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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skogstillståndet på ön Blå Jungfrun / The forest condition on Blue Maiden Island

Abrahamsson, Håkan January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the forest in the national park on the Blue Maiden Island and compare with mainland forest data. The study was made in a quantitative way. The results from the field measurement were related to data from the Swedish National Forest Inventory. Oak, Scots pine and Lime were the most common tree species and constituted 47, 18 and 16 % of basal area, respectively, on the island. The mean heigt was 7 m and the volume of living trees was on average 72 m³/ha and dead wood 30 m³/ha. The average age at breast height was 137 years and the oldest tree was an oak with the age of 335 years at breast height. The amount of dead wood constituted 40 % of the total volume. Disturbances have had influence on the forest on the Island. To what extent cannot be determined without further investigations.

"Nu ses vi aldrig mer!" : En deskriptiv studie om barns sorgereaktioner efter en förälders plötsliga och oväntade död / "We will never see eachother again!" : A descriptive study about children's grief reactions after a parent's sudden and unexpected death

Sjögren Granér, Matilda January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att, genom en deskriptiv metod, beskriva hur barn reagerar vid föräldrars plötsliga och oväntade dödsfall, vilka behov av stöd dessa barn har samt vad obearbetad sorg kan leda till bland barn. Ett plötsligt och oväntat dödsfall hos en förälder ses som en av de mest stressfulla och traumatiska upplevelse som barn och deras familjer kan tänkas gå igenom. Resultatet visar att samtliga barn i studien uppvisar starka känsloreaktioner på olika sätt efter föräldrarnas plötsliga och oväntade dödsfall, i form av overklighetskänslor och misstro, rädsla, ansvarstagande, skuldkänslor, ilska och irritabilitet samt saknad och ledsenhet, oavsett hur dödsfallet inträffat. Gemensamt för barn som förlorat en förälder är att sorgen efter den döde är en gemensam angelägenhet med viktiga personer i omgivningen. Om den efterlevande föräldern, och andra för barnet betydelsefulla personer, inte klarar av att låta barnet uttrycka sin sorg är det av vikt för barnet att få träffa utomstående professionella och barn som varit med om liknande upplevelser, för att ges möjlighet att hantera och bearbeta det inträffade. Om barn inte ges möjlighet att uttrycka sin sorg löper de en risk att utveckla framtida psykiska och fysiska besvär. / The aim of the study is to, through a descriptive methodology, describe how children react to a parent’s sudden and unexpected death, what needs of support these children have and what unprocessed grief can cause among children. A sudden and unexpected death of a parent is seen as one of the most stressful and traumatic experiences that children and their families are likely to go through. The result shows that all of the children in the study experienced strong emotional reactions in different ways after their parent’s sudden and unexpected death, in the shape of feelings of unreality and disbelief, fear, increased responsibility, guilt, anger and irritability and loss and sadness, regardless of how the death occurred. Common for children who have lost one parent is that mourning the dead is a common concern with important people in their surroundings. If the surviving parents, and other important people to the child, are unable to let the child express its grief, it is important for the child to get in contact with professionals and children who have experiences similar experiences, to be able to manage and process the occurred. If children are not given the opportunity to express their grief they are at risk of developing future mental and physical disorders.

En trädgårdsmästare i paradiset : En analys av tre bilderböcker som behandlar ämnet död och sorg / A gardener in paradise : An analysis of three picture books who address the subject death and grief

Blidstam, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this picture book analysis is to examine how death and grief are expressed in three analysis objects. In this essay it is discussed, with the support of previous research, whether and how these picture books can be used in education for primary school. Several researchers believe that the picture book is useful as a pedagogical tool for developing empa-thy and for discussing current topics. Therefore, with the help of Nikolajeva’s theories on the hermeneutic circle, I have conducted a picture box analysis. In the picture book analysis, I examined the outer binders of the books, what narrator voice and point of view that is used, how death is portrayed, and how the character's mourning processes are depicted. My results of the analyzes show that death is expressed through paraphrase and mourning processes are expressed in all analysis objects even if it is expressed in different ways. / Syftet med denna bilderboksanalys är att granska hur död och sorg uttrycks i tre analysobjekt. I denna uppsats diskuteras det, med stöd av tidigare forskning, om och i så fall hur bilderböckerna kan användas i undervisning för lågstadiet. Flera forskare anser att bilderboken är användbar som ett pedagogiskt verktyg för att utveckla empati och för att diskutera aktuella ämnen. Därför har jag, med hjälp av Nikolajevas teorier angående den hermeneutiska cirkeln, genomfört en bilderboksanalys. I bilderboksanalysen granskade jag böckernas yttre pärmar, vilken berättarröst och synvinkel som används, hur döden skildras samt hur karaktärernas sorgeprocesser skildras. Mitt resultat av analyserna visar att död uttrycks genom omskrivningar och sorgeprocesser uttrycks i samtliga analysobjekt även om det uttrycks på olika sätt.

Fjärranalys av kantzoner och död ved i Natura 2000- vattendrag : Hur har det förändrats över tid? / Remote sensing analysis of riparian zone and dead wood in Natura 2000-streams : How has it changed over time?

Samuelsson, Valdemar January 2019 (has links)
The forestry is the main use of forests in Sweden which results in a number of positive aspects but also a number of negative effects on our nature. Aquatic ecosystems are specifically exposed to land use by the forest industry. The problem areas that arise are mainly discharge of nutrients, mercury, change in hydromorphology and local environment, sludge transport, absence of dead wood in streams and altered solar radiation. In order to reduce negative impact and protect natural populations of species but also to protect important ecosystems, there are a number of national prospective objectives and laws. From the year 2014, a number of prospective aims have been introduced to get a common view of the problem factors, but also to get a common representation of how the forestry measures should be carried out.  This work evaluated the width of the riparian buffer zone left along the 138 streams at final clearcutting in the Vindelälven catchment, comparing three periods: period 1 (year 2001-2007), period 2 (year 2008-2013) and period 3 (year 2014-2018).  The work also included a count of the number of dead wood objects that occur in 16 of the 138 streams in the study area. The method of the study is based on remote sensing using ArcGIS software, along with a field inventory to verify the remote sensing with reality. The results found from the study were that a significant increase in average minimum-width was shown between periods 1 and 3 (ANOVA, n = 138, df = 2, F = 5.083 and p = 0.007). The results from the average width were not significantly different but suggest a positive correlation between lower age of final clearcutting and the average width of the riparian zone. The density of dead wood in the streams of the study site did not give any significant differences or correlations depending on time period. What could be explained from the result was that the presence of beaver (Castor fiber) positively affected the amount of dead wood. To conclude, positive effects of the introduction of new objectives for riparian buffer zone management were indicated.  This is a sign that the forestry industry is moving towards implementing more sustainable methods. In addition, a method based on remote sensing for measuring riparian buffer zone widths was found to provide reliable estimates in the Vindelälven catchment, Västerbotten County. / Grip on Life IP

Familjen & Döden : föräldrars förhållningssätt till sina kvarvarande barn

Ericson, Jessica, Millqvist, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to explore the role of death in the Swedish family. How do parents and families cope with the loss of a child/sibling? How do the remaining children in a family fare after loss of sibling? The study was caused out partially through a selective review of the literature on children loss in families and partially through interviews with families who had experienced death of a child. The results were analysed with help of Family system theory, Emotional theory and with an Esoteric perspective. The findings of the study were that although families do eventually cope with the situation the majority is struggling to adjust. Open communication between family members is important and will depend on how parents cope with their own grief. How the remaining children are treated also depends on how parents cope. Sometimes communication is lacking due to fear of facing their children’s pain. The study concludes that the way we are socialized in Sweden may alienate us from death and loss. Another conclusion is that philosophy of life seems important to be able to cope with loss.</p>

Den värdiga döden : En artikelserie om vård i livets slutskede

Wallin, Mårten January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den palliativa vården, vården i livets slutskede, är ojämnt fördelad över Sverige. Men vad beror det på? Vilka brister finns det, och hur ser situationen ut i Stockholmsregionen? Hur behandlar man dödssjuka människor, och hur är det att jobba nära döden vecka in och vecka ut? Vad innebär egentligen vård i livets slutskede, att ge vård till döende personer med en obotlig sjukdom? Möt några skötare och läkare som arbetar med patienter vid livets slut.</p>

Familjen &amp; Döden : föräldrars förhållningssätt till sina kvarvarande barn

Ericson, Jessica, Millqvist, Maria January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the role of death in the Swedish family. How do parents and families cope with the loss of a child/sibling? How do the remaining children in a family fare after loss of sibling? The study was caused out partially through a selective review of the literature on children loss in families and partially through interviews with families who had experienced death of a child. The results were analysed with help of Family system theory, Emotional theory and with an Esoteric perspective. The findings of the study were that although families do eventually cope with the situation the majority is struggling to adjust. Open communication between family members is important and will depend on how parents cope with their own grief. How the remaining children are treated also depends on how parents cope. Sometimes communication is lacking due to fear of facing their children’s pain. The study concludes that the way we are socialized in Sweden may alienate us from death and loss. Another conclusion is that philosophy of life seems important to be able to cope with loss.

Den värdiga döden : En artikelserie om vård i livets slutskede

Wallin, Mårten January 2009 (has links)
Den palliativa vården, vården i livets slutskede, är ojämnt fördelad över Sverige. Men vad beror det på? Vilka brister finns det, och hur ser situationen ut i Stockholmsregionen? Hur behandlar man dödssjuka människor, och hur är det att jobba nära döden vecka in och vecka ut? Vad innebär egentligen vård i livets slutskede, att ge vård till döende personer med en obotlig sjukdom? Möt några skötare och läkare som arbetar med patienter vid livets slut.

"Båda är vi fördömda - låt oss gå tillsammans!" : Att läsa Brott och straff i en kristen teologisk kontext

Bandak, George January 2013 (has links)
Det huvudsakliga syftet med min uppsats var att läsa Brott och straff (1866) i en kristen teologisk kontext, där jag ville undersöka om de två trosinriktningarna i romanen förenades eller inte. Jag tog min utgångspunkt i att Raskolnikov gav uttryck för föreställningar inom Gud-är-död-teologin med betoning på Simone Weil och William Hamilton, och att Sonja gav uttryck för föreställningar inom den rysk-ortodoxa teologin. Vidare formulerade jag frågan: Kan man läsa Brott och straff som en egen gren inom kristen teologi? Jag tog hjälp av identitetsrekonstruktion som metod, med fokus på Ruard Ganzevoorts användning av termen. Resultatet är att man faktiskt kan läsa Brott och straff som en egen gren inom kristen teologi. Både Raskolnikov och Sonja har fått något i utbyte av varandra och sålunda rekonstruerat sina tidigare övertygelser och trosuppfattningar. Raskolnikovs identitet, som tidigare präglades av en övermänniskoteori och föreställningen om att Gud kanske inte finns, har påverkats av mötet med Sonja och övergett sina tidigare trosuppfattningar. Han har börjat tro. Sonja har också genomgått en förändring. Mötet med Raskolnikov har lett till att hon har börjat betrakta verkligheten med ett realistiskt synsätt. Hon har även kommit till insikt om att lidandet är ett ofrånkomligt faktum. Resultatet av den teologiska föreningen leder till en ny sorts teologi, som jag valt att kalla hoppets teologi. En teologi som förenar föreställningar från båda trosinriktningar.

Änglar och sorg : Angels and mourning

Norling, Margaretha January 2011 (has links)
What psychologial processes are activated in experiencing mourning after a loss of a belovedperson? How is death described in other authors’ novels and short stories compared to mine? This essay aims at analysing my two short stories The follower and The price for love fromdifferent aspects. I discuss the psychological realism and the spirituality using the method ofclose reading, interpreting and applying ideas of texts from other authors in my short stories. Death is a central phenomenon in both of my texts. Therefore I discuss death frompsychological and philosophical aspects in this essay. To get a philosophical frame of death Iturn to Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Levinas and Martin Heidegger. They express different opinions but important to point out is their truism that death is waiting for us all. Then I turn to Sigmund Freud, Ann-Kristin Lundmark and Lars Rönnmark to get the psychological view of death. Because of the character of the texts, I use concepts of mourning and losses from Sigmund Freud, Barbro Lennéer Axelson and Lars Rönnmark. I discuss the characters, their inner psychological processes, and relationships between persons. In this essay I indicate that mourning is a natural reaction to the loss of a beloved person. The usual mourning often follow four phases. The first phase is the chock phase, then comes the reaction phase, followed by the process phase. Finally comes the reorientation phase. The religious aspect of the stories is also explored. There my starting point is authors as Staffan Ljungman and Inger Waern, who discuss the occurrence of angels in human beings lifes. The narrator in The follower is a guardian angel, something that makes the question ofangels interesting to study. The reality aspect in the short stories is also discussed in this essay. I turn to James Wood and compare his ideas and hypotheses with my texts. James Wood present the importance of giving the reader an appearance of reality and creating vitality of the literary characters. My stories are planted in a realistic environment, the characters act and react the way real people could do in their culture and epoch. Their mourning is also similar to what human beings could experience. Therefore I come to the conclusion that my stories could regard realistic for some readers but not to other. My intention is to give the reader an atmosphere of probability. If I success is both depending on the way I send my messages as well as on the way the reader receives it. I use no special school of philosophy or psychology to analyse these texts. I analyse from the point of view of a social worker. My own conclusion of this essay is that relationships are important in my stories, as well as a capability of mourning. The religious facet is an attempt to raise the question of a possible invisible world.

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