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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do floods scare off residents?

Berlemann, Michael, Methorst, Joel, Thum, Marcel 07 June 2024 (has links)
We use the 2002 flood disaster in the German state of Saxony as a natural experiment to study whether the population avoided disaster-prone areas after the flood. Such voting-by-feet location choices should enhance the resilience of municipalities in the future. Our difference-in-differences analysis with data from 419 municipalities over more than 10 years, however, shows that the communities affected by the flood had higher migration development than non-affected communities. The differential effect is also economically significant; the net migration rate is higher by approximately 2.5 people per 1000 inhabitants per year in affected municipalities.

Public health response and medical health needs in Asian natural disasters. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2011 (has links)
Chan Ying Yang Emily. / Thesis (M.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 217-234). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Some appendixes in Chinese.

Концептуални оквир за процену социјалне рањивости од природних хазарда у Србији / Konceptualni okvir za procenu socijalne ranjivosti od prirodnih hazarda u Srbiji / Conceptual Framework for the Social Vulnerability Assessment to Natural Hazards in Serbia

Panić Milena 12 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Рањивост од&nbsp; природних хазарда представља атрактивну тему<br />данашњице, која произилази из значаја који има за проблематику<br />природних непогода. Рањивост представља обавезну компоненту<br />сваке природне непогоде, тачније схвата се као &bdquo;контролна<br />полуга&ldquo; за смањење ризика од природних непогода. Социјална<br />рањивост од природних хазарда треба да укаже и опише ко или<br />шта је угрожено деловањем природног хазарда и у којој мери, као<br />и на обим и озбиљност последица које из потенцијалне колизије<br />могу произаћи. Из тог разлога, јавила се&nbsp; потреба да се социјална<br />рањивост измери, премери или процени у тежњи да се теоријске<br />поставке боље разумеју и добију практичну примену. Тај<br />комплексан приступ треба да пружи информације о нивоима<br />рањивости, као и отпорности одређених елемената у простору,&nbsp; а<br />потом и да омогући идентификацију покретачких фактора који<br />утичу на формирање и развој појаве социјалне рањивости. С<br />обзиром да је процена социјалне рањивости базирана на<br />званичним статистичким подацима, који дају уопштену, стерилну<br />слику стварности, за&nbsp; њено употпуњавање и хуманизацију<br />неопходно је истраживање перцепције, знања, ставова и искуства<br />становништва са природним хазардима и природним непогодама.<br />Најбољи приступ за испуњење тог циља је анкетно истраживање<br />које треба да омогући увид у поменуте карактеристике код<br />појединца, а потом обрадом добијених података и њиховим<br />уопштавањем стиче се потпуна слика о друштву и његовом<br />односу према природним хазардима и спремност за природне<br />непогоде.</p> / <p>Ranjivost od&nbsp; prirodnih hazarda predstavlja atraktivnu temu<br />današnjice, koja proizilazi iz značaja koji ima za problematiku<br />prirodnih nepogoda. Ranjivost predstavlja obaveznu komponentu<br />svake prirodne nepogode, tačnije shvata se kao &bdquo;kontrolna<br />poluga&ldquo; za smanjenje rizika od prirodnih nepogoda. Socijalna<br />ranjivost od prirodnih hazarda treba da ukaže i opiše ko ili<br />šta je ugroženo delovanjem prirodnog hazarda i u kojoj meri, kao<br />i na obim i ozbiljnost posledica koje iz potencijalne kolizije<br />mogu proizaći. Iz tog razloga, javila se&nbsp; potreba da se socijalna<br />ranjivost izmeri, premeri ili proceni u težnji da se teorijske<br />postavke bolje razumeju i dobiju praktičnu primenu. Taj<br />kompleksan pristup treba da pruži informacije o nivoima<br />ranjivosti, kao i otpornosti određenih elemenata u prostoru,&nbsp; a<br />potom i da omogući identifikaciju pokretačkih faktora koji<br />utiču na formiranje i razvoj pojave socijalne ranjivosti. S<br />obzirom da je procena socijalne ranjivosti bazirana na<br />zvaničnim statističkim podacima, koji daju uopštenu, sterilnu<br />sliku stvarnosti, za&nbsp; njeno upotpunjavanje i humanizaciju<br />neophodno je istraživanje percepcije, znanja, stavova i iskustva<br />stanovništva sa prirodnim hazardima i prirodnim nepogodama.<br />Najbolji pristup za ispunjenje tog cilja je anketno istraživanje<br />koje treba da omogući uvid u pomenute karakteristike kod<br />pojedinca, a potom obradom dobijenih podataka i njihovim<br />uopštavanjem stiče se potpuna slika o društvu i njegovom<br />odnosu prema prirodnim hazardima i spremnost za prirodne<br />nepogode.</p> / <p>Today,&nbsp; vulnerability&nbsp; to natural hazards is one of the most attractive topic, which stems from its importance for the research field of natural disasters. Vulnerability is a mandatory component of any natural disasters, more precisely understood as the &quot;control lever&quot; to reduce the natural disasters risk. Social vulnerability should point to and describe who or what is at risk from natural hazards and the extent and severity of the consequences of potential collisions. For this reason, there is a need to&nbsp; measure or estimate social vulnerability, which will enable theoretical assumptions to be better understood and receive practical application. This complex approach should provide information on the levels of vulnerability, as well as the resistance of certain elements in space,&nbsp; and then to allow the identification of the driving factors that influence the formation and development of the social vulnerability phenomena. Social vulnerability assessment is based on official statistics, which provide a general, sterile picture of reality, but its humanization is necessary through exploring of perceptions, knowledge, awareness and experiences of the society to natural hazards and natural disasters. The best approach for achieving that goal is the survey that should provide insight into the mentioned characteristics of the individual, and then processing the data and their generalization gets the full picture of the society and its relation to natural hazards and natural disasters preparedness.</p>

Investigating prospects of integrating spatial planning with disaster risk reduction in flood prone settlements of Greater Tzaneen Municipality of Limpopo Province in South Africa

Tladi, Mazwi Thapelo 18 May 2019 (has links)
MURP / Department of Urban and Regional Planning / Disaster is posing serious threats to both human lives, infrastructure and the environment at large. Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) is one of the many municipalities that suffer from flood related disasters. Lack of integration between Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and spatial planning has compounded the disaster risk situation in the municipality. This study sought to investigate the prospects of integrating spatial planning with disaster risk reduction in flood prone areas of GTM. The study is guided by three research objectives. First, the study sought to analyse spatial planning attributes that can be valorised for DRR in flood prone areas; Secondly, it sought to analyse spatial planning factors that define vulnerability attributes of households occupying flood prone areas. Finally, the study sought to perform a cluster analytical creation of a typology of households whose resilience to flooding could be enhanced through spatial planning. Twenty-five flood prone areas were analysed on the basis of four main flood vulnerability attributes. In order to identify such vulnerability attributes, the study borrowed critical insights from literatures on flood vulnerability, spatial planning and DRR. Such a critical review of literature was complemented by the use of pattern matching as a qualitative research instrument. Quantitative that was gathered using a structured observation checklist. Quantitative data generated was first subjected to various statistical tests that included Normality and Reliability Tests. Common measures of Normality test used included measures of skewness, kurtosis and the use of Normal Q-Q plots. To assess flood vulnerability, Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) was used. HCA was used to identify clusters of flood prone areas which had common characteristics in terms of the four main study constructs proposed by the study which included the physical/engineering, socio-economic, ecological/natural and political or governance conditions characterizing each area. HCA was then used to identify main clusters exhibiting similar characteristics and the associated level of vulnerability of such of communities occupying such clusters. Study results revealed 2 main clusters of flood prone areas whose differences lay in interactions that existed between the physical/engineering, socio-economic, ecological/natural and political or governance conditions characterizing each area. Such clusters depicted 2 levels of vulnerability that is high, and moderate. A number of opportunities and constraints were generated using the SWOT matrix strategy with the main results showing that spatial planning elements characterizing flood prone areas could be transformed into critical urban risk management options for DRR. This is because a spatial planning elements were found to have a direct influences on critical factors of DRR such as location of activities. The study concluded by recommending a number of spatial planning strategies that can be vaporized for DRR. Such strategies are systematically aligned to the unique vulnerability context conditions associated with the two flood vulnerability solution arrived at using HCA. / NRF

La modification des pratiques journalistiques et du contenu des nouvelles télévisées, du quotidien à la situation de crise : analyse France/Québec / Modifying journalistic practices and content of television news, daily to the crisis : analysis France / Quebec

Carignan, Marie-Ève 19 June 2014 (has links)
La présente thèse s'intéresse à la couverture de l'information lors de crises, soit des événements brutaux et inattendus, attribuables « à une situation très difficile, voire dangereuse, pour un individu, une organisation, un corps social, un système économique ou un pays » . Elle a pour objectif de définir en quoi les pratiques journalistiques et le contenu des médias diffèrent du quotidien à la situation de crise. L'hypothèse de départ, sur laquelle elle s'appuie, est qu'en situation de crise, les pratiques journalistiques seront affectées par l'émotivité, l'impulsion du moment et la recherche d'exclusivité. S'agissant du contenu, il y aura saturation de certains thèmes liés à la crise, alors que plusieurs sujets abordés quotidiennement seront évacués et que le risque d'erreurs ou d'inexactitudes sera exacerbé. Ce travail doctoral emprunte la voie de la comparaison entre la France et le Québec, deux pays présentant une structure de chaînes télévisées similaire, laquelle permet d'établir des bases de comparaison valables. Pour répondre au questionnement initial, une triple stratégie méthodologique a été adoptée. Cette stratégie inclut des entretiens semi-directifs sous forme d'histoire de vie professionnelle, réalisés avec différents acteurs de l'information. Suivent les résultats d'une analyse quantitative du contenu des journaux télévisés qui s'appuie sur un corpus composé de reportages présentés lors de trois types de crises survenues en France et au Québec, soit des crises « sociales », des crises « naturelles » et des crises « mixtes ». Enfin, une analyse de contenu des 1 676 décisions issues de la jurisprudence du Conseil de presse du Québec a été effectuée. / This thesis focuses on the news coverage during abrupt and unexpected events, due to "a very difficult situation, even dangerous, for an individual, an organization, a social body, an economic system or a country" and aims to determine in what journalistic practices and media contents in a crisis situation differ from the ordinary daily practices. The assumption on which this thesis rests is that in a crisis situation, journalistic practices will be affected by emotions, the spur of the moment and the search for exclusivity. Regarding content, there will be saturation of certain issues related to the crisis, while many daily topics will be removed and the risk of errors or inaccuracies will be exacerbated. This doctoral work follows the path of a comparison between France and Quebec, as both countries present a similar language and TV channel structure, which allows us to establish valid comparison bases. To answer the question of the research, a triple methodological strategy was adopted. First are presented the results of semi-structured interviews we made, in the form of professional life stories, with different actors from the information sector. These are followed by the results of a quantitative content analysis of television news which is based on a corpus formed of reports presented during three types of crises in France and in Quebec: "social" crisis, "natural" crises and "mixed" crises. Finally, a content analysis of 1,676 decisions from the jurisprudence of the Quebec Press Council was conducted.

Avaliação da magnitude do transtorno de estresse em vítimas de sequestro / Evaluation of the magnitude of the stress disorder caused by the trauma of kiddnapping

Santos, Eduardo Ferreira 10 November 2006 (has links)
Considerando que estamos vivendo em São Paulo e em todos os Estados do Brasil, um brutal estado de insegurança pública, vemos o crime de seqüestro (tanto na sua modalidade clássica de manter a vítima em cativeiro por período de tempo variável até o pagamento de resgate, quanto à modalidade conhecida como \"seqüestro-relâmpago\", no qual a vítima fica em poder dos criminosos por poucas horas, enquanto eles agem sobre caixas eletrônicos de bancos e as ameaçam de várias maneiras) atingir um grande número de pessoas com conseqüências graves para o desempenho de suas funções existenciais pós-seqüestro. Este trabalho mostra, através de Entrevistas Estruturadas e Escalas de Avaliação, que o grau de magnitude do Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático que acomete vítimas de ambos os tipos de seqüestro atinge picos suficientemente elevados e que devem receber maior atenção tanto em nível de Saúde Pública quanto Segurança Pública. / Considering that we are living in Sao Paulo and all others States of Brazil, a brutal state of public unsafeness, we see the kidnapping crime (not only in its classical modality of keeping the victim in captivity for a variable period of time until the rescue payment, but also in the modality known as \"lightning-kidnapping\", in which the victim remains under the criminal´ s arrest for few hours, while they act on cash machines and threaten the victims) reaching a great number of people with serious consequences for the performance of their post-sequestration existential functions. This work shows that the magnitude level of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that attacks kidnapping victims reaches sufficiently high peaks, that must receive more attention, not only in terms of Public Health but also Public Security.

A Sociedade Pós-Industrial e a Possível Recepção do Pool of Risks: aprimoramento e gestão do risco ambiental pelo ordenamento jurídico pátrio

Sarturi, Vinícius Gustavo 24 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-02-14T16:37:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Vinícius Gustavo Sarturi_.pdf: 2041740 bytes, checksum: 21ee672dfb06c0f1a1a5aa2948cfae61 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-14T16:37:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vinícius Gustavo Sarturi_.pdf: 2041740 bytes, checksum: 21ee672dfb06c0f1a1a5aa2948cfae61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-24 / Nenhuma / A presente dissertação compreende a análise das características da sociedade pós industrial, marcada pela globalização e pelo visível distanciamento das regras jurídicas aplicáveis às efetivas necessidades do período contemporâneo, pautado pela industrialização massificada, pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico e pela proliferação do risco em larga e complexa escala. Analisa também a crise econômica, política e institucional que assola o poder público e impede, em âmbito nacional, a adoção de medidas capazes de implementar uma adequada gestão do risco ambiental, vislumbrando, na formação teórica do pool of risks, a partir da teoria criada por Gunther Teubner, abordada na presente dissertação de modo eminentemente descritivo, a possibilidade de ser implementado um eficaz modelo preventivo de gestão. Nesse contexto, são expostos os fundamentos que embasam essa formação teórica, que se pauta na criação de conglomerados de empreendedores cujas atividades se mostrem capazes de gerar danos ao meio ambiente, em bases territoriais previamente delimitadas, com especial enfoque à individualização das áreas ecológicas de risco e à possibilidade de responsabilização solidária desse conglomerado, na hipótese de um dano vir a ser concretizado nos territórios previamente individualizados. Ganha destaque o fato de que, no pool of risks, a responsabilização solidária ocorre mesmo quando ausente o liame de causalidade entre o dano e o efetivo responsável pela sua concretização, sendo possível, em tais circunstâncias, a penalização de qualquer dos integrantes do pool, concluindo-se pela viabilidade dessa nova sistematização ser recepcionada pelas estruturas jurídicas vigentes, com potencial inovador que ostenta condições de impulsionar relevantes medidas de controle pelo direito pátrio, podendo reduzir a incidência de desastres ambientais em território nacional. / This dissertation comprises the analysis of the characteristics of the postindustrial society, marked by globalization and a visible distance from the legal rules applicable to the actual needs of the contemporary period, based on mass industrialization, technological development and proliferation of risk on a large and complex scale. It also analyzes the economic, political and institutional crisis that destroys public authorities and prevents, at a national level, the adoption of measures capable of implementing an adequate management of the environmental risk, envisaging in the theoretical formation of the pool of risks, from the theory created by Gunther Teubner, addressed in this dissertation in eminently descriptive, the possibility of implementing an effective preventive management model. In this context, the fundamentals underlying this theoretical formation are presented, which are based on the creation of conglomerates of entrepreneurs whose activities are capable of generating environmental damages, in previously delimited territorial bases, with special focus on the individualization of ecological risk areas and on the possibility of joint liability of this conglomerate, in the event of any damage being brought about in previously individualized territories. The fact that in the pool of risks joint liability occurs even when there is no causal relationship between the damage and the actual responsible for its consummation gains prominence, being possible in such circumstances to penalize any of the members of the pool, concluding on the feasibility of this new systematization be received by the legal structures in force, with innovative potential that has the conditions to promote relevant measures of control by the country's law, which may reduce the incidence of disasters in national territory.

A construção de uma cultura de riscos de desastre em Blumenau, SC: análise da cobertura das enchentes de 2008 e 2011 pelo Jornal de Santa Catarina / The construction of a disaster risk culture in Blumenau - SC: an analysis of the media coverage of the floods in 2008 and 2011 by the periodical Jornal de Santa Catarina

Spolaor, Jussara 03 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:30:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jussara Spolaor.pdf: 3049493 bytes, checksum: f69a694c1bb74c72af6b2c45af7f8244 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Blumenau is a city placed in Médio Vale do Itajaí Santa Catarina, which copes with floods since before its settlement, in the XIX century. Following the city development, problems related to floods and landslides, which are both matters of governmental and communitarian attention appeared. This Master s dissertation focuses on the construction of a disaster risk culture based on governmental and communitarian actions in order to manage these events in Blumenau. We have adopted as our theoretical approach the notion of governamentality (FOCAULT, 1978 [2008]), risk society (BECK, 1986 [2010]) and risk management (SPINK, 2001). In order to understand governmental and communitarian actions during the floods in 2008 and 2011, we have used a local circulation periodic named Jornal de Santa Catarina. The analysis was based on the covers of Jornal de Santa Catarina where we focused on how the media presented the two floods, and on news articles of General and Special editorials of this periodic, where we focused on the construction of a disaster risk culture. On a chronological perspective we focused on the covers used in the first month and on news articles published during the first week after each event. The results suggest a transformation from a disaster culture, guided by the inevitability of the events and action post-disaster, to a disaster risk culture, which praises prevention. They also suggest that the meanings constructed for the characterization of the disaster are defined, overall, by the environmental and human impacts, as well as influences on the city routine. Amongst the official actors, the results suggest an increse in governmental participation between 2008 and 2011, specifically in relation to the City Hall and the Civil Defense. In regards to the local organization, the voluntary intent actions started to be managed by the government in 2011, with little attention given to the point of view of the people directly affected by the disasters (victims) in the two analyzed periods. The results lead us to think that the construction of a disaster risk culture has as focus the management of the hazards by the governmental bodies, which have as object the maintenance of conditions of normalization on the city s routine, including the transition of management from local communitarian actions to the governmental bodies / Blumenau é uma cidade situada no Médio Vale do Itajaí, em Santa Catarina, que convive com enchentes desde antes de sua colonização, no século XIX. Com o desenvolvimento da cidade, emergem problemas em relação às enchentes e deslizamentos de terra, os quais são objeto de atuação governamental e comunitária. Esta dissertação tem como enfoque a construção de cultura de risco de desastre segundo as atuações governamentais e comunitárias para o enfrentamento desses acontecimentos na cidade de Blumenau. Adotamos como aporte teórico a noção de governamentalidade (FOCAULT, 1978[2008]), de sociedade de risco (BECK, 1986[2010]) e de gestão de riscos (SPINK, 2001). Para tanto, utilizamos o Jornal de Santa Catarina, de circulação local, para o entendimento das atuações governamentais e comunitárias durante as enchentes ocorridas em 2008 e 2011. A análise da pesquisa teve como enfoque a visibilidade midiática sobre as duas enchentes, a partir de análises das capas do Jornal de Santa Catarina; a construção da cultura de risco de desastre pela análise de reportagens das editoriais Geral e Especial. Nosso recorte temporal focou nas capas utilizadas no primeiro mês e nas reportagens veiculadas durante a primeira semana, nos dois acontecimentos. Os resultados sugerem a transformação de uma cultura de desastre orientada pela inevitabilidade dos eventos e ação pós-desastre para uma cultura de risco de desastres, a qual preconiza a prevenção. Também sugerem que os sentidos construídos para caracterização de desastre são definidos, sobretudo, pelos impactos ambientais, humanos e da rotina da cidade. Dentre os atores oficiais, os resultados sugerem maior organização governamental de 2008 a 2011, especificamente em relação à prefeitura e à Defesa Civil. Sobre a organização local, as ações de cunho voluntário passam a ser geridas pelos atores oficiais, no ano de 2011, com pouco destaque para o ponto de vista das pessoas diretamente atingidas pelos desastres (vítimas) nos dois períodos analisados. Os resultados nos conduzem a pensar que a construção de uma cultura de risco de desastre tem como foco a gestão dos riscos pelos órgãos governamentais, a qual tem como objeto a manutenção de condições de normalização sobre o cotidiano da cidade, incluindo a passagem das ações comunitárias locais a serem geridas pelos órgãos governamentais

Lama, luto e luta: a vivência dos atingidos pelo desastre da Samarco e a organização popular no Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB) como estratégia de enfrentamento / Mud, Mourning and Struggle: The experience of those affected by the Samarco disaster and the popular organization in the Movement of Dam ffected (MAB) as a coping strategy

Silva, Camilla Veras Pessoa da 14 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-03-28T10:24:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Camilla Veras Pessoa da Silva.pdf: 3079968 bytes, checksum: a01cbd96aa1f78ee2391025cad418b8d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-28T10:24:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Camilla Veras Pessoa da Silva.pdf: 3079968 bytes, checksum: a01cbd96aa1f78ee2391025cad418b8d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-14 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The present work is the result of a research carried out in the context of the participant observation in the context of the technological disaster caused by the rupture of the Fundão Dam, on 05/11/2015, of the mining company Samarco SA (Vale and BHP Billiton) in the region of Mariana-MG. A theoretical and bibliographical survey was also carried out regarding the conditions in which the disaster occurred and its environmental and psychosocial consequences, pointing to the overproduction, inherent to the model of mineral exploration in force in Brazil, and the negligence with the security and the monitoring of the dams of tailings and disasters of such magnitude (Poema, 2015). The disaster destroyed entire communities, affected 40 municipalities between the states of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and Bahia, and compromised the region's ecosystem and the country's fifth largest river basin, the Rio Doce Basin. In addition to affecting the lives of thousands of people, mostly rural workers, fishermen and traditional communities. The material and symbolic losses are incauculável, with prominence the destruction of the communities of Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu de Baixo. The disaster also killed 19 people. This study sought to understand the subjects' experience through the analysis of the meanings and meanings present in the narratives constructed by those affected by the disaster. In addition to seeking to reflect how the popular organization through a popular movement, in this case the Movement of Dam Affected (MAB), could strengthen processes of community resistance. It was concluded that the biopsychosocial impacts produced by the disaster situation produced a condition of psychosocial trauma (MARTÍN-BARÓ, 2000) and of ethical-political suffering (SAWAIA, 2014). In addition, it can be observed that the political participation of those affected, organized in a popular movement, generated subjective transformation, elaboration of a new sense of life and promoted health in the ethical-political perspective. The collective organization in the context of disaster has therefore become an alternative to confront the populations of the region, who up to now experience the consequences of the tragedy in their lives / O presente trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa realizada nos moldes da observação participante no contexto do desastre tecnológico provocado pelo rompimento da barragem do Fundão, no dia 05/11/2015, de responsabilidade da mineradora Samarco S.A (Vale e BHP Billiton) na região de Mariana-MG. Foi realizado ainda um levantamento teórico e bibliográfico a respeito das condições em que o desastre ocorreu e suas consequências ambientais e psicossociais, apontando para a superprodução, inerente ao modelo de exploração mineral vigente no Brasil, e a negligência com a segurança e o monitoramento das barragens de rejeitos, como as causas da produção de rompimento de barragens e desastres de tal magnitude (PoEMAS, 2015). O desastre destruiu comunidades inteiras, atingiu 40 munícipios entre os estados de Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo e Bahia, comprometeu o ecossistema da região e a quinta maior bacia hidrográfica do país, a Bacia do Rio Doce. Além de afetar a vida de milhares de pessoas, em sua maioria trabalhadores rurais, pescadores e comunidades tradicionais. As perdas materiais e simbólicas são incauculáveis, com destaque a destruição das comunidades de Bento Rodrigues e Paracatu de Baixo. O desastre provocou ainda a morte de 19 pessoas. Este estudo buscou compreender a vivência dos sujeitos, através da análise dos sentidos e significados presentes nas narrativas construídas pelos atingidos pelo desastre. Além de buscar refletir de que forma a organização popular através de um movimento popular, no caso o Movimento dos Atingidos por Barragens (MAB), poderia potencializar processos de resistência comunitária. A partir da observação e da análise das unidades de sentido encontradas, concluiu-se que os impactos biopsicossociais produzidos pela situação de desastre, produziram uma condição de trauma psicossocial (MARTÍN-BARÓ, 2000) e de sofrimento ético-político (SAWAIA, 2014). Além disso, pode-se observar que a participação política dos atingidos, organizados em um movimento popular, gerou transformação subjetiva, elaboração de um novo sentido de vida e promoveu saúde na perspectiva ético-política. A organização coletiva no contexto de desastre colocou-se, portanto, como alternativa de enfrentamento das populações da região, que até o presente momento vivenciam as consequências da tragédia nas suas vidas

Análise do impacto do Programa ATLS (R) (Advanced Trauma Life Support (R)) no atendimento do traumatizado em cidade de pequeno porte no Brasil / Analysis of the impact of the ATLS® (Advanced Trauma Life Support®) Program on trauma care in a small size city in Brasil

Alto, Lucio de Sousa Monte 18 January 2008 (has links)
Introdução: o Programa ATLS foi desenvolvido nos EUA na década de 70, visando estabelecer um método padronizado para avaliação e tratamento iniciais dos pacientes vítimas de trauma pelos médicos que trabalham nas unidades de emergência. Hoje, apesar do sucesso e de sua ampla disseminação internacional, os benefícios do Programa em relação à modificação dos índices de mortalidade das vítimas de trauma ainda não foram largamente comprovados. Objetivos: o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a efetividade do Programa ATLS no atendimento do traumatizado em cidade de pequeno porte do Brasil, analisando seu impacto sobre os índices de mortalidade, sobre o tempo de internação e sobre a realização de determinados procedimentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos. Métodos: no período compreendido entre 01 de Janeiro de 2003 e 31 de Dezembro de 2005, foram analisados 240 pacientes, vítimas de trauma, atendidos em hospital universitário de cidade de pequeno porte no Brasil, com RTS \"Revised Trauma Score\" - Escore Revisado de Trauma <6,62, subdivididos em duas amostras: grupo pré-ATLS (120 pacientes) - quando não havia protocolo específico para atendimento ao trauma, e grupo pós-ATLS (120 pacientes) - após a implantação do programa. Resultados: Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na mortalidade, com redução média de 17% no grupo pós-ATLS. Também foi constatado, no grupo pós-ATLS, aumento estatisticamente significativo da mortalidade após 24 horas da chegada do paciente ao hospital. Quanto ao tempo de internação, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos. Conclusão: a implantação do programa ATLS reduziu o índice de mortalidade global atestando efetividade no atendimento ao trauma. / Introduction: the ATLS Program was developed in U.S.A. in the decade of 70, aiming to provide a standardized method for initial evaluation and management of the trauma patient for the doctors that work at the emergency room. Today, despite the success and of its ample international dissemination, the impact of the benefits of the Program on trauma care has not been wide scientifically proven. Objectives: the objective of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the ATLS Program in the management of trauma patients in a small size city of Brasil, studying the real impact on the mortality index, the time of hospital stay and the accomplishment of determined diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Methods: starting on January 01, 2003 and ending on December 31, 2005, 240 trauma victims were studied at the university hospital of a small size city of Brasil, with RTS (Revised Trauma Score) < 6.62, subdivided in two samples: group pre-ATLS (120 patients) - when there was no specific protocol for trauma care, and group post-ATLS (120 patients) - after the implementation of the program. Results: It had statistical significant difference in mortality, with average reduction of 17% in the group post-ATLS. Also it was evidenced, in the group after-ATLS, statistical significant increase of mortality after 24 hours of the arrival of the patient to the hospital. Concerning the length of hospital stay, there was no statistical significant difference between the groups. Conclusion: the implementation of the ATLS program reduced the index of global mortality certifying effectiveness in the management of the trauma patient.

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