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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Becoming the third generation: negotiating modern selves in Nigerian Bildungsromane of the 21st century

Smit, Willem Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (English))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABTRACT: In recent years, original and exciting developments have been taking place in Nigerian literature. This new body of literature, collectively referred to as the ―third generation‖, has lately received international acclaim. In this emergent literature, the negotiation of a new, contemporary identity has become a central focus. At the same time, recent Nigerian literary texts are articulating responses to various developments in the Nigerian nation: Nigeria‘s current political and socio-economic situation, diverse forms of cultural hybridisation, as well as an increasing trans-national consciousness, to mention only a few. Three 21st-century novels – Chimamanda Nogzi Adichie‘s Purple Hibiscus (2004), Sefi Atta‘s Everything Good Will Come (2004) and Chris Abani‘s GraceLand (2005) – reveal how new avenues of identity-negotiation and formation are being explored in various contemporary Nigerian situations. This study tracks the ways in which the Bildungsroman, the novel of self-development, serves as a vehicle through which this new identity is articulated. Concurrently, this study also grapples with the ways in which the articulation and negotiation of this new identity reshapes the conventions of the classical Bildungsroman genre, thereby establishing a unique and contemporary Nigerian Bildungsroman for the 21st century. The identity that is being negotiated by the third generation is multi-layered and inclusive, as opposed to the exclusive and unitary identities which are observable in Nigerian novels of the previous two generations. Such inclusivity, as well as the hybrid environments in which this identity is being negotiated, results in a form of ―identity layering‖. Thus, the individual comes into being at the point of intersection, overlap and collision of various modes of self-making. Such ―layering‖ allows the individual, albeit not without challenge, to perform a self-styled identity, which does not necessarily conform to the dictates of society. At the same time, the identity is negotiated by means of an engagement, in the form of intertextual dialoguing, with Nigeria‘s preceding literary generations. The most prominent arenas in which this new identity is negotiated include silenced domestic spaces, religo-cultural traditions, constructs of gender and nation, as well as in multicultural and hybrid communities. The investigation conducted in this thesis will, consequently, also focus on such areas of Nigerian life, as they are portrayed in the focal texts. Various theories of literary analysis (some of which specifically focus on Nigeria), Bildungsroman theory, theories of allegory, (imaginative) nation formation, feminism, gender and performativity, as well as theories of cultural identity and cultural exchanges, will form the critical and theoretical framework within which this investigation will be executed. Chapter One explores how Purple Hibiscus‘s protagonist, Kambili Achike, negotiates her gender identity and voice in order to constitute herself as an independent, self-authoring individual. Chapter Two, which focuses on Everything Good Will Come, investigates the dialectic relationship between Enitan Taiwo‘s national and personal identity, which inevitably leads to her quest to reconceive her gender identity, since national identity, as she finds out, is always an engendered construct. In its analysis of GraceLand, Chapter Three turns to the difficulties that Elvis Oke faces when he attempts to negotiate an alternative masculine identity within a rigid patriarchal system and between the cracks of a fraudulent African modernity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die afgelope paar jaar was daar opwindende, oorspronklike ontwikkelinge in Nigeriese literatuur. Hierdie nuwe literatuurkorpus, wat gesamentlik bekend staan as die ―derde generasie, het onlangs internasionale erkenning ontvang. In hierdie opkomende literatuur, kry die soeke na 'n nuwe, kontemporêre identiteit ‘n sentrale fokus. Terselfdertyd reageer onlangse Nigeriese literêre werke met verskeie ontwikkelinge in die Negeriese nasie: Nigerië se huidige politieke en sosio-ekonomiese situasie, diverse vorme van kultuurverbastering asook 'n toenemende trans-nasionale bewustheid, om maar ‘n paar te noem. Drie 21ste eeuse romans – Chimamanda Nogzi Adichie se Purple Hibiscus (2004), Sefi Atta se Everything Good Will Come (2004) en Chris Abani se GraceLand (2005) – onthul hoe nuwe kanale van identiteidsonderhandeling en –vorming in verskeie kontemporêre Nigeriese situasies ondersoek word. Hierdie studie ondersoek die maniere waarop die Bildungsroman, die roman van selfontwikkeling, as ‗n medium dien waardeur hierdie nuwe identiteit geartikuleer word. Terselfdertyd sal hierdie studie ook worstel met die maniere waarin die artikulasie en soeke na hierdie nuwe identiteit die konvensies van die klassieke Bildungsroman genre hervorm, en daardeur 'n unieke en kontemporêre Nigeriese Bildungsroman vir die 21ste eeu vestig. Die identiteit wat ontwikkel deur die derde generasie is veelvlakkig en inklusief en staan teenoor die eksklusiewe, eenvormige identiteite wat in Nigeriese romans van die vorige twee generasies opgemerk word. Hierdie inklusiwiteit, sowel as die hibriede omgewings waarin hierdie identeite ontwikkel word, lei tot die vorming van identiteitslae. Die individu kom dus tot stand by die kruising, oorvleueling en botsing van verskillende metodes van selfvorming. Hierdie vorming van lae laat die individu toe, alhoewel nie sonder uitdagings nie, om 'n selfgevormde identiteit te hê wat nie noodwndig aan die eise van die gemeenskap voldoen nie. Terselfdertyd word hierdie identiteit onderhandel deur ‗n skakeling met Nigerië se voorafgaande literêre generasies in die vorm van intertekstuele dialoog. Die mees prominente omgewings waar hierdie nuwe identiteit onderhandel word, sluit stilgemaakte huishoudelike spasies, religieus-kulturele tradisies, konstrukte van gender en nasie, sowel as multi-kulturele en hibriede gemeenskappe in. Die ondersoek wat in hierdie tesis uitgevoer sal word, sal daarom ook fokus op hierdie areas van Nigeriese lewe, soos deur die fokale tekste voorgestel. Verskeie teorieë van literêre analise (sommige wat spesifiek op Nigerië fokus), Bildungsromanteorie, teorieë van allegorie, (denkbeeldige) nasievorming, feminisme, gender en performatiwiteit, sowel as teorieë van kultuuridentiteit en -uitruiling, vorm die kritiese en teoretiese raamwerk waarbinne hierdie ondersoek uitgevoer sal word. Hoofstuk een ondersoek hoe Purple Hibiscus se protagonist, Kambili Achike, haar genderidentiteit onderhandel en uitdrukking gee om haarself as onafhanklike, self-skeppende individu te vorm. Hoofstuk twee, wat fokus op Everything Good Will Come, ondersoek die dialektiese verhouding tussen Enitan Taiwo se nasionale en persoonlike identiteit, wat onvermydelik lei tot die herbedenking van haar genderidentiteit, aangesien nasionale identiteit, soos sy uitvind, altyd 'n gekweekte konstruk is. In sy analise van GraceLand, draai Hoofstuk drie om die moeilikhede wat Elvis Oke in die gesig staar wanneer hy probeer om ‘n alternatiewe manlike identiteit te onderhandel in 'n rigiede patriargale sisteem tussen krake van 'n bedrieglike Afrika-moderniteit.

Efeito da herbivoria por saúvas sobre a fenologia, sobrevivência, crescimento e conteúdo nutricional de árvores do Cerrado

Ribeiro, Fabiane Moreira Mundim 26 February 2009 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Herbivory often influences the fitness and development of attacked trees, acting as an important factor of evolutionary pressure on a species ecology. However, there are few studies that show the effects of insect herbivores on Cerrado tree species. In this study I evaluated the impact of the leaf-cutter ant Atta laevigata on the vegetative and reproductive phenology, survival, growth, architecture and leaf nutrients of six tree species of a Cerrado vegetation. For three years, I visited individuals of Cardiopetalum callophylum, Coussarea hydrangeaefolia, Guapira graciliflora, Maprounea guianensis, Vochysia tucanorum and Xylopia aromatica, and determined the intensity of phenological events and leaf-cutter ant attacks. In addition, based on the recurrence frequency and intensity of ant-attacks (often 100% of leaf removal) previously observed, I created two artificial defoliation experimental treatments that simulated high and low Atta laevigata s attack frequency. I then evaluated how the different frequencies of high intensity attacks influenced the survival, growth, flower production, leaf nutrient content and architecture of the trees. The results showed that the defoliation by leaf-cutter ants reduced the photosynthetic area of attacked trees and reduced flower and fruit production of preferred species. However, it did not affect the synchrony and timing of leaf and flower/fruit production. Herbivory frequency had a negative effect on the plant tolerance to herbivory, survival, flower production and architecture in all six species. However, for some species, the leaf content of N and P were significantly higher in defoliated trees than in control trees. These results indicated that leaf-cutter ants can be considered chronic herbivores in some areas of the Cerrado, and that their continued activities can, in the long-term, affect the structure and dynamics of the vegetation. / A herbivoria influência o sucesso reprodutivo e o desenvolvimento das plantas, atuando como um importante agente de pressão evolutiva na ecologia de algumas espécies. Porém, há poucos estudos que mostram o efeito da atividade dos insetos herbívoros nas espécies arbóreas do Cerrado. Neste estudo apresento evidências dos efeitos da formigas cortadeira Atta laevigata, sobre a fenologia, sobrevivência, crescimento, arquitetura e nutrientes foliares de seis espécies arbóreas. Durante três anos acompanhei indivíduos de Cardiopetalum callophylum, Coussarea hydrangeaefolia, Guapira graciliflora, Maprounea guianensis, Vochysia tucanorum e Xylopia aromatica e determinei a intensidade de cada evento fenológico e dos ataques por saúvas. Baseado no tempo de recorrência e na intensidade dos ataques (normalmente 100% das folhas removidas) previamente observados, criei duas categorias de desfolha que simulando uma alta e uma baixa freqüência de ataque por Atta laevigata. Dessa maneira, examinei como diferentes freqüências de ataques de alta intensidade influenciaram a sobrevivência, o crescimento, a floração, o teor de nutrientes foliares e a arquitetura das plantas. Meus resultados mostraram que a desfolha por saúvas diminuiu a área fotossintética das plantas e reduziu a produção de frutos das espécies preferidas. Porém, a sincronia e a época de produção de folhas e frutos não foram afetadas. Os resultados indicam também que a freqüência de desfolhas tem um efeito negativo na capacidade de tolerância, na sobrevivência, na produção de flores, e na arquitetura das árvores. Entretanto, para algumas espécies, as concentrações foliares de N e P foram significativamente maiores em plantas cortadas do que em não-cortadas. Estes resultados indicam que as saúvas podem ser consideradas herbívoros crônicos em áreas do Cerrado e que a atividade contínua destas formigas pode, a longo prazo, afetar a estrutura e dinâmica da vegetação. / Mestre em Ecologia e Conservação de Recursos Naturais

Influência da comunidade microbiana do solo no estabelecimento de sauveiros iniciais de Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) / Influence of soil microbial community on the establishment of ant nests of Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

Ohana Daroszewski Rodrigues 18 January 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar o estabelecimento de sauveiros iniciais em duas áreas de cultivo de cana-de-açúcar com solos de diferentes texturas (médio-argilosa e argilosa) e verificar a influência dos fatores químicos e microbiológicos desses solos no estabelecimento de formigueiros iniciais de A. sexdens rubropilosa. Os sauveiros iniciais foram demarcados após a penetração das içás no solo a partir da revoada. As avaliações foram conduzidas após 40 dias da revoada e foram mantidas semanalmente, por um período de 120 dias ou até a reabertura do canal inicial dos ninhos para forrageamento. No experimento de laboratório, as rainhas foram acondicionadas em potes com solo das duas áreas em 25 ± 2ºC e UR 70%. As avaliações de laboratório foram feitas seguindo-se a mesma metodologia de campo, verificando a atividade dos sauveiros. Os sauveiros mortos foram descartados e as rainhas, foram utilizadas para isolamento de microrganismos para associá-los à causa da morte. As análises dos fatores químicos e microbiológicos do solo incluíram macro e micronutrientes, carbono da biomassa microbiana, contagem do número mais provável de fungos, bactérias e contagem de unidades formadoras de colônias de actinomicetos. Houve uma maior sobrevivência dos sauveiros iniciais de A. sexdens rubropilosa em solos contendo textura argilosa do que médio-argilosa em laboratório. Nas áreas com solo de textura argilosa e médio-argilosa, a sobrevivência dos ninhos foi de 47,8 e 26,7%, respectivamente. No campo, por sua vez, não foram observadas diferenças no estabelecimento dos sauveiros iniciais para as duas áreas de cana-de-açúcar. O carbono da biomassa microbiana bem como o número mais provável de bactérias foi superior no solo de textura médio-argilosa comparativamente ao de textura argilosa. Diferentemente dos resultados de laboratório, os estudos de campo indicaram que à ação dos microrganismos do solo no estabelecimento de sauveiros novos de A. sexdens rubropilosa não foi tão expressiva. / The objective of the present study was to compare the establishment of new ant nests in two sugarcane growing areas with different soil types (sandy clay and clay) and to verify the influence of chemical and microbiological soil factors on nest establishment. In order to determine nest establishment, initial ant nests were marked and accompanied with other activities immediately after nuptial flight. Evaluations for verification of nest establishment were made weekly after 40 days for the period of 120 days. In laboratory experiment, mated queens collected from the two areas with different soils were maintained in plastic pots containing soil from respective areas at 25 ± 2ºC and 70% RH. To verify activities of the ants, a method similar to the one used to the field study was adopted. Dead ants were discarded while dead queens were used for isolation of associated microorganisms to determine the cause of mortality. The analysis of chemical and microbiological factors of the soil determined macro and micro-nutrients including carbon biomass, the most probable number of fungi, bacteria and counting of the colony forming units of the actinomycetes. The establishment of new ant nests occurred significantly more in the sandy clay soil than clay soil in laboratory. In the areas of sandy clay and clay soil the establishments were 47.8 and 26.7%, respectively. In the field was not observed difference in the establishment of new ant nest in both areas. The carbon biomass and most probable number of bacteria were significantly higher in the sandy clay soil when compared with clay soil area. Differently from laboratory results, the field studies indicated that the establishment of new ant nests of A. sexdens rubropilosa was not only based on the soil microrganism.

Estudos etológico e químico dos feromônios de trilha de marcação de território de Atta opaciceps Borgmeier, 1939 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) / Ethological and chemical studies of the pheromones of the territory marking track of Atta opaciceps Borgmeier, 1939 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

Campos, Rousseau da Silva 16 March 2012 (has links)
The leaf-cutting antsof the genus Atta and Acromyrmex belong to the order Hymenoptera, Formicidae family, Myrmicinae subfamily and Attini tribe are locatedin the Americas, occurring in tropical areas of Mexico andin Central and South America,are considered herbivorous and difficult to control when attacking crops and forests. The species Atta texana and Acromyrmex versicolor are the only representatives of these ants foundin North America. Several species of the genus Attaare found in Brazil. Understanding the behavior of leaf-cutting ants in their multiple division of laboris a necessary step to establish living with them, and develop or adapt new methods of control, when these reach the economic injury level. There fore, this study sought to clarify the behavior of Atta opaciceps regarding the specificity of behaviors of territory marking and trail, seeing how the different castes respond to different intra and interspecific extracts (Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus, A. cephalotes, A. sexdens sexdens and A. sexdens rubropilosa) on laboratory conditions. It also sought to identify the chemical constituents present in the foragers venom gland extracts of A.opaciceps, seeking to know what the compounds responsible fore liciting the trail behavior of foragers of this species. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As formigas cortadeiras do gênero Attae Acromyrmex pertencem à ordem Himenóptera, família Formicidae, subfamília Myrmicinae e tribo Attini estão localizadas no continente americano, ocorrendo nas áreas tropicais do México e nas Américas Central e do Sul, são consideradas herbívoras e de difícil controle quando atacam as lavouras e florestas. As espécies Atta texana e Acromyrmex versicolor são as únicas representantes destas formigas encontradas na América do Norte. Várias espécies do GêneroAtta são encontradasno Brasil.Entender os comportamentos das formigas cortadeiras em sua múltipla divisão de trabalho constitui uma etapa necessária para estabelecer a convivência com estas, além de desenvolver e, ou adaptar novos métodos de controle, quando essas atingem o nível de dano econômico. Dessa forma, o presente estudo procurou esclarecer o comportamento de Atta opaciceps quanto à especificidade dos comportamentos de marcação de território e de trilha, verificando como as diversas castas respondem a diferentes extratos intra e interespecíficos (Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus, A. cephalotes, A. sexdens sexdens e A. sexdens rubropilosa) sob condições de laboratório. Buscou-se também identificar os constituintes químicos presentes nos extratos de glândula de veneno de forrageiras de A. opaciceps, objetivando saber quais os compostos responsáveis pelo eliciamento do comportamento de trilha em forrageiras desta espécie.

Female identity in the post-millennial Nigerian novel: a study of Adichie, Atta, and Unigwe

Wambui, Mary Theru January 2015 (has links)
This thesis project examines the work of three female Nigerian authors: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Sefi Atta and Chika Unigwe. They are part of a growing number of young African writers who are receiving international acclaim and challenging narratives that have long defined the continent in pejorative terms. They question what it means to be female and African in a transcultural, global world but counter discourses that are both restrictive and prescriptive. Their female characters are not imaged in binary terms as either victims or villains. For all three writers, the African story has to be told in its entirety incorporating what some may argue are negative stereotypes but doing so in a manner that examines and undermines those same stereotypes. For the purposes of the thesis, I focus on their first novels: Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus, Atta’s Everything Good Will Come and Unigwe’s On Black Sisters’ Street. Chapter One examines Purple Hibiscus and argues that the novel is much more than a coming of age story or, as some critics have posited, an allegory of the postcolonial state. Chapter Two highlights Atta’s use of fairly familiar feminist theories but grounds them in the lived realities of the African city. All three authors are concerned with issues of violence and death. Unigwe’s novel, which forms the focus of Chapter Three, offers a critical perspective on how both of those themes intersect with the increasing commercialisation of global culture. Her characters are female sex workers whose lives are irrevocably altered by the murder of one of their colleagues. I conclude by arguing that the three novels offer a nuanced if not necessarily new understanding of the various social, economic and political forces that continue to shape the lives of women on the continent.

Grip, slip, petals, and pollinators : linking the biomechanics, behaviour and ecology of interactions between bees and plants

Pattrick, Jonathan Gilson January 2018 (has links)
The ability to grip on petal surfaces is of crucial importance for the interactions between bees and flowers. In this thesis, I explore the biomechanics of attachment and morphological diversity of bee attachment devices, linking this to the behavioural ecology of bee interactions with flowers. Attachment devices come in two main kinds: claws or spines, and adhesive pads. Claw functioning is poorly described, particularly in terms of how their performance depends on body size, claw geometry, and surface roughness. Claw attachment performance was investigated using several insect species, each covering a large range of body masses. Weight-specific attachment forces decreased with body size, with claw sharpness seemingly playing a role. In bees there is considerable interspecific variation in tarsal claw morphology. This variation, and arolia presence/absence, was categorised for the large bee family Apidae. Cleft/bifid claws were shown to be present in the majority of the Apidae, often with differences between sexes and clades. Using Bombus terrestris, there was no evidence that cleft claws are important for pollen collection; however, I found that the inner tooth of cleft claws can act as a backup if the main tooth breaks. Although this may be one function of cleft claws, there are clearly other unresolved functions well worth further exploration. Investigations were undertaken to explore how petal surface roughness affects bee foraging behaviour. Lab-based foraging trials on B. terrestris visiting artificial flowers varying in slope, surface texture and sugar reward revealed a trade-off between the biomechanical difficulty of visiting and handling the ‘flowers’ and the quality of the reward offered. Flowers that were difficult to grip were often avoided even if they offered a higher reward. To further investigate reward preferences of bees, the effect of sucrose concentration on honey stomach offloading times was also explored. Although the majority of petals do have a rough surface, some have slippery petals. In the field, bumblebees avoided landing on slippery hollyhock petals in favour of the easy-to-grip staminal column. In contrast, honey bees, which are smaller and have larger adhesive pads, landed on both the staminal column and the petals. Slippery petals may be an adaptation to increase contact with plant reproductive structures. Grip is also important to allow the honey bee parasite Varroa destructor to climb on to their host. Attachment forces experiments found that V. destructor could support > 300 times their body mass on honey bees, giving them strong attachment even when bees attempt to remove them through grooming. A grooming-based device for treating V. destructor was tested in an apiary trial. The device was ineffective, providing valuable information for beekeepers considering using this product. In summary, this thesis improves our understanding of the biomechanics of attachment as well as identifying several important aspects of grip in bee-plant interactions.

9/11 Gothic : trauma, mourning, and spectrality in novels from Don DeLillo, Jonathan Safran Foer, Lynne Sharon Schwartz, and Jess Walter

Olson, Danel January 2016 (has links)
Al Qaeda killings, posttraumatic stress, and the Gothic together triangulate a sizable space in recent American fiction that is still largely uncharted by critics. This thesis maps that shared territory in four novels written between 2005 and 2007 by writers who were born in America, and whose protagonists are the survivors in New York City after the World Trade Center falls. Published in the city of their tragedy and reviewed in its media, the novels surveyed here include Don DeLillo’s _Falling Man_ (2007), Jonathan Safran Foer’s _Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close_ (2005), Lynne Sharon Schwartz’s _The Writing on the Wall_ (2005), and Jess Walter’s _The Zero_ (2006). The thesis issues a challenge to the large number of negative and dismissive reviews of the novels under consideration, making a case that under different criteria, shaped by trauma theory and psychoanalysis, the novels succeed after all in making readers feel what it was to be alive in September 2001, enduring the posttraumatic stress for months and years later. The thesis asserts that 9/11 fiction is too commonly presented in popular journals and scholarly studies as an undifferentiated mass. In the same critical piece a journalist or an academic may evaluate narratives in which unfold a terrorist's point of view, a surviving or a dying New York City victim's perspective, and an outsider's reaction set thousands of miles away from Ground Zero. What this thesis argues for is a separation in study of the fictive strands that meditate on the burning towers, treating the New York City survivor story as a discrete body. Despite their being set in one of the most known cities of the Western world, and the terrorist attack that they depict being the most- watched catastrophe ever experienced in real-time before, these fictions have not yet been critically ordered. Charting the salient reappearing conflicts, unsettling descriptions, protagonist decay, and potent techniques for registering horror that resurface in this New York City 9/11 fiction, this thesis proposes and demonstrates how the peculiar and affecting Gothic tensions in the works can be further understood by trauma theory, a term coined by Cathy Caruth in Unclaimed Experience (1996: 72). Though the thesis concentrates on developments in trauma theory from the mid 1990s to 2015, it also addresses its theoretical antecedents: from the earliest voices in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that linked mental illness to a trauma (Charcot, Janet, Breuer, Freud), to researchers from mid-twentieth century (Adler, Lindemann) who studied how catastrophe affects civilian minds not previously trained to either fight war or withstand cataclysm. Always keeping at the fore the ancient Greek double-meaning of trauma as both unhealing “wound” and “defeat,” the thesis surveys tenets of the trauma theorists from the very first of those who studied the effects on civilian survivors of disaster (of what is still the largest nightclub fire in U.S. history, which replaced front page coverage of World War II for a few days: the Cocoanut Grove blaze in Boston, 1942) up to those theorists writing in 2015. The concepts evolving behind trauma theory, this thesis demonstrates, provide a useful mechanism to discuss the surprising yearnings hiding behind the appearance of doppelgängers, possession ghosts, terrorists as monsters, empty coffins, and visitants that appear to feed on characters’ sorrow, guilt, and loneliness within the novels under discussion. This thesis reappraises the dominant idea in trauma studies of the mid-1990s, namely that trauma victims often cannot fully remember and articulate their physical and psychic wounds. The argument here is that, true to the theories of the Caruthian school, the victims in these novels may not remember and express their trauma completely and in a linear fashion. However, the victims figured in these novels do relate the horrors of their memory to a degree by letting their narration erupt with the unexpectedly Gothic images, tropes, visions, language, and typical contradictions, aporias, lacunae, and paradoxes. The Gothic, one might say, becomes the language in which trauma speaks and articulates itself, albeit not always in the most cogent of signs. One might easily dismiss these fleeting Gothic presences that characters conjure in the fictions under consideration as anomalous apparitions signalling nothing. However, this thesis interrogates these ghostly traces of Gothicism to find what secrets they hold. Working from the insights of psychoanalysis and its post-Freudian re-inventers and challengers, it aims to puzzle out the dimensions of characters’ mourning in its “traumagothic” reading of the texts. Characters’ use of the Gothic becomes their way of remembering, a coded language to the curious. This thesis holds that unexpressed grief and guilt are the large constant in this grouping of novels. Characters’ grief articulation and guilt release, or the desire for symbolic amnesia, take paths that the figures often were suspicious of before 9/11: a return to organized religion, a belief in spirits, a call for vengeance, psychotherapy, substance abuse, splitting with a partner, rampant sex with nearby strangers, torture of suspects, and killing. All the earnest attempts through the above means by the characters to express grief, vent rage, and alleviate survivor guilt do so without noticeable success. True closure towards their trauma is largely a myth. No reliable evidence surfaces from the close reading of the texts that those affected by trauma ever fully recover. However, as this thesis demonstrates, other forms of recompense come from these searches for elusive peace and the nostalgic longing for the America that has been lost to them.

Of Masquerading and Weaving Tales of Empowerment: Gender, Composite Consciousness, and Culture-Specificity in the Early Novels of Sefi Atta and Laila Lalami

De La Cruz-Guzman, Marlene January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

El genoma de una ciudad: Valencia. (Bioarquitectura, orígenes hasta época foral)

MARTÍ MATIAS, MIQUEL RAMÓN 27 October 2014 (has links)
Hace 13.800 millones empezó el Universo teniendo como origen el Bing Bang. Todo tiene ahí su principio, el tiempo, el espacio y el material del que está todo formado también. Compartimos con las estrellas el material que forma nuestro cuerpo. Empezó con una Arquitectura inorgánica, que pasó a orgánica, en lo que hemos acuñado como “Arquitectura somática”, la que forma un cuerpo (por muy diminuto que sea).Pero el siguiente paso fue la “Arquitectura exosomática”, la que se realiza fuera del cuerpo. En este sentido, hubo una revolución arquitectónica y social hace 130 millones de años, la revolución realizada por los insectos sociales en el Cretácico. He aportado un aspecto hasta hoy no realizado, equivalencias culturales humano-insectos. El Paleolítico, de cazadores-recolectores humanos, equivale al género de hormigas Eciton que viven de una forma semejante. Pero he acuñado un nuevo término, el Paleolítico Superior Cerámico, ya que ha aparecido en China cerámica 8000 años antes que en Próximo Oriente (que tomamos como referente), ahí entraría la avispa alfarera que es cazadora pero fabrica su cerámica. Un Neolítico Precerámico A (8000- 7000) con los géneros de hormigas Lasius Feliginosus y Atta, con sus campos de “hongos”, su agricultura subterránea. Un Precerámico B (7000-6000) con la ganadería y sus establos de las hormigas del género Crematogaster pilosa y Acropyga maribensis. Puede aducirse que no hay edad de los metales, pero la araña puede realizar material más duro que el acero sin fusión. Seguidamente, la civilización egipcia y mesopotámica, tan recientes en el tiempo, las primeras muestras de avance social humano de grandes proporciones, quedan atrás en muchos aspectos comparados con el mundo de las abejas, avispas y termitas que abruman con su arquitectura, jerarquía y organización social, pero todo en armonía con su ecosistema, perdurabilidad durante millones de años, al contrario que la frágil sociedad humana. Estas últimas, por su lapso de tiempo existente como tales, su éxito de dispersión y sus características como sociedades son un rival, cuestionan nuestro liderazgo como especie. Las hormigas esclavistas del Amazonas del género Polyergus y las españolas de Sierra Nevada, del género Rossomyrmex minuchae, que ataca los nidos de Proformica longiseta, recuerdan a la sociedad esclavista que llega al siglo XVIII pero que tiene en las épocas de la Antigüedad sus más claros ejemplos. He añadido más términos arquitectónicos, Arquitectura “genética” y Arquitectura “cerebral”. Estas sociedades de insectos complejas, como la abeja melífera (Apis mellifera), no estudian arquitectura ni agricultura,etc, cosa que en los humanos “que pueden estudiar” absorve mucho tiempo vital. Estos insectos, tienen un corto tiempo de vida, y suplen eso, naciendo con lo más importante aprendido. Se sabe que el “cuerpo central” existente en la cabeza del insecto, es el “disco duro” de estos insectos, por lo que puedo decir que desde que nacen, lo hacen aprendidos, su arquitectura y sociedad, es genética. El cuerpo seta del insecto, corpora pedunculata en latín también en la cabeza, se centraría en el comportamiento y el aprendizaje, un equivalente de córtex en los humanos y otros vertebrados, algo secundario, pero que en nosotros es el cerebro, de este modo, nuestra arquitectura es “cerebral”, aprendida por unos pocos durante mucho tiempo, algo que supone realmente una desventaja. En los alrededores de Valencia, los primeros restos de “Arquitectura exosomática” serían los nidos que tuvieron los hadrosaurios de Tous, hace 70 millones de años. Para los humanos, debemos esperar a un humanoide, el homo erectus, cuyos restos aparecen a 25 km al sur de Valencia, en Sueca, en la parte del lago de l'Albufera, que empleó cuevas y que pudo realizar estructuras perecederas vegetales, hace más de medio millón de años. Hubo gente de la edad del bronce en Valencia y en el siglo VII-VI a.C, recibieron contactos comerciales por parte de griegos y fenicios, como prueban las cerámicas importadas, tanto de territorio griego como fenicio. El fragmento cerámico del pintor de Aqueloos,encontrado en l'Almoina (centro de Valencia) que se encuentra entre los más destacados del “Grupo de Leagros”, el último y más destacado grupo de pintores de grandes vasos de figuras negras entre el 520 y el 500 a.C o la máscara fenicia de la orilla norte del río, son prueba de ello. Estas importaciones hablan de dos santuarios en Valencia, uno en la orilla sur y otro en la norte, donde indígenas y foráneos intercambian productos y ideas. Edeta, centro político y económico más cercano a Valencia, utiliza Valencia como su puerto. El solar de Valencia sería aprovechado como campos de silos de grano, como sucede en toda la costa catalana y del sur de Francia, alrededor de la órbita de Ibiza, portaviones económico del control fenicio-púnico que hace girar como satélites las poblaciones ibéricas del litoral. En Valencia, alrededor de la mitad del siglo III a.C, se construye el templo-santuario ibérico. Este templo domina el entramado portuario y ideológico. La empalizada de la calle cisneros, también debemos relacionarla con este siglo, pero en época alrededior de la Guerra Púnica . Arse-Saguntum, lleva la delantera comercial y acuña moneda, teniendo incluso armadores que comercian con los griegos ampuritanos. Edeta se siente amenazada en sus intereses y choca en el siglo IV a.C, como demuestra el Tos Pelat fortaleza arrasada en este momento, en el que Arse- Sagunt se fortifica. Este malestar llegará al siglo III a.C, en el que he aportado un elemento clave, el que Edeta fue la ciudad que Anibal ayudó (y no una ciudad lejana ciudad indígena andaluza), para que con sus agravios manipulados, poder destruir Arse-Sagunt. En el 205 a.C (cosa hasta ahora nunca dicha tampoco), es destruida Edeta como venganza. Los edetanos ibéricos son obligados a bajar a Valencia, de ahi su nombre de Valencia de los edetanos. Algo destacable también son las tres necropolis ibéricas de Valencia, junto con sus ustrina para quemar los huesos. También he reconstruido el ritual, la evolución y las creencias funerarias ibéricas desde la prehistoria gracias a la iconografía y los restos materiales, que también aparecen en Valencia ciudad. La guerra en Italia contra Aníbal termina y vienen a nuestro territorio gente de allí, de dos ciudades, Valentia y Turia, que darán nombre a nuestra ciudad y río, así como la iconografía de las monedas republicanas de Valencia. Esta iconografía se relaciona además con Quintus Máximus Fabius Cunctator, que expulsó a Anibal de Italia, defendió a Arse-Sagunt ante el senado cartaginés antes de su destrucción, y después recibió a la embajada saguntina que agradeció la destrucción de su enemiga, Edeta. Los que ayudaron a Aníbal en Italia fueron traidores, y sus cadáveres aparecen echados como perros en la necrópolis de Valencia, y los gratos a Roma los encontramos en hipogeos ricos en ofrendas. De este modo, las cerámicas, tesoros de monedas ibéricas en la ciudad que muestran temor, y los hechos históricos muestran que los itálicos que se establecieron en Valencia, lo hicieron en la década del 180 a.C, no en el 138 a.C que tan dañino ha sido para la historia de Valencia por su errónea interpretación. Sin olvidar el paralelo como asentamiento que es Ca l'Arnau en Cataluña, que ofrece unas termas gemelas de Valencia de la primera mitad del siglo II a.C y un urbanismo equivalente al nuestro, asentamiento que no prosperaría. En el 146 a.C con la destrucción de Cartago, coincide con la destrucción del templo ibérico cuyas piedra serán reaprovechadas para convertirlo en lo que hoy se considera granero (horreum). También se aportan los datos de la verdadera localización del muelle romano imperial de Valencia , de su puente, y del cardo (o eje principal que recorría la ciudad de Norte a sur hasta hoy también equivocado). Destaca también la reconstrucción y rectificación de los recorridos de los acueductos romanos de Valencia y Saguntum, aportándose pruebas hasta hoy olvidadas, algunas de ellas monumentales, como la del nacimiento del acueducto sur de Sagunt que empezaba en el río Túria, concretamente en Vilamarxant (Valencia) y que es el precedente de la Acequia Real de Moncada. Es decir, los romanos, crearon el sistema hidráulico valenciano, que los musulmanes adaptaron a sus propias necesidades, seguidos por los cristianos. Relacionado con esto, la destrucción de estos acueductos, vitales para la vida de las ciudades romanas, como razón de gran peso, provocaron la huida de la población saguntina en el siglo V d.C hacia un nuevo lugar, Almenara, donde hay agua fresca, creando el Punt del cid, la nueva Sagunt, donde se acuña moneda con el nombre de Saguntum y se levantan murallas con restos de la desaparecida Saguntum romana , ahora Murus veteris o muros antiguos. Al mismo tiempo se levanta un lugar religiosos en los Estanys d'Almenara. Valencia, con la llegada bizantina, se recupera en el siglo VI momentáneamente, saliendo un tiempo de una crisis brutal que se observa en la arqueología de la ciudad. Ese siglo ofrece la creación de edificios religiosos monumentales, abase del saqueo d ellos mejores bloques de edificios romanos abandonados y también vemos la presencia del rey visigodo Leovigildo , en el 583 d.C, que arrebata Valencia a los bizantinos y hace matar a su hijo, autoproclamado rey católico, Hermenegildo, en Cullera (Valencia) donde se ha refugiado con su mujer e hijo pequeño, confundiéndose esto con el mito de San Vicente Martir, cuyo cadáver se dice apareció también en Cullera. De todo esto se ofrece la reconstrucción de los hechos. También de esta cronología de la segunda mitad del siglo VI d.C, vemos la aparición de una nueva ciudad amurallada, Valencia la vella, en Ribarroja del Túria, 24 km al este de Valencia cauce arriba del río. La antigua Valencia no tiene murallas en esta época, la gente vive entre escombros romanos y hacinados en la única muralla existente, el circo romano abandonado. Se decide desplazarse cerca de donde nacen los acueductos, hay defensa, comida y vías naturales ganaderas. El abandono de Valencia ciudad, coincide con el abandono bizantino de la Península (620). En la segunda mitad del siglo VII d.C, Valencia es un cadáver solo acompañado de un puñado de familias marginales, y así, en este siglo vemos aparecer la sustituta de la Valencia religiosa, el Plà de Nadal, un edificio que aglutina la mayor colección d piezas de época visigoda valenciana y de carácter religioso, también en Riba-rroja. La presencia musulmana evita las nuevas ciudades de desplazados del Punt del Cid y Valencia la Vella. Abd-al-Rahman al-Balansí (el valenciano), con la construcción de una Ruzafa en el casco abandonado de Valencia a finales del siglo VIII, ofrece los primeros síntomas de recuperación del casco urbano. El siglo IX es el momento cuando se construye un nueva acequia de agua (primero desde la caída de la ciudad, la acequia de Rovella), un molino (el más antiguo musulmán hasta ahora catalogado en España, una noria, empezando así a recuperarse el sistema hidráulico . En el 929-920, el punt del Cid y Valencia la Vella, son destruidos por Abd-al-Rahman III, obligando a esa población cristiana (o conversa ya), a desplazarse a los nuevos centros islámicos, esto es, a la nueva ciudad de Almenara, y a la antigua ciudad de Valencia, viéndose ya la recuperación de Valencia (la del llano) como ya se observa en elementos de lujo como el capitel de marmol valenciano encontrado en el Palacio Real de Valencia. De época cristiana, un adn perfecto para poder reconstruir ese período a nivel constructivo lo tenemos el Archivo de la ciudad de Valencia, que puede competir con los mejores del mundo en el tema de la construcción medieval, gracias al detallismo con que se encuentran escritos todos los materiales y personas. Las canteras de diferentes tipos de piedra con sus importantes particularidades también quedan señaladas, así como las procedencias de otros materiales como la cal, esparto (para capazos y cuerdas), etc, y los nombres de miles de personas, su sexo, religión y procedencia, así como los días de trabajo, descubriéndose que la mayoría de la gente que trabajaba en una obra, especialmente los obreros sin otra preparación, solo estaban un dia o pocos más . Se puede reconstruir la población masculina de las morerías de muchos pueblos valencianos, o de canteros de piedra de diferentes lugares de la Península incluso extranjeros. Aportándose además, como en el año 1380, las trabajadoras en la obra como obreras cobraron lo mismo que los hombres, algo que cuestiona la imagen de discriminación de la mujer que teníamos y que muestra signos de mayor modernidad en ese aspecto. Acaba la tesis con las esférulas, concreciones minerales que he hallado en el río Palancia de hace 250 millones de años, del triásico inferior y que tienen sus paralelos más cercanos en Utah (EEUU) y el planeta Marte. Estas aparecen también como piedra de construcción en construcciones romanas y medievales al norte de Valencia, especialmente alrededor de Sagunt, y es el material más antiguo en nuestro territorio, ofreciendo relaciones paralelas geológcas con otros lugares del planeta y situándose, por ahora, como las esférulas más antiguas del planeta Tierra, emparentadas en muchos aspectos con las encontradas en el planeta Marte. Así, empieza la tesis en el espacio infinito y acaba en él. / Martí Matias, MR. (2014). El genoma de una ciudad: Valencia. (Bioarquitectura, orígenes hasta época foral) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/43591

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