grown in the Experimental Station Horto Florestal State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS) in the city of Feira de Santana - Bahia. The essential oils are extracted from dry leaves and inflorescences, by hydrodistillation in Clevenger apparatus, and chemical composition was determined by GC/MS and GC/FID. Were carried out quantitative and qualitative morphological characterizations, in addition to agronomic characterization. The leaf anatomy, types and frequency of hair were observed in binocular microscope and electronic scanning light. The antioxidant activity was assessed by the ability of the substances present in the sample capture the free radical DPPH, using five concentrations of essential oils (2, 6, 10, 14 and 18 mg mL1) and the antifungal activity by mycelium growth in vitro testing five essential oil concentrations (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25 ?L mL-1). In conditions where the study was conducted, it can be concluded that there are morphological differences between species in all traits, except only the number of flowers per inflorescence; there agronomic differences for all traits with L. lasiocalycina stood out in relation to the variable oil yield, while L. insignis and L. thymoides regarding the essential oil content; were identified six types of glandular trichomes one, two and tetracelular and three types of trichomes; the species L. bromleyana presents as differential anatomical absence of trichomes on the abaxial surface; L. thymoides has glandular trichomes with irregular contours on both sides, distinguishing it from other species; the frequency of trichomes on the abaxial surface is higher in species L. insignis and L. lasiocalycina, which are more anatomically similar; the major compounds found in the samples of essential oils of L. bromleyana, L. lasiocalycina, L. insignis and L. thymoides were piperitone oxide and limonene; E-ocimenona, myrcenone, myrcene, ?-myrcene and ?-cymene; thymol, myrcenone and E-ocimenona; and ?-caryophyllene, germacrene D, respectively; L. insignis and L. bromleyana stood out in relation to the antioxidant and antifungal activity, respectively. / O objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar a morfologia e a produ??o, teor, composi??o qu?mica e atividade bioativa de ?leos essenciais de Lippia bromleyana, Lippia lasiocalycina, Lippia insignis e Lippia thymoides, esp?cies end?micas do semi?rido baiano. As esp?cies foram cultivadas na Unidade Experimental Horto Florestal da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS), na cidade de Feira de Santana ? Bahia. Os ?leos essenciais foram extra?dos de folhas e infloresc?ncias secas, por meio da hidrodestila??o em aparelho de Clevenger e a composi??o qu?mica determinada por CG/EM e CG/DIC. Foram realizadas caracteriza??es morfol?gicas quantitativas e qualitativas, al?m da caracteriza??o agron?mica. A anatomia foliar, tipos e frequ?ncia de tricomas foram observados em microsc?pio de luz binocular e eletr?nico de varredura. A atividade antioxidante foi avaliada pela capacidade das subst?ncias presentes na amostra captarem o radical livre DPPH, utilizando cinco concentra??es dos ?leos essenciais (2, 6, 10, 14 e 18 mg mL-1) e a atividade antif?ngica pelo crescimento miceliano in vitro, testando cinco concentra??es do ?leo essencial (0,25, 0,50, 0,75, 1,0 e 1,25 ?L mL-1). Nas condi??es em que foi realizado o estudo, pode-se concluir que existem diferen?as morfol?gicas entre as esp?cies em todas as caracter?sticas avaliadas, com exce??o apenas para o n?mero de flores por infloresc?ncia; existem diferen?as agron?micas para todos os caracteres avaliados, sendo que L. lasiocalycina se destacou em rela??o ? vari?vel rendimento de ?leo, enquanto que L. insignis e L. thymoides em rela??o ao teor de ?leo essencial; foram identificados seis tipos de tricomas glandulares uni, bi e tetracelular e tr?s tipos de tricomas tectores; a esp?cie L. bromleyana apresenta como diferencial anat?mico aus?ncia de tricomas tectores na face abaxial; L. thymoides possui tricomas glandulares com contornos irregulares em ambas as faces, distinguindo-a das demais esp?cies; a frequ?ncia de tricomas tectores na face abaxial ? superior nas esp?cies L. insignis e L. lasiocalycina, as quais s?o mais semelhantes anatomicamente; os compostos majorit?rios encontrados nas amostras dos ?leos essenciais de L. bromleyana, L. lasiocalycina L. insignis e L. thymoides foram: ?xido de piperitona e limoneno; E-ocimenona, mircenona, mirceno, ?-mirceno e ?-cimeno; timol, mircenona e E-ocimenona; ?-cariofileno e germacreno D, respectivamente; L. insignis e L. bromleyana se destacaram em rela??o ? atividade antioxidante e antif?ngica, respectivamente.
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Atividade do óleo essencial de Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf e Citral contra leishmaniose visceralBrito, Ana Maria Guedes de 22 March 2013 (has links)
In Brazil leishmaniasis reach 19 states, and more than 90% of human cases of the disease are concentrated in Northeast region, there is still important regions foci in the Midwest, North and Southeast regions. Studies point for the occurrence of about 20.000 new cases annually of the disease. The need for new drugs more effective, safe and accessible for the treatment of leishmaniasis, visceral in particular, later on, affects liver, spleen, reticuloendothelial system, bone marrow and lymph nodes becomes relevant. Furthermore, according to the World Health Organization, the plant species are the best and major source of drugs for humanity and Brazil has 60.7% of its territory of natural and planted forests, representing the second largest forest area in the world, only behind from Russia. Thus, this study aimed investigated the activities of the essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus and Citral against Leishmania (L.) chagasi. In order for this to happen, oil from fresh leaves were harvested on the Mother Earth farm, located in Santana do Sao Francisco/SE. The Citral was acquired from Sigma-Aldrich (Darmstadt, Germany). Gaseous Chromatography and Detections by Flame Ionization were carried to identify its chemical constituents, just like an evaluation of inhibitory concentrations 50% in promastigotes and amastigotes in Leishmania mentioned beforehand, cytotoxicity assays, nitric oxide production and fluorescence to detect possible increase of membrane permeability in the presence of Citral were developed. Pharmacological activities were found in promastigotes (CI50/48 hours 25 Êg/mL for oil and 30 Êg/mL for Citral), however, activities were not found in amastigotes. The cytotoxicity (CI50 was 26.25 Êg/mL for oil and 33.96 Êg/mL for Citral). As for the increased production of nitric oxide, this did not occur, however, pore formation was observed in cell membranes of promastigotes in the presence of Citral. Therefore, the essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus and Citral may come to be used as preventive measure against visceral leishmaniasis. Since the promastigotes are the ways that infect vertebrates, including man. / No Brasil as leishmanioses atingem 19 estados, sendo que mais de 90% dos casos humanos da doenca concentram-se na regiao Nordeste, havendo ainda focos importantes nas regioes Centro-Oeste, Norte e Sudeste. Estudos sinalizam para a ocorrencia de cerca de 20.000 casos anuais da doenca. A necessidade de novos farmacos mais eficazes, seguros e acessivel para o tratamento das leishmanioses, em especial a visceral, posto, acomete figado, baco, sistema reticuloendotelial, medula ossea e linfonodos torna-se relevante. De acordo com a Organizacao Mundial de Saude, as especies vegetais sao fontes de farmacos importantes para humanidade e o Brasil possui 60,7% do seu territorio de florestas naturais e plantadas, representando a segunda maior area florestal do mundo, atras apenas da Russia. Assim, esse estudo objetivou investigar as atividades do oleo essencial de Cymbopogon citratus e Citral contra Leishmania (L.) chagasi. Para tal, obteve-se o oleo das folhas fresca colhidas na fazenda Mae Terra, localizada em Santana do Sao Francisco/SE, ja o Citral foi adquirido da Sigma-Aldrich (Darmstadt, Germany). Foram realizadas suas Cromatografias Gasosas e Deteccoes por Ionizacao de Chama para identificar seus constituintes quimicos, bem como avaliacao das concentracoes inibitorias 50% nas promastigotas e amastigotas na Leishmania supracitada, ensaios de citotoxicidade, producao de oxido nitrico e fluorescencia para detectar possivel aumento da permeabilidade de membrana em presenca do Citral foram desenvolvidos. Atividades farmacologicas foram constatadas em promastigotas (CI50/48 horas 25 Êg/mL para oleo e 30 Êg/mL para Citral), entretanto, nao foi encontrada acao nas amastigotas. A citotoxicidade (CI50 foi de 26,25 Êg/mL para oleo e 33,96 Êg/mL para Citral). Quanto ao aumento na producao de oxido nitrico, essa nao ocorreu, todavia, foi observada formacao de poros nas membranas celulares nos promastigotas em presenca de Citral. Portanto, o oleo essencial de Cymbopogon citratus e Citral pode vir a ser usados como medida preventiva contra leishmaniose visceral. Uma vez que as promastigotas sao as formas que infectam os animais vertebrados, inclusive o homem.
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Uso de ervas aromáticas na estabilidade oxidativa de filés de sardinha (Sardinella brasiliensis) processados / The use (ou effect) of herbs on oxidative stability of processed sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis) filletsKaren Rother Piedade 14 September 2007 (has links)
Durante as últimas décadas a preocupação do consumidor em relação à qualidade dos alimentos cresceu consideravelmente, juntamente com a procura por alimentos funcionais ou componentes alimentares ativos fisiologicamente, também designados bioativos. Paralelamente objetiva-se a redução do emprego de produtos sintéticos em alimentos industrializados fortalecendo o apelo de que o alimento deve desempenhar funções terapêuticas e ainda não trazer riscos à saúde. Os peixes são alimentos que atendem bem a alguns desses requisitos já que possuem ácidos graxos poliinsaturados essenciais omega-3. A sardinha é um excelente exemplo. Em diversas investigações foi verificado que esses ácidos graxos têm um efeito cardioprotetor, além de estarem ligados à redução de susceptibilidade a tumores malignos. Muito se fala sobre a importância do aproveitamento de lipídeos de pescado e seus derivados para a alimentação humana, mas é necessário um balanço de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados na dieta assim como de antioxidantes que evitem a oxidação lipídica já que esta pode causar importantes danos biológicos, começando com o comprometimento desses componentes. A deterioração oxidativa dos lipídeos é uma das reações mais importantes e freqüentes nos alimentos onde estão presentes, inclusive nos peixes e isso tem determinado uma série de estudos ligados à ação dos radicais livres no organismo ou no alimento e principalmente sobre os agentes que neutralizam essas substâncias altamente reativas. Juntamente com a preferência do consumidor por produtos mais saudáveis pode ser notado um aumento do interesse pelo uso de antioxidantes naturais e de pesquisas nessa área. Na procura por alimentos mais saudáveis de uma maneira geral, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo trazer a sua contribuição ao conhecimento da funcionalidade das ervas como antioxidantes naturais. / During the last decades the consumer\'s concern in relation to the quality of the foods grew considerably. On those years the use of harmful components to the health was avoided as well as the search for functional foods or physiologically active components, also designated bioactives enhanced. Nowadays, the industry aims at a lesser use of synthetic products in foods. Therefore, food should carry through therapeutic functions and still not to present any risk to health. Fish attain these requirements well by furnishing the essential omega-3 polynsaturated fatty acids to the diet. Sardines are an excellent example. In several investigations it was verified that these fatty acids have a cardio-protector effect and they are related to malignant tumors incidence reduction. When administratin fish lipids to the diet, it is important to remember that a balance between polynsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants content is necessary in order to avoid lipid oxidation since it can cause important biological damages starting with the reduction of these essential lipids. Oxidative deterioration of lipids is one of the most important and frequent reactions presents in foods including fishes and has determined a series of studies linked to the free radicals behavior in the organism or in the food and to the identification of the agents that neutralize the highly reactive substances. Together with the consumer\'s preference for healthier products, an increase of the interest for the use of natural antioxidants can be observed as well as new researches in this area. In the search for healthier foods in a general way, the present work had as objective to contribute to the knowledge of the functionality of herbs as natural antioxidants.
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