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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les frontières de la justice sociale : les théories de la justice mondiales au prisme de l'Union Européenne / The boundaries of social justice : theories of global justice through the lens of Europeanl Union

Unger, Mathilde 08 December 2016 (has links)
Pouvons-nous maintenir la justice sociale à l'intérieur des frontières étatiques, malgré l'intensification des flux transnationaux? La thèse part des théories cosmopolitiques de la justice mondiale, qui entendent transposer les principes de justice rawlsiens à l'échelle du monde sur la base de deux arguments: l'universalisation de la position originelle et l'observation des rapports d'interdépendance tissés par la mondialisation. Cependant, en découplant les garanties sociales de la reconnaissance de l'égalité politique entre les citoyens -dont elles sont les corollaires au sein des institutions démocratiques -ces théories sortent la justice sociale de son cadre de justification normatif. Nous tentons au contraire de prendre en compte les injustices singulières produites par le commerce transnational, sans pour autant renoncer à l'ancrage politique de la justice. À ce titre, l'Union européenne offre un exemple fécond: bien que les citoyens européens bénéficient de protections sociales lorsqu'ils circulent dans un autre État membre, la politique sociale demeure essentiellement de la compétence des États. En revanche, c'est la Cour de justice de l'Union qui veille au respect des quatre libertés de circulation. Le décalage entre ces deux niveaux de protection nous permet de définir des contextes où les injustices sont de second ordre, car la concurrence entre les normes nationales dans un marché ouvert affecte le sens et l'application de la justice sociale à l'intérieur des États. Les raisons de vouloir harmoniser les politiques sociales et fiscales des États sont ainsi solides et néanmoins indépendantes du cosmopolitisme. / Should social justice be contained within state borders when, in the global context, borders themselves have become increasingly fluid? This research takes as its starting point the theories of global justice that apply Rawlsian principles at the global scale. They are based on the idea that the original position can be universalised, and that globalisation has given rise to the increased interdependence of peoples. However, the domain in which social guarantees apply is hereby conceived separately from the domain in which democratic institutions instantiate political equality. Social justice is thus made separate from its political context of justification. As an attempt to overcome this problem, this project examines the particular injustices caused by cross-border trade. The European Union (EU) provides a particularly fruitful example. On the one hand, although EU citizens are entitled to social benefits while circulating in another Member State, social policies still fall within the competence of the Member States. On the other, the "Four Freedoms" of movement are subject to judicial review by the European Court of Justice. The gap between these two layers of protection allows us to define what this project calls a "second-order injustice," whereby competition between the social norms of each state in the single market affects the meaning and application of social justice within the states themselves. This dissertation concludes that while there is a serious justification to expect harmonization between the social and fiscal policies of Member States, it does not have necessarily to depend on cosmopolitan grounds.

A terroir of terroir (or, a brief history of design-places).

Blythe, Richard John, n/a January 2009 (has links)
This PhD provides insight into designing. It offers a view on the nature and structures of design research proposing that design research occurs within the activity of designing. As a case study, the PhD provides an internal view of the emergent design process of a collaborative architecture design practice terroir. It proposes a way, (the 'design-place'), in which design by collaboration operates within complex and often contradictory contexts. The thesis deals with questions of design in a contemporary, cosmopolitan condition and proposes that within such a condition design is an ethical endeavour. A key underlying proposition of the thesis is that architecture is fundamentally a critical activity. The PhD concludes by demonstrating through design projects how terroir has explored these questions in producing designs that operate at the level of personal and subjective experience in opening up a public, cosmopolitan realm.

Archives d'Orient : les notables alexandrins, des héritiers sans héritage (1882-1985) / Archives from Orient : Alexandrian noblemen, heirs without heritage (1882-1985)

Ghesquier-Gogny, Madeleine 21 October 2014 (has links)
En 2002, le Centre d’Études Alexandrines a reçu près de sept mille documents ayant une même origine, une famille gréco-syro-libanaise. Ces documents intéressent l’histoire d’Alexandrie, de 1882 à 1985. Cette thèse, exploitant ce fonds d’archives, comprend deux parties. 1) L’histoire de deux familles, les Zogheb et les Sinano, sur quatre générations, l’implantation de ces conquérants venus chercher et faire fortune, appelés par Mehemet Aly, dans une Égypte en voie de modernisation. Nous les suivons dans leur vie quotidienne, leur quartier, leurs habitudes au travers de certains personnages, lieux ou événements qui montrent par petites touches toute une sociabilité, celle des notables. Ces familles sont « notables », par leur richesse, leur ancienneté ou leur place dans la cité. Ces différentes approches sous plusieurs angles permettent de donner une vue d’ensemble de cette microsociété aujourd’hui disparue. 2) L’histoire de Charles Ayoub, un « Alexandrin dans son siècle » que nous suivons de l’enfance à la mort. Élève des Jésuites, puis étudiant en droit, il a rejoint les services du Contentieux de l’État comme stagiaire, jusqu’au grade de Conseiller royal et chef du Contentieux. Après avoir démissionné du service public, il est devenu avocat en ville. Son parcours professionnel et familial, son milieu et celui de son épouse, font qu’à travers lui nous suivons à la fois le déclin et la fin d’une certaine société et la rencontre de l’Égypte avec son propre destin. Égyptien de culture française, appartenant à la haute société cosmopolite alexandrine, comment Charles Ayoub a-t-il intégré et vécu les remous du siècle, de l’époque khédiviale à la monarchie, de la monarchie à la République ? / In 2002, the CEAlex received nearly seven thousand documents having the same origin, a Greco-Syrian-Lebanese family. These documents concern the history of Alexandria from 1882 to 1985. They are the sole source of this thesis.The thesis consists of two parts. 1) The story of two families, the Zogheb and Sinano family through four generations. Implanted in Alexandria these conquerors searched and made their fortune, encouraged by Mohammad Ali, in an Egypt which was undergoing modernization. We follow them in their daily life, their neighborhood, their habits, through certain people, places or events that illustrate through very small touches a whole structure of society of “noblemen”. These families are “noble” due to their wealth, their age or their place in the city. These different approaches, different angles, permit, little by little, to give an overview of this micro-society which today no longer exists. 2) The story of Charles Ayoub, an “Alexandrian in his century” whom we follow from childhood to death. A pupil of the Jesuits, then a law student, he joined the services of the State Litigation as a trainee, reaching the rank of Royal Councillor and Head of Litigation. After resigning from the public service, he became a city lawyer. Through his professional and family background, his environment and that of his wife’s, we follow both the decline and the end of a certain society and how Egypt met it’s own destiny. An Egyptian of French culture, belonging to high Alexandrian cosmopolitan society, how did Charles Ayoub integrate and live through the eddies of century, from the khedivial period to the monarchy, the monarchy to the Republic ?

A fundamentação do progresso moral e jurídico da humanidade em Kant

Cavalcante, Antonio Rodrigues 02 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2015-12-07T14:14:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 630551 bytes, checksum: a248f59e81f913b9601f38a16f8226cd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-07T14:14:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 630551 bytes, checksum: a248f59e81f913b9601f38a16f8226cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation deals with the fundamentals of cosmopolitan right in Immanuel Kant’s philosophical thought. As, for Kant, without cosmopolitan law to guarantee peace among nations, it is not possible to guarantee rights even among individuals, and without a guarantee of the rights among individuals, there is no exercise of freedom, Kant’s interest in cosmopolitanism reveals itself linked to the project of the Enlightenment, a project he exposes in his booklet Answer the Question: What is Enlightenment? Grounding on concepts as freedom, legality, right, justice – which, according to Kant, have their foundations a priori on human reason, being therefore recognized as such by all human race – we will approach Kant’s analyses on a concept of right able to ensure endurable peace, founded in the cosmopolitan law. This research will follow Kant’s analyses of the connections between his concept of morals – to which Enlightenment’s project of freedom is bounded – and the problem of history and cosmopolitanism in his works on political philosophy and philosophy of law. In this course, we will be dealing with important concepts of Kant's philosophy of morals, on which are based his concepts relative to law, such as autonomy, heteronomy, freedom of the will, coercion, morality and legality. These concepts will give us elements to understand the bridge from the law among individuals within the state to the establishment of a universal right, or cosmopolitan law, among the nations, a bridge that should reveal what Kant means by his concept of progress of mankind defined as moral progress. / Esta dissertação trata dos fundamentos do direito cosmopolita no pensamento de Immanuel Kant. Na medida em que, para Kant, sem um direito cosmopolita que garanta a paz entre as nações, não é possível a garantia nem mesmo dos direitos entre os indivíduos no interior dos Estados e, sem a garantia de direitos entre os indivíduos, não há exercício da liberdade, o interesse de Kant no cosmopolitismo revela-se vinculado ao projeto do Esclarecimento, que ele expõe em seu opúsculo Resposta à Pergunta: que é Esclarecimento? Com base nos conceitos de liberdade, legalidade, direito, justiça – que segundo Kant têm seus fundamentos a priori na razão humana, sendo por isso reconhecidos como tais por todo o gênero humano – vamos abordar as análises de Kant referentes a um direito que torne possível uma paz duradoura, fundada num direito cosmopolita. Esta pesquisa seguirá as análises de Kant do vínculo entre o conceito de moral – no qual o projeto de liberdade do Esclarecimento se insere – e o problema da história e do cosmopolitismo em seus trabalhos sobre filosofia política e filosofia do direito. Nesse percurso, vamos examinar conceitos importantes da reflexão kantiana sobre a moral, que estão na base de sua concepção do direito, tais como, autonomia, heteronomia, liberdade da vontade, coação, moralidade e legalidade. Esses conceitos irão nos dar elementos para entender a passagem do direito entre os indivíduos no interior dos Estados à instituição de um direito universal, ou cosmopolita, entre as nações, passagem que vai configurar o que Kant entende por progresso da humanidade como progresso moral e jurídico.

Mediální konstrukce ženství podle ženských lifestylových časopisů v letech 2006 a 2016 / The media construction of feminity according to women's lifestyle magazines in years 2006 and 2016

Kučerová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis The media construction of feminity according to women's lifestyle magazines in years 2006 and 2016 is concerned with values, that women's lifestyle magazines present to women. These values concern with topics such relationships, sexuality, face, health and succees in career. The thesis will examine, in which roles women appear in these magazines. The aim of the thesis is to present a picture of an ideal woman, as the women's lifestyle magazines construct it. The theoretical part is devided into five chapters. The first chapter is focused on historical development of magazine publishing in Czech Republic since 1989. The second chapter describes development of trends in the media content in the last decade. The third part deals with the media and lifestyle magazines ownership. The fourth part introduces a general content of women's lifestyle magazines. The last chapter is focused on the role of women and women's lifestyle magazines in the current society. It discusses e. g. the term "double burden". The analytical part combines qualitative and quantitative content research and its main objective is to describe, how the term feminity and the women values (relationships, sexuality, face, health and career) change in women's lifestyle magazines between years 2006 and 2016. The chosen...

Role úvodníků v současných českých periodicích na příkladu měsíčníků CosmoGirl! a Cosmopolitan / The roles of leading articles in presen czech magazines ilustrated on monthly published CosmoGIRL! and Cosmopolitan

Jandíková, Eva January 2011 (has links)
Master thesis called "The roles of leading articles in present Czech magazines illustrated on monthly published CosmoGIRL! and Cosmopolitan." aims through stylistic analysis to describe the transformation of the journalistic genre of newspapers editorial into the current magazines editorial. Typical editorial, which was published in the Czech Republic before 1989, presents an administrative official text without using of any attractive language forms, contemporary magazine editorial uses more attractive language expressions ant it tries to gain the personal contact with reader. Thesis characterise typical features of newspaper editorial. The most important is analytical part, which analyses texts of Cosmopolitan and CosmoGIRL! editorials. On the basis of this stylistic analysis we can describe common and divers forms of newspaper and magazine editorials. We placed emphasis also on content and formal form, language form, and included ideology. Common and diverse forms were also characterized in case of two analysed periodicals. The outcome is a comprehensive picture of development of editorials and they role in contemporary Czech magazines.

Becoming Cosmopolitan: Toward a Critical Cosmopolitan Pedagogy

Birk, Tammy A. 26 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the(in)commensurability between the lived experiences of Muslim women and cosmopolitanism : implications for democratic citizenship education and Islamic education

Davids, Nuraan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Impressions and perceptions about Islām, particularly in a world where much of what is known about Islām has emerged from after the tragic devastation of the Twin Towers in New York, are creating huge challenges for Muslims wherever they may find themselves. Women as the more visible believers in Islām are, what I believe, at the forefront of the growing skepticism surrounding Islām. And central to the modern day debates and suspicious regard meted out to Muslim women today is her hijāb (head-scarf). Ironically, it would appear that the same amount of detail and attention that Islamic scholars have devoted to the role of women in Islām and how they are expected to conduct themselves is now at the centre of the modern day debates and suspicious regard. Yet, the debates seldom move beyond what is obviously visible, and so little is known about what has given shape to Muslim women’s being, and how their understanding of Islām has led them to practise their religion in a particular way. This dissertation is premised on the assertion that in order to understand the role of Muslim women in a cosmopolitan society, you need to understand Islām and Islamic education. It sets out to examine and explore as to whether there is commensurability or not between Muslim women and the notion of cosmopolitanism, and what then the implications would be for democratic citizenship education and Islamic education. One of the main findings of the dissertation is that the intent to understand Muslim women’s education and the rationales of their educational contexts and practices opens itself to a plurality of interpretations that reflects the pluralism of understanding constitutive of the practices of Islam both within and outside of cosmopolitanism. Another is that inasmusch as Muslim women have been influenced by living and interacting in a cosmopolitan society, cosmopolitanism has been shaped and shifted by Muslim women. By examining the concepts of knowledge and education in Islām, and exploring the gaps between interpretations of Islam and Qur’anic exegesis, I hope to demystify many of the (mis)perceptions associated with Muslim women, and ultimately with Islām. And finally, by examining how Islamic education can inform a renewed cosmopolitanism, and by looking at how democratic citizenship education can shape a renewed Islamic education, the eventual purpose of this dissertation is to find a way towards peaceful co-existence.

Genus - en medial konstruktion? : En kvalitativ text- och bildanalys av Cosmopolitan och FHM

Lindbäck, Anna, Engströmer Nilsson, Fanny January 2007 (has links)
<p>Genom åren har debatten om hur män och kvinnor framställs och porträtteras i media handlat om vilka signaler dessa sänder ut till samhället, med tyngdpunkten på negativa aspekter kring hur framförallt bilden av kvinnan framhålls.</p><p>I denna uppsats ges ett försök till att undersöka och granska hur föreställningar om genus uttrycks och produceras i text och i bild i livsstilsmagasinen Cosmopolitan och FHM. Cosmopolitan är ett medium som vänder sig till unga kvinnor i åldrarna 20-30 år medan FHM vänder sig till män i åldrarna 18-35.</p><p>För att kunna identifiera den producerade bilden av genus, vad som är specifikt manligt respektive kvinnligt utgår uppsatsen från en teoretisk ram som behandlar maskulinitet och femininitet, identifikation, mediernas makt och stereotyper, samt genus i media. Som inspirationskälla står medieforskaren Anja Hirdman och hennes verk Tilltalande bilder - genus, sexualitet och publiksyn i Veckorevyn och Fib aktuellt.</p><p>Uppsatsens genomförande vilar på en kvalitativ undersökning i form av en retorisk textanalys och en bildanalys. Som exempel står 20 artiklar som är hämtade från fyra olika utgåvor från respektive livsstilsmagasin under år 2006, där artiklar som på något sätt behandlar sexualitet och relationer har analyserats.</p><p>Med utgångspunkt från det insamlade materialet, kopplat till den teoretiska ramen, har således vissa tendenser kunnat identifieras som visar på att det finns tydliga skillnader, men också likheter mellan livsstilsmagasinen. I Cosmopolitan konstrueras bilden av kvinnlighet utifrån ett manligt godkännande då hon i text och bild tenderar att visas upp i och skrivas om i förhållande till mannen. Den komplexa konstruktionen av femininitet i Cosmopolitan framhålls ytterligare av ett instruerande och uppmanande tilltal där kvinnlighet är något som läsaren måste lära sig. I FHM konstrueras istället kvinnan som en symbol för sex, då hon först genom en manlig bekräftelse känner sig feminin. Vidare skapas maskulinitet i FHM i förhållande till den bild som målas upp av den kvinnlighet som presenteras i text och bild samt genom avsaknaden av manliga kroppar. I Cosmopolitan är det istället bilden av mannen som den romantiske drömprinsen som avgudar och älskar sin kvinna som gör sig synlig.</p>

Quelle réalité politique pour la notion de "citoyenneté mondiale" à l'époque contemporaine ? : aspects théoriques et critiques du cosmopolitisme politique contemporain / What is the political reality of the notion of “World Citizenship” in the contemporary era? : theoretical and critical aspects of contemporary political cosmopolitism

Lourme, Louis 08 December 2012 (has links)
La recherche porte sur l’actualité de la notion de cosmopolitisme. L’origine de cette notion remonte en effet aux racines de la philosophie, mais la période contemporaine présente une caractéristique inédite dans la mesure où elle offre la possibilité d’envisager, pour la première fois, une traduction politique de ce concept. Certes le cosmopolitisme a toujours eu une dimension politique, mais, aujourd’hui, la « citoyenneté » dont il est question dans l’idée de « citoyenneté mondiale » n’est plus seulement métaphorique. Ce travail peut donc être vu comme une théorisation générale du cosmopolitisme politique contemporain. La thèse défendue est la suivante : la notion de « citoyenneté mondiale » a gagné une effectivité politique nouvelle à l’époque contemporaine. Ce travail se propose d’analyser le cadre conceptuel proposé par ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui la « démocratie cosmopolitique », c'est-à-dire le cosmopolitisme politique. Il s’agira de l’articuler à une compréhension plus générale du concept de cosmopolitisme, de montrer les biais par lesquels le cosmopolitisme gagne en effectivité sur le plan politique, et de mesurer la pertinence des critiques possibles. / The research focuses on the notion of cosmopolitanism as it applies today. The origin of this concept dates back to the roots of philosophy, but the contemporary period presents a unique characteristic which, for the first time, offers the possibility to consider this concept in a political sense. While cosmopolitanism has always had a political dimension, today "citizenship", when applied to "global citizenship", is no longer purely metaphorical.This work can therefore be seen as a general theory of contemporary political cosmopolitanism. The supported point of view is the following: the notion of "global citizenship" has taken a new political reality in modern times. This essay aims at analyzing the conceptual framework of what is now called the "cosmopolitan democracy", i.e. "political cosmopolitanism". It will articulate this conception to a more general understanding of the concept of cosmopolitanism, show the ways through which cosmopolitanism becomes more effective in the political sphere, and assess the relevance of possible critics.

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