Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cellphone"" "subject:"cellphones""
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A framework for determining the adoption of new services in the South African mobile telecommunications marketSmith, Neil Wesley 02 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The aim of this study was to determine the key factors which explain the adoption of mobile data services in South Africa and incorporate them into an explanatory framework that can be used to indicate whether a new mobile data service that is introduced into the South African Mobile Market will be successful. Additionally, it shows that the current usage of mobile data services in South Africa supports the framework.
The research used a design based on a mixed methods methodology. The research was conducted using a literature survey and two research phases. The literature survey was an extensive review of communication technology adoption frameworks and all the possible factors of adoption. This literature survey was also used to develop the discussion document which was used as the guidelines for the Phase 1 interviews. The interviews were with experts in the telecommunications market in South Africa and were used to determine the key drivers of adoption and possible moderating factors of mobile data services. From those interviews a preliminary model was proposed. Phase 2 was a market survey which tested the framework and moderating factors in different metropolitan areas as well as examined the current usage of mobile data services.
The statistical analysis used in determining the framework incorporated Descriptive Statistics, Factor Analysis, using Principal Axis Factoring, and Structural Equation Modelling. The framework, which was based on the Technology Acceptance Model, introduced two new constructs. The first new construct was the Mobile Service Providers Marketing Tactics and the second was Social Pressure and Aspirational Value. The two constructs combined can be used to explain why mobile service providers with low cost strategies are not successful.
Demographic factors such as Age were found to influence the adoption as well as Socio-economic factors such as Income. Personal factors such as Technical Knowledge, Ability and Skills and Attitude towards Technology were also found to influence adoption. Geographical location was found to be the most important moderating factor.
The current mobile data usage supported the framework. The results of data usage highlighted the fact that nearly 50% of the study’s participants spent over 4 hours per day interacting with their mobile devices and that the participants from Gauteng spent more than 2½ times on mobile services than those in the other metropolitan municipalities of Cape Town and eThekwini / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die sleutelfaktore te bepaal wat die aanneming van selfoondatadienste in Suid-Afrika verklaar, en hulle te verenig in ʼn raamwerk waarmee aangetoon kan word of ʼn nuwe selfoondatadiens die Suid-Afrikaanse selfoondatamark suksesvol sal betree. Afgesien hiervan dui hierdie studie aan dat die huidige gebruik van selfoondatadienste in Suid-Afrika die geldigheid van die voorgestelde raamwerk bevestig.
ʼn Mengsel van metodes is in die navorsing toegepas. Die navorsing het uit ʼn literatuuroorsig en twee navorsingsfases bestaan. Die literatuuroorsig het ʼn deurtastende oorsig van die raamwerke vir die aanneming van kommunikasietegnologie en alle moontlike faktore daarvoor behels. Uit die literatuuroorsig is die besprekingsdokument saamgestel wat as riglyn gedien het vir die onderhoude in fase 1 van die navorsing. Onderhoude is met kundiges uit die Suid-Afrikaanse telekommunikasiebedryf gevoer om die belangrikste dryfvere vir aanneming en moontlike remfaktore ten opsigte van selfoondatadienste te bepaal. ʼn Voorlopige model is op grond van die onderhoude aangebied. Fase 2 het ʼn markopname behels waarin die raamwerk en remfaktore in verskeie metropolitaanse gebiede getoets en die huidige gebruik van selfoondatadienste ondersoek is.
Die statistiese analise waarop die raamwerk berus, het bestaan uit beskrywende statistiek, faktorontleding met behulp van hoofasfaktorering, en struktuurvergelykingsmodellering. Twee nuwe konstrukte het uit die raamwerk wat op die tegnologieaanvaardingsmodel gegrond was, gespruit. Die eerste was selfoondiensverskaffers se bemarkingstrategieë en die tweede sosiale druk en aspirerende waarde. Saam verklaar die twee konstrukte waarom selfoondiensverskaffers wat laekostestrategieë volg, misluk.
Daar is bevind dat demografiese faktore soos ouderdom, en sosiaal-ekonomiese faktore soos inkomste, aanneming beïnvloed. Volgens die bevindings word aanneming eweneens bepaal deur persoonlike faktore soos tegniese kennis, vermoë en vaardighede asook houding jeens tegnologie. Daar is bevind dat geografiese ligging die belangrikste remfaktor is.
Die huidige selfoondatagebruik bevestig die geldigheid van die raamwerk. Die uitslag van datagebruik benadruk die feit dat byna 50% van die deelnemers aan die studie langer as vier uur per dag met hulle selfone doenig is, en dat deelnemers in Gauteng twee en half keer meer as deelnemers in die metropolitaanse munisipaliteite van Kaapstad en eThekwini aan selfoondienste bestee. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuthola izinto ezibalulekile ezichaza ukwamukelwa kwezinsiza zamadatha amaselula eNingizimu Afrika nokuzifaka ohlakeni oluchazayo olungasetshenziswa ukukhombisa ukuthi ngabe insiza entsha yedatha ethulwe emakethe yamaselula eNingizimu Afrika izophumelela. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kukhombisa ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwamanje kwezinsiza zedatha yamaselula eNingizimu Afrika kuyalusekela uhlaka.
Ucwaningo lusebenzise umklamu osuselwe ezindleleni zokwenza ezixubile. Ucwaningo lwenziwe kusetshenziswa ucwaningo lwezincwadi kanye nezigaba ezimbili zocwaningo. Ucwaningo lwezincwadi belungukubuyekezwa okubanzi kokwamukela kwenzinhlaka zobuchwepheshe kwezokuxhumana kanye nazo zonke izici ezingenzeka ukuthi zamukelwe. Lolu cwaningo lwezincwadi lusetshenzisiwe futhi ukuthuthukisa umqulu wezingxoxo osetshenziswe njengezinkombandlela zokuxoxisana nabantu besigaba 1. Izingxoxo ebezinazo bezingochwepheshe emakethe yezokuxhumana eNingizimu Afrika futhi zasetshenziselwa ukuthola izidingongqangi zokwamukelwa kanye nezici zokulingisanisa kwezinsiza zamadatha amaselula. Kulezo zingxoxo, kuphakanyiswe isifaniselo sokuqala. Isigaba 2 bekungukucwaningo lwezimakethe oluhlola uhlaka kanye nezici zokulinganisa ezindaweni ezahlukahlukene zedolobha kanye nokuhlola ukusetshenziswa kwamanje kwezinsiza zedatha yamaselula.
Ukuhlaziywa kwezibalo okusetshenzisiwe ekunqumeni uhlaka lufake izibalo ezichazayo, ukuhlaziya izakhi, kusetshenziswa izisekelo eziyinhloko zokuphamba, kanye nesifaniselo sokulinganisa esihlelekile. Uhlaka, olwalususelwa kusifaniselo sokwamukela ubuchwepheshe, lwethule izakhiwo ezimbili ezintsha. Isakhiwo esisha sokuqala kwakungamacebo wokukhangisa wabahlinzeki bezinsiza zamaselula futhi owesibili kwakuyingcindezi yomphakathi nenani lesifiso. Lezi zakhiwo zombili ezihlanganisiwe zingasetshenziswa ukuchaza ukuthi kungani abahlinzeki bezinsizakalo zamaselula abanamasu ezindleko eziphansi bengaphumeleli. Izici ezithinta abantu ezinjengobudala zitholakele ukuthonya ukwamukelwa kanye nezici zezomnotho nezenhlalo ezifana nomholo. Izici ezithinta umuntu ngqo ezifana nolwazi lwezobuchwepheshe, ukwazi ukwenza kanye namakhono, nesimo sengqondo maqondana nezobuchwepheshe zatholakala zithonya ukwamukelwa. Indawo yendawo yatholakala njengesici sokulinganisa esibaluleke kakhulu.
Ukusetshenziswa kwedatha yeselula yamanje kusekele uhlaka. Imiphumela yokusetshenziswa kwedatha igcizelele iqiniso lokuthi bacishe babe ngama-50% ababambe iqhaza kulolu cwaningo bachithe isikhathi esingaphezu kwamahora amane ngosuku bexhumana nemishini yabo yamaselula nokuthi ababambiqhaza abavela eGauteng bachithe izikhathi ezingaphezu kwezingu-2½ kuzinsiza zamaselula kunalabo bakwamanye amadolobha amakhulu aseKapa naseThekwini. / Business Management / D.B.L.
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Definició de l'addició a Internet i elaboració d'un instrument per al seu diagnòsticBeranuy Fargues, Marta 02 June 2010 (has links)
Introducció: L'addicció a Internet i l'abús d'altres tecnologies són tòpics molt estudiats en els darrers anys malgrat encara no s'ha aconseguit el consens respecte al seu diagnòstic, definició i instruments per a la seva detecció. Objectiu principal: Analitzar si Internet, el telèfon mòbil, els jocs de rol en línia (MMORPG) i altres tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació poden ser addictives. En cas que ho siguin, explorar i descriure les característiques que tindrien aquestes addiccions i elaborar un instrument per al seu diagnòstic.Instruments utilitzats: CERI, CERM, Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) i Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R). Anàlisis: bibliomètrica, teòrica, psicomètrica, correlacional i de regressió.Resultats: En l'anàlisi bibliomètrica s'observà que els anys de més producció científica sobre l'addicció a Internet, mòbil i videojocs foren el 2004 i el 2005. "Internet Addiction" es la cerca que produeix més resultats i l'anglès és l'idioma principal. De l'anàlisi teòrica s'extreuen els criteris diagnòstics per a l'addicció a Internet: dependència psicològica (focalització, pèrdua de control, craving i modificacions en l'estat d'ànim) i efectes perjudicials greus (intra i interpersonals). En l'anàlisi psicomètrica s'elaboren el CERI i el CERM, dues escales breus que avaluen les conseqüències negatives degudes a un ús excessiu d'Internet i mòbil, respectivament. Les dones es caracteritzaren per utilitzar el mòbil com a mitjà per expressar i comunicar les emocions i tenir, en general, puntuacions més elevades en el CERM. L'ús d'ambdues tecnologies és més problemàtic en l'adolescència. L'anàlisi correlacional i de regressió mostrà relació entre la Intel·ligència Emocional Percebuda i l'ús desadaptatiu d'Internet i de mòbil. En major grau, l'ús desadaptatiu d'Internet mostrà relació amb el malestar psicològic.Conclusions: Internet i, concretamentels jocs de rol en línia (MMORPG) i els xats oberts (IRC), són susceptibles de provocar addicció i efectes perjudicials greus. Les altres tecnologies poden provocar abús, sobre tot, en els més joves. El CERI i CERM són dues escales que faciliten la detecció de les conseqüències negatives degudes a l'abús però que no substitueixen l'entrevista clínica diagnòstica. S'observa una prevalença baixa d'addicció a Internet i d'abús de mòbil entre els joves universitaris. El tractament per addicció a MMORPG ha de ser multimodal, flexible i individualitzat i els criteris per al diagnòstic han de ser menys rigorosos i apostar per una detecció precoç i preventiva. / Introducción: La adicción a Internet y el abuso de otras tecnologías son tópicos muy estudiados en los últimos años aunque todavía no se ha alcanzado el consenso respecto a su diagnóstico, definición e instrumentos para su detección.Objetivo principal: Analizar si Internet, el teléfono móvil, los juegos de rol en línea (MMORPG) y otras tecnologías de la información y la comunicación pueden ser adictivas. En caso de que lo sean, explorar y describir las características que tendrían dichas adicciones y elaborar un instrumento para su diagnóstico.Instrumentos utilizados: CERI, CERM, Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) y Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R). Análisis: bibliométrico, teórico, psicométrico, correlacional y de regresión.Resultados: En el análisis bibliométrico se observó que los años de más producción científica sobre la adicción a Internet, móvil y videojuegos fueron el 2004 y el 2005. "Internet Addiction" es la búsqueda que produce más resultados y el inglés es el idioma principal. Del análisis teórico se extraen los criterios diagnósticos para la adicción a Internet: dependencia psicológica (focalización, pérdida de control, craving y modificaciones en el estado de ánimo) y efectos perjudiciales graves (intra e interpersonales). En el análisis psicométrico se elaboran el CERI y el CERM, dos escalas breves que evalúan las consecuencias negativas debidas a un uso excesivo de Internet y móvil, respectivamente. Las mujeres se caracterizaron por utilizar el móvil como medio para expresar y comunicar las emociones y tener, en general, puntuaciones más elevadas en el CERM. El uso de ambas tecnologías es más problemático en la adolescencia. El análisis correlacional y de regresión mostró relación entre la Inteligencia Emocional Percibida y el uso desadaptativo de Internet y de móvil. En mayor grado, el uso desadaptativo de Internet mostró relación con el malestar psicológico.Conclusiones: Internet y, concretamente los juegos de rol en línea (MMORPG) y los chats abiertos (IRC), son susceptibles de provocar adicción y efectos perjudiciales graves. Las otras tecnologías pueden provocar abuso, sobre todo, en los más jóvenes. El CERI y CERM son dos escalas que facilitan la detección de las consecuencias negativas debidas al abuso pero que no sustituyen la entrevista clínica diagnóstica. Se observa una prevalencia baja de adicción a Internet y de abuso de móvil entre los jóvenes universitarios. El tratamiento por adicción en MMORPG tiene que ser multimodal, flexible e individualizado y los criterios para el diagnóstico tienen que ser menos rigurosos y apostar por una detección precoz y preventiva. / Introduction: Internet addiction and the abuse of other technologies are much studied topics in the last years in spite of it has not been achieved the consensus about its diagnosis, definition and instruments for its detection.Main goal: Analyzing if on-line role-play games (MMORPG) and other information and communication technologies can be addictives. In case they are, exploring and describing the characteristics that these addictions would have, and developing an instrument for its diagnosis.Used instruments: CERI, CERM, Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24) and Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R). Analysis: bibliometric, theoretical, psychometric, correlation and regression analysis.Results: In bibliometric analysis it was observed that the years of more scientific production about Internet addiction, cell phone and video games were 2004 and 2005. "Internet Addiction" is the search that produces more results and the English is the main language. The diagnostic criteria are extracted for Internet addiction in the theoretical analysis: psychological dependence (salience, loss of control, craving and mood modifications) and serious adverse effects (intra and interpersonal). CERI and CERM are elaborated in the psychometric analysis. They are two brief scales that evaluate negative consequences due to an excessive use of Internet and cell phone, respectively. Women were characterized by using the cell phone to express and communicating emotions and they have, in general, higher scores in CERM. The use of both technologies is more problematic in the adolescence. The correlation and regression analysis show the relation between the Perceived Emotional Intelligence and the Internet and cell phone disadaptative use. In major degree, disadaptative use of Internet shows relation with the psychological distress.Conclusions: Internet and, precisely, on-line role-play games (MMORPG) and Internet Real Chat are susceptible of provoking addiction and serious adverse effects. The other technologies can develop abuse, overall, in the youngest. CERI and CERM are two scales that facilitate the detection of negative consequences due to the abuse but they cannot substitute the diagnostic clinical interview. There is a low prevalence of Internet addiction and cell phone abuse among the college students. The treatment from addiction in MMORPG has to be multimodal, flexible and individualized and the criteria for the diagnosis have to be less rigorous and to consider a precocious and preventive detection.
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Ergonomische Produktgestaltung am Beispiel mobiler Geräte im interkulturellen Vergleich: China – Deutschland – USALeiber, Paul 26 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Nicht zuletzt durch die Globalisierung kommen mittlerweile viele Geräte in vielen unterschiedlichen Kulturen zugleich zum Einsatz. Durch die Anpassung von Produkten an kulturelle Unterschiede kann die Gebrauchstauglichkeit dieser Produkte in der jeweiligen Kultur verbessert werden. Dies führt aufgrund einer höheren Kundenzufriedenheit und Sicherheit bei der Bedienung zu Vorteilen für die Nutzer der Produkte, in Folge dann auch zu höheren Umsätzen für die Hersteller der Produkte. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt am Beispiel der Nutzung mobiler Geräte Erkenntnisse für die Anpassung von Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen an die Anforderungen von Nutzern in China, Deutschland und den USA auf. Sie verwendet eine Kombination von quantitativen und qualitativen Forschungsmethoden. Zunächst wird ein Überblick über den theoretischen Wissensstand in den relevanten Bereichen erarbeitet, bevor Interviews mit neun deutschen Experten der Produktentwicklung mit internationaler Erfahrung einen Überblick über die Praxis der Produktentwicklung in international tätigen Konzernen geben. Auf der Basis dieser theoretischen und praktischen Erkenntnisse wird eine Online-Befragung zurNutzung mobiler Geräte im Fahrzeug mit insgesamt 269 chinesischen, deutschen und US-amerikanischen Teilnehmern beschrieben. Eine Card-Sorting-Studie mit 46 internationalen Probanden sowie eine Fahrsimulatorstudie mit 33 deutschen Probanden untersucht anschließend spezifische kulturelle Unterschiede bei der Kategorisierung. Eine weitere Fahrsimulatorstudie mit 42 chinesischen und deutschen Probanden analysiert kulturelle Präferenzen für Eingabemöglichkeiten. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zusammengestellten Erkenntnisse münden in konkreten Gestaltungsregeln. Aus den Erkenntnissen ergeben sich neue Fragestellungen für die zukünftige Forschung.
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An integrated health, safety and environmental risk assessment model for the South African Global Systems Mobile Telecommunications (GSM) industryBarnard, Frederick Jacobus 31 July 2005 (has links)
More than one billion people, almost one in six of the world's population, are now using GSM mobile phones.
The situation in South Africa is no different from that in the rest of the world. The rise of mobile telephone usage in South Africa has been driven by a combination of factors such as demand, sector reform, the licensing of new competition, and the emergence of major strategic investors, such as Vodacom and MTN.
It was estimated that by March 2005 there should be approximately 20 million cellular customers in South Africa. The growth in the South African cellular market is proportionate to the potential risks in an environment where organisations are continuously seeking ways of improving efficiency, cutting costs, and staying abreast of technological advances.
Elements of risk control such as Safety, Health, and Environmental Management can no longer be left out of the equation while organisations in the GSM industry are considering increasing their networks to meet the demands of growth. Although risk assessments are not specifically defined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (85 of 1993); Section 8 does, however, stipulate under the general duties of the employer that the employer must establish, as far as is reasonably practicable, which hazards to the health or safety of persons are attached to any work which is performed.
This situation has changed with the promulgation of the Construction Regulations, GNR.1010 on 18 July 2003; which state that every contractor performing construction work shall, before the commencement of any construction work and during construction work, cause a risk assessment to be performed by a competent person appointed in writing, and that the risk assessment shall form part of the health and safety plan to be applied on the site.
This requirement under the Construction Regulations will have a major impact on organisations in the GSM industry.
Integrated Health, Safety and Environmental risk assessments have now become a prerequisite before considering any further expansion of the GSM network in South Africa.
The relationship between the operational risk sub-disciplines of health, safety, and environmental management, as part of the risk-management function, has been established, and an operational risk-assessment model for the Global Systems Mobile Telecommunications industry in South Africa that measures occupational health, safety, and environmental management risks on an integrated basis has been developed.
The risk assessment model for the South African GSM industry is based on assessing the frequency of an activity in relation to the impact on the organisation's business processes, incident/accident potential, financial impact, legal status, and the nature of ecological impact. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)
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Cooperative design of a cross-age tutoring system based on a social networking platformChimbo, Bester 11 1900 (has links)
In South Africa, many young children from poor social and economic backgrounds are cared for at home by parents or guardians who are themselves illiterate. This leads to poor educational outcomes later in life. Yet there are many privileged teenagers with access to mobile technologies who spend a greater portion of their spare time interacting on ubiquitous social media platforms. This presents an opportunity whereby the poor educational outcomes referred to previously could be addressed by applying a technology solution providing social media-based homework support by privileged teenagers to underprivileged younger children. However, most applications designed for use by children are designed by adults, with little understanding of the user requirements of the target end users. This research explores the following question: How can a cross-age tutoring system be designed for implementation on a social networking platform to support numeracy and literacy skill acquisition? The main contribution of this research was the definition of the Cooperative design by Children for Children (CD2C) Design Framework, a blueprint of how a cross-age tutoring system could be co-designed by children of different age groups and life circumstances. The CD2C Design Framework was derived as an abstraction of the second contribution of this research, the TitanTutor, an artifact designed using co-operative inquiry method and the Design Science Research approach. The third novelty of this research was contribution to Design Science Research theory, with the addition of new theory that states that cooperative design by children from different age groups and life circumstances is tempered by socio-environmental context and power relations between the co-design partners. This work provided important contributions to researchers in the areas of Cooperative Inquiry (CI), Human Computer Interaction (HCI), and Design Science Research (DSR). Future researchers could extend the CD2C Design Framework to make it even more abstract, thereby making it universally applicable to any co-design scenario. / Computing / Ph. D. (Information Systems)
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Business strategies of organisations in a challenging economy : the case of mobile company X Zimbabwe (MCXZ)Mungwini, Mercy 06 1900 (has links)
This study sought to establish the business strategies employed by Mobile Company X
Zimbabwe (MCXZ) for it to survive the challenging economy. A qualitative research and a
case-based approach involving MCXZ were used. Semi-structured interviews and secondary data were used to produce qualitative data and for triangulation of findings. Data was analysed and managed through qualitative coding and Atlas.ti program. The findings of the study showed that MCXZ employed growth business strategies through market penetration, product development, market development and strategic alliances. In addition, the study found that banking crisis, high competition, rapid technological changes, consumer preferences, shrinking markets and unfavourable government policies are the main threats in the challenging economy. However, MCXZ managed to survive and grow due to the integration of business strategies and the key success factors (KSF) in the industry. The KSF are organisational agility, research and development, quality and affordable mobile phones and effective after sales service and accessories. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Customer-based brand equity of the major cellphone network service providers amongst principal estate agents in the Gauteng province of South AfricaMentz, Hendrik 14 September 2011 (has links)
This study investigates the customer-based brand equity of the major cellphone network service providers (Vodacom, MTN and Cell C) amongst principal estate agents registered with the Estate Agency Affairs Board in Gauteng. Secondary research covered the marketing environment of the major service providers. An extensive study of literature on branding, brand management and brand equity measurement was undertaken.
An empirical study was conducted. Telephone interviews were used for initial contact and screening. An invitation to participate in the survey, with a link to a questionnaire, was e-mailed to qualified respondents. Cell C users were excluded from the quantitative analysis. There were several significant findings: Vodacom and MTN users are alike in terms of personal and estate agency-related demographics. With the exception of age and gender, the sample fits the stated descriptors of individuals in the LSM seven to LSM ten groups. Cronbach‘s alpha coefficient confirmed a high level of reliability (0.870) for the summated measurement scale developed as an indicator variable of customer-based brand equity and Vodacom and MTN‘s rating on the summated scale did not differ at a statistically significant level. The service provider used proved to be an important driver of loyalty, but overall satisfaction with the cellphone service does not differ statistically significantly between Vodacom and MTN users. Vodacom has established a much more favourable positioning on the brand association statements evaluated. Factor analysis identified five brand association dimensions that should be considered for measurement of brand associations. Multiple regression analysis identified the brand as a product dimension as the best predictor of customer-based brand equity. Vodacom received more favourable brand performance ratings than MTN. Factor analysis identified six brand performance dimensions that should be considered for inclusion when measuring brand performance. Multiple regression analysis identified the easy to use and one-stop-service dimensions as the best predictors of customer-based brand equity. The customer-based brand equity of the user group is moderate (16 out of 25, or 64%). / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)
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New marketing opportunities for fixed line telecommunication operators in South Africa : a strategic evaluationAli, Fuaad 09 1900 (has links)
Information, communication and broadcasting convergence is changing the business landscape
in South Africa, as organisations adopt new converged information, communication technology
(ICT) products and services to satisfy the needs of customers. Simultaneously, major changes are
taking place in the South African telecommunications business environment creating new
marketing opportunities and threats for Telkom SA, the only fixed line telecommunication
operator in South Africa.
Some of the findings of the study are
• the commodization of the fixed line telecommunication network
• political and regulatory changes are reshaping the telecommunications landscape by allowing
the entry of new competitors
• new technological innovations in Information Communication Technology (ICT) and mobile
communication is driving change
• social and economic change is fueling the speed of environmental change
poor economic climate is quickening the competitive pace amongst South African businesses
forcing them to attain efficiencies and effectiveness for survival
• organisations worldwide are competing for limited resources and markets and turning to ICT
to achieve their objectives
• customer needs are changing - demanding better and innovative communication products and
services - providing opportunities to competitors
• the Internet is reshaping traditional business models as businesses are seeking to establish
competitive advantages through the Internet
• the migration of the Internet to the mobile telephony sector
These changes are creating new marketing opportunities and threats for South African fixed line
telecommunication operators and are threatening the survival of fixed line telecommunication
operators worldwide and in South Africa. Information Technology, broadcasting and
telecommunication technology convergence, has created many new ICT products and services
opportunities that telecommunication competitors are offering existing customers of the fixed
line operators network indicating lethargy from their side. In order for the fixed line operators to
survive they must apply innovation and revise their strategic planning models. / Business Management / DCOM (Business Management)
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Mobile customer relationship marketing: a tool to create competitive advantage within the licensed liquor industryGrahn, Graeme Aubrey January 2013 (has links)
Master of Technology Marketing Management
in the Faculty of Business
at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2013 / The advent of IT technology in particular, mobile technology has forced most of the private
sector to re-evaluate how they interact and communicate with their intermediaries. Since the
early 1990s most businesses have put the intermediary at the centre of their business by
means of business strategies like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions.
However, the speed at which technology is evolving is forcing businesses to evaluate new
and alternative means of managing intermediary relationships, as intermediaries now drive
the economy, not businesses. The very essence of a good CRM programme is its reliance
on an IT system which is advanced enough to analyse the captured intermediary data,
transform that data into usable knowledge, which is then stored in a centralised, crossfunctional
database or data warehouse.
Most businesses agree that the goal of CRM solutions is to maximise business profits by
maximising the value of interaction with intermediaries. Successful CRM businesses have
strong, clearly defined business strategies that focus on the intermediary and generate a
process-orientated view of the organisation. CRM functionality therefore creates a single
view of the intermediary and the business as well as support to the Marketing, Sales, Order,
Production and Service processes.
This dissertation investigated the CRM functionality within the Fast Moving Consumer Goods
(FMCG) wholesale and retail liquor sector of the City of Cape Town, paying particular
attention to the three channels that the liquor industry operate in. These three channels are
segmented as the formal Off-premise consumption, formal On-premise consumption and the
Informal Main market. The formal Off-premise consumption channel consist of the
mainstream convenience and self-service liquor retailers where stock is purchased and
consumed at another location by the end user. The formal On-premise consumption channel
consists of venues where patrons purchase and consume liquor on the spot. The informal
Main market, which is dominated by shebeens and taverns, is a combination of the Off- and
On-premise consumption channels where bottle purchases and consumption occur on site
together. This dissertation investigates one primary and four secondary questions within
these channels. The primary question will establish whether a mobile CRM programme can
be used as a marketing instrument to create a competitive advantage within the B2B
licensed liquor industry of South Africa. The secondary questions establish whether
intermediaries are willing to adopt CRM technology, what barriers exist, what the benefits are
for both intermediary and company and whether there will be a reduction in communication
costs for both parties.
The South African government regulates the South African liquor industry in that only
licensed outlets may trade in liquor. Within the Western Cape region, there are
approximately 4,000 licensed outlets of which approximately 2,000 licences (data obtained
from a leading liquor wholesalers company database) fall within the boundaries of Cape
Town. A leading liquor wholesaler has legal contracts with each one of these accounts,
providing a defined database from which primary research was conducted.
Primary researches, in the form of quantitative interviews with a random sample of 150
intermediaries, across the three identified channels were conducted for this study.
Questionnaires were used to establish how a competitive B2B mobile CRM programme can
be implemented, while possible barriers and facilitators to mobile CRM were also considered.
The findings produced two results: one result was expected but the second result was not
expected by the researcher. The first results were that 57.5% of respondents, across all
business channels, indicated their willingness to receiving a mCRM programme on their
mobile devices. The unexpected finding was that 57.3% of respondents across all business
channels had no idea or did not know what a CRM programme was. From these findings
several recommendations are discussed namely: the implementation of a six month tactical
marketing campaign which would expose intermediaries to the concepts and ideas of a CRM
programme; the establishment of a comprehensively updated intermediary database; welltrained
field sales staff who would support the CRM programme once implemented; a simple,
easy to use and navigate mCRM programme to begin with. This programme would have to
have the ability and capability to progress in the future as intermediaries become more
familiar with the system; and a complete company philosophy, with a clear, holistic and
coherent business strategy, that would embrace the mCRM concept to drive future growth
Key Words: business-to-business; customer relationship management; electronic customer
relationship management; Information Technology and mobile customer relationship
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Indoor Positioning Using WLAN / Inomhuspositionering med WLANAndersson, Pierre, Norlander, Arvid January 2012 (has links)
This report evaluates various methods that can be used to position a smartphone running the Android platform, without the use of any special hardware or infrastructure and in conditions where GPS is unavailable or unreliable; such as indoors. Furthermore, it covers the implementation of such a system with the use of a deterministic fingerprinting method that is reasonably device independent, a method which involves measuring a series of reference points, called fingerprints, in an area and using those to locate the user. The project was carried on behalf of Sigma, a Swedish software consulting company. / Denna rapport evaluerar olika metoder för att bestämma positionen av en smartphone som använder sig av Android-plattformen. Metoden skall inte använda sig av någon speciell hårdvara eller infrastruktur samt kunna hantera förhållanden där GPS är otillgängligt eller opålitligt, som till exempel inomhus. Den beskriver också implementation av ett sådant system som använder sig av en deterministisk fingerprinting-metod som någorlunda väl kan hantera enheter av olika modeller, en metod som innebär att man mäter upp en mängd med referenspunkter, kallade fingerprints, och använder dessa för att placera användaren. Projektet utfördes på uppdrag av Sigma, ett svenskt mjukvarukonsultbolag.
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