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Exploring the Experience of Branded Mobile Apps within Direct Selling : Insights from Sales Representatives’ Perspective / :Elfving, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
Technology is becoming more central to people’s lives than ever before, and the most widely embraced technological device on the consumer market are mobile phones. This creates an ever-increasing market place for mobile apps, which during 2016 had revenues amounted to 88.3 billion U.S. dollars. The number is expected to increase, and together is estimated to generate 188.9 billion U.S. dollars in revenues 2020. One of the industries affected by this strong online presence is direct selling, where branded mobile apps have started to be used as a sales tool for sales representatives. The apps aim to facilitate the sales representatives’ daily work and bring new opportunities to engage with the end customers in a more convenient way. However, limited research exists about how the sales representatives experience the branded mobile apps in the industry. The purpose of this paper is to explore the sales representatives’ behavior and attitude towards using branded mobile apps within the direct selling industry. This study has been conducted by a quantitative descriptive and exploratory study using a survey. Sales representatives that placed an order exceeding 100 Euros during the last three weeks in five Western culture countries for one direct selling company were targeted. In total, 460 responses were gathered. The result gave some valuable insights although the initial hypothesized benefits could not be confirmed. The findings instead suggest separate items that contributed the most to sales representatives’ satisfaction and purchase intentions. In order to increase satisfaction among sales representatives, branded mobile apps used in direct sales should 1) facilitate the interaction with the company, 2) be easy to navigate with, 3) provide relevant information, 4) be convenient to shop from, and finally 5) work as a good conversation topic in a social context. Further on, the item identified to have the greatest contribution to purchase intentions is how convenient the app is to shop from, i.e. the same as number 4) above. The future challenge for the direct selling industry and its managers is thus to take advantage of these insights and further study how the attributes more practically can be implemented for their business. By focusing on these actions in the creation and development of branded mobile apps, the direct selling industry can expect to achieve higher satisfaction among their sales representatives and also increase their purchase intentions. / Dagens teknik har blivit en allt mer central del i människors liv, och den vanligaste enheten på konsumentmarknaden idag är mobiltelefoner. Detta har skapat en ständigt ökande marknad för mobilappar, som år 2016 genererade 88.3 miljarder U.S. dollar. Antalet appanvändare framöver förväntas att öka, och tillsammans generera 188.9 miljarder U.S. dollar i intäkter år 2020. En av de branscher som påverkats av denna starka närvaro online är direktförsäljning, där appar har börjat användas som försäljningsverktyg för konsulenterna. Apparna syftar till att underlätta konsulenternas dagliga arbete och ge nya möjligheter att engagera sig med slutkunderna på ett lättare och mer fördelaktigt sätt. Dock existerar det lite forskning och kännedom om hur konsulenterna upplever användandet av appar i branschen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka försäljningsrepresentanternas beteende och attityd gentemot att använda appar inom direktförsäljningsbranschen. Studien har varit både beskrivande och undersökande, och har genomförts genom en samla in kvantitativ data med hjälp av en enkätundersökning. Kunder som har lagt en order över 100 Euros de tre senaste veckorna i fem västeuropeiska länder för ett direktförsäljningsföretag har studerats. Totalt erhölls 460 svar. Resultatet gav flertalet värdefulla insikter, även om de initiala hypoteserna syftade till att undersöka olika fördelar inte kunde bekräftas. Resultaten föreslår istället separata aspekter med störst påverkan på hur nöjda konsulenterna är, samt deras köpintentioner. För att öka nöjdheten bland konsulenter bör appar som används i direktförsäljning 1) underlätta samspelet med företaget, 2) vara lätta att navigera med, 3) tillhandahålla relevant information, 4) vara bekväm att handla från och slutligen 5) fungera som ett bra samtalsämne i ett socialt sammanhang. Vidare kunde det ses att den identifierade aspekten som bidrar mest till konsultenternas köpintentioner är hur bekvämt appen är att handla från, det vill säga samma aspekt som identifierades för konsulenters tillfredställelse under nummer 4) ovan. Den framtida utmaningen för direktförsäljningsindustrin och dess chefer är således att utnyttja dessa insikter och studera vidare hur dessa aspekter kan lämpas mer i praktiken för deras företag. Genom att fokusera på dessa åtgärder vid skapandet och utvecklingen av appar kan direktförsäljningsindustrin räkna med att erhålla högre tillfredsställelse bland sina konsulenter, samt att även öka deras köpintentioner.
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Needs and problems of fuller figure South African working women with regard to branded apparelJason, Desiree Dawn 13 July 2012 (has links)
Consumer satisfaction is key for retailers to retain loyal consumers. Retailers use apparel brands as a strategy to differentiate themselves in the market place, to attract potential consumers and to retain loyal consumers. Retailers have discovered the potential of the fuller figure sector as a lucrative market which can assist them to make profits and to increase their sales. The aim of this research is firstly to explore and describe the needs and expectations that the fuller figure South African working women have with branded career wear secondly, how they evaluate branded career wear apparel against the two broad quality dimensions namely functional and aesthetic dimensions and thirdly the problems they experience with the functional and aesthetic quality dimensions of branded career wear. The study also describes how fuller figure South African working women consumers further evaluate the branded apparel during the decision-making process which can ultimately lead to her either accepting or rejecting the branded career wear. This research is descriptive in nature, as an attempt is made to describe and understand how working fuller figure females evaluate branded apparel against certain quality dimensions and make decisions to purchase branded apparel to satisfy their needs. The Sproles and Burns’ (1994:264) decision-making model theoretical underpins the study. A quantitative research style was chosen for this study and the objectives and sub- objectives related to the needs and problems of the quality dimensions of the branded career wear were examined. A self-administered, structured questionnaire was designed to gain demographic information of the sample group, their store preferences, where they get their fashion information from as well as their needs and problems with regard to branded career wear apparel. Purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques were used to select a sample of working fuller figure females in the Tshwane, South Africa area. The responses to the 150 questionnaires were coded, captured and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of this study revealed that most of the respondents ranked the functional quality dimensions higher than the aesthetic quality dimensions. It is clear that most of the fuller figure consumers regard comfort as the most important need, followed by durability (that the material of the branded career wear should be of good quality). The sample group also regarded the emotional aesthetic aspects very important (that the styles are beautiful and make her feel feminine). It is contradictory, that these fuller figure working women experienced major problems with the quality dimensions that they ranked as highly important. The sample group experienced problems with fit at the functional and aesthetic level, although fit is one of the most important factors that consumers use during the evaluation of apparel items. This study makes certain recommendations to apparel retailers, fashion theorists and image consultants how to obtain optimal consumer satisfaction. The South African apparel retailers should take cognisance of the needs and problems of this growing market related to the functional and aesthetic quality dimensions. The study also revealed how age and income play a role regarding the needs and problems this sample group experienced with branded career wear and how this can influence their decision to either accept or reject a brand. The results contribute to the body of knowledge regarding the needs and problems of branded career wear apparel for the fuller figure market related to certain functional and aesthetic quality dimensions Copyright / Dissertation (MConsumer Science)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Consumer Science / unrestricted
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Los fashion films como recurso de branded content en el sector de moda peruano: Caso Kuna / Fashion films as a branded content resource in the Peruvian fashion sector: Kuna as a case studyLazo Castillo, Mauricio Joshua 14 August 2020 (has links)
La comunicación publicitaria ha ido evolucionando cada vez más a medida que el consumidor también comienza a adecuarse a las nuevas tendencias, convirtiéndose en un usuario con mucha mayor exigencia al momento de buscar satisfacer sus necesidades. Esto implica que
la comunicación aplicada por marcas a nivel global también deban situarse en las estrategias de comunicación actuales como el comunicar historias y/o experiencias, de forma atractiva e impactante con el objetivo de mantenerse actualizados con esta evolución del mensaje y seguir enamorando a los usuarios. Así, implementan herramientas que van más allá de lo
funcional, es decir, optan por recursos con la finalidad de transmitir una historia que involucra emociones, valores y pilares en relación a la esencia que posee cada marca, ya que ello se ha caracterizado por ser un factor potencial que permite marcar un valor diferencial de su competencia en el rubro que uno se encuentre. Mediante el uso del branded content, una estrategia considerada como la evolución del product placement, recurso caracterizado por otorgar una comunicación de valor funcional hasta la época, se tiene en consideración para el desarrollo de este trabajo, entender las nuevas estrategias aplicables por explorar en el mercado peruano, específicamente en el rubro de moda, por medio del branded content cumpliendo como objetivo cubrir metas de corto o largo plazo en el área de marketing y comunicación. El mercado de moda peruano ya está comenzando a adaptarse a las nuevas tendencias con respecto a sus estrategias comunicacionales, sin embargo, recursos como los fashion films no están siendo lo suficientemente explotados a nivel nacional, siendo una oportunidad para conocer un poco más sobre esta herramienta y, finalmente, aplicarlo para obtener mejores resultados, ya que, en la actualidad, una historia vende más que los atributos funcionales del producto/servicio en este rubro. Para ello, el análisis de contenido desarrollado a continuación será en apoyo a la metodología que expone García-Noblejas desde las “primeras y segundas navegaciones”, con el fin de descubrir la aplicación de los fashion films de Kuna y cómo reflejan su brand essence mediante el storytelling empleado en cada uno de sus materiales audiovisuales. Finalmente, el aporte de este artículo será de suma importancia debido a la carencia actual expuesta en fuentes de investigación en base a análisis de fashion films dentro del mercado de moda peruano, sector que cada día se va adaptando a las tendencias digitales estratégicas. El rubro de moda peruano está comenzando a apostar por estrategias publicitarias más intrínsecas, es decir, ocultas, esto se debe a que el consumidor ya está cansado de la saturación publicitaria expuesta en su día a día de forma muy explícita. Entonces, se emplean técnicas en donde la publicidad llegue sutilmente, sin embargo, no pierda su efectividad a la hora de comunicar. Gracias a la herramienta de los fashion films, las marcas buscan comunicar a través del storytelling, una historia que sea atractiva y logre comunicar la personalidad que posee tu marca con el fin de generar interés, fidelidad y cercanía con el público. / Advertising communication has been increasingly evolving as the consumers also begin to adapt to new trends, becoming a user with much greater demand when seeking to meet their needs. This implies that communication applied by brands at the global level should also be placed in current communication strategies such as communicating stories and/or experiences in an attractive and powerful way, in order to keep updated with this evolution of the message and keep the users falling in love with it. Thus, they implement tools that go beyond the functional, that is to say, they opt for resources with the purpose of transmitting a story that involves emotions, values and everything in relation to the essence that each brand possesses, since this has been characterized by being a potential factor that allows you to set a differential value of your competition in the area you are in. Through the use of branded content, a strategy considered as the innovation of "product placement", a resource characterized by granting a communication of functional value up to now, it is taken into account for the development of this work, to understand the new applicable strategies to explore in the Peruvian market, specifically in the fashion industry, through branded content, fulfilling the objective of covering short or long-term goals in the area of marketing and communication. The Peruvian fashion market is already beginning to adapt to new trends regarding its communication strategies; however, resources such as fashion films are not being sufficiently exploited at the national level, being an opportunity to learn a little more about this tool and, finally, apply it to obtain better results, since nowadays a story sells more than the attributes of the product itself in this area. For this, the analysis developed below will be in support of the methodology that Garcia-Noblejas exposes from the "first and second navigations", in order to discover the application of KUNA fashion films and how they reflect their brand essence through the storytelling used in each of his audiovisual materials. Last but not least, the contribution of this article will be of great importance due to the current lack of exposure in research sources based on studies of fashion films in the Peruvian fashion market, a sector that is adapting every day to strategic digital trends. The Peruvian fashion industry is beginning to invest and trust on more intrinsic advertising strategies because the consumer is already tired of the advertising saturation exposed in their day to day in a very explicit way. Therefore, techniques are used where the advertising arrives subtly, however, does not lose its effectiveness when communicating. Thanks to the tool of fashion films, brands seek to communicate through storytelling, a story that is attractive and manage to communicate the essence of your brand in order to generate loyalty and closeness to the consumers.
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Competitive edge: Cattle marketing for the 21st centuryChess, Sarah January 1900 (has links)
Master of Agribusiness / Department of Agricultural Economics / Ted C. Schroeder / In the last few years the beef industry has rapidly begun to change. The beef industry during my lifetime will not look like the same industry as during my grandfather's. Input costs are rising dramatically, as well as land values. Weather events have impacted the industry and the supply cycle is beginning to change. Producers need to find ways to get higher prices for their cattle in order to remain profitable.
One way to increase their profit is through branded beef and alliance programs. The problem is that cattlemen are good at raising quality products, but they are not the best marketers. Over the past several years though, several beef alliances have formed. There are so many options available today that it can be difficult for a producer to know where to start. This thesis focuses on developing a solution to that problem.
Through this thesis, an online marketing tool was developed. Producers will visit this tool and fill out a simple questionnaire about their operation. They will be given results that will include branded beef programs for which they qualify, along with contact information to find out more. This tool gives producers access to 100 marketing programs, over twenty USDA Process Verified Programs, and close to thirty Quality Systems Assessment programs. This will be a beneficial tool for producers to take a commodity product and change it into a valuable branded product for the consumer.
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Branded longevity's effect on processing fluency : the moderating effect of product involvement and congruence / L'effet de la longévité communiquée de la marque sur la fluidité de traitement : l'effet moderateur de l'implication envers le produit et la congruenceMoussa, Anthony 19 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat étudie la réponse des consommateurs à la longévité brandée de la marque. En particulier, on explore l'effet de la longévité brandée de la marque sur la fluidité du traitement et la familiarité de la marque dans diverses conditions. Comment réagissent les consommateurs lorsqu'une marque indique sa date de création sur un emballage ou une publicité ? Comment leurs réactions diffèrentelles en fonction de leur niveau d’implication avec le produit ou de la congruence entre la catégorie de produit et la longévité de la marque? Cette thèse identifie les processus psychologiques qui se produisent lors de l'exposition à la longévité brandée de la marque afin d'expliquer l'effet de la longévité de la marque sur le consommateur. La longévité brandée de la marque est censée susciter une réaction positive chez le consommateur, telle que la confiance dans la marque et la crédibilité de la marque. Cette thèse examine les mécanismes psychologiques qui expliquent ces effets. La fluidité du traitement est considérée comme le cadre théorique pouvant expliquer ces effets. Un modèle démontre que celleci est le médiateur entre l’effet de la longévité brandée de la marque et la familiarité de la marque. Ce modèle prend en compte des effets modérateurs tels que l’implication envers le produit et la congruence. / This doctoral dissertation examines consumer response to branded longevity. In particular, it explores the effect of branded longevity on processing fluency and brand familiarity under various conditions. How do consumers react when a brand indicates its founding date on a package or advertisement? How do their reactions differ according to their level of involvement with the product or the congruence between the product category and branded longevity? This thesis identifies the psychological processes that occur during exposure to branded longevity in order to explain the effect of the longevity of the brand on the consumer. Branded longevity is argued to positively influence marketing variables, such as brand confidence and brand credibility. This thesis examines the psychological mechanisms that explain these effects. Processing fluency is considered as the theoretical framework that can explain these effects. Our model shows that processing fluency mediates the effect of branded longevity on brand familiarity. This model takes into account moderating effects such as product involvement and congruence.
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Žemės ūkio produkcijos perdirbimo įmonių parduotuvių įvaizdžio formavimas / Image formation of retail network of agricultural processing enterprisesViršilaitė, Jurgita 26 May 2005 (has links)
Postgraduate studies final work of university consists of 60 pages, 27 figures, 3 tables, 68 references, 25 appendixs. It is written in Lithuanian language.
The research object of this work is the image formation of the three branded meat shops in the Mažeikiai.
The research aim- to create work of specialized meat shops reputation. Objectives analysis the sense of organization reputation and create run; to explain the ways of organization image; to examine the most important models of image making and to evaluate their advantages and disadvantages; to investigate the factors, that have influence in image formation; to present general theoretical model of mini shops image formation.
In the process of research were used different methods. In the theoretical part of the thesis was used a comparative analysis and discussion on the concept of image. A questionnaire was used as a quantitative research method with meat product consumers in Mazeikiai. Receive results was generalized with statistical methods and graphs. Besides in the process of research was used the verbal documents analysis and a personal observation.
The first chapter “Image essence of the organizations and peculiarity of it formation” is intended to review what is the reputation of organization and what are the principles of image found. The special attention was focused on the research models and methods of organization image. Up to now boffin of management found 7 models of organization reputation and... [to full text]
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不同產品類別之品牌App內容分析研究 / A Content Analysis of Branded App for Different Product Categories黃薰穎, Huang, Hsun Ying Unknown Date (has links)
當行動裝置逐漸取代傳統電腦成為連結到網路世界的主要途徑後,反映出的就是app市場的急劇成長。如同以往建構網頁開啟企業網路溝通的通道,現在的行銷人員則是利用app來創造一個新的品牌溝通管道(brand communication channel),即所謂的「品牌app(Branded app)」。縱覽過去學術界對品牌app的相關研究,本研究發現過去品牌app的內容分析偏重於介面部分,忽略了內容面;研究主題也聚焦於單一產業的品牌app,缺乏綜觀性的角度。
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Consumer perception of Brazilian beef: insights from a quantitative study in EuropeTimmermann, Jonas Christopher 14 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jonas Christopher Timmermann (jonas.c.timmermann@gmail.com) on 2016-10-04T18:27:56Z
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Master Thesis - JONAS TIMMERMANN.pdf: 1404671 bytes, checksum: 7ad23245ed5fcd573456e475852faca6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-09-14 / Brazilian beef companies have been very successful in recent years due to a range of external factors. These factors include a favourable climate in Brazil and an abundant supply of natural resources (such as supply of water and cheap farmable land). Economically wise, Brazilian beef companies benefitted from cheap labour, reduced trade barriers and a favourable exchange rate. To investigate the quality perception of Brazilian beef, a quantitative study was conducted with German, French and Italian consumers. The results reveal that Brazilian beef lacks brand equity: Respondents that have never bought (or experienced) Brazilian beef have subconsciously a negative impression of the quality of Brazilian beef. Moreover, the image of Brazil as a country has an effect on how consumers perceive Brazilian beef. This paper suggests that Brazilian beef companies should intensify their marketing efforts and invest in the brand building of Brazilian beef. Since the beef industry is important to Brazil’s GDP, the government (supported by ABIEC) is advised to support these marketing programs as well. Brand building serves as a form of protection against times when external factors may worsen. / Empresas brasileiras de carne bovina foram muito bem sucedidas nos últimos anos devido a uma série de fatores externos. Esses fatores incluem um clima favorável no Brasil e uma oferta abundante de recursos naturais (como o fornecimento de água e terras cultiváveis baratas). Em termos econômicos, as empresas brasileiras de carne bovina foram beneficiadas pela mão de obra barata, pelas barreiras comerciais reduzidas e por uma taxa de câmbio favorável. Para investigar a percepção de qualidade da carne bovina brasileira, um estudo quantitativo foi realizado com consumidores alemães, franceses e italianos. Os resultados revelam que a carne brasileira carece de brand equity: os respondentes que nunca compraram (ou experimentaram) carne brasileira têm inconscientemente uma impressão negativa com relação à qualidade da carne brasileira. Além disso, a imagem do Brasil como país tem um efeito sobre como os consumidores percebem a carne brasileira. Este trabalho sugere que as empresas brasileiras de carne bovina devem intensificar os seus esforços de marketing e investir na construção da imagem da marca da carne brasileira. Dado que a indústria da carne é importante para o PIB do Brasil, o governo também (apoiada pela ABIEC) é aconselhado a apoiar estes programas de marketing. Construção de marca serve como uma forma de proteção contra tempos em que fatores externos podem piorar.
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Product placement v českém filmu / Product Placement in Czech FilmŠťastná, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with product placement in Czech cinematographic work as a specific way of presentation branded product. From a few points of view consumer aesthetics, semiotics of cinema and marketing semiotics is explored four movies (Empties, Women in Temptation, Men in hope and Perfect Days). At selected scenes we show how branded products are presented in the movie, how the placements are integrated into the plot and the story. The paper uses classified in terms of efficiency. It is following up the meaning value of the brand, of the context and of the role in which the product placement occurs. The film shots and scenes in which branded products are used, we focus on the denotative and connotative meanings and uses of rhetorical figures of metaphor and metonymy, meaning funds used semiotics and semiotics of film marketing. Along with this case is taken account of consumer aesthetics, which justifies daily consumption. Attention is paid not only at branded products, but also scenes and product which are free from labels (belonging without a brand) or have labels fictional brands. Keywords Product placement, semiotics of cinema, marketing semiotics, consumer aesthetics, branded entertainment, brand, movie
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Att designa brandade kläder till en friluftsanläggning som besökarna vill köpa och använda / Designing branded clothes for an outdoor facility that the visitors want to buy and useSkoog, Sanna January 2020 (has links)
Brandade kläder beskrivs som "kläder som används internt eller externt i syfte att understödja eller förstärka företagets eller organisationens profil, med syftet att uppnå ökad konkurrenskraft". Syftet med denna studie var att designa brandade kläder som speglar friluftsanläggningen Mattilas varumärke och som kan säljas till dess besökare. Detta som ett steg i Mattilas långsiktiga mål att stärka och sprida varumärket. Studien genomfördes genom olika steg i designprocessen, från inspiration till identifikation, utforskning och värdering. Processen inleddes med en undersökning med målgruppen och en fallstudie som satte en grund för hur designprocessen kunde tas vidare. Efter ett utförligt skissarbete både analogt och digitalt fick en liten grupp utvalda personer från målgruppen värdera designen. Värderingen visade på att målgruppen definitivt kunde tänka sig att använda kläderna och att de tyckte att de speglade Mattila som varumärke. Utifrån förslagen och värderingen togs en slutgiltig prototyp fram som även bekräftades av Mattila och en yrkesaktiv person inom området frilufts- och träningskläder. Resultatet av arbetet är en kollektion friluftskläder bestående av ett vinterset av överdragskläder, en tunn jacka, en långärmad samt en kortärmad tröja, en buff och en mössa. Plaggen kan beskrivas som relativt enkla och neutrala men som ändå har karaktär och personlighet. En kollektion kläder med Mattila som tydlig avsändare och som tilltalar målgruppen. Genom studien visade det sig viktigt att skaffa sig en förståelse för målgruppen och dess preferenser, ha en aktiv dialog med experter inom området samt ha en grundkunskap kring färglära och designprinciper. Som helhet svarar studien på frågeställningen: "Hur kan brandade kläder för friluftsanläggningen Mattila designas? 1: För att besökarna ska vilja köpa dem och använda dem, både när de besöker Mattila men också på andra platser? 2: För att kläderna ska spegla Mattila som varumärke?" / Branded clothing is described as "clothing that is used internally or externally for the purpose ofsupporting or strengthening the profile of the company or organisation, with the purpose ofachieving increased competitiveness". The purpose of this study is to design branded clothing thatreflect the brand of the outdoor facility Mattila and can be sold to its visitors. This is a steptowards Mattila's long-term goal of strengthening and spreading its brand.The study was conducted through several steps in the design process, from inspiration toidentification, exploration and evaluation. The process began by surveying the target group andperforming a case study that provided a basis for how the design process would be continued. Afterdetailed sketch work, both analogue and digital, a few people from the target group were selectedto evaluate the design.The evaluation showed that the target group definitely could see themselves using the clothes andthat they indeed did reflect Mattila as a brand. Based on the design proposals and the evaluation, afinal prototype was produced, which was approved by Mattila and a professional person in the fieldof outdoor and workout clothing. The result is a collection of outdoor clothing consisting of awinter track suit, a thin jacket, a long-sleeved and a short-sleeved sweater, a buff and a hat. Thegarments can be described as being relatively simple and neutral, yet having character andpersonality; a collection of clothes with Mattila as a clear brand, that appeals to the audience.Throughout the study it proved to be important to gain an understanding of the target group andits preferences, to have an active dialogue with experts in the field and to have basic knowledge ofdifferent colours and design principles.As a whole, the study responds to the research question: “How can branded clothing for theoutdoor facility Mattila be designed? 1: For visitors to want to buy them and use them, both whenthey visit Mattila but also in other places? 2: For the clothes to reflect Mattila as a brand?”
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