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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur hanterar man personalpolitik i en bransch som är både konjunkturkänslig och organiseras i projektform? : En intervjustudie om HRM i svenska byggföretag under en nedgångsfas på bostadsmarknaden

Berggren-Lagercrantz, Leslie, Lundberg, Victor January 2019 (has links)
HRM eller Human Resource Management är det moderna begreppet för personalpolitik. Att hantera personal är en svår uppgift, i synnerhet under ekonomiska nedgångsfaser. Studiens primära syfte är att få en djupare förståelse för hur fem svenska byggföretag arbetar med sin HRM. Det sekundära syftet är att utreda vilka personalpolitiska förändringar som dessa byggföretag har genomfört och/eller planerar att genomföra under den pågående nedgångsfasen på bostadsmarknaden. Studien har baserats på semistrukturerade intervjuer med sammanlagt fem HR-chefer på Skanska AB, PEAB Bostad AB, JM AB, JM Entreprenad AB och HSB Bostad AB. Intervjufrågor som ställts har avgränsats till rekrytering och urval, personalutbildning och individuell kompetensutveckling, hanterandet av disciplin och klagomål samt hanterandet av belöningar. Det erhållna resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av en induktiv forskningsmetod. Byggföretagen har flera gemensamma drag. Vid rekrytering och urval väljer samtliga bolag extern rekrytering. Vid personalutbildning så koncentrerar sig samtliga bolag på både interna och externa utbildningar, förutom JM Entreprenad AB som numera enbart fokuserar på interna utbildningar. Att medarbetaren blir sedd samt att den får regelbunden feedback är viktigt enligt HR-cheferna och samtliga bolag, förutom HSB Bostad AB, använder sig av ett individuellt bonussystem. Under den pågående nedgångsfasen så har samtliga byggföretag, förutom Skanska AB, varit tvungna att antingen frysa rekryteringen eller reducera antalet medarbetare; detta i syfte att förbli konkurrenskraftiga. Enligt HR-cheferna så kommer byggföretagen bland annat att lägga mer fokus på att vidareutveckla försäljningskompetensen hos den nuvarande personalen. En av orsakerna till Skanska AB:s framgång kan vara att medarbetarna äger en stor del av Skanska Koncernen; detta motiverar dem att stanna kvar samt att arbeta hårdare.

Uppfattningar och nöjdhet kring en HR-funktions uppgifter / Perceptions and satisfaction concerning the working of an HR-function

Berg, Linda, Nordevik, Elin January 2012 (has links)
Med teorin om verklighetsforskning som ramverk utfördes en undersökning på uppdrag av HR-funktionen på Parker Hannifin AB i Sverige. Då det i tidigare forskning visat sig finnas oklarheter kring rollfördelningen mellan chefer och HR-personal samt att chefers förväntningar på HR-funktionen influerar dess roll, genomfördes denna undersökning kring uppfattningar och nöjdhet gällande en HR-funktions uppgifter. Studien syftade till att belysa eventuella skillnader i kundnöjdhet bland chefer utifrån vilken enhet de tillhör, vilken chefsposition de har, hur länge de arbetat som chef inom organisationen samt hur ofta de är i kontakt med HR. Det undersöktes även ifall åsikter kring förbättringsområden har förändrats sedan senast utförd undersökning. Studien genomfördes via en dokumentanalys och ett egentillverkat frågeformulär som skickades ut till samtliga chefer inom Parker i Sverige. Resultatet tyder på att flera förbättringsområden kvarstår, att befintliga dokument är inkonsekventa i förhållande till varandra samt att det fanns flera signifikanta skillnader mellan chefernas uppfattningar. Förslagsvis bör HR-avdelningarna samt de olika dokumenten bli mer samstämmiga för att rollfördelningen skall bli tydligare. / With real world research as the theoretical framework, a study was conducted as an assignment by the HR-function at Parker Hannifin AB in Sweden. Bearing in mind that there have been ambiguities concerning the roles of managers and HR-staff in previous research and that the managers’ perceptions about the HR-function affects the role of the HR, this study was conducted. This study about perceptions and satisfaction concerning the working of an HR-function aimed to highlight possible differences in customer satisfaction amongst managers based on which unit they belonged to, level of managerial position, the time they have worked as managers in the organization, and the frequency of contact with the HR-department. Moreover, the study considered whether the opinions concerning areas of improvement have changed since the last conducted research. This research was conducted through an analysis of documents and a self-produced questionnaire which was sent to all managers within Parker in Sweden. The results indicated that the same areas of improvement-needs remains, that existing documents are inconsequent in relation to each other, and that several significant differences between managers’ perceptions emerged. The HR-departments along with the different documents should tentatively become more consistent so that their roles become clearer.

Ledarskap för att främja hälsa hos medarbetare : En fallstudie om hälsoarbete på linjechefsnivå / : Leadership to promote health among employeesFörfattare:

Björklund, Emma, Bruér, Charlotte January 2015 (has links)
The author’s common interest for healthy employees, brought reasonto study how line managers can manage and develop this withsupport from HR. Previous research highlights that knowledge ofhow health is promoted is missing. Line managers have a key role inworking with contributors´ health. The aim of the study is toinvestigate how managers are working for the well-being ofemployees and which aid dedicated to line managers from the HRfunction, and how support and the work with employees’ health canbe developed. This study also investigates the approach on healthfrom each party. The method consisted of a case study, includingdata collection through depth interview with HR and focus groupinterview with heads of unit. The result of the HR interview showedoverwhelming support in individual conversations, but lack ofresources for the support function. HR requested additional resourcesand more health promotion work instead of rehabilitation. Heads ofunit are working with a wellness initiative for healthy contributors.Development points were found in increased support, developedwellness options, increased participation and performance appraisalswith a focus on the individual’s health status. The findings showthat heads of units are working with participation, attendance andhealth care but want more focus on the individual’s health status. HRneeds resources in order to support the heads of units in their healthcare. A common approach is missing between HR and heads of unitin their work for health promotion. Education, approach and supportshould be developed on the basis of the organization’s overallcontext. / Författarnas gemensamma intresse för välmående medarbetare,väckte grund till att studera hur linjechefer kan hantera ochutveckla detta med stöd från HR. Tidigare forskning belyser attkunskap saknas om hur hälsa främjas. Linjechefer anses ha ennyckelroll i arbetet med välmående medarbetare. Syftet medstudien är att undersöka hur linjechefer arbetar för välmåendemedarbetare samt vilket stöd som tillägnas linjecheferna från HRfunktionen,samt hur stödet och hälsoarbetet kan utvecklas.Slutligen önskas utläsa vilket synsätt som präglar parternashälsoarbete. Metoden utgjordes av en fallstudie, innefattandedatainsamling genom djupintervju med HR, ochfokusgruppintervju med enhetschefer. Resultatet från HRintervjunpåvisade att HR ger starkt stöd främst i enskilda samtaloch att resurserna för stödfunktionen är bristande. HR önskadeytterligare resurser och ett mer hälsofrämjande arbete istället förett rehabiliteringsinriktat. Enhetscheferna arbetar med enfriskvårdssatsning för välmående medarbetare.Utvecklingspunkter återfanns i ökat kommunövergripande stöd,utvecklade och medarbetarledda friskvårdsalternativ, ökatdeltagande från medarbetare samt medarbetarsamtal med fokus påindividens hälsa. Slutsatserna visar att enhetscheferna arbetarmed delaktighet, närvaro och friskvård men vill ha mer fokus påindividens behov. HR behöver ökade resurser för att stödjaenhetscheferna i hälsoarbetet. Gemensamt synsätt saknas mellanHR och enhetscheferna i hälsoarbetet. Utbildning, synsätt ochstöd bör utvecklas övergripande utifrån organisationens kontext.

The transfer of western human resource practices to Russian subsidiaries

Denisova-Schmidt, Elena January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Using one subsidiary of one international consumer goods company as an example, the author shows the main challenges of HR Management and their consequences for business activities in Russia. This empirical study details HR practices at the Russian subsidiary of one international consumer goods manufacturer with headquarters in Western Europe (hereafter referred to as ABC Russia for confidentiality). The author spent a few weeks in Moscow with the task of 1) reviewing the recruitment market and establishing trends with regard to the availability of candidates, salary movements and turnover of employees; and 2) making recommendations on how ABC Russia should proceed based on the findings. It was a great opportunity to observe ABC Russia employees and partly participate in their daily business; have access to some internal information, especially to HR procedures and rules; talk to some employees and get their impressions on what it means for a well-known international company doing business in Russia. (author´s abstract) / Series: WU Online Papers in International Business Communication / Series One: Intercultural Communication and Language Learning

Dataspelsutvecklingsbranschen : Med fokus på rekrytering, HR och tillväxt / The game development industry : With a focus on recruitment, HR and growth

Nord, Sara, Ohlander, Therese January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: En växande arbetsmarknad för kreativa och tekniska yrken, i syfte att möta efterfrågan av dataspel, har fått större utbredning i och med den informationsteknologiska utvecklingen. Det finns däremot en påtaglig problematik gällande ett högt antal lediga tjänster, låg utbildningsbaserad företagarkunskap och vidare utmaningar med en bransch som generellt präglas av tillväxt. Detta sammantaget ger en aningen dissonant bild av spelutvecklingsföretagen där dissonansen återfinns mellan den till synes låga företagarkunskapen kontra den insikt och kunskap som krävs förutsatt branschens fortsatta framgångar. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka påverkansförhållandet mellan rekryterings- och HR-processer samt tillväxt. Detta uppfylls genom att undersöka och förklara hur rekryteringsprocessen, HR-arbete och tillväxt ter sig i små spelutvecklingsföretag. Detta görs i syfte att både branschaktiva och andra läsare ska få en utökad förståelse för spelutvecklingsföretag i förhållande till modeller och teorier. Metod: Denna uppsats tar avstamp i en kvalitativ forskningsmetod vilket är ett utgångsläge för att undersöka mening och innebörd av någonting. Detta för att besvara frågeställningen som lägger ett fokus på utökad förståelse. Individer med ledande befattning inom spelutvecklingsbranschen har intervjuats kring deras tankar angående tillväxt, HR (human resources), och rekrytering i små spelutvecklingsföretag. Sammantaget har tre intervjuer genomförts med studio managers (företagens egna uttryck för ledare) på tre små svenska spelutvecklingsföretag. Resultat/slutsats: Spelutvecklingsföretagens processer kring rekrytering uppfattar författarna att företagen ha stor betoning på informalitet i förhållande till teoretiska rekryteringsmodeller. Det härstammar från ett typiskt beteende i mindre bolag där personer i ledande befattningar har ansvar för rekryteringar med en avsaknad av formella anställningsprocesser vilket innebär ett reaktivt HR-arbete. Spelutvecklingsföretagen kan diskuteras likt tillväxtföretag och möter således utmaningar med växtvärk, där företagens infrastruktur ses som undermålig i förhållande till dess tillväxt. Det finns inga indikationer på att uppsatsens empiriska resultat dementerar fynden gjorda av tidigare upprättade teoretiska modeller gällande tillväxt. / Background: A growing labor market for creative and technical professions, in order to meet the demand for computer games, has become more widespread in the field of information technology development. There is, however, a significant problem regarding a high number of vacancies, low education-based entrepreneurship and further challenges with an industry that is generally characterized by growth. All in all, this gives a somewhat dissimilar picture of game development companies where dissonance is found between the seemingly low business knowledge versus the insight and knowledge required, provided the industry's continued successes. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to investigate the relationship between recruitment, HR processes and growth. This is purpose is met by exploring and explaining how the recruitment process, HR and growth occur in small game development companies. This is done in order for both industry activists and other readers to gain an increased understanding of game development companies in relation to models and theories. Method: This report will be based on a qualitative research method which is a starting point for investigating the meaning of something. This is to answer the question that focuses on increased understanding of the problem. Individuals with leading positions in the game development industry have been interviewed regarding their thoughts on growth, HR, and recruitment in small game development companies. Overall, three interviews were conducted with studio managers at three Swedish small game development companies. Results/Conclusion: Game development companies’ processes regarding recruitment are perceived as having great emphasis on informality in relation to theoretical recruitment models. These informal processes derive from a behavioral pattern that places HR responsibilities on one single person, which result in a reactive approach to HR. Game development companies can be discussed similarly to growth companies and thus meet challenges with growth pains, where the companies infrastructure is considered to be substandard in relation to its growth. There are no indications that the essay’s empirical results demented the findings made by previously established theoretical models regarding growth.

"Det gäller att hänga med" : En kvalitativ studie om hur digitaliseringen har påverkat HR-avdelningars arbete och roll

Ekelund, Frida, Lahti, Jannie January 2018 (has links)
Problemformulering: Vad har digitaliseringen inneburit för HR-avdelningar inom den offentliga sektorn? Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att identifiera hur digitaliseringen har påverkat HR-avdelningars arbete och roll, för att skapa en förståelse för vilka följder digitaliseringen har lett till för HR-avdelningarna. Metod: En induktiv ansats och kvalitativ datainsamling där det empiriska materialet samlades in med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer på informanternas arbetsplatser. Slutsats: Studien påvisar att digitaliseringen har inneburit och innebär en förändring för HR-avdelningar. Digitaliseringen har lett till att digitala verktyg introducerats som har påverkat många arbetsprocesser, och framför allt det administrativa arbetet. Digitaliseringen har även lett till konsekvenser för hur arbetet ser ut och hur bland annat kommunikation, relationer och effektivitet uppfattas. HRs roll har förändrats till att ha blivit mer stödjande, mer strategisk och antagit rollen till att vara en förändringsagent.

DIGITAL HR. : Är Personalvetare digitalt undernärda?

Andersson, Björn, Westin, Joacim January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilken kompetens HR-anställda innehar kopplat till digital HR, vilka kunskaper de efterfrågar för att möta digitalisering och hur Personalvetarprogram matchar arbetsmarknaden. Metoden hade en kvalitativ ansats och empirin inhämtades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. I studien deltog fem informanter, tre från offentlig sektor och två från privatsektor. Informanterna valdes ut genom ett målinriktat urval. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av tematiseringen kopplat mot studiens tidigare forskning.Resultatet förmedlar en intressant utveckling som är både positiv och utmanande. HR anställda har idag överlag för låg kunskap för att möta digitaliseringens utveckling.Förändringen innebär fler digitala HR-verktyg, mer specialiserade roller och ökade kunskapskrav. Det leder till en utmaning som vi genomgående kommer tillbaka till. Hur organisationer på arbetsmarknaden ska kompetensförsörja sina HR-avdelningar. Det insamlade materialet visar att generisk kunskap om digital HR och dess system blir avgörande och att utbildningssystemet måste utvecklas i högre takt än vad det gör idag.

Estudo de feijões transgênicos e convencionais através da RMN HR-MAS / Study of beans by transgenic and conventional NMR HR-MAS

Choze, Rafael 15 April 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-12-29T16:49:58Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Rafael Choze - 2011.pdf: 2895418 bytes, checksum: 6942b3a804e34024bb7cd13f100e5663 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2014-12-29T16:50:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Rafael Choze - 2011.pdf: 2895418 bytes, checksum: 6942b3a804e34024bb7cd13f100e5663 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-29T16:50:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Rafael Choze - 2011.pdf: 2895418 bytes, checksum: 6942b3a804e34024bb7cd13f100e5663 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this work, a new methodology which allows differentiating conventional and transgenic common beans, grown in greenhouse or under field conditions, based on modifications in chemical composition using 1H HRMAS NMR and infrared is proposed. Through NMR it was possible to identify differences in chemical composition between the beans, according to transgenic or conventional source, especially in aromatic hydrogen region. The 1H, gHSQC and gHMBC experiments conducted to the flavonoids quercetin and myricetin structures, present in higher contents in genetically modified cultivars. Moreover, through 1H HR-MAS NMR was also possible to identify, in mixture, the aminoacids threonine, valine, isoleucine, and lysine, and the oligosaccharides stachyose, raffinose, and verbascose. The NMR spectra of Pérola 5.1 and BRS Pontal 5.1, to which the transgene was received from Olathe 5.1, using crosses and backcrosses, showed the same signal pattern observed in Olathe 5.1 bean. This study also demonstrated that the influence of typical variables from field planting conditions had no significant influence on the ability of separation between cultivars transgenic and conventional. This methodology was corroborated by multivariate data analysis of the 1H NMR spectra. On the other hand, the infrared studies showed less conclusive results. The study of the influence of exposure to air indicated a decrease in the flavonoid myricetin content. For quercetin no change was observed. This study also points out the simplicity of using the HR-MAS NMR technique for food analyses. The measurement is highly simplified because it does not require any pretreatment of the sample apart from the addition of a small amount of D2O necessary to produce homogeneous dough and a field frequency lock. Moreover, due to the high concentration of the sample, measurement time in HR-MAS NMR is very short. / Neste trabalho, propõe-se uma metodologia que permita diferenciar feijões convencionais e transgênicos, cultivados em casa de vegetaçao sob condições controladas ou em campo, baseados em modificações na composição química, utilizando RMN 1H HR-MAS e infravermelho. Através da RMN foi possível identificar diferenças na composição química entre os feijões, segundo sua origem convencional ou transgênica, especialmente na região de hidrogênios aromáticos. Os espectros de 1H HR-MAS, gHSQC e gHMBC conduziram às estruturas dos flavonóides quercetina e miricetina, presentes em maior concentração no feijão geneticamente modificado. Além disso, através da técnica de HR-MAS, foi possível caracterizar os aminoácidos treonina, alanina, valina, isoleucina e lisina e os oligossacarídeos estaquiose, verbascose e rafinose, em mistura. As linhagens BRS Pontal 5.1 e Pérola 5.1, derivadas de cultivares de grande aceitação comercial, BRS Pontal e Pérola, e que receberam o transgene do feijão Olathe 5.1, através de cruzamentos e retrocruzamentos, apresentaram o mesmo perfil de variação química observado para as cultivares Olathe Pinto e Olathe 5.1. Esse estudo demonstrou ainda, que as variáveis edafoclimáticas, típicas de condições de plantio no campo, não tiveram influência significativa sobre a capacidade de separação entre cultivares transgênicos e convencionais. Esta metodologia foi corroborada pela análise multivariada dos dados dos espectros de RMN de 1H. Por outro lado, estudos realizados através da técnica de infravermelho demonstraram que os resultados foram menos conclusivos, quando comparados àqueles obtidos através de RMN. O estudo da influencia da exposição da cultivar ao ar, indicou uma variação no teor do flavonóide miricetina, visualizado pelo decréscimo da intensidade de seus sinais no espectro. Para o flavonóide quercetina, nenhuma variação foi observada. Por fim, esse trabalho aponta para a simplicidade do uso da técnica HR-MAS para análises de alimentos. A medida é extremamente simplificada, pois não requer nenhum prétratamento da amostra além da moagem e adição de gotas de D2O.

Desenvolvimento de procedimentos analíticos para a determinação de não-metais via moléculas diatômicas por espectrometria de absorção molecular de alta resolução com fonte contínua / Development of analytical procedures for the determination of non-metals via diatomic molecules by high-resolution continuum source molecular absorption spectrometry

Flávio Venâncio Nakadi 21 July 2015 (has links)
A espectrometria de absorção atômica (AAS) é consolidada como uma técnica robusta, cujas aplicações estendem-se a diversos analitos e matrizes. Sua limitação encontra-se na região do UV distante (~ 190 nm), por isso ela permaneceu exclusiva à determinação de metais durante vários anos: não-metais geralmente absorvem na região de UV de vácuo. Com o advento da AAS de alta resolução com fonte contínua, houve a implementação de uma terceira dimensão (comprimento de onda) nas análises: a visualização da região espectral da linha analítica. Esta nova característica permitiu um maior número de informações espectrais, principalmente em relação às bandas estruturadas de moléculas diatômicas, o que resultou na determinação de absorção molecular (HR CS MAS). Destarte, o objetivo deste trabalho foi a elaboração de novos procedimentos analíticos para determinação de não-metais por HR CS MAS, especificadamente Br, Cl e S, com atomizador de forno de grafite. O bromo foi avaliado via CaBr em componentes plásticos de amostras eletrônicas, extraído por extração Soxhlet com tolueno, e obteve limites de detecção (LD) e quantificação (LQ) de 4,3 e 14 ng de Br, respectivamente, com Pd como modificador químico. Duas matrizes foram estudadas para a quantificação de enxofre via CS: carvão e diesel. O carvão foi injetado em HR CS MAS como uma suspensão com Triton X-100 0,04 % m v-1, e (NH4)2SO4 foi empregado como padrão de enxofre. Os LD e LQ obtidos para o método foram 0,01 e 0,05 % m m-1, respectivamente. Para o diesel, dois métodos foram estudados: (i) emulsão alcoólica com etanol 50 % v v-1, a qual apresentou LD de 0,12 g kg-1 e LQ de 0,40 g kg-1, adequados para determinação de altos teores de S em diesel; e (ii) injeção direta de diesel no sistema de HR CS MAS, cujos LD e LQ foram 3 e 9 mg kg-1, respectivamente. Ambos empregaram nanopartículas de Pd como modificador químico, das quais a análise direta de diesel obteve melhores resultados. Finalmente, um novo conceito foi investigado em HR CS MAS: o deslocamento isotópico em moléculas diatômicas. Os estados vibracionais e rotacionais presentes na transição eletrônica observada em HR CS MAS confere esta propriedade. As moléculas de AlCl e CaBr, cujos isótopos de interesse foram 35Cl e 37Cl, e 79Br e 81Br, respectivamente, foram estudadas. Os deslocamentos isotópicos observados foram de 15,6 pm para AlCl e 41,6 pm para CaBr nos comprimentos de onda selecionados, suficientes para implementação de calibração por diluição isotópica, a qual apresentou LDs de 2,5 e 64 ng, respectivamente. Amostras de água natural e mineral foram empregadas para o Cl, enquanto o Br foi determinado em amostras de PVC e folhas de tomate, as quais foram introduzidas diretamente como sólidos. A diluição isotópica corrigiu adequadamente as interferências espectrais acarretadas pelas matrizes de ambos os analitos. / Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) is a robust analytical technique whose applications extend to many different analytes and matrices. Its limitation lies on the far UV region (~ 190 nm) and therefore it remained exclusive for metal determination as non-metals typically absorb within the vacuum-UV region. With the invention of the High-Resolution Continuum Source AAS (HR CS AAS), the AAS analysis has been upgraded and a new dimension (wavelength) was added: the visualization of the analytical lines vicinity. This new feature allowed improved spectral information, mainly related to the structured bands of diatomic molecules, giving rise to the HR CS Molecular Absorption Spectrometry (MAS). The goal of this thesis was the evaluation of new analytical procedures for non-metals determination by HR CS MAS, specifically Br, Cl, and S, using graphite furnace as the atomizer. Bromine in plastic electronic components was evaluated as CaBr after Soxhlet extraction with toluene. This method had limits of detection (LD) and quantification (LQ) of 4.3 and 14 -ng, respectively, using Pd as chemical modifier. Sulfur determination via CS molecule employed two distinct matrices: coal and diesel. Coal samples were prepared as a slurry with Triton X-100 0.04% m v1 for injection in the HR CS MAS and the external calibration employed was (NH4)2SO4as sulfur standard. The method LD and LQ were 0.01% m m1 and 0.05% m m1, respectively. Two methods were studied for diesel samples: (i) alcoholic emulsion with ethanol 50% v v1, with an LD of 0.12 g kg1 and an LQ of 0.40 g kg1, suitable for sulfur high concentration determination in diesel; and (ii) direct diesel injection in the HR CS MAS system, whose LD and LQ were 3 mg kg-1and 9 mg kg-1, respectively. Both methods employed Pd nanoparticles as chemical modifier, with better results for direct diesel analysis. Ultimately, a new concept was investigated in HR CS MAS: the isotopic shift of diatomic molecules. An absorption profile consisted of multiple peaks was due to vibrational and rotational energy couplings within the electronic transition observed by HR CS MAS, which provided the isotopic shift. This effect was detected on AlCl and CaBr molecules, whose target isotopes were, respectively, 35Cl &37Cl and 79Br &81Br. The observed isotopic shifts were 15.6 pm (AlCl) and 41.6 pm (CaBr) at the selected wavelengths, appropriate for isotopic dilution calibration, which featured LDs of 2.5 ng and 64 ng, respectively. Natural and mineral water samples were evaluated for Cl determination; and Br was found in PVC and tomato leaves samples, both introduced as solid samples in HR CS GFMAS. Isotopic dilution adequately corrected the spectral interferences derived from the matrices of both analytes.

Desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos para determinação de Ca, Mg, Na, K, S e P, em biodiesel, por espectrometria de absorção atômica e molecular de alta resolução e fonte contínua / Development of analytical methods for determination of Ca, Mg, Na, K, S and P, in biodiesel, by atomic absorption spectrometry and high-resolution continuum source molecular absorption spectrometry

Luís Eduardo Bernardes 09 March 2017 (has links)
O crescimento do consumo energético trouxe a necessidade do desenvolvimento de fontes alternativas de energia, uma vez que os combustíveis fósseis, além dos impactos ambientais, constituem uma fonte finita, cuja formação leva milhares de anos para ocorrer. Neste contexto, surge o biodiesel, uma fonte de energia renovável e que pode ser obtido através da reação de transesterificação dos triglicerídeos presentes em óleos vegetais e gorduras animais com álcoois de cadeia curta. Assim como os combustíveis derivados do petróleo, o biodiesel deve seguir alguns parâmetros de qualidade estabelecidos pela Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP). A estabilidade e a qualidade do biocombustível são afetadas por uma série de fatores, dentre os quais as concentrações de magnésio, cálcio, sódio, potássio, enxofre e fósforo. Visando unificar a determinação destes analitos através da espectrometria de absorção atômica e da espectrometria de absorção molecular de alta resolução e fonte contínua, foram propostos como métodos de preparo de amostra a digestão ácida e a fotodegradação para determinação de Mg, Ca, Na e K por FAAS, e análise direta para determinação de S e P por GF MAS. O preparo de amostra influenciou no limite de detecção dos elementos, visto que os melhores LOD para Na, K e Ca foram observados através da digestão ácida, especialmente na condição 2, empregando 6,0 mL de HNO3, 2,0 mL de H2O2 e 2,0 mL de HCl, enquanto que para Mg o menor LOD ocorreu para a fotodegradação por reação foto-Fenton. Os menores valores de RSD para Mg e Ca foram obtidos por fotodegradação foto-Fenton e por TiO2, respectivamente, e para Na e K por fotodegradação foto-Fenton e digestão ácida na condição 2, respectivamente. O biodiesel estava dentro das especificações exigidas pela legislação, então foram realizados testes de adição e recuperação para avaliar a exatidão dos métodos propostos. O Mg foi o analito cuja determinação apresentou as menores concentrações características, indicando maior sensibilidade, e também os menores LOD, enquanto que o cálcio apresentou a menor sensibilidade. A digestão ácida com 6,0 mL de HNO3 e 4,0 mL de H2O2 e a fotodegração foto-Fenton possibilitaram as melhores recuperações de analito considerando o conjunto dos 4 elementos, com variação de 88 % a 108 %. O padrão de enxofre a base de óleo mineral demonstrou não ser apropriado para a determinação de enxofre em biodiesel por análise direta. O uso de 2-mercaptoetanol como padrão, no entanto, possibilitou o estudo da molécula CS na amostra de biodiesel, apresentando-se mais compatível e com ganho de sensibilidade nas medidas. O emprego de Ir como modificador químico permanente e da mistura Pd/Mg permitiu boa estabilização da molécula CS, um LOD de 1,8 µg g-1 de biodiesel foi obtido, e a concentração de S na amostra não enriquecida foi de 6,2 µg g-1, abaixo do limite máximo permitido. Para o fósforo, somente foi possível obter sinal analítico em 246,40 nm, correspondente a uma transição rotacional da molécula PO, utilizando W como modificador químico. O LOD obtido foi de 2,2 µg g-1, e a concentração estimada na amostra pura pela curva de adição padrão estava entre o LOD e o LOQ calculados, abaixo do limite máximo permitido. Os métodos desenvolvidos mostraram-se apropriados para a determinação dos analitos na amostra de biodiesel via espectrometria de absorção atômica/molecular por chama e forno de grafite, atendendo a legislação vigente / The increase in the energy consumption over the last years led to the research and development of alternatives sources of energy, once the fossil fuels, besides their environmental effects, represent a finite source which takes thousands of years to be formed. In this context, biodiesel arises as a renewable source that can be produced by the transesterification reaction between triglycerides of vegetable oils or animal fat and short chain alcohols. As well as for oil-derived fuels, biodiesel must obey some quality specifications established by the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel Agency (NPA). The stability and quality of biofuels are influenced by conditions such as the concentration of magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, sulfur and phosphorus. This study aims to unify the determination of these elements by atomic absorption spectrometry and high-resolution continuum source molecular absorption spectrometry techniques. The proposed methods of sample treatment are the acid digestion and the photodegradation for Mg, Ca, Na and K by FAAS, and the direct analysis for S and P by GF MAS. The limits of detection were influenced by the sample treatment. The lowest LOD values for Na, K and Ca were observed through acid digestion, especially second condition (6,0 mL of HNO3, 2,0 mL of H2O2 and 2,0 mL of HCl), while for Mg the lowest LOD was achieved by photo-Fenton photodegradation. The lowest RSD values for Mg and Ca were observed by photo-Fenton and TiO2 photodegradations, respectively, and for Na and K by photo-Fenton photodegradation and acid digestion (condition 2), respectively. The biodiesel sample was within the specifications legally required, therefore recovery tests were used to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed methods. Magnesium was the analyte whose determination showed the lowest characteristic concentrations, which indicates the best sensitivity, and also the lowest detection limits, while calcium was the least sensitive analyte. The acid digestion (6.0 mL of HNO3 and 4.0 mL of H2O2) and photodegradation by photo-Fenton reaction allowed the best recoveries, considering the set of 4 analytes, ranging from 88 % to 108 %. The oil-based standard was not appropriated for sulfur determination in biodiesel sample by direct analysis. The use of 2-mercaptoethanol as a standard led to a better sensitivity, in addition to the compatibility with the sample. Iridium as permanent chemical modifier, along with a mixture of Pd/Mg, provided good stabilization of CS molecule, a LOD of 1.8 µg g-1 was achieved, and the sulfur concentration in the biodiesel sample, obtained by standard addition method, was 6.2 µg g-1, below the limit legally established. Regarding phosphorus study for determination in biodiesel, an acceptable analytic signal was obtained at 246.40 nm, which corresponds to a rotational transition of PO molecule. The calculated LOD was 2.2 µg g-1, and the estimated concentration in the pure sample, obtained by a standard addition curve, was between the LOD and LOQ, below the limit legally established. The developed methods were appropriated for determination of the proposed analytes set in biodiesel sample by atomic/molecular absorption spectrometry, in agreement with current legislation

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