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JAS 39C - markförbandens nye rotekamrat?Edström, Carl-Johan January 2006 (has links)
När vi nu står inför en ominriktning i Försvarsmakten mot ett insatsförsvar kommer förband och organisationställas inför nya utmaningar och uppgifter. För flygvapnet kan detta ställa till en del problem i och medatt materielplanen är långsiktig och tiden från beslut om anskaffning till implementering av nya system oftaär lång. Detta är inte fallet med politiska målsättningar vilka kan vara mycket föränderliga och ändra inriktningfrån ett försvarsbeslut till ett annat. När den politiska inriktningen för Flygvapnets förmåga till internationellainsatser nu även innefattar förmågan till flygunderstöd till Nordic Battle group, har då Flygvapnetmed JAS 39C som verkanssystem möjlighet att genomföra direkt flygunderstöd i moderna internationellakonflikter?Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att analysera om JAS 39C, med tillhörande vapen-, sensor- och kommunikationssystem,uppfyller de krav som ställs på ett flygsystem vid genomförandet av DFU i en internationellinsats. Med stöd av ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av teorier, doktrin och moderna erfarenheter harbåde de grundläggande förutsättningarna för ett effektivt genomförande av direkt flygunderstöd identifieratssamt ett specifikt analysinstrument arbetats fram. Detta analysinstrument har därefter använts för attanalysera JAS 39C förmåga till direkt flygunderstöd.JAS 39C bedöms efter genomförd analys att med gällande materialplan inneha goda förutsättningar attgenomföra direkt flygunderstöd redan 2008. Dess styrka är här förmågan till precisionsbekämpning ochden goda responsförmågan, dess svaghet avsaknaden av allväderskapacitet. Resultaten i uppsatsen visardessutom att de förutsättningar som ligger till grund för ett effektivt genomförande av direkt flygunderstödgår att återfinna under såväl moralrelaterade förutsättningar som konceptuella eller rent fysiska förutsättningar.Vid en lösning som endast fokuserat på att uppfylla de fysiska förutsättningarna är risken därförstor att den sammanlagda effekten och slagkraften i samband med genomförandet av direkt flygunderstödinte når önskad nivå. / Facing a transformation of the armed forces both individual units and the organization will be confrontedwith new tasks and challenges. For the air force this could cause some problems due to the fact that it oftentakes some time from decision to implementation of new weapons and technical systems. This is not thecase with political objectives; they can change from one defense decision to another. When the politicalaim and direction regarding the air force capacity for global operations now also includes the ability tosupport the Nordic Battle Group, do the air force and the JAS 39C have the right means to carry out CloseAir Support in modern international conflicts?The purpose of this essay is to analyze if JAS 39C with its weapon-, sensor-, and communication systemscomply with the modern demands on a fighter aircraft carrying out Close Air Support in international operations.With the support of an analytical framework containing theories, doctrines and modern experiencesboth the requirements that lay the foundation for an effective accomplishment of Close Air Supportand a specific analytical instrument has been identified. The analytical instrument was thereafter used toanalyze JAS 39C and its ability to carry out Close Air Support.The results of the analysis show that JAS 39C, technically and materially, in all likelihood will be able tocarry out Close air support as early as 2008. Its strength being the ability to carry out precision engagementstogether with a high responsiveness and its weakness consisting in the lack of all-weather capacity.The results furthermore indicates that the foundation for an effective accomplishment of Close Air Supportcan be found within both moral related pre-conditions as well as conceptual or purely physical preconditions.A solution only focused on fulfilling physical pre-conditions may therefore risk that the combinedeffect and the effectiveness of a future Close Air Support mission will not reach the desired level. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 0406
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Dit rampljuset inte når - Den osynliga offergruppen : En kritisk diskursanalys av ett konferensmaterial rörande våld i nära relationerLindencrona, Maria, Svanefors, Robert January 2012 (has links)
Våld i när relationer debatteras flitigt i det offentliga rummet. Fokus ligger till största delen på mäns våld mot kvinnor. Män som brottsoffer i samband med våld i nära relationer förekommer endast sporadiskt i forskningsvärlden, och tillskrivs knappt legitim status som brottsoffer i samhället. Till följd av detta är det svårt att uppskatta i vilken omfattning män utsätts för våld. Syftet med den kritiska diskursanalysen var att belysa den normativa ordning som består av en bild av mannen som förövare och kvinnan som offer, samt att analysera hur diskurserna manlighet, kvinnlighet, offer och förövare används i ett konferensmaterial kring våld i nära relationer. Analysen visar att diskurserna utrycks på ett mycket traditionellt sätt och de traditionella könsrollerna förstärks i materialet, samt att män enbart förknippas med offerrollen om de befinner sig i en samkönad relation eller lider av en funktionsnedsättning. Detta kan bero på att befintliga ideologier som radikalfeminismens syn på patriarkatet, liksom föreställningen om offer och förövare, har en maktfunktion och är så förankrad i den diskursiva praktiken att det är svårt att få till en förändring av diskursordningen. / Violence within domestic relationships is much debated in the official space. Focus is mainly on men’s violence against women. Men as crime victims related to domestic violence are only sporadically mentioned in the research world and are hardly given legitimate status as crime victims within society. Due to this, it is difficult to appreciate to what extent men are exposed to violence. The objective of the critical discourse analysis was to highlight the norm that consists of a picture of the man as perpetrator and the woman as victim and in addition to analyse how the discourses male, female, victim and perpetrator are used in a conference material regarding domestic violence. The analysis show that the discourses are expressed in a very traditional way and the traditional male/female roles are emphasized in the material. Additionally, it shows that men are only connected with the role of victim if they are in a same sex relationship or have special needs. This can be due to that existing ideologies, such as the radical feministic view of the patriarchy as well as the idea of victim and perpetrator, have a function of power and are so embedded in the discursive practice that it is difficult to change the discursive order.
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Global and Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) Extensions of the Algorithm of Mode Isolation (AMI)Allen, Matthew Scott 18 April 2005 (has links)
A wide range of dynamic systems can be approximated as linear and time invariant, for which a wealth of tools are available to characterize or modify their dynamic characteristics. Experimental modal analysis (EMA) is a procedure whereby the natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes which parameterize vibratory, linear, time invariant systems are derived from experimentally measured response data. EMA is commonly applied in a multitude of applications, for example, to generate experimental models of dynamic systems, validate finite element models and to characterize dissipation in vibratory systems. Recent EMA has also been used to characterize damage or defects in a variety of systems.
The Algorithm of Mode Isolation (AMI), presented by Drexel and Ginsberg in 2001, employs a unique strategy for modal parameter estimation in which modes are sequentially identified and subtracted from a set of FRFs. Their natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode vectors are then refined through an iterative procedure. This contrasts conventional multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) identification algorithms, most of which attempt to identify all of the modes of a system simultaneously. This dissertation presents a hybrid multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) implementation of the algorithm of mode isolation that improves the performance of AMI for systems with very close or weakly excited modes. The algorithmic steps are amenable to semi-automatic identification, and many FRFs can be processed efficiently and without concern for ill-conditioning, even when many modes are identified. The performance of the algorithm is demonstrated on noise contaminated analytical response data from two systems having close modes, one of which has localized modes while the other has globally responsive modes. The results are compared with other popular algorithms. MIMO-AMI is also applied to experimentally obtained data from shaker excited tests of the Z24 highway bridge, demonstrating the algorithm's performance on a data set typical of many EMA applications. Considerations for determining the number of modes active in the frequency band of interest are addressed, and the results obtained are compared to those found by other groups of researchers.
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Novel methods for 3-D semi-automatic mapping of fracture geometry at exposed rock facesFeng, Quanhong January 2001 (has links)
<p>To analyse the influence of fractures on hydraulic andmechanical behaviour of fractured rock masses, it is essentialto characterise fracture geometry at exposed rock faces. Thisthesis describes three semi-automatic methods for measuring andquantifying geometrical parameters of fractures, and aims tooffer a novel approach to the traditional mapping methods.</p><p>Three techniques, i.e. geodetic total station, close-rangephotogrammetry and 3-D laser scanner, are used in this studyfor measurement of fracture geometry. The advantages of thesetechniques compared with the traditional method are: i)fracture geometry is quantified semi-automatically in threedimensions; ii) fracture measurements are obtained withoutphysically touching the rock face; iii) the accuracy offracture measurements is improved comparing with thetraditional method; iv) both quantitative and spatial analysisof fracture geometry is possible; v) it offers a way todigitally record the rock surface in three dimensions and invisual format as a database for other applications.</p><p>The common approach for fracture mapping by using the noveltechniques comprises three main steps: i) capturing 3-Dco-ordinates of target points; ii) quantifying geometricalparameters of fractures from the recorded co-ordinates; iii)documenting the results of fracture mapping. The details ofcapturing 3-D co-ordinates of target points are introduced. Anew algorithm is developed for computing orientation offracture planes. A multiple approach for documenting thefracture mapping results is presented. Application of thesetechniques for measuring and quantifying the geometricalparameters of fractures, such as orientation, trace length andsurface roughness, are demonstrated.</p><p>The presented methods can greatly improve the quality offracture measurements and avoid the drawbacks inherent intraditional methods. However, it can not replace the humancapacity to filter out and interpret the large amount ofgeometrical information displayed on the rock faces. Themethods may offer an assistance to engineers or geologists inobtaining as much information as possible about the geometryand orientation of rock fractures for rock engineeringapplications.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>3-D laser scanner, close-range photogrammetry,engineering geology, fracture geometry, fracture mapping, rockengineering, rock faces, rock mechanics, three-dimension, totalstation.</p>
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Segelbåt, fjällstuga, husvagn och lyxbil... Är dessa att anse som onyttig egendom för fåmansbolaget? / Sailing-boat, cottage, caravan and luxury car...Are these things to be seen as useless for the close company?Hellström, Victoria, Sjögren, Roger January 2002 (has links)
<p>Background: The Stop rule for buying in property was introduced through 1976 years legislation and its formemost purpose was to prevent companies to acquire property that was useless for the company. Assets such as cars, boats and arts were of current interest. At the same time as this stop rule was introduced, another stop rule was also introduced and this was meant to work to forbid the partner to buy property from the close company to a price that would lead to sell at loss for the company. After a government decision (1999:2000, Abolished Stop rules) the close company is no longer living under this restriction since these two stop rules have been abolished since January 2001. </p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which criteria are the basis to judge whether the assets is to consider as useful or not for the close company. We also intend to investigate if the partners will use the situation that the two stop rules have been abolished. </p><p>Accomplishment: In this thesis our primary data consists of interviews with in all ten persons from nine different companies; three with auditors from Ernst & Young, KPMG and Skarin & Brindelid, two with tax lawyers; one at the Tax Authorities and one with the director of studies at the Juridical Institution at Linköping University, one tax consultant at Ernst & Young and one tax auditor at the Tax Authorities in Norrköping. We also interviewed the administrative director of the Accounting Committee. Finally we interviewed two bank clerks at SEB and Föreningssparbanken. </p><p>Result: To decide whether an asset is useful it has shown that it is hard to draw a clear boundary for what should be seen as useful or not. From the literature and the interviews we have been able to stipulate the following criteria for a useless asset; 1. it does not generate profit in the company, 2. it does not lead to future cash flows, 3. it is exclusively referred to the partners private use and the cost for it cannot be carried by the company in the long-term and because of that, the liquid capital in the company will be jeopardized. 4. it is exclusively reffered to the partner´s private use and the partner has not been imposed tax for it. The auditors and the bank clerks think that if a property has been bought by the close company it should be seen as an asset. The tax lawyers and the tax auditor, on the other hand, think that such property is to be seen as private. This boundary problem is based on the fact that Civil law and Tax Law are far away from each other.</p>
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Gradual transformation of Forest Plantations into Close-to-Nature Forests in NE VietnamVan Hung, Vu 18 January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Edward Steichen and Hollywood GlamourReynolds, Alisa 01 January 2014 (has links)
As a word, glamour is hard to define, but is instantly recognizable. Its association with Hollywood movie stars fully emerged in the 1930s in the close-up celebrity portraits by photographers like George Hurrell. The aesthetic properties in these images that help create glamour are characterized by the Modernist style, known for sharp focus, high contrast, seductive poses, and the close-up (tight framing). My essay will explore the origins of the visual aesthetics of glamour, arguing that their roots can be found in the still life photographs of the 1910s, produced by fine art photographers such as Edward Steichen. This essay will primarily focus on the photography of Edward Steichen because he used these same techniques found in his still life portraits on Hollywood celebrities when he began working for Condé Nast’s Vanity Fair and Vogue in 1923. Steichen changed the conversation on how to photograph celebrities and his practices eventually led to the creation of glamour portrait photography. This thesis documents the ways in which Steichen established the precedent for glamour photography when he applied the close-up and Modernist style on Hollywood stars. The result of Steichen’s application was photography that provided visually identifiable and mechanically reproducible glamour.
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Fåmansföretagsreglerna : Kravet av ett ägarsamband för att två fåmansföretag ska anses bedriva samma eller likartad verksamhet enligt 57 kap. 4§ IL / The rules of close companies : The requirement of an ownership relationship between two close companies to be determined as engaging same or similar activity according to 57 chapter 4§ Income Tax ActSvensson, Henrik, Liu, Christopher January 2013 (has links)
Rättsutvecklingen går ständigt framåt och reglerna om fåmansföretag har ändrats successivt under åren. Innebörden av begreppet samma eller likartad verksamhet framgår inte tydligt av lagtexten eller förarbetena. Tolkningen av 57 kap. 4§ IL har därmed blivit föremål för prövning i ett flertal rättsfall av domstolen. Den 16 november 2012 fastställde HFD ett antal förhandsbesked från SRN. Innebörden av begreppet samma eller likartad verksamhet har utvidgats av HFD till att omfatta mer än vad som framgår av lagtextens ordalydelse. HFD har fastställt att överföring av verksamhet kan ske genom kapital och därmed kan två fåmansföretag som bedriver olika typer av verksamheter anses bedriva samma eller likartad verksamhet på grund av att kapital har förts över mellan fåmansföretagen. HFD har även fastställt att när ägaren är verksam i betydande omfattning i ett annat fåmansföretag än det han äger krävs det att ett ägarsamband föreligger mellan dessa fåmansföretag för att de ska anses bedriva samma eller likartad verksamhet. Ägarens andelar är kvalificerade under fem beskattningsår efter försäljningen av ett fåmansföretag och därmed blir det en övergångsperiod där reglerna om fåmansföretag fortfarande tillämpas. Frågan huruvida en tilläggsköpeskilling påverkar karenstiden har inte explicit prövats av HFD. När tilläggsköpeskillingen är hänförlig till den tidigare ägarens arbetsinsats som anställd efter försäljningen anser författarna att det implicit framgår av HFD:s avgöranden att karenstiden börjar löpa efter att köpeskillingen utgår och inte efter att en tilläggsköpeskilling utgår. Om tilläggsköpeskillingen istället utgår till kapitalförvaltningsföretaget och inte är hänförlig till den tidigare ägarens lön för arbetet efter försäljningen i företaget börjar karenstiden löpa efter att den sista tilläggsköpeskillingen har utgått. / The rules of close companies have continuously been developed and the rules have been changed successively over the years. The meaning of the concept “the same or similar ac- tivity” is not clearly expressed in the legislative text or the legislative history. The interpretation of 57 chapter 4§ Income Tax Act has therefore been the object of proceedings in several cases by the court. On the 16th of November 2012, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) settled a num- ber of rulings from the Swedish Tax Board (Skatterättsnämnden). The meaning of the concept “the same or similar activity” has been extended by the SAC to include more than what can be read from the legislative text. The SAC has settled that the transfer of activity can be made through capital and therefore two close companies engaging in different types of activities can be determined as engaging same or similar activities because capital has been transferred between the close companies. The SAC has also settled that when the owner is engaged in “significant quantities” in another close company, which he does not own, then it is required that an ownership relationship exists between these two close companies for them to be determined as engaging same or similar activity. The owner's shares are qualified for five tax years after the sale of a close company and therefore there will be a transition period where the rules for close companies still applies. The question whether an additional payment affects the qualifying period has not been explicitly tried by the SAC. When the additional payment is due to the previous owner's work performance as an employee after the sale, the authors claim that it can be implied from the SAC's rulings, that the qualifying period starts after the purchase price is paid and not after the additional payment is paid. However if the additional payment is paid to the asset management company and is not related to the previous owner’s salary after the sale of the company the qualifying period starts after the last additional payment has been paid.
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Aspergern, det är jag : En intervjustudie om att leva med Asperger syndrom / Aspie, that’s me! : Personal experiences of living with Asperger syndromeLarsson Abbad, Gunvor January 2007 (has links)
The overall purpose of this interview-study is to increase the knowledge and understanding of persons with Asperger syndrome. For each participant has common and unique aspects been described. The ambition has been to illuminate their perspective of their situation in life and develop the understanding of their quality of life. The participants’ experiences of their diagnosis, and its consequences in their life has been studied. Several aspects of their everyday life have been reported, i.e. schooling, occupational problems, spare time and interests. The results show that the participants may experience their life as hard, as seemingly uncomplicated chores prove to be exhausting. Not fitting with the norms they believe other people in society have, is one aspect of experienced difference. The diagnostic process has proved to be an important event in the life of the participants. It has been described as a way of taking control over one’s life. Their experienced difference may be acceptable to them, if it is in the form of an Asperger diagnosis. Experiences of chock, denial and ambivalence after receiving their Asperger diagnosis were also reported. However, all participants have accepted their diagnosis. The participants’ biologically different way of being has given them consequences. Both psychological and social consequences have been illustrated, as well as interpersonal and societal. Disability research theory (Danermark, 2005; Rönnberg & Melinder, 2007) and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory (1979) have been used to illustrate the outcome of a diagnosis like Asperger syndrome. The study shows the participants’ experiences of their different way of being. / Den här avhandlingen är en intervjustudie, med det övergripande syftet att öka kunskapen om individer med Asperger syndrom. Gemensamma och unika synsätt hos varje deltagare med diagnosen Asperger syndrom har undersökts. Ambitionen har varit att fånga deras perspektiv på sin livssituation och utveckla förståelsen för deras syn på livskvalitet. Avhandlingen har undersökt hur deltagarna uppfattar sitt funktionshinder och hur diagnosen har påverkat deras liv. Deltagarna har beskrivit sina vardagsliv utifrån flera infallsvinklar, där skolgång, försörjningsmöjligheter, sysselsättning och fritid har skildrats. Resultaten visar att flera beskriver sin vardag som arbetsam, exempelvis kan ett till synes enkelt moment upplevas som ansträngande. Att inte passa in i de normer som de uppfattar att andra i samhället har är en aspekt av upplevt annorlundaskap. Diagnostiseringen har i visat sig vara en betydelsefull händelse i deltagarnas liv. Den har beskrivits som ett sätt att ta kontroll över sin livssituation. Genom att få diagnosen blir avvikelsen legitim. Deltagarna beskriver den som ett acceptabelt sätt att skilja sig från mängden. Det finns även skildringar av chock, förnekande och ambivalens när de har fått diagnosen om sitt funktionshinder. Samtliga av studiens deltagare säger sig dock acceptera sin aspergerdiagnos. Deras annorlunda sätt att vara biologiskt har visat sig ge konsekvenser i hela deras livsvärld. Både psykologiska och sociala konsekvenser har illustrerats, liksom interpersonella och samhälleliga. Handikappvetenskaplig- och ekologisk systemteori har använts för att visa på vidden av de konsekvenser som Asperger syndrom kan ge. Studien visar på deltagarnas upplevelser av sitt annorlunda sätt att vara.
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Sensor orientation in image sequence analysisFulton, John R. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
This work investigates the process of automating reconstruction of buildings from video imagery. New metrics were developed to detect the least blurred images in a sequence for further processing. Phase correlation for point matching was investigated and new metrics were developed to identify successful matches. Direct relative orientation algorithms were investigated in-depth. A significant finding was a new 6-point algorithm which outperformed previously published algorithms for a number of calibrated camera and target geometries. The development of the new metrics and the outcomes from the comprehensive investigations conducted have contributed to a better understanding of the challenging problem of automatically reconstructing 3D objects from image sequences.
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