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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Estudio de pre factibilidad para la implementación de una empresa productora y comercializadora de bombones de chocolate con rellenos de frutos tropicales en Lima Metropolitana

Vila Cordova, Cesilia Norma 11 April 2024 (has links)
El presente estudio de prefactibilidad determinará la viabilidad y rentabilidad del proyecto mediante la producción y comercialización de bombones de chocolate con rellenos de frutos tropicales (Lúcuma, Chirimoya y Guanábana) en el mercado de Lima Metropolitana. El desarrollo iniciará con el Análisis Estratégico a fin de determinar los objetivos principales del estudio y el planeamiento estratégico, el cual se definirá la misión, visión y valores de la empresa. Asimismo, se identificarán los factores internos y externos de la empresa para la elaboración de la Matriz FODA. En el Estudio de Mercado, se identificará el mercado objetivo y potencial que comprenderá los NSE A, B y C. Además, se comercializará en paquetes de 6 unidades con 3 variedades diferentes de sabores (Lúcuma, Guanábana y Chirimoya) para un público interesado en los valores nutricionales de las frutas tropicales. El horizonte del proyecto de los bombones de chocolate comprenderá una vida útil de 5 años y se distribuirá en bodegas, kioscos y centros comerciales para un público joven y adulto cuyas edades oscilen entre los 18 a 60 años. En los capítulos correspondientes a la disponibilidad de insumos, localización de la planta y tamaño de la planta se determinó que los insumos utilizados serán 100% a nivel nacional y localizados en los departamentos de Ucayali, Junín, San Martín y Lambayeque. Por otro lado, los factores relevantes para la ubicación óptima de la planta determinaron que la planta industrial se localizará en el distrito de Villa El Salvador. Por último, el tamaño de la planta se ajustará mejor ante una relación de tipo tamaño – punto de equilibrio al poseer una menor restricción en la cantidad de bombones de chocolate. En el Estudio Técnico, se consolidará la base del proyecto de bombones de chocolate. En primer lugar, se definirá el proceso productivo del producto a través de la elaboración del Diagrama de Operaciones (DOP). En segundo lugar, se determinará las maquinarias y/o equipos requeridos. En tercer lugar, se definirá el número de operarios a través del balance de línea y que comprenderán un total de 15 operarios. En cuarto lugar, se definirá el requerimiento de espacios, dando como resultado un área total de 680 m2. Finalmente, se desarrollará los análisis de impacto ambiental, seguridad industrial e implementación del proyecto, cuyo tiempo de duración estimado oscilará en 322 días. En los capítulos relacionados a la Inversión, Financiamiento y Organización del proyecto; la inversión total requerida antes de la puesta en marcha será de S/ 2 512 211. Por otro lado, el financiamiento se otorgará en por PROEMPRESA hacia los activos fijos y capital de trabajo. Con respecto a la organización y administración, el tipo de razón social enfocado en el proyecto será de una Sociedad Anónima Cerrada (S.A.C) y se ajustará una estructura organizacional de tipo funcional (Niveles Jerárquicos). En el capítulo correspondiente a los Presupuestos y Análisis Económico y Financiero se construirán los presupuestos de ingresos y egresos, así como los estados financieros involucrados al Flujo de Caja Financiero y Balance General. Finalmente, el capítulo de Evaluación Económica y Financiera determinará la viabilidad y rentabilidad del proyecto de bombones de chocolate. En primer lugar, la evaluación económica registrará valores rentables del VAN – E y TIR – E igual a S/ 1 427 817 y 38,70% respectivamente. Mientras que, la evaluación financiera sus resultados del VAN – F y TIR – F obtenidos serán S/ 513 912 y 43,07% respectivamente.


Paz Yépez, Carolina Alicia 02 September 2019 (has links)
[ES] Los lípidos en la alimentación del ser humano son esenciales para lograr una homeostasis en el individuo. Las propiedades fisicoquímicas de los lípidos están condicionadas por el origen y su estructura, determinando su interacción con otros componentes de la matriz alimentaria. Estos factores considerados como inherentes al alimento, junto con las condiciones fisiológicas del entorno digestivo de cada individuo, pueden modular la digestibilidad y la absorción intestinal de los lípidos. Así por ejemplo, en el contexto de las patologías que cursan insuficiencia pancreática exocrina (IPE) como es el caso de la fibrosis quística (FQ), la maldigestión de alimentos y malabsorción de nutrientes, especialmente de los lípidos, es una de las principales consecuencias. En estos casos, los pacientes siguen una serie de recomendaciones médicas y dietéticas que consisten en la administración de un suplemento enzimático de pancreatina encapsulada así como en un aumento de la ingesta de alimentos con alto contenido lipídico. En este escenario, los alimentos lipídicos de origen vegetal como frutos secos, semillas, así como alimentos formulados con derivados de estos, son recomendados por su perfil lipídico rico en ácidos grasos mono y poliinsaturados. La metodología de simulación in vitro de la digestión gastrointestinal permite imitar los procesos del tracto gastrointestinal estableciendo las condiciones propias del medio (pH, concentración de enzimas, sales biliares, etc.) según la etapa digestiva. Esta metodología está avalada para analizar la influencia de los diversos factores implicados en la digestibilidad y bioaccesibilidad de nutrientes en condiciones fisiológicas concretas como las determinantes de la Fibrosis Quística. El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral fue analizar la influencia de los factores inherentes al alimento sobre la digestibilidad lipídica y bioaccesibilidad de compuestos bioactivos en matrices alimentarias ricas en lípidos de origen vegetal. Las matrices seleccionadas fueron: semillas y germinados de chía, frutos secos (nueces y cacahuetes), chocolates (negro, con leche y blanco) y productos de panadería (pan integral, pan blanco, galletas tipo María, galletas con pepitas de chocolate, pastel de chocolate, donut, gofre, croissant y magdalenas). Otro de los objetivos fue analizar la influencia de las condiciones gastrointestinales de la FQ (pH intestinal subóptimo, secreción biliar y pancreática reducidas) sobre la lipólisis y bioaccesibilidad de compuestos bioactivos. Los resultados de esta tesis permiten afirmar que la estructura matricial, su composición, el tipo de procesado y la interacción entre nutrientes son determinantes en la lipólisis y bioaccesibilidad de algunos compuestos bioactivos en condiciones intestinales alteradas como sucede en FQ. Así por ejemplo, en el caso de la chía y los frutos secos se evidenció que un mayor nivel de desestructuración (reducción de tamaño de las matrices) resulta en una mejor digestibilidad de los macronutrientes. Por otro lado, determinados procesos como la germinación de semillas de chía se traduce en una mejora en la digestibilidad lipídica y bioaccesibilidad de compuestos fenólicos. En el caso de chocolates y productos de panadería cabe destacar que su composición (contenido y tipo de grasa, proteínas, emulsificantes, etc.) juegan un papel esencial en la digestibilidad de macro y micronutrientes. Finalmente, los ensayos realizados a distintas dosis de suplemento enzimático permitieron identificar que las dosis adecuadas para mejorar la bioaccesibilidad de compuestos bioactivos, así como para lograr una óptima extensión de la lipólisis no son únicamente en función de la cantidad de grasa. La modelización de los resultados experimentales obtenidos en cuanto a la dosificación enzimática en condiciones FQ, permitió obtener una herramienta para la predicción de la dosis óptima de enzimas reco / [CA] Els lípids en l'alimentació de l'ésser humà resulta essencial per a aconseguir una homeostasis en l'individu. Les propietats fisicoquímiques dels lípids estan condicionades per l'origen i la seua estructura, determinant la seua interacció amb altres components de la matriu alimentària. Estos factors considerats com inherents a l'aliment, junt amb les condicions fisiològiques de l'entorn digestiu pròpies de cada individu, poden modular la digestibilitat i la posterior absorció intestinal dels lípids. Així per exemple, en el context de les patologies que cursen insuficiència pancreàtica exocrina (IPE) com és el cas de la fibrosi quística (FQ), la maldigestió d'aliments i malabsorció de nutrients, especialment dels lípids, és una de les principals conseqüències. En estos casos, els pacients seguixen una sèrie de recomanacions mèdiques i dietètiques que consistixen en l'administració oral d'un suplement enzimàtic de pancreatina encapsulada així com en un augment de la ingesta d'aliments amb alt contingut lipídico. En este escenari, els aliments lipídics d'origen vegetal com a fruits secs, llavors, així com aliments formulats amb derivats d'estos, són especialment recomanats pel seu perfil lipídic, que és ric en àcids grassos mono i poliinsaturats. La metodologia de simulació in vitro de la digestió gastrointestinal permet imitar els processos del tracte gastrointestinal establint condicions pròpies del mig (pH, concentració d'enzims, sals biliars, etc.) segons l'etapa digestiva. Esta metodologia està avalada per a analitzar la influència dels diversos factors implicats en la digestibilitat i bioaccesibilidad de nutrients en condicions fisiològiques concretes com per exemple les determinants de la Fibrosi Quística. L'objectiu principal d'esta tesi doctoral va ser analitzar la influència dels factors inherents a l'aliment sobre la digestibilitat lipídica i bioaccesibilidad de compostos bioactivos en matrius alimentàries riques en lípids d'origen vegetal. Les matrius seleccionades van ser: llavors i germinats de xia, fruites seques (anous i cacauets), xocolates (negre, amb llet i blanc) i productes de forn (pa integral, pa blanc, galletes, galletes amb llavors de xocolate, pastís de xocolate, donut, gofre, croissant i magdalenes). Un altre dels objectius va ser analitzar la influencia de les condicions gastrointestinals característiques de la FQ (pH intestinal subòptim, secreció biliar i pancreàtica reduïdes) sobre la lipòlisi i bioaccesibilitat de compostos bioactivos. Així, els resultats d'esta tesi permeten afirmar que l'estructura matricial, la seua composició, el tipus de processat i la interacció entre nutrients són determinants en la lipólisis i bioaccesibilidad d'alguns compostos bioactius en condicions intestinals alterades com succeïx en FQ, tenint menor repercussió en condicions estàndards d'adult sa. Així per exemple, en el cas de la xia i els fruits secs es va evidenciar que un major nivell de desestructuració (reducció de grandària de les matrius) resulta en una millor digestibilitat dels macronutrients. D'altra banda, la germinació de llavors, de xia, millora en la digestibilitat lipídica i bioaccesibilitat de compostos fenòlics. En el cas del xocolates i productes de forn cal destacar que la seua composició (contingut i tipus de greix, proteïnes, emulsificants, etc.) juguen un paper essencial en la digestibilitat de macro i micronutrients. Finalment els assajos realitzats a distintes dosis de suplement enzimàtic van permetre identificar que les dosis adequades per a millorar la bioaccesibilidad de compostos bioactius, així com per a aconseguir una òptima extensió de la lipólisis no són únicament funció de la quantitat de greix. La modelització dels resultats experimentals obtinguts pel que fa a la dosificació enzimàtica en condicions FQ, va permetre obtindre una ferramenta per a la predicció de la dosi òptima d'enzims recomanable per / [EN] Lipids in the diet of human beings are essential to achieve a correct homeostasis in the individual. The physicochemical properties of lipids are conditioned by the origin and the structure, determining its interaction with other components of the food matrix. These factors are considered as inherent to the food, and together with the physiological conditions of the digestion lumen, can modulate the digestibility and intestinal lipid absorption. Thus, in the context of pathologies that present with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (IPE), such as cystic fibrosis (CF), food maldigestion and malabsorption of nutrients, especially lipids, is one of the main consequences. In these cases, patients follow a series of medical and dietary recommendations, including the administration of encapsulated pancreatin enzyme supplements and high intake of lipid-rich foods. Plant-origin foods such as nuts, seeds and food formulated with derivate of these lipids are especially recommended because of their lipid profile, which is rich in mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The methodology of in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal digestion allows for imitating the processes of the gastrointestinal tract establishing the specific conditions (pH, concentration of enzymes, bile salts, etc.) according to the digestive stage. This methodology is endorsed to analyze the influence of various factors involved in the digestibility and bioavailability of nutrients under specific physiological conditions, such as those which are determinants of Cystic Fibrosis. The main objective of this doctoral thesis was to analyze the influence of inherent-to-food factors on the lipid digestibility and bioaccessibility of bioactive compounds in food matrices rich in vegetable lipids. The selected matrices were: seeds and sprouts of chia, nuts (walnuts and peanuts), chocolates (black, with milk and white) and bakery products (wheat bread, white bread, cookies, cookies with chocolate chips, chocolate cake, donut, waffle, croissant and muffins). Another main objective was to analyze the influence of the characteristic gastrointestinal conditions of Cystic Fibrosis (suboptimal intestinal pH, reduced biliary and pancreatic secretion) on the lipolysis and bioavailability of bioactive compounds. Thus, the results of this thesis allow us to affirm that the matrix structure, its composition, the type of processing and the interaction between nutrients, are determinants of lipolysis and bioavailability of some bioactive compounds in altered intestinal conditions as in CF. For example, in the case of chia and nuts, it was evident that a greater reduction of size of the matrices results in a better macronutrient digestibility. On the other hand, germination of chia seeds results in an improvement in the lipid digestibility and bioavailability of phenolic compounds. In the case of chocolates and bakery products it should be noted that their composition (content and type of fat, proteins, emulsifiers, etc.) play an essential role in the digestibility of macro and micronutrients. Finally the tests carried out at different doses of enzyme supplement allowed for identifying that the adequate doses to improve the bioavailability of bioactive compounds, as well as to achieve optimal lipolysis, are not only dependent of the amount of fat. The modeling of the experimental results obtained in terms of enzymatic dosing under Cystic Fibrosis conditions allowed the development of a tool for the prediction of the optimal dose of enzymes recommended for the clinical treatment in patients with cystic fibrosis. / La presente tesis doctoral ha sido desarrollada en el marco del proyecto multidisciplinar “Innovative approach for self-management and social welfare of cystic fibrosis patients in europe: development, validation and implementation of a telematics tool (MyCyFAPP)” (www.mycyfapp.eu) financiado por la Unión Europea en el contexto del Programa Horizonte 2020 (Grant Agreement: 643806). / Paz Yépez, CA. (2019). INFLUENCIA DE FACTORES INHERENTES AL ALIMENTO Y AL INDIVIDUO SOBRE LA DIGESTIBILIDAD DE LÍPIDOS DE ORIGEN VEGETAL [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/125474

Cocoa flavanols, exercise and the brain / Les flavanols de cacao, l'exercice et le cerveau

Decroix, Lieselot 31 August 2018 (has links)
Les athlètes utilisent les suppléments nutritionnels avec pour objectif d'améliorer leur performance sportive. La performance sportive dépend de facteurs physiques, mais également de facteurs cognitifs. Les suppléments nutritionnels riches en flavanols issu du cacao (CF) peuvent stimuler la fonction vasculaire, réduire le stress oxydant et améliorer la fonction cognitive. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc d’analyser les effets d'une consommation aigue, ou pendant une semaine, de CF, sur la performance physique et cognitive chez des athlètes, chez des sujets actifs et chez des personnes ayant un diabète de type 1 (DT1). De plus, l’objectif est d’investiguer les effets des CF en altitude simulé, où l’hypoxie limite la performance cognitive et physique.La consommation aigue de 900 mg CF (dont 196 mg d'épicatéchine) suscite une augmentation de l’oxygénation cérébrale, mais pas de la concentration de BDNF sérique et n'a pas d’effet sur la fonction cognitive chez des sportifs sains. L’effet bénéfique des CF sur l’oxygénation cérébrale au repos est dépassé par l’ampleur de l’augmentation de la perfusion et de l’oxygénation cérébrale à l’exercice physique et n'est donc plus visible en post-exercice.En hypoxie (altitude simulée de 4000 m), la consommation aigue de 530 mg CF (dont 100 mg d'épicatéchine) augmente la réponse hémodynamique du cortex préfrontal durant une tâche cognitive, mais n’affecte pas l’activité neuronale. Les CF améliorent la pensée abstraite en normoxie, mais n’améliorent aucun autre domaine des fonctions cognitives. Seule la précision lors du test de Stroop est diminuée par l’hypoxie. De plus, la réponse hémodynamique du cortex préfrontale et l’activité neuronale ne diffèrent pas en hypoxie vs. en normoxie.Le diabète de type 1 (DT1) est associé avec une dysfonction endothéliale, qui constitue un des facteurs de déclin cognitif lié au diabète. Dans une 3ième étude, la fonction cognitive n’est pas altérée chez les patients DT1, en comparaison des sujets sains, alors que l'activation cérébrale diffère entre ces 2 groupes. Cette différence d'activation cérébrale pourrait alors jouer un rôle compensatoire chez les patients DT1. La consommation aigue de CF peut améliorer les fonctions exécutives chez des patients DT1 et des sujets sains, et peut augmenter le signal BOLD dans les régions du cerveau activées par les tâches cognitives.Ainsi, la consommation aigue de CF augmente la vasoréactivité cérébrale. Ces changements sont associés avec une meilleure fonction cognitive chez des patients DT1, alors que ce n’est pas le cas chez des sujets entraînés, ni au niveau de la mer, ni en hypoxie. Malgré ces effets bénéfiques des CF, l’exercice physique semble rester un moyen beaucoup plus efficace pour stimuler la vasoreactivité cérébrale et les fonctions cognitives.Nous nous sommes aussi intéressés aux effets de CF sur la capacité antioxydante, le stress oxydant et la production de NO pendant l’exercice, ainsi que sur les implications pour la performance physique et la récupération, chez des athlètes. La consommation aigue de 903 mg CF augmente la capacité antioxydante au repos et pendant l’exercice, mais sans réduire le stress oxydant et la production de NO. La consommation pendant une semaine de 530 mg CF (dont 100 mg d'épicatéchine) atténue la peroxydation lipidique induite par l’exercice, mais n’influence pas la capacité antioxydante. Les CF ne modifient pas la production et la biodisponibilité du NO pendant un exercice en normoxie et en hypoxie (altitude simulée de 3000 m). La consommation de CF pendant une semaine peut augmenter la fonction endothéliale de repos, et peut réduire les effets nuisibles de l'hypoxie sur l’oxygénation préfrontale au repos et pendant l’exercice modéré. Par contre, cet effet disparait pendant l’exercice intense. La consommation aigue, et pendant une semaine, de CF n’augmente pas la performance physique, ni en normoxie, ni en hypoxie. / Sports performance depends on physical factors, but also on cognitive functioning. Nutritional supplements as potential ergogenic aids can impact muscle, but also the brain. Cocoa flavanols (CF) have antioxidant capacities, can stimulate vascular function, and potentially enhance cognitive function. CF intake might thus improve exercise performance and recovery by reducing oxidative stress, increasing NO availability and/or boosting cognitive function. It is the purpose of this PhD to identify the effects of CF on physical and cognitive performance in healthy athletes at sea level and altitude, as well as in patients with type 1 diabetes. Our systematic review showed that CF can reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress, but without improving exercise performance. Combining CF intake and exercise training improves cardiovascular risk factors and vascular function in healthy and overweight participants, but evidence on the synergistic effects of CF and exercise training on oxidative stress, inflammation and fat and glucose metabolism is lacking.In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind cross-over study, we showed that 900 mg CF intake increased prefrontal oxygenation in athletes, but without affecting executive function. BDNF was not affected by CF intake. The effects of high-intensity exercise largely overruled the effects of CF intake: large beneficial effects of exercise on prefrontal oxygenation and cognitive function were observed and CF supplementation did not enlarge these effects. In a 2nd study, the effect of acute CF intake (530 mg CF) on performance on a demanding cognitive test was assessed in normoxia and hypoxia (simulated altitude 4000 m). Electroencephalogram and fNIRS were used to analyse neuronal activity and hemodynamic changes. Acute CF intake improved the neurovascular response, but did not affect neuronal activity and cognitive performance in normoxia and hypoxia. Most cognitive functions, the cerebrovascular response and neuronal activity, were not altered in hypoxia in healthy subjects. In a 3rd study, we found that acute intake of 900 mg CF enhanced cognitive performance on the Flanker test in patients with type 1 diabetes, and their healthy matched controls. CF intake increased the BOLD response in brain areas activated during this specific task. While cognitive performance was not deteriorated in patients with type 1 diabetes, a different brain activation pattern during the cognitive task was observed, compared to healthy controls and this brain activation pattern was altered by CF intake. To conclude, acute CF intake improves prefrontal oxygenation and cerebrovascular responsiveness. This can be associated with better cognitive function in patients with type 1 diabetes, but does not result in improved executive function in healthy persons. Compared to exercise, the magnitude of the CF-induced neurovascular changes is small.Two studies were conducted examining the effects of CF on exercise-induced oxidative stress, NO availability and its implications for exercise performance, in well-trained cyclists. We found that acute CF (900 mg) improved the exercise-induced increase in total antioxidant capacity, but did not reduce the exercise-induced increase in lipid peroxidation. One week CF intake (530 mg CF) improved vascular function at rest, and prefrontal oxygenation at rest and during low-intensity exercise, but did not influence muscular oxygenation. One week CF intake partially restored the hypoxia-induced decline in prefrontal oxygenation during rest and low-intensity exercise, but not during high-intensity exercise. One week CF intake reduced exercise-induced lipid peroxidation, but did not alter total antioxidant capacity. Both acute and 1-week CF intake did not improve exercise performance and recovery and do not change NO production during exercise (in normoxia and hypoxia) in well-trained athletes.

Estudo e aplicação de subtitutos de cacau / Study and application cocoa substitute

Medeiros, Magda Leite 04 September 2006 (has links)
O cacau em pó é obtido a partir da pasta de cacau, preparada com sementes que passaram pelos processos de fermentação, secagem, torrefação, moagem e prensa (para separação da manteiga de cacau). Ele é utilizado na formulação de coberturas, massas e recheios para panificação, sobremesas e achocolatados, que além de cacau em pó são produzidos com: açúcar, aroma e outros ingredientes constantes da formulação. Nos últimos anos houve aumento na oferta de gorduras substitutas à manteiga de cacau diminuindo a dependência da indústria alimentícia em relação à manteiga de cacau, mas aumentando a demanda por cacau em pó. Além disso, nos países líderes de produção, o preço do cacau é afetado pelo clima, pragas e fatores políticos. Substitutos de cacau são substâncias que podem entrar na formulação de produtos que utilizam cacau em pó para substituir parcial ou totalmente o mesmo, com a finalidade de diminuição do preço do produto final, garantir a qualidade dos produtos dependentes de cacau na entressafra ou mesmo na possível ausência do cacau em pó no mercado. Os substitutos escolhidos para avaliação foram: farinha tostada de alfarroba, cupuaçu em pó, composto da semente de cacau e aromas. Os objetivos do projeto foram: avaliar física (compactação, densidade, ângulo de repouso, isoterma de adsorção de umidade, tamanho de partícula, molhabilidade e umidade crítica relativa) e quimicamente (composição centesimal e teor de metilxantinas) os substitutos de cacau e sensorialmente, sob a forma de achocolatados. Conclui-se que os produtos analisados apresentam diferentes propriedades químicas e físicas daquelas do cacau, sendo estas refletidas no resultado da análise sensorial. / Cocoa powder is obtained from the paste of cocoa, prepared with fermented, dried, toasted, grinded and pressed seeds (to separate cocoa butter). It is used to make coatings, dough and fillings in bakery, desserts and confectionery and to make chocolate powders, which, besides cocoa powder, are formulated with sugar, flavor and others ingredients. In the last years it has been a raise in the offering of substitute fats for cocoa butter, decreasing the food industry dependence, but increasing it in relation to cocoa powder. Moreover, in the producing leader countries, the price of cocoa derivates is affected by the c1imate, plagues and politics factors. Cocoa substitutes are substances that can substitute, total or partially, cocoa powder in the formulation of different products, with the purpose of decreasing the final price, guarantee the quality between the harvest times or even in a possible absence of cocoa powder. The chosen substitutes were: toasted carob powder, cupuaçu powder, cocoa seed compound and aromas. The objectives of the project were: evaluate physics (compaction, density, angle of repose, sorption isotherm, particle size, wettability and critical relative humidity and chemistry (centesimal composition and methylxanthines) parameters of the cocoa powder substitutes and sensorial evaluation of chocolate powders formulated with the substitutes. As result, the substitutes had showed different chemical and physical properties of the ones presented by cocoa, reflecting in the results of sensorial analysis.

Estudo e aplicação de subtitutos de cacau / Study and application cocoa substitute

Magda Leite Medeiros 04 September 2006 (has links)
O cacau em pó é obtido a partir da pasta de cacau, preparada com sementes que passaram pelos processos de fermentação, secagem, torrefação, moagem e prensa (para separação da manteiga de cacau). Ele é utilizado na formulação de coberturas, massas e recheios para panificação, sobremesas e achocolatados, que além de cacau em pó são produzidos com: açúcar, aroma e outros ingredientes constantes da formulação. Nos últimos anos houve aumento na oferta de gorduras substitutas à manteiga de cacau diminuindo a dependência da indústria alimentícia em relação à manteiga de cacau, mas aumentando a demanda por cacau em pó. Além disso, nos países líderes de produção, o preço do cacau é afetado pelo clima, pragas e fatores políticos. Substitutos de cacau são substâncias que podem entrar na formulação de produtos que utilizam cacau em pó para substituir parcial ou totalmente o mesmo, com a finalidade de diminuição do preço do produto final, garantir a qualidade dos produtos dependentes de cacau na entressafra ou mesmo na possível ausência do cacau em pó no mercado. Os substitutos escolhidos para avaliação foram: farinha tostada de alfarroba, cupuaçu em pó, composto da semente de cacau e aromas. Os objetivos do projeto foram: avaliar física (compactação, densidade, ângulo de repouso, isoterma de adsorção de umidade, tamanho de partícula, molhabilidade e umidade crítica relativa) e quimicamente (composição centesimal e teor de metilxantinas) os substitutos de cacau e sensorialmente, sob a forma de achocolatados. Conclui-se que os produtos analisados apresentam diferentes propriedades químicas e físicas daquelas do cacau, sendo estas refletidas no resultado da análise sensorial. / Cocoa powder is obtained from the paste of cocoa, prepared with fermented, dried, toasted, grinded and pressed seeds (to separate cocoa butter). It is used to make coatings, dough and fillings in bakery, desserts and confectionery and to make chocolate powders, which, besides cocoa powder, are formulated with sugar, flavor and others ingredients. In the last years it has been a raise in the offering of substitute fats for cocoa butter, decreasing the food industry dependence, but increasing it in relation to cocoa powder. Moreover, in the producing leader countries, the price of cocoa derivates is affected by the c1imate, plagues and politics factors. Cocoa substitutes are substances that can substitute, total or partially, cocoa powder in the formulation of different products, with the purpose of decreasing the final price, guarantee the quality between the harvest times or even in a possible absence of cocoa powder. The chosen substitutes were: toasted carob powder, cupuaçu powder, cocoa seed compound and aromas. The objectives of the project were: evaluate physics (compaction, density, angle of repose, sorption isotherm, particle size, wettability and critical relative humidity and chemistry (centesimal composition and methylxanthines) parameters of the cocoa powder substitutes and sensorial evaluation of chocolate powders formulated with the substitutes. As result, the substitutes had showed different chemical and physical properties of the ones presented by cocoa, reflecting in the results of sensorial analysis.

The Artist and Her Muse: a Romantic Tragedy about a Mediocre and Narcissistic Painter Named Rachel Hoffman

Hoffman, Rachel Gavronsky 09 April 2004 (has links)
Imagine a theater. Build one in your mind. I do not care if it is the largest theater in the universe or if it is the size of a shoebox. The theater can be an elaborate construction with gilded cherubs and priceless jewels. If you would prefer the theater to be a minimal design, imagine it that way. Maybe the theater is made out of glass or crystal. You can be all alone in the theater or maybe you are seated next to an alien, a cave man, or a robot. As the curtain rises an enormous pipe organ is spewing out J.S. Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor. The sound is colossal. The stage is designed to look like a filthy and bleak art studio. Sculptures that look like decaying flesh hang from the ceiling. Papers and dirty painting rags are scattered all over the floor. A roach crawls towards some moldy food in the wastebasket. A piece of beef jerky sits next to a pile of paint tubes and paintbrushes. Canvases are stacked against the wall. Dried paint is splattered everywhere. A woman enters stage left. As she begins to speak, the music fades… “My most recent paintings are meant to serve as gateways between daily life and an exotic utopian fantasy. These strange psychological spaces function as portals into a new frontier inhabited with the most stupendous creatures. Active volcanoes, carnivorous plants, terrible lizards, pink Chihuahuas, flesh-eating insects, unidentified flying objects, and a host of other amazing things coexist in this cruel tropical paradise. “Everything I do is a self-portrait and a disguise. I imagine the characters in my paintings to be mutant clones. The act of painting is like looking in the mirror. I like to spend most of my time doing one or the other. I am driven by an insatiable urge to see what I truly look like. I suffer from an unfulfilled desire to meet myself. I am frustrated with impressions and reflections. These confessions reveal my work as possibly the most disgusting display of narcissism in the entire history of art. “The act of painting is an absurd and self-indulgent enterprise. I paint with the ridiculous and frivolous purpose of delighting the eye. Nevertheless, my hope is that my paintings capture an important aspect of my utopian fantasy with their sumptuous surroundings embellished with rainbows, natural disasters, butterflies, exotic grasses and bizarre costumes. “My paintings can be read on many different levels from surface to deep allegory. The finished product is the result of hours upon hours of painting, pondering, and dreaming. Below the surface lies a nauseating abyss. “My work is a delicious feast for the aesthetic consumer. I am a villainous mad scientist with a hunger for immortality. My eyes are gluttonous fools. I am a mystery and a deception. Vermillion is my opulent fetish. Lemon yellow is my nemesis.” The music grows louder again. The woman begins to cackle. She then takes a deep breath and a deeper and more dramatic bow. She exits stage right--you find that you want to applaud--but unfortunately, this story is not over. I suggest that you get yourself a snack like some popcorn, chocolate, or gummy bears before reading any further. The curtain slowly and elegantly comes down.

Des images de l'entreprise à l'image d'entreprise. L'univers visuel de Suchard (1945-1990) / From the pictures of the enterprise to the enterprise's image : the visual world of Suchard (1945-1990)

Huguenin, Régis 11 October 2012 (has links)
L’existence et la mise à disposition d’un important matériau documentaire composé d’archives visuelles(affiches, photographies, films) ont révélé les potentialités d’une recherche approfondie et systématique sur lesmodalités de création d’images par l’entreprise de chocolats Suchard de 1945 à 1990, date qui correspond à lafermeture des ateliers de fabrication de Neuchâtel. Cette recherche est l’occasion de développer dessoubassements méthodologiques à même de participer au renouvellement de l’histoire d’entreprise par lerecours à des sources permettant d’en saisir l’univers visuel. La création des images se réalise au travers d’unecollaboration entre des acteurs internes et externes à l’entreprise. La seconde moitié du XXe siècle correspondà une professionnalisation de la fabrique d’images au cours de laquelle les différents supports s’accumulent,mais aussi s’articulent, se complètent ou parfois se concurrencent, au sein de la pratique de l’entreprise. Lesphotographies se font le reflet d’événements, positifs ou négatifs, qui agissent directement sur la fabrication.Elles apparaissent comme un outil de relations publiques, notamment au travers de la médiatisation des visitesd’usine. Les films institutionnels se veulent le reflet d’une évolution plus structurelle de l’entreprise, sensiblesà sa raison sociale, à sa diversification, à son implantation. Au niveau des collaborateurs, l’image permetd’accroître la reconnaissance envers des corps de métiers qui ne sont en contact avec les autres queponctuellement. Quant aux machines, elles peuvent constituer autant un facteur favorable que défavorable àl’image de l’entreprise. Les facteurs incitant l’entreprise à représenter la machine permettent de définir lescontours du concept de modernité. Jusqu’au milieu des années 1970, l’image productive, incarnée par uneorganisation systématique des ateliers et des machines, prend un sens positif. Dans la seconde moitié desannées 1970, en période de récession économique, la machine permet une réduction des coûts de fabricationpar une diminution de la masse salariale. Sur le plan de l’image du produit, l’étude montre qu’il faut sedébarrasser de l’association unique du chocolat suisse avec la montagne. Cette construction est largement lereflet d’un regard de l’étranger et ne constitue pas une constante en Suisse. Depuis le début des années 1950 etpendant plus d’une vingtaine d’années, le chocolat Milka n’est pas associé à l’image du lait et de la montagne,mais bien à un environnement urbain. Ce refus de « suissitude » pendant les Trente Glorieuses s’évanouit dansles années 1970 en partie sous l’impulsion de l’étranger. Suchard renoue alors avec les symboles alpestresfondamentaux. / The existence and availability of an important documentary material composed of visual archives (posters,photographs, films) have revealed the potentialities of a thorough and systematic research on how thechocolates company Suchard, based in Neuchâtel (Switzerland), created images from 1945 to 1990, date of theclosure of the manufacturing facilities. This research is the cause of developing methodological foundationsable to participate in the renewal of business history by the use of visual sources. The creation of images wasmade by actors both within and outside the company. The second half of the twentieth century correspond to aprofessionalization of the “picture factory” in which different media pile up, articulate, complete or compete.Photographs reflect positive or negative events directly linked with the production state. They appear as apublic relations tool, particularly through the factory visits. Films are intended to reflect an institutionalevolution of the company, sensitive to its name, its diversification, its implementation. Regarding to theproduction image, staff pictures enhance the recognition for the employees that are only occasionally incontact with others. The machines are as much a favourable as an unfavourable factor for the enterprise’simage. Factors inciting the company to represent the machine make it possible to define the concept ofindustrial modernity. Until the mid-1970s, productive image, embodied by a systematic organization ofworkshops and machines, takes a positive sense. In the second half of the 1970s, in times of economicrecession, the machine reduces manufacturing costs by reducing payrolls. In terms of the product image, thestudy shows it takes to get rid of the unique association of Swiss chocolate with the mountains. Thisconstruction is largely a reflection of a view from abroad and is not a constant in Switzerland. Since the early1950s and for over twenty years, Milka chocolate was not associated with the image of milk and mountains,but with an urban environment. This refusal of “Swissness” during the post-war boom faded in the 1970s,partly under the impetus from abroad. Suchard then revived with the basic alpine symbols.

Aspectos lingu?stico-ergon?micos em r?tulos: avalia??o da linguagem verbo-visual de r?tulos de embalagens para alimentos achocolatados

Costa, Gildete Fernandes da 12 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:53:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GildeteFC_TESE.pdf: 3832787 bytes, checksum: 9d9174675d6d1744c17168384ff52967 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-12 / We have been living in a world of packed products. The package and the labels support the companies to communicate with the customers in addition to give protection, storage and convenience in proportion to the products that move in the price list. The labels mainly add up a value which helps the companies differ their products and increase the value of the brands among the final customers. However, the information given in the label are not clear sometimes. It displays a verbal-visual defective language resulted from a poor visibility, legibleness and comprehensibleness of the verbal and visual marks. The aim of this research is to verify, according to the costumers‟ view, the level of the clarity in the informative texts, harmony and ergonomic conformity of the package labels in the chocolate powder of the Claralate brand, considering the linguistic aspects presented on the labels. The criteria to evaluate the chocolate package selected were based on the linguistic field: the organization and the structure of the text derided from the classification of the textual genre; the clarity and the comprehension of the language utilized on those labels. From the ergonomic view, the informative and ergonomic conformity, based on the following requirements: legibility, symbols, characters, reading fields and intermission of the written lines. Therefore, the research done july 2007 and added july 2011 had a structured questionnaire in the interview put to the 118 customers of the chocolate package that go shopping in one of the two supermarkets in Floriano, Piau? S?o Jorge and/or Super Quaresma. The main results of the investigation show that the linguistic aspects in the informative texts of the labels provide the customers‟ expectancy partially, while the consideration of the informative ergonomic analyzed can contribute to the improvement of the information and consequent visual progress of those, on the labels of chocolate package investigated. As recommendation towards the maker of the product, the outcome of the research indicates: harmonize the proportion of the letters and numbers; enlarge the letters size; make the visual information more comprehensive determined by the reading field; put the expiry date in a better visual place / Vivemos num mundo de produtos embalados. A embalagem e os r?tulos ajudam as empresas a se comunicarem com os consumidores e a fornecerem prote??o, armazenagem e conveni?ncia, ? medida que os produtos se movimentam na cadeia de valor. Especialmente os r?tulos adicionam um valor que auxilia as empresas a diferenciar seus produtos e a aumentar o valor da marca entre os consumidores finais. Por?m, muitas vezes, as informa??es contidas nos r?tulos das embalagens n?o s?o claras, apresentando uma linguagem verbo-visual deficiente resultante da m? visibilidade, legibilidade e compreensibilidade de signos verbais e visuais. O objetivo dessa pesquisa ? verificar, na vis?o dos consumidores, o n?vel de clareza dos textos informativos, harmonia e conformidade ergon?mica do r?tulo de embalagem do achocolatado em p? Claralate , considerando os aspectos lingu?sticos e ergon?micos presentes no r?tulo do produto. Os crit?rios para avalia??o da embalagem do achocolatado selecionado foram do ponto de vista lingu?stico: a organiza??o e estrutura??o dos textos a partir da classifica??o do g?nero textual; a clareza e compreens?o da linguagem utilizada no r?tulo. Do ponto de vista da ergonomia, a conformidade ergon?mica informacional, com base nos requisitos: legibilidade, s?mbolos, caracteres, campo de leitura e espa?amento de linhas. Para tanto, a pesquisa de campo realizada em julho de 2007 e, ampliada em julho de 2011, utilizou um question?rio estruturado na entrevista a 118 consumidores de achocolatados que realizam suas compras em um dos dois supermercados de Floriano-Pi. S?o Jorge e/ou Super Quaresma. Os principais resultados da investiga??o mostram que os aspectos lingu?sticos presentes nos textos informativos do r?tulo atendem parcialmente ?s expectativas dos consumidores, enquanto a considera??o dos requisitos ergon?micos informacionais analisados podem vir a contribuir para o aperfei?oamento das informa??es e consequente melhoria visual destas, no r?tulo de embalagem do achocolatado investigado. Como recomenda??o ? fabricante do produto, o resultado da pesquisa aponta: Harmonizar a propor??o das letras e algarismos; Aumentar o tamanho das letras; Tornar melhor compreensiva a informa??o visual determinada pelos campos de leitura; Colocar a data de validade em local de melhor destaque

Les industries lithiques taillées du site de Proskynas, Grèce Centrale (Néolithique Récent / Bronze Ancien) : caractérisation et contexte régional / Non communiqué

Manos, Ioannis 14 December 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est la caractérisation technologique et typologique des industries lithiques du site de Proskynas en Grèce Centrale durant le Néolithique Récent (NR) et le Bronze Ancien (BA). En comparant ce corpus avec les industries lithiques régionales publiées jusqu’à présent et en contrôlant les techniques par l’expérimentation archéologique, cette étude révèle la contribution de l’industrie lithique dans la compréhension de la transition du Néolithique Récent au Bronze Ancien. L’approche méthodologique envisage une description analytique de tous les objets débités. L’analyse de la base de données ainsi constituée se fonde sur l’étude technologique et typologique approfondie par matière : obsidienne, silex chocolat et silex brun clair. Cette méthode permet de reconstituer mentalement les chaînes opératoires mises en œuvre et de reconnaître les gestes techniques appliqués. La composition des descripteurs analytiques et le croisement multi varié intra-situ et inter-situ des résultats obtenus révèlent une production de lames et d’éclats sur matières locales et importées. La variabilité régionale des chaînes opératoires et des supports débités caractérise le NR. Le BA affiche une grande homogénéité dans les conceptions opératoires et une remarquable standardisation des lames débitées surtout sur obsidienne. L’analyse typologique privilégie la description détaillée des produits confectionnés en outils (supports et retouche). La typologie des outils retouchés, la morphométrie des produits exploités bruts de débitage et sans traces d’utilisation macroscopiques sont des facteurs qui varient aussi bien entre les trois matières principales qu’entre les deux périodes (NR et BA). / The objective of this thesis is the technological and typological characterization of the lithic industries at the site of Proskynas in Central Greece during the Late Neolithic (LN) and the Early Bronze Age (EBA). By comparing this corpus with the regional lithic industries published to date and by verifying manufacturing techniques through archaeological experimentation, this study elucidates the contribution of the stone industry to the understanding of the transition from the Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age.The methodological approach envisages an analytical description of all the produced objects. The analysis of the database so constituted is based on the technological and typological study deepened by material: obsidian, chocolate silex and light brown silex. This method allows to reconstitute mentally the chains operating implemented and to recognize technical gestures applied. The composition of the analytical descriptors and the intersection multi-varied intra-situ and inter-situ of the obtained results reveal a production of blades and flakes on local and imported materials. The regional variability of operating chains and of debited supports characterizes the LN. The EBA shows a great homogeneity in the operational conceptions and a remarkable standardization of blades produced especially on obsidian. The typological analysis emphasizes the detailed description of tools manufactured (supports and retouch). The typology of the retouched tools, the morphometrie of the products exploited raw debited and without macroscopic traces of use are factors which vary between the three major materials and the two periods (LN and EBA).

Der Markt für Bio-Schokolade / eine ökonomische Analyse

Golder, Sandra 24 February 2012 (has links)
Nachhaltige Aspekte werden bei der Vermarktung von Lebensmitteln zunehmend berücksichtigt und erlangen dementsprechend Verbraucherrelevanz. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine strategische Vorgehensweise für die Vermarktung einer biologischen Produktdiversifizierung als Option zur Stärkung der ökologischen Herstellerkomponente, anhand des Fallbeispiels Bio-Schokoladenmarkt, abzuleiten. Es erfolgt eine Fokussierung auf die industrielle Schokoladenbranche mit dem Absatzkanal Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Aufgrund des rudimentären wissenschaftlichen Standes wird ein praxisorientiertes Vorgehen mit qualitativen, situativen Forschungsansatz gewählt. Aus der Arbeit lässt sich auszugsweise konstatieren, dass Potentiale auf dem Bio-Schokoladenmarkt vorhanden sind, die jedoch nur unter Aufwendung von erheblichen Transaktionskosten nutzbar sind und ein differenziertes Vorgehen verlangen. Zum Abbau der bestehenden Informationsasymmetrien muss eine geeignete quantitative und qualitative Rohstoffversorgung, z.B. durch Kooperationen, sichergestellt werden. Gleichzeitig sind vertrauensaufbauende Vermarktungsmaßnahmen zu implementieren, die nur bei einem stringenten, nachhaltigen Unternehmensverhalten glaubwürdig sind. Sind diese Voraussetzungen nicht erfüllt, drohen erhebliche Reputationsschäden und von einer Produktdiversifizierung ist abzuraten. / Sustainable aspects are increasingly being considered in food marketing and have now become an object of consumers concern. An approach that takes these developments into account would be to market an organic product to enhance the ecological profile of the manufacturer. In the light of this development, the study identifies the potential of the organic market through an analysis of the cocoa sector and provides an evaluation of the above mentioned option. In addition, it puts forward several strategic recommendations for the implementation of an organic product. Owing to the rudimentary scientific level of existing research, the study applies a qualitative, practical methodology to examine the organic chocolate market. The study establishes that although there is potential in the organic chocolate market, it cannot be exploited without considerable expense. However, for this to be feasible companies require access to more and better information, which can be achieved through backward integration via a joint-venture or cooperation. This will provide the additional benefit of greater transparency, an attribute increasingly being demanded by all members of the value chain. As a result, the business will be in a better position to introduce an appropriate marketing policy and to meet its CSR-obligations. Furthermore, the study shows that in the absence of credible, well-intentioned CSR and marketing activities, it is highly unlikely that the launch of an organic product will have the desired effect. If a company merely attempts to greenwash its image with an organic chocolate, it may end in failure and, in the worst case scenario, could damage its reputation.

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