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Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders in a Community Sample of Adolescents and Young Adults: Incidence, Age Effects and Patterns of UsePerkonigg, Axel, Pfister, Hildegard, Höfler, Michael, Fröhlich, Christine, Zimmermann, Petra, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 29 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: We present the prevalence and incidence rates of alcohol, nicotine, and illicit substance use, abuse, and dependence in a sample of German adolescents and young adults. Patterns of onset, cohort trends, and use of various substance classes are also analyzed.
Method: A prospective longitudinal epidemiological study with a representative sample of adolescents and young adults (n = 3,021; baseline age range = 14–24 years) was conducted in Munich, Germany. Participants were assessed between 1995 and 1999 with the Munich-Composite International Diagnostic Interview.
Results: Cumulative lifetime incidence (up to age 28) of any substance abuse or dependence was 43.8%, and 12-month prevalence of any substance abuse or dependence was 24.4%. The lifetime incidence of nicotine dependence was most frequent (24.8%), followed by alcohol abuse (19.3%) and alcohol dependence (9.2%); 61.7% endorsed the regular use of a substance for at least one circumscribed period during their lifetime. Age-specific incidence rates and age at onset of substance use disorders differed by age cohorts. Furthermore, nicotine dependence was significantly associated with illicit substance use disorders (HR = 2.6, 95% CI 1.7–4.0). An interactive relationship between age, age at onset of nicotine dependence, and subsequent onset of illicit substance use disorders was found.
Conclusions: Since the baseline investigation in 1995, high incidence rates of substance use disorders and substance use have been observed in this young German sample. Especially younger cohorts report significantly earlier ages at onset of abuse and dependence. There also seems to be a trend towards a secondary age at onset peak of nicotine dependence after the onset of illicit drug use disorders. Further investigations are needed to study these patterns in younger samples. However, results emphasize the need for a combined prevention of illicit drugs and nicotine dependence. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Einfluss des Vigilanzniveaus während der [18F]FDG-PET-Untersuchung auf den regionalen zerebralen GlucosestoffwechselGünther, Thomas 10 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung: Die Untersuchung des regionalen zerebralen Glucosestoffwechsels mittels [18F]-2-Fluor-2-desoxy-D-glucose Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie ([18F]FDG-PET) ist ein etabliertes Verfahren der molekularen Bildgebung in der Diagnostik kognitiver und affektiver Störungen. Zwischen verschiedenen Untersuchungen kann es zu intra- und interindividuellen Unterschieden im Vigilanzniveau kommen. Das Ziel dieser ersten Machbarkeitsstudie war die Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs von aktuellem Vigilanzniveau und regionalem Glucosestoffwechsel während der [18F]FDG-PET.
Methoden: 14 ältere Patientinnen und Patienten mit depressiver Episode oder leichter kognitiver Beeinträchtigung (MCI, mild cognitive impairment) wurden mit simultaner Elektroenzephalographie und [18F]FDG-PET unter Ruhebedingungen untersucht. Der Zusammenhang von Vigilanzniveau und regionalem Glucosestoffwechsel wurde mittels voxelweiser einfacher linearer Regression analysiert.
Ergebnisse: Der Hauptbefund war eine Zunahme des regionalen zerebralen Glucosestoffwechsels mit abnehmendem Vigilanzniveau während der [18F]FDG-PET-Untersuchung in räumlich ausgedehnten frontalen und temporalen Kortizes.
Diskussion: Vigilanzbezogene Veränderungen des Glucosestoffwechsels finden sich in vergleichbaren Hirnregionen und Effektstärken wie Veränderungen des Glucosestoffwechsels bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit depressiver Störung oder MCI gegenüber Gesunden. Der Einfluss des Vigilanzniveaus auf den Glucosestoffwechsel während der [18F]FDG-PET-Untersuchung sollte in kontrollierten Studien gesunder Personen validiert werden.
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The Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology Study (EDSP): A Methodological UpdateLieb, Roselind, Isensee, Barbara, Sydow, Kirsten von, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 22 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The objectives of the community-based Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology (EDSP) Study are described along with a detailed account of the overall design, special design features, sample characteristics and instruments used. The EDSP employed a prospective-longitudinal design to study substance use and other mental disorders in a representative population sample of 3,021 subjects aged 14–24 years (birth cohorts 1970–1981) at ‘baseline’ – the outset of the study. Two follow-up investigations were conducted after the baseline investigation covering an overall period of 3–4 years. Special design features are the linkage with a family supplement (EDSP-FS) as well as neurobiological laboratory studies of high-risk subjects.
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Substance Use, Abuse and Dependence in GermanyPerkonigg, Axel, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
To provide background information about previous findings about the prevalence of use, abuse and dependence of various substances (nicotine, alcohol, prescription and illicit drugs) findings of available epidemiological studies in Germany from the 1980s and 1990s are summarized and critically evaluated. Focusing on findings of substance use surveys in adolescents and young adults the review indicates: (a) a considerable number of large scale questionnaire surveys in general population samples documenting the frequency of use and patterns of use of most substances; (b) indications of increasing rates of drug use particularly in East Germany; (c) high rates of illicit drug use, mainly of cannabinoids, but also stimulants and hallucinogens, among young age groups. No data are available from substance use surveys or from clinical epidemiological studies allowing the determination of how frequent substance abuse and substance dependence diagnoses are in the general population or in adolescents and young adults. Priorities for future research to ameliorate this unsatisfactory situation are outlined with emphasis on research in adolescents and young adults.
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Use, Abuse and Dependence of Prescription Drugs in Adolescents and Young AdultsLieb, Roselind, Pfister, Hildegard, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Lifetime prevalence estimates of psychotropic medicine use as well as prevalence of DSM-IV prescription drug use disorders from the baseline investigation of the Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology (EDSP) Study are presented. Use of prescription medication at some time in their life was reported by 27.4% of the respondents. Illicit use of prescription drugs, which means an intake without medical legitimation, was reported by 4.5% of the sample. The findings suggest that abuse of and dependence on prescription drugs, with most cases reporting polysubstance use, is quite rare in the 14- to 24-year-olds. DSM-IV abuse was more prevalent than dependence (0.5 vs. 0.3%). In general, women reported higher prevalence rates of prescription drug use, whereas men reported higher prevalence rates of prescription drug disorders. This result suggests that men have a higher risk to develop a substance-use-related disorder.
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Increased 12-Month Prevalence Rates of Mental Disorders in Patients with Chronic Somatic DiseasesHärter, Martin, Baumeister, Harald, Reuter, Katrin, Jacobi, Frank, Höfler, Michael, Bengel, Jürgen, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 22 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Although it is well established that chronic somatic diseases are significantly associated with a wide range of psychopathology, it remains unclear to what extent subjects with chronic somatic diseases are at increased risk of experiencing mental disorders. The present epidemiological study investigates age- and sex-adjusted 12-month prevalence rates of mental disorders in patients with cancer, and musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory tract diseases, based on comprehensive physicians’ diagnoses and compared with physically healthy probands.
Methods: Prevalence rates were calculated from two large epidemiological surveys. These studies investigated inpatients and patients from the general population with cancer (n = 174) and musculoskeletal (n = 1,416), cardiovascular (n = 915) and respiratory tract diseases (n = 453) as well as healthy controls (n = 1,083). The prevalence rates were based on the Munich Composite International Diagnostic Interview, a standardized interview for the assessment of mental disorders.
Results: Prevalence rates were very similar for inpatients (43.7%) and patients from the general population (42.2%). The adjusted odds ratios (OR) of patients with chronic somatic diseases were significantly elevated for mental disorders in comparison with healthy probands (OR: 2.2). Mood, anxiety and somatoform disorders were most frequent. The prevalence rates did not differ significantly between the somatic index diseases. The number of somatic diseases per patient had a higher association with mental disorders.
Conclusions: There is a strong relationship between chronic somatic diseases and mental disorders. A future task is to improve the care of mental disorders in patients with chronic physical illness, specifically with multimorbid conditions.
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Childhood Separation Anxiety and the Risk of Subsequent Psychopathology: Results from a Community StudyBrückl, Tanja M., Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Höfler, Michael, Pfister, Hildegard, Schneider, Silvia, Lieb, Roselind 29 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: To examine the association between separation anxiety disorder (SAD) and mental disorders in a community sample and to evaluate whether separation anxiety is specifically related to panic disorder with and without agoraphobia.
Method: The data come from a 4-year, prospective longitudinal study of a representative cohort of adolescents and young adults aged 14–24 years at baseline in Munich, Germany. The present analyses are based on a subsample of the younger cohort that completed baseline and two follow-up investigations (n = 1,090). DSM-IV diagnoses were made using the Munich Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Cox regressions with time-dependent covariates were used to examine whether prior SAD is associated with an increased risk for subsequent mental disorders.
Results: Participants meeting DSM-IV criteria for SAD were at an increased risk of developing subsequent panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDAG) (HR = 18.1, 95% CI = 5.6–58.7), specific phobia (HR = 2.7, 95% CI = 1.001–7.6), generalized anxiety disorder (HR = 9.4, 95% CI = 1.8–48.7), obsessive-compulsive disorder (HR = 10.7, 95% CI = 1.7–66.1), bipolar disorder (HR = 7.7, 95% CI = 2.8–20.8), pain disorder (HR = 3.5, 95% CI = 1.3–9.1), and alcohol dependence (HR = 4.7, 95% CI = 1.7–12.4). Increased hazard rates for PDAG (HR = 4.2, 95% CI = 1.4–12.1), bipolar disorder type II (HR = 8.1, 95% CI = 2.3–27.4), pain disorder (HR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.01–3.5), and alcohol dependence (HR = 2.1, 95% CI = 1.1–4.) were also found for subjects fulfilling subthreshold SAD.
Conclusions: Although revealing a strong association between SAD and PDAG, our results argue against a specific SAD-PDAG relationship. PDAG was neither a specific outcome nor a complete mediator variable of SAD.
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Unmet needs in the diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidemia in the primary care setting in GermanyBöhler, Steffen, Scharnagl, Hubert, Freisinger, F., Stojakovic, T., Glaesmer, Heide, Klotsche, Jens, Pieper, Lars, Pittrow, David, Kirch, Wilhelm, Schneider, Harald Jörn, Stalla, Günter Karl, Lehnert, Hendrik, Zeiher, Andreas M., Silber, Sigmund, Koch, Uwe, Ruf, Günther, März, Winfried, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 26 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Objectives and methods: DETECT is a cross-sectional study of 55,518 unselected consecutive patients in 3188 representative primary care offices in Germany. In a random subset of 7519 patients, an extensive standardized laboratory program was undertaken. The study investigated the prevalence of cardiovascular disease, known risk factors (such as diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia and their co-morbid manifestation), as well as treatment patterns. The present analysis of the DETECT laboratory dataset focused on the prevalence and treatment of dyslipidemia in primary medical care in Germany. Coronary artery disease (CAD), risk categories and LDL-C target achievement rates were determined in the subset of 6815 patients according to the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) ATP III Guidelines.
Results: Of all patients, 54.3% had dyslipidemia. Only 54.4% of the NCEP-classified dyslipidemic patients were diagnosed as ‘dyslipidemic’ by their physicians. Only 27% of all dyslipidemic patients (and 40.7% of the recognized dyslipidemic patients) were treated with lipid-lowering medications, and 11.1% of all dyslipidemic patients (41.4% of the patients treated with lipid-lowering drugs) achieved their LDL-C treatment goals. In conclusion, 80.3% of patients in the sample with dyslipidemia went undiagnosed, un-treated or under-treated.
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Psychische Störungen bei Patienten mit muskuloskelettalen und kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung / Mental disorders in patients with muscoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases in comparison to the general populationBaumeister, Harald, Höfler, Michael, Jacobi, Frank, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Bengel, Jürgen, Härter, Martin 09 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund: Ein signifikanter Anteil der Patienten mit einer chronischen körperlichen Erkrankung weist eine komorbide psychische Störung auf. Ob und in welchem Ausmaß sich die Prävalenzraten psychischer Störungen bei Patienten mit einer chronischen Erkrankung von denen der Allgemeinbevölkerung unterscheiden, ist bislang noch kaum untersucht. Fragestellung: Die vorliegende epidemiologische Studie untersucht geschlechts- und altersadjustierte 4-Wochen, 12-Monats- und Lebenszeitprävalenzen psychischer Störungen bei Rehabilitationspatienten mit muskuloskelettalen und kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen im Vergleich zu Prävalenzraten der Allgemeinbevölkerung. Methode: Die Daten der drei Stichproben (N = 4192) basieren jeweils auf einem zweistufigen, epidemiologischen Untersuchungsansatz mit einer schriftlichen Befragung der Patienten bzw. Probanden zu ihrem psychischen Befinden (GHQ-12; M-CIDI-S) und einem anschließenden Interview (M-CIDI) bei einem randomisiert ausgewählten Teil der Gesamtstichprobe. Ergebnisse: Mit adjustierten Lebenszeitprävalenzen von 59.3 % (OR: 1.6) und 56.2 % (OR: 1.4) weisen die Patienten mit einer muskuloskelettalen und kardiovaskulären Erkrankung im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung (47.9 %) eine deutlich erhöhte Prävalenz psychischer Störungen auf. Am häufigsten sind affektive Störungen (22.5 % bis 34.9%) und Angststörungen (18.4 % bis 33.8 %). Schlussfolgerung: Der im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung deutliche Zusammenhang zwischen chronischen körperlichen Erkrankungen und psychischen Störungen verdeutlicht die Bedeutsamkeit einer verstärkten Diagnostik und Behandlung komorbider psychischer Störungen bei chronisch erkrankten Patienten. / Background: A significant part of patients with chronic diseases have comorbid mental disorders. However, by now it is nearly unexplored if and to what extend the prevalence rates of mental disorders in patients with chronic diseases differ from the rates of the general population. Objective: The present epidemiologic study investigates sex- and age-adjusted 4-week, 12-months, and lifetime prevalence rates of mental disorders in inpatients with musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases compared to prevalence rates of the general population. Methods: In each sample (N = 4192), the data based on a two-stage epidemiologic design. The first stage entailed the use of a screening questionnaire for mental disorders (GHQ-12; M-CIDI-S). The second stage consisted of an interview (M-CIDI) of a randomised part of the sample. Results: The adjusted lifetime prevalence in both clinical samples (musculoskeletal: 59.3 %, OR 1.6; cardiovaskular: 56.2 %, OR 1.4) is high compared to the rate of the general population (47.9 %). Affective disorders (22.5 % to 34.9 %) and anxiety disorders (18.4% to 33.8 %) are the most common disorders. Conclusions: Compared to the general population there is a clear correlation between chronic diseases and mental disorders, that shows the importance of an improved diagnostic and treatment of patients suffering from comorbid mental disorders.
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EEG Asymmetries in Survivors of Severe Motor Accidents: Association with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and its Treatment as well as Posttraumatic Growth / EEG Asymmetrien bei Opfern schwerer Verkehrsunfälle: Zusammenhänge mit Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung deren Behandlung sowie Posttraumatischer ReifungRabe, Sirko 13 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Severe motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) represent one of the most often occurring psychological traumas, and are a leading cause of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). However, not all persons develop PTSD after traumatic events and a great proportion of patients who show symptoms initially recover over time. This has stimulated research of psychological and biological factors that explain development and maintenance of the disorder. Fortunately, this highly distressing condition can be effectively treated, e.g. via cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). However, brain mechanisms underlying changes due to psychological therapy in PTSD are almost unknown (Roffman, Marci, Glick, Dougherty, & Rauch, 2005). On the other hand there are observations of positive changes following trauma called Posttraumatic Growth (PTG), which have stimulated research of associated psychological processes and factors. However, there is a lack of research about the relation of biological variables (e.g. measures of brain function) and PTG.
Theories of brain asymmetry and emotion (Davidson, 1998b, 2004b; Heller, Koven, & Miller, 2003) propose that asymmetries of brain activation are related to certain features of human emotion (e.g. valence, approach or withdrawal tendencies, arousal). Whereas an enormous increase in the understanding of structural and functional abnormalities in PTSD could be achieved in the last decades due to neuroimaging research, there are still numerous unanswered questions. Especially, there is only little research explicitly examining activation asymmetries in PTSD. Furthermore, as mentioned, research is sparse investigating alterations of brain function that are associated with successful psychological treatment of PTSD. Finally, there is no published study examining how measures of brain function are related to PTG.
This thesis presents 3 studies investigating electroencephalographic (EEG) asymmetries in survivors of severe motor vehicle accidents. The first part of the thesis (chapter 2) is devoted to a literature review about description (chapter 2.1), epidemiology (chapter 2.2 and 2.3), risk factors (chapter 2.4), psychological theories (chapter 2.5), biological mechanisms particularly neuroimaging findings (chapter 2.6), and treatment of PTSD (chapter 2.7.). Chapter 2.8 gives a short review on definition and research of Posttraumatic Growth. Chapter 2.9 provides an overview of models and research regarding brain asymmetry and emotion.
In chapter 3.1, a study is presented that investigated hemispheric asymmetries (EEG alpha) among MVA survivors with PTSD, with subsyndromal PTSD, and without PTSD as well as non-exposed healthy controls during a baseline condition and in response to neutral, positive, negative, and trauma-related pictures (study I). Next, the findings of study II are presented (chapter 3.2). This study examined the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy on measures of EEG activity. Therefore, EEG activity before and after CBT in comparison to an assessment only Wait-list condition was measured. In chapter 3.3 a correlational study (study III) is presented that examined the relationship between frontal brain asymmetry and selfreported posttraumatic growth after severe MVAs.
Finally, in chapter 4 the findings are summarized and discussed with respect to (1) the state/trait debate in frontal asymmetry research and (2) current psychological theories of PTSD and PTG. In addition, the use of neuroscientific research for psychotherapy is discussed. Suggestions are presented for future goals for “brain” research of PTSD and treatment of PTSD. / Schwere Verkehrsunfälle stellen eines der am häufigsten vorkommenden psychologischen Traumata dar, und sind eine Hauptursache der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTBS). Jedoch entwickeln nicht alle Personen nach traumatischen Ereignissen eine PTBS und bei einem Großteil remittieren anfängliche PTBS-Symptome. Dies stimulierte die Erforschung von psychologischen und biologischen Faktoren, die die Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung der PTBS erklären. Glücklicherweise kann die PTBS effektiv, z.B über die kognitive Verhaltenstherapie (KVT), behandelt werden. Jedoch sind Gehirnmechanismen, die mit klinischen Änderungen aufgrund der psychologischen Therapie in PTSD einhergehen, nahezu unbekannt (Roffman, Marci, Glick, Dougherty, Rauch, 2005). Auf der anderen Seite gibt es Berichte von positiven Änderungen nach traumatischen Ereignissen, die als Posttraumatische Reifung (PTR) bezeichent werden. Dies hat in kürzerer Vergangenheit die Forschung von verbundenen psychologischen Prozessen und Faktoren stimuliert. Jedoch gibt es kaum Untersuchungen über die Beziehung von biologischen Variablen (z.B Messungen der Gehirnfunktion) und PTR.
Diese Arbeit präsentiert 3 Studien, die electroenzephalographische (EEG) Asymmetrien bei Opfern schwerer Verkehrsunfälle untersuchten. Der erste Teil der Arbeit (Kapitel 2) widmet sich einer Literaturrezension über: die Beschreibung (Kapitel 2.1), Epidemiologie (Kapitel 2.2 und 2.3), Risikofaktoren (Kapitel 2.4), psychologische Theorien (Kapitel 2.5), biologische Mechanismen besonders Neuroimaging Ergebnisse (Kapitel 2.6), und Behandlung der PTBS (Kapitel 2.7.). Kapitel 2.8 gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die Definition und Forschung zur Posttraumatischen Reifung. Kapitel 2.9 gibt eine Übersicht zu aktuellen Modellen und empirischen Befunden bezüglich Gehirnasymmetrien und Emotionen.
Kapitel 3.1 präsentiert eine Studie, in der hemisphärische Asymmetrien (im EEG-Alpha Band) bei Unfallopfern mit PTBS, subsyndromaler PTBS, und ohne PTBS sowie gesunden Kontrollpersonen ohne Unfall untersucht wurden: während einer Ruhemessung und einer Emotionsinduktions-bedingung (neutrale, positive, negative und trauma-spezifische Bilder) (Studie I). Danach werden die Ergebnisse der Studie II (Kapitel 3.2) präsentiert. Hier wurde die Wirkung der kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie auf Messungen der EEG-Aktivität untersucht. Deshalb wurde EEG-Aktivität vor und nach einer KVT im Vergleich mit einer Warten-Gruppe gemessen. Kapitel 3.3 präsentiert eine Korellationsanalyse (Studie III), bei der die Beziehung zwischen der frontalen Gehirnasymmetrie und posttraumatischer Reifung untersucht wurde.
Am Ende der Arbeit (Kapitel 4) werden die Ergebnisse zusammengefasst und in Bezug auf (1) die state/trait-Debatte im Rahmen der Asymmetrie-Forschung diskutiert sowie (2) ein Bezug zu aktuellen psychologische Theorien von PTSD und PTG hergestellt. Außerdem wird der Nutzen von neurobiologischer Forschung für die Psychotherapie besprochen. Dabei werden Vorschläge für zukünftige Projekte für die "Gehirn"-Forschung im Zusammenhang mit der PTBS, deren Behandlung und PTG gemacht.
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