Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aryl"" "subject:"acyl""
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Integration i Sverige : En jämförande fallstudie mellan Umeå och Malmö kommun.Hallbom, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The study is based on a qualitative case study and is based on a social science perspective. The method of study is a comparative study; content analysis focused on document analysis. Interest is based on examining local basic policy programs for integration, as integration has become more noticeable in recent years, and has become increasingly important for science. The survey will be based on Ager and Strang's framework "good integration". Under the analysis section, various regulations, local action programs and tasks will be understood and explained from different criteria, based on the perspective of integration. The theoretical framework for "good integration" as proven to be very useful, and a high explanation factor. In summary, the analysis shows that the action programs for Malmö and Umeå, differ between each other, in relation to the framework for "good integration". The action Programs in the municipality of Malmö, complies with 3 of 4 categories in the theoretical framework. The categories fulfilled are Employment, Education and Housing. The action programs within the municipality of Umeå however, fulfill only one category; Employment. Both Malmö and Umeå’s action programs demonstrate differences and similarities against "good integration". Accordingly, Umeå's action program has more deficiencies in relation to the criteria for "good integration", in comparison with Malmö's action program. The conclusion is that Malmö's basic policy documents, at a local level; for integration, can be explained to more conditions for a successful integration, in comparison with Umeå's policy documents. However, something that both Malmö and Umeå should focus on is what the analysis showed for the category Health; develop policy documents for dissemination of information, which should include, inter alia and languages other than Swedish, to create conditions that achieve successful integration, according to the framework of "good integration".
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Hur påverkar pullfaktorer fördelningen av asylansökningar inom EU-25? / The effect off pull factors on asylum application shares in EU-25Takman, Johanna, Walfridsson, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
De senaste åren har världen upplevt den största flyktingkrisen sedan andra världskriget. Inom EU har fördelningen av asylansökningar varit ojämnt fördelad mellan medlemsländerna trots gemensamma asylpolicyer. Genom paneldataanalys undersöker vi i denna studie hur ekonomiska, nätverksrelaterade, attitydrelaterade och policyrelaterade pullfaktorer har påverkat det relativa asyltrycket hos medlemsländerna i EU-25 mellan 2005 och 2014. Resultaten visar att länders pullfaktorer har en påverkan på dess relativa asyltryck. Vi finner stöd för vad tidigare studier dokumenterat men även resultat som pekar i andra riktningar. Låg arbetslöshet, hög lön, migrantnätverk, attityder och att vara ett land som ligger längs de vanligaste flyktvägarna in till EU visar ett signifikant positivt samband med relativt asyltryck. I kontrast till tidigare forskning hittas ett signifikant negativt samband mellan beviljningsgrad och relativt asyltryck. Resultatet kan förklaras med att länder antingen reagerar på högt asyltryck genom att minska andelen asylbeviljningar, eller att asylsökande med låg sannolikhet att få beviljad asyl väljer länder med liberalare asylpolicyer. Inget samband hittas mellan ekonomisk jämlikhet och relativt asyltryck. Det ojämna asyltrycket i EU beror till viss del på faktorer som länder själva inte kan påverka och därför kan politiska regeländringar krävas för en jämnare fördelning. / During the last years the world has experienced the largest refugee crisis since the Second World War. Within the European Union, the asylum shares have been uneven distributed even though member countries share common asylum policies to a certain degree. Using panel analysis, this study examines how policy related, attitude related, economical, and network related pull factors have affected the asylum shares in the EU-25 countries between 2005 and 2014. The results show that pull factors do have an effect on countries asylum shares. Low unemployment, high salaries, network effects, attitudes and countries bordering the most common smuggle routes into EU have a significant positive relationship with asylum shares. We find a significant negative relationship between recognition rates and asylum shares, which is in contrast to previous research. This result can be explained either by countries reacting to a large number of asylum applications by lowering their recognition rates, or by asylum applicants with a low probability of approval choosing countries with more liberal asylum policies. No relationship was found between economic equality and asylum shares. The uneven distribution of asylum shares depend to a certain degree of factors that countries themselves cannot control for and thereby policies might be required to reach an even distribution.
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Die Bedeutung von Dolmetscher·innen für die LGBTQ*-Community am Beispiel der Arbeit mit queeren Geflüchteten und Asylbewerber·innenWincierz, Carsten 25 July 2023 (has links)
Jedes Jahr verlassen zahlreiche queere Menschen ihre Heimat, wo sie von Hass, Diskriminierung, der Möglichkeit einer Strafverfolgung und in einigen Fällen sogar der Todesstrafe bedroht sind. Sie fliehen nach Europa und Nordamerika, wo sie nach Schutz und einem Leben in Freiheit suchen. In den Aufnahmeländern angekommen sehen sich queere Geflüchtete und Asylbewerber·innen jedoch mit einer Vielzahl gravierender Hürden konfrontiert, darunter Sprachbarrieren, eine komplizierte Bürokratie, Rassismus und intersektionale Formen der Diskriminierung. Dolmetscher·innen können als kulturelle und sprachliche Mittler·innen eine helfende Hand reichen, während sie gleichzeitig im Asylprozess eine wichtige und entscheidende Rolle spielen. Diese Rolle kann jedoch sehr leicht ausgenutzt und missbraucht werden. Viele Fälle zeigen die Probleme, die queere Geflüchtete während ihrer Asylprozesse haben - nicht nur mit den Behörden sondern auch mit den Dolmetscher·innen selbst - sowie die Konsequenzen, die sie deshalb fürchten müssen.
Diese Masterarbeit beleuchtet die Rolle und Bedeutung von Dolmetscher·innen während der Asylprozesse queerer Geflüchteter, insbesondere in der Europäischen Union und Deutschland. Das Ziel ist es eine breitgefächerte Übersicht über mögliche Herausforderungen zu geben, mit denen Dolmetscher·innen, aber auch queere Geflüchtete und Asylbewerber·innen kämpfen müssen. Außerdem sollen Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt werden, um diese Herausforderungen zu meistern. Um als Dolmetscher·in die eigene Arbeit qualitativ zu verbessern ist es notwendig zu verstehen, wie die Umstände für queere Geflüchtete aus der ganzen Welt sind. Die Masterarbeit behandelt außerdem die Relevanz angemessener und nicht beleidigender Sprache im Kontext der LGBTQ* -Community in Verbindung mit dem Hintergrund, wie Sprache unsere Wahrnehmung beeinflusst. Ein Glossar, welches die wichtigsten queeren Begriffe, Termini und Definitionen auf Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch und Arabisch umfasst, soll Dolmetscher·innen die Arbeit mit queeren Geflüchteten und Asylbewerber·innen erleichtern.
Die Arbeit ist in Deutsch verfasst und enthält Zitate auf Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch und Arabisch.:1 Einleitung
2 Definition LGBTQ* und spezifische Terminologie
3 Die Zugehörigkeit zur LGBTQ*-Community als Fluchtursache
3.1 Weltweite Lage der strafrechtlichen Verfolgung
3.2 Rechtliche Grundlagen zum Asylanspruch in Deutschland
und Europa
3.2.1 Die Problematik des Diskretionsgebots
4 Dolmetschen für LGBTQ*-Geflüchtete
4.1 Allgemeiner Ablauf des Asylprozesses in Deutschland
4.2 Die Rolle von Dolmetscher·innen im Asylprozess
4.3 Herausforderungen für Dolmetscher·innen
4.4 Mögliche Konflikte mit Dolmetscher·innen
4.4.1 Laiendolmetscher·innen im Asylprozess
4.5 Mögliche Konflikte mit der Asylbehörde
4.6 Neutralität beim Dolmetschen im Asylprozess
4.7 Erfahrungsbericht und persönliche Schilderungen
4.8 Sensibilisierung und Hilfestellungen
5 Sprachliche Dimension der Verdolmetschung für LGBTQ*-Geflüchtete
5.1 Die Relevanz der Verwendung adäquater Terminologie
5.2 Die Bedeutung angemessener Sprachmittlung am Beispiel
des Wortes schwul und seiner Übersetzung in andere
6 Glossar zum Dolmetschen für LGBTQ*-Geflüchtete
7 Schlussbetrachtung
8 Nachwort
Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis
o Interview mit Mohammad vom 14. April 2021 / The importance of interpreters for the LGBTQ* community as exemplified by work with queer refugees and asylum seekers.
Every year, numerous queer people leave their home countries, threatened by hatred, discrimination, and the possibility of penal persecution or, – in some cases, even the death penalty. They arrive to Western countries in search of shelter and the opportunity to live in freedom. However, queer refugees and asylum seekers face a variety of tremendous obstacles in their host countries, such as language barriers, complicated bureaucracy, racism, and intersectional forms of discrimination. Interpreters in their role as cultural and linguistic mediators have the opportunity to provide them a helping hand while simultaneously playing an important and powerful role during the asylum proceedings. This role, unfortunately, can be abused and exploited easily. Various cases demonstrate the problems queer people have during asylum proceedings, not only with authorities, but also with the interpreters themselves, and what kind of consequences queer refugees have to fear.
This master’s thesis focuses on the role and importance of interpreters during the asylum proceedings of queer refugees, especially in the European Union and Germany. The aim is to give a wide-ranging overview of possible obstacles faced by interpreters and queer refugees and asylum seekers alike, and, consequently, to put forth solutions to overcome these obstacles. In order to find out how interpreters can improve themselves and their work, it is necessary to understand the experiences of queer refugees from all around the world. This thesis also addresses the importance of appropriate and non-offending language and vocabulary in the context of the LGBTQ* community, considering how our perception is influenced by our own language. A glossary which includes the most important terms and definitions about the LGBTQ* community in German, English, French, Spanish, and Arabic has been provided in order to aid interpreters prepare in their work with queer refugees and asylum seekers.
The thesis is written in German and includes citations in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.:1 Einleitung
2 Definition LGBTQ* und spezifische Terminologie
3 Die Zugehörigkeit zur LGBTQ*-Community als Fluchtursache
3.1 Weltweite Lage der strafrechtlichen Verfolgung
3.2 Rechtliche Grundlagen zum Asylanspruch in Deutschland
und Europa
3.2.1 Die Problematik des Diskretionsgebots
4 Dolmetschen für LGBTQ*-Geflüchtete
4.1 Allgemeiner Ablauf des Asylprozesses in Deutschland
4.2 Die Rolle von Dolmetscher·innen im Asylprozess
4.3 Herausforderungen für Dolmetscher·innen
4.4 Mögliche Konflikte mit Dolmetscher·innen
4.4.1 Laiendolmetscher·innen im Asylprozess
4.5 Mögliche Konflikte mit der Asylbehörde
4.6 Neutralität beim Dolmetschen im Asylprozess
4.7 Erfahrungsbericht und persönliche Schilderungen
4.8 Sensibilisierung und Hilfestellungen
5 Sprachliche Dimension der Verdolmetschung für LGBTQ*-Geflüchtete
5.1 Die Relevanz der Verwendung adäquater Terminologie
5.2 Die Bedeutung angemessener Sprachmittlung am Beispiel
des Wortes schwul und seiner Übersetzung in andere
6 Glossar zum Dolmetschen für LGBTQ*-Geflüchtete
7 Schlussbetrachtung
8 Nachwort
Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis
o Interview mit Mohammad vom 14. April 2021
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Har jag rätt? : En rättsdogmatisk analys av Migrationsverkets beslut av afghanska kvinnors asylansökan på grund av könsbaserad förföljelse / Do/Am I (have) right(s) : A legal dogmatic analysis of the Swedish Migration Agency's decisions for Afghan women applying for asylum based on gender-based persecution in SwedenEdström, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Migration in general and the assessment of the need of protection concerning people from Afghanistan in particular, has in recent years risen on the migration agenda, especially after the Taliban regime's expanded control in the country. This thesis aims to investigate what guidelines that are in place for assessing female Afghan asylum seekers who applies for asylum in Sweden based on gender related persecution. Through a legal dogmatic analysis, three determinations from the Swedish Migration Agency and three determinations from three of Sweden's migration courts have been examined. The purpose has been to examine the guidelines of the determinations, analyze the values applied by the Swedish Migration Agency and the Migration Courts in the determinations, and whether the current application of the law is legally secure based on Frändberg and Von Essen's definition of legal security. The results show that there are shortcomings in the Swedish Migration Agency's as well as the Migration Courts' assessments, which is consistent with previous research. The results as well as previous research shows knowledge gaps about what requirements that should be expected from the applicants in terms of reliability, credibility, and evidence.
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Förmågan att uttrycka sig är väsentlig : Civilsamhällets syn på asylutredningen i relation till makt och trovärdighet / The ability to express oneself is essential : Civil society´s view of asylum investigastion in relation to power and credibilityJohansson, Freja, Nilsson, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to investigate how social workers in migrational non profit organizations in Sweden experienced the asylum investigation process. Furthermore to show how their experience of the asylum interview could be understood in relation to power and their opportunities to be supportive to the asylum seekers. The study was based on six interviews with social workers in the non-profit sector in Sweden. Through Frickers (2007) and Mignolos (2011) theoretical framework based on a critical power perspective, the study showed that social workers take on a critical standpoint against Migrationsverket assessments regarding how credibility is constructed and viewed upon. Furthermore the study also showed that through empowerment the social workers strengthened the asylum seekers' sense of control and confidence during the asylum process.
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Svenska statens gränskontroll av kön och sexualitet : En diskursanalys av hur staten konstruerar och reproducerar kön och sexualitet när könsidentitet eller sexuell läggning åberopas som skyddsskäl / The Swedish Government’s border control of gender and sexualityNygren, Sara, Petersson, Timmy January 2019 (has links)
In 2006 a new law in Sweden let refugees apply for asylum on the grounds of them being in need of protection due to their gender or sexual orientation. Due to this law, the Swedish migration authority are the ones who decide whether or not a person has made it likely to be of a certain gender or sexual preference and whether or not they are in need of protection in Sweden due to this. The asylum process thus becomes a clear example of how norms for gender and sexuality are constructed and reproduced by the government. The limited research about sexual orientation, gender and asylum in Sweden, which in itself was a reason for this paper, stated that there were limited definitions and guidelines on the subject which made decision-making depend on the person in authority. The aim of this study were to understand how the construction of gender and sexuality are made within asylum-cases through analyzing two cases from the Swedish Supreme Court of Migration (Migrationsöverdomstolen) and the government-proposition of the 2006 migration-law. To meet the purpose of the study’s aim, the research questions used were, what constructs of gender and sexuality could be found in asylum-cases and which discourse of gender and sexuality could be seen as ruling in legislations and judgements. To understand this we used a social constructivist approach and Judith Butlers theory about the heterosexual matrix. The main findings were that constructions of sexuality is categorized in terms of homo-, bi- and heterosexual orientation. Hence, the Swedish government produces and reproduces western designations of sexuality as valid, while leaving non-western designations invalid. Further more, our study shows that this is all done under a heterosexual norm that produces and reproduces a binary perception of gender, consisting of male and female as opposites. Hence, the discourse links gender and sexuality together under the heterosexual matrix. While previous reports and research show that decisions are depending on individual decision-makers, this study shows that both the decisions and the decision-makers are depending on the judicial and societal discourse.
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HBTQ i asylprocessen : En kvalitativ dokumentstudie om trovärdighet och tillförlitlighet i HBTQ-asylsökandes domstolsbeslut / LGBTQ in the asylum process : A qualitative document study about credibility and reliability in court orders for LGBTQ asylum seekersLiljeberg, Frida, Rasmussen, Carola January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to, through an analyze of court orders, gain a more profound understanding of how the Swedish Migration Courts argue and relate to credibility and reliability in the decision assessment for asylum-seeking LGBTQ people. The court orders used in the study was all rejected by the Swedish Migration Court and appealed to the Swedish Migration Supreme Court. The study is of an hermeneutic and qualitative perspective and an argumentation analysis of the court orders was conducted. The results show that the Swedish Migration Courts use both international-and Swedish law and guidelines as support and basis when they argue in the asylum assessments. They also use value-added words to reinforce their arguments. The critical perception of the asylum process presented by previous research can be understood to some extent. It is also possible to see that some criticism is unfounded, as more perspectives should be taken into consideration. Some gaps in knowledge about LGBTQ issues can be seen and therefore better guidelines may be necessary.
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Asyl und Athen : Die Konstruktion kollektiver Identität in der griechischen Tragödie /Grethlein, Jonas, January 2003 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss.--Freiburg in Breisgau, 2002. / Bibliogr. p. 445-492. Notes bibliogr.
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Housing and Migration : Immigrant Housing Policy as the Beginning and the End of a Successful Establishment for Asylum-seekers and RefugeesImner, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Due to a steady increase in the number of asylum-seekers in Sweden over the past few years, the topic of immigration has generated increased attention. As a consequence, the political parties have recently presented a range of policy changes. Several of the policy proposals addressed the current housing situation for asylum-seekers and refugees. The aim of this master’s thesis is to highlight the areas of asylum immigration policy and housing policy, in an attempt to reveal overlaps and interrelationships which influence the establishment of asylum-seekers and refugees in their host society. By using a comparative discourse analysis, the thesis investigates the concepts of migration and domestic immigrant policies in a European context, focusing on Italy, the United Kingdom and Denmark. This is followed by an in-depth study of Sweden. The Swedish perspective is enriched by qualitative expert interviews and statistical data on migration and housing. The results from the gathered research emphasises the great influence of domestic housing policies have on asylum-seekers and refugees’ establishment. Each analysed country has structural barriers that restrict asylum-seekers and refugees from becoming established on the housing market. These policy barriers operate on different governance levels, which mutually affect each other. In turn, this situation complicates a holistic approach to create an effective immigrant housing policy.
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Svensk asylpolitik En studie av väntetiderna och dess konsekvenser / Swedish asylum politic, A study of the waiting time and these consequencesMirsafdari, Effat January 2003 (has links)
During the 20 century millions of people have escaped from war, threat against their human rights, economic injustices and pursuit. The great numbers of fleeing people have lead to difficulties in asylum investigation in the countries, which receive the asylum seekers. Sweden is a country, which has ratified the Genéveconvention 1954, and receives the asylum seekers. The great numbers of asylum seekers have caused among other things long time of waiting for the asylum seekers, sometimes up to 2-3 years. This implies some consequences both for the asylum seeker and for the community. The purpose of the study is to explore how the asylum errands are treated and to elucidate possible problems with implementing the asylum politics in Sweden. This study addresses three questions. Through these questions I want to explain the reasons for the long waiting time for asylum seekers and consequences of these both for the community and the asylum seekers.
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