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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”…uti ecclesiastique och icke civile mål...” : Prästeståndets argumentation i debatten om mantalsskrivningens former 1723-1812 / For Ecclesiastical Use Only : The clergy’s argumentation in the debate about the forms of census registration 1723-1812

Erixon, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: The aim of the present thesis is to determine the line of argument presented by the clergy of the Swedish State Church in the parliamentary debates regarding the forms of census registrations during the years 1723-1812. This discussion resulted in a new form of census registration in 1812, according to which the parish registration was accorded a greater importance than before. As a result of vast tax evasion, demands were put forth by the authorities that the clergy should be compelled to hand over the parish catechetical registries. The clergy was here faced with a conflict of loyalty between the state and their parishes. To structurally examine the line of argument of the clergy may not only clarify how this conflict was met by the clergy, but also serve as an illustration of the relationship between church and state in 18th century Sweden. The effects of the form of census registration of 1812 on the parish catechetical registries are also touched briefly upon.    Method: To fullfill this aim, the parliamentary records of the clergy have been examined and analysed in accordance with the methods of argumentation analysis presented in Vedung (1971). Secondary sources regarding the historical circumstances surrounding the parliamentary debates of 1723-1812 have been utilized as well.           Analysis: In the analysis the individual arguments presented by the clergy have been distinguished according to three levels: description, evaluation and recommended course of action. These levels are furthermore presented schematically, so as to comprehensively illustrate the line of argumentation.   Results: The results of the endeavour show that the representatives of the church and state did not agree as to the legitimate extent of the state’s influence in church matters. The clergy defended the Lutheran idea of separation between church and state power, despite the fact that contemporary canon law asserted an almost unbreakable bond between church and state authority. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.

Arkiv, levnadsberättelser och tillhörighet : En narrativ studie av det betydelsebärande i att använda arkiv / Archive, Life Stories, and Belongingness : A Narrative Study of the Significance of Using Archives

Lentini, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis in archival science is to understand how four individuals’ use or creation of archival records affects the experience of social, cultural, and ethnic belongingness in time and space. The questions investigated are: 1) How do the individuals conceptualize the records' origin and how do this affect their interpretations of past and present time? 2) Which stories about belongingness appear when the individuals tell about the records and how do these relate to themselves and their surrounding world? 3) How can activation of the records related to places, persons, and relationships become meaningful?  The study is a part of a poststructuralist tradition that focuses on microhistories, versatility, and changes. The data is collected through four in-depth interviews and the material is theorized and analyzed through a phenomenological perspective, postmodern archival theory, narrative analysis, deconstruction, and the archive’s semantic genealogy. This makes it possible to get an insight in the individuals' experiences, thoughts, feelings, actions, memories, and how they orientate themselves in the world and relate to other people, records, places, and stories. Stories have the ability to create structure and meaning. Here it is being actualized in the stories of the records, but also in the stories the individuals tell about them and how they become a part of their own life histories. The analysis also makes it possible to understand the overall contexts, how they have affected the content in the records, and how the individuals do to look beyond the records. The results show how the individuals’ lives are integrated in a historical, spatial, cultural, relational, and existential context. Through the stories they have been told, the interpersonal relationships throughout their lives, the places they feel belongingness to, and the records they use, they create links through time and space. The stories of records contain tracks of the past that can be deconstructed in the sense of perspectives, power, and substance. All these parts have the ability to add new details and understandings of their life histories, their related ones, the personal and collective narratives, specific places, the world that has been, and the world that is now. By combining several sources, materials, records, and stories, it is possible to get a more profound and clearer understanding of where the individuals come from, where they are now, and what they extend into the future. This gives insights into how using archives can be understood as significant on different levels, and how the activity can become meaningful by adding new stories, relationships, and knowledge to individuals’ lives.  This is a two years master's thesis in Archival science.

Syns inte – finns inte? : Om synlighet i samverkan och hur arkivens bidrag och engagemang uppmärksammas i museiutställningar / Out of sight – out of mind? : About visibility in converged institutions and how attention is drawn to the work and contribution of archives in museum exhibitions

Bellemo, Ida January 2022 (has links)
There are reasons why archival material used by museums as sources for information in their exhibitions, rarely is shown as such for the museum visitor. Some limitations lie in the physical nature of the archives themselves; others could easily be avoided. The purpose of this essay is to shed light on how archives can collaborate with museums to be seen in their exhibitions. This has been done, among other things, by investigating what the driving forces are for collaboration. Theoretical starting points for the study have been Bourdieu's cultural capital and organizational theories about why institutions tend to mimic each other. Themes within an extensive literature review highlight the extent of the complexity of the subject, and case studies of four already converged archives in museums, clearly indicate that collaboration has not given the archives the visibility they seek. They have invested their cultural capital without receiving sufficient reward in exchange.  This is a two years master's thesis in Archival science.

Arkivens tillhörighet : Fyra fallstudier av repatriering av arkiv i Sverige / The Belonging of Archives : Four Case Studies of Repatriation of Archives in Sweden

Kinnås, Cornelia January 2022 (has links)
This thesis focuses on repatriation of archives and records in a Swedish context with the aim to highlight the agency of the material object and its value in the repatriation process, as well as its connection to authenticity. The thesis consists of four case studie that focuses on different cases where some form of repatriation has occurred. Two of the four cases were completed before this thesis was written, and two were still ongoing processes while it was being written. All four processes took place in a Swedish context, for example between different nations where Sweden was one of them, or between different archival institutions in Sweden. The method that was used to study the cases was document analysis, a type of qualitative content analysis. The results of the study show that repatriation processes are complex and that they can be executed in several different ways with different motivations. In every process there are multiple claimants, values and contexts that effect it. The archives and records are connected to culture, history and identity and throughout these case studies it also becomes apparent that there exists an idea of them belonging in a specific place, whether that be in a na- tion, a city or within a community. The study also show that the claimants place an importance on the archive as the authentic original object and on the ownership of that object. This is a two-year master’s thesis in Archival Science.

En platsanalys av fysisk miljö och verksamheter i Utvandrarnas Hus, Växjö / A site analysis of the physical environment and operations in the House of Emigrants

Sunefors Wallin, Åsa January 2016 (has links)
År 1966 påbörjades bygget av Utvandrarnas Hus. Avsett att rymma Svenska Emigrantinstitutets arkiv, bibliotek och utställningar. Ursprungligen utformades byggnaden av arkitekten Bent Jörgen Jörgensen. Huset har byggts om och byggts till i flera omgångar för att anpassas till rådande omständigheter. Utvandrarnas Hus har många möjligheter men också problem i sin utformning. I denna rapport struderas hur funktionell den befintliga planlösningen är för de verksamheter som nyttjar lokalerna och vilka svårigheter som uppstår i användandet. Identifieringen av problemen sker genom samtal och intervjuer med de som arbetar i och med byggnaden. Som komplement utförs en personlig platsstudie med egna iakttagelser för att försöka förstå arkitekturens funktioner. Målet är att identifiera problem i husets planlösning och ge förslag på hur dessa kan åtgärdas genom att presentera olika gestaltningslösningar.

Forskare och parallellpublicering : forskares syn på, kunskap om och användning av den 'gröna' vägen till open access / Scientists and Self-Archiving : Scientists’ Perceptions, Knowledge and Use of the ’Green’ Road to Open Access

Meyer Lundén, Karin January 2008 (has links)
<p>To self-archive is to make research publications freely accessible by depositing them in an open digital archive or on a public website. The aim of this thesis is to explore what Swedish scientists think of self-archiving, what they know about it and how they make use of it, in order to understand why they do not self-archive more actively.</p><p>A web survey was conducted which was answered by 296 scientists at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Results show that only 24 % have previous experience of self-archiving, but that a majority is willing to self-archive if there are no legal objections or if it is demanded by the research funder. The most important reasons why many scientists do not self-archive are that they feel uncertain about copyright issues and/or lack knowledge about self-archiving.</p>

Arkiverande studenter : Om arkivhanteringen vid studentnationerna i Uppsala / Archiving students : On the archival management at the Student Nations in Uppsala

Larsson, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study has been to examine the archival management at the 14 Student Nations in Uppsala. This may be relevant to study to extend the research in the field that Berndt Frediksson calls “empirical archival science”. Another reason is that the Student Nations hold a unique position as organisations and their archivists holds a unique position from a professional point of view as they mostly consist of students without professional archivist training. I have mainly focused on why the archival management at the Nations looked as they did. The main method that was used in the study was semi-structured interviews where I interviewed the archivists at all of the Nations.</p><p>The functions of the archives of the Nations were the same as for other societies, with the exception that these archives also were used by officials and other members as a support for finding ideas about how to run the Nation today in several ways. The archival regulations and practices that were generally followed by the Nations were the same as for societies in general, that is, among other things, the use of “Allmänna arkivschemat” (the Swedish standard archival finding aid subject heading system) and other Swedish archival standards. Many Nations also had articles specifying the tasks of their archivists. The methods used in the archival management varied to some degree between different Nations. Concerning how well the archives was being managed they were generally managed a little defectively, even if this varied between the Nations. This was because the archivists were not professionals, and this was probably inevitable because the Nations like many other societies probably cannot afford to consult skilled professionals for this. Despite this there were a few things that could be made better. The unique position held by the Nations as organisations could generate new perspectives on archival management, and not only concerning societies.</p><p>This is a one year master’s thesis in archival science.</p>

Fotots väg från arkivboxen till allmänheten : En dokumentation av DiBiS digitaliseringsprocess samt en studie av digitaliseringens följder

Söderman, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of my one year master’s thesis is to add a documentation of a data processing-process of photo- graphs to the administration of archives. The thesis is written from an archival science perspective which is to be seen in my choice of literature, method and questions at issue. To be able to form a documentation of a data processing-process I studied DiBiS, a company specialized in digitalizing old photographs and publish them on a online database. I also added a chapter where I studied how archival institutions used to handle their old photo- graphs in a traditional manner so the reader of this thesis will be able to understand and see the differences be- tween traditional and modern photograph management. Following the chapters describing traditional and modern management I formulated some questions at issue about the data-processing-process. Those questions I studied and analyzed in chapters about advantages and the complex of problems surrounding the subject. I came to the conclusion that there are a lot of advantages surrounding the data processing-process, especially from an ar- rangement- preservation and access point of view. I also came to the conclusion that the problems with data processing is the exaggerated focus on the photographic subject, the mistake of thinking that a digital copy of the subject can replace the original photograph and that retouch might distort the original outcome and therefore not live up to  archival science standards. To my assistance I had Katarina Nordin, archivist at Arkiv Gävleborg and, among others, Ingrid Fallström, ar- chivist at DiBiS. Specialist technical literature used during my work with this thesis have been Anna Dahlgrens and Pelle Snickars (red.) I bildarkivet om fotografi och digitaliserings effekter, Hege Oulies Digitalisering av fotosamlinger, Project Minervas Good practices handbook, Wolfgang Ernsts Sorlet från arkiven – ordning ur oordning and Anna Christina Ulfsparres (red.) Arkivvetenskap.</p>

Arkiverande studenter : Om arkivhanteringen vid studentnationerna i Uppsala / Archiving students : On the archival management at the Student Nations in Uppsala

Larsson, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to examine the archival management at the 14 Student Nations in Uppsala. This may be relevant to study to extend the research in the field that Berndt Frediksson calls “empirical archival science”. Another reason is that the Student Nations hold a unique position as organisations and their archivists holds a unique position from a professional point of view as they mostly consist of students without professional archivist training. I have mainly focused on why the archival management at the Nations looked as they did. The main method that was used in the study was semi-structured interviews where I interviewed the archivists at all of the Nations. The functions of the archives of the Nations were the same as for other societies, with the exception that these archives also were used by officials and other members as a support for finding ideas about how to run the Nation today in several ways. The archival regulations and practices that were generally followed by the Nations were the same as for societies in general, that is, among other things, the use of “Allmänna arkivschemat” (the Swedish standard archival finding aid subject heading system) and other Swedish archival standards. Many Nations also had articles specifying the tasks of their archivists. The methods used in the archival management varied to some degree between different Nations. Concerning how well the archives was being managed they were generally managed a little defectively, even if this varied between the Nations. This was because the archivists were not professionals, and this was probably inevitable because the Nations like many other societies probably cannot afford to consult skilled professionals for this. Despite this there were a few things that could be made better. The unique position held by the Nations as organisations could generate new perspectives on archival management, and not only concerning societies. This is a one year master’s thesis in archival science.

Fotots väg från arkivboxen till allmänheten : En dokumentation av DiBiS digitaliseringsprocess samt en studie av digitaliseringens följder

Söderman, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of my one year master’s thesis is to add a documentation of a data processing-process of photo- graphs to the administration of archives. The thesis is written from an archival science perspective which is to be seen in my choice of literature, method and questions at issue. To be able to form a documentation of a data processing-process I studied DiBiS, a company specialized in digitalizing old photographs and publish them on a online database. I also added a chapter where I studied how archival institutions used to handle their old photo- graphs in a traditional manner so the reader of this thesis will be able to understand and see the differences be- tween traditional and modern photograph management. Following the chapters describing traditional and modern management I formulated some questions at issue about the data-processing-process. Those questions I studied and analyzed in chapters about advantages and the complex of problems surrounding the subject. I came to the conclusion that there are a lot of advantages surrounding the data processing-process, especially from an ar- rangement- preservation and access point of view. I also came to the conclusion that the problems with data processing is the exaggerated focus on the photographic subject, the mistake of thinking that a digital copy of the subject can replace the original photograph and that retouch might distort the original outcome and therefore not live up to  archival science standards. To my assistance I had Katarina Nordin, archivist at Arkiv Gävleborg and, among others, Ingrid Fallström, ar- chivist at DiBiS. Specialist technical literature used during my work with this thesis have been Anna Dahlgrens and Pelle Snickars (red.) I bildarkivet om fotografi och digitaliserings effekter, Hege Oulies Digitalisering av fotosamlinger, Project Minervas Good practices handbook, Wolfgang Ernsts Sorlet från arkiven – ordning ur oordning and Anna Christina Ulfsparres (red.) Arkivvetenskap.

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