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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Möjligt att mäta möten? : En studie av sambandet mellan mötesplatser, social sammanhållning och stadens rumsliga struktur

Sjöland Kozlovic, Maria January 2023 (has links)
Masteruppsatsen Möjligt att mäta möten? undersöker mötesplatsers betydelse för social sammanhållning. Social sammanhållning förstås i denna studie genom två teoretiska begrepp, co-presence och svaga band, begrepp hämtade från urbanmorfologisk, kulturgeografisk och urbansociologisk forskning.  Syftet med studien kan beskrivas som tvådelat. Den första delen syftar till att undersöka vilken betydelse mötesplatser ges för att kunna bidra till att skapa social sammanhållning i en svensk större stads översiktsplan. Detta studeras genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Malmö stads översiktsplan.  Den andra delen av studien syftar till att haka i den urbanmorfologiska forskargruppen Spatial Morphology Groups (SMoG) arbete med utvecklingen av det GIS-baserade verktyget Place Syntax Tool som de uppmuntrar mastersstudenter att använda för att utvärdera om det är ett användbart verktyg för att genomföra tillgänglighetsanalyser. I denna studie testas verktyget genom att analysera en större svensk stads stadsstruktur, Malmö, för att undersöka den rumsliga relationen mellan tillgången till mötesplatser och den byggda strukturen genom begreppet social sammanhållning.  Resultatet av den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen av Malmö stads översiktsplan visar att kommunen främst planerar för mötesplatser utifrån begreppet co- presence. Samtidigt går det att se att de förväntningar som Malmö har på vilka effekter som möten ska ge i form av social sammanhållning är mer kopplade till begreppet svaga band. För att bidra till att öka den sociala sammanhållningen ges mötesplatser betydelsenatt kunna (1); möjliggöra för möten mellan människor med olika bakgrunder, (2); överbrygga fysiska och sociala barriärer samt (3); främja demokrati, delaktighet och trygghet.  Place Syntax-analyserna synliggör var i staden det finns hög respektive låg tillgång till olika typer av mötesplatser. Det synliggörs även om en stad är rumsligt segregerad på grund av att olika områden är dåligt sammankopplade på grund av gatunätverkets konfiguration. Place Syntax Tool bedöms vara ett användbart verktyg för att mäta tillgången till mötesplatser i städer och se mönster över var det kan sättas in åtgärder i den fysiska miljön för att öka möjligheten för människor att mötas.  Resultatet av en Place Syntax-analys som visar på att det finns en hög tillgång till mötesplatser i en stad går inte att likställas med att det finns social sammanhållning. Det resultatet kan visa är huruvida det är möjligt för olika individer och grupper att mötas i en stad vilket bedöms vara en förutsättning för att social sammanhållning överhuvudtaget ska kunna uppnås.

Conversación digital: copresencia y disponibilidad : Estudio pragmático del preámbulo de reuniones multipartitas por videoconferencia

Santos Muñoz, Arantxa January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis explores how interaction is initiated in multi-party meetings in Adobe Connect, 7.0, with a particular focus on how co-presence and mutual availability are established through the preambles of 18 meetings held in Spanish without a moderator. Taking Conversation Analysis (CA) as a methodological point of departure, this thesis comprises four different studies, each of them analyzing a particular phenomenon within the interaction of the preambles in a multimodal environment that allows simultaneous interaction through video, voice and text-chat. The first study (Artículo I) shows how participants solve jointly the issue of availability in a technological environment where being online is not necessarily understood as being available for communicating. The second study (Artículo II) focuses on the beginning of the audiovisual interaction; in particular on how participants check the right functioning of the audiovisual mode. The third study (Artículo III) explores silences within the interaction of the preamble. It shows that the length of gaps and lapses become a significant aspect the preambles and how they are connected to the issue of availability.  Finally, the four study introduces the notion of modal alignment, an interactional phenomenon that systematically appears in the beginnings of the encounters, which seems to be used and understood  as a strategy for the establishment of mutual availability and negotiation of the participation framework. As a whole, this research shows how participants, in order to establish mutual co-presence and availability, adapt to a particular technology in terms of participation management, deploying strategies and conveying successive actions which, as it is the case of the activation of their respective webcams, seem to be understood as predictable within the intricate process of establishing mutual availability before the meeting starts.

Conversación digital: copresencia y disponibilidad : Estudio pragmático del preámbulo de reuniones multipartitas por videoconferencia

Santos Muñoz, Arantxa January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis explores how interaction is initiated in multi-party meetings in Adobe Connect, 7.0, with a particular focus on how co-presence and mutual availability are established through the preambles of 18 meetings held in Spanish without a moderator. Taking Conversation Analysis (CA) as a methodological point of departure, this thesis comprises four different studies, each of them analyzing a particular phenomenon within the interaction of the preambles in a multimodal environment that allows simultaneous interaction through video, voice and text-chat. The first study (Artículo I) shows how participants solve jointly the issue of availability in a technological environment where being online is not necessarily understood as being available for communicating. The second study (Artículo II) focuses on the beginning of the audiovisual interaction; in particular on how participants check the right functioning of the audiovisual mode. The third study (Artículo III) explores silences within the interaction of the preamble. It shows that the length of gaps and lapses become a significant aspect the preambles and how they are connected to the issue of availability.  Finally, the four study introduces the notion of modal alignment, an interactional phenomenon that systematically appears in the beginnings of the encounters, which seems to be used and understood  as a strategy for the establishment of mutual availability and negotiation of the participation framework. As a whole, this research shows how participants, in order to establish mutual co-presence and availability, adapt to a particular technology in terms of participation management, deploying strategies and conveying successive actions which, as it is the case of the activation of their respective webcams, seem to be understood as predictable within the intricate process of establishing mutual availability before the meeting starts.

Pratiques de la communication médiée à distance et en co-présence dans le cadre du travail collaboratif / Communication practices mediated distance and co-presence in collaborative work

Bracco Haulet, Manuella 24 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de comprendre l’articulation des TIC dans l’activité communicationnelle des organisations. Ce qui nous intéresse, est d’analyser comment l’usage des objets mettent en relation, en tension les acteurs dans l’action collective. L’objectif étant d’analyser comment le travail de coopération se construit à travers l’usage des TIC. Il s’agira de saisir les règles et les mécanismes de l’ordre social dans les actes de communication médiée par ordinateur et de cerner la manière dont l’usager négocie ses interactions dans les relations d’interdépendance que suppose le travail collectif.Notre problématique est de comprendre comment le salarié s’approprie les technologies pour communiquer ? Comment il négocie dans ses interactions au sein de micros-réseaux ? Quels sont les rôles qu’il s’attribue dans la théâtralisation de lui-même ?Notre travail de recherche s’inscrit dans le champ de la communication des organisations et plus précisément dans l’étude des approches communicationnelles de la communication médiée par ordinateur au sein des organisations.Ce qui nous intéresse dans notre étude est de saisir, l’articulation entre TIC et travail coopératif, c’est-à-dire de comprendre comment les salariés ajustent leurs usages des technologies pour reconstruire des systèmes de coopération à partir des outils mis à leur disposition. / This thesis has for objective to understand the joints of information and communication technologies in the communication activity organizations. What interests us, is to analyze how the use of objects put in relation, in tension, the actors in the collective action. The objective being to analyze how the work of cooperation builds itself through the use information and communication technology. It will be a question of seizing rules and mechanisms of the social order in the acts of communication mediatized by computer and of encircling well the way the user negotiates his interactions in the relations of interdependence which supposes the collective work.Our problem is to understand how the employee appropriates information and communication technologies? How he negotiates in his interactions within microcomputing- networks? What are the roles that he appropriates in the dramatization of himself?Our research work joins in the field of the communication of organizations and more exactly in the study of the communication approaches of the communication mediatized by computer within organizations.What interests us in our study is to seize, the joint between information and communication technologies and cooperative Work, that is to understand how the employees adjust their practices information and communication technologies to reconstruct systems of cooperation from tools arrangement.

Planning an academic cluster to achieve social inclusion – is it possible? : An exploration about young residents’ perceptions of Paris-Saclay, France / Planering av ett akademiskt kluster som ett inkluderande projekt för ungdomar - är det möjligt?

Bach, Claire Marie Valérie January 2022 (has links)
The development of a mega project in relation with its local proximity is a major challenge in urban planning. This study explores young residents’ perceptions of Paris-Saclay, France, an academic mega cluster in the south of Paris. The intent is to understand the role an academic mega project can play in the reduction of social inequalities at a local scale, among young residents. Research about mega projects and academic clusters in relation to the local environment is a growing research field in planning research. To explore young residents’ perceptions is however an underexplored issue, but of high relevance considering that young French people face growing inequalities reflected in the urban fabric. An empirical study has been carried out to explore young people’s perceptions and attitudes towards the project by conducting focus group discussions in high schools inside and nearby the area of the academic cluster. The results show that the geographical proximity does not influence the respondents’ perceived connection to the academic cluster to a greater extent, rather, it is the respondents’ personal social relations that are the key point to create a sense of connection to the academic cluster. Future planning actions may be oriented towards improving the communication of the project and to offer various networks between the academic cluster and the young population. Such initiatives will not "solve" social segregation but are seen as measures to improve the situation for young residents within the planner's responsibilities.

Being Together through ICTs : Transnational Family Practices in the Context of Ukrainian Forced Migration / Estar juntos a través de las TIC : Prácticas familiares transnacionales en el contexto de la migración forzada ucraniana

SANCHEZ GIL, LARA January 2023 (has links)
According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR, 2023), some 117.2 million people will be forcibly displaced or stateless by 2023. In this scenario, a large number of families will have to be reconfigured within a transnational setting. The ways in which they maintain their familiar ties and their feeling of being close despite the distance is worth further research. Since the Russian full-scale invasion, several countries in the European Union provided temporary protection for the first time to those arriving, who were mainly females with some of their relatives. The demographic reality of this displacement and the novelty of temporary protection open up a fruitful context to address family maintenance. This thesis explores how Ukrainian females who sought temporary protection in Burgos (Spain) have experienced the ties to their families across distance, delving in their meanings of being together, their practices of co-presence and the role of ICTs in them. / Según la Agencia de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR, 2023), alrededor de 117.2 millones de personas estarán desplazadas forzosamente o apátridas para el año 2023. En este escenario, un gran número de familias deberán reconfigurarse en un entorno transnacional. Las formas en que mantienen sus lazos familiares y su sensación de cercanía a pesar de la distancia merecen una investigación más detallada. Desde la invasión rusa a gran escala, varios países de la Unión Europea brindaron protección temporal por primera vez a quienes llegaban, en su mayoría mujeres acompañadas de algunos de sus familiares. La realidad demográfica de este desplazamiento y la novedad de la protección temporal generan un contexto fructífero para abordar el mantenimiento de las familias. Esta tesis explora cómo las mujeres ucranianas que buscaron protección temporal en Burgos (España) han experimentado los lazos con sus familias a través de la distancia, profundizando en sus significados de estar juntas, sus prácticas de co-presencia y el papel de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) en ellas.

Convivialiser l'espace public : quels facteurs environnementaux freinent ou facilitent les contacts intergroupes? : l'exemple de Tan Mai à Hanoï

Conan, Lucas 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’intéresse, à travers une étude de cas, aux facteurs environnementaux de l’espace public qui facilitent ou rendent difficile un rapprochement entre groupes sociaux différents. Il vient également mettre à l’épreuve des théories occidentales partagées entre les sciences sociales et le domaine de l’aménagement dans un contexte du sud global, plus précisément au Vietnam, à Hanoï. Le site d’étude est dans le quartier de Tan Mai au sud d’Hanoï, un quartier parmi les plus densément peuplés de la ville où l’on retrouve une forte concentration de migrants ruraux. Selon la littérature, il existe une forte discrimination entre les migrants ruraux et les Hanoïens. Dans le même temps, la sous-provision d'espaces publics ouverts à Hanoï limite les possibilités pour ces deux groupes de se côtoyer dans les mêmes espaces récréatifs et de socialisation. Face à ces constats, la fondation HealthBridge, l’entreprise sociale ThinkPlaygrounds! et le bureau d’UN Habitat au Vietnam ont développé une aire de jeux couplée à un jardin communautaire dont l’un des objectifs était de favoriser les relations entre migrants et non-migrants au cours de l’année 2019. Une étude post-occupationnelle de ce projet a été menée durant l’été 2022. Combinant enquête par questionnaires, entretiens semi-directifs et observations de terrain. Cette étude a permis d’identifier certains des facteurs liés à l’aménagement qui contribuent à faciliter ou à freiner les interactions intergroupes et qui participent à soutenir les relations entre migrants et non-migrantes dans cet espace. La recherche met en évidence non seulement un manque de connaissances, mais aussi les défis opérationnels auxquels sont confrontés les praticiens du domaine de l'aménagement lorsqu'il s'agit de concevoir des espaces favorisant les rencontres intergroupes. L'étude suggère une collaboration accrue entre les disciplines de l’aménagement et les sciences sociales pour améliorer l'opérationnalisation d'un design d'espace public soutenant les relations intergroupes. / Through a case study, this dissertation examines the environmental factors in the design of public spaces that facilitate or hinder interactions between different social groups. It also puts to the test Western theories shared between the social sciences and the field of planning in a context of the global South, more precisely in Hanoi, Vietnam. The study site is located in the Tan Mai district to the south of Hanoi, one of the city's most densely populated areas, with a high concentration of rural migrants. According to the literature, there is strong discrimination between rural migrants and Hanoians. At the same time, the under-provision of public open spaces in Hanoi limits the opportunities for these two groups to rub shoulders in the same recreational and social spaces. In response to these findings, the HealthBridge Foundation, the social enterprise ThinkPlaygrounds! and UN Habitat's Vietnam office developed a playground coupled with a community garden, one of the aims of which was to foster relations between migrants and non-migrants over the course of 2019. A post-occupancy study of this project was carried out during the summer of 2022. Combining a questionnaire survey, semi-structured interviews and field observations, this study identified some of the environmental-related factors that contributed to facilitating or hindering intergroup interactions. The identified factors also helped sustain relationships between migrants and non-migrants in the space. The research highlights not only a lack of knowledge, but also the operational challenges faced by planning practitioners when it comes to designing spaces that encourage intergroup encounters. The study suggests increased collaboration between planning disciplines and the social sciences to improve the operationalization of public space design supporting intergroup relations.

Hur blir du en framgångsrik tiggare i Sverige? : en undersökning av tiggandets och givandets bilder 2011 till 2016 / How do you become a successful beggar in Sweden? : an inquiry into the images of begging and giving 2011 to 2016

Parsberg, Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
Mitt första möte med en tiggande föranledde mig att under fem år undersöka den nya situationen för tiggeriet och giveriet i Sverige. Förutsättningen är att vardagliga handlingar och reaktioner gentemot en annan människa kan synliggöras estetiskt med en etisk klangbotten. Min undersökning utspelar sig i första hand i gaturummet och i medierna. Det är hela tiden bilderna som är utgångspunkten för resonemangen och de gestaltande verken. Bilder som både separerar och länkar samman kroppar. Vilka bilder är i spel i tiggeriets och giveriets sociala koreografi? Hur kan bilder i detta sammanhang aktiveras på nya sätt? Hur kan nya genereras? Tiggandet är en uppmaning till social interaktion, och vare sig givaren socialt interagerar eller inte med den tiggande människan på gatan så involveras givaren i det europeiska samfundets asymmetriska värdesystem. I min första gestaltning anlitas en professionell marknadsundersökare för att ta reda på hur en tiggare i Sverige skulle kunna göra för att bli framgångsrik. Det blir en film som jag sedan visar mittemot en film där tiggande pratar om hur givare ger. Ur detta verk följer så en rad gestaltningar och en interdisciplinär teoretisk diskussion med bland andra Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed och Hannah Arendt, samt med en rad konstnärers arbeten, kring hur bilder – och kroppsliga handlingar – är kopplade till samhällsbilden och samhällskroppen? Körernas uppställning i gestaltningen Tiggandets kör och Givandets kör anger ett utrymme för social interaktion och demonstrerar därmed en annan ordning som kräver andra insatser, i språk, rörelse och attityd gentemot varandra. Det är en social koreografi: när körerna tränade och sjöng tillsammans uppstod en politisk form. Min förhoppning är att estetiskt synliggöra ett politiskt handlingsutrymme mellan tiggandet och givandet som kan utnyttjas för fortsatta etiska förhandlingar, och nya gestaltningar. / My first encounter with a begging person led me to spend five years investigating the new situation regarding begging and giving in Sweden. The premise is that every-day actions and reactions to another person can be made visible through aesthetics with ethical underpinnings. My investigation takes place mainly in the urban landscape and in the media. The images always constitute the point of departure for the reasoning and for the staged works. Images that separate as well as connect bodies. Which images are at play in the social choreography of begging and giving? In this context, how can images be activated in new ways? How can new images be generated? Begging is a call to social interaction, and regardless of whether the giver interacts socially with the begging person on the street, the giver is implicated in the asymmetrical value systems of the European Union. In my first staged work I hire a professional market researcher to find out how a beggar in Sweden should behave to be successful. This becomes a film that I then show opposite another film in which begging people talk about how givers give. This is followed by a number of staged works and an interdisciplinary theoretical discussion involving, among others, Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed, and Hannah Arendt, as well as a number of artistic works concerning how images – and bodily actions – are linked to the social image and the body politics. The arrangement of the choirs in the staged work The Chorus of Begging and The Chorus of Giving, indicates a space for social interaction and thus demonstrates a different order that demands different actions in terms of language, movement, and attitude toward each other. It’s a social choreography: when the choirs rehearsed and sung together a political form emerged. My hope is to make visible a space for action between the begging and the giving that can be used for continued ethical negotiations and new staged works. / <p>Föreliggande doktorsarbete har genomförts och handletts i forskarutbildningen i Fri konst vid Konsthögskolan, Umeå universitet. Doktorsarbetet läggs fram vid Lunds universitet inom ramen för samverkansavtalet mellan Konstnärliga fakulteten vid Lunds universitet och Konsthögskolan Umeå angående utbildning på forskarnivå i ämnet Fri konst inom ramen för Konstnärliga forskarskolan.</p><p>This dissertation has been carried out and supervised within the graduate programme in Fine Arts at Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå University. The dissertation is presented at Lund University in the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University, and Umeå Academy of Fine Arts regarding doctoral education in the subject Fine Arts in the context of Konstnärliga forskarskolan.</p><p>Avhandlingen är även utgiven i serien: Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University: Doctoral Studies and Research in Fine and Performing Arts, 14. ISSN: 1653-8617</p>

GAYME: The development, design and testing of an auto-ethnographic, documentary game about quarely wandering urban/suburban spaces in Central Florida.

Moran, David 01 January 2014 (has links)
GAYME is a transmedia story-telling world that I have created to conceptually explore the dynamics of queering game design through the development of varying game prototypes. The final iteration of GAYME is @deadquarewalking'. It is a documentary game and a performance art installation that documents a carless, gay/queer/quare man's journey on Halloween to get to and from one of Orlando's most well-known gay clubs - the Parliament House Resort. "The art of cruising" city streets to seek out queer/quare companionship particularly amongst gay, male culture(s) is well-documented in densely, populated cities like New York, San Francisco and London, but not so much in car-centric, urban environments like Orlando that are less oriented towards pedestrians. Cruising has been and continues to be risky even in pedestrian-friendly cities but in Orlando cruising takes on a whole other dimension of danger. In 2011-2012, The Advocate magazine named Orlando one of the gayest cities in America (Breen, 2012). Transportation for America (2011) also named the Orlando metropolitan region the most dangerous city in the country for pedestrians. Living in Orlando without a car can be deadly as well as a significant barrier to connecting with other people, especially queer/quare people, because of Orlando's car-centric design. In Orlando, cars are sexy. At the same time, the increasing prevalence in gay, male culture(s) of geo-social, mobile phone applications using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and location aware services, such as Grindr (Grindr, LLC., 2009) and even FourSquare (Crowley and Selvadurai, 2009) and Instagram (Systrom and Krieger, 2010), is shifting the way gay/queer/quare Orlandoans co-create social and sexual networks both online and offline. Urban and sub-urban landscapes have transformed into hybrid "techno-scapes" overlaying "the electronic, the emotional and the social with the geographic and the physical" (Hjorth, 2011). With or without a car, gay men can still geo-socially cruise Orlando's car-centric, street life with mobile devices. As such emerging media has become more pervasive, it has created new opportunities to quarely visualize Orlando's "technoscape" through phone photography and hashtag metadata while also blurring lines between the artist and the curator, the player and the game designer. This project particularly has evolved to employ game design as an exhibition tool for the visualization of geo-social photography through hashtag play. Using hashtags as a game mechanic generates metadata that potentially identifies patterns of play and "ways of seeing" across player experiences as they attempt to make meaning of the images they encounter in the game. @deadquarewalking also demonstrates the potential of game design and geo-social, photo-sharing applications to illuminate new ways of documenting and witnessing the urban landscapes that we both collectively and uniquely inhabit. 'In Irish culture, "quare" can mean "very" or "extremely" or it can be a spelling of the rural or Southern pronunciation of the word "queer." Living in the American Southeast, I personally relate more to the term "quare" versus "queer." Cultural theorist E. Patrick Johnson (2001) also argues for "quareness" as a way to question the subjective bias of whiteness in queer studies that risks discounting the lived experiences and material realities of people of color. Though I do not identify as a person of color and would be categorized as white or European American, "quareness" has an important critical application for considering how Orlando's urban design is intersectionally racialized, gendered and classed.

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