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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Internationalisation of companies

Yman, Neil January 2000 (has links)
<p>Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union all conditions and principles for doing business in the area have changed. The shift from a planned economy to a market economy is connected with rapid and basic changes in political, social, economic and technological conditions. The Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia andLithuania are going through a gradual transition and the decrease of central economic power leads to the liquidation of state monopolies. The markets of the Baltic is giving great opportunities for Western European companies since the Baltic is a good springboard to the more Eastern European markets, which consists of over 400 million possible customers.The Baltic countries is not a homogeny group, they have different language, culture and history. Western European companies need to be aware of this facts if they are going to become successful with their establishments. The Western European companies choose different entry modes in order to fulfil their international ambitions. The entry mode signals to host governments and to competitors the companies ambitions in the hostcountry. For the majority of companies the most significant international marketing decision they are likely to take is therefore how they should enter new markets. The purpose of the study is to explain how foreign companies strategies theoretically match the Baltic countries strengths and weaknesses and what kind of entry modes provides a good match between the investor´s strategy and the local attractiveness.</p>

A suggestion on uniform sludge and waste handling in the Baltic Sea Area

Eklund, Per, Dahlberg, Stefan January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to make a thorough but compact description of the international laws concerning solid garbage generated by vessels and sludge treatment. It is also to construct a pamphlet that can be used as a guide by ports when constructing their own information sheets to the vessels. The questions given to us from Baltic Master II were: what does the international legislation state about waste handling from vessels and in the port facilities, both sludge and solid garbage? Describe routines for receiving sludge, with concern taken to the rules that apply today. Describe routines for receiving sorted garbage and recycling, with concern taken to the rules that apply today. Look at the present symbols and labelling and develop a standard for vessels and port facilities. To solve these questions we choose an investigative method based on a literature study. The research of earlier studies showed that the parties involved consider the waste- and sludgetreatment to be flawed. In some cases the problems are fictitious or exaggerated. The main problem originates from the fact that there are no uniform routines for the interaction between vessel and port. Although there is more then one way to deal with this problem, we have concluded that the best way to improve the present day situation is to implement uniform routines. To make the routines effective they should be developed and agreed upon by the parties involved taking into consideration present day international legislation. In this thesis we present a suggestion on such a routine.</p>

Integrationen av etniska minoriteter i de tre Baltiska staterna

Viduss, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>This essay is a comparative empirical study of ethnic integration mainly of the Russian-speaking minorities in the three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) in a post-communism setting. As Lithuania has a Polish minority that is as large as the Russian-speaking, they too shall be included in the study but not as thoroughly as the Russian-speaking minority. Thus the problem is: to what degree are the ethnic minorities integrated with the titular nations in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania? In order to study ethnic integration I have set up a theoretical framework largely based on Weiner’s theory of integration. The theoretical framework focuses on three dimensions: Citizenship, Identity and Segregation. The method used is Most Similar System Design (MSSD). The aim of MSSD is to identify differences in the dimensions which can explain differences in the factor investigated. This particular essay aims to identify the differences in citizenship, identity and segregation which can explain differences in integration between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Opinion data and statistics as well as relevant literature on the subjects of attitudes and minority situation in the Baltic States will hopefully give a fair picture of the circumstances regarding integration. My conclusions are that the minorities in Lithuania are the ones most integrated with the titular society; due to a legislation that enabled all permanent residents with automatic citizenship and a much smaller minority population. Minorities (save the Polish) do not live in self-contained enclaves where they employ each other, speak the same language and insulate themselves from the titular society in Lithuania. Estonia on the other hand has a legislation that did only give full citizenship to inter-war citizens leaving the majority of the Russian-speaking migrants stateless. Estonia consists of two different ethnic societies living side by side with few interactions between the two which enables the minority to insulate itself. The minority in Estonia is the least integrated minority in the Baltic states. Latvia gave automatic citizenship only to inter-war citizens leaving the majority of the russian-speakers without citizenship. Although Latvia has the largest minority population the minority does not live in self-contained enclaves insulated from the titular society (save some areas in eastern Latvia) which makes them more integrated than the minority in Estonia but less integrated than the minorities in Lithuania.</p>

Operatörernas attityder till säkerhet på finlandsfärjorna / The operators' attitudes towards safety on the ferries Sweden-Finland

Magnusson, Helena January 2010 (has links)
<p>Passagerarna behöver mera tid än säkerhetsinformation eftersom passagerarna har så bråttom att komma ombord, boka bord och handla tax-free. Därmed missar passagerarna viktig säkerhetsinformation som alltid ges vid avgång via fartygets högtalarsystem. Det finns klar och tydlig säkerhetsinformation ombord. Det viktiga är sättet att ge information än att ge mera information. Idag informeras passagerarna via videoskärmar, utrymningskartor på hyttdörrar, via högtalarsystemet ombord, säkerhetsbroschyrer i hytter och information, välutbildad besättning och det är väl skyltat ombord. Att överinformera om riskerna ombord kan skapa en oro bland passagerarna. Passagerarna är oftast ute på nöjeskryssningar och vill inte bli påminda om tidigare fartygskatastrofer eller om risker.</p><p>Det är upp till varje passagerare att söka säkerhetsinformation och hur passagerarna tar till sig säkerhetsinformationen beror till viss del på deras attityd och intresse att ta till sig säkerhetsinformationen. Det finns säkerhetsinformation att tillgå ombord och detta ger passageraren ett väsentligt bättre utgångsläge att klara sig om det bli aktuellt att utrymma fartyget.</p><p>Det är svårt att få information om säkerheten innan avgång, eftersom passageraren hänvisas till rederiernas hemsida. Rederierna skyltar inte med säkerhetsinformation på startsidan, utan passageraren måste själv leta sig vidare till denna information.</p><p>Rederierna har en god säkerhetskultur och med detta menas, safety first och ständig förbättring.</p><p> </p>

Analyses of Seismic Wave Conversion in the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Baltic Shield

Olsson, Sverker January 2007 (has links)
<p>Teleseismic data recorded by broad-band seismic stations in the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) have been used in a suite of studies of seismic wave conversion in order to assess the structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Baltic Shield. Signals of seismic waves converted between P and S at seismic discontinuities within the Earth carry information on the velocity contrast at the converting interface, on the depth of conversion and on P and S velocities above this depth. </p><p>The conversion from P to S at the crust-mantle boundary (the Moho) provides a robust tool to constrain crustal thicknesses. Results of such analysis for the Baltic Shield show considerable variation of Moho depths and significantly improve the Moho depth map. Analysis of waves converted from S to P in the upper mantle reveals a layered lithosphere with alternating high and low velocity bodies. It also detects clear signals of a sharp velocity contrast at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary at depths around 200 km. </p><p>Delay times of P410s, the conversion from P to S at the upper mantle discontinuity at 410 km depth, were used in a tomographic inversion to simultaneously determine P and S velocities in the upper mantle. The polarisation of P410s was also used to study anisotropy of the upper mantle. Results of these analyses are found to be in close agreement with independently derived results from arrival time tomography and shear-wave splitting analysis of SKS.</p><p>The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the ability of converted wave analysis as a tool to detect and image geological boundaries that involve sharp contrasts in seismic properties. The results also show that this analysis can provide means of studying aspects of Earth’s structure that are conventionally studied using other types of seismic data.</p>

Förändringen inom den ryska Östersjömarinen sedan Kalla krigets slut

Stärnevall, Olof January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen syftar till att ge en bild av hur den ryska Östersjömarinen har förändrats sen Kalla krigets slut. För att skapa en överskådlig och konkret bild för läsaren har tre parametrar belysts dessa är uppgifter, resurser och materiel. En avgränsning i tid har gjorts då jag avser rikta in min analys på tre årtal, 1992, 2000 och 2007 dock har en mindre historisk invisning gjorts. Uppsatsens frågeställningar är: Hur har Östersjömarinens uppgifter, resurser och uppgifter förändrats sen Kalla krigets slut?</p><p>    Östersjömarinen var som störst i slutet på Kalla kriget. Under 1990-talet då Ryssland befann sig i en ekonomisk kris drabbades hela den ryska krigsmakten och inte minst Östersjömarinen av neddragningar och minskat manöverutrymme. Antalet fartyg minskade och tillfälle till övningar försvann. Efter millennieskiftet stabiliserades Rysslands ekonomi och Östersjömarinens styrka växte, samarbetet med väst utökades och Ryssland deltar t.ex. i övningar med Nato. Under 2000-talet har Ryssland stärkts ytterligare och Östersjömarinen spelar allt en större roll i Rysslands vilja att försvara sina ekonomiska intressen. De militära utgifterna har ökat och nyproduktion av fartyg både till ryska flottan och för export har börjat byggas under 2000-talet.</p> / <p>Russia has since the fall of the Soviet Union faced some severe economic issues. During the 1990s the economy was rebuilt from a planned economy towards a more liberalized economy, and therefore a crisis was at hand. This unbalanced economy turned after the millennium, since a new president with a strong will strengthened Russia’s economy. This development after the Cold War also affected the Russian armed forces. The purpose of this essay is to describe the change in the Russian Baltic Fleet since the end of the Cold War. The study intends to answer the following questions: How have the economic recourses, the material situation and finally how the tasks changed in the Russian Baltic Fleet since the Cold War ended? To answer these questions I have analyzed a wealth of published materials covering this subject. The essay is built on three parameters: tasks, resources and material. With these three dimensions in mind I have built a total picture of the alterations that have been made in the Russian Baltic Fleet over the passed years.  The study has been carried out with the help of a comparative descriptive method.</p><p>    The result of this essay shows that the purpose and tasks for the Baltic Fleet have changed since the end of the Cold War. During the 1980s the goals in the Baltic were more aggressive and apparent. The strategic goals changed after the Cold War and the Baltic Fleet became more defensive. The tasks today concentrate upon Russia’s maritime interests, international cooperation and intervention.</p><p>    The Russian Fleet suffered from severe economic reductions during the 1990s. Since the new millennium the Russian economy has been strengthened and so have the Baltic Fleet. The result of how the material situation has changed since the Cold war ended is substantial. During the 1990s the number of ships became fewer and fewer.  Since 1998 the reduction of ships has stabilized and has since then been the same. The ships that serve in the Baltic Fleet are very old and few new ships have been added to the fleet.</p>

Energy intake of Common Guillemot, <em>Uria aalge</em>, chicks at Stora Karlsö, Sweden : influence of changes in the Baltic Sea

Enekvist, Elisabeth January 2003 (has links)
<p>Observations of feeding behaviour of common guillemots, <em>Uria aalge</em>, in June 2002 at the island Stora Karlsö in the Baltic Sea proper, and measurements of morphology and energy density in the prey fish sprat, <em>Sprattus sprattus</em>, showed that fish delivered to chicks at present are shorter and weigh less than in the 1970s. Long lasting attending periods and a feeding rate of 4.6 feeds per day indicate that parents are feeding their chicks at a maximum rate. Because of a decline in the energy density in sprat (22.4 kJg<sup>-1</sup> dry weight) the daily energy intake of common guillemot chicks have declined noticeably. This could probably explain the observed decrease in fledging body weight of chicks through the 1990s. Baltic common guillemots do not seem to be able to select more energy-dense prey sizes or to switch to other prey species.</p>

Gefahrendiskurse und baltische Sicherheitspolitik / Danger discourses and Baltic security

Möller, Frank January 2004 (has links)
Discourses of danger are a significant part of security and identity politics. They serve well for analysing the construction of both, security through identity politics, and identity through security policy. In this article, the declaration of the Vilnius Group of February 2003 is used as a point of departure. The author discusses the construction of state and national identities in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania throughout the 1990s by means of security policy, danger discourse, and mechanisms of exclusion. He argues that the replacement of Russia as a threat to Baltic security (in documents and policy manifestations) is a reflection of a relaxation of Baltic-Russian relations as well as an ingredient of the pre-accession strategy towards NATO. Political-military threats are replaced by cultural ones, while Russia, hitherto frequently represented as a concrete danger, gives way to abstractions such as „international terrorism“.

Küsten und Klimawandel in den Augen von Touristen : eine Wahrnehmungsanalyse an der deutschen Ostsee / How do tourists percieve the coast and climate change? : A perception analysis at the Baltic Sea

Hallermeier, Larissa Diane January 2011 (has links)
Aufgrund seiner wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung spielt der Tourismus in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern eine große Rolle. Insbesondere die Küstengebiete sind beliebte Reiseziele. In den letzten Jahren konnte ein kontinuierlicher Anstieg der Ankünfte und Übernachtungen verzeichnet werden. Neben anderen Faktoren werden die regionalen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels jedoch in Zukunft eine Herausforderung für den Tourismussektor darstellen. Die globale Erwärmung wird für den Strand- und Badetourismus sowohl negative, als auch positive Folgen haben, auf die reagiert werden muss. Neben vorbeugenden Klimaschutzmaßnahmen werden künftig auch Anpassungsstrategien entwickelt werden müssen, die den zu erwartenden Veränderungen Rechnung tragen. Doch zu welchen tourismusrelevanten Veränderungen wird es überhaupt kommen und was geschieht bereits aktuell? Sind die Folgen des Klimawandels durch Touristen schon jetzt wahrnehmbar? Wie reagieren die Urlauber auf eventuelle Veränderungen? Diese und andere Fragen soll die vorliegende Arbeit, die innerhalb des RAdOST-Vorhabens (Regionale Anpassungsstrategien für die deutsche Ostseeküste) angesiedelt ist, beantworten. Dazu wurde zum einen eine Literaturrecherche zu tourismusrelevanten Klimawandelfolgen an der deutschen Ostseeküste durchgeführt. Zum anderen erfolgte in den Sommermonaten 2010 eine Befragung der Strandgäste in Markgrafenheide, Warnemünde und Nienhagen an der mecklenburgischen Ostseeküste. Im Mittelpunkt der Umfrage stand die Wahrnehmung von Erscheinungen (z.B. viele Quallen oder warmes Ostseewasser) sowie kurz- oder langfristigen Veränderungen an der Küste (z.B. schmalere Strände, vermehrter Strandanwurf) durch die Urlauber. Außerdem wurden die Einstellung und der Informationsgrad der Gäste zum Thema Klimawandel an der Ostseeküste analysiert. Ziel war es, aus den Umfrageergebnissen Handlungsempfehlungen für das lokale Strandmanagement hinsichtlich künftiger Anpassungsstrategien abzuleiten. Die Literaturrecherche zeigte, dass in einigen Bereichen schon jetzt Veränderungen (z.B. der Luft- und Wassertemperatur oder des Meeresspiegels) nachweisbar sind und laut verschiedener Modellprojektionen von weiteren Veränderungen ausgegangen werden kann. Wie die Umfrage deutlich machte, sind die Veränderungen momentan durch Touristen jedoch kaum oder gar nicht wahrnehmbar. Dementsprechend gering ist auch ihre Reaktion auf die einzelnen Phänomene. Generell ist die Wahrnehmung der Urlauber sehr subjektiv und selektiv. Manche Gegebenheiten wie beispielsweise existierende Küstenschutzmaßnahmen werden von einem großen Teil der Touristen gar nicht wahrgenommen. Hinsichtlich anderer Erscheinungen wie Strandanwurf und Quallen sind viele Besucher wiederum sehr sensibel. Es zeigte sich außerdem, dass es für die meisten Urlauber schwierig ist, zu beurteilen, ob bestimmte Gegebenheiten am Strand und an der Küste mit der globalen Erwärmung in Verbindung stehen oder nicht. Es besteht eine große Unsicherheit zu diesem Thema und oft wird der Klimawandel als Ursache für Erscheinungen genannt, auch wenn der kausale Zusammenhang wissenschaftlich nicht nachzuweisen ist. Es zeigte sich, dass die Urlauber sehr wenig über die regionalen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels informiert sind, sich aber Informationen wünschen. Folglich sollte zunächst die Aufklärung und Information der Urlauber über die Folgen der Veränderung des Klimas im Vordergrund stehen. Denn manche Aspekte, wie der Verlust von Strandabschnitten durch Erosion oder eine eventuelle Zunahme von Blaualgen in der Sommersaison, können nicht gänzlich vermieden werden. Durch gezielte Aufklärung könnte jedoch beispielsweise eine Akzeptanz für naturnahe Strände oder für den Rückzug aus einzelnen Gebieten geschaffen werden. Darüber hinaus sollte die zu erwartende Saisonverlängerung systematisch genutzt werden, um sowohl die Küste, als auch das Hinterland durch gezielte Angebote für Touristen attraktiv zu machen. Auf diese Weise könnte eine Entzerrung der Hauptsaison und eine bessere Auslastung der Beherbergungsbetriebe sowie der touristischen Infrastruktur erreicht werden.

Internationalisation of companies

Yman, Neil January 2000 (has links)
Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union all conditions and principles for doing business in the area have changed. The shift from a planned economy to a market economy is connected with rapid and basic changes in political, social, economic and technological conditions. The Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia andLithuania are going through a gradual transition and the decrease of central economic power leads to the liquidation of state monopolies. The markets of the Baltic is giving great opportunities for Western European companies since the Baltic is a good springboard to the more Eastern European markets, which consists of over 400 million possible customers.The Baltic countries is not a homogeny group, they have different language, culture and history. Western European companies need to be aware of this facts if they are going to become successful with their establishments. The Western European companies choose different entry modes in order to fulfil their international ambitions. The entry mode signals to host governments and to competitors the companies ambitions in the hostcountry. For the majority of companies the most significant international marketing decision they are likely to take is therefore how they should enter new markets. The purpose of the study is to explain how foreign companies strategies theoretically match the Baltic countries strengths and weaknesses and what kind of entry modes provides a good match between the investor´s strategy and the local attractiveness.

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