Spelling suggestions: "subject:"earkiv"" "subject:"kharkiv""
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Vad innebär identifieringskrav vid uttag av enskilda arkiv hos en arkivmyndighet? : Offentlighets- och yttrandefrihetsprincipen kan hotas om undersökande journalister registrerasCreutz Holmgren, Stefan January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine if the freedom of information and thus also the freedom of expression in Sweden can be harmed if Swedish archives will start to identity control and register scholars who wants to take part private of archives in public archives. To find an answer, I have looked at the advantages and disadvantages of such registration and control. If a registration is introduced there is some thought about sort out and preservation and you can see if the principle of openness and thus freedom of expression can be damaged in such a registration. I have analysed and compared Swedish laws concerning the principle of openness and for archives as well as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and conducted semi-structured interviews with a lawyer, an archivist, and a journalist. I have concluded that it is possible for the Swedish National Archive to register who takes part in their individual archives, but it is uncertain how long this information can be preserved. Most of the informants believe that the principle of openness and thus freedom of expression can be damaged if control of identification is introduced. The journalist believes that the registered information can be used to map journalists and prevent them from accessing information in private archives. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om offentlighetsprincipen och därmed också yttrandefriheten i Sverige kan skadas om svenska arkiv kommer att börja identitetskontrollera och registrera forskare som vill delta privat i arkiv i offentliga arkiv. För att hitta ett svar har jag tittat på fördelarna och nackdelarna med sådan registrering och kontroll. Om en registrering införs tänker man på sortering och bevarande och man kan se om principen om öppenhet och därmed yttrandefrihet kan skadas i en sådan registrering. Jag har analyserat och jämfört svenska lagar om principen om öppenhet och för arkiv samt EU: s allmänna dataskyddsförordning (GDPR) och genomfört halvstrukturerade intervjuer med en advokat, en arkivare och en journalist. Jag har kommit fram till att det är möjligt för Svenska Nationalarkivet att registrera vem som deltar i sina enskilda arkiv, men det är osäkert hur länge denna information kan bevaras. De flesta informanter tror att principen om öppenhet och därmed yttrandefrihet kan skadas om kontroll av identifiering införs. Journalisten tror att den registrerade informationen kan användas för att kartlägga journalister och hindra dem från att få tillgång till information i privata arkiv.
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Kommunicera mera! : Tre svenska kommunala arkivs kommunikationsstrategiers styrkor och utmaningar / Communicate more! : Three Swedish municipal archives’ communications strategies’ strenghts and challengesEkman, Annie, Ohlson, Zuzanne January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis examines the communication strategies of three municipal archives in Stockholm, Uppsala and Gothenburg. These communication strategies are specifically formulated towards the archival sector and the specific archives in question. A reoccurring theme in archival literature focuses on the need of archives to become more visible and up to date in society. Therefore, this master thesis aims to examine how municipal archives work with changing the narrative of “the dusty archive” and reaching out to the public utilising their communication strategies.In two cases, that of Stockholm stadsarkiv and Regionarkivet Gothenburg, professional communicators had been employed to work with the archive's internal and external communication including the formulation of strategic communication policies. Uppsala stadsarkiv on the other hand, had an archivist who oversaw and was in charge of the “communication process”. In interviews with the co-workers from all three archives one primary question was whether the strategies have been successfully implemented in the organisation or not. Following results were found: In some ways the communication strategies have managed to make the archive more attractive for visitors and users - especially in terms of public activities, such as publicly held lectures.Other challenges remain, for example communicating the archives in a way that is generally easy to grasp. The reason for this was described as the municipal archive's duality between being both an information management body and a cultural heritage institution. Archives are still being described as “a hidden gem of information” from an informant's point of view. This indicates that the archives' dual function as being difficult to communicate in a straightforward way. The results show us that all three municipal archives find communicating archival function to be a challenging task. This is a two years master's thesis in Archival science.
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Med former jag vandratLjungberg, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
I mitt arbete blir min hemstad Katrineholm ett verktyg för att undersöka form. Genom ett visuellt utforskande av arkivmaterial från staden tar jag isär, sätter samman, ritar av, modifierar, och dekonstruerar för att skapa ny form. I en publikation visas arkivmaterialet tillsammans med mina undersökningar och gestaltningar. Minnen och min egen intuition leder mig genom innehållet och bestämmer vad som inkluderas och vad som lämnas åt sidan. / In my project, my hometown Katrineholm becomes a tool to explore form. Through visual exploration of archival material from the city, I pick apart, piece together, draw from, modify, and deconstruct to create new form. Archival material and my explorations are brought together in a publication. Memories and my intuition guide me through the material and decide what is included and what is discarded.
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Vita handskar på! : En studie i arkivariens syn på dess representation i dagens media. / White gloves on! : A study of archivists views of its representation in today’s media.Eriksson, Viktoria January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate what archivists think about their representation in today´s media. Popular Tv-shows and other kind of media are frequent users of archives and its contents. Without the archives, many popular TV-shows would not exist. Why is it that media shows a picture of the archives and archivists in a way that does not correspond reality? Through interviews with archivist and a person working with media, this study will look at what the archivist thinks about how they and their profession is represented in media and its consequences, and what medias viewpoint is. This study aims to answer 1) How is todays media depicting archives according to archivists? 2) What does the process look like when the archives collaborate with the media? 3) What is the archivist’s viewpoint on how their profession is depicted in media? 4) How does the media's image of the archives affect the daily work of the archivist? Previous research is more focused on how archivists and archives are depicted in film, this study focuses on the real archivists, their opinion and the pros and cons of medias use of archives.
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När historikerna besökte Moskva : En historiografisk undersökning av Kommittén för nordisk utforskning av ryska arkivSonesson, Elias January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates The Committee for Nordic exploration of Russian archives and what we can learn about the historiographical situation in the interwar period. The committee was active during 1928-1932 and was a collaboration between many senior historians from Sweden, Denmark and Norway. During the 1920s they gained permission and access to the Soviet central archives in Moscow, to look at documents that was related to Scandinavian history. The problem this study is trying to tackle is what kind of shape historiography took in Sweden when historians were involved in a large international project. The study’s purpose is to learn what Swedish historians thought was interesting and important in the subject of history, which in turn can aid the understanding of the historiography of military history since that is a subcategory of history in large. To achieve the purpose this study asks the question “is there a type of historiography that characterized the planning and work carried out by the Committee for Nordic Exploration of Russian Archives?”. As theory this study will use Carsten Holbraad’s interpretation of the concepts of liberal nationalism and liberal internationalism and to see if these concepts can be observed within the work and research of The Committee for Nordic exploration of Russian archives. The research will rely on qualitative methodology and will use textual analysis to answer the research question. During the research it will be established that the Swedish historians within the committee, was the most interested in obtaining and copy documents from the years after 1809, the 1760s and from 1648. In the end this study concludes that the committee represented the academia’s general view on history but were sometimes hindered in publishing everything they found due to pressure from above. The historians also did not mind the research into periods of peace and periods of national trauma. In the case of the concepts of liberal nationalism and internationalism, the study concludes that they are somewhat present in the committee’s work.
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Mellan kulturarv och glömska : Statlig och enskild kyrkobokföring i Säffle 1890-1990Nordlind, Irma January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Förberedelse för kris : Beredskapsplaneringen och informationssäkerheten inom Sveriges kommunarkivWesterberg, Sophia January 2024 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is to study readiness planning and information security within Sweden's municipal archives. How the extent of emergency planning and information security work within the municipal archives. Due to the many conflicts in the world at the moment, readiness planning and information security has become more important for the institutions handling information on a daily basis. With the aid from semi structured interviews the study aims to understand and see what the archivists working in municipal archives think about these subjects, what they think should be done to evolve readiness planning and information security within Sweden’s municipal archives. When a crisis hits it is important to know how to act and the next step to minimize the damage, in this case the loss of important information. The result of the study shows multiple factors at work that affects the on-going work with readiness planning and information security. Many of the archivists are worried about the long-term preservation of the information stored in the municipal archives, they recognize the responsibility they have over the information, one mistake on their or someone else’s part could lead to the loss of that information. Especially with digital information, that needs expertise handling. The archivists also shared that the workload affects their work with readiness planning and working with information security. They argued that they don’t have enough resources for developing a plan for the archive. I hope with this essay to enlighten the importance of having a plan when the unthinkable occurs.
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“I arkivet blir människor mer levande” - en studie om arkiv i historieundervisningen / In the Archive History comes to Life -The Usage of Archives in History EducationIvarsson, Stephaie, Mohammed, Amran January 2024 (has links)
To meet history in the archives can give a feeling of contact and closeness to the past. It can awaken a joy and interest for the subject of history. The power of the primary sources in the archives is something that could be used in historical education to not only arouse a joy for a lifelong learning but also for the understanding of the past. In order to make students develop their idea of history they need to encounter and work with primary historical sources. This also aligns with the Swedish curriculum for the subject of history as it says that the history education should give students an insight to historical methods. It also states that students should meet sources and artifacts that reflects human living conditions throughout history. The aim of this study has been to showcase the cooperation between Swedish history teachers in high school and the archives. It also studies the educational value and benefits of that cooperation. Our preconceived idea, and our own experience, has been that a lot of teachers aren't aware of the power of the archives and that the archives aren't aware of the needs that teachers and adolescents have. The study shows that this is partly true, but also highlights the parts of the collaboration that works well. This study has a qualitative approach and its method has been semi-structured interviews with both teachers and the staff of several archives. To find these informants we have used Arkivpedagogiskt Forum, a platform that connects staff in the archives who conduct educational work. The teachers of this study have been selected from our personal connections. The study’s contribution is twofold. Firstly it provides an insight to the cooperation that exists between archives and teachers today in Sweden. It shows what teachers want from the archives in order to make the cooperation more efficient, as well as the parts of the cooperation that works very well. Secondly, it shows that archives do have an enormous potential in history education to activate and develop students' historical consciousness through historical empathy and historical thinking.
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Andliga arkiv? : En undersökning av arkiv knutna till trossamfund i Sverige / Spiritual Archives? : A Study of Archives Linked to Religious Communities in SwedenCederberg Lindholm, Jan Teodor January 2018 (has links)
The archives of religious communities is a sparingly treated subject and christian community archives constitute the majority of the archives studied. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relevance of James M. O'Toole's four characteristics of religious archives put forward in his article What’s different about religious archives? Another implicit purpose is to expand the knowledge of religious community archives and include archives from other world religions. The thesis's theoretical starting-point is O'Toole's characteristics which are also used as a basis for the questions that the thesis set out to answer. The main question is to what extent O'Toole's characteristics are relevant for studying archives linked to modern religious communities operating in Sweden. The method used is interviews. A total of seven people were interviewed who had knowledge of seven religious community archives. The archives were linked to the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden, the Catholic Bishopric, the Jewish Community in Stockholm, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Triratna Buddhist Community and the Baptist Union of Sweden. With the exception of interviews, the source material consisted of literature (books and articles), web pages, archive registers and email correspondence. The result is that O'Toole's characteristics are not particularly relevant for studying archives linked to modern religious communities operating in Sweden. Religion does not seem so important for religious archives as O'Toole claims. On a scale of 0–5, the relevance of O'Toole's characteristics is 1–2. For this reason, the characteristics need to be modified. There are good opportunities for future researchers to develop the subject and supplement this study. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.
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Digitala attityder och kommunikation i förändringsprocessen : Förändringsledning och utmaningar vid införandet av e-arkiv i små kommunerRytterfelt, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie om utmaningar i införandeprocessen av e-arkiv, visar att digitalisering är komplext och snarast saknar facit. Däremot har studien kunnat visa på viktiga moment och indikationer för hur förändringsprocesser i kommunala verksamheter, speciellt mindre kommuner och verksamheter, kan bedrivas. Studien har visat på hur viktigt det är med förändringledning, framförallt vid införande av ny teknologi, exempelvis e-arkiv. Studien undersöker de utmaningar som föreligger i införandeprocessen av ett e-arkiv och dess kommunikation, och hur dessa kan minimeras, hur de digitala attityderna ser ut bland kommunala medarbetare, samt hur arkivverksamhetens status kan påverka digitalisering och offentlig förvaltning. Studien visar att attityder till digitalisering och ny teknik är positiva och att de flesta anser sig ha allra minst tillräcklig kompetens inom IT, och dessutom visade enkätundersökningen på en avsaknad av påtagliga skillnader mellan olika åldersgrupper, vad gäller teknik och digitalisering. Det har också tydliggjorts att kunskap, information och kommunikation behövs mer av, i form av exempelvis introduktion och utbildning. E-arkiv bidrar med gedigen verksamhetsplan och grund-läggande behov för sammanhållen förvaltning, långsiktighet, effektivisering, öppenhet, bättre arkivvård, tydlig målbild och enhetliga arbetssätt. Förändringsledning är nyckeln till framgång, och inte bara för vinstdrivande företag utan minst lika viktigt för kommunala verksamheter och andra statliga institutioner, då det inte bara underlättar att göra ekonomiska vinster, utan att styra processen och alla dess steg som är viktiga. Utan tillgång till en modell av exempelvis Kotters åttastegstyp, är det allt för lätt att missa delar som egentligen är väldigt viktiga. Kanske speciellt i processer relaterade till ny teknologi, som införandet av e-arkiv är, är Kotters och andra processer för förändringsledning ytterst effektiva för att skapa ett bra och långsiktigt resultat. / This study on challenges in the implementation process of digital archives shows that digitalisation is complex, and lacks a definite answer on how to handle it best. However, the study specifies some important steps and indicators for change management processes in municipal organisations and especially in small municipalities and organisations. The study has also shown the importance of change management, especially when it comes to the implementation of new technology, such as digital archives. The study examines the challenges in the implementation process of digital archives and how they can be avoided, what the municipal employees’ attitudes are towards digitalisation as well as how the archive’s operational maturity can affect digitalisation and public administration. The study shows that the attitudes towards digitalisation and new technology are positive, and that most employees consider themselves to have proficient competence in IT. Moreover, the survey shows a lack of prominent differences between different ages when it comes to technology and digitalisation. The survey highlights a lack of knowledge, information and communication, which need to be improved, for example through introduction and education. Digital archives contribute to fund-amental needs such as coherent operations, sustainability, effectivisation, openness, improved archival operations, and a clear vision. Change management is essentially the key to success, not solely for for-profit companies, but it is just as important for municipal operations and state-run institutions, as it facilitates economic profits without steering the process in any direction. Without access to a model like for example Kotter’s eight step model, it is easy to miss the most important aspects.
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