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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos para determinação de Ca, Mg, Na, K, S e P, em biodiesel, por espectrometria de absorção atômica e molecular de alta resolução e fonte contínua / Development of analytical methods for determination of Ca, Mg, Na, K, S and P, in biodiesel, by atomic absorption spectrometry and high-resolution continuum source molecular absorption spectrometry

Luís Eduardo Bernardes 09 March 2017 (has links)
O crescimento do consumo energético trouxe a necessidade do desenvolvimento de fontes alternativas de energia, uma vez que os combustíveis fósseis, além dos impactos ambientais, constituem uma fonte finita, cuja formação leva milhares de anos para ocorrer. Neste contexto, surge o biodiesel, uma fonte de energia renovável e que pode ser obtido através da reação de transesterificação dos triglicerídeos presentes em óleos vegetais e gorduras animais com álcoois de cadeia curta. Assim como os combustíveis derivados do petróleo, o biodiesel deve seguir alguns parâmetros de qualidade estabelecidos pela Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP). A estabilidade e a qualidade do biocombustível são afetadas por uma série de fatores, dentre os quais as concentrações de magnésio, cálcio, sódio, potássio, enxofre e fósforo. Visando unificar a determinação destes analitos através da espectrometria de absorção atômica e da espectrometria de absorção molecular de alta resolução e fonte contínua, foram propostos como métodos de preparo de amostra a digestão ácida e a fotodegradação para determinação de Mg, Ca, Na e K por FAAS, e análise direta para determinação de S e P por GF MAS. O preparo de amostra influenciou no limite de detecção dos elementos, visto que os melhores LOD para Na, K e Ca foram observados através da digestão ácida, especialmente na condição 2, empregando 6,0 mL de HNO3, 2,0 mL de H2O2 e 2,0 mL de HCl, enquanto que para Mg o menor LOD ocorreu para a fotodegradação por reação foto-Fenton. Os menores valores de RSD para Mg e Ca foram obtidos por fotodegradação foto-Fenton e por TiO2, respectivamente, e para Na e K por fotodegradação foto-Fenton e digestão ácida na condição 2, respectivamente. O biodiesel estava dentro das especificações exigidas pela legislação, então foram realizados testes de adição e recuperação para avaliar a exatidão dos métodos propostos. O Mg foi o analito cuja determinação apresentou as menores concentrações características, indicando maior sensibilidade, e também os menores LOD, enquanto que o cálcio apresentou a menor sensibilidade. A digestão ácida com 6,0 mL de HNO3 e 4,0 mL de H2O2 e a fotodegração foto-Fenton possibilitaram as melhores recuperações de analito considerando o conjunto dos 4 elementos, com variação de 88 % a 108 %. O padrão de enxofre a base de óleo mineral demonstrou não ser apropriado para a determinação de enxofre em biodiesel por análise direta. O uso de 2-mercaptoetanol como padrão, no entanto, possibilitou o estudo da molécula CS na amostra de biodiesel, apresentando-se mais compatível e com ganho de sensibilidade nas medidas. O emprego de Ir como modificador químico permanente e da mistura Pd/Mg permitiu boa estabilização da molécula CS, um LOD de 1,8 µg g-1 de biodiesel foi obtido, e a concentração de S na amostra não enriquecida foi de 6,2 µg g-1, abaixo do limite máximo permitido. Para o fósforo, somente foi possível obter sinal analítico em 246,40 nm, correspondente a uma transição rotacional da molécula PO, utilizando W como modificador químico. O LOD obtido foi de 2,2 µg g-1, e a concentração estimada na amostra pura pela curva de adição padrão estava entre o LOD e o LOQ calculados, abaixo do limite máximo permitido. Os métodos desenvolvidos mostraram-se apropriados para a determinação dos analitos na amostra de biodiesel via espectrometria de absorção atômica/molecular por chama e forno de grafite, atendendo a legislação vigente / The increase in the energy consumption over the last years led to the research and development of alternatives sources of energy, once the fossil fuels, besides their environmental effects, represent a finite source which takes thousands of years to be formed. In this context, biodiesel arises as a renewable source that can be produced by the transesterification reaction between triglycerides of vegetable oils or animal fat and short chain alcohols. As well as for oil-derived fuels, biodiesel must obey some quality specifications established by the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel Agency (NPA). The stability and quality of biofuels are influenced by conditions such as the concentration of magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, sulfur and phosphorus. This study aims to unify the determination of these elements by atomic absorption spectrometry and high-resolution continuum source molecular absorption spectrometry techniques. The proposed methods of sample treatment are the acid digestion and the photodegradation for Mg, Ca, Na and K by FAAS, and the direct analysis for S and P by GF MAS. The limits of detection were influenced by the sample treatment. The lowest LOD values for Na, K and Ca were observed through acid digestion, especially second condition (6,0 mL of HNO3, 2,0 mL of H2O2 and 2,0 mL of HCl), while for Mg the lowest LOD was achieved by photo-Fenton photodegradation. The lowest RSD values for Mg and Ca were observed by photo-Fenton and TiO2 photodegradations, respectively, and for Na and K by photo-Fenton photodegradation and acid digestion (condition 2), respectively. The biodiesel sample was within the specifications legally required, therefore recovery tests were used to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed methods. Magnesium was the analyte whose determination showed the lowest characteristic concentrations, which indicates the best sensitivity, and also the lowest detection limits, while calcium was the least sensitive analyte. The acid digestion (6.0 mL of HNO3 and 4.0 mL of H2O2) and photodegradation by photo-Fenton reaction allowed the best recoveries, considering the set of 4 analytes, ranging from 88 % to 108 %. The oil-based standard was not appropriated for sulfur determination in biodiesel sample by direct analysis. The use of 2-mercaptoethanol as a standard led to a better sensitivity, in addition to the compatibility with the sample. Iridium as permanent chemical modifier, along with a mixture of Pd/Mg, provided good stabilization of CS molecule, a LOD of 1.8 µg g-1 was achieved, and the sulfur concentration in the biodiesel sample, obtained by standard addition method, was 6.2 µg g-1, below the limit legally established. Regarding phosphorus study for determination in biodiesel, an acceptable analytic signal was obtained at 246.40 nm, which corresponds to a rotational transition of PO molecule. The calculated LOD was 2.2 µg g-1, and the estimated concentration in the pure sample, obtained by a standard addition curve, was between the LOD and LOQ, below the limit legally established. The developed methods were appropriated for determination of the proposed analytes set in biodiesel sample by atomic/molecular absorption spectrometry, in agreement with current legislation

Viabilidade da medida de elementos-traço em soro sanguíneo para diagnóstico de melanoma / Trace elements measurement in blood sérum for the diagnosis of melanoma a viability study

Suene Bernardes dos Santos 01 October 2012 (has links)
A medida e o controle de elementos químicos, majoritários ou traço, em tecidos e fluídos biológicos, vem sendo utilizada há muito tempo para diagnósticos médicos, em avaliações de saúde, estado nutricional e para prevenção e acompanhamento de doenças. Em muitos casos tal relação já foi solidamente estabelecida, mas no estudo de neoplasias, ainda se busca relação entre teores químicos elementares e vários tipos (ou estágios) de câncer. Nesse tipo de estudo utilizam-se métodos espectroscópicos multi-elementares de altíssima sensibilidade ainda não disponíveis rotineiramente em laboratórios clínicos. Neste trabalho, buscaram-se alterações na concentração de elementos químicos majoritários e traço em soro sanguíneo de pacientes com melanoma, por meio de análises pelos métodos PIXE e HR-ICPMS como auxiliar de diagnóstico desta neoplasia, uma vez que sua detecção em estágios iniciais aumenta a probabilidade de recuperação. A técnica PIXE (Proton Induced X-ray Emission) de análise multi-elementar baseia-se na detecção de raios X característicos, enquanto o HR-ICPMS (High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) é um espectrômetro de massa de alta resolução. As amostras de sangue de 30 pacientes e 116 doadores sadios foram coletadas no Hospital São Paulo (protocolos CEP 1036/08 UNIFESP) em tubos de vidro sem aditivos, sendo o soro separado por meio de centrifugação a 4500 rpm durante 15 minutos. Foram identificados e quantificados um total de 10 elementos: 4 por HR-ICPMS (Mg, Se, Cu e Zn) e 8 por PIXE (P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Br, Cu e Zn). Os métodos analíticos foram aferidos com os materiais de referência QMEQAS06S-06, QMEQAS08S-06 e NIST 1577b. A precisão analítica variou de 3 % a 9 % para ambas as técnicas. As informações clínicas relevantes dos pacientes foram incluídas na análise (tipo histológico do tumor; nível de melanoma; escala de Breslow em profundidade; número de linfonodos; presença ou ausência de mitose e/ou ulceração). A avaliação do grupo controle mostrou diferentes concentrações de P e Mg para indivíduos com idade acima ou abaixo de 40 anos. Os teores de P, S, Ca, Cu e Zn em indivíduos saudáveis apresentaram diferenças com o gênero, evidenciando a necessidade de inserir estas variáveis na análise caso-controle. As concentrações de K, S, Ca e Se apresentaram diferença entre os grupos controle e melanoma, quando consideradas as variáveis clínicas dos pacientes (p<0,05). A necessidade de estratificação por idade, gênero e estágio da neoplasia, reduziu criticamente o já limitado espaço amostral, comprometendo a interpretação das pequenas diferenças nas concentrações elementares encontradas. Os resultados encontrados para a população sadia concordaram com os valores publicados na literatura e colaboraram para o fortalecimento do banco de dados de concentrações elementares em soro da população brasileira. / Recording chemical elements, either as major or trace quantities, in tissues and biological fluids is regularly being used for medical diagnosis, health assessments, nutritional status, and for the monitoring and prevention of diseases. In many cases, such relationship is firmly established, but for cancer, there is still a search for a relationship between chemical elements and various types (or stages) of cancer. In this kind of study, highly sensitive multielemental spectroscopic methods are used which are not yet routinely available in clinical laboratories. In this study, changes in the concentration of chemical elements in serum of melanoma patients were sought by means of PIXE and HR-ICPMS analysis as an aid to early diagnosis, and to help increasing the likelihood of pacients recovery. The multi-elemental PIXE method (Proton Induced X-ray Emission) relies on the detection of characteristic X-rays of the sample, while the HR-ICPMS (High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) is a high resolution mass spectrometer. Blood samples from 30 patients and 116 healthy donors were collected at the Hospital (protocols CEP 1036/08 UNIFESP) in glass tubes without additives, and the serum separated after centrifugation for 15 minutes at 4500 rpm. A total of 10 elements were measured: 4 by HR-ICPMS (Mg, Se, Cu and Zn), 8 by PIXE (P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Br, Cu and Zn). The analytical methods were assessed analyzing reference materials QMEQAS06S-06, QMEQAS08S-06 and NIST 1577b. The analytical precision ranged from 3 % to 9 %. Relevant clinical information of patients has also been included in the statistical analysis (histological type of tumor, level of melanoma, Breslow depth scale, number of lymph nodes, presence or absence of mitosis and/or ulceration). The evaluation of the control group showed different concentrations of P and Mg for individuals aged above and below 40 years. The P, S, Ca, Cu and Zn in healthy individuals differed according to the gender, highlighting the need of inserting the variables age and gender in the case-control analysis. The concentrations of K, S, Ca and Se showed differences between the control group and the melanoma, when considering the clinical variables of the patients (p <0.05). The need for stratification by age, gender and stage of cancer, critically reduced the already limited number of samples, compromising the interpretation of the small differences in elemental concentrations found. The results for the healthy population agreed with the values reported in the literature and contributed to strengthen the database of elemental concentrations in serum of the Brazilian population.

HUMAN RESOURCES : En studie om erfarenheter av att vara nyanställd inom HR samt yrkesidentiteten på arbetsplatsen

Hagman, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Att vara nyanställd på en arbetsplats är inte alltid enkelt, det kan finnas stora krav och förväntningar på individen. Studien syftar främst till att beskriva, utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv, HR-arbetarnas egna upplevelser och erfarenheter av att vara nyanställd, för att synliggöra om sådana erfarenheter har betydelse för hur HR arbetar med nyanställda inom HR-branschen. Studiens teoretiska och begreppsliga referensram utgår ifrån ett interaktionistiskt perspektiv kring såväl självidentitet som anställningsbarhet. Genom den hermeneutiska metoden har det utförts intervjuer i dialogform med fem olika respondenter som är anställda i HR-branschen. Resultatet presenteras i en tolkningsprocess som innehåller en preliminär, fördjupad och till sist en huvudtolkning. Det resultat som anses vara mest centralt är tillgången till olika former av stöd, som innefattar vilka krav och förväntningar respondenterna ställs inför på arbetsplatsen. Ett annat resultat visar vilka erfarenheter som har bidragit och utvecklat deras yrkesidentitet från första tiden på arbetet. Slutligen visar huvudtolkningen på hur viktigt det är att ta vara på varandras relationer och kunskaper inom HR.

Etudes d'interactions moléculaires par RMN dans les systèmes complexes : utilisation de la technologie HR-MAS pour l'étude de l'interaction protéine ligand / Molecular interactions study in complex systems by NMR

Viéville, Justine 14 March 2014 (has links)
La RMN est un outil analytique extrêmement puissant pour l’analyse quantitative et structurale, et est très utilisée en biologie structurale. C’est dans ce contexte que nous avons choisi d’étudier les interactions par RMN. Le premier système choisi est un système de polymères, les PEO. Ils sont caractérisés par plusieurs grandeurs physiques dont l’indice de polydispersité. Cet indice représente la distribution de taille d’une population de polymères. Nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode de diffusion par RMN, la DOSY afin d’accéder à cet indice : J. Viéville et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 212 (2011)169–173 Le deuxième système complexe étudié est un type de molécules chimiques mimétiques de l’ADN, les PNA, acides nucléiques peptidiques. Les PNA possèdent des bases nucléiques leur permettant de former des liaisons avec l’ADN ou l’ARN. Nous avons montré par des analyses de RMN que les PNA en solution peuvent former des complexes très stables avec des températures de fusion élevées. Ces analyses RMN sont complétées par des analyses de dichroïsme circulaire.Afin de compléter notre panel d’études sur les interactions moléculaires par RMN, nous avons étudié les interactions protéine-ligand avec greffage de la protéine sur phase solide : J.M.P. Viéville et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 89 (2014) 18–23 / NMR is a powerfull technique we decided to extend to follow interactions in complex mixtures. First part is about polydispersity index of polymer which is an important physical parameter when working with polymers. We developed here a new method, based on PEO analysis, using diffusion experiments (DOSY) by NMR to assess the polydispersity index: J. Viéville et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 212 (2011) 169–173. In a second time, we worked on peptidic nucleic acids, PNA. These chemicals molecules are designed to bind DNA or RNA for clinical studies. We studied PNA in solution, by NMR to showwhich kind of interactions they form on themselves. We found very stable complexes with high fusion temperatures. Circular dichroism measurements were helpful for fusion temperature determination and structural studies. To complete this panel, we were interested in the study of protein-ligand interaction. We developed a new way to follow them, using a grafted protein on a solid phase based on HR-MAS NMR technology: J.M.P. Viéville et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 89 (2014) 18–23

"Vi kan göra underverk tillsammans!" : En intervjustudie om HR-chefers upplevelse av sin roll och sitt arbete / "Together we can do miracles!" : An interview study based on HR managers’ experiences of their work

Gunnarsson, Irma Lina, Mencevski, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Att människan är företagets viktigaste resurs vidhåller många organisationer i det moderna arbetslivet. Ett företags HR-avdelning ansvarar för att hantera alla frågor som rör de anställda i en organisation, såsom kompetensförsörjning, ledarskapsutveckling, arbetsmiljö- och lönefrågor. HR-arbetet har under de senaste decennierna genomgått en transformation från administrativ stödfunktion till strategisk affärspartner, och ska existensberättigas genom ett ständigt värdeskapande mot företagets affärsmål. I Sverige ansvarar HR-funktionen också för att säkerställa en strategi för de organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljöproblem som under 2010- talet legat till grund för landets kraftigt ökade sjukskrivningar orsakade av detta. Forskning visar att ledarskapet är en faktor som har stor betydelse för medarbetarnas hälsa. I vår studie har vi undersökt HR-chefers upplevelser av sin roll, och analyserat vilka resurser HR-cheferna är beroende av för att skapa inflytande i sitt arbete. Studiens analytiska verktyg har utgjorts av teorier om styrningsfilosofi, Bourdieus kapitalteori, Ostroms teori om kollektivt handlande samt Dave Ulrichs transformationskoncept Värdeskapande HR. Vi har utfört åtta tematiska intervjuer med kvinnor verksamma som HR-chefer. Resultatet visar att samtliga HR-chefer i vår studie har inslag av både mjuk och hård HRM i sitt arbete, men att tyngdpunkten mellan perspektiven varierar mellan cheferna. Samspelet mellan HR-chefens och organisationfältets aktörer påverkar möjligheterna för HR-cheferna att skapa inflytande och att nå ett värdeskapande HR-arbetssätt där kollektivt handlande och organisationens affärsmål står i fokus. Detta står i direkt beroende av HR-chefens sociala och kulturella kapital, samt hur det används och efterfrågas av organisationsfältets aktörer. / Many organizations in modern working life holds their employees as their most important resource. The human resources (HR) department is responsible for managing all questions relating to the employees in an organization, such as talent management, supply of competence, leadership development, work environment and payroll issues. Over the past decades, the HR work organization has undergone a transformation; from being an administrative support function, to the present and modern role as a strategic business partner, where the existence of the HR function must be legitimized through constant value creation by working strategically towards the company's business goals. In Sweden, the HR department is also responsible for ensuring a strategy to manage the organizational and social workplace health problems. Since 2010, sickness absence due to these problems has increased dramatically in the country. Extensive research and science studies from the past decade, shows that the leadership has considerable impact on the state of health of the employees. We have studied HR managers’ experiences of their role, and analyzed which varieties of resources that they depend on to create influence in their work. The fundament in our analyze, is a set of scientific theories, which consists of contrasting organization theories, Bourdieu's capital theory, Ostrom's theory of collective action and Dave Ulrich's transformation concept; The HR Value Proposition. We have carried out eight thematic interviews with women in the position of HR manager. The result shows that all HR managers in our study practices elements of both soft and hard HRM in their work, but that the main emphasis between perspectives varies amongst the managers. The interaction between HR managers and organizational stakeholders effects the HR manager’s prospects to generate influence and to achieve a value-creating HR approach that focuses on collective action and the business goals of the organization. This circumstance also stands in direct reliance to the HR manager's amount of social and cultural capital, as well as how they are used and demanded by the organizational stakeholders.

Porovnání metod získávání zaměstnanců v podmínkách českého trhu práce. Headhunting versus recruitment. / Comparison of methods for recruitement employees under czech labor market. Headhunting versus recruitment.

Hnízdilová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The theoretical part describes the field of personnel policy, focusing on the issue of finding employees. The Master´s thesis is focused on the work headhunting companies in comparison with the work of employment agencies. The aim of my work is verify possibility to determine the situations in which it is more efficient to use the method of direct systematic search and when the classical method of recruitment. In my work I analyze not only the management of human resources but also the functioning of the personnel departments of companies with reference to personal marketing. The Master´s thesis is also supplemented with practical knowledge and the final section describe the outcome of the survey

Formulace personální strategie a nastavení HR systému v organizaci / The formulation of HR strategy and setting up of HR system in the organization (business accelerator of VSE - xPORT)

Poloučková, Viola January 2015 (has links)
The master's thesis is about the formulation of human resources strategy and setting up of HR system in the newly established organization. The theoretical part is focused on analysing impact and influence of organization' s HR; defines basic principles of strategic HR management based on corporate culture, leadership, talent management and the structure. Following part describes basic principles of functional HR system as well as the competencies of HR professionals. Then it provides action plan of establishing HR system. The practical part of the thesis introduces business accelerator of University of Economics in Prague xPORT VSE and analysis both premises and needs of HR' s customers. The thesis suggests personal strategy and HR system based on theoretical findings and analysing stakeholders' needs.

"Det får gå så länge det går" : En kvalitativ fallstudie om upplevelsen av HR-arbete i småföretag / "It works until it doesn't" : A qualitative case study of the perception of HR activities in small firms

Johansson, Amanda, Ryman, Fanny January 2020 (has links)
Många är överens om att människan är organisationens viktigaste resurs och att HR är en roll som är starkt kopplad till att ta vara på denna. En vanligt förekommande tro är att HR är en funktion som enbart behövs i stora företag. I tidigare forskning och då vi tog kontakt med olika småföretag framkom det vanligt att HR-arbetet bedrivs av en person med andra huvudsakliga uppgifter, ofta av ägare. Detta ledde oss in på syftet att utforska upplevelsen av HR-arbete i småföretag sett från ägarens, personen som blivit tilldelad vissa HR-uppgifter och medarbetarnas perspektiv. Denna studie är intressant då tidigare forskning pekar på att småföretag inte undersökts till samma grad som stora företag. Det har även diskuterats om HRteorier och modeller är applicerbara i småföretag. Studien har en induktiv ansats och grundar sig i semistrukturerade intervjuer, vilket är en kvalitativ datainsamling, och har sedan analyserats på ett kvalitativt sätt genom en tematisk analys. Analysen resulterade i fyra huvudkategorier och tre underkategorier som definierar upplevelsen av HR-arbete i småföretag. Kategorierna som identifierades var organisationskultur, ledarskap, kommunikation och tillväxt med underkategorierna konflikthantering, ”vi och dem” och otydlighet. / People agree that employees is the greatest asset of the organization as well as HR is strongly related to taking advantage of these. A common belief is that HR is a function that only is applicable in big companies. In previous research and when we were in contact with a couple of small firms it emerged that it’s common that HR-activities usually is conducted by a person with other main tasks, usually the owner of the company. This led us to the purpose to explore the perceptions of HR-activities in small firms from a perspective of the owner, the person who is delegated some of the HR-activities and the employees. The study is interesting since previous research has not investigated small firms as much as big companies. It has also been discussed if HR-theories and models are applicable in small firms. The study is made on an inductive approach, made up of semi structured interviews, a qualitative collection of data, and has been analyzed in a qualitative way by a thematic analysis. The analysis resulted in four main categories and three subcategories that defines the perception of HR-activities in small firms. The categories that where identified where organizational culture, leadership, communication and growth with the subcategories conflict management, “we and them” and ambiguity.

”Det finns alltid lösningar i livet, även i mobbningssituationer” : En kvalitativ studie om hur HR förebygger, hanterar och upplever arbetsplatsmobbning

Dahlqvist, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Mobbning förekommer överallt på arbetsplatser runt om i världen. Det är ett ökande globalt problem som behöver belysas. Arbetsplatsmobbning kan leda till både psykiska och fysiska besvär som depression och hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Det finns inte mycket forskning kring HR: s roll i mobbningsärenden. Syftet med studien var därför att undersöka hur HR-personal på kommuner förebygger, hanterar och upplever arbetsplatsmobbning. Frågeställningarna belyste förebyggande mobbningsarbete, upplevelser och hantering samt hinder och svårigheter enligt HR personal. För att undersöka detta gjordes en kvalitativ studie, baserat på en intervjuguide, med åtta erfarna kvinnor med HR- roll från olika kommuner i Västsverige. Data är analyserade med en tematisk analys och resultaten presenterade på ett strukturerat sätt utifrån fyra huvudteman: Vad är arbetsplatsmobbning?, Förebyggande arbete, Hantering samt Hinder och svårigheter. Ordet mobbning har granskats noggrant och HR upplever att ordet mobbning endast används när det gäller barn i skolan. För vuxna väljer HR att använda ordet kränkning i sina ärenden. Olika hanteringssätt av utsatta personer som kommer till HR i förtroende diskuteras vidare och HR rollens objektivitet beskrivs och tolkas som en svårighet. / Bullying occurs everywhere in workplaces around the world. It is a growing global problem that needs to be addressed. Workplace bullying can lead to both mental and physical ailments such as depression and cardiovascular disease. There is not much research on HR's role in bullying cases. The purpose of the study was therefore to investigate how HR staff in municipalities prevent, handle and experience workplace bullying. The issues shed light on preventive bullying work, experiences and handling as well as obstacles and difficulties according to HR staff. To investigate this, a qualitative study was conducted, based on an interview guide, with eight experienced women with HR roles from different municipalities in West Sweden. Data was analyzed with a thematic analysis and the results presented in a structured way based on four main themes: What is workplace bullying?, Preventive work, Handling, and Obstacles and difficulties. The word bullying has been carefully examined and HR feels that the word bullying is only used when it comes to children in school. For adults, HR chooses to use the word violation in their cases. Different ways of dealing with vulnerable people who come to HR in trust are further discussed and the objectivity of the HR role is described and interpreted as a difficulty.

Erfarenhet före kunskap : En kvalitativ undersökning om studenter som arbetar kombinerat med pågående heltidsstudier

Karlsson, Rickard January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med kunskap kring vad som motiverar studenter att arbeta vid sidan av deras pågående studier. Frågeställningarna som studien har som avsikt att besvara berör vilka faktorer som är drivande i studenternas val att arbeta samt hur deras arbete påverkar deras pågående studier. Undersökningen har haft ett kvalitativt tillvägagångsätt, där sex studenter som arbetar vid sidan av sina studier har intervjuats. Teoretiska perspektiv från Ryan och Deci (2000) och Herzberg (1993) har varit centrala och användes för att analysera intervjumaterialet. Resultatet från uppsatsen visar att studenterna arbetar för att bli mer konkurrenskraftiga på arbetsmarknaden, vilket är en typ av yttre motivation. De upplever en inre motivation till deras arbetsuppgifter där de har utvecklande och ansvarsfulla uppgifter som påverkar deras lärande positivt. Deras arbete påverkar deras heltidsstudier på så sätt att de är mindre på plats i skolan och läser mindre av kurslitteraturen. Det har även en påverkan på deras hälsa där de under hektiska studieperioder upplever en ökad stress. / The purpose of this study is to examine what motivates students to work alongside their ongoing full-time studies. This study intends to clarify the factors that are motivating the students to work and how their work affects their ongoing studies. This study has a qualitative approach, where six students who are working alongside their studies have been interviewed. Theoretical perspectives from Ryan and Deci (2000) and Herzberg (1993) have been central and used to analyze the interview material. The results of this study shows that the students work alongside their studies mainly to make them more competitive in the labor market, which is a part of the external motivation. They experience an inner motivation regarding their work assignments where they get responsible task and develop, which leads to positive impact on their learning and competence. Their work affects their full-time studies by less attendance at important parts of the education and less reading of the course literature. It also affects the students mental health where they experience increased stress during hectic study periods.

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