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Contribution des processus hydrologiques et hydrogéologiques aux glissements de terrain de grande ampleur : application au contexte tropical de la Réunion / No English title availableBelle, Pierre 14 April 2014 (has links)
Les eaux souterraines constituent un des principaux facteurs de contrôle influençant l'activité des glissements de terrain. L'étude hydrogéologique constitue donc une étape incontournable dans la compréhension de leur fonctionnement, en vue de prédire leur déplacement ou d'adapter les solutions d'assainissement. Cependant, les aquifères qui se développent au sein des glissements de terrain sont généralement complexes, et la compréhension de l'hydrogéologie des grands glissements reste encore aujourd'hui une problématique majeure. Dans un contexte climatique extrême de type tropical humide, les glissements du cirque de Salazie (île de La Réunion) constituent des cas d'étude particulièrement porteurs pour l'apport de nouvelles connaissances sur l'hydrogéologie et le fonctionnement des mouvements de terrain de grande ampleur. Pour caractériser ces glissements, une étude pluridisciplinaire associant géologie, hydrochimie, modélisation numérique (globale et déterministe), est mise en œuvre. Sur le secteur nord du cirque de Salazie, l'étude géologique réalisée permet de reconstruire la géométrie de la base d'une instabilité de très grande ampleur, dont le volume est estimé à 370 Mm3. Le glissement de Grand Ilet (175 Mm3) en est la partie la plus active. Les formations volcano-détritiques (brèches) constituant le glissement sont des dépôts d'une ancienne avalanche de débris (> 350 Ma), réactivés localement. Cette étude met également en évidence un régime de déformation extensif associée à l'activité du glissement, favorisant le développement de zones décomprimées subverticales. Au sein des brèches constituant la zone instable, un aquifère continu est identifié. Les écoulements souterrains y sont contrôlés par la géométrie de la base du glissement. Par ailleurs, la nature du couvert végétal en surface, le climat, les propriétés des sols et l'épaisseur de la zone non saturée font que seuls les épisodes pluvieux intenses dont le cumul dépasse 80 mm/ évènement génèrent une recharge de l'aquifère des brèches. Lors de cette recharge, les zones décomprimées favorisent des transferts rapides (< 1 jour) à travers la zone non-saturée, malgré des épaisseurs pouvant atteindre localement 160 mètres. Une infiltration plus lente percole à travers la matrice poreuse des brèches. Pour l'étude de la dynamique des grands glissements dans le cirque de Salazie, l'application de l'outil de modélisation inverse met en évidence que les variations de vitesses de déplacement sont directement reliée aux processus de recharge et de tarissement de la nappe des brèches. Ces modèles s'avèrent particulièrement performants pour prédire les déplacements des grands glissements et comprendre leur fonctionnement. / The landslide activity is commonly controlled by the variation of hydraulic head inside the instable mass. Thus, the hydrogeological study of landslides is an essential step to predict landslide dynamic, and for the remediation choices. However, the aquifers developed in landslide are generally complexes. Actually, the comprehension of landslide hydrogeological functioning is a major problematic, especially for the deep-seated landslides.Under humid tropical climate, the Salazie landslides (Reunion Island) allow to implement an interesting study to characterized deep-seated landslide hydrogeology and functioning. In this study, we performed a multidisciplinary approach, combining geology, hydrochemistry and numerical modeling (global and deterministic);The geological study allows the construction of the deep seated landslide geological model (Grand Ilet sector). The Grand Ilet landslide, corresponding to 175 Mm3, is the most active part of deep seated instability whose the total volume is estimated at 370 Mm3. The volcano-detritic lithologies (i.e basic breccia) constitute the main geological formation of the unstable mass. This breccia is a present-day reactivation of an old destabilization (> 350 Ma). Furthermore, the extensive deformation generated by the landslide activity allows the formation of decompressed zones.Inside breccias, a continuous aquifer is identified. Here, the groundwater flows are controlled by the geometry of the landslide base. Natural land cover, soils properties, unsaturated zone thickness and warm temperature limit the groundwater recharge. Only the intense rainfall episode (80 mm/event) can generated the recharge of landslide aquifer. During these events, rapid transfers circulating inside the decompressed zones have a significant effect on hydraulic charge variations. A slow component is infiltrated inside the porous medium of breccias.The inverse modeling methods with bimodal Gaussian-Exponential transfer function is applied to study the Salazie landslides dynamic. The results show that landslide speed variations are directly controlled by groundwater level variations during the hydrologic cycle (recharge and recession stage). Consequently, the inverse model is a powerful tool for predicting deep-seated landslide movements and for studying how they function.
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Geochemical stratigraphy of the Dooley rhyolite breccia and Tertiary basalts in the Dooley Mountain quadrangle, OregonWhitson, David Neale 01 January 1988 (has links)
The Dooley Rhyolite Breccia in northeast Oregon was erupted between 12 and 16 million years ago, from central vents and linear feeder dikes within the Dooley Mountain quadrangle. The peraluminous, high-silica rhyolites of the formation were erupted over an irregular highland of eroded pre-Tertiary metamorphic rocks locally overlain by intracanyon, Eocene Clarno-type basalt flow(s) . The Dooley Rhyolite Braccia is exposed in a tectonically disrupted, north-south trending graben across the Elkhorn Range. The formation is variable in thickness with maximum thickness exceeding 660 meters in the south and 600 meters in the north half of the quadrangle. Volumetrically the formation is dominated by block lava flows with lessor associated volcaniclastic and pyroclastic rocks. Although initial and waning phases of eruption of the formation produced ash-flow tuffs which extend well beyond the quadrangle boundaries, volcanism within the quadrangle appears to have been primarily effusive. At least nine geochemically distinct rhyolite subunits belonging to four related chemical groups have been identified in the formation stratigraphy which appear to represent unique eruptive episodes. Chronologic geochemical patterns within the formation are consistent with a petrogenetic model of repeated partial melting and eruption from multiple silicic magma chambers in an attenuated continental crust. Basalts correlative with the Powder River Basalt and the Strawberry Volcanics overlie the Dooley Rhyolite Braccia on the north flank of Dooley Mountain. Cale-alkaline basalts correlative with the Strawberry Volcanics are overlain by thoeliitic basalts of uncertain affinity on the south flank of the mountain. These basalt flows on respective flanks of the mountain were not continuous across the quadrangle. Rhyolitic volcanism in the Dooley Mountain quadrangle is contemporary with the strawberry Volcanics and the Picture Gorge Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group.
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Propriétés structurales, pétro-physiques et circulations de fluides au sein d'une zone de failles dans les argiles / Structural, petrophysical properties and fluid circulation in the shale fault zoneLefèvre, Mélody 26 April 2016 (has links)
Les zones de failles concentrent la migration de fluides et la déformation dans la croûte supérieure. Les propriétés hydrauliques des formations argileuses en font des excellents sites de stockage et des roches mères performants. Les zones de failles peuvent jouer deux rôles contraires dans la circulation de fluides, soit elles s’expriment sous forme de drains, soit elles constituent une barrière, et souvent les deux rôles sont combinés au sein d’une même zone de failles. Les processus de migration des fluides dans les zones de failles affectant les argiles sont peu connus. Cette étude s’est focalisée sur la structure, les paléo-circulations, les circulations actuelles lors de tests d’injection et les propriétés pétro-physiques de la zone de failles présente dans le laboratoire de recherche souterrain de Tournemire dans les argilites Toarciennes. La structure de la zone de failles a été caractérisée par des forages et reconstituée en 3D par modélisation numérique, permettant de définir des faciès de déformation. L’architecture de la zone de failles se caractérise par une imbrication de facies de déformations plus ou moins intenses sans claire organisation en cœur et zone endommagée comme observée dans les roches plus dures. Les zones intactes, fracturées et les brèches sont respectivement caractérisées par des porosités matricielles comprises entre 9.5-13.5, 10-15 et 13-21%. La circulation de fluide se concentrant aux limites de la brèche et au niveau des zones de failles «immatures» ou secondaires comprises dans les zones fracturées. Lors de son activité, la zone de failles a déjà été affectée par au moins deux phases de circulations de fluides. / Fault zones concentrate fluids migration and deformations in the upper crust. The shale hydraulic properties make them excellent storage sites and hydrocarbon reservoirs/source rocks. Fault zones can play two roles in the fluid circulation; drains or barriers, in general, both roles are combined within the same fault zone. What are the conditions that promote the fluid circulation along the fault zones in shales and what are the fault zone impacts on the formation properties are relatively poorly explored key questions. This study focused on characterizing the relationships between fault architecture, paleo-fluid as well as current fluid circulations through the analysis of fault calcite mineralization, injection tests and petrophysical properties conducted on a fault zone outcropping underground in the Tournemire research laboratory nested in the Toarcian shale. The fault zone structure was characterized using boreholes data and reconstructed in 3D through modeling to define different deformation facies. No clear facies organization is observed, a fault core and a fault damage zone being difficult to define as it is in hard rocks. The intact, fractured and breccia facies are characterized by a porosity of 9.5-13.5, 10-15 and 13-21%. Large fluid flowrate concentrated along a few “channels” located at the breccia boundaries and in the secondary fault zones that displayed fractured facies and limited breccia fillings. Detailed microstructural and geochemical analysis at the breccia/fractured zones interface revealed that fluids circulated out of the main shear zones, in micro-more or less inherited fractures highlighting a decoupling between fault slip and fluid migrations.
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A Mississippian Bedded Barite Deposit, Bar Claim Group, South Central YukonBarrie, Charles Q. 04 1900 (has links)
<p> The BAR CLAIM GROUP is located on the western margin of the Selwyn Basin geologic province in south central Yukon. The rock sequence is eugeosynclinal in nature, belonging to the Englishman's Group of the Mississippian. Chronologically, these rocks include massive limestone, white to red chert breccia, dark grey chert breccia, chert pebble conglomerate, lithic wacke, massive barite, grey green chert, and hornblende microdiorite. The elastic units in particular appear to be correlative with the units on the eastern margin of the Selwyn Basin. </p>
<p> The barite is light grey, bedded, massive, and contains rare relic rosette structures. Associated minerals include pyrite, galena and minor sphalerite. Extensive recrystallisation and mobilization has occurred, probably as a result of regional compression and faulting.
The barite may have had an exhalative origin along fault or extensional zones; however, sedimentogenic sources, such as the redistribution of pre-existing barite, cannot be precluded. </p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)
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Breccia of Frog Lakes : reconstructing Triassic volcanism and subduction initiation in the east-central Sierra Nevada, CaliforniaRoberts, Sarah Elizabeth 12 March 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The Antler and Sonoma orogenies occurred along the southwest-trending passive Pacific margin of North America during the Paleozoic concluding with the accretion of the McCloud Arc. A southeast-trending sinistral transform fault truncated the continental margin in the Permian, becoming a locus for initiation of an east-dipping subduction zone creating the Sierran magmatic arc. Constrained in age between two early Triassic tuff layers, the volcanic clasts in the breccia of Frog Lakes represent one of the earliest records of mafic magmatism in the eastern Sierra Nevada. Tholeiitic rock clasts found in the breccia of Frog Lakes in the Saddlebag Lake pendant in the east central Sierra Nevada range in composition from 48% to 63% SiO2. Boninites produced by early volcanism of subduction initiation by spontaneous nucleation at the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc are more depleted in trace element concentrations than the clasts while andesites from the northern volcanic zone of the Andes produced on crust 50 km thick have similar levels of enrichment and provide a better geochemical modern analogue. Textural analysis of the breccia of Frog Lakes suggest a subaqueous environment of deposition from a mature magmatic arc built on continental crust > 50 km thick during the Triassic. The monzodiorites of Saddlebag and Odell Lakes are temporal intrusive equivalents of the breccia of Frog Lakes and zircon geochemistry indicates a magmatic arc petrogenesis.
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Magmatic-Hydrothermal Events, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Tourmaline Breccia in the Giant Río Blanco – Los Bronces Porphyry Copper Deposit, Central ChileHohf Riveros, Michael 26 April 2021 (has links)
The Río Blanco–Los Bronces (Chile) is one of the richest endowed porphyry copper-molybdenum districts worldwide, where about 20% of the known mineralization is hosted by tourmaline-cemented hydrothermal breccia.
This work seeks: (1) to find a relationship between tourmaline chemical and/or isotopic composition and the degree of mineralization in the breccia, (2) to constrain the source of the mineralizing fluid in the breccia, and (3) to determine of the composition and age of intrusive units in three new exploration projects and correlate them with the known intrusive rocks of the mine areas. Tourmaline from mineralized and barren breccias has similar boron isotopic compositions but differences in Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios, Al-contents and Al-Fe correlation, which may have exploration value. Boron and sulfur isotopes results are consistent with a magmatic source of hydrothermal fluids. Results of whole rock geochemistry and U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of intrusive units, breccia and late-stage veins are combined with previous U-Pb, Ar/Ar and Re-Os ages to elucidate the magmatic and hydrothermal history of the district.:1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation of the study and statement of research questions
1.2 Scope of the study
2 Porphyry copper deposits (PCDs)
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Global copper inventory
2.1.2 Definition and classification of PCDs
2.2 Regional scale characteristics of PCDs
2.2.1 Tectonic setting
2.2.2 Space and time distribution
2.2.3 Porphyry stocks and their pluton and volcanic connections
2.2.4 Wall-rock Influence
2.3 Deposit-scale characteristics
2.3.1 Porphyry stocks and dikes
2.3.2 Hydrothermal breccia
2.3.3 Alteration-mineralization zoning
2.4 Processes of PCD formation
2.4.1 Arc magmatism
2.4.2 Magmatic volatiles
2.4.3 Genetic models
3 Regional setting of the study area
3.1 Tectono-magmatic setting
3.2 Metallogenic belts
4 Río Blanco – Los Bronces mining district
4.1 Mining history
4.2 District geology
4.2.1 Stratified rocks
4.2.2 Plutonic and hypabyssal intrusions
4.2.3 Structures
4.2.4 Alteration and mineralization
4.2.1 Geochronology database
5 Results
5.1 Plutonic units
5.1.1 Petrography
5.1.2 Whole rock (WR) geochemistry
5.1.3 Geochronology
5.2 Mineralization
5.2.1 Petrography
5.2.2 Tourmaline occurrence and composition
5.2.3 Sulfides and sulfates
6 Discussion
6.1 Time-space relationships of intrusion, brecciation and hydrothermal alteration
6.2 Stable isotope constraints on fluid source and evolution
6.2.1 Oxygen, hydrogen and sulfur isotopes
6.2.2 Boron isotopes
6.3 Tourmaline as a redox indicator and significance for exploration
7 Summary and conclusions
8 References
Digital supplement
Appendix (Methods)
9 Appendix Methods
9.1 Optical microscopy (OM)
9.2 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
9.3 Whole rock chemical analysis
9.4 Electron microprobe analyses (EMPA)
9.5 Boron isotopes
9.6 Sulfur isotopes
9.7 40Ar/39Ar dating
9.8 Zircon separation and characterization
9.9 U-Pb zircon LA-ICP-MS dating
9.10 U-Pb zircon CA-ID-TIMS dating
9.11 Single zircon evaporation as screening method
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Los Paleocolapsos kársticos en las plataformas carbonatadas del Mioceno Superior de Mallorca. Análisis geográfico, genético y evolutivoRobledo Ardila, Pedro Agustín 04 November 2005 (has links)
El análisis de estructuras paleokársticas ha atraído, en los últimos años, el interés de numerosos investigadores a la información que aportan a la geología aplicada y la paleogeomorfología. Estudios recientes se han centrado en la aplicación de técnicas de exploración del subsuelo debido a la escasez de afloramientos. En la presente Memoria se analizan íntegramente las formas de hundimiento pretéritas que afloran discontinuamente con gran detalle, en los acantilados de las costas meridional (plataforma de Llucmajor) y oriental (plataforma de Santanyí) de Mallorca, a lo largo de más de 75 km de línea de costa, afectando a las rocas carbonáticas del Mioceno superior. El estudio se ha centrado en la distribución geográfica, evolución geológica y las características geomorfológicas de estos paleocolapsos, con especial énfasis en su génesis, su relación con la arquitectura y distribución de las facies, así como en las formas y productos asociados.Los paleocolapsos han sido descritos en su contexto litoestratigráfico y estructural dentro de las mencionadas plataformas carbonáticas, siendo este trabajo una contribución al conocimiento del karst en estas unidades geológicas y su relación con las fluctuaciones marinas. La karstogénesis queda reflejada en estas formas pretéritas donde se han observado depósitos y formas de disolución ligadas a la dinámica kárstica controlada, en el caso que nos ocupa, por las fluctuaciones del nivel del mar: brechas, sedimentos detríticos, cementos, así como distintos tipos y volúmenes de porosidad. La mayor parte de estas formas (sobre un total de 177), cuyas dimensiones en sección varían desde pocos metros hasta afloramientos con 28 m de altura y más de 100 m en la horizontal, se ubican en la plataforma de Santanyí a excepción de dos estructuras ubicadas en la plataforma de Llucmajor.El análisis geológico y su relación con los paleocolapsos muestra como en la plataforma de Llucmajor éstos afectan a las facies de la Unidad Complejo Arrecifal (facies de back reef y frente arrecifal). Sin embargo, en la plataforma de Santanyí, los paleocolapsos afectan tanto a parte del Complejo Arrecifal (facies de back reef), como a la totalidad de la Unidad Calizas de Santanyí. A partir del estudio de la arquitectura de facies del Complejo Arrecifal en la plataforma de Llucmajor se ha establecido el modelo deposicional en la plataforma de Santanyí. Sin embargo, ésta última se encuentra compartimentada como consecuencia del control de dos fallas en dirección de orientación E-O en S'Algar y Na Magrana, donde se localiza el contacto entre facies de lagoon externo y talud arrecifal. No obstante, la cartografía y análisis de los lineamientos en dicha plataforma ha permitido identificar dos familias principales con dos direcciones dominantes; NE-SO y NO-SE, siendo la dirección E-O menos representativa. Se han observado fracturas distensivas y pequeñas fallas inversas miocenas asociadas al proceso de colapso, así como fracturas y fallas postmiocenas, y fracturas cuaternarias.El estudio de la geometría en sección de los paleocolapsos pone de relieve que la formas en "V", "U" y conoidales son las más comunes. Han sido identificadas dos partes diferentes en un paleocolapso tipo: una inferior donde se observa la paleocavidad ubicada en la base del paleocolapso (lagoon externo y/o frente arrecifal), con una geometría irregular de dimensiones entre 1 m y 9 m rellena por sedimentos adyacentes y suprayacentes a ésta; y una parte superior, coincidente con los bordes de la estructura (lagoon interno/Calizas de Santanyí) buzando con inflexión conoidal hacia la paleocavidad.Se han identificado cuatro tipos de brechas (crackle, crackle-laminae-split, de mosaico y caótica) en las estructuras de paleocolapso asociadas cada una de ellas a distintos niveles estratigráficos y, en algunos paleocolapsos, con una gradación vertical y lateral. Son característicos de estos depósitos los sedimentos detríticos (matriz) y los cementos asociados (vadosos y freáticos). En general, el cemento domina sobre la matriz en la zona inferior del paleocolapso, mientras que por encima, es la matriz la que domina sobre el cemento. El análisis por difracción de Rayos X de la matriz indica para la muestra total que la calcita es el mineral principal y el cuarzo el mineral secundario. En la fracción arcilla, la moscovita, la illita y la caolinita son los minerales más comunes. De ello, junto con el estudio de láminas delgadas en estos depósitos, donde se han observado tamaños de grano en el cuarzo superior a 2 mm, se deduce un ambiente de sedimentación subsuperfical y otro subaéreo de lo que se extrae un origen, proceso de transporte y sedimentación diversos, así como la evolución cristaloquímica en determinados minerales. Los cementos son de naturaleza calcítica, con contenidos relativamente altos en magnesio para los freáticos y bajos para los vadosos. Para el estudio de la porosidad en los paleocolapsos se ha procedido a su clasificación en dos tipos principales, interclasto e intraclasto, a partir de las cuales se ha estudiado la macro y microporosidad. La brecha caótica de colapso es la que presenta volúmenes de porosidad más elevados y tipologías diversas. El análisis de isótopos estables muestra una gran homogeneidad entre la composición isotópica de los cementos, con valores en δ18O y δ13C ligeros, lo que indica condiciones análogas de precipitación, con dominio de aguas dulces sobre las saladas. Tanto la marca del oxígeno como del carbono parecen indicar que los cementos se depositaron en un período interglaciar coincidente con algún estadio isotópico impar.El estudio de la arquitectura de facies de la plataforma de Llucmajor ha permitido elaborar un modelo genético de ocurrencia para los paleocolapsos y su ubicación espacio-temporal. Dicho modelo, ha sido corroborado por la relación entre la distribución de facies y paleocolapsos en la plataforma de Santanyí, por la observación en algunos paleocolapsos de sedimentos a techo de la Unidad Calizas de Santanyí que sellan la estructura, así como por el tipo de brechas características de colapsos sinsedimentarios (brecha crackle-laminae-split), que muestran una deformación dúctil de los materiales cuando éstos no estaban completamente consolidados, dando lugar a formas laxas de bajo ángulo. Los procesos genéticos que dieron lugar a los paleocolapsos kársticos están directamente relacionados con la alta frecuencia de fluctuación del nivel del mar durante el Mioceno superior, la misma que controló la arquitectura de facies y la posición del nivel freático. Las oscilaciones del nivel freático causaron la alternancia de dominios freáticos y vadosos así como, de agua dulce y agua salada en la interfase, provocando la disolución de los parches coralinos y el posterior hundimiento del techo de las cavidades. El estudio integral de todos estos aspectos junto con el análisis de una red de paleocauces y una playa fósil, ha permitido realizar una reconstrucción paleogeográfica desde el Messiniense en la plataforma de Santanyí e identificar estructuras de paleocolapso postmiocenas y cuaternarias. Con estos datos se ha procedido a la comparación de los paleocolapsos kársticos con otras estructuras similares en el País Vasco y Las Islas de Malta, de lo que se extraen analogías y diferencias, determinadas fundamentalmente por el orden de fluctuación del nivel del mar. Por último, se discute el papel de los paleocolapsos kársticos como elementos que contribuyen en cierta medida a la ocurrencia de hidrocarburos en plataformas carbonáticas, pudiendo ser excelentes reservorios debido al gran número de afloramientos, el volumen de roca afectada y a su elevada porosidad y permeabilidad. / Paleokarst tend to differ from studies of recent and modern karst landforms though is important the genetic understanding of the karst processes for analysis a paleokarst structure. Paleokarst systems form an important class of carbonate record and they have a pronounced lateral and vertical spatial complexity that results from a complex history of formation. Most of the known karst systems are epigenetic and they are the result of near-surface karst processes during periods of subaerial exposure and latter burial compaction and diagénesis. Scale, porosity types and spatial complexities of these paleokarst systems depends on the carbonate rock solubility, paleoclimatic conditions, lowering of base level either by tectonic uplift or sea-level fall and time of subaerial exposure. Uplift, in addition, commonly induces fracturing and faulting that further control karst development. Ascertaining and predicting paleokarstic heterogeneities within carbonate rocks are strategic to fluids field development and optimum production. With current subsurface methods, however, most of the smaller-scale stratigraphic architecture and diagenetic facies are difficult to define. Predictive models for exploration and development are best made from outcrop studies of well-exposed examples. Accuracy for prediction of these models depends on the detailed understanding of the genetic factors controlling their geometries, scale, pore networks and spatial complexities of these potential karstic store. Miocene carbonates (Upper Tortonian-Lower Messinian) in Mallorca Island are composed of reefal (Reef Complex) and shallow water carbonates (Santanyí Limestone) that prograded across platforms surrounding paleoislands. The contact between the Reef Complex and the Santanyí Limestone is a subaerial erosion surface with paleokarst features. The shallow-water carbonates beds both the lagoonal beds of the Reef Complex and basal beds of the Santanyí Limestone, are affected by paleocollapse structures produced by roof collapse of caverns developed in the underlying Reefal Complex. These paleocollapse structures affecting to the carbonate platform allows to propose a genetic model to explain the origin of these paleosink, that are related to early diagenetic processes induced by high-frequency sea-level fluctuations, the same sea-level fluctuations that controlled the facies architecture of the carbonate platforms.Cartography and study of lineaments and fractures on Santanyí Platform have permitted identified two principals groups with two main directions: NE-SO and NO-SE. Have been observed distensiva fractures and Miocene small inverse faults related with de breackdwon phenomena. Moreover, postmiocenes and quaternary faults and fractures have been recognized.The geometry of paleocollapse structures is commonly (in section) as "V", "U" or funnel. The size is variable from few meters of long to thousands meters, and few meters of weigh to thirteen meters. Breccias has been classified as crackle, crackle-laminae-split, mosaic and chaotic types. Chaotic breccias grade from matrix-free, clasts-supported breccias to matrix-supported breccias. The matrix mineralogy is compose in the total sample for calcite in the major part and quartz in less quantity. However, same structures present quartz as principal mineral. To the clay fraction, caolinite, illite and moscovite are the most general mineral present.The geochimical sediment (carbonate) are filling a part of interclaste breccias porosity. This is commonly phreatic speleothems. Isotopic studies of this sediments show δ18O and δ13C contents negatives. This fact could indicate a fresh water environment deposition
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Samband mellan geologiska och bergmekaniska egenskaper i bergmaterial som bärlager till riksväg 51 : Riksväg 51 sträckan Svennevad - KvarntorpskorsetLandeman, Philip January 2018 (has links)
This thesis was created to ensure the quality of the rock which would be crushed to base layer construction material, in a road cut at Swedish highway 51, and to find a possible link between the rock's abrasion resistance and its mineralogy. Rock samples were collected, and among other things, several ball mill tests were carried out. The design of the road project was carried out by Loxia Group AB with NCC Group as contractor.A total of 18 rock samples and 2 base layer samples were taken in the area and they were all tested in a ball mill. The results showed that of the 18 rock samples, 2 samples had a ball mill value of less than 16 on the scale, 10 samples had values from 16 to 20, in addition to this, 3 samples had values from 20 to 21 and 3 samples had values in excess of 21 on the Swedish ball mill scale.Of the 3 samples with a ball mill value higher than 21, all contained a larger amount of biotite. Biotite did not appear to the same extent among the samples that ended up further down the ball mill scale. This link was so clear that a conclusion was subsequently drawn from this. The samples taken on the prefabricated base layer both had a ball mill value between 16 and 20. Overall, both the base layer and the rock material passed the Swedish Government’s Transport Administration’s requirements according to "TRVKB 10, Obundna lager". The rock type that was on the south part of the rock cut, adjacent to a deformation zone, had way too poor quality to undergo a ball mill test and therefore there are no values taken from that area.The conclusion of the work is that the rock material overall meets the Swedish Government’s Transport Administration’s requirements for base layer construction materials according to "TRVKB 10 Obundna lager", that a clear link between the proportion of biotite in a rock material and its abrasion resistance exists, and that the broken rock in the south should not be used as construction materials since the rock has insufficient mechanic capacity.
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