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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


RACHEL BARROS NIGRO 07 November 2003 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo central desta dissertação é apresentar a questão da formação da identidade moderna tal como articulada pelo filósofo canadense Charles Taylor. Tendo como referência central sua obra As Fontes do Self - A Construção da Identidade Moderna, e através de uma análise descritiva e explicativa do pensamento de Charles Taylor, desenvolvo três questões conectadas: Identidade, Moralidade e Linguagem. Em Fontes do Self, Taylor procura rediscutir a modernidade, através da elaboração de um quadro esquemático que revele o conjunto de compreensões, sobremodo desarticuladas, do que é ser um agente humano: os sentidos de interioridade, liberdade, individualidade e de ligação com a natureza, tão familiares ao ocidente moderno. No processo de recontar e reinterpretar a modernidade através do desenvolvimento da noção de self, Taylor busca também mostrar que o legado da modernidade é muito mais rico e complexo do que admitem diversos de seus detratores. / [en] My goal is to present the question of modern identity as articulated by Charles Taylor. Using Sources of the Self - The Making of Modern Identity, as reference and through a description analisys, I developed three related questions: Identity, Morality and Language. In Sources of the Self, Taylor wants to rediscuss modernity by exploring various facets of what he calls the modern identity, as the inescapable relations between identity and the good, the notion of inwardness that begins with Saint Agostin and the notion of nature as a moral source. In this process of reinterpreting modernity through the concept of self, Taylor also seeks to show us that the legacy of modernity is richer than is admitted.


CLARISSA MATTOS FARIAS 06 April 2017 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a historicidade da forma literária do escritor francês Henri-Marie Beyle (1783-1842), mais conhecido por seu pseudônimo Stendhal, a partir da sua relação profundamente tensa com a sua sociedade, a saber, a realidade instaurada no seu país após o ano de 1814. Esta análise parte de uma afirmação, recorrente nos textos do autor: a de que teria havido uma notável mudança de caráter dos seus conterrâneos a partir da queda do Império Napoleônico (1804-1814), a perda do que ele nomeou a faculdade de se divertir. Longe de lamentar apenas o fim de uma característica, porém, Stendhal indica, a partir dessa mudança, uma quebra profunda ocorrida no sentimento de pertencimento francês: seus conterrâneos teriam perdido um fundo de caráter comum que os fariam se reconhecer em suas particularidades, ou seja, para o autor, a França havia perdido sua autenticidade. Pretende-se, portanto, investigar como o autor configura esta perda em seu romance O vermelho e o negro (1830), tentando mostrar que o que ele entende por autenticidade se conecta diretamente à satisfação real dos indivíduos em seu mundo, impossibilitada agora na Restauração por um afastamento do eu de si mesmo. A partir dessa problematização, será analisada, primeiramente, a alternativa estética do escritor a esse mundo, descrita em Racine e Shakespeare (1823 e 1825) e Do Amor (1822), tendo em vista, sobretudo, sua preocupação com o prazer dramático; em seguida, como ele figura uma possibilidade ética com base na tensão que o protagonista do romance, Julien Sorel, estabelece com a sua sociedade. / [en] This dissertation aims to analyze the historicity of the literary form of French writer Henri-Marie Beyle (1783-1842), better known by his pen name Stendhal, from its deeply strained relationship with the society he lived in, that is, the reality established in his country after the year 1814. This analysis is originated from a recurrent claim in the author s work: that his countrymen suffered a remarkable change of character from the fall of the Napoleonic Empire (1804-1814), the loss of what he called the ability to have fun. Far from merely mourning the end of this quality, however, Stendhal points out that this change lead to a profound break in the French feeling of belonging: his countrymen had lost a common character background that had made it possible for them to recognize themselves in their particularities, i.e. in the author s view, France had lost its authenticity. I intend, therefore, to investigate how the author represents this loss in his novel The Red and the Black (1830), trying to show that what he meant by authenticity directly connects to the real satisfaction of individuals in their own world, made impossible now during the Bourbon Restoration due to a distancing of the self from itself. From this questioning, I will firstly analyze the aesthetic alternative of Stendhal to this world, described in Racine and Shakespeare (1823 and 1825) and in On Love (1822), regarding, above all, of his concern with the dramatic pleasure; and secondly, how the author paints an ethical possibility based on the tension that the protagonist of his novel, Julien Sorel, establishes with the society around him.

Falšování masných výrobků

Ambrožová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on issues connected with falsification of meat products and methods to detect this type of falsification are mentioned in the thesis, as well. Food falsification is a problem, which has persisted since the Middle Ages. A break authentisity doesn't appear only in meat products but also in all commodities. Surveillance authorities, whose job is to check food are described in the thesis. Meat products from the point of view of their break authentisity are discussed in more detail in the thesis. High pressure liquid chromatography, enzyme-linked-immunosorbent-assay, polymerase chain reaction belong to the most used detect methods of the food falsification. The practical part of the thesis contains determination of pure muscular proteins in durable and fermentated meat products by means of high pressure liquid chromatography. In the next part poultry masculature is determined in products using noncompetitive heterogeneous immunoassay, in which legislation bans using of mentioned type of masculature. In the determination of net muscle protein were found 7 of 25 samples (24 %) as unsatisfactory and in the determination of poultry muscle 4 of 24 samples detected (17 %) as unsatisfactory.


LUCAS MARTINS TURANO 22 September 2015 (has links)
[pt] A moralidade e o equilíbrio de um líder, bem como sua positividade, são pressupostos teóricos centrais na teoria da liderança autêntica. Tomando esses pressupostos como objeto de estudo, a presente pesquisa investiga empiricamente o impacto de princípios autênticos no discurso de um líder e da sua expressão de emoções na percepção de eficácia na liderança, por meio de dois experimentos. O primeiro estudo investigou o efeito do discurso autêntico nos julgamentos de seguidores de diferentes áreas ocupacionais sobre a liderança. Os resultados indicam que o endosso a princípios da liderança autêntica no discurso de um líder influencia positivamente a percepção de eficácia na liderança. Porém, esse efeito é significativamente menor entre profissionais das áreas de Finanças e de Marketing/Vendas. O segundo experimento investigou a influência da expressão de emoções positivas e negativas nos julgamentos sobre a eficácia de um líder que endossa valores autênticos. Os resultados evidenciaram que a expressão de afetividade negativa (tristeza/desânimo) influenciou negativamente a percepção de eficácia na liderança. Porém, a expressão de afetividade positiva (alegria/ânimo) não influenciou positivamente esta percepção. Esses achados são discutidos quanto às suas implicações teóricas, e, sobretudo, práticas. / [en] Morality, balance of a leader and his positivity, are central theoretical assumptions in the theory of authentic leadership. Taking these assumptions as object of study, this research empirically investigates the impact of authentic principles in the speech of a leader and the expression of emotions in the perception of leadership effectiveness through two experiments. The first study investigated the effect of authentic speech in the judgements of followers from different occupational areas on the leadership. The results indicate that the endorsement of principles of authentic leadership in the speech of a leader influences positively the perception of leadership effectiveness. However, this effect is significantly lower among professionals in Finance and Marketing/Sales areas. The second experiment investigated the influence of the expression of positive and negative emotions in the trials on the effectiveness of a leader who endorse authentic values. The results showed that the negative affectivity expression (sadness/depression) influenced negatively the perception of leadership effectiveness. However, the positive affect expression (happiness/enthusiasm) not influence positively this perception. These findings are discussed to show their theoretical, and, above all, practical implications.


MARISTELA PROVEDEL DE CARVALHO 14 September 2017 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho pretende analisar, a partir de questões surgidas na prática clínica, a relação entre dois mundos: o mundo particular do indivíduo e o mundo externo a esse indivíduo, representado pelas chamadas sociedades pós-modernas. A idéia de um self perdido é para nós uma imagem representativa do que se passa na contemporaneidade quando as pessoas se esforçam para conseguir ser uma unidade nas gigantescas comunidades. Através de vinhetas clínicas ilustrativas vamos entrelaçar as narrativas pessoais com pontuações advindas da psicanálise e das ciências sociais. Procura-se observar como as sociedades tratam as pessoas e o quanto de senso crítico pode haver por parte destas acerca do mundo em que vivem. Entre tantas possibilidades de ser, uma em especial chama a nossa atenção pela forma astuciosa de pensar e agir. Abordaremos aqui um perfil de pessoas que conseguem transitar pelos excessos que as megalópoles despejam sobre elas utilizando para isso um filtro especial que lhes permite preservar o que possuem de mais precioso: sua autenticidade. / [en] This dissertation aims to analyze, in view of matters observed in the clinic, the relationship between two worlds: the world particular to the individual and the world external to that individual, represented by the so-called postmodern societies. The idea of a lost self is for us an image that represents what has been happening nowadays when people attempt to be a unity in our enormous communities. Using illustrative examples from the clinic, we will intertwine contemporary people s narratives with observations from Psychoanalysis and Social Sciences. We want to observe how societies treat their inhabitants and how much critical thinking can people have concerning the world in which they live. Among so many possibilities of being there is one in special that calls our attention because of its cunningness in thinking and acting. We will approach here this profile of people who manage to journey through the excesses the megalopolis pour down on them using a special filter that allows them to preserve what they have of most precious: their authenticity.


PAULA ADRIENE DUARTE 04 December 2015 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho busca investigar e compreender as correlações entre os exercícios físicos praticados de forma esportiva, sem finalidade competitiva, e a dimensão experiencial na qual se desenvolve um processo de aquisição de sentido para a vida marcada pela espontaneidade dos movimentos e autenticidade do ser. Para tanto, vamos privilegiar as abordagens que acentuam os aspectos psicológicos, filosóficos e sociológicos envolvidos neste tipo de experiência, pois acreditamos que, ao desvelar o entrelaçamento existente entre eles, evidenciaremos as relações indissolúveis entre o corpo, os afetos, o psiquismo e as influências ambientais de vários tipos, desde os estímulos sensoriais até aqueles difundidos pelos veículos midiáticos da cultura de consumo pós-moderna. A experiência esportiva livre, logo, nos servirá como exemplo valioso para explorarmos diversos aspectos desta dimensão do viver criativo, como a importância do corpo na vida subjetiva, mais especificamente, o papel das experiências motoras e sensoriais na construção de significações originárias; na constituição da personalidade, assim como na singularização da experiência do tempo e de si mesmo. / [en] This study aims to investigate and understand the correlations between physical exercises practiced without sports competitive purpose and experiential dimension in which it develops a process of acquiring meaning in life marked by spontaneity of movements and authenticity of being. To do so, we focus on approaches that emphasize the psychological, philosophical and sociological aspects involved in this kind of experience, because we believe that by unveiling the existing entanglement between them, we can put in evidence the indissoluble relationship between the body, the emotions, the psyche and the environmental influences of various types, from natural human sensorial stimulus to promoted by media outlet culture of postmodern consumer. The uncompetitive sports experience serve us as a valuable example to explore various aspects of this dimension of creative living, such as the importance of the body in the subjective life, more specifically, the role of sensorial and motor experiences in building ultimate meanings, for the personality constitution, as well as singling out the experience of time and of itself.

L’authenticité du mobilier français de l’époque classique : interpréter, évaluer et préserver / The Authenticity of French Furniture of the Classic Period : interpretation, Evaluation, Preservation

Auffret, Stéphanie 16 January 2010 (has links)
La présente thèse s’intéresse à l’authenticité du mobilier français de l’époque classique selon trois axes de réflexion : interprétation, évaluation et préservation. Dans un premier temps, le sens du mot « authenticité » est exploré ainsi que sa portée dans le domaine de la conservation du patrimoine culturel, et ce corrélativement à l’évolution de la pratique de la restauration. À partir des réflexions engagées lors de la Conférence de Nara sur l’authenticité, tenue au Japon en 1994 dans le cadre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial, des critères d’évaluation de l’authenticité spécifiques au mobilier sont proposés. Ensuite, les caractéristiques esthétiques du mobilier français de l’époque classique et les techniques qui lui sont associées sont traitées. Une « procédure d’authentification » est proposée pour évaluer et préserver son authenticité. Enfin, quatre études de cas illustrent les idées développées ; l’authenticité de chacun de ces meubles est appréciée à l’aide des « critères d’évaluation » établis. / This dissertation focuses on the authenticity of French furniture of the Classic period in regard to its interpretation, evaluation and preservation. The first part, theoretical, addresses the meaning of the word “authenticity” as well as its interpretation in the context of cultural heritage and looks into the history of conservation. Based on the exchanges carried out during the Nara Conference on Authenticity, held in Japan in 1994 in relation to the World Heritage Convention, specific evaluation criteria for furniture are suggested. The second part, technical, will review aesthetic features of French furniture of the Classic period as well as its associated techniques. An “authentication procedure” is proposed to evaluate and preserve authenticity. Four case studies allow, in the third part, to illustrate the ideas previously discussed; the authenticity of each of them is assessed from the “evaluation criteria” established.


18 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] A busca de níveis superiores de qualidade, tempo e competitividade é uma preocupação constante das agências econômicas e no setor agro - alimentar não poderia ser diferente. Um crescente número de pesquisas tem sido publicado detalhando o uso de técnicas analíticas para a determinação do conteúdo mineral, razões isotópicas ou de ambos como descritores geográficos de diferentes produtos agrícolas desde alimentos frescos até produtos processados. A pesquisa de vinhos no Brasil ainda é muito restrita aos pólos produtores de vinhos do país. E, a maior parte dos trabalhos tem como o objetivo a análise de parâmetros clássicos de controle de qualidade, sendo recente em nosso país a pesquisa envolvendo o desenvolvimento e/ou aplicações de metodologias que possam caracterizar o vinho e sua região produtora. Técnicas espectrométricas, como a ICP-OES, ICP-MS, são as mais utilizadas para este propósito e, foram utilizadas neste trabalho. Pela primeira vez o estudo das razões isotópicas de boro e chumbo foi aplicado aos vinhos brasileiros. A análise e classificação dos componentes principais (PCCA) e a análise de agrupamentos (CA), foram utilizadas no processamento dos dados. As regiões Sul e Nordeste puderam ser definidas utilizando tanto os dados da caracterização inorgânica quanto os isotópicos, mas não o suficiente para se definir as regiões produtoras de vinhos do Rio Grande do Sul, em especial o Vale dos Vinhedos. Ficou claro neste trabalho que o emprego da estatística multivariada aos dados obtidos através das determinações inorgânicas e isotópicas é uma poderosa ferramenta analítica. / [en] The search for higher levels of quality, time and competitiveness is a constant concern of economic agencies and agro - food could not be different. A growing body of research has been published detailing the use of analytical techniques for determining the mineral content, isotopic ratios or both as geographical descriptors of different agricultural products from fresh food to processed products. A search of wines in Brazil is still very restricted to the poles wine producers in the country. And, most of the work has as objective the analysis of classical parameters of quality control, and recent research in our country involving the development and / or application of methodologies that characterize the wine and its producing region. Spectrometric techniques such as ICP-OES, ICP-MS, are the most used for this purpose and were used in this study. For the first time the study of the isotopic ratios of lead and boron was applied to the Brazilian wines. The analysis and classification of the major components (PCCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were used for data processing. The South and Northeast could be identified using data from both inorganic as the isotopic characterization, but not enough to define the wine producing regions of Rio Grande do Sul, particularly the Valley of the Vineyards. It became clear in this study that the use of multivariate statistical data obtained through the inorganic and isotopic determinations is a powerful analytical tool.

Kde jsou hranice člověka? Hledání autistické subjektivity / Where are the Boundaries of Normality? The Search for Autistic Subjectivity

Polčová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
Despite of the growing body of multidisciplinary literature dealing with autism, encounters with a reality on the spectrum remains an under researched area. During my two years long fieldwork I discovered the controversial nature of being on the spectrum. To be on the spectrum is at the same time similar and different from the kind of situations in which any human being is entangled. This diploma thesis follows the process of formation of being on the spectrum situated in specific "playful" environment. It focuses on heterogeneous interactions among human and nonhuman agents. It follows multiple (a)symmetries that emerge in this process. The aim of the thesis is to introduce the reality on the spectrum in an innovative and processually situated way and making it a leverage of exploring the nature of the social. The ethnographic research took place in four "playrooms" and mapped the material practices of the alternative therapy Son-Rise. Through mirroring, the main therapeutic practice, boundaries of similarity/otherness where the other is emerging as an autist subject are continuously negotiated, generated and blurred. Becoming similar comprises of multiple practices, including assuming other (autistic) sensitivity and inventing similar (body) competencies. In addition, the diploma thesis discusses...

Hollywood som historielärare

Jönsson, Andreas, Lawitz, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
I det här arbetet vill vi ta reda på hur historiska spelfilmer förhåller sig till historiemedvetande. Det vi främst fokuserar på är hur högstadieelever relaterar till historisk spelfilm och hur deras historiemedvetande påverkas av den audiovisuella historieförmedlingen i skolan, i avsikt att framställa en matris för hur undervisning med hjälp av film ska ske. Ytterligare ett inslag i denna uppsats utgörs av en redogörelse kring hur man praktiskt går till väga när man arbetar med film i undervisningssammanhang. För att uppfylla syftet har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Idag konkurrerar skolans kunskapsmonopol med populärkulturen. I takt med medievärldens expansion har den tekniska utvecklingen och intresset för tekniska medel ökat i samhället. Filmtekniken har förbättrats, vilket har lett till att spelfilmer framstår som mer autentiska än vad de tidigare har gjort. Vårt intryck är att den historiska spelfilmen som ett hjälpmedel i undervisningen får en allt större plats i den svenska skolan. Få läromedel kan få elever att leva sig in i historiska miljöer och ännu färre kan beröra elever emotionellt som just spelfilmen. En annan fördel med spelfilm i skolan är att eleverna får verktyg så att de kan hantera mediernas bild av världen ur ett källkritiskt perspektiv. / With this essay we want to examine the relation between historical movies and historical conciousness. Our main focus is on how seniors of compulsory school relates to historical movies and how their historical conciousness is effected by the audiovisual funds in teaching of history, in purpose to develope a matrix for teaching involving movies. An additional element of our studie represents a short account of how to practically use movies in shool. In order to do this we have chosen a qualatative method with semistructured interviews. Today, school is challenged by e.g. popular cultur. In a time of an increasing flow of media in society, the interest for technical aid has increased in the society. The technical methods in moviemaking has been improved and has conveyed to movies beeing more authentic than they ever been before. Our impression is that movies based on historical events becomes more inported in school. Few didactical aids enables pupils to embrace the historical enviroment and even fewer can touch pupils’ emotions. Another advantage is that movie gives the pupils tools to create a critical thinking when relating to the medias’ perception of the world.

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