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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Модел за евалуацију организационих и технолошких концепата у прерађивачком сектору из перспективе Индустрије 4.0 / Model za evaluaciju organizacionih i tehnoloških koncepata u prerađivačkom sektoru iz perspektive Industrije 4.0 / A model for evaluation of organizational and technological concepts in themanufacturing sector from the perspective of Industry 4.0

Medić Nenad 10 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Истраживање у докторској дисертацији односи се на примену организационих и технолошких концепата у прерађивачком сектору, са акцентом на њихов допринос савременим трендовима производње, дефинисаним у оквиру Индустрије 4.0. Основни циљ истраживања је да се развије концептуални модел за евалуацију организационих и технолошких концепата у прерађивачком сектору, а након тога да се модел емпиријски примени са циљем утврђивања специфичних концепата који, посматрано из перспективе савремених производних трендова, имају највећи значај за компаније. За сврхе овог истраживања коришћене су методе за вишекритеријумско одлучивање. Развијени модел може се користити у будућим истраживањима, док се резултати могу користити за стратешку оријентацију компанија које су заинтересоване да се прилагоде и да послују у складу са савременим трендовима производње.</p> / <p>Istraživanje u doktorskoj disertaciji odnosi se na primenu organizacionih i tehnoloških koncepata u prerađivačkom sektoru, sa akcentom na njihov doprinos savremenim trendovima proizvodnje, definisanim u okviru Industrije 4.0. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je da se razvije konceptualni model za evaluaciju organizacionih i tehnoloških koncepata u prerađivačkom sektoru, a nakon toga da se model empirijski primeni sa ciljem utvrđivanja specifičnih koncepata koji, posmatrano iz perspektive savremenih proizvodnih trendova, imaju najveći značaj za kompanije. Za svrhe ovog istraživanja korišćene su metode za višekriterijumsko odlučivanje. Razvijeni model može se koristiti u budućim istraživanjima, dok se rezultati mogu koristiti za stratešku orijentaciju kompanija koje su zainteresovane da se prilagode i da posluju u skladu sa savremenim trendovima proizvodnje.</p> / <p>This research is related to the use of organizational and technological<br />concepts in manufacturing companies, highlighting their contribution to the<br />production principles of Industry 4.0. The main purpose of this research is to<br />develop a model for evaluation of organizational and technological concepts<br />in the manufacturing sector from the perspective of Industry 4.0.<br />Consequently, the model was used to determine which organizational and<br />technological concepts are contributing the most to the production principles<br />of Industry 4.0. The developed model could be used in future research, while<br />the results presented in this research could serve for strategic orientation of<br />manufacturers.</p>

Rätten till algoritmisk förståelse : Om insyn i automatiserat beslutsfattande inom offentlig förvaltning / The right to algorithmic understanding : Transparency in automated decision making within public administration

Nygårds, Stina January 2022 (has links)
Automated decision making (ADM) is not a new phenomenon within public administration. Millions of automated decisions are made each year, including matters on parental benefits, social security benefits and income tax. ADM is used increasingly within both government agencies and municipal agencies. In light of this development, it becomes vital to have legal mechanisms in place which ensure transparency in automated decision making. This is to make sure that decisions are correct and that the systems work in compliance with procedural safeguards such as objectivity and impartiality. This begs the question of whether new legal solutions are needed to secure transparency of automated decisions. Current ADM systems within public administration are based on static algorithms that cannot change unless they are programmed to do so. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is such a technology, commonly used by municipal agencies. Given the development within artificial intelligence (AI), ADM systems based on AI might be the next step. Then again, taking into account the extensive problems with the non-transparency of the “black box” of AI makes this technology rather unfit for decision making within public administration. The legal system provides different ways for citizens to obtain insight into and control of public administration. The principle of public access to information provides a right for all to access official documents. The Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900) provides access to information for the party concerned with a matter and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU gives a right to information for data subjects. These rights to information can be restricted, for example by provisions on secrecy. However, the legal rights to information do not secure a comprehensive or direct transparency of the workings of ADM systems within public administration. The kind of transparency provided is rather a transparency by proxy, an indirect transparency that substitutes for a direct and functional one. For example, the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act are not adapted to ADM, and the application of the right to access official documents entails inconsistencies. If information is provided to a citizen, there is no guarantee of understanding for example a description of an algorithm. To create a direct and functional transparency of automated decisions and the workings of ADM systems, it is vital for law and technology to evolve in interplay. A general discussion of public access to ADM systems and their implications on public trust and the rule of law is also of the essence.

Factors Influencing Adoption of Information Security / Faktorer som influerar adoption av informations säkerhet

Wassenius, Klara, Jonasson, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
Background: Over the past years, organisations have been facing an increasedthreat from cyber criminality. This amplifies the necessity for organisations to implement highly secure systems to protect sensitive information.Purpose: Explore and identify factors that influence organisations’ willingness toadopt information security. The TOE framework is utilised to analyse and presentthe findings from the study, a commonly used and well-adapted framework appliedin multiple previous studies of technology adoption.Method: A qualitative research approach is used since it favours the exploratorynature of gaining a deeper understanding of why organisations adopt informationsecurity. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain a more profound understanding from the executive/top managers, IT managers, and others affected bysecurity adoption in the organisation.Results: The resulting factors are presented in the three contexts from the TOEframework. Technological context: tenability, relative advantage, return on investment, cost, complexity, and compatibility. Organisational context: willingness toadopt, organisational readiness, knowledge and expertise, external support, communication process, organisational awareness, and top management support. Environmental context: competitiveness, external pressure, geopolitics and external events,fear of exposure, experience and laws and regulations.Conclusions: The findings from this study clearly show factors that strongly impactorganisations to adopt information security. Top managers have a great responsibility to ensure the investment in security systems is sufficient to stay competitive andtrustworthy. The IT managers are expected to handle security concerns that theorganisation may be confronted by. The limited resources of expertise create significant challenges for the organisation to implement sufficient solutions. Leading toa high demand for external expertise to handle the security problems faced in theorganisation, creating an insufficient understanding and awareness of the problemsconcerning information security in the organisation. This thesis contributes withnuanced findings of why organisations adopt information security. The results alsocontribute to expanding previous findings in technology adoption adapting the TOEframework. / Bakgrund: Under de senaste åren har organisationer ställts inför en ökad hotbildfrån cyberkriminalitet, vilket kräver implementering av effektiva informationssystem.Men att investera i informationssäkerhet är inte helt oproblematiskt, säkra systemär avgörande för att skydda känslig information men det kommer med komplex ochavancerad teknik.Syfte: Identifiera vilka faktorer som påverkar organisationers vilja att adoptera informationssäkerhet. Detta görs genom att använda det väletablerade TOE-ramverketför att presentera och identifiera forskningsresultatet, ett vanligt använt och välutvecklat ramverk som tillämpats i flera tidigare studier inom området technologyadoption.Metod: En kvalitativ forskningsansats används eftersom den gynnar den utforskandekaraktären att bygga en djupare förståelse för varför organisationer investerar i informationssäkerhet. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes för att få en djupareförståelse från verkställande/toppchefer, IT-chefer och andra som påverkas av säkerhetsantagandet i organisationen.Resultat: Faktorerna separerades i TOE-ramverket. Teknologiska faktorer: hållbarhet, relativ fördel, avkastning på investeringen, kostnad, komplexitet samt kompatibilitet. Organisatoriska faktorer: vilja att adoptera, organisatorisk beredskap,kunskap och expertis, externt stöd, kommunikationsprocess, organisationsmedvetenhet samt toppledningsstöd. Externa faktorer: konkurrenskraft, extern press, geopolitik och externa händelser, rädsla för exponering, tidigare erfarenhet samt lagar ochregler.Slutsats: Resultaten från denna studie visar tydligt faktorer som starkt påverkarorganisationer att ta till sig informationssäkerhet. Toppchefer har ett stort ansvaratt säkerställa att investeringar i säkerhetssystem är tillräckliga för att förbli konkurrenskraftig och pålitliga gentemot sina kunder och leverantörer. IT-cheferna förväntas hantera säkerhetsproblem som organisationen kan ställas inför. Den begränsadekompetensen inom säkerhet skapar betydande utmaningar för organisationen attimplementera tillräckliga lösningar. Detta leder till en hög efterfrågan på externexpertis inom området, vilket skapar en bristande förståelse och medvetenhet kringproblematiken av informationssäkerhet i organisationen. Denna studie bidrar mednyanserade rön om varför organisationer använder informationssäkerhet. Resultatenbidrar också till att tillhandahålla nya fynd till tidigare studier inom området somapplicerat TOE-ramverket.

Fostering Proactiveness in Data-Driven Matrix Organizations : A Study of Alfa Laval's Distribution Center in Tumba

Falkenstrand, Johanna, Lemos, Camilla January 2019 (has links)
Globalization has increased the complexity of the business world, as it adds new dimensions to companies’ operations, such as global suppliers and customers, and competition from global actors. To handle the complexity, companies are pressured to become more data-driven to be able to measure and align their operations, and create possibilities for efficiency and competitiveness [Skjott-Larsen etal., 2007; Long, 2018]. In order to enable the change towards becoming more data-driven, companies need to rethink the structure of their organization. Matrix structures have gained popularity, since it allows companies to focus on more than one dimension by creating functional teams focused on specific tasks [Sy et al., 2005]. However, it is not uncommon that the functional groups becomes functional silos, with an inward focus on the own groups’ performance, leading to decreased understanding of other groups and poor communication between groups. A lack of understanding of other groups can lead to a reactive, rather than proactive, way of handling problems [Motiwalla and Pearson, 2009]. The purpose of this project is to create a process that can be used to facilitate proactive work in adata-driven matrix organization struggling with a reactive way of handling problems. The process can be used as a way to decide between possible solutions in decision-making processes, while making sure that any affected department is involved at an early stage in the decision-making process. At Alfa Laval’s distribution center (DC) in Tumba, they are facing the challenges of functional silos and reactive work. The organization is data-driven, why a lot of decisions are based on data. However, the best decision according to the data is not always feasible, which has lead to decisions being made that affects other departments negatively. Based on data from and observations made at the DC, a processwas created. The process was iterated and improved through application to real-life problems and point of improvements identified at DC Tumba. While it is based on the operations at Alfa Laval, it canbe applied to any organization facing similar challenges. The final version of the process proved to deliver good solutions to problems by involving stakeholders early on in the process, making it possible for them to influence how the solutions should be adjusted in order to avoid the changes affecting their daily work negatively. The most important conclusion is that important stakeholder departments should be involved earlyin decision-making processes. That way, their valuable competence and knowledge can be utilized when identifying possible solution, and any negative effects of a solution on another departments can be discovered before implementation. In addition, by taking the time to thoroughly analyze the root cause and effects to a problem, the understanding of the chain can increase. / Globalisering har ökat komplexiteten av affärsvärlden, då ytterligare dimensioner måste tas hänsyn till i företags verksamheter, så som globala leverantörer och kunder, och ökad konkurrens från globala aktörer. För att hantera komplexiteten blir företag mer datadrivna, för att kunna mäta och samordna sin verksamhet och skapa möjligheter för effektivitet och konkurrenskraftighet [Skjott-Larsen et al.,2007; Long, 2018]. För att möljiggöra ett skifte mot att bli mer datadriven, måste företag se över sin organisationsstruktur. Matrisstrukturer har ökat i popularitet då de möjliggör att företag kan fokusera på fler än en dimensioner samtidigt genom att skapa funktionella grupper fokuserade på specifikauppgifter [Sy et al., 2005]. Dock är det inte ovanligt att funktionella grupper förvandlas till funktionella silos, med ett inåtriktat fokus på den egna gruppens prestationer, vilket leder till minskad förtåelse och bristfällig kommunikation grupper emellan. Bristande förståelse för andra grupper kan leda till ett klimat där problem hanteras reaktivt snarare än proaktivt [Motiwalla and Pearson, 2009]. Syftet med detta projekt är att skapa en process som kan användas för att underlätta proaktivt arbetet i en datadriven organisation där problem hanteras reaktivt. Processen kan användas som ett hjälpmedel för att välja den bästa av flera möjliga lösningar, samtidigt som påverkade avdelningar involveras i ett tidigt stadium av beslutsprocessen. På Alfa Lavals distributionscenter (DC) i Tumba, finns utmaningar med funktionella silos och reaktivt arbete. Organisationen är datadriven, och beslut fattas baserat på data. Dock är inte alltid beslut som baserats på data rimliga, vilket har lett till att beslut tas som påverkar andra avdelningar negativt. Baserat på data från och observationer på DCt, skapades en preliminär process. Processen itererades och förbättrades sedan genom att appliceras på verkliga problem och förbättringsområden som identifierades på DC Tumba. Även om processen togs fram och baserades på Alfa Lavals verksamhet, kan den appliceras på andra organisationer som står inför samma utmaningar. Den slutgiltiga versionen av processen visade sig generera bra lösningar till problemen genom att involvera intressenter tidigt i processen, vilket gav dem möjligheten att påverka hur den rekommenderade lösningen skulle justeras för att undvika att dereas dagliga arbete skulle påverkas negativt. Den viktigaste slutsatsen är att det är viktigt att involvera intressentavdelningar i ett tidigt skede i beslutsfattandeprocesser. På så sätt kan deras värdefulla kompetens och kunskaper nyttjas när potentiella lösningar till ett problem genereras, och negativa effekter från lösningen på andra avdelningar kan upptäckas innan implementering. Att dessutom noggrant analysera roten till problemet och dess effekter kan leda till att förståelsen för hela kedjan ökar.

Deciding on Using Application Service Provision in SMEs

Johansson, Björn January 2004 (has links)
The use of external providers for the provision of information and communication technology (ICT) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is expected to increase. At the end of the 1990s the concept of Application Service Provision (ASP) and Application Service Providers (ASPs) was introduced. This is described as one way for SMEs to provide themselves with software applications. However, it can be stated that the concept has not taken off. This study examines what reasons influence the decision-making when deciding to use or not use ASP. The research question is: How do SMEs decide on using an Application Service Provider for the provision and maintenance of ICT? In order to answer the question decision-making processes in SMEs have been investigated in an interpretive case study. This study consisted of mainly semi-structured interviews that were done with three different ASPs and customers related to them. It also consisted of a questionnaire to the customers of one of the service providers. The analysis was then made as a withincase analysis, consisting of detailed write-ups for each site. The interviews and a literature survey of the ASP concept and theories that have been used to explain the ASP decision-making process generated seven constructs. From the presented and discussed theories, models and proposed constructs seven propositions were formulated. These propositions were used for the analysis and presentation of the findings in the study. The main conclusion of the study is the disparate view of what affects the adoption or non-adoption of the ASP concept. The service providers express the decision as a wish from the prospective customer to decrease costs and increase the predictability of costs. The customers on the other hand express it as a wish to increase accessibility; the cost perspective is found to be secondary.

The impact of race upon legislators' policy preferences and bill sponsorship patterns: the case of Ohio

Trautman, Linda 19 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Project portfolio management : a model for improved decision making

Enoch, Clive Nathanael 03 April 2014 (has links)
The recent global financial crisis, regulatory and compliance requirements placed on organisations, and the need for scientific research in the project portfolio management discipline were factors that motivated this research. The interest and contribution to the body of knowledge in project portfolio management has been growing significantly in recent years, however, there still appears to be a misalignment between literature and practice. A particular area of concern is the decision-making, during the management of the portfolio, regarding which projects to accelerate, suspend, or terminate. A lack of determining the individual and cumulative contribution of projects to strategic objectives leads to poorly informed decisions that negate the positive effect that project portfolio management could have in an organisation. The focus of this research is, therefore, aimed at providing a mechanism to determine the individual and cumulative contribution of projects to strategic objectives so that the right decisions can be made regarding those projects. This thesis begins with providing a context for project portfolio management by confirming a definition and providing a theoretical background through related theories. An investigation into the practice of project portfolio management then provides insight into the alignment between literature and practice and confirms the problem that needed to be addressed. A conceptual model provides a solution to the problem of determining the individual and cumulative contribution of projects to strategic objectives. The researcher illustrates how the model can be extended before verifying and validating the conceptual model. Having the ability to determine the contributions of projects to strategic objectives affords decision makers the opportunity to conduct what-if scenarios, enabled through the use of dashboards as a visualization technique, in order to test the impact of their decisions before committing them. This ensures that the right decisions regarding the project portfolio are made and that the maximum benefit regarding the strategic objectives is achieved. This research provides the mechanism to enable better-informed decision- making regarding the project portfolio. / Computing / D. Phil. (Computer science)

Development of an integrated tool for Process Modelling and Life Cycle Assessment : Ecodesign of process plants and application to drinking water treatment / Développement d’un outil intégré pour la Modélisation de Procédés et l’Analyse de Cycle de Vie : Ecoconception d’usines de procédés et application à la production d’eau potable

Mery, Yoann 14 December 2012 (has links)
Des outils adaptés pour s’attaquer aux problématiques environnementales sont nécessaires mais malheureusement absents de l’industrie. En effet, l’introduction de nouvelles pratiques d’écoconception dans l’industrie des procédés est entravée par le manque de réalisme et de flexibilité des outils associés. Les objectifs principaux de ce travail de recherche étaient le développement d’un outil intégré pour la modélisation de procédés et l’analyse de cycle de vie (PM-LCA), ainsi que la formulation d’une approche méthodologique affiliée pour l’écoconception de procédés. L’outil logiciel et l’approche méthodologique sont appliqués à la production d’eau potable.La revue de la littérature scientifique a permis d’appréhender les efforts de recherche nécessaires. Les principales lignes directrices sont établies en conséquence.L’outil développé, nommé EVALEAU, consiste en une bibliothèque logicielle de modèles de procédés unitaires permettant le calcul d’inventaire de données en fonction de paramètres de procédés. L’outil est embarqué dans le logiciel ACV Umberto® en complément de la base de données Ecoinvent. Uneboîte à outils pour l’analyse de sensibilité, basée sur la méthode de Morris, est implémentée pour l’identification des paramètres de procédés ayant une influence majeure sur les résultats d’impacts environnementaux.L’outil EVALEAU est testé sur deux études de cas - deux usines de production d’eau potable existantes. La fiabilité de l’approche est démontrée à travers la comparaison des calculs de qualité de l’eau, de consommations d’énergie et de matériaux avec les données réelles recueillies sur site. Une procédure d’écoconception est expérimentée sur une chaîne de traitement complexe démontrant ainsi la pertinence des résultats de simulations et l’utilité de l’analyse de sensibilité pour un choix optimal des paramètres opératoires. En conséquence, ce premier outil PM-LCA est censé promouvoir l’introduction de pratiques d’écoconception dans l’industrie de l’eau / Adapted tools for tackling environmental issues are necessary but they are still missing in industry. Indeed, the introduction of ecodesign practices in the process industry is hindered by the lack of realism and flexibility of related tools.The main objectives of this research work were the development of a fully integrated tool for Process Modelling & Life Cycle Assessment (PM-LCA), and the formulation of an affiliated methodological approach for process ecodesign. The software tool and the methodological approach are meant to be applied to water treatment technologies.The literature review leads to a better comprehension of the required research efforts. The main guidelines for the development of the software tool are stated accordingly.The developed tool, named EVALEAU, consists in a library of unit process models allowing life cycleinventory calculation in function of process parameters. The tool is embedded in Umberto® LCA software and is complementary to Ecoinvent database. A sensitivity analysis toolbox, based on theMorris method, was included for the identification of the process parameters mainly affecting the lifecycle impact assessment results.EVALEAU tool was tested through two case studies - two existing drinking water plants. There liability of the modelling approach was demonstrated through water quality simulation, energy and materials inventory simulation, compared with site real data. An ecodesign procedure was experienced on a complex water treatment chain, demonstrating the relevance of simulation results and the usefulness of sensitivity analysis for an optimal choice of operation parameters.This first developed PM-LCA tool is dedicated to foster the introduction of ecodesign practices in the water industry

Project portfolio management : a model for improved decision making

Enoch, Clive N. 03 April 2014 (has links)
The recent global financial crisis, regulatory and compliance requirements placed on organisations, and the need for scientific research in the project portfolio management discipline were factors that motivated this research. The interest and contribution to the body of knowledge in project portfolio management has been growing significantly in recent years, however, there still appears to be a misalignment between literature and practice. A particular area of concern is the decision-making, during the management of the portfolio, regarding which projects to accelerate, suspend, or terminate. A lack of determining the individual and cumulative contribution of projects to strategic objectives leads to poorly informed decisions that negate the positive effect that project portfolio management could have in an organisation. The focus of this research is, therefore, aimed at providing a mechanism to determine the individual and cumulative contribution of projects to strategic objectives so that the right decisions can be made regarding those projects. This thesis begins with providing a context for project portfolio management by confirming a definition and providing a theoretical background through related theories. An investigation into the practice of project portfolio management then provides insight into the alignment between literature and practice and confirms the problem that needed to be addressed. A conceptual model provides a solution to the problem of determining the individual and cumulative contribution of projects to strategic objectives. The researcher illustrates how the model can be extended before verifying and validating the conceptual model. Having the ability to determine the contributions of projects to strategic objectives affords decision makers the opportunity to conduct what-if scenarios, enabled through the use of dashboards as a visualization technique, in order to test the impact of their decisions before committing them. This ensures that the right decisions regarding the project portfolio are made and that the maximum benefit regarding the strategic objectives is achieved. This research provides the mechanism to enable better-informed decision- making regarding the project portfolio. / Computing / D. Phil. (Computer science)

WERKSTATTLOGIK - Computer im Spannungsfeld von Handwerks-Expertise und Akteurs-Beziehungen

Löwe, Hendrik 20 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit erklärt anhand von Vertragswerkstätten der Volkswagen AG, wie Kfz-Handwerker im komple-xen Feld Werkstatt Probleme lösen. Sie deckt auf, wie und warum Kfz-Handwerker auf besondere Weise Denken und Handeln. Dies meint, wie sie arbeiten, lernen und vor Allem, wie und warum sie Medien an-eignen – oder verweigern: Täglich diagnostizieren und reparieren Kfz-Handwerker Fahrzeuge. Dabei ist oft zu beobachten, dass extra dafür hergestellte Hilfsmedien von ihnen umgangen oder gar offen abgelehnt werden. Dies führt teils zu schweren Fehlern, teils aber auch zu herausragenden Leistungen. Bislang ist kaum geklärt, aus welchen Gründen dies erfolgt. Von den Handwerkern genannte Gründe er-scheinen in der Außenperspektive oft sonderbar. Doch sie sind subjektiv vernünftig. Die Untersuchung zeigt, mit welchen Begründungen die Handwerker sich gegen Medienaneignung entscheiden. Und sie er-klärt, inwiefern dies daran liegt, dass Computer im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den Expertise-Denk¬wei-sen der Handwerker und den sozialen Beziehungen der Akteure stehen. Die Akteure sind Mitarbeiter im Autohaus, aber auch beim Hersteller und beim Importeur des jew. Landes. Dies gelingt durch die theoretische Basis subjektwissenschaftlicher Lerntheorie, unter Bezugnahme auf wissenschaftliche Nachbardisziplinen und mit der Methodologie, Strategie und Methodik qualitativer So-zialforschung. Die Phänomene werden exemplarisch aus mehrwöchigen Feldstudien in Werkstätten der Volkswagen AG in Deutschland qua O-Ton-Audiomittschnitt, Interview und Beobachtung rekonstruiert und mit begleitenden Quellen ergänzt. So entstehen z.B. Modelle - zur Typologie intuitiver und analytischer Arbeitsstrategien der Handwerker - zu Reflexionsauslösern - zu Medienkontakthürden und - zur Medien(vertrauens)bewertung im Prozess der Medienkompetenzentwicklung. Durch diese erstmals in solcher Form geleistete Phänomen-Aufschlüsselung werden - neue Ansatzpunkte des didaktischen Designs - und für die technische Redaktion - Herausforderungen an Medien und Prozesse - und für die Qualitätssteigerung zwingend zu leistende Aufgaben aufgezeigt. Es werden fast banal scheinende, subtile alltägliche Phänomene analysiert und deren massiver Einfluss auf Fehler und Erfolge des Handelns verdeutlicht. Da ersteres oberflächlich altbekannt und oft unhinterfragt ist, wird die große Bedeutung für einen erfolgreichen Reparaturprozess zumeist übersehen. Darum bietet sich hier noch ungenutztes Verbesserungs-Potential. Die Befunde fokussieren auf deutsche ‚Werkstattlogik‘, sind aber mit kritischem Rückbezug auf kulturelle Besonderheiten auf die Volkswagen AG Vertragswerkstätten in über 150 Ländern anwendbar.

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