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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det behöver fattas strategiska beslut snart, helst igår" : Arbetsgivares åtgärdsarbete kopplat till förlängda arbetsliv / "Strategic decisions needs to be taken soon, preferably yesterday." : Employers, HR-staff and managers measures working towards extended working lives.

Koistinen Edlund, Sofia, Klingvall, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Demografiska förändringar har gjort att försörjningsbördan de senaste 60 åren ökat kraftigt. År 2031 beräknas 410 000 individer saknas inom välfärdsyrken i Sverige. Samhälleliga insatser har införts, medbland annat höjd pensionsålder, dock krävs insatser på organisatoriskt plan. HR-rutiner som implementeras kan påverka normen om lämplig pensionsålder. Således var syftet med studien att undersöka vilka åtgärder arbetsgivare vidtog i en organisation inom sektorn för vård och omsorg i ändamål att möjliggöra förlängda arbetsliv för sina medarbetare. Intentionen var att identifiera styrkor och svagheter i åtgärdsarbetet vilket skulle öka förståelsen för vad som behövde göras för att individer skulle besluta sig för pensionsavgångar senare i livet. Via två teoretiska modeller samt forskning på området, söktes förklaringar som korrelerar med de empiriska resultaten i studien. Kvalitativ metod användes och sju semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med individer anställda på olika nivåer inom en kommun. Dessa analyserades sedan iterativt och tematiskt. Resultaten visade att det fanns en medvetenhet kring de demografiska förändringar samhället står inför och de svårigheter dessa medför. Det efterlystes ett åtgärdsarbete för att möjliggöra förlängda arbetsliv. Respondenterna lyfte också vikten av att värna om kompetensen som finns i organisationen och beskrev också svårigheterna i att genomföra åtgärder. I diskussion och slutsats har de teoretiska modeller som presenterats i studien ställts mot varandra och det har gjorts gällande att dessa bör användas simultant i ett framtida systematiskt arbete. Studien har visat att det fanns stora begränsningar och uppmuntran till förbättring kring åtgärdsarbetet. Vidare har de styrkor och svagheter som presenterats i förhållande till studiens syfte visat sig bli en viktig del i detta arbete.

Youth, Social Networking, and Resistance: A Case Study on a Multidimensional Approach to Resistance

Scozzaro, David 01 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This exploratory case study focused on youth and resistance that was aided by the use of technology. The combination of resistance and technology expanded a multidimensional framework and leads to new insight into transformative resistance. This study examined the framework of transformative resistance based on Solórzano and Delgado Bernal’s (2001) findings. Specific interest centered on learning how and why youth used MySpace to organize student walkouts in protest of House Resolution 4437 in late March 2006, ultimately amassing 40,000 students in Los Angeles. Another purpose was to create a framework for ways in which educators can meaningfully embrace the combination of pedagogy, technology, and revolution. The case study method, which involved collecting data by document review, MySpace Group pages, and interviews, produced a comprehensive picture of the H.R. 4437 Walkouts. Thematic coding and social network analysis were used to examine the collected data. The study findings showed that a combination of multimodal (face-to-face, text messaging, and MySpace) and multidirectional (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many) communications contributed to the success of the H.R. 4437 Walkouts. The sub-themes of speed and strategic use of private and public communication channels also played roles. The combination of these four elements created a decentralized, nonhierarchical network that provided significant strengths, but also indicated some weaknesses in the communication process. An educational framework is proposed that combines pedagogy, technology and revolution. Multidimensional revolutionary pedagogy has been created as a guide for teachers to facilitate student efforts to engage in transformative resistance related to social justice causes.

The Difference in HR Response between Track and Treadmill Running at a Pre-determined, Self-selected Pace

Corey, Marisha 22 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not differences exist in heart rate (HR) between jogging on the track and jogging on the treadmill at the same speed. Twenty-four college-age (19-31 years old) male (n = 12) and female (n = 12) recreational runners volunteered to participate in this study. Each participant performed a maximal graded exercise test (GXT) and four exercise sessions. During the first exercise session, participants completed a 1-mile steady-state jog on either the track or treadmill at a self-selected submaximal pace that could be maintained for 30 minutes. The following three exercise sessions were completed at the same pace as the first exercise session. Two of the exercise sessions were performed on the treadmill and two were performed on an indoor track. The order of the four sessions were counterbalanced. Participants were randomly assigned to an order of sessions. Heart rate was recorded every minute and the participants were asked to give an RPE at the end of every session. Statistical analysis revealed no significant differences in pace (mph) between the trials within the two track or two treadmill trials (p = 0.5812), in the HR response. Therefore, gender and trials were excluded from the final model, and the final model included only the treatment effect (track, treadmill). There was a significant treatment effect (F 1,94 = 39.126, p < 0.0001) indicating that significant differences in the HR responses between track and treadmill jogging at the same pace. Jogging on the treadmill elicited an average HR of 5.16 bpm (S.E. = 0.82) less than that observed while jogging on an indoor track at the same pace. We conclude that jogging on the treadmill and track at the same, self-selected speed results in HR values that differ significantly by 5 bpm. Differences in air resistance, biomechanics, and muscle activity most likely contributed to the observed differences in HR. The results of this study are applicable to various individuals who often train or exercise on the treadmill or overground. Use of a HR monitor is recommended to determine personal responses to exercise on a treadmill and overground.


Julia M Stevenson (15354493) 26 April 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Prior research assumes that employees have positive attitudes toward corporate social responsibility (CSR) and are affected positively by their organization’s CSR practices. However, given the sometimes controversial and paradoxical nature of CSR, assuming purely positive attitudes may be overly simplistic. To challenge this assumption, I examine CSR attitudes to illuminate various views employees may hold toward CSR. To do so, I first develop measures of CSR Attitudes that includes four subscales to assess the extent to which employees hold positive, negative, ambivalent, or indifferent attitudes toward CSR. Next, drawing on social information processing theory, I examine subjective (ethical climate perceptions and CSR attributions) and objective (CSR messages) social information antecedents to employee CSR attitudes. Further, I examine behavioral (physical withdrawal, in-role and extra-role CSR performance, and helping behaviors) and cognitive (psychological withdrawal, volunteering intent, and perspective taking) responses to CSR attitudes. I also consider two relevant individual differences that affect these pathways. To test my hypotheses, I conducted an experimental vignette study to test the relationship between subjective and objective social information antecedents and the full range of CSR attitudes. Additionally, I conducted a field study to test the full model presented in this dissertation. Results demonstrate mixed support for hypotheses. However, strong support was found for the positive effect of values-driven CSR attributions on employee positive CSR attitudes. Further, positive CSR attitudes were found to relate to the prosocial behaviors of extra-role CSR behaviors and volunteering intent. Lastly, CSR ambivalence related to both positive and negative employee outcomes, demonstrating that CSR ambivalence may be more complicated than extant ambivalence research would suggest.</p>

Examining the gap between employees’ expectations and their experience of HR practices in luxury five-star hotels in Thailand. A cross-sector comparison of local hotels, national and international chains hotels

Suengkamolpisut, Wallapa January 2017 (has links)
Tourism and hospitality play a crucial role in the growth of the Thai economy and hoteliers need to consider how to retain their talented employees. The major output of tourism and hospitality is service and this is most critically driven by the human capital of the organisation and supported by human resource practices. This study examined workforce expectations and experiences of work relationships, job security, WLB, pay and remuneration, PM systems, career promotion, training and development and challenging job roles in luxury five-star hotels in Thailand. It employs a multi-method research design using a pragmatic lens, mixed methods and sequential explanatory design through a survey of 578 respondents, followed by 62 semi-structured interviews, the study shows that national chain hotels are more willing and better able to adapt their HR practices initiatives to local conditions when compared to local and international chain hotels. Thai hotel employees emphasise harmonious social relations and a physical closeness to be taken care of by their supervisors and management team like family members. They are increasingly aware of the need for bundles of HR practices and managers therefore need to understand their workforce and the need to incorporate more flexibility in their working practices as part of a brandconsistent system. Finally, managers need to consider the relational psychological contract of the workforce and understand workforce commitment and how this relates to the broader strategy of the organisation.

Förstalinjechefers upplevelser av HR-funktionen och dess synliga roller : En kvalitativ studie inom kommunal verksamhet i Värmland.

Bolstad, Moa, Pisoni Sundahl, Thea January 2022 (has links)
Undersökningens fokus är att belysa upplevelser av just förstalinjechefer inom kommunal verksamhet då vi önskar söka en bättre förståelse för hur cheferna upplever HRs stöd för att eventuellt kunna förbättra HR som servicefunktion. Studien riktar in sig på kommunal verksamhet då mycket av de befintliga teorier och modeller som finns är baserade vinstdrivande företag och vi anser att det finns en kunskapsbrist inom området. Studien är främst riktad som ett verktyg till HR men skildrar också kunskap som cheferna också kan ha användning av för att förstärka sitt samarbete med HR.Undersökningen är av kvalitativ ansats och genomfördes som djupintervju. Målstyrt- och snöbollsurval låg till grund för att komma i kontakt och välja respondenter. Intervjuguiden som är semistrukturerad består av frågor anpassade efter litteratur och teoriavsnitt enligt teorier som bland annat HRs värde, profession, hur HR får engagemang samt rollmodeller som beskriver HRs olika förhållningssätt gentemot cheferna.Resultatet visar bland annat på att cheferna uppfattar HR som diffust. Det finns brister vad gäller chefernas uppfattning av HRs syfte, arbetsbeskrivning och mandat. Det framkommer också att flertal chefer inte vet var man ska vända sig och med vilka frågor. Undersökningen visar också att förstalinjechefer endast ser roller som berör deras eget område och att viss förståelse saknas för HRs resterande arbetsuppgifter. Detta kan i sin tur leda till missnöje och missförstånd mellan parterna. Slutligen finns det områden i samarbetet mellan parterna som kan förbättras för att stärka ett samarbete. Däribland förbättra och tydliggöra kommunikation, främja relationen parterna emellan samt se över att HR har de resurser som krävs för att möta chefernas förväntningar och önskemål. Till exempel genom att anställa fler HR personal för att kunna fördela och prioritera arbetet bättre.

Varför stannar civilanställda inom Försvarsmakten? : En kvalitativ studie om interna utbildningsmöjligheter inom en statlig myndighet / Why do civilian employees stay within the Swedish Armed Forces? : A qualitative study of internal training and educational opportunities within a government

Trojefors, Amanda, Brohäll, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Studien avser att undersöka civilanställdas interna kompetensutveckling inom Försvarsmakten där syftet är att få en inblick och förståelse för deras utbildningssituation. Studiens frågeställningar fokuserar på förekomst och upplevelse av utbildningar samt på civilanställdas utvecklingsmöjligheter och hur dessa kan påverka Försvarsmaktens interna attraktivitet. För att undersöka studiens problemområde kommer en intervjustudie tillämpas. Intervjustudiens urval består av sju civilanställda som både planerar och utvecklar utbildningar samt har genomfört utbildningar inom Försvarsmakten. Studiens resultat tyder på att utbildningsmöjligheterna är mycket goda för Försvarsmaktens civilanställda. Däremot missgynnas till viss del civilanställda vad gäller karriärvägar och utbud av utbildningar i jämförelse med militärt anställda. Studiens slutsats är att de utbildningsmöjligheter som Försvarsmakten erbjuder är avgörande för den interna attraktiviteten. Möjlighet till utveckling och utbildning är primära anledningar till varför civil personal stannar inom organisationen. Praktiska implikationer till Försvarsmakten är att prioritera civilanställda och tydliggöra deras utvecklingsmöjligheter ytterligare.

On the removal of Phosphonates and trace elements

Torres Serrano, Victor Manuel 11 1900 (has links)
Resource recovery has become essential to compensate for costly and complex technical requirements to implement zero-liquid discharge (ZLD) policies. Antiscalant removal, especially phosphonate-based antiscalants, is a clear example of resource and potential subsequent valorization. The global market for phosphonate-based antiscalants is expected to grow in the coming years along with increasing membrane desalination projects. It implies the disposal in surface waters of tons of phosphonates and trace elements, present in wastewater and concentrates, every day. Removing the phosphonates and trace elements allows their subsequent recovery and valorization, minimizing squeezing produc-tion/extraction procedures and saving the environment from suffering any im-pact because of them. The first part of this thesis focuses on phosphonate removal with iron and aluminum-based adsorbents. Porous iron and aluminum (oxi)hydroxides can remove phosphonates from concentrates completely. The main limitation of this process is the diffusion of the phosphonates through adsorbent particles. As proved in this thesis, temperature significantly improves the adsorption kinetics of the phosphonates on both adsorbents as a result of the variation of the diffusion coefficient. The presence of calcium also plays an important role, since accelerates the adsorption at the first stages of the process, but limits and saturates the capacity of the adsorbent surface for further adsorption. More research on the role of calcium is needed in this regard to better understand how the adsorption/diffusion of the phosphonates is affected by this common element present in concentrates. Electrocoagulation was studied in the second part of this thesis as a potential approach for phosphonate removal. Using pure iron electrodes, the applied current density can be easily optimized. As a result, dissolved phosphonates are quickly removed from a large concentrate volume at a relatively low cost and minimal sludge production. The benefits of this technique lie in the possibility of producing the substrate (adsorbent) in situ for the phosphonate to be adsorbed. Furthermore, the time required to completely remove the phosphonates is remarkably shorter compared to adsorption, which, as pointed out above, is limited by diffusion phenomena. Alkaline washing was relatively successful at recovering the phosphorus from the sludge, depending on the dissolved phosphonate in the concentrate. Although experimental results may look promising, further research on finding the optimum working conditions has to be addressed. The process is open to improvement in terms of new electrode materials, reactor design, phosphorus recovery, or optimal working temperature. In the third part of the thesis, the adsorption potential of previously tested adsorbents for the removal of elements at trace levels. The iron-based adsorbent, commercialized for phosphate and arsenic removal, turned out to be excellent at removing transition metals (TM) and rare earth elements (REE). The study was carried out in parallel with the exploration of the capabilities of a high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR ICP-MS) instrument. The potential of this analytical procedure allows the detection and quantification of all the isotopes at the ultra-trace level (in the range of a few ng·L-1) and in only one measurement round. Furthermore, interferences from polyatomic species, formed during the ionization in the plasma, are easily resolved due to the high-resolution mode. As a result, the detection of the targeted element is easily discriminated from the potential interferences. This feature makes a remarkable difference regarding ordinary ICP-MS, which requires different analytical procedures to properly resolve overlapping signals. This analytical procedure opens new possibilities to test the adsorbents in new conditions and develop analytical methods for water speciation.

Characterization of Dislocation - Grain Boundary Interactions Through Electron Backscatter Diffraction

Hansen, Landon Thomas 01 August 2019 (has links)
Further understanding of dislocation-GB interactions is critical to increasing the performance of polycrystalline metals. The research contained within this dissertation aims to further dislocation-GB interaction understanding through three research studies. First, the effect of noise in EBSPs on GND calculations was evaluated in order to improve dislocation characterization via HR-EBSD. Second, the evolution of GNDs and their effects on back stress was studied through experimental and computational methods applied to tantalum oligo specimens. Third, statistical analysis was used to evaluate grain parameters and current GB transmission parameters on their correlation with dislocation accumulation.

Совершенствование системы рекрутинга в крупном региональном банке с применением технологии agile : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of recruitment system in a large regional Bank using agile technology

Сакулина, А. А., Sakulina, A. A. January 2018 (has links)
Final qualification work (master thesis) on 81 page (A4 format, font Times New Roman, font size 14, 1.5 line spacing), excluding attachments. Number of tables – 6 (excluding annexes). Number of figures – 16 (excluding applications). Number of formulas-0 (excluding applications). Final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three parts, conclusion, bibliography, applications. This work begins with an introduction that describes the relevance of the master's thesis, problem statement, definition of the purpose and objectives of the work, its object and subject, scientific novelty, research methods, practical significance and research methods. In the first Chapter of this work, recruitment as a key element of the human resources management system, as well as the features of recruitment in Russia and abroad are considered and analyzed. The second part of the work presents the characteristics of the organization as an object of management, analysis and evaluation of recruitment system in a large regional Bank, monitoring and evaluation of recruitment quality. The third part contains recommendations for changes, the introduction of agile-technology in the HR-business process "recruiting" is proposed, a list of necessary activities is developed. / Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) выполнена на 81 листе (формат А4, шрифт Times New Roman, кегль 14, интерлиньяж 1.5) без учета приложений. Количество таблиц – 6 (без учета приложений). Количество рисунков – 16 (без учета приложений). Количество формул – 0 (без учета приложений). Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех частей, заключения, библиографического списка, приложений. Данная работа начинается с введения, которое описывает актуальность магистерской диссертационной работы, постановку проблемы, определение цели и задач работы, её объекта и предмета, научной новизны, методов исследования, практической значимости и методов исследования. в первой главе данной работы рассмотрены и проанализированы рекрутинг как ключевой элемент системы управления человеческими ресурсами, а также особенности подбора персонала в России и за рубежом. во второй части работы представлены характеристика организации как объекта управления. анализ и оценка системы подбора персонала в крупном региональном банке, мониторинг и оценка качества рекрутинга. третья часть содержит рекомендации по изменениям. предложено внедрение agile-технологии в HR-бизнес-процесс «рекрутинг персонала», разработан перечень необходимых для этого мероприятий.

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