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Medidas antidumping e política doméstica: o caso da citricultura estadunidenseGeraldello, Camilla Silva [UNESP] 05 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
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000829306.pdf: 1408582 bytes, checksum: c6671d9b37fb717562299edcfc1315ca (MD5) / O objetivo dessa dissertação é analisar o funcionamento da dinâmica política dos Estados Unidos no processo de tomada de decisões de política externa comercial no contencioso do suco de laranja na Organização Mundial do Comércio ocorrido entre 2009 e 2011, visando compreender como tal dinâmica influenciou o embate internacional. A utilização pelos EUA da metodologia já condenada pelo regime internacional de comércio para o cálculo de direitos antidumping sobre o produto brasileiro denota que, embora o segmento citricultor não articule cadeias produtivas na economia nacional, sua importância no Estado da Flórida e a importância estratégica deste Estado na dinâmica política interna estadunidense são suficientes para que o setor consiga superar as preferências de livre comércio das indústrias, garantindo proteção. Desta forma, mostraremos como os interesses dos citricultores da Flórida se organizaram e manipularam um conjunto de informações buscando influenciar tanto as instituições responsáveis pela formulação da política externa comercial quanto a dinâmica política estadunidense na defesa de suas demandas / The goal of this work is to analyze the operation of politic dynamic in United States in the foreign commercial politics decision-making process in the orange juice contentious in the World Trade Organization (WTO) occurred between 2009 and 2011, for to comprehension how this dynamic had influenced the international dispute. The use of methodology already sentenced for the international trade regime to calculate antidumping duties about the Brazilian product by USA, replaced temporarily for application of phytosanitary measure, it shows that, although citrus sector don't articulate national productive chains with meningful economic, your importance within Florida State and the Florida strategic importance within politic dynamic in USA are enough that the sector get overcome the preferences of industy's free market, and guaranteeing protection. So, seek to demonstrate how Florida citrus growers organize and operate a set of information seeking to influence both policy makers and the USA politic dynamic in order to defend of their interests
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Nelegální sklady nebezpečných látek. / Illegal dumping sites of hazardous waste.POLÁK, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of illegal dumping of hazardous substances and waste in the Czech Republic. It is mainly focused on a possible emergency incident and the subsequent management of an emergency situation. The objective of the thesis is specification of these dumping sites, a concept of the methodical procedure for the components involved in emergency management, and also to identify possibilities of hazardous substances and waste disposal, or to find other alternatives. To evaluate possibilities of illegal dumping sites detection by state administration bodies. To meet these objectives it was necessary to study available resources, including legislation. And then to carry out a detailed analysis of illegal dumping sites of hazardous substances and waste detected in the past, with respect to the type and quantity of substances deposited. The analysis also comprised participation of the components involved in the case of an emergency and the procedure of emergency management after the case discovery by the authorities. The intention is to provide enough information for a safe emergency management in the event of further revelations of illegal dumping sites of hazardous substances and waste. The outcomes of this thesis may be used in training of the components involved and as a basis for model activities of the Integrated Rescue System components. The thesis was elaborated on the basis of a research and case studies with experts involved in comprehensive handling of the issue. The outcome of the thesis is a proposal of a methodological procedure for components intervening in an emergency incident, possibilities of illegal dumping sites detection and findings in the field of hazardous substances and waste disposal. Restriction of the impact of these emergency incidents consists in prevention of other illegal dumping sites occurrence. It is necessary to monitor dangerous substances and waste movement, to pursue inspection activities through authorized bodies and to update certain laws, such as the law on insolvency.
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Reasons behind Chinese Producers’ Various Responses to EU Anti-dumping Investigation : A Case Study TestCui, Weijing January 2006 (has links)
EU and China are important trade partners to each other; trade relationship is one of their crucial bilateral relationships. Within EU-China trade relationship, the dumping and anti-dumping issues play an important role. When EU commission initiates anti-dumping investigation, Chinese producers always have different responses. This study mainly focuses on the reasons behind Chinese producers’ various responses facing EU anti-dumping investigations. By digging out the real reasons behind Chinese producers’ various responses, this study is expected to make some contribution to the dumping and anti-dumping discussion between China and EU in academic level and to make some contribution to the policy adjusting of both sides in political lever. Some hypotheses drawing from a Chinese lawyer Tao Jingzhou’s claim in an interview are tested in this study. These hypotheses listed some possible factors affecting Chinese producers’ responses. There are many anti-dumping cases between China and EU, CFL-i (Integrated electronic compact fluorescent lamps) case initiated in April 2000 was chosen as a research object for case study in this research. When it comes to theory, Hirschman’s theory of exit and voice is used as the basic theory structure of this study. His followers especially Barry and Birch refined Hirschman’s model into exit-voice-silence. This model is implemented in this study as a theory approach. By interviewing some key people in the Chinese producers involving in CFL-i case and comparing the interview results with hypotheses, come conclusions are coming out: First, in the case study level, Chinese producers’ choice of options is in a dynamic process. With the change of situation, a certain producer can choose different option in different period of time. While this study verified the variables influencing the choice of Chinese producers mentioned by Tao Jingzhou in the hypotheses such as degree of depending on EU market, sufficient of funds, supports from local government, financial system, ownership of the company and the diversity of products, it found several other variables which also affect the decision making of Chinese producers such as nationalism, previous success experience. Second, when it comes to political level, for Chinese side, Chinese government especially local government should be more supportive when their enterprises are facing anti-dumping investigation from EU. In EU’s part, according to what has been discussed in the case study, currently it is not the time for EU to take China as a market economy treatment. However, its harsh criteria for applying for MET and individual treatment would get continuous severe critical from Chinese producers and government, which will negatively affect its trade relationship with China. For both sides, bilateral negotiations on anti-dumping duty or undertakings would be good for the long-run interests of both sides.
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La Thaïlande et le multilatéralisme commercial et financier (OMC et FMI) / Thailand, multilateral trade and financial institutions (WTO & IMF)Jantarakantee, Pimdaw 18 December 2009 (has links)
De nos jours, le multilatéralisme et le libre échange sont le fondement du système économique. La participation de la Thaïlande à l’OMC et au FMI joue un rôle incontournable dans les stratégies de développement du pays. En tant que pays en développement et malgré certaines dispositions particulières en sa faveur, l’influence qu’elle exerce au sein de chaque institution reste limitée. Ce qui l’a conduite à chercher des alliances en regroupant avec les pays qui partagent les mêmes positions pour mieux se faire entendre.Grâce à cette participation, le gouvernement thaïlandais dispose d’une source de financement en cas de crise économique et financière. Il peut mieux mener les politiques commerciales dont l’accent a été mis sur la promotion des exportations et avoir un mécanisme de règlement des différends qui lui permettent de défendre les intérêts de ses producteurs de manière plus efficace surtout lorsqu’il s’agit d’un différend avec des pays développés. Mais face à des limites du système multilatéral à vocation universelle (impasse du Cycle de Doha, problème de la conditionnalité de l’aide et de l’efficacité des mesures prévues par le FMI), la Thaïlande est retournée plus vers le bilatéralisme et le régionalisme afin de protéger les intérêts du pays. / In this day and age, multilateralism and free trade are the foundations of theeconomic system. The participation of Thailand in the World Trade Organization (WTO) andthe International Monetary Fund (IMF) plays an essential role in the development strategies ofthe country. As a developing country and despite some specific provisions in its favour,Thailand’s influence within each institution is limited. A greater voice, by gathering withcountries that share the same positions, prompted Thailand to seek such alliances. Throughthis participation, the Thai government has a funding source in the event of economic andfinancial crisis. They can improve trade policies that focus on export promotion and have adispute settlement mechanism that allows them to better defend the interests of its producers,especially when these disputes involve developed countries. But the limits of the multilateralsystem (Doha round impasse, the issue of conditionality and effectiveness of the IMF’smeasures) incite Thailand to turn more towards bilateralism and regionalism for protecting thecountry’s interests.
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Dynamique d'habitats benthiques sous contraintes anthropiques : le cas du site de dépôt de dragage d'Octeville / Benthic habitat dynamics under anthropogenic pressures : example of Octeville dredging siteBaux, Noemie 26 November 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est d'évaluer l'impact de l'immersion des sédiments de dragage du Grand Port Maritime du Havre (GPMH) sur l'environnement faunistique et sédimentaire à proximité du site de clapage d'Octeville (baie de Seine Orientale), en proposant une démarche scientifique originale, apportant une vision intégrée par (1) l'utilisation de marqueurs géochimiques couplés à une étude sédimentaire (2) l'étude de la dynamique spatiale et temporelle de la macrofaune benthique en lien avec une expérimentation in situ (3) la mise en place d'un nouvel indicateur multicritères spécifique de la pression de clapage (4) l'étude de l'ensemble du réseau trophique via le développement d'un modèleECOPATH. D'une part, les résultats ont mis en évidence l'existence d'une zone à l'équilibre sédimentaire au nord-ouest, avec deux gradients opposés de COT, contrôlés par les courants de marée et de houle. De plus, il est possible d'identifier les sédiments portuaires grâce à leur composition chimique différente. La zone impactée par les clapages est relativement restreinte. D'autre part, la macrofaune benthique apparaît peu impactée par les clapages. La communauté est particulièrement bien inféodée à l'environnement bio-hydro-sédimentaire de la zone d'étude. Des variations d'abondances et de dominances ont été observées depuis 2003. De plus, le nouvel indicateur proposé permet de classer l'impact engendré par les dépôts de sédiments en mer. Le réseau trophique est actuellement stable sur la zone impactée comme sur celle non-impactée par le clapage. / The aim of this thesis is to assess the impact of dumping by Le Havre harbour on the faunistic and sedimentary environment near the Octeville dumping site (Eastern part of the bay of Seine). This thesis propose an original scientific approach, including an integrated view (1) by the use of geochemical markers coupled with a sedimentary study (2) a study of the spatial and temporal benthic macrofauna dynamics with an experimentation in situ (3) the creation of a new multicriteria specific indicator of the dumping pressure and (4) a study of the food web with the development of an ECOPATH model. On the one hand, the results showed the existence of a sedimentary equilibrium area in the north-west, with two opposite TOC gradients, controlled by tidal and swell. Harbour sediments can be identified by their different chemical compositions. The area impacted by the dumping is limited. On the other hand, the benthic macrofauna appears less impacted by the dumping. The community is adapted in the bio-hydro-sedimentary environment of the study area. Variations in abundance and dominance have been observed since 2003.In addition, a new indicator allows the classification of dumping impact. The food web is currently stable in both impacted and not impacted areas.
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“Hela den här masshanteringsbranschen är smått kriminell kan man ju tycka” : - En studie kring den illegala dumpningen av avfall bland markägare, arrendatorer och kommuner inom Skåne län / Environmental Crime on the Rise : - A Study on the Illegal Dumping of Waste among Landowners, Leaseholders and Municipalities within Skåne CountyFolkesson, Sofia, Lindblad, Emelie, Uhlan, Nadhja January 2022 (has links)
Avfallsbrottslighet är ett växande samhällsproblem och ett aktuellt ämne i den politiska debatten. Media rapporterar om tusentals ton av dumpat skräp och brinnande sophögar på kommunal mark över hela Sverige och avfallsbrottsligheten tillhör en av de mest lukrativa brottstyperna i världen för de organiserade kriminella nätverken. Syftet med aktuell studie är att bidra med ökad kunskap kring arbetet mot illegal dumpning av avfall hos kommuner inom Skåne län. Vidare ämnar studien undersöka utsattheten för illegal dumpning av avfall bland markägare och arrendatorer inom Skåne län. Resultatet indikerar en uppenbar problematik vad gäller den diffusa definition som råder kring vad som kännetecknar avfallsbrottslighet och i synnerhet vad illegal dumpning innebär. Studien fann att kommunerna till viss del bidrar till mörkertalet gällande brottstypen då det verkar saknas rutiner kring polisanmälan vid upptäckt av illegal dumpning. Den illegala dumpningen är ett problem och den drabbar såväl den enskilde markägaren som arrendatorn och samhället i stort i form av otrygghet och kostnader. / Environmental crime is on the rise, and it affects the society as a whole. It is present in the current political debate and media reports on thousands of tons of dumped and burning waste piles on municipal land all over Sweden. Environmental crime is one of the most profitable illicit activities in the world and criminal networks profit greatly. This study aims to contribute with further knowledge regarding the work against illegal dumping of waste focused on municipalities within Skåne county, Sweden. The study also aims to investigate landowners and leaseholders exposure to the illegal dumping of waste. The result indicates that there is an issue regarding what is to be defined as environmental crime. The same goes for illegal dumping. The study finds that the municipality is to some degree contributing to the numbers of unreported crime due to the lack of set routines regarding reporting this type of crime to the police. The illegal dumping of waste is a widespread issue and it affects both the individual as well as society as a whole, both economically as well as psychological due to its ability to cause feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability.
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The standard of review under the North American free trade agreement chapter 19 : a comparative study with particular emphasis on the law of MexicoLaporta, José Luis. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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As relações internacionais entre os estados e a livre concorrência no mercado mundialMorbidelli, Sidney 08 April 2009 (has links)
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Sidney Morbidelli.pdf: 1637609 bytes, checksum: c381df8fae00912b070d6d92ff034169 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-04-08 / The theme of this thesis involves the analysis of international commerce since its creation and its commercial relationship in the worldwide market, after the emergence of a new universal order promoted by nations that are integrated in economic blocks. The globalization generated the interdependence among countries, forcing them to promote strategies and politics of economic development to assure the attractiveness of external investments and to extend the participation of their territories in worldwide markets. The Anti-Trust and Anti-Dumping rules that in the beginning were scattered and applied only to the internal affairs of the states, started to be systematized also in the universal scenery along the formation of GATT and OMC. With the action of this organization, there was a significant increase of protective measures to the international market pertaining to free competition in search of preservation and the access to the worldwide market. Nevertheless, the OMC have not been able to halt the trust and dumping practice regularly perpetrated by the countries. Its measures are insufficient to prevent satisfactorily in the acts of restriction to free competition and domination in the global market. In 1993, an International Anti-Trust code was created aiming to offer juridical security to the economic agents and their commercial relationship, to assure the free access to the market. The code s objective was to supplement the GATT deficiency in the absence of a universal legislation to competition regarding the question of industrial estate in the extraterritorial space in the states. The legislation was not approved, but the initiative represented a milestone in the harmonization and uniformity of the international right to competition and the legislation was embraced worldwide. Considering this perspective, the current thesis goal is to point out the need for a new international legislation of competition in order to halt the restrictive practices of commerce and the effects of concentration of markets arising with the new global economic order. Thus, it is proposed, the creation by OMC, of an anti-trust international code patterned after the code used by the European Union, which established a centralized authority to defend competition from the limiting present time practices. The code will be binding, defining universal standards and requiring mandatory enforcement by the signatory states of OMC. For the enforcement of the international rules of competition, it is suggested the formation of an international tribunal, again, patterned after the European community. Such tribunal was structured as a supranational organization, whose juridical laws are legally binding and applicable to all member countries, through the primacy of community laws concerning national rights. The international tribunal of competition will be directed by the OMC, which is the indicated forum to the treatment of worldwide competition and it will oversee the application and execution of the tribunal rules of the anti-trust international code / A temática desta tese envolve a análise do comércio internacional, desde a sua criação, e das relações comerciais no mercado mundial, após o surgimento de uma nova ordem universal protagonizada por nações que se integraram em blocos econômicos. A globalização gerou a interdependência entre os países, obrigando-os a promover estratégias e políticas de desenvolvimento econômico para garantir a atratividade dos investimentos externos e ampliar a participação de seus territórios na economia mundial. As regras antitruste e antidumping, que a princípio eram dispersas e voltadas apenas para o ambiente interno dos Estados, começaram a ser sistematizadas também no cenário universal, com a fundação do GATT e da OMC. Com a atuação desta organização, houve um aumento significativo das medidas de proteção ao comércio internacional no âmbito da livre concorrência, em busca da preservação e do acesso ao mercado mundial. Contudo, a OMC não tem sido capaz de coibir as práticas de truste e dumping, regularmente perpetradas pelos países. Suas medidas são insuficientes para interferir, satisfatoriamente, nos atos de restrição à livre concorrência no comércio global e à dominação do mercado. Em 1993, foi criado um Código Internacional Antitruste visando oferecer segurança jurídica aos agentes econômicos e às relações comerciais e assegurar o livre acesso aos mercados. O objetivo do Código era suprir as deficiências do GATT, no tocante à inexistência de uma legislação universal da concorrência, ao tratar as questões que envolviam o direito de propriedade industrial, no espaço extraterritorial dos Estados. A legislação não foi aprovada, mas a iniciativa representou um marco à harmonização e uniformização do direito internacional da concorrência, tornando-se uma bandeira defendida mundialmente. Considerando esta perspectiva, a presente tese tem por objetivo demonstrar a necessidade de se criar uma legislação internacional da concorrência, a fim de coibir as práticas restritivas ao comércio e os efeitos do fenômeno concentracionista dos mercados, surgidos com a nova ordem econômica global. Propõe-se, assim, a instituição, pela OMC, de um Código Internacional Antitruste, conforme modelo utilizado pela União Européia, que estabeleceu uma autoridade centralizada de defesa da concorrência, visando proteger os seus mercados da influência de práticas limitadoras ao livre comércio. O referido Código será vinculante, fixando normas universais harmonizadas e obrigatórias aos Estados signatários da OMC. Para a aplicabilidade das regras internacionais da concorrência, sugere-se a formação de um tribunal internacional, segundo o exemplo da Comunidade Européia. Esta foi estruturada como uma organização supranacional, cujo ordenamento jurídico é vinculativo e aplicável a todos os Países-membros, mediante o primado do Direito Comunitário sobre os direitos nacionais. O Tribunal Internacional da Concorrência será atrelado à OMC que é o foro mais indicado para o tratamento da concorrência mundial e cuidará da aplicação e execução das normas determinadas no Código Internacional Antitruste
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Modification of the Mercosur Social-Labor Declaration (2015): an advance in the construction of the social dimension of the integration process / Modificación de la Declaración Sociolaboral del Mercosur (2015): un avance en la construcción de la dimensión social del proceso de integraciónCastello Illione, Alejandro 12 April 2018 (has links)
This contribution analyzes the role fulfilled by International Labor Standards and, specifically, by social clauses in Free Trade Conventions and Agreements, as a way of preventing social dumping and building a social dimension in the globalization and regionalization of economy. The author offers the case of the MERCOSUR Labor and Social Declaration, issued in 2015, which amends that of the year 1998, studying its contents, legal efficacy and supervision mechanisms. He emphasizes the fact that social charters generally limit themselves to recognizing fundamental or basic labor rights already found in the legislation of the member countries, but which are nonetheless useful for hindering attempts to deregulate or relax social and labor provisions. / En la presente contribución, se analiza el rol que cumplen las Normas Internacionales del Trabajo y en particular las cláusulas sociales en los Tratados y Acuerdos de Libre Comercio, como forma de evitar el dumping social y c onstruir u na d imensión s ocial e n l a g lobalización, mundialización y regionalización de la economía. El autor expone el caso de la Declaración Social Laboral del MERCOSUR, aprobada en el 2015, que revisa la sancionada en el año 1998, estudiando su contenido, su eficacia jurídica y los mecanismos de contralor. Destaca que las Cartas sociales generalmente se limitan a reconocer derechos laborales fundamentales o básicos que ya se encuentran contemplados en los ordenamientos de los países que se integran, pero que igualmente sirven para poner un freno alos intentos de desregular o flexibilizar la normativa socio-laboral.
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Il presente lavoro ha ad oggetto una analisi comparata tra Europa ed America Latina in merito al fenomeno del dumping sociale e al suo stretto rapporto con il contratto di lavoro internazionale e le relative condizioni di lavoro.
Il lavoro di ricerca ha richiesto lo studio e l’analisi di fonti “variegate” e multidisciplinari in quanto si tratta di un fenomeno poliedrico, relativamente recente e che è stato oggetto di interpretazioni molto diverse, se non antitetiche.
L’obiettivo della presente analisi è molteplice. In primo luogo, si è trattato di definire il perimetro del fenomeno, astraendone una possibile definizione, tuttora assente nel panorama normativo vigente. In secondo luogo, si è voluto, mediante una analisi comparata tra Europa e America Latina, verificare l’andamento del dumping sociale in differenti contesti, in particolare, in un Paese industrializzato e in un Paese in via di sviluppo. Con il terzo e ultimo obiettivo, facendo emergere luci ed ombre del dumping sociale, si è cercato di individuare un percorso futuro dove fosse possibile – mediante comportamenti proattivi da parte di tutti gli attori coinvolti – arginare i fenomeni negativi del dumping e tutelare sempre più i diritti sociali. / The thesis concerns a comparative analysis between Europe and Latin America regarding the phenomenon of social dumping and its close relationship with the international employment contract and related working conditions.
The research has required the study and analysis of "varied" and multidisciplinary reference sources, taking into account that it is a multifaceted phenomenon, which has become more common in relatively recent periods and has been the subject of very different interpretations, sometimes even antithetical.
The aim of this research is multiple. Firstly, the thesis sought to define the perimeter of the phenomenon, extracting a possible legal definition, which is still absent in the existing regulatory framework. Secondly, through a comparative analysis between Europe and Latin America, the research analyzed the trend of social dumping in different contexts, in particular, in a developed and in a developing country. In its third and last objective, the thesis, by taking out the pros and cons of social dumping, tried to identify a future path in where it will be possible – through proactive behavior on behalf by all those involved – to make a positive contribution to counter the negative phenomena of dumping while increasingly protect social rights.
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