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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autobiografie v kontextu teorie pozicionality / Autobiography in the Context of the Positioning Theory

Soukupová, Klára January 2019 (has links)
Mgr. Klára Soukupová Autobiography in the Context of the Positioning Theory Abstract This doctoral thesis is a theoretical and an interpretative study that deals with the genre of autobiography, its position in the contemporary literary theory and problems related to an interpretation of autobiographical texts. Autobiography as a genre of non-fictional literature refers to real characters and events, but at the same time it is a literary work of art, a verbal construct in which the representation of reality is subject to the intentions of the author and to the rules of construction, that are close to the compositional techniques of fictional texts. The first part of the thesis concentrates on the theory of autobiography and its interdisciplinary context. It summarizes the development of theory of autobiography from the late 19th century to the present. Also, the concepts of the memory studies (especially the concept of collective memory) and the problem of distinguishing fiction and non-fiction (discussed in philosophy of history in 1970s and 1980s, fictional worlds theory, pragmatics of fiction, etc.) are taken into account. The theoretical chapter critically reflects P. Lejeune's definition of autobiography, based on the concept of the autobiographical pact. In relation with the problem of how to define...

Theater der Schrift / Heiner Müllers autobiografische Dekonstruktion ; eine Lektüre

Röder, Levin D. 09 September 2008 (has links)
Eine Reihe literaturwissenschaftlicher Arbeiten seit Anfang der Neunzigerjahre bezeugt das lebhafte Interesse an der subjektiven Verfasstheit von Müllers Schreiben. Keine jedoch widmet sich erschöpfend Müllers als Autobiografie ausgewiesenem Text KRIEG OHNE SCHLACHT – LEBEN IN ZWEI DIKTATUREN. Zu Ehren kam der Text bislang nur als Zitatsteinbruch, Interpretationshilfe und umfangreiche poetologische Materialsammlung. Zumeist wird das Werk als gültiger Beleg der Intention müllerschen Schreibens herangezogen und erlangt damit einen unzulässigen Grad an Deutungshoheit. Dabei wird die poetische Dimension des Textes oft nur unzureichend reflektiert oder gänzlich missachtet. Die vorliegende textkritische Untersuchung soll dazu beitragen, die Forschungslücke in der einschlägigen Sekundärliteratur zu schließen und dazu anregen, das Potenzial Müllers enormen und vielgestaltigen Werkes jenseits seiner als Theaterarbeiten ausgewiesenen Texte wahrzunehmen und in Bewegung zu setzen. Nach einführenden Darstellungen zu Rezeptionssituation und Forschungsstand, der Diskussion spezifischer poetologischer Fragestellungen im Allgemeinen wie solcher der Autobiografieforschung im Besonderen, der Untersuchung der Genese und formaler Besonderheiten des Textes, analysiert die vorliegende Arbeit vor allem die strukturellen Wirkungsmechanismen, die Müllers disparate Selbstexplikation zum Auto-Drama werden lassen. Die Rückführung der Bedeutungsgeneration auf die strukturästhetischen Wirkungsmechanismen scheint insofern geeignet, als sie durch Textnähe und punktuelle Analyse der Textgenese Müllers Strategie der Selbst-Dekonstruktion sehr nahe kommt. Zumal Müller seine »Lebenserzählung« nach ähnlichen Strukturprinzipien aufbaut, wie seine anderen »poetischen« Texte auch. Aus der Beschreibung der disparaten Äußerungsformen des autobiografischen Ichs ergeben sich die textimmanenten Strategien der überaus komplexen Selbstinszenierung Müllers, sein »Theater der Schrift«. / Since the early 1990s a number of literary papers testify the vivid interest in the subjective composition of Müller’s writing. But none of these detailed devotes to Müller’s as autobiography assigned text WAR WITHOUT BATTLE – LIFE IN TWO DICTATORSHIPS. Until now the text has been only used as quarry of quotations, aid of interpretation and extensive poetological collection of material. Mainly the work is used as evidence of the intention of Müller’s writing and therefore receives an inadmissible degree of sovereignty of interpretation. The poetical dimension of the text is often inadequately reflected or even totally neglected and ignored. This text-critical examination will contribute to close this gap of research within the relevant secondary literature and encourage the recognition and discussion of the potential of Müller’s enormous and multifarious work beyond his as theatre work assigned texts. After the introduction of the situation of reception and the status of current research, the discussion of specific poetological questions in general such as autobiographical research, examination of genesis and formal specific features of texts, this paper will analyse the structural mechanisms of effect, which turn Müller’s disparate self-explication into an auto-drama. It seems suitable to return the meaning of generation on the structure-esthetical mechanisms of effect, as the proximity of text and selective analysis of the genesis of text is very close to Müller’s strategy of self-deconstruction. Particularly as Müller constructs his »Lebenserzählung« to similar structural principals as well as others of his »poetical« texts. The description of the disparate form of expression of the autobiographic I result in the text-immanent strategies of the enormous complex self-dramatisation of Müller; his »Theater der Schrift«.

Užití autobiografických motivů v dílech Edgara Dutky, Elišky Vlasákové a Antonína Bajaji / Use of Autobiographical Motifs in Works of Edgar Dutka, Eliška Vlasáková and Antonín Bajaja

Pokorná, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
The work confronts prosaic pieces with noticeable autobiographical features. It deals namely with works of Edgar Dutka, Eliška Vlasáková and Antonín Bajaja. It was not a coincidence to choose right these three Czech authors. They have quite a few features in common. They all belong to the same generation. They are born in the 40's of the 20th century, so they have spent an essential part of their lives (childhood, adolescence and substantial part of their working age) in the second half of the 20th century - in the time of political convulsions and social changes. A childhood spent during this period has become their common literary theme. They all make their memories a literary piece. Each of them does it in a different way and with a different amount of accuracy. Their inspiration comes from their real life, from their memories. The next common feature of these three authors is that they all wrote some of their texts without a vision to make them public. They wrote them for themselves. Book editions were carried out after the year 2000. Last but not least mutual fact is that all of these three authors have been nominated for a prestigious literary price. Edgar Dutka's works show the interdigitation of fictional worlds and also the diffusion of these worlds in the real life of the author. Eliška...

Podoby autobiografických forem. Přestupný rok - Disiecta membra - Let let / The Forms of Autobiography. Přestupný rok - Disiecta membra - Let let

Stejskalová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is concerned with autobiographical forms, their general characteristics as well as with three examples of Czech works of art that prove how difficult it is to make that general characteristics and show various kinds of autobiographical narrative. It aims to show the often heterogeneous character of the so- called autobiographical genres, and present some approaches in their study. In the opening chapter, we define the term autobiography or autobiographical form in regard to literary history and theory, and special attention to Czech research in this field. We concentrate on the genre specifics of autobiographical forms, the opposition of "literary" and "authentic" diary, the term "autobiographical pact" coined by Philippe Lejeune and several patterns of autobiographical memory introduced by James Olney. The key aspect of our study is the nature of autobiographical form derived from the subject's style and illocutionary acts, i. e. stylization as defined by John Searle followed by Jean Starobinski or Paul de Man. Out of the wide spectrum of issues connected with autobiography we focus on the description of the subject's narrative structure, mainly on its language, style, frequent motifs, its memory and relationship to other characters in its text. The complexity of the very...

Paměť a čas v Augustinových Vyznáních a v Proustově Hledání ztraceného času / Memory and Time in Augustine's Confessiones and in Proust's A la Recherche du Temps Perdu

Roreitnerová, Alena January 2018 (has links)
This presented paper is a parallel reading of two works which both connect a philosophical perception of time and memory with an actual narration. The first is one of the earliest spiritual autobiographies of late antiquity - Confessions - and the second is a modern novel - In Search of Lost Time. A distinctive (originally Neoplatonic) understanding of eternity as simultaneity opens a line of questioning which both Confessions and In Search of Lost Time have in common: What is the relation between time and eternity (extra-temporality in Proust's case) and is it possible at all for a time being to have a relation to something what is eternal? In both works, the mediating role between time succession and timeless simultaneity is played by narration and memory. Part I of the paper (Chapter 1) deals with Augustine's understanding of time which can be found not only in Book XI of Confessions but also throughout the whole work including its narrative passages; it also partly takes into consideration Book VI of De musica. It tries to answer a more general question, i.e. whether Augustine in his autobiography concentrates only on subjective time or whether he is interested in time as such (in contrast to eternity). The answer is intended to be found through the analysis of questions the author of...

Umírání jako příběh (několik řešení) / Dying as a story (several solutions)

Kloudová, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation aims at showing the differences in dealing with the death issue in characteristic works of art of both Czech and world literature. Above all, it pursues the comparison of two novels Život střídá smrt ("Life Becomes Death") by Petr Prouza and Nebe nemá dno ("Heaven is Bottomless") by Hana Andronikova. Both unique books belong to key Czech novels with the topic of death. Moreover, both of them deal with death from the point of personal experience, which means they are strongly autobiographical. The dissertation concentrates on creative processes and topical aspects, grasps autobiographical elements of both novels and all the identities and differences in the approach to the same topic. Therefore, the dissertation is devoted to listing the works of art dealing with death, further on to the analyses, interpretation and comparison of the novels Život střídá smrt ("Life Becomes Death") and Nebe nemá dno ("Heaven is Bottomless") together with the reflexion of reader's experience.

Gabriel Berger: Allein gegen die DDR-Diktatur. Bespitzelt vom Ministerium für Staatssicherheit im Osten und Westen (1968- 1989)

Niether, Hendrik 21 January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Poetik des autobiografischen Blogs / Poetics of the Blog

Michelbach, Elisabeth 01 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Ambition und Leibdistanz. / Sozialer Aufstieg als Indikator eines ambivalenten Zivilisierungsprozesses zwischen 1800 und 2000 / Ambition and distance from the body. / Social mobility as an indicator of an ambivalent civilising process between 1800 and 2000

Schömer, Frank 12 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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