Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bibliotekarie.""
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Inte enbart av kärlek till böcker : Tre kvinnliga bibliotekariers yrkesliv i Sverige 1900-1930. Greta Linder, Hildur Lundberg och Maria LarsenLjunggren, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
This two-year master thesis in Library and information science, explores how femininity is created within the librarian profession year 1900-1930 in Sweden. By using three Swedish female librarians as case studies I study how female librarians responded to norms for women within the profession. I also ask if the librarians were able to break these norms or if the standards for women formed how the librarian profession was shaped.The thesis has a queer theoretical framework and uses hermeneutic methodology together with Judith But-lers performativity theory and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivaks deconstruktivism. Queer theory and hermeneutic methodology can be used on historical sources to gain new perspectives and still be aware of the ideals and norms that existed within the historical period. I use “woman” and “femininity” as socially constructed gender categories that changes according to the context they are created within and in relation to.My main source material consists of articles and letters written by the librarians together with a rich materi-al of women’s rights history and Swedish public library history. By using the female librarians own words I try to get a first-hand perspective, described by the women who worked and lived as librarians during the first dec-ades of the 20th century. They worked in an important and ground-breaking time for public libraries and wom-en´s self-sufficiency.My thesis shows that the female librarians used different pronouns and adjectives to describe their profes-sion depending on which context they spoke or published their texts. Greta Linder, Hildur Lundberg and Maria Larsen used different strategies to survive within the profession. In some cases, it was important to emphasize the category “woman”, but in many cases their professional identity as librarians was of greater significance. As self-sufficient and unmarried librarians, they could create other possibilities than within the limited space that existed for married women.
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"Du är rätt så borta om du inte vet vad studenterna talar om" : Om universitetsbibliotekariers ämneskunskaper / “You are quite far off if you don’t know what the students are talking about” : The Subject Knowledge for University LibrarianWikström, Erik January 2015 (has links)
This thesis discusses the subject knowledge of university librarians, gained through education and/or experience in the field. The aim was to investigate the subject knowledge for university librarians, how the existence of subject knowledge or the lack thereof affects the librarians’ work and how the users’ view on the librarians' subject knowledge. I also wanted to investigate if there were differences between librarians at the interdisciplinary libraries and special librarians and whether there were differences between disciplines. This thesis is based on professional theory and librarian occupation as a profession or semi-profession. Additionally I explored what previous studies (mostly American) had said about the subject knowledge of university libraries, both general and divided into different disciplines. For this study I used online questionnaires to 274 librarians, library assistants and other staff of university libraries and 169 users. The questionnaire for the libraries was sent out to contacts at selected libraries, which in their turn asked the staff at these libraries to participate. For user survey I asked users in the libraries personally to participate and then sent out email to them. The responses were analysed mainly on the basis of computer generated results in the web tool and these results was published in the form of tables and diagrams in the study. The results of this survey was mainly that the portion of librarians with subject background was quite low, particularly in terms of subject specific degree, and that experience was relatively high. They are also differences between librarians on interdisciplinary libraries and librarians on subject specialized libraries, mainly that the proportion of completed degree in library science is higher for the subject librarians and the proportion who think that subject knowledge is important is lower in the same group. There are also differences between different disciplines, mainly in the terms of degree, both in library science and other topics, experience, and if the subject knowledge is important in the field. Based on these findings I could conclude that the librarian occupation is a semi-profession rather than a profession. The main conclusions was that librarians think that subject knowledge is important but that this is not seen to the same extent in their education or training although that it partially counterbalanced by experience. Its users find the librarians' subject knowledge partly is quite poor but that they nonetheless receive sufficient help. There are according to me possible methods to raise the subject knowledge of university librarians, mainly by trying to associate librarians with appropriate education to subject libraries and to create a specialisation on university librarianship.
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Det är så lätt att förfalska och manipulera idag : Högskolebibliotekariens pedagogiska arbete med visuellt materialMarkov, Filippa January 2017 (has links)
The foremost aim of this study is clarifying how university libraries in Sweden include visual materials in their work. Moreover, this bachelor thesis examines what kind of support employees of university libraries provide to search for, use and evaluate visual materials in their pedagogics. The theoretical framework for the thesis is based on Hattwig, Bussert, Medaille och Burgess (2013) Visual Literacy Standards model, that explains seven skill areas that librarians can apply in their work with visual materials. In this study, the model was used to identify and analyze how the informants worked with visual materials. For the collection of data, a qualitative method was used. Seven librarians from three different libraries were elected for the interviews. The result showed that the most important part of visual materials for university libraries was related to copyright. Many of the informants emphasized that there is a difference in the expression of text versus images. None of the informants had any kind of special training about visual materials, but they offered material on copyright on their webpage. Most informants suggested that the college libraries responsibility for visual materials was to meet the students where they requested support. Many of the informants said that they did not know if they had sufficient expertise about visual materials to contribute with something to their students. All informants agreed that students today have a greater habit of searching and using images but that they lack knowledge about the use of visual materials in academic work.
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Rektorns ord : - en uppgift i praktisk kunskapHalldin, Olof January 2014 (has links)
Slutord Nå, Rektorns ord den gången i gymnasiet åstadkom att jag nästan tvångsmässigt ägnar mig åt ställningstaganden där jag väljer med baktanken att inte låta Rektorn få rätt när han menar att eftersom jag inte anpassar mig kommer jag att få ångra det i hela mitt liv. Han tycker jag var feg som smet från lektionerna. Själv tycker jag att jag tar strid för min sak och lyckas hantera min omdömesförmåga och att jag växer med det, men det är lite jobbigt att inte få vara lite feg ibland för då kommer han fram den där Rektorn, som gubben i lådan, med sin sura min och överlägsna attityd. Kanske bör jag träna på att fly och vara lite feg. För ett tag sedan ställde jag in tre möten som jag skulle hålla i och som jag varken orkar eller vill vara med om. Det gick bra men Rektorn ser så opassande glad ut och det gillar jag inte, men det är kanske något som jag behöver lära mig att leva med… Jag har med denna essä velat undersöka praktisk kunskap så som den ter sig för mig, och jag har genom att identifiera ett dilemma använt detta som en forskarfråga och applicerat denna på några situationer för att studera hur min egen tysta praktiska kunskap hanterar dilemmat i fråga. I min berättelse finns dilemmat på flera plan. Dels att inte kunna skriva får sin lösning i just skrivandets förlösande praktik. Jag har velat åskådliggöra detta genom den egna skrivarprocessen och vad den behöver i form av näring för att tankegods ska transporteras från hjärna till händer och fingrar för att sedan landa på ett stycke papper. Dels i den tysta kunskap som processen att skriva ska utmynna i en berättelse om. Eller annorlunda uttryckt – processen att skriva blir en tyst kunskap och grunden för den berättelse den är resultatet av. Dilemmat att välja rätt väg får inte sin lösning men väl sin förklaring genom en händelses starka påverkan där rätt väg speglas i ljuset av att inte vilja vara feg och att rättfärdiga det val jag gjort för att gå stärkt ur denna händelse. Utkomsten av detta dilemma har bildat en kunskap som jag har med mig varthän jag går. Om denna kunskap används på rätt sätt låter jag vara osagt men den är en viktig del vid valet av åtgärd och där jag står med viljan att göra rätt och att göra upp med ett gammalt dilemma. / <p>Stockholms dramatiska högskola</p>
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Den undervisande högskolebibliotekariens professionella lärande : Berättelser om kompetens och utvecklingDelhommeau, Heidi January 2018 (has links)
Biblioteken står i frontlinjen för många av kunskapssamhällets snabba förändringar. Frågan hur professionen ska kunna möta nya krav i sin verksamhet är idag mer aktuell än någonsin: vilka färdigheter och kompetenser krävs och hur ska dessa utvecklas? Som ett inlägg i debatten undersöker denna uppsats undervisande högskolebibliotekariers lärande för att ur denna förståelse identifiera framgångsfaktorer och utvecklingsmöjligheter för kontinuerlig professionell utveckling. Genom litteraturstudier och djupintervjuer med fyra undervisande högskolebibliotekarier framträder bilden av ett yrke som kännetecknas av varierande förutsättningar och arbetsuppgifter, där nyfikenhet och en vilja att utvecklas är centralt. Man tar själv ansvar för sitt lärande och lärobehoven tenderar att vara praktikorienterade och handlar om ämneskunskap, pedagogik, didaktik, teknik samt den akademiska miljö där man verkar. Trots att vikten av vetenskaplig grund och teoretisk förankring lyfts så står detta tillbaka för det informella och praktiknära lärandet där en själv, de egna intressena och erfarenheten – att göra, testa, pröva, söka, kolla upp och läsa på – framställs som viktigast vid sidan av de möten, samtal och utbyten man kan ha med kollegor och målgrupper. Framgångsfaktorer för kontinuerlig professionell utveckling som identifieras är det utvecklingsstödjande klimat som arbetsplatsen upplevs som, där utbildning och lärande ses som ett naturligt inslag och man har frihet att utforma och utveckla varierande och utmanande arbetsuppgifter. Man ingår i arbetsteam med goda förutsättningar att diskutera och bolla med kollegor. Chefen är positivt inställd till kompetensutveckling, möjlighet finns att delta i både formella och informella läraktiviteter och man är delaktig i sin egen kompetensutveckling som står i samspel med arbetsuppgifter och är väl förankrad i behov. Positiva effekter syns genom att respondenterna känner sig trygga i sin roll som undervisare och med sina kompetenser samtidigt som de behåller drivet och viljan att fortsätta lära sig och utvecklas. De utvecklingsmöjligheter som identifieras handlar om att komplettera vad som tycks vara en väl fungerande kompetensutveckling med fokus på yrkespraktik med en som främjar ett mer formellt, strukturerat och systematiskt lärande där vetenskap, teori och forskning ges större plats. Här skulle utbildare, yrkesföreningar och chefer kunna inta en mer proaktiv roll.
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Nytta, förnyelse och ny teknik : en diskursanalys av universitets- och högskolebiblioteks syn på användare och bibliotekspersonal utifrån deras strategidokument / Utility, Renewal and New technique : a discourse analysis of the image of the user and the library personnel in the strategic documents of six university librariesFurendal Berndt, Lovisa, Nordin, Jessica January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to deepen the knowledge of how libraryusers, library personnel and the relationship between them are expressed in “strategicdocuments” of university libraries in Sweden. As used in this study, strategic documentshave the purpose of pointing out focus and strategic planning for an organization. Sixstrategic documents are chosen. The main theory and method used is critical discourseanalysis signed Norman Fairclough. His three-part method: text analysis, discoursepractice and sociocultural practice, is used as a toolbox. The study also analysesstrategic documents as a genre.The analysis reveals that the image of the user presented in the strategic documents isindistinct, focusing on what the library should do but not for whom they should do it.The library personnel were, with one exception, not mentioned in terms of “librarians”but instead in terms of the more impersonal and less specific “staff” or “co-workers”.This suggests that the library personnel are exchangeable and change is what definesboth the occupation and the library. Strategies of professionalization were protrudingand technology was the most significant motivator for the organization.The relationship between the library users and the library personnel is not as evident inthe material as could be expected; it is foremost expressed as existing between theuniversity and the library. We see this as problematic as the relationship between thelibrary personnel and the library users is the key to the legitimization of universitylibraries. The study reveals three main discourses; the discourse of effectiveness, thetechnical discourse and the discourse of change and renewal, which together point outfuture directions for university libraries in Sweden. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Utvärdering av prototypen för ett kollaboratorium inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap / Evaluation of the Prototype for a Library and Information Science CollaboratoryEmanuelsson, Haidi January 2013 (has links)
This study is a formative evaluation of a prototypecollaboratory for sharing data collection instruments inlibrary and information science (LIS). The aims were to findout: how the study participants, five hospital librarians,experienced the interaction with the prototype while workingwith predetermined tasks; and their views on the differentfunctions of the prototype collaboratory.Methods used for data collection was as a survey; followedby a think-aloud session where the participant verbalisedhis/her thoughts during the interaction with the prototype;and finally a semistructured interview. The survey wasanalysed with a frequency distribution, while the data fromthe other methods were analysed qualitatively by extractingthemes from the transcribed sessions.The results show that although the librarians expresseddifferent problems while working with the interface, mainlyrelated to the language in the prototype collaboratory anddifficulties with the page for applying metadata, all of themwere confident in being able to learn the system after using itfor a while. The librarians had a positive attitude towardssharing data collection instruments as well as comments inthe prototype collaboratory. At the same time, they wereaware that students and researchers might have differentabilities or incentives to work and share information. All ofthe librarians said that they might join a future collaboratory.Three out of five also said that an actual membership woulddepend on the present work needs or engagements for usingthe collaboratory.Finally, suggestions for the development of the collaboratoryhave been made. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Bibliotekarier i Dagens Nyheter : En diskursanalytisk studie / Librarians in Dagens Nyheter : A discourse anlytic studyArfwidsson, Filippa January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to examin how librarians arepresented in the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter.My research questions were: How are librarians and thelibrarian profession presented in articles in DagensNyheter? and What discourses can be identified in thearticles?I have analysed 69 articles from between 2012-01-01 and2013-01-01 by using discourse analysis as both theory andmethod.Three discourses emerged through the analysis: discourseabout librarians and litterature, discourse about librariansand censorship and discourse about librarians and thelabour market.The conclusions drawn from this study are that librariansare strongly associated with litterture and reading and withthe labour market. There are also clear tendencies thatlibrarians whish to change the old, stereotypical images thatthey are associated with, and do so by using humor. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Marknadsföring av bibliotek via sociala medier : Hur ser bibliotekarier på det? / Marketing the library using social media : How do librarians view it?Ahlander, Linn, Lindahl, Rasmus January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how librarians view marketing of the library using social media and how this can be used in a marketing strategy. The theoretical framework for this thesis is based on the 7 Ps of the marketing mix, SWOT-analysis and SWOT/TOWS Matrix. The theory is based on planned elements that make up a product or service offered the market. We have used our own interpretation of the theories to analyse our material. Our main method has been a web-based questionnaire, the questionnaire was sent to 523 librarians active at ten large public libraries and its related branches. A total of 142 librarians answered the questionnaire, giving it a response-rate of 27.2 %.The results of our study show that librarians are generally positive towards marketing the library using social media. We have found that librarians characterise most activities, done by libraries in social media, as marketing. We have also found that librarians think that social media, as a marketing tool have the potential to reach their users, non-users and the public at large. The age-groups librarians think they first and foremost have the potential to reach using social media is those aged between 13-64 years. We have found that the librarians’ views of different social media, as tools for marketing the library, correlate with their knowledge of the platforms. The more knowledge the librarians have of a platform for social media, the higher it has been ranked. The librarians’ attitudes and attributes can be used in forming a marketing strategy. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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”Du måste låna en riktig bok!” : en forskningsöversikt om barns och vuxnas syn på faktaböcker för barn / ”You have to borrow a real book!” : a research review about children’s and adults’ views of children’s nonfictionFransson, Åsa January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this research review is to map research about how children relate to nonfiction, and how adults, represented by parents, librarians and teachers, relate to children’s nonfiction and its possible purposes, and also the similarities and differences between them, according to current research.A theory of three different ways to look at reading is applied to the material concerning adults’ views of children’s nonfiction. To show children’s views, themes are extracted from the research material, using an analysis model of four different ways to read.Studies show that most children as well as adults perceive children’s nonfiction in a traditional way as a means to gain knowledge and facts, and primarily related to school work.Nonfiction can also help children with reading difficulties to practise reading, by stimulating their interests. Many children read nonfiction because they prefer to read ”real stories” about actual people and events. Nonfiction can also help children find and strengthen their identity. Some children simply read nonfiction for fun and pleasure, in the same way others read fiction.Most librarians and teachers see nonfiction as a way for the children to gain knowledge, practise reading skills or source criticism. Some also see future benefits for the child as an individual or a member of the society.There are few research studies about children’s nonfiction, and parents’ views are also poorly represented in these studies. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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