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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An employee assistance program: A study of its scope, use, behavioral change, volunteerism, and confidentiality

Tompkins, Lynn Michael 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to determine if one company-sponsored EAP and health program influences some behaviors and lifestyle choices of employees when off the job. This study compared the perceptions of employees and management regarding what is within the “legitimate” (job-related) EAP scope. During the past four decades the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has increased in number and scope such that an estimated 50 percent of working Americans currently have access to an EAP. Designed originally to treat alcoholic workers, they now address other behavioral health problems such as drugs, family, emotional, financial and legal difficulties. In concert with EAPs, other initiatives have proliferated at the work site including health and wellness programs and drug testing policies. These convergent forces have served to create a blurring of the distinction between personal prerogatives regarding health and the work domain. What was once the province of the community—health care—has now shifted to the employer. This trend places EAP mental health practitioners, in particular, in the dual relationship of serving both client and company. Other issues which come to light include privacy, confidentiality, personal responsibility, paternalism, and de facto reinforcement of company-imposed values on the individual regarding lifestyle, fitness and even family life. The employees of a public utility in central California were surveyed. The entire population of 2,030 received the questionnaire; 575 people responded (28.3%). The findings were that all dimensions of EAP services were perceived to be job-related by a majority of the respondents. No more than 40 percent of the respondents felt that any single service was not job-related. That maximum was regarding smoking cessation. Although behavior had changed on some of the individuals as a result of EAP participation, the accompanying findings that those services were job-related nullified the distinction between behaviors at work and behaviors off the job. This raises the question of why employees think that EAP services are job-related. That and other aspects of EAP use patterns are discussed.

Examination of the Skills of Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Evaluating Specificity and Prediction of Differential Response in Cognitive and Behavioral Treatments

Hollars, Shannon N. 13 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Tränares kunskap om låg energitillgänglighet : En enkätstudie gjord på tränare för elitsatsande ungdomar inom uthållighetsidrotter / Coaches knowledge on low energy availability : A survey study conducted on coaches for elite youth in endurance sports

Blomqvist, Matilda, Unosson, Susanne January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Låg energitillgänglighet (LEA) är ett förekommande problem hos elitsatsandeungdomar inom uthållighetsidrotter. Det är ett resultat av att individens energiintag är lägreän individens energiförbrukning. Följderna av LEA är bland annat nedsatt prestation, skador,hormonell påverkan och ökade risker för psykiska följdsjukdomar. Förebyggande insatseranses viktiga för att motverka LEA, och där tränare har en viktig roll i arbetet.Syftet: Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka kunskaper tränare för ungdomar inomuthållighetsidrotter har om LEA och vilka kunskaper tränare har om konsekvenser relateradetill LEA. Metod: Enkätundersökning. Enkäten skickades ut till tränare inom elitsatsande verksamhetersom arbetar med ungdomar 15–24 år inom uthållighetsidrotter. 53 tränare inkluderades istudien. Analysmetoden som studien utgått ifrån är tematisk analys. Resultatet: Tränarna själva skattade sina kunskaper om LEA som goda eller mycket goda.92,5% av tränarna uppgav att de var medvetna om tecken på LEA och kunde redogöra förtecken som överensstämmer med litteratur. Tränarna kunde även ange negativa konsekvenserav LEA som rör idrottarens fysiologi, psykologi och prestation. 90,6% av tränarnarapporterade att de arbetar förebyggande för att motverka LEA. Tränarna angav flera olikaarbetsmetoder, vilket lyfts som positivt utifrån tidigare forskning. Konklusion: Studien visar att tränare känner till tecken i teorin men har svårt att omsätta deti praktiska arbetet. Tränarna uppgav en högre svarsfrekvens av fysiologiska konsekvenser pålång sikt och en lägre svarsfrekvens av vilka långvariga konsekvenser LEA har förprestationen. Inom det förebyggande arbetet bestod det mest frekventa arbetet av utbildning,samtal med aktiva och påminnelser om energibehov. Framtida forskning bör undersöka hurde aktiva upplever det förebyggande arbetet och undersöka skillnader i det förebyggandearbetet mellan idrotter där prevalensen av LEA är hög.

Évaluation qualitative d’une intervention infirmière d’entretien motivationnel à domicile auprès des personnes âgées sédentaires vivant avec la maladie coronarienne

Lavoie, Audrey 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Interven??o breve em organiza??es: mudan?a em coaching de executivos / Brief intervention in organizations: change in executives coaching

Milar?, Sueli Aparecida 13 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sueli Aparecida Milare.pdf: 609056 bytes, checksum: 760416320e827018362a4558a8be2d18 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-13 / The professional profile currently expected from executives in business organizations is not the same of many years ago. Executive coaching is being used by organizations as a tool to help their executives to adapt more efficaciously to the new challenges imposed by globalization. The executive coaching program is based on the evaluation of the individual s performance and his or her difficult to deal with the organizations demands, to help the executives to deal with the development of new competences in reaching the organizational goals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of a program of executive coaching. The sample was constituted by ten executives, from different companies located in the metropolitan area of Campinas, whose directors spontaneously looked for the coaching program for their employees; the researcher in her private professional practice developed this coaching program. Evaluations were accomplished at the beginning and at end of the processes and changes were clinically evaluated. The following instruments were employed: EDAO - Operational Scale for Diagnosis of Adaptation, designed to be a measure of the adaptive efficacy; EEM Stage of Change Scale, measures the level of readiness for change: PPA - Personal Profile Analysis, designed to evaluate the individual s predominant or characteristic behavior and AAD Performance Self-Analysis designed to identify the efforts accomplished by the executive concerning the feedback he or she has received from his or her partners and/or chiefs. The last two instruments are usually employed in the researcher's professional practice. Results suggested that the coaching program is efficient in promoting the individual s development as well as new personal competences to reach the organizational goals. It was observed that some profiles added to the management conditions that the executive is submitted in his/her work environment, they can generate inappropriate performance. The study limits are the restricted sample and the researcher herself had accomplished the meetings. New studies can include the executive's follow up after the program, to verify his/her stability and the consolidation of the new developed behaviors. / O perfil profissional que se espera das pessoas no trabalho hoje n?o ? o mesmo que se esperava h? alguns anos atr?s. O coaching de executivos est? sendo usado pelas organiza??es como uma ferramenta para ajudar seus executivos a adaptarem-se mais eficazmente aos desafios impostos pela globaliza??o. O coaching utiliza-se das informa??es obtidas sobre o desempenho e a problem?tica do indiv?duo para, posteriormente, ajud?-lo no desenvolvimento de novas compet?ncias para atingir as metas organizacionais. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de avaliar a efici?ncia de um programa de coaching de executivos para profissionais com n?vel de comando em organiza??es. A amostra ficou constitu?da por dez executivos, de diversas empresas da regi?o metropolitana de Campinas, sendo que seus superiores espontaneamente buscaram o programa desenvolvido pela pesquisadora em sua pr?tica profissional privada. Foram realizadas avalia??es no in?cio e ao final dos processos e as diferen?as clinicamente analisadas. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: EDAO Escala Diagn?stica Adaptativa Operacionalizada, que fornece uma medida da efic?cia adaptativa; a EEM Escala de Est?gios de Mudan?a, para medir o n?vel de prontid?o para mudan?a: o PPA Personal Profile Analysis, para levantamento da tend?ncia comportamental e AAD Auto-An?lise do Desempenho, para identificar o esfor?o realizado em dire??o aos feedbacks recebidos e da clareza que o executivo possui de poss?veis d?ficits em seu desempenho. Os dois ?ltimos instrumentos s?o usualmente empregados na pr?tica profissional da pesquisadora. Os resultados demonstram que o programa de coaching ? eficiente, permitindo a promo??o e o desenvolvimento de novas compet?ncias pessoais que possibilitam aos executivos atingir suas metas organizacionais. Observou-se que certos perfis adicionados ?s condi??es de gerenciamento a que o executivo est? submetido em seu ambiente de trabalho, poder?o gerar desempenho inadequado. O estudo apresenta limites como o fato da amostra ser restrita e os atendimentos terem sido realizados pela pr?pria pesquisadora. Novos estudos poder?o incluir o acompanhamento do executivo ap?s o programa, para verificar sua estabilidade e a consolida??o dos novos comportamentos desenvolvidos.

3MD for chronic conditions:a model for motivational mHealth design

Giunti, G. (Guido) 25 September 2018 (has links)
Abstract Chronic conditions are the leading cause of death in the world. Major improvements in acute care and diagnostics have created a tendency towards the chronification of formerly terminal conditions, requiring people with these conditions to learn how to self-manage. Mobile technologies hold promise as self-management tools due to their ubiquity and cost-effectiveness. The delivery of health-related services through the use of mobile technologies (mHealth) has grown exponentially in recent years. However, only a fraction of these solutions takes into consideration the views of relevant stakeholders like healthcare professionals or even patients. The use of behavioral change models (BCM) has proven important in developing successful health solutions, yet engaging patients remains a challenge. There is a trend in mHealth solutions called gamification that attempts to use game elements to drive user behavior and increase engagement. As it stands, designers of mHealth solutions for behavioral change in chronic conditions have no clear way of deciding what factors are relevant to consider. This doctoral thesis is framed in Consumer Health Informatics within the field of Medical Informatics and Information Systems. The focus of this work was to discover factors for the design of mHealth solutions for chronic patients; to do so, negotiations between medical knowledge, BCM and gamification were explored through an embedded case study research methodology. The data obtained was thematically analyzed to create the Model for Motivational Mobile-health Design for Chronic conditions (3MD). The 3MD model guides the design of condition-oriented gamified behavioral change mHealth solutions. The main components are: 1) Condition specific, which describe factors that need to be adjusted and adapted for each particular chronic condition; 2) Motivation related, which are factors that address how to influence behaviors in an engaging manner; and 3) Technology based, which are factors that are directly connected to the technical capabilities of mobile technologies. 3MD also provides a series of high level illustrative design questions for designers to use and consider during the design process. The work on this thesis addresses a recognized gap in research and practice, and proposes a unique model that could be of use in the generation of new solutions to help chronic patients. / Tiivistelmä Krooniset sairaudet ovat maailman yleisin kuolinsyy. Akuutissa hoidossa ja diagnostiikassa on tapahtunut merkittäviä parannuksia, ja aikaisemmin kuolemaan johtaneista sairauksista on tullut kroonisia ja ihmisten on opittava hallitsemaan niitä itse. Mobiiliteknologiat tarjoavat mahdollisuuksia sairauksien itsehallintaan, koska teknologiaa on yleisesti saatavilla ja se on kustannustehokasta. Terveyspalvelujen tarjoaminen mobiiliteknologian avulla on lisääntynyt huomattavasti viime vuosina. Kuitenkin vain murto-osa näistä ratkaisuista ottaa huomioon sidosryhmien, kuten terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten ja jopa potilaiden, näkemykset. Käyttäytymismuutosmallit ovat osoittautuneet tärkeiksi kehitettäessä onnistuneita terveysratkaisuja, mutta potilaiden osallistaminen kehittämiseen on yhä vaikeaa. Pelillistäminen on mobiilien terveysratkaisujen suunnittelutrendi, ja pelielementeillä pyritään vaikuttamaan ihmisten käyttäytymiseen ja sitoutumiseen. Mobiilien terveyssovellusten suunnittelijoilla ei ole selkeää näkemystä siitä, mitkä sovellustekijät vaikuttavat merkittävimmin kroonisissa sairauksissa sairastavien potilaiden käyttäytymisen muutokseen. Tämä väitöskirja tarkastelee kuluttajille suunnattua terveysteknologiaa, joka hyödyntää lääketieteellistä informatiikkaa ja tietojärjestelmätieteitä. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää kroonisia sairauksia sairastaville potilaille tarkoitettujen mobiilien terveyssovellusten suunnitteluun liittyviä tekijöitä. Tämän vuoksi lääketieteen tietämyksen, käyttäytymismuutoksien mallien ja pelillistämisen yhdistämistä tutkittiin sulautetun tapaustutkimuksen avulla. Saatuja tietoja temaattisesti analysoimalla luotiin kroonisia sairauksia varten motivoivan mobiilin terveyssovelluksen suunnittelumalli (3MD = Model for Motivational Mobile-health Design). 3MD-malli ohjaa sairauksien hallintaan tarkoitettujen pelillistettyjen ja käyttäytymismuutoksiin tähtäävien mobiilien terveyssovellusten suunnittelua. Mallin pääkomponentit ovat: 1) Sairautta kuvaavat tekijät, jotka kuvaavat tekijöitä, jotka on mukautettava ja sovitettava kullekin krooniselle sairaudelle. 2) Motivaatioon liittyvät tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat innostavasti käyttäytymiseen. 3) Teknologiaan perustuvat tekijät, jotka liittyvät suoraan mobiiliteknologian teknisiin ominaisuuksiin. 3MD tarjoaa myös havainnollisia suunnittelukysymyksiä, joita suunnittelijat voivat käyttää ja pohtia suunnitteluprosessin aikana. Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee yleisesti tunnistettua puutetta tutkimuksessa ja suunnittelukäytännössä ja esittelee ainutlaatuisen mallin, josta voi olla hyötyä uusien ratkaisujen luomisessa ja kroonisia sairauksia sairastavien potilaiden auttamisessa.

Is knowledge enough? : A qualitative study investigating the knowledge-action gap of environmental science students

Karlsson, Sandra, Lindström, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
In order to slow down, if not stop, climate change, we all need to contribute to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. This knowledge has been with us for a long time, but nevertheless emissions have not decreased, but rather increased. To understand the reason why we don't act in line with what we know, we need to study behaviors. In this paper we focus on behaviors at the individual level. The gap that exists between what we know and what we do has many names where it is studied from different perspectives, and to understand what creates this gap is very complex. There is therefore not just one answer to this question and many different complementary theories and models are needed. The majority of the studies carried out on the subject examine perceptionsof the gap among people without higher education in environmental science, which has contributed to knowledge being, in many cases,seen as one of the main contributing factors to inaction.In our study, we want to contribute with a perspective on the gapin people who already have a higher education in environmental science. We conducted a qualitative study with three focus group interviews with environmental science students at Linköping University. The results show that, despite higher education and knowledge, there are variousindividual, structural and responsibility factors thathinder individuals fromactingenvironmentally friendly. Throughout the analysis the situational aspect comes into play and that knowledge of the complexity of environmental and climate issues can in many cases contribute to inaction. / För att kunna bromsa, om inte stoppa, klimatförändringarna behöver vi alla bidra till att minska våra växthusgasutsläpp. Denna vetskap har funnits med oss länge, men trots det har inte utsläppen minskat utan snarare ökat. För att förstå orsaken till varför vi inte agerar i linje med vad vi vet behöver vi studera beteenden. I denna uppsats fokuserar vi på beteenden på individnivå. Det gap som finns mellan vad vi vet och vad vi gör har många namn (e.g. value-action gap, attitude-behavior gap) där man studerar det utifrån olika perspektiv. Att förstå vad som skapar detta gap är mycket komplext. Det finns därmed inte ett rätt svar på denna fråga utan det behövs många olika kompletterande teorier och modeller. Majoriteten av de studier som gjorts undersöker uppfattningar om gapet hos personer utan högre utbildning inom miljövetenskap. Vilket har bidragit till att bristande kunskap i många fall setts som en av de största bidragande faktorerna till overksamhet. Vi vill därmed i vår studie bidra med ett perspektiv på gapet utifrån personer som redan har en högre utbildning inom miljövetenskap, och kallar således gapet för knowledge-action gap. Vi genomförde en kvalitativ studie med tre fokusgruppsintervjuer med miljövetarstudenter från Linköpings universitet. Resultatet visar på att det, trots en högre utbildning och kunskap, finns många olika, individuella, strukturella och ansvarsrelaterade, faktorer som gör att en individ inte agerar miljövänligt. Genomgående i analysen för dessa är att den situationella aspekten spelar in samt att kunskapen om miljö-och klimatfrågans komplexitet i många fall kan bidra till overksamhet.

Employing gamification to support sustainable food consumption : Analysis and Redesign of the Too Good To Go mobile app

Nguyen, Thu Huong January 2020 (has links)
An estimated 1.3 billion tons of food is lost or wasted every year, adding to the growing problem of CO2 emissions and global warming. Consequently, there is an urgent need to address this issue. However, while a lot of research in Human-Computer-Interaction has been conducted about food waste in private households, there is still a lack of research about people’s food waste at a retail level in restaurants. This paper explores the potential of gamification in the design of apps intended to support more sustainable food consumption behavior. This study is centered on the existing Too Good To Go app and examines current user behavior and perception through quantitative and qualitative methods. Then through employment of design frameworks and iterative prototype cycles the potential to encourage active sustainable food consumption is examined. Findings show that there are many challenges stopping users from actively using the current app more often.  Findings also suggest that gamification has the potential to increase users’ motivation to use the app beyond reasons of only saving food. The implications of this paper could present new opportunities for applying gamification to reduce food waste that could inspire researchers and practitioners to explore the theme further.


ARIEL DE JESUS MENDEZ BRINDIS 09 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese aborda o tema do design persuasivo. É o resultado de uma investigação motivada para tentar entender os campos dimensionais ou categorias de análise que influem e determinam as mudanças de comportamento das pessoas através do uso de produtos de design. Com o objetivo de identificar as categorias de análise que promovem mudanças de comportamento partiu-se de uma visão transdisciplinar, entendendo que somente através desta visão é possível a completa compressão das distintas dimensões consideradas pelo modelo da conduta humana. A postura adotada reconhece a conduta como resultado de forças endógenas ao indivíduo que promovem sua intencionalidade e forças exógenas que a determinam. Esta tese tenta responder a pregunta: Quais são as dimensões conceituais no design de produtos que persuadem as pessoas de forma a gerar uma mudança em seu comportamento? A hipótese proposta define a existência de fatores externos ao projeto de produtos que influem de maneira determinante para o sucesso de uma mudança de comportamento das pessoas através do uso de produtos de design. Esses fatores externos são definidos como dimensões conceptuais que devem ser levadas em conta durante o processo de design. Como parte a pesquisa se reconhece o método da Teoria Fundamentada como aquela que resulta ser a mais adequada para estudar um fenómeno particular e poder, a partir da geração de categorias, explica-lo de maneira convincente e racional. O objeto desse estudo é o fenómeno através do qual um objeto de design contribui para promoção de uma mudança de conduta. Através de um recorte na investigação foi possível controlar o objeto de estudo focando-se ao uso da bicicleta como transporte, onde se identificou a bicicleta como objeto de design e como de transporte na Cidade de México (CDMX) como situação singular ou fenómeno. Foram realizadas entrevistas com usuários do produto e a partir da interação na identificação de categorias de analise foi possível chegar a uma síntese das dimensões que conformam o modelo de modelo de design persuasivo proposto. Estes fatores foram identificados em campos dimensionais do usuário e no contexto, respectivamente, além daqueles próprios ao produto. O resultado da pesquisa e seu aporte a disciplina centra-se em um modelo de design persuasivo que contempla e contém as distintas categorias de análise envolvidas pelo ‘projeto com intenção’. Finalmente, com o modelo de design persuasivo proposto ratificase a hipótese de que existem fatores externos (categorias de análises) ao produto de design que determinam a intencionalidade de uma mudança de comportamento nos indivíduos. O aporte dos achados a disciplina baseia-se na possibilidade de empregar o modelo proposto com carácter projetual para guiar a pesquisa sobre o usuário e o contexto em projetos de design persuasivo. A tese contribui ainda com um guia de aplicação do modelo de design persuasivo visando facilitar sua utilização durante o processo projetual. / [en] This thesis deals with persuasive design. The result of this research was motivated by the quest for understanding the different dimensions or categories of analysis that influence or even determines changes in human behavior through the use of product designs. A transdisciplinary vision was the departure research posture in order to understand the full human behavioral dimensions playing a role in human behavioral changes. This stance recognizes the human behavior as a result of internal forces that shapes the individuals intentionality and external forces that constrain and determines the final behavior. This thesis intent to answer the main question about, which are the conceptual dimensions involved in behavioral change through the use of a product design that persuades people into the new behavior? The hypothesis thus defines the existence of external forces to the product that influence and determines the result of an intended change in human behavior through the use of product design. These external forces are defined as conceptual dimensions that must be taken into account when designing products with the intent of provoking a human behavioral change. The use of the Grounded Theory approach allowed studying a singular phenomenon and generating categories of analysis through theoretical sampling. The research focuses on the actual situation where a product design is involved in a human behavioral change. The research focused on the use of the bicycle as transportation system in Mexico City as a way to facilitate the observations in a single situation. A series of interviews to product users were applied and through the use of theoretical sampling a number of specific categories were identified thus building the final persuasive model. The research final result and the value for the design discipline is made explicit through a persuasive model proposal that defines the different dimensions on human behavior as categories that determines and influence human behavioral changes. The persuasive model proposed in this research contemplates the external categories that determine human behavior that are present in the context as well as in the individuals mind and the categories or product design properties that influence human behavioral changes. The research generated value towards the design discipline includes the persuasive model and a startup guide for its use during the design project process. / [es] Esta tesis aborda el tema del diseño persuasivo. Es el resultado de una investigación motivada por intentar entender los campos dimensionales o categorías de análisis que influyen y determinan los cambios de conducta en las personas a través del uso de productos de diseño. Con el objetivo de identificar las categorías de análisis que promueven cambios conductuales se partió desde una visión transdisciplinar, en tanto que, solo a través de esta visión es posible la completa comprensión de las distintas dimensiones involucradas en el moldeo de la conducta humana. La postura adoptada reconoce a la conducta como resultado de fuerzas endógenas al individuo que promueven su intencionalidad y fuerzas exógenas que la determinan. Esta tesis intenta contestar a la pregunta ¿cuáles son las dimensiones conceptuales en el diseño de productos que persuaden a las personas a generar un cambio en su conducta? La hipótesis planteada define la existencia de factores externos al diseño de productos que influyen de manera determinante para el logro de un cambio de conducta en las personas a través del uso de productos de diseño. Dichos factores externos son definidos como dimensiones conceptuales que deben ser tomadas en cuenta durante el proceso de diseño. Como parte de la investigación se reconoce el método de la Teoría Fundamentada como aquel que resulta ser el más adecuado para estudiar un fenómeno particular y poder a partir de la generación de categorías explicarlo de manera convincente y racional. El objeto de estudio es el fenómeno a través del cual un objeto de diseño contribuye a la promoción de un cambio conductual. A través de un recorte en la investigación se logró controlar el objeto de estudio acotándolo al uso de la bicicleta como transporte, donde se identificó a la bicicleta como objeto de diseño y el transporte en la CDMX (Ciudad de México) como situación singular o fenómeno. Se realizaron entrevistas con usuarios del producto y a través de la iteración en la identificación de categorías de análisis se logró una síntesis de las dimensiones que conforman el modelo de diseño persuasivo propuesto. Estos factores fueron identificados en campos dimensionales del usuario y el contexto respectivamente, además de los propios del producto. El resultado de la investigación y su aportación a la disciplina se centra en un modelo de diseño persuasivo que contempla y contiene las distintas categorías de análisis involucradas en el diseño con intención. Al final, con el modelo de diseño persuasivo propuesto se ratifica la hipótesis de que existen factores externos (categorías de análisis) al producto de diseño que determinan la intencionalidad de un cambio conductual en los individuos. La aportación a la disciplina radica en la posibilidad de emplear dicho modelo con carácter proyectual al guiar la investigación de usuario y contexto en proyectos de diseño persuasivo. La tesis aporta además una guía de aplicación del modelo de diseño persuasivo con el fin de facilitar su puesta en marcha en los procesos de proyecto de productos.

Adoption of sustainable forestry practices by Non-Industrial Private Forest owners in Virginia

Rasamoelina, Maminiaina Solonirina 01 July 2008 (has links)
The concept of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) has been promoted in the past few decades all over the world. Non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners play an important role in that aspect in the U.S. because of their number (about 16 millions), the size of forest land under their control (about half of all forest land in the continental US), and the dynamism of their population (increasing number of new owners). This study sought to better understand how NIPF owners come to a decision for adoption (or non-adoption) of SFM practices. We developed a theoretical model combining four theories (the Value-Belief-Norm theory, the Theory of Planned Behavior, the Elaboration Likelihood Model, and the Innovation-Diffusion Process) to explain NIPF's decision making. Using multivariate analyses, we determined which elements of the developed theoretical model were significant in explaining adoption of eight groups of practices. Overall, some of the most significant predictors of adoption we identified were technical assistance, motivations for owning land and the use of a written management plan. Particular attention was also directed toward the eventual relationship between education and adoption of SFM practices and it was found that NIPF owners who attended educational programs tended to be likely adopters compared to those who did not attend any educational program. Since SFM was not limited to the US, we also analyzed the concept of SFM with the same goals as in the US, but under a completely different context (socio-cultural, economic and ecologic) in Africa, through the community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) system. We used four case studies and focused on criteria such as participation, equity (both procedural and distributive, power devolution, trust, etc) to analyze how CBNRM works on the field, what lessons to take from the cases to better ensure the goal of sustainability of the resources. / Ph. D.

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