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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Formação continuada do professor da educação superior promovida por ações institucionais

Maraschin, Maria Lucia Marocco January 2012 (has links)
Nesta tese analisam-se programas e políticas de formação continuada (FC) para professores da educação superior, promovidos por duas universidades comunitárias do estado de Santa Catarina: Unochapecó e UNESC. O objetivo foi o de identificar e analisar as práticas e políticas de formação continuada concebidas e promovidas por essas Instituições, com destaque para as concepções e significados atribuídos pelos professores às ações promovidas institucionalmente. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo de cunho qualitativo, que também assume caráter exploratório. Os dados foram obtidos mediante análise documental e entrevistas com gestores e docentes das universidades pesquisadas. Nessa travessia, buscouse a origem da demanda pela formação continuada e a forma como essas instituições responderam a ela. Foram identificadas as ações de maior impacto nas práticas e políticas de formação continuada para a docência na educação superior. Os dados indicam que os esforços institucionais para promover ações de formação continuada se fortalecem a partir dos indicadores de resultados que emergem da avaliação institucional. Os compromissos institucionais presentes na missão das universidades transversalizam as diferentes ações tanto no ensino e na pesquisa quanto na extensão. Os programas de formação continuada procuram atender às demandas gerais e específicas dos docentes. São esforços institucionais, que buscam produzir “mudanças possíveis” em âmbito coletivo e individual, traduzidos em ações que decorrem de inquietações vividas pelos discentes, docentes e gestores e se caracterizam por momentos de trocas, de inquietações e de contradições. Em síntese, as instituições pesquisadas, ao reconhecer a pluralidade e a heterogeneidade dos conhecimentos implicados na docência, assumem politicamente a formação continuada de seus docentes, concebendo-a e promovendo-a a partir de uma perspectiva plural. / In this thesis, policies and programs of continuing education (CE) for higher education teachers’, supported by two community universities in the state of Santa Catarina, Unochapecó and UNESC, were analyzed. The objective was to identify and analyze policies and practices of continuing education designed and promoted by these institutions, especially the concepts and meanings attributed by the teachers to the actions taken institutionally. This is a field research of qualitative and exploratory character. Data were collected through document analysis and interviews with administrators, teachers and professors of both universities. In this passage, we sought the origin of the demand for continuing education as well as how these institutions have answered to it. The actions of greater impact were identified. The data indicates that institutional efforts in continuing education are strengthened by the performance indicators that emerged from the institutional evaluation. The institutional commitments presented in the mission of these universities crosscutting different actions in attention to what is proposed in education, research and extension. The continuing education program seek to meet the general and specific demands of the teachers. They are institutional efforts which produce "possible changes" in the collective and individual scope, translated into actions that stem from concerns experienced by undergraduate students, professors and administrators. In summary, these two institutions recognize the plurality and heterogeneity of knowledge involved in teaching, and assumes politically the continuing education of their professors as well as, conceives and promotes it from a plural perspective.


朱森村, Chu Sen-Tsuen Unknown Date (has links)
面對要做的事無限,但能力有限之困境,政府部門的發展之道大致可歸納為二:(一)建立與提昇政府的能力—此涵蓋採行廣泛措施、活動的概念,這些措施的目的在於提昇公民和政府的能力,冀望產生更有效及更有回應力的公共服務與財貨。(二)市政業務民營化或協力化—透過民營化或協力化機制(規劃者、協調者、整合者及推動者)統合、激發運用民間資源。   在面對資源稀少性下,可運用幾項策略:(1)推動民營化;(2)形塑公民意識;(3)採行減肥措施;(4)採行合夥措施;(5)採用第三部門等五種策略。其中採行合夥措施接近公私部門協力關係,基本上,推動公私部門協力關係需奠立於公民意識和參與基礎之上。因為若有堅固的公民意識和參與基礎,將能導引公共政策的走向,同時減輕政府沉重的負擔。   在面對沉重的財政壓力與政策需求下,政府已開始改變做事方式,大力倡導公私部門協力,並允許公私部門間的競爭(劉毓玲,民82)。整個公私部門關係的轉變,由陌生到競爭合作,這些作法乃至於政府主動尋求私部門的協力參與;其主要核心觀念是改造政府具有效率和品質的政府,公部門不再只強調公平性的原則,同時要提高公共服務的水準,以因應民眾需求。「公私部門的協力關係(或稱合夥關係)」(public-private partnership)已成為目前國家建設公共政策上非常重要的一種理念。   筆者認為公私部門協力關係是:公私部門以平等互惠、共同參與、責任分擔的原則,建立一個以公民參與為基礎,以公共責任為核心,以公共利益為目的,結合公部門、私部門、第三部門及公民,並以建立公私協力機制為連結的公共服務責任網(network of responsibility),它具有下列內涵:(1)公私部門協力是公私部門組織文化性和結構性的改變;(2)公私部門協力兼顧效率與公共性;(3)公私部門協力是一種組織的關係或網絡。   因此,在本文中,首先探討公私部門關係,包括民營化方向及第三部門的參與,進而探討公私部門合作的新方向—公私部門協力關係。繼而論及公私部門協力理論,探討理論基礎—公民參與理論及新政府運動,再者論及公私部門協力運用策略、限制與解決之道。並以台北市社區大學的個案研究,探討公私部門在此一公共政策的合作關係。最後,希望作一理論與個案之整合,由公共利益與公共性的維護、公共責任的落實、公私協力機制的法制化探討公私部門協力關係的必要發展--公私協力機制的發展。此些觀念之內涵如下: 一、公共利益與公共性的維護   學者C.Ventriss(1991:12)曾言:「行政是政府的重心,而公共才是國家的核心」,一語點出「公共性」對於一個國家或政府的重要性,以及公共行政的核心價值所在。「公共性」積極意義的彰顯,也就是指人類共同事務必須經由社群成員的主動參與,以及成員間的相互溝通、意見表達,以形成共識,而這樣的共識及其付諸實踐的一切行動將有助於群體公益以及共同美善(common good)。 社區大學的成立,結合了政府部門、民間部門及社區團體及社區居民的共同參與而成立,其上課方式亦採取讓公民參與、公民自主的方式,充分展現了公共性的價值。 二、公共責任的落實   公私部門協力關係責任的承擔是由協力雙方共同承擔,這可由兩個面向探討之,一為政策議程設定,一為行政官僚組織人員。在議程的設定方面,有那些議題能被列入議程中討論,乃至於形成政策?以「參與式民主」(participatory democracy)的觀點而言,參與式民主意指(1)使政府行政人員的選拔過程更受一般平民的影響,此涉及政黨的民主化;(2)把許多與國家大致上無關的決策由地方政府或社會人民集會成立,以制衡中央過分集中的權力及行政官僚的勢力;(3)私人性組織的「民主化」等政策。參與式民主的觀點啟發了日後公共事務管理的新思維,如社區自覺與自治、公眾參與,以至於公私部門協力關係。因此,依據民主的意涵,議程設定的應然決策者應為人民,實現主權在民的理念。而公私部門協力關係亦可視為一種人民的參與和監督方式,藉由此種機制彌補議程設定的障礙,讓有些具有重要性、迫切性的議題或弱勢團體的需求,可以透過公私部門協力關係而予以處理。   在行政官僚組織探討上,一個健全的民主行政發展應考量以下幾個原則:(1)公共取向;(2)深思熟慮的抉擇;(3)公正正直的行為;(4)程序的尊重;(5)程序的尊重。 三、公私協力機制的法制化   公私部門協力關係的建立,並不意味協力雙方可以恣意作為而不受約束。公私部門協力關係不限於傳統的政治監督方式,可由具公信力的團體組織負責監督或用「誘因監督」方式由協力雙方根據預算和利益分配進行良性互動監督,即創造出一「公私協力機制」,以利永續經營發展。   就社區大學的未來發展而言,除須克服法令的限制外,另外尚須配合下列措施,以兼顧公平、正義與效率: 一、訂定類似委託民間辦理實施要點,逐步引進營利部門共同推動公共政策,以保障弱勢群體的權益,使其不致成為民營化的犧牲者。 二、積極輔導民間非營利部門健全發展,使服務供給市場能充分發展,增加民眾的選擇性,真正達到競爭、效率、高品質的目標,如此才能真正達到公私協力多元的供給體系目標。   台北市文山區社區大學的成立代表了兩層意義:一是它代表著將知識的喜悅帶出學術殿堂,培養公民大眾的批判理性,健全公共理性的論述機制,提昇競爭力及生活素質,並期許為社會重建的起點,建立終身學習社會的使命。二是文山區社區大學的設置係由民間社團、社區組織、台北市政府共同協力達成的,這不但突破現今教育部設置「大學」的法令限制,更是公部門與私部門協力完成的一個範例,它的成功與否將成為公私部門協力的研究一項重要指標。 目錄 第一章 緒論……..…..……………………………………………..1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………..1 第二節 研究途徑、方法與限制…………………………………..5 第三節 文獻檢視……………………………………………..……8 第四節 研究架構與流程………………………………………….20 第二章 公私部門關係之分析……..………………………….……27 第一節 公私部門關係探討….……………………………………27 第二節 公共事務民營化探討……………………………….……34 第三節 非營利組織與政府的互動關係………………………….37 第四節 公私部門合作的新方向………………………………….39 第三章 公私部門協力理論與策略分析..……………………….…45 第一節 公私部門協力理論……………………………………….45 第二節 公私部門協力策略……………………………………….51 第三節 公私部門協力理論限制與解決之道…………………….58 第四章 公私部門協力關係應用於台北社區大學之分析..……….70 第一節 台北市社區大學方案規劃過程………………………….70 第二節 台北市社區大學方案法制化問題……………………….76 第三節 台北市社區大學方案執行………………………..…...80 第四節 台北市社區大學方案評估…………..……………..….86 第五章 公私協力機制的建立…………………………………….…92 第一節 公共利益與公共性的維護……………………………...92 第二節 公共責任的落實………………………………………...97 第三節 公私協力機制的法制化……………………………....102 第六章 結論…………………………………………………………104 第一節 研究發現..……………………………………………..104 第二節 研究建議..……………………………………………..110 參考書目………………..….………………………………………117 附錄一 訪談紀錄 附錄二 台北市政府試辦社區大學實施要點 附錄三 台北市政府試辦社區大學委託大專院校或民間團體經營契約範本

北區三類成人教育機構學習者之主動學習與心流經驗比較研究 / A comparative study on active learning and flow experience among three types of adult educational organization learners in northern Taiwan

林怡珊, Lin, Yi Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣北區的社區大學、國立空中大學、大學推廣教育三類學習者為研究對象,旨在探討三者於學術性課程上的「心流經驗」與「主動學習」是否有所差異,若有差異則可能的影響因素又為何?並分析心流經驗與主動學習兩變項間的關係。 本研究的樣本總數為729人,採用立意取樣,研究工具係參考前人改編之心流經驗與主動學習問卷一份,問卷中一併蒐集了關於三類學習者在機構中的學習經驗(包含:學習歷程的頻率、學習歷程的品質等),以期能夠在探討差異的同時,找出影響的可能原因。 資料分析方法採用了結構方程模型(SEM)以作為問卷之驗證性因素分析的方法,在確認了信效度後,以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、單因子多變量分析、共變數分析、積差相關、典型相關等統計方法輔助,以回答上述問題。主要結果發現: 一、「師生討論」、「同儕討論」、「做中學」、「田野調查」與「指導同儕」等學習歷程的頻率與心流經驗、主動學習皆有顯著正相關。 二、「互動品質」、「課程公共化」、「經驗學習」等學習歷程品質與心流和主動學習有顯著相關。 三、不同的「學習動機」會造成心流與主動學習的差異,當中以「取得學位」為動機的學習者之心流與主動學習較其他就讀動機者為弱。 四、三類機構在心流經驗與主動學習的差異依序是:社區大學 > 空中大學 >推廣教育。 五、主動學習中的「內在動機與熱情」是目前研究者發現三機構在心流經驗中差異的因素之一。 六、心流經驗中的「自發自足經驗」是目前研究者發現三機構在主動學習上有差異的因素之一。 七、心流經驗與主動學習兩者具有高度正相關。 / The purpose of this study is to compare community university, national open university and university extension education in northern Taiwan, which each refers to flow experience and active learning. This study is also attempted to investigate the possible factors among these organizations which may cause the differences. Another issue in this study is concerned with the relationship between flow experience and active learning. The data was collected from 729 adult learners by judgmental sampling, and the questionnaire was based upon a revised questionnaire concerning their flow experience, active learning, and learning experience (including the frequency of learning process and quality of learning process) in academic courses. The results of this study are as followings: 1. Flow experience and active learning were positive correlation with the frequency of learning process, which includs “teachers and students discussion ”, “peer-discussion”, “learning by doing”, “field work” and “peer-tutoring”. 2. Flow experience and active learning were positive correlation with the quality of learning process, which includs “quality of interaction”, “curriculum publication”, and “experiential learning”. 3. The different learning motivation affect the flow experience and active learning among learners in these three organizations, especially the learners who chose “learning for the academic degree” were averaged lower than others. 4. Comparing with three organizations about the flow experience and active learning performance: community university is better than national open university and university extension education. Moreover, the national open university is better than university extension education. 5. The“intrinsic motivation and passion” is one of the factors which affect flow experience. 6. The “autotelic experience” is one of the factors which affect active learning. 7. The flow experience is positive correlation with active learning.

(Fern)studium n.0: FernUniversität als Gemeinschaft

Feldmann, Birgit January 2010 (has links)
Dieser Artikel stellt sich die Frage wie eine Informations- und Arbeitsumgebung einer (Fern)Universität gestaltet sein muss, um den veränderten technischen und personalen Lebensumwelten Fernstudierender gerecht zu werden. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Entwicklung eines Community-Konzeptes als zentrales Element der Lehre im Fernstudium. Dazu wird zunächst die Notwendigkeit einer solchen Community-Umgebung als Unterstützung für zukünftiges virtuelles Studieren Lernen und Lehren in der Fernlehre belegt, mit dem Ziel, ein geeignetes Community-Konzept zu entwickeln. Nach einer kurzen Einführung wird die aktuelle Situation der FernUniversität dargestellt. Es folgt die Bestandsaufnahme der Bedürfnisse der Studierenden mit entsprechenden Schlussfolgerungen für ein Anforderungsprofil. Darauf aufbauend soll das Konzept der zukünftigen Umgebung vorgestellt. Dieses Konzept kann nicht in der Kürze dieses Artikels dargestellt werden, daher soll eine exemplarische skizzenhafte Darstellung der fertigen Umgebung einen Eindruck über die tatsächliche Nutzung der Umgebung vermitteln. Wichtiges Hilfsmittel zum Entwurf sind neben bestehenden Forschungsergebnissen die Ergebnisse einer eigenen Erhebung unter Fernstudierenden sowie Erfahrungen aus verschiedenen Lehrveranstaltungen. Diese Studie ist gerade erst abgeschlossen und noch nicht im Detail ausgewertet, es lassen sich allerdings bereits Trends feststellen, die bereits im Artikel eingearbeitet sind. Die Ergebnisse der Studie (Virutelle Communities im Fernstudium) sind zum Konferenzvortrag fertig ausgewertet.

Paulo Freire批判意識概念重建及其在社區大學實踐經驗之研究

李天健 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在重建弗雷勒的批判意識概念,重建工作計有四個部份,六項步驟。首先是問題意識之釐析,藉由整理國內外學界關於弗雷勒思想的反省與爭議,指出弗雷勒思想的既有侷限與問題,以說明重建之必要與方向。第二部份則依據「人—世界」關係取向之詮釋框架,將弗雷勒批判意識概念,重建為三個基本向度:1.以批判性的自我覺察為前提,2.對於存在處境的整體性反思,3.超越界限處境以朝向人性化的越界行動。第三部份的兩項步驟,則分別藉助世界現象學、哲學詮釋學和批判理論、女性主義等當代主要哲學、社會、政治思想,來釐清並豐富這個概念架構所涉及的思想內涵,建立起一個更能處理當代核心問題的概念架構。第四部份亦分為兩項步驟,首先以此重建後的概念架構,反思台灣社區大學運動之知識解放理念,並透過一門課程的實踐經驗,詳細解析有助於學習者發展批判意識之課程結構、教材選擇以及教學方法;第二項步驟則是將批判意識概念三個基本向度,及其重建後的概念內涵,融入於「聆聽」這個人與自身以及世界的批判性互動,以提供一個發展批判意識的一般性實踐方案,如此方能從社大辦學整體的層次,探究有哪些重要的學習經驗,有助於學習者與自己以及與世界的關係的連結與深化,以說明就社大辦學的整體而言,其批判意識之實踐的方向與可能性。 / This study is aiming at the reconstruction of Freire’s idea of critical consciousness. There have been four parts and six steps in this reconstruction. In the first part, some fundamental limitations of Freire’s thought have been identified, and the need of this reconstruction work and its orientation are thereby clarified. In the next, Freire’s idea of critical consciousness is reconstructed as three basic dimensions based on the framework of human-world relation as follows: 1. presupposed with critical self-awareness. 2. reflection of the totality of the existing situations. 3. limit-actions to transcend the limit-situations in order toward humanization. In the third part, there are two steps to discuss contemporary philosophical, political and social thought, such as the phenomenology of world, philosophical hermeneutics, critical theory and feminism, for the clarification of the meaning involved in this reconstructed framework of critical consciousness. The last part also has two steps. At first, the dispute regarding the fundamental spirit of Taiwan’s community university movement--emancipation of knowledge, is reviewed and settled via the reconstructed framework of critical consciousness. Based on this review, the practice of a curriculum--“Taiwan’s colonial experiences during Japan period”, is analyzed to demonstrate the principle and method for the design of curriculum, the selection and organization of teaching material, and the teaching method for the learner to develop critical consciousness. At last, the three basic dimensions of critical consciousness are combined into a critical way of human-world interaction—listening, as a general guideline for the practice in the community university. According to this general guideline, there are some learning experiences which are helpful to foster learner’s critical consciousness and can be created in all curriculum and learning activity. Therefore, it is possible for the community university to develop the critical consciousness in all their practices and this reconstruction work has provided clear elucidation.


陳定銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文「台灣社區大學之研究─公民社會建構與終身學習政策的實踐」主要目的在研究台灣最近四年以來,蓬勃發展的另類高等教育社區大學,目前已經招生上課的社區大學共有卅七所,每年參與選課的學員將近七萬人次,並且仍然持續增加之中。本論文藉由個案研究(採取質的研究中文獻分析、參與觀察與深度訪談等方法)探討:1、公民社會建構(社會面向)。2、終身學習政策(政策面向)。3、社區大學的定位、法制化(文憑授予)、財源、課程與教學,以及與政府關係(組織管理面向)。研究結果分析與歸納為:   研究發現(一):社區大學的環境。   1、社區大學是民間教育改革(四一○教育改造)運動的延續;在意識型態方面是由民間自發性的草根運動,訴求改革官方傳統的制式教育;此外,由於宗教團體涉入社區大學的經營,其重視個人心靈成長的教育,則和社區大學「知識解放與公民社會」宗旨有所差異。   2、社區大學透過發展地方產業文化、社區參與、課程社團化和社團課程化等策略,繼續發揚社區總體營造的精神。   3、知識解放是社區大學的核心價值,民眾透過社區大學強調經驗知識與對話的學習,培養批判思考能力,建立個人價值觀,並朝向改造社會與建構公民社會的理想邁進。   4、社區大學全國研討會的參與觀察,以加強社區大學扣緊本土社會脈動與議題發展,以及全球化趨勢(例如:農村、原住民、勞工議題,以及WTO的因應策略等)。   研究發現(二):社區大學的實踐。社區大學對於公民社會建構與終身學習政策等指標的實踐,歸納為下列的結果。   1、倡導公共性:社區大學是透過非營利組織的倡導,以及提升公民參與能力,強化其公共性特質。   2、促進社區參與:社區大學將社團活動納入正式課程,並採取工作坊方式運作,走出學校進入社區服務策略,使得社區大學在社區意識凝聚的成效顯著。   3、型塑公共領域:社區大學利用公共論壇的實施,提供一個公共議題對話的平台,來喚醒學員的公共意識與公民參與的能力。   4、提昇終身學習的品質:社區大學提供民眾系統性的終身學習場域,並建構成為學習型組織,以提昇個人知能與素質,以及整體社會的水準。   5、延伸社區大學的視野:研究發現法制化是目前社區大學最急迫的議題,也是拓展社大視野與永續發展的關鍵要素。   最後,本論文綜合研究結果,提出對於政府部門、社區大學、社會大眾,以及後續研究的建議,以作為政府部門(特別是地方政府)、社區大學、非營利組織、社區工作者、民眾,以及將要開辦社區大學機構的參考。 / The objective of this doctorial dissertation, A Study of the Community Universities in Taiwan: the Practice of the Structure of Civil Society and Lifelong Learning Policy, is mainly about the growing of the higher education system, the ‘community universities,’ in the past four years in Taiwan. Up till this moment, there are totally thirty-seven community universities in Taiwan with approximately seventy thousand students, which are still increasing in every year.   Through cases studying, the structure of civil society (in terms of society), lifelong learning policy (in terms of policy), and the definition of the community universities will be discussed in this dissertation. The result can be divided into two parts:   A. The environment of the community universities:   a. The community university is the continuing of the nongovernmental education revolution (410 educational reformation), an activity initiated by the locals in order to reform the traditional education system made by the authorities. Moreover, the involvement of religious associations and their idea of inner growing of an individual differ from the mission statement, liberalizing of knowledge and civil society, of the community universities.   b.The community university helps to develop the spirit of social construction by developing local culture, taking part in the community, and using the tactics of making courses socialized and bringing social activities into class.   c.Liberalizing of knowledge is the key point of the community universities. The mass population can not only train their thinking ability, but also build their own value as individuals in the community universities which emphasizes the learning from the knowledge of experience and dialogue. Furthermore, they can move on toward the idea of social reformation and civil society.   d. Participating in the National Conference of the Community Universities can reinforce the ties of the universalities, the movement and the growing issue of local communities, and the global tendency.   B. The practice of the community universities:   a.Advocating its public nature: The quality of the public nature in the community university is advocated by nonprofit organizations and the elevation of citizen participation.   b.Promoting social participation: The community university adds social activities into formal courses and runs as a workshop to join in social service, and makes a successful effort from gathering social consciousness.   c. Sculpting public sphere: The community university uses the public forum as a place for discussing public issues in order to arouse the social consciousness and the citizen participation of the students.   d.Advancing the quality of lifelong learning: Forming as a study organization, the community university provides people a systematic lifelong learning to advance not only individual knowledge and competency, but also the level of the whole society.   e.Expanding the outlook of the community university: According to the research, the most important issue for the community university is to make it legalized, which is also the key point to expand the outlook and the interminable development of the community university.   To conclude, the comprehensive study result of the dissertation gives the government, the community universities, the public, and the follow up study a word of advice and serves as a reference to them and the organizations that is about to found a community university.

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