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Oceanhamnens klimatanpassning och hållbarhet : En fallstudie om Oceanhamnens klimatanpassning inför framtida klimatförändringar / Climate Adaptation and Sustainability in Oceanhamnen : A case study on Oceanhamnen's adaptation to future climate changeKhoshooei, Zahra January 2023 (has links)
The study addresses the topics of climate adaptation and sustainability in coastal areas, using Oceanhamnen in Helsingborg as a case study. The research examines the measures taken to adapt the area to climate change and evaluates the sustainability considerations in the planning. The theoretical framework for the study is based on future scenarios assembled from international organizations and Swedish authorities. Within the study, the three different methods literature analysis, observation, and interviews are simultaneously utilized to address the research questions. The results indicate that climate adaptation measures have been taken into account based on the latest future scenarios during the planning stage of Oceanhamnen. However, future scenarios evolve over time, and this does not necessarily ensure the maintenance of the area’s climate adaptation in the future. / Studien behandlar ämnena klimatanpassning och hållbarhet inom kustområden, som ett fallstudie med Oceanhamnen i Helsingborg som utgångspunkt. Arbetet undersöker vilka åtgärder som har tagits för att klimatanpassa området och hur hållbart det har planerats. De teoretiska ramarna för studien är framtidsscenarier som har sammanställts från internationella organisationer och svenska myndigheter. Inom studien används de tre olika metoder litteratur analys, observation samt intervju parallellt för att besvara frågeställningarna. Resultatet visar att klimatanpassningsåtgärder har vidtagits med hänsyn till de senaste framtidsscenarierna under planeringsstadiet av Oceanhamnen. Dock ändras framtidsscenarierna med tid och detta behöver inte betyda att områdets klimatanpassning bibehålls i framtiden.
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Progress of Swedish municipalities climate adaptation and resilienceSikorski-Vaxenbäck, Philip January 2024 (has links)
While adaptation to climate change is important, resilience thinking is the next step toward development of the adaptive capacity and transformability of structures in society in the face of ongoing climate related problems. Municipalities in Sweden have been struggling with adaptation in various degrees since this term has been used in practice since 2010. But there is more happening underneath the formal structures than we can imagine. Surprising developments have been detected through this project which was aimed at following up how municipalities are working with climate adaptation and resilience. Even though climate adaptation per se, is not implemented as such, as a program, plan or strategy. The internal bottom-up actions taken through terrific communication between departments, and through ambitious and well-educated staff and above that, informal transdisciplinary coordination of information. Are all components which indeed go above and beyond the term of climate adaptation. Thus, moving into the spheres of resilience thinking in social-ecological systems.
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Climate Adaptation to Rising Temperatures : A Study of Four Swedish Municipalities with Strategic Implementation in Huddinge Municipality / Klimatanpassning till ökade temperaturer : En studie av fyra svenska kommuner med strategiska tillämpningar i Huddinge kommunPettersson, Fanny, Aisha, Rahman January 2024 (has links)
In a time characterized by climate change, we globally face significant challenges that require new approaches in urban planning. Increased temperatures and more frequent heatwaves will negatively impact our cities, people, and the climate, which increases complexity for professionals while residents suffer. Huddinge Municipality is located in the southern part of the Stockholm region in Sweden and faces future challenges with climate adaptation to increased temperatures and heatwaves. To identify existing obstacles and goal conflicts, focus group interviews and document studies have been conducted in Huddinge Municipality. This work aims to contribute to the broader understanding of climate adaptation to heat issues in a Swedish context. Through interviews with municipal officials and document studies, ongoing strategies and approaches have been identified in four Swedish municipalities. Three planning tools have been utilized: the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s four measures to reduce heat stress in the existing environment, the green space factor, and the 3-30-300 rule. The results show that the case studies have clear strategic guidelines on how to work with climate adaptation to increased temperatures but see difficulties in implementing these strategic guidelines in urban planning. Challenges and improvement suggestions identified by the case studies include a need for clearer guidelines from the national level in terms of changed policies and legislation, as well as suggestions for nature-based solutions that are adapted to a Swedish climate. The study concluded that Huddinge Municipality should implement the green space factor in block areas where heat-regulating ecosystem services are included for multifunctional spaces, guidelines for canopy coverage need to be developed and evaluated, and the perspective of vulnerable groups needs to be more clearly integrated into the planning process. The conclusion shows a need for organizational changes and clearer responsibilities in Huddinge Municipality, which means collaboration both internally and externally between administrations, developers, organizations, universities, and research institutes. / I en tid som präglas av klimatförändringar står vi globalt inför stora utmaningar som kräver nya tillvägagångssätt inom samhällsplaneringen. Ökade temperaturer och fler värmeböljor kommer att påverka våra städer, människor och klimatet negativt, detta ökar komplexiteten för yrkesverksamma samtidigt som invånare far illa. Huddinge kommun är beläget i södra delen av Stockholmsregionen i Sverige och står inför framtida utmaningar med klimatanpassning till ökade temperaturer och värmeböljor. För att identifiera rådande hinder och målkonflikter har fokusgruppsintervjuer och dokumentstudier genomförts i Huddinge kommun. Detta arbete syftar till att bidra till den stora bilden av klimatanpassning till värmeproblematik i en svensk kontext. Genom intervjuer med tjänstepersoner och dokumentstudier har pågående strategier och tillvägagångssätt identifierats i fyra svenska kommuner. Som utgångspunkt har tre planeringsverktyg tillämpats: Folkhälsomyndighetens fyra åtgärder för att minska värmestress i den befintliga miljön, grönytefaktorn samt 3-30-300. Resultatet visar att fallstudierna har tydliga strategiska riktlinjer kring hur de ska arbeta med klimatanpassning till ökade temperaturer, men ser svårigheter i att implementera dessa strategiska riktlinjer i samhällsplaneringen. Några av de utmaningar och förbättringsförslag som fallstudierna identifierade var behovet av tydligare riktlinjer från nationell nivå genom förändrad politik och lagstiftning samt effektiva naturbaserade lösningar anpassade till ett svenskt klimat. Studien har kommit fram till att Huddinge kommun bör implementera grönytefaktorn på kvartersmark där värmereglerande ekosystemtjänster inkluderas för multifunktionella ytor, riktlinjer för krontäckningsgrad behöver tas fram och utvärderas samt perspektivet kring sårbara grupper behöver tydligare integreras i planeringsprocessen. Slutsatsen visar ett behov av organisatoriska förändringar och tydligare ansvarsfördelning i Huddinge kommun, vilket innebär samverkan internt och externt, mellan förvaltningar, byggaktörer, organisationer, universitet och forskningsinstitut.
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Enhancing Urban Flood Resilience: A pilot case study of a GIS Suitability Mapping framework for NBS placement in SwedenBatuigas, Kristin, Petrovic, Aleksandra January 2024 (has links)
The escalating impact of climate change has become a significant global concern, particularly in urban environments through the risk of flooding, due to intensified precipitation patterns. Nature Based Solu-tions (NBS), offer effective strategies for mitigating flood risks by enhancing stormwater management and promoting urban resilience. Multicriteria Analysis (MCA) has shown to be useful for identifying suitable areas for NBS, however, there is limited research on its application specifically for urban flood resilience in Sweden. Therefore, this study aims to develop a GIS-based suitability mapping framework within MCA method for allocating suitable areas for two NBS measures: Retention Pond (RP) and Detention Basin (DB), applying it to a case study in Sweden. The study employs a mixed-method approach and consists of (1) framework develop-ment through a literature review, geospatial data assessment, and key-informant interviews, and (2) application of the framework to a case study area in Sweden. In the case study area, the resulting suitability map indicates that 7.5 % of DBs and 7% of RPs met all criteria. Key-informant interviews with local experts provided valuable insights, particularly the exclusion of hazardous zones as well as emphasizing the importance of considering not only biophysical characteristics, but also socio-cultural factors. In conclusion, this study contributes to the body of knowledge on NBS suitability mapping. The findings offer guidance to climate strategists and urban planners on a municipal level, selecting optimal locations for NBS strategies for urban flood resilience and stormwater management.
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Making edible insects edible : communication strategies driving consumer acceptanceStuber, Adam Balázs January 2024 (has links)
The Anthropocene climate crisis and a growing global population present significantchallenges to contemporary food systems and global food security. In response to thesechallenges, a shift towards sustainable and nutritious food alternatives is required. Edibleinsects have emerged as a promising option due to their nutritional profile and potential as asustainable food source. However, despite their acknowledged benefits and widespreadconsumption in many regions, resistance towards insect-based foods persists in Westerncountries. Disgust, unfamiliarity and entrenched food cultures emerge as key obstacles to theadoption of edible insects. To foster acceptance in Western societies, research suggests thatimpactful communication and marketing efforts are essential. This study examines themarketing strategies perceived to be most effective in promoting edible insects and fosteringconsumer acceptance. Insights were gathered through semi-structured interviews with foodindustry representatives regarding the challenges and potential avenues for introducing insectproducts in Sweden. The results were compared with previous research and analysed usingconcepts of edibility formation to explain how something can become considered as foodwithin a given sociocultural context. The findings suggest that a mix of practical productinterventions and communication efforts could enhance the acceptance of edible insects.Emphasizing the value of incorporating insects in foods and creating familiar end products,primarily promoted with a focus on the individual benefits of insect consumption. However,widespread acceptance of insects as food in Sweden faces significant barriers that require arange of deliberate and context-specific measures over time. Factors such as availability,competitive pricing, and taste emerge as additional key challenges in this regard.
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Stakeholder engagement of municipalities’ efforts to achieve net zero by 2030 : A qualitative exploration of a major city in SwedenSchnellmann, Jasmin, Sunkari, Swathi January 2024 (has links)
To strengthen support for climate action initiatives, this study analyzes how municipalities manage their stakeholders as part of the NetZeroCities mission, which is an initiative targeting selected European cities aiming to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. This research utilizes the method of a case study, focussing on the process of a major city in Sweden, transitioning to net zero by 2030. Through the lens of Stakeholder and Network Theory it discovers how collaboration and networks within the city are established and maintained. The study uses a qualitative approach and utilizes three types of data collection methods: semi-structured Interviews with members of the municipality as well as stakeholders; Document Analysis of the NetZeroCities Contract of the municipality; a group Interview with local politicians. To analyze the empirical data we used the process of coding and a further categorization, which built the base for data analysis. The research highlights the importance of inclusive engagement, education, and awareness in promoting collaborative sustainability efforts. It underscores the value of sufficient communication channels, broad participation, strong networks and creative problem-solving. It also reveals gaps in the municipality's performance: a lack of communication strategies targeting the general public, limited networking opportunities for businesses, and a lack of unified management across departments and organizations, highlighting the need for unified leadership to integrate climate goals into daily practice. The study advocates for a closer, more structured collaboration between municipalities and stakeholders and stresses the need for strong interdisciplinary networks. It also emphasizes the necessity for education and communication efforts aimed at the general public in order to increase awareness and a sense of ownership of climate actions.
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Plussummespela hela vägen till hållbar utveckling – En studie om ”Europas grönaste stad” : Hur Internationella samarbeten driver hållbar utveckling framåt i staden. / The Positive – Sum game all the way to sustainable development – A study about ”The Greenest City in Europe” : How sustainable development is being urged on by international collaborations.Butros, Simon, Lager, Tim January 2018 (has links)
The environmental threat is a stressing concern which must be addressed immediately. The urbanization has been growing in a rapid pace the past years. Today, more than 50 percent of the world’s population lives in cities, and the forecast tells us that it will increase to 70 percent in 2050. This puts pressure on actors like states, organizations, companies, and municipalities who must work to meet the urbanization immediately. The UN, the EU and WWF amongst others advocates that international cooperation between these actors is the best way to go, and that cities must be prepared for the problem that occurs today and the challenges for tomorrow. In spite of this, there is no substantial research on this topic, on what international environmental cooperation between cities could mean to a city or what the results could be. Växjö is one of few Swedish cities who work internationally with local as well as global ecological sustainable development. This study intends to discover the international cooperations in the topic of environmental sustainable development in the city in Växjö. The purpose is to see what impact the international cooperations have in the environmental work of Växjö, and to see whether environmental sustainable development is being urged on by international collaborations. By using a positive–sum game as a theoretical starting point, a case–study has been conducted, where interviews were made with representatives from Växjö municipal. The result of the study shows that the effects Växjö has obtained through these cooperations, do promote environmental sustainable development. If the collaborations take the form of a positive–sum game, all actors benefit from it and the environment as well. Since the international cooperations bring exchange of knowledge and sometimes external financial means to put into different projects, the city’s environmental sustainable development improves. / Klimathotet är ett tryckande problem som bör adresseras omgående. Urbaniseringen har ökat stadigt de senaste åren då idag över 50 procent av jordens befolkning bor i städer och prognosen förutspår att den siffran kommer att öka till 70 procent till 2050. Det här sätter press på aktörer som länder, organisationer, företag och kommuner som måste arbeta för att bemöta urbaniseringen omgående. FN, EU och WWF med flera förespråkar att internationellt samarbete mellan samtliga dessa aktörer är den bästa vägen att gå och att städerna måste vara beredda på de problem som idag finns och som kommer att uppdagas i framtiden. Trots detta finns inga studier på vad internationellt ekologiskt samarbete mellan städer innebär eller vad det resulterar i. Växjö är en av få svenska städer som internationellt arbetar med lokal och global ekologisk hållbar utveckling. Studien ämnar undersöka Växjös internationella samarbete inom ekologisk hållbar utveckling i staden. Avsikten är att se vilken roll Växjös internationella samarbete spelar i deras hållbarhetsarbete i Växjö samt undersöka om och hur ekologisk hållbar utveckling i staden kan drivas framåt av internationella samarbeten. Med ett plussummspel som teoretisk utgångspunkt i fallstudien genomförs en intervjustudie med representanter från Växjö kommun. Resultatet visar att de effekter Växjö erhållit genom sina internationella samarbeten leder till ekologisk hållbar utveckling i staden. Ifall samarbete tar formen av ett plussummepsel medför det att samtliga inblandade aktörer går med vinning ur samarbetena och att miljön och klimatet gynnas. Detta genom att internationellt samarbete medför betydande kunskapsutbyten och externa finansiella medel att lägga på projekt, som således driver hållbar utveckling framåt i staden.
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Energieffektivisering inom transportsektorn : En fallstudie på ett företagsfordonsparkIsak, Eklöv January 2021 (has links)
Energy efficiency within the transport sector - A case study on the vehicle fleet of a companyIsak EklövThe environmental objective of zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2045 asdecided by the Swedish parliament establishes a framework for a standard thatimplies a demand for considerable changes within many sectors at both technical and political level. The need for long term efficiency solutions with respect tosustainability to be able to reach this goal is great and one step towards this couldpotentially be an adaption to an increased amount of vehicles with alternative fuelsin the vehicle fleet of Sweden. This thesis examined the potential for companiesto reduce their life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases as well as the total cost ofownership (TCO) for their vehicles by changing the composition of their vehiclefleet.The project started with a literature review of a general character where data forlife-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases as well as TCO for different vehicle typeswas examined and collected. Then the life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases andTCO were calculated for the different vehicle types through a case study on thevehicle fleet of a company. Finally a programming script was developed to increasethe efficiency of the process which was then used to create scenarios with differentcompositions of the vehicle fleet. A sensitivity analysis was also carried out to evaluate the robustness of the life cycle calculations where the parameters individuallywere altered and the effect on the final result was examined.The result of the case study showed that alternative fueled vehicles are expected tolead to lower life-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases compared to the conventionalalternatives for all vehicle types where alternative fuels are commercially available.The only exception for this was the electric fringe benefit vehicle with a 100 kWhbattery which was expected to lead to higher life-cycle emissions than its fossilalternatives. The result of the cost analysis showed a similar pattern but in thiscase the service vehicle fueled with gas was expected to lead to a higher value ofTCO than its fossil alternatives. The sensitivity analysis for life-cycle emissionsof greenhouse gases showed that production of lithium-ion batteries, vehicle base production and tailpipe emissions were the most contributing parameters forfringe benefit vehicles. The purchase cost was found to be the most contributingparameter for TCO.The result of the scenario analysis showed that there is a potential to decreaseiiilife-cycle emissions of greenhouse gases by 22 % of the total life-cycle emissionsfor the vehicle fleet according to the Base-case scenario. The potential to decreaseTCO was found to be 1,1 %. The other scenarios showed a potential decrease forlife-cycle emissions of 37 % and a cost decrease of 7 % individually.Key words: greenhouse gas emissions, alternative fuels, electric vehicles, totalcost of ownership, life cycle assessment, sustainable vehicle fleet
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Diffusion and adoption ofrenewable energy products forenhanced societal wellbeing : Minor field study in Handeni, TanzaniaLind, Fredrik, Åman, Beatrice January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to understand and assess the diffusion and adoption of RES forenhanced societal wellbeing in developing countries. Furthermore, the purpose is tocontribute to a deeper understanding of the drivers and barriers (D&B) to the diffusionand adoption of RES among smallholders in rural Tanzania. The study onlyinvestigated solar energy lamps and not all products within the scope of RE. This wasto draw a more accurate and relevant conclusion from the empirical study. The study took place in Handeni, Tanzania, from March to May 2022. The primarydata for the study was collected through observations and twenty semi-structuredinterviews in four different villages in Handeni's Rural district. The data sets wereanalyzed through a thematic analysis to identify which D&B the smallholders werefacing regarding the adoption of solar energy lamps. These D&B were later furtheranalyzed with the help of the secondary data from literature studies, where theDiffusion of innovations theory and the Sustainable livelihoods approach were themain theories used. Barriers to adopting solar energy lamps were identified as; knowledge, trust, economy,and accessibility. Driving forces for wanting a solar energy lamp were; the reduced riskof health problems, reduced risk for accidents, portability, facilitating householdactivities, no variable costs, and the possibility to study and work at night. Otherfindings were the need for payment plans, charging on cloudy days, and batteriesthrown in nature. By connecting the drivers with elements from DOI, it was concluded that adoptiononly occurred in households where the driving forces were stronger than the barriers.Furthermore, an assessment of smallholders' wellbeing through the five capitals ofSLA discovered that financial, human, and physical capital were considered low in thestudied area. By bridging the gap between barriers and end-user, an increased diffusionand adoption of RES could occur, raising the capital assets identified as low. This risein the smallholders' low capital assets could push the transformation towardsustainability and enhance societal wellbeing in developing countries. The contribution from this study can hopefully be used for future research on howorganizations in practice can implement presented solutions. Furthermore, the study'sfindings can also provide guidelines on how the diffusion and adoption of RES can beincreased in rural areas of other developing countries. / Minor field studies
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Disseminating Nature-based Thinking across Local and Global Networks : the case study of Turin (IT), CONEXUS (H2020, grant agreement n. 867564)Pastorello, Mariangela January 2022 (has links)
Nature-based Solutions (NBS) are currently considered among the most effective tools available to city administrations and urban planners to tackle the negative effects of climate change.This umbrella concept comprises a large set of different low-impact technical solutions that are inspired/supported, or copied, from nature. NBS are particularly valued as they can help cities foster sustainability and enhance resilience, while providing social benefits and new economic opportunities. NBShave been selected as a priority by the European Commission.Existing literature does not provide a clear, unique definition of NBS nor sufficient empirical support to demonstrate long-term change in communities and affected territories, particularly for participatory actions, as these are often difficult to analyse, measure, and assess. Adapting NBS-based strategies to local contexts is always a challenge – not only in terms of physical interventions, but particularly in terms of creating common understanding and long-term impact. Yet, dissemination activities, exchanges and debates across local and global actors are often considered as ‘collateral’.Starting from these premises, the study investigates the role of communication across local and global networks in NBS projects to explore which elements favour or hinder collaboration and knowledge creation, looking for possible seeds of transformation that might go undetected due to their intangible, non-quantifiable nature.Through a case study and a set of qualitative interviews, the challenges of understanding and adopting NBS will be tackled among the local and the global, revealing the importance of transdisciplinarity and a set of enabling conditions to facilitate transformative learning, and the role of flexible, adaptable participatory approaches to enhance collaborative open innovation. Possible ways forward and challenges towards forms of participatory governance will also be included.The analysis is clustered per themes to investigate the dynamics of dissemination activities, living lab settings and collaboration among international partners, as well as the overall influence of the European dimension; it ends with challenges and opportunities for the future of living labs and collaboration after the closure of the project. Meaningful examples and best practices shared by the2interviewees will guide the analysis. Additional topics and concerns as expressed freely by the participants will be outlined.As outlined in the closing section, reiteration of concepts and multiple opportunities to learn, experience and exchange about NBS are needed at local and global level. To support such collaborative effort, it takes one or more skilled facilitators as well as project frameworks to enable cross-sectoral collaboration and spontaneous inputs, towards innovative, long-lasting strategies to contribute in the global battle against climate change in cities.In the conclusions, through experiences and suggestions from the participants, possible strategies and actions will be reported, inviting for further transdisciplinary research by highlighting how intangible and practical items contribute to nature-based thinking. As to say: “to be inspired by natural processes in all aspects of urban development to create more holistic approaches to sustainable cities'' (Randrup, et al., 2020, p. 2).
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