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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den juridiska odlingsgränsen och dess inverkan på förvärv av statlig mark : En studie av markförvärv i samband med samhällsomvandlingen i Kiruna

Berglund, Martin, Karlsson, Sofie January 2015 (has links)
Det pågår idag två samhällsomvandlingar i norra Sverige, i Kiruna och i Malmberget, till följd av den expanderande gruvverksamheten där omlokaliseringen kräver att ytterligare mark tas i anspråk. Speciella omständigheter råder i Kiruna där särskilda skydd och bestämmelser föreligger som en följd av den juridiska odlingsgränsen. Syftet med studien är att ge ett brett perspektiv på den unika odlingsgränsen och visa på sambandet mellan den och förvärv statlig mark vid samhällsomvandling. För att uppnå syftet utreddes odlingsgränsens historia, samhällsomvandlingarna och riksintressen samt markförvärvsprocessen och hur denna kan förbättras. Metoderna som användes var litteraturstudie, kvalitativa intervjuer och besök gjordes på plats i Kiruna och i Malmberget för att fördjupa kunskaperna.Staten började ta över en stor del av förvaltningen av den skyddade marken redan på 1500-talet och uppmuntrade en inflyttning till norra Sverige. Begreppet odlingsgränsen uppkom under slutet av 1800-talet för att skydda samerna med rennäring gentemot nybyggarna. Dagens samhällsomvandlingar är omfattande och har stor påverkan på omgivningen där aktörerna anser att utveckling ska gå före avveckling. Runt Kiruna och Malmberget finns flera olika riksintressen att ta hänsyn till vid planeringen, till exempel rennäring och gruvnäring. Gruvnäringen får företräde framför de andra riksintressena på grund av nationalnyttan som den medför. Staten äger mycket mark runt Kiruna och för att få förvärva den krävs ett regeringsbeslut. En ansökan om ett sådant förvärv ska prövas hos Statens jordbruksverk, Länsstyrelsen, berörd sameby och Statens fastighetsverk. Med de många instanserna tar processen lång tid och för att effektivisera processen behövs i första hand kompetenshöjning hos aktörerna och bättre kommunikation. Jordbruksdrift var anledningen till att odlingsgränsen uppstod men idag tjänar den sitt syfte för andra näringar, till exempel turism. / Two urban transformations are in progress in northern Sweden today, in Kiruna and in Malmberget, due to expanding mining operations. The relocation of the two cities requires land acquisition. In Kiruna there are specific conditions due to certain protection provided by the so called cultivation border. The purpose of the study is to give a wide perspective on this unique cultivation border and indicate its association with land acquisition. In order to achieve the purpose of the study the history of the cultivation border, the urban transformations and national interests were investigated, as well as the process of land acquisition and how it can be improved. A literature study, qualitative interviews and visits at Kiruna and Malmberget was used to gain knowledge within the topic.As early as in the 1500s, the Swedish government started to take control of the northern parts of the country and encouraged its colonization. The cultivation border was created in the late 1800s to protect the Sami people and their industry from the settlers. The urban transformations are very extensive and have major impacts on the environment. Involved participants want to construct new areas before deconstructing the old ones. There are several different national interests in Kiruna and in Malmberget areas that have to be taken into account in the planning process. Two of those interests are the reindeer and mining industries. The mining industry takes precedence due to its economic benefits to the whole country. The State owns lots of land in Kiruna and in order to acquire it, the government has to give its approval. An application for such an acquirement must be adjudicated by the Swedish Board of Agriculture, the County Administrative Board, affected Sami villages and the National Property Board of Sweden. The high amount of authorities involved makes the process of aquisition long and an improvement to shorten it is to increase the competence of the involved parties and their intercommunication. The purpose of the cultivation border is still considered to be valid, although today for example the tourism is more important than the agriculturing to protect the Sami people.

Hochwasserschutz durch konservierende Bodenbearbeitung : Umsetzung erosionsmindernder und hochwasserreduzierender Maßnahmen auf Einzugsgebietsebene am Beispiel des Stausees Baderitz / Flood protection by soil cultivation

Kornmann, Marek, Schmidt, Walter, Müller, Ellen 29 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Die Studie beschreibt die Auswirkungen der konservierenden Bodenbearbeitung auf das Hochwassergeschehen und die Bodenerosion durch Wasser. Desweiteren werden Strategien aufgezeigt, durch welche Landwirtschaftsbetriebe dahingehend motiviert werden, konservierende Bodenbearbeitung möglichst umfassend und dauerhaft zu praktizieren.

Untersuchungen zur Teilflächenbewirtschaftung : Untersuchungen zur Anwendung ausgewählter teilflächenspezifischer Bewirtschaftungsmethoden am Beispiel eines Auenstandortes der Elbe / Investigations on partial area cultivations

Ponitka, Jens, Pößneck, Jörg 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der teilflächenspezifischen Bewirtschaftung ist die optimale Bodenbehandlung in Abhängigkeit aller verfügbaren und verwertbaren Einflussfaktoren, wie z.B. Bodenleitfähigkeit, Bodenuntersuchungen, feldspektroskopische Messungen von Pflanzenbeständen und die Ertragsdatenerfassungen durch Mähdrescher.

Αξιοποίηση του νερού και της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας σε καλλιέργεια γλυκού σαργού και εκτίμηση της εξατμισοδιαπνοής αναφοράς κατά FAO (μέθοδος Reimman-Monteith)

Λιάπη, Μαρία 02 December 2008 (has links)
Η ηλιακή ενέργεια και το νερό είναι δύο φυσικοί πόροι που παίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στις αποδόσεις των ενεργειακών καλλιεργειών για την παραγωγή βιοκαυσίμων και επομένως η ορθολογική διαχείριση τους είναι σημαντική για το περιβάλλον. Η παραγόμενη βιομάζα από τις ενεργειακές καλλιέργειες - ως προϊόν φωτοσυνθετικής δραστηριότητας των φυτών - εξαρτάται από την αθροιζόμενη ένταση της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας που φθάνει σε ένα τόπο και το ποσοστό αξιοποίησης της από τη φυτική κόμη της καλλιέργειας. Επίσης εξαρτάται από τη διαθεσιμότητα του νερού στο έδαφος προκειμένου να καλυφθούν οι ανάγκες της καλλιέργειας σε νερό. Ο βαθμός αξιοποίησης και των δύο φυσικών πόρων υπολογίζεται με δύο δείκτες. Το συντελεστής αξιοποίησης της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας (Radiation Use Efficiency, RUE) και το συντελεστή αξιοποίησης του νερού (Water Use Efficiency, WUE). Αντικείμενο της εργασίας θα είναι ο υπολογισμός των δύο δεικτών του βαθμού αξιοποίησης των δύο ανωτέρω φυσικών πόρων σε πειραματική καλλιέργεια γλυκού σόργου στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών. Επίσης είναι σημαντικό να εκτιμηθεί η κατανάλωση νερού καλλιέργειας γλυκού σόργου λόγω του φαινομένου της εξατμισοδιαπνοής. Προς τούτο θα υπολογισθεί η εξατμισοδιαπνοή αναφοράς κατά FAO με βάση τη σχέση Penman-Monteith. / -

Shifting cultivation and fallowing practices in a "land-abundant" ejido : an intra-community study of Nuevo Becal, Campeche, Mexico

Abizaid, Christian. January 2000 (has links)
Shifting cultivation is considered to be a key cause of deforestation in the tropics as agriculturalists transform the rain forest into cropland and later allow for its regeneration through fallowing. Forest fallows strongly influence the ecological and economic potential of shifting cultivation, yet, secondary forest management among shifting cultivators remains poorly understood. This study focuses on secondary forest management among peasant households in a land-abundant ejido, near the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve of Mexico. Data were gathered through in-depth household interviews and field visits with 44 households, accounting for more than 450 fields. Striking differences were found in fallowing practices in Nuevo Becal. The holding of secondary forest is related to access to male labour, wealth in land-assets, household age, and the holding of pasture. Fallow length at the plot level is associated with household age, land holding size and the manner in which land is acquired. Fallow periods tend to be longer for cycles begun from primary forest and appear to have become longer over time. This study demonstrates the importance of the microdynamics that influence differential land use decisions among households under apparently similar environmental and macroeconomic conditions.


Record, Rachael A. 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis reports the results of a study designed to investigate the influence of exposure to televised medical dramas on perceptions of medical miracles. Four hundred and eighty-one college students participated in a survey in which they responded to different questions about their medical drama viewership and their different beliefs with regard to medical miracles. Results found that heavy medical drama viewers perceived belief in medical miracles to be less normal than non-viewers. Similarly, heavy viewers perceived medical miracles to occur less often than non-viewers. Interestingly, heavy viewers perceived medical dramas to be less credible than non-viewers. In addition, this study found that personal experience with medical miracles affected responses across all three measured viewership levels. The study concludes that, when compared to no exposure to medical dramas, heavy exposure has the potential for creating a more realistic view of medical miracles. Future research should continue to study genre-specific cultivation effects with regard to health perceptions.

Sustainability and resilience in prehistoric North Atlantic Britain: The importance of a mixed palaeoeconomic system.

Dockrill, Stephen J., Bond, Julie M. January 2009 (has links)
The two archipelagos of Orkney and Shetland, which form the Northern Isles of Britain, are an active focus of archaeological research. The rich Neolithic heritage of Orkney has been acknowledged by the granting of World Heritage status. Although set in both a biogeographically peripheral position and within what may be considered to be marginal landscapes, these North Atlantic islands have a large number of settlement sites with long occupational sequences, often stretching from the Neolithic to the Late Iron Age or into the Norse period. The mixed paleoeconomic strategy presented by three of these settlements¿Tofts Ness, Sanday, Orkney (excavated 1985¿1988); the Iron Age sequences at Old Scatness, Shetland (excavated 1995¿2006); and Late Neolithic and Bronze Age cultivated middens from Jarlshof, Shetland (investigated in 2004)¿provide the core of the evidence discussed within this paper (the radiocarbon chronologies for the key sequences from these three sites are provided as Appendix 1). The role of the prehistoric paleoeconomy is argued to be of central importance in the longevity of these settlements. In particular, barley production is evidenced on all three sites by the plant macrofossils and by the human investment in the creation and management of manured soils, providing an infi eld area around the settlement. This paper focuses on the identifi cation of these anthropogenic soils in the archaeological record. The investment in and management of these arable soils provides clear evidence for resource creation on all three sites. It is argued that these soils were a crucial resource that was necessary to support intensive barley cultivation. The intensive management implied by the presence of these soils is seen as a catalyst for sedentary living and sustainability within a marginal landscape. The evidence also demonstrates the continuity of agricultural practice from the Neolithic to the Iron Age together with the social dynamics that such a practice generates. This paper is in two parts: the fi rst section examines in detail the evidence for the presence of anthropogenic soils and the mixed economic strategies for the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age presented by the evidence from Tofts Ness and Jarlshof. The evidence for the continuity of this intensive strategy of soil management is seen from the later evidence of the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age at Tofts Ness and the Middle Iron Age evidence at Old Scatness. The second part of the paper examines the importance of these soils as an inherited resource within the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age paleoeconomic system. Two models are presented. The fi rst examines the cyclic importance of human creation and maintenance of small arable plots to high barley production yields and therefore to site viability, and the effect this has within a mixed resource system in providing settlement viability through time. The second explores the theoretical land and seascape that would provide this mixed resource base.

Cultivating the tekkillakw, the ethnoecology of tleksem, Pacific silverweed or cinquefoil (Argentina egedii (Wormsk.) Rydb.; Rosaceae): lessons from Kwaxsistalla, Clan Chief Adam Dick, of the Qawadiliqella Clan of the Dzawadaenuxw of Kingcome Inlet (Kwakwaka'wakw).

Lloyd, T. Abe 07 June 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the traditional cultivation of an edible root species by Kwaxsistalla, Clan Chief Adam Dick, of the Qawadiliqalla Clan, of the Dzawada ēnuxw, a subgroup of Kwakwaka’wakw, occupying the Kingcome Inlet area on the Central Coast of British Columbia. Kwaxsistalla is a traditionally trained Clan Chief and potlatch speaker with recognized authority to share his detailed knowledge and experiences of his clan’s food production system. This research is centered on his Clan’s tekkillakw (estuarine salt marsh root garden) root gardens of the Kingcome River estuary, and the long-standing practices associated with the large-scale production of tleksem Pacific silverweed [Argentina egedii (Wormsk.) Rydb.; syn. Potentilla pacifica (L.) Howell.], is one of the four cultivated root species. Kwaxsistalla has shared his hands-on knowledge of how root garden cultivation fits into his family’s seasonal patterns of food production as well as detailed accounts of how to construct and use tools for cultivating, weeding, harvesting, and cooking estuarine roots. He has also provided information that has been instrumental in developing a model of aboriginal management of estuarine root gardens (Deur 2005). This thesis builds on Deur’s model by attempting to experimentally replicate tekkillakw management in order to better understand the management effect on the abundance, size, and flavour of Argentina egedii roots. Over the course of the 2008 growing season I randomly subjected 60 ¼ square meter patches of Kwaxsistalla’s fallow tekkillakw to either a “till” or “till + weed” treatment and allocated 30 similar patches as a control. I applied a roto-tilling treatment just prior to the growing season, a weeding treatment mid-summer, and harvested the roots near the end of the growing season. While the short duration of my study and use of a roto-tiller limit the inferential power of my results, I found that tilling and weeding significantly increased the abundance or A. egedii but significantly decreased the root size. Throughout the same 2008 field season I also collected root specimens for analysis of their bitter and sweet constituents and found (bitter) tannins concentrations to be highest in the late summer and lowest in the spring and fall. / Graduate

Desempenho operacional de um subsolador em função da estrutura, do teor de argila e de água em três latossolos. / Operational performance of a subsoiler as a function of the structure, clay and moisture content in three latosols.

Cassiano Massakazu Sasaki 20 April 2005 (has links)
A rápida evolução tecnológica da silvicultura brasileira, verificada na década de 80, culminou com o sistema de cultivo mínimo do solo, implantado em grande escala a partir do início da década de 90. Levantamentos recentes junto a empresas florestadoras de expressão nacional, indicaram que cerca de 77% da área plantada é realizada no sistema de cultivo mínimo do solo. O amplo emprego do subsolador no cultivo mínimo e a falta de estudos científicos no projeto, o empirismo associado à operação e a falta de informações sobre a interação entre o teor de água e o tipo de solo subsolado motivaram a condução do presente estudo, cujos objetivos foram: (i) avaliar o desempenho operacional de um subsolador com haste parabólica em função da estrutura, do teor de argila e de água em três Latossolos, (ii) avaliar o grau de mobilização do solo em função de teores crescentes de argila e de água, (iii) avaliar a duração do efeito desagregador da subsolagem e a relação entre a área mobilizada de solo e o tempo póssubsolagem e, (iv) estabelecer um intervalo ideal de umidade para a subsolagem, em função da mobilização e da densidade máxima do solo. As pesquisas foram desenvolvidas em um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico textura média (LVd-1), um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico textura argilosa (LVd-2) e um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico textura muito argilosa (LVd-3). A avaliação do desempenho operacional do subsolador foi realizada por meio dos parâmetros volume mobilizado de solo (VMS), profundidade efetiva de trabalho (PET), largura efetiva de trabalho (LET), velocidade média de deslocamento (VMD), capacidade teórica de trabalho (CTT) e rendimento (R). O grau de mobilização dos solos e o tempo de duração dos efeitos da subsolagem foram avaliados por meio da área mobilizada de solo (AMS), mensurada em três datas: logo após a subsolagem, 12 e 24 meses pós-subsolagem. O intervalo ideal de umidade para a subsolagem foi baseado na AMS e no teste de Proctor normal. A maioria dos parâmetros usados na avaliação do desempenho operacional indicou que teores de água mais baixos melhoram o desempenho do subsolador. Nos solos com estrutura em blocos, LVd-2, e com alto teor de argila, LVd-3, foram obtidos o maior VMS (com o solo mais seco) e o menor R (com o solo mais úmido); esses atributos também provocaram maior readensamento das partículas de solo no sulco de preparo, diminuindo o efeito desagregador da subsolagem mais rapidamente. Tanto no LVd-2, como no LVd-3, praticamente a metade da área mobilizada inicial foi modificada (56 e 49%, respectivamente). O LVd-1 foi o solo que apresentou a menor resposta aos tratamentos, em função de sua capacidade de suporte ser mais estável que a dos outros Latossolos estudados. O LVd-1 apresentou melhores condições de ser subsolado entre os teores de água de 0,07 a 0,13 cm3 cm-3, o LVd-3, entre 0,14 a 0,27 cm3 cm-3 e, o LVd-2, apresentou a amplitude de subsolagem mais restrita, entre 0,12 a 0,19 cm3 cm-3. / The fast technological development of the Brazilian silviculture, during the 80’s decade, culminated with the soil minimum cultivation system, established in large degree from the beginning of the 90’s decade. Recent surveys in expressive Brazilian forest companies, indicated that about 77% of the planted area is accomplish under the soil minimum cultivation system. The large use of the subsoiler in the minimum cultivation, the empiricism associated to the operation and the lack of information about the interaction between the moisture content and the subsoiled soil motivated the present study, which objectives were: (i) evaluate the operational performance of a subsoiler with parabolic tine as a function of the soil structure, clay and moisture content of three Latosols, (ii) evaluate the soil disturbance degree as a function of the increasing on the clay and moisture content, (iii) evaluate the length of the subsoiling effect on the soil and the relationship between the soil disturbed area and the time after the subsoiling and, (iv) settle an ideal water interval to the subsoiling, as a function of the soil disturbance and the maximum bulk density. The researchers were developed in a sandy clay loam dystrophic Red Latosol (LVd-1), a clay dystrophic Red Latosol with kaolinit (LVd-2) and a clay dystrophic Red Latosol (LVd-3). The operational performance evaluation was realized by the parameters soil disturbed volume (SDV), work depth (WD), work width (WW), average speed (AS), theoretical work capacity (TWC) and efficiency (E). The soils disturbance degree and the length of the subsoiling effects were evaluated by the soil disturbed area (SDA), which was measured three times: after the subsoiling, 12 and 24 months after the subsoiling. The ideal water interval of the subsoiling was based upon the SDA and the normal Proctor’s test. Most of the parameters used to the operational performance evaluation indicated that lower moisture contents improve the subsoiler performance. The soils with structure in blocks, LVd-2, and high clay content, LVd-3, presented higher SDV (when the soils were dryer) and lower E (when the soils were damper); these characteristics provoked high age-hardening of the soil particles either, decreasing the subsoiling effect faster. Almost half of the original soil disturbed area was modified in the LVd-2 and in the LVd-3 (56 and 49%, respectively). The LVd-1 was the soil that presented the lower effect to the treatments, as a function of its high stability. The LVd-1 presented better conditions to be subsoiled between the moisture contents of 0,07 and 0,13 cm3 cm-3, the LVd-3, between 0,14 and 0,27 cm3 cm-3 and, the LVd-2, presented the lower subsoiling water range, between 0,12 and 0,19 cm3 cm-3.


Bertê, Rosiana 31 July 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The species Verbena litoralis Kunth is popularly known as wort or father-caetano gervãozinho field, and southern Brazil is used as detoxifying, antipyretic and diarrhea. The aim of this study was to vegetative propagation through cuttings and micropropagation of V. litoralis, evaluate the physiological parameter settings as chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthetic pigments and identify the phytochemical compounds present in the extracts of plants obtained in vitro after acclimatization of the same. The experiment was conducted using micropropagation complete MS plus 0.1 ml L-1 fungicide (carbendazim®), 30 g L-1 sucrose, 6.0 g L-1 agar and four combinations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA): 0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 mg L-1, respectively, and presence or absence of coal enabled (1 mg L-1). The plants obtained in vitro were transferred to disposable cups and kept in a growth chamber throughout the experiment with a temperature of 25 ± 2 º C and 16 hours photoperiod. The phytochemical analysis of the extract of the aerial parts and roots of V. litoralis, obtained by maceration hydroethanol was performed by HPLC and detected percentages of near 4.76% rutin, quercetin 9.18% and 0.031% coumarin. In micropropagation, the absence of BAP and NAA led to a percentage of 21% of grown plants. The acclimatization showed homogeneous development since all were subjected to the same substrate type and temperature. / A espécie Verbena litoralis Kunth é conhecida popularmente como erva-de-paicaetano ou gervãozinho do campo, e no sul do Brasil é utilizada como desintoxicante, antifebril e em diarréias. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar a propagação vegetativa, através da micropropagação e estaquia de V. litoralis, avaliar os parâmentros fisiológicos como fluorescência da clorofila a, pigmentos fotossintéticos e identificar os compostos fitoquímicos presentes no extrato das plantas obtidas in vitro após a aclimatização das mesmas. O experimento de micropropagação foi realizado utilizando MS completo, acrescido de 0,1 ml L-1 de fungicida (Carbendazim®), 30 g L-1 de sacarose, 6,0 g L-1 de ágar e quatro combinações de 6-Benzilaminopurina (BAP) e ácido naftalenoacético (ANA): 0; 1,0; 2,0; 4,0 e 0; 0,1; 0,2; 0,4 mg L-1, respectivamente, e presença ou ausência de carvão ativado (1 mg L-1). As plantas obtidas in vitro foram transferidas para copos descartáveis e mantidas em sala de crescimento durante todo o experimento com temperatura de 25º ± 2ºC e fotoperíodo de 16 horas. A análise fitoquímica no extrato das partes aéreas e raízes de V. litoralis, obtido por maceração hidroetanólica, foi realizada por CLAE e detectou porcentagens de rutina próximos de 4,76%, quercetina 9,18% e cumarina 0,031%. Na micropropagação, a ausência de BAP e ANA, proporcionou uma porcentagem de 21% de plantas formadas. As plantas aclimatizadas apresentaram desenvolvimento homogêneo já que todas foram submetidas ao mesmo tipo de substrato e temperatura.

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