Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lärandesituation"" "subject:"boendesegregation""
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Relationen mellan universitetsstudenters alkoholkonsumtion, personlighet och boendesituation. : En studie om universitetsstudenters alkoholkonsumtion och relationen till neuroticism, extraversion, samvetsgrannhet samt boendesituation.Häglund, Julia, Nielsen, Emma January 2012 (has links)
It is important to identify the consequences of alcohol consumption among university students since over-consumption can lead to health problems and poorer academic performance. The following personality factors, neuroticism, conscientiousness and extraversion, have in previous studies shown to be related to alcohol consumption and shown to be associated with the university students' alcohol use and living arrangements. This study examines the following question; Is there a link between university students' alcohol consumption, and;1) the personality factors neuroticism, conscientiousness, extraversion?2) their living situation?3) personality factors and living situation together? Participating in this survey was one hundred university students with a mean age of 23.4 years (SD = 2.6). To examine participants' personality, alcohol consumption and living arrangements, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (Costa, McCrae, 2003) questionnaire was used and the questionnaire also contained self-constructed questions about drinking habits, living arrangements and demographic questions. This study's results indicate that neuroticism, conscientiousness, living situation and extraversion predicts alcohol consumption (R2 = .354, p <.001). Thus, students who have these personality traits and circumstances one by one or together have a increased risk for alcohol over-consumption.
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Studentboende hos Gavlegårdarna – studenternas egna upplevelserOlsson, William, Jönsson, Jeanette January 2007 (has links)
<p>Gavlegårdarna is in the state of an invisible dissatisfaction situation from the students on the University of Gävle.</p><p>This paper shows how the students feel about their housing situation in Gavlegårdarnas student apartments. It is a basis of change that hopefully will open up Gavlegårdarnas eyes and minds for changes.</p><p>In this paper we come up with solutions for Gavlegårdarna to create a more satisfying student-housing situation, for the students on Högskolan i Gävle who are situated in Gavlegårdarnas student apartments.</p>
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Studentboende hos Gavlegårdarna – studenternas egna upplevelserOlsson, William, Jönsson, Jeanette January 2007 (has links)
Gavlegårdarna is in the state of an invisible dissatisfaction situation from the students on the University of Gävle. This paper shows how the students feel about their housing situation in Gavlegårdarnas student apartments. It is a basis of change that hopefully will open up Gavlegårdarnas eyes and minds for changes. In this paper we come up with solutions for Gavlegårdarna to create a more satisfying student-housing situation, for the students on Högskolan i Gävle who are situated in Gavlegårdarnas student apartments.
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Förändrade kostvanor under studietiden : En kvantitativ enkätstudie på studenter vid Umeå universitet / Dietary changes during the university period : A quantitative survey study on students at Umeå universityNilsson, Linda, Wallström, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund Då en person går från gymnasiet till universitetet skapas nya vanor och beteendemönster. Studier har visat att det är vanligt att universitetsstudenter ändrar sina matvanor till det sämre och att detta ofta resulterar i viktuppgång. Anledningar till sämre kostvanor bland universitetsstudenter är exempelvis tidsbrist, smakpreferenser, brist på pengar, dålig motivation, tillgänglighet samt att de äter många måltider på universitetets cafeteria. Syfte Studiens syfte är att undersöka huruvida studenter ändrar sin kost under universitetsperioden och, om så är fallet, orsaker till detta. Metod Studien genomfördes genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning. En enkät utformades som sedan delades ut till klasser på olika institutioner vid Umeå universitet under hösten 2016. De inhämtade svaren (n=258) analyserades i statistikprogrammet IBM SPSS 24. Resultat De flesta studenter angav att de förändrat sin kost på något sätt. Majoriteten av dessa hade ändrat till det bättre. De vanligaste orsakerna till förändrade kostvanor var sociala, ekonomiska och tidsmässiga skäl. Nästan lika många studenter uppgav att de hade gått ner i vikt (genomsnitt 4,9kg) som antal studenter som uppgav att de ökat i vikt (genomsnitt 5,6kg). Det förekom skillnader mellan kön i konsumtion av specifika livsmedel. Slutsats Till skillnad från tidigare internationella studier visar denna studie att majoriteten av svenska studenter inte ändrar sin kost till det sämre, utan mestadels till det bättre. Eftersom studien visade att studenterna ändrade sina matvanor främst på grund av sociala skäl så bör man utforma preventiva insatser utifrån detta. Sociala medier och informationskampanjer skulle kunna användas för att inspirera till hälsosammare val. / Background When a person leave high school to study at a university new habits and behavioral patterns are created. Studies have shown that it is not unusual that students embrace less healthy food habits which often result in weight gain. Students self-reported reasons for negative eating habits are on lack of time, taste preferences, lack of money, bad motivation, availability and a lot of dining at the university cafeteria. Objective The objective is to investigate if students change their diet during the university period and, if that is the case, reasons to those changes. Method The study was performed as a quantitative survey study. A survey were designed and handed out to classes in different institutions at Umeå university during fall 2016. Reported data (n=258) was analyzed in the statistics program IBM SPSS 24. Results Most students indicated that they had changed their diet in some way. The majority had changed their diet for the better. The most common reasons for diet changes were social, economical and time managing reasons. Almost as many students reported that they had lost weight (average 4,9 kg) as students who reported they had gained weight (average 5,6 kg). There were gender differences in consumption of specific foods. Conclusion In difference from international research, this study shows that the majority of Swedish students do not change their diet for the worse to the same extent, instead they mostly changed their diet for the better. Since the result shows that students change their dietary behaviors mostly because of social reasons one should design preventive measures based on this. Social media and informative campaigns could be used to inspire people in general to embrace healthier lifestyle choices.
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Nutritionsstatus och boendesituation hos patienter med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom : En empirisk studie / Nutritional status and living situation among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseBjurström, Tomas, Wiklund, Nils January 2011 (has links)
Kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) leder till ökat energibehov, relaterat till ökat andningsarbete och brister i näringsintag är vanligt hos patienter med KOL. Näringsmässigt stöd för patienter med KOL, som lider av nutritionsproblem, är en viktig del av omvårdnaden vid KOL. Syftet var att beskriva och jämföra nutritionsstatus, lungfunktion och boendesituation hos patienter med KOL inom primärvård. Studien har en beskrivande och komparativ design och genomfördes som en tvärsnittsstudie. Urval och datainsamling baserades på en tidigare studie och studiegruppen innehöll 81 deltagare. För att bedöma nutritionsstatus användes bedömningsinstrumentet Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). Resultatet visade att de inkluderade patienterna med KOL, som var ensamboende, bedömdes ha sämre nutritionsstatus än de icke ensamboende. Jämförelsen mellan lungfunktion och nutritionsstatus visade inget signifikant samband. De inkluderade kvinnorna bedömdes ha sämre nutritionsstatus än männen. Sjuksköterskans uppgift är att i ett tidigt skede identifiera patienter med risk för undernäring. Det bör finnas en medvetenhet om att kvinnliga och ensamboende patienter med KOL kan löpa en ökad risk att få nutritionsproblem. Inom primärvård bör patienter med KOL erbjudas information och stöd för individuellt anpassad egenvård, för att hjälpa dem att undvika nutritionsproblem.
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Den psykiska ohälsan under en pandemi : Hur påverkar boendesitutionen individer i Skaraborgs psykiska hälsa under covid-19? / The mental illness during a pandemic : How does the housing situation affect individuals in Skaraborgs mental health during covid-19?Malmström, Amanda, Engström, Oline January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sverige genomgår en pandemi och restriktioner kring bland annat socialt umgänge har uppstått. Detta har väckt intresset att undersöka konsekvenser för individens mående. Syfte: Denna studie ser till den psykiska ohälsan i Skaraborg och skillnader mellan boendesituationer och kön. Depression och generaliserad ångestsyndrom definierade den psykiska ohälsa som undersöktes i denna studie. Antaganden gjordes i relation till tidigare forskning att ensamboende och kvinnor upplever mer psykisk ohälsa än samboende och män. Metod: Urvalet bestod av invånare över 18 år bosatta i Skaraborg, totalt 611 respondenter besvarade enkäten som publicerades på den digitala plattformen Facebook. Dataanalysmetoder somg enomfördes var t-test, regressionsanalys och Cronbach´s Alpha. Resultat: Resultatet visade på ett samband mellan ensamboende och depression i jämförelse med samboende. Även att ensamboende kvinnor upplevde mer ångestsymtom än ensamboende män. Alkoholvanor och att tillhöra en riskgrupp undersöktes dessutom för att se om de påverkade resultaten. Ett samband upptäcktes mellan att dricka mer alkoho och mer depressiva symtom samt ångestsymtom. Cronbach´s Alpha visade på god reliabilitet för studiens huvudsakliga mätinstrument. Konklusion: Slutsatser för studien var att den psykiska ohälsan bör uppmärksammas i relation till pandemin, även skillnader i hälsa beroende på boendesituation och kön. / Background: Sweden is undergoing a pandemic and restrictions on social interaction have arisen. This has aroused an interest in examining the consequences for the individual's mental health. Aim: This study examines mental illness in Skaraborg and differences between housing situations and gender. Depression and generalized anxiety disorder defined the mental illness examined in this study. Assumptions were made inrelation to previous research that people living alone and women experience more mental illness than people living together with others and men. Method: The samplec onsisted of residents over the age of 18 living in Skaraborg, a total of 611 respondentsanswered the survey which was published on the digital platform Facebook. Dataanalysis methods performed were t-test, regression analysis and Cronbach's Alpha. Results: The results showed a connection between living alone and depression in comparison with living together. Also that women living alone experienced moregeneralized anxiety symptoms than men that were living alone. Alcohol habits a ndbelonging to a risk group were also examined to see if they affected the results. A link was found between drinking more alcohol and more depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms. Cronbach's Alpha showed good reliability for the study's main measuring instruments. Conclusion: Conclusions for the study were that mental illness should be taken into account in relation to the pandemic, also differences in health depending ont he housing situation and gender.
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Utvecklingen av boendemiljöns utformning : En kvalitativ studie ur två perspektiv – ett dåtida som innefattar utvecklingen från 1850 fram till idag och ett nutida som beaktar inverkan av Covid-19.Persson, Oskar, Hamnäs, Albin January 2022 (has links)
Housing is an important role in society as people spend large parts of their lives there. A home is a place that must contain all essential living functions but also be constantly adapted to new needs that arise. This has led to, that Sweden since industrialization in the 1850s, has gone through several different changes that have affected housing design. This has resulted in that residential architecture today is being categorized as different eras. In many cases, it is not an individual event that has driven this change, but rather a series of events that have gained great significance in interaction. With constant societal changes and changing lifestyles that, for example, the outbreak of Covid-19 has brought, demands are also placed on homes to follow societal developments and adapt to these new needs. The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper insight into the connection between housing design and human life needs to be able to understand how housing design can be adapted to major societal changes that create new needs. To achieve the purpose and answer the research questions, a literature study was conducted on the characteristic eras of housing design from 1850 until today. In addition to the literature study, four interviews were also conducted with different architects who have solid experience in housing design to create a deeper understanding of the connection between living needs and housing architecture. The study's more important conclusions are that human living needs have always been the driving force to create a change in the living environment. The changes that have taken place over the years have aimed to improve the housing situation for society as a whole and constantly improve something that has been shown to be deficient in previous housing design. However, the results have been variable as some parts of the living environment have improved while others have been poorly designed. It is based on the fact that too much focus has been on solving a specific problem, which has led to the whole aspect of the living environment has been forgotten. The study has also found that the societal change that Covid-19 brought has led to an increase in time spent at home as well as working from home. This has persisted even after the pandemic to a greater extent than before, which has resulted in that the demand for a workplace at home has increased. As a result, qualities such as envelopment and seclusion have also become more important in parallel with social surfaces and proximity to nature. This is the result of people spending more time at home today, which has created new needs for both functions and qualities.
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