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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den fria lekens kraft och möjligheter : En studie kring förskollärarnas syn på barns lek och lärande i förskolan / The power and possibilities of free play

Michaelson Rhawi, Lamia, Khalil, Sama January 2019 (has links)
The study is about playing and learning in preschool. We have chosen to focus on preschool teachers way of thinking about the role of free play for children's learning. We also want to get ideas on how the preschool teachers thoughts can be configured in their activities. We have chosen to base the study on the following issues: What thoughts do preschool teachers have regarding the importance of free indoor play for children's learning? In what ways does preschool teachers describe the free indoor play being portrayed in the occupation and what effect do these have on children’s learning? Our interest is that we want to find out about the preschool teachers experiences and how they think about the role of the play for children's learning in preschool and how this can be perceived and described by the preschool teachers. Because of this, we believe that the qualitative research interview is the most suitable method for this study. We chose to visit two Reggio Emilia preschools in Stockholm city where we interviewed a total of six preschool teachers who work with children of different ages. The preschool teachers have different experiences depending on their age and the number of years they have worked in the preschool. We have chosen to start from three different theoretical starting points for this study. We focused on Vygotsky's view of the socio-cultural perspective on the role of play in children's learning. We also chose to focus on Fröbel’s view of children's play. Furthermore, we write about Malaguzzi who is the founder of the Reggio Emilia Institute, which places great emphasis on the importance of the environment for the play and children's learning. The results of the study showed that all preschool teachers agreed that the free play is important and valuable for the children. Because children spontaneously play with others, they have the opportunity to discover new experiences that help them to understand their surroundings. In the result, it emerged that the indoor environment has an important role for the children's play and learning. In conclusion, the study's results showed that the play is the foundation of children's lifelong learning.

"När man är uppe i himlen, då flyger man inte ner igen" : Kvalitativa intervjustudier om pedagogers uppfattningar av att möta barns frågor om döden samt hur barn resonerar om döden

Notter, My, Petersson Medina, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka pedagogers uppfattningar av att möta barns frågor och funderingar om döden samt att ta reda på hur barn resonerar om dessa frågor. Intresset för att skriva om ämnet döden väcktes genom en nyfikenhet för hur barns frågor om döden bemöts av pedagoger. Är det något som diskuteras tillsammans med barn? Undersökningen gjordes genom kvalitativa intervjuer där vi tog del av både barns och pedagogers perspektiv om dessa frågor. Vi undersökte framförallt vilka uppfattningar pedagoger har när det kommer till att möta barns funderingar om döden, hur pedagoger beskriver sina erfarenheter av att möta barns frågor om döden, hur förberedda de beskriver sig vara på att möta barns funderingar samt hur barn resonerar om döden utifrån en barnbok. Data analyserades utifrån ett kristeoretiskt resonemang. Resultatet visar att barns förståelse för döden som koncept är konkret vilket är en uppfattning som även pedagogerna delade. Samtliga barn förstod att döden är ett permanent tillstånd och de flesta barn trodde inte på ett liv efter döden. Pedagogerna uppfattade att barns förståelse i huvudsak påverkas av ålder och tidigare erfarenheter. Barnintervjuerna visar dock att ålder inte har någon större påverkan på barns uppfattningar utan att erfarenheter är det som väger tyngst. Enligt pedagogerna skulle barns frågor besvaras ärligt och det gjordes bäst genom samtal utifrån barnlitteratur. Alla pedagoger uppgav att de kände sig trygga i att föra samtal om döden tillsammans med barn. Detta gjordes trots deras varierande erfarenheter av att möta barn som på nära håll upplevt döden.

Sångvibrato : En teknik av betydelse i sångundervisning?

Gontevas, Maria January 2019 (has links)
När det gäller sångvibrato har lite forskning tidigare gjorts i ämnet, och när det gäller sångundervisning har jag i min egen erfarenhet aldrig haft någon sånglärare som talat om vibrato. Även bland tillfrågade sångkollegor, är det mycket sällsynt att de fått jobba med vibrato då de fått sångundervisning. Både på gymnasienivå och högskolenivå. Syftet var därför att ta reda på hur sånglärare arbetar med vibrato i sin sångundervisning. I den här uppsatsen har jag från ett kulturpsykolologiskt perspektiv och genom kvalitativa intervjuer undersökt huruvida sånglärare på gymnasium med estetiska program arbetar med vibrato och variation av vibrato med sina elever. Studiens forskningsfråga är: Vilka kulturella meningar ser några sånglärare med vibrato i sångundervisning? Resultaten varierade. Någon svarade att det inte var aktuellt i dennes undervisning, medan någon i sällsynta fall arbetade med vibratots vara eller icke vara i en sång. Överlag var vibratots mening dock inte något som prioriterades i sångundervisningen hos någon av de intervjuade sånglärarna. Resultatet visar att medvetenheten om vibratots mening och effekter på sången, oavsett genre, behöver väckas hos sånglärare. / <p>Bifogat finns en av mig inspelad version av en vers och refräng från gospellåten Keep Me av Tye Tribbet. </p>

Fri lek i förskolan : Barnens plattform

Granlund, Theres January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Självbetjäningens påverkan på biblioteksassistenternas yrkeskvalifikationer / Effects of self-service on the professional qualifications of library assistants

Söderholm Svanberg, Marianne January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the effects of self-service on professional qualifications of library assistants in three public libraries in Sweden. The research questions are: - How do the library assistants experience that their professional qualifications have changed since self-service was introduced at the library? - Does the view on library assistants’ professional qualifications and future differ between library managers and library assistants? - Does the view on library assistants’ professional qualifications and future differ between the three different libraries? The method used is qualitative interviews with six library assistants and three head of libraries from three different public libraries. The theoretical framework for this study is constructed by theoretical ideas about professional qualifications and technology&apos;s impact on professionalism. The results indicate that the cognitive qualifications of library assistants have increased and social qualifications both increased and decreased. The professional roles between librarians and library assistants are tending to merge. / Program: Bibliotekarie

”Jag diggar det!” Tolv ungdomars syn på biblioteket : en studie på Stadsbiblioteket Dynamo / ”I dig it!” Twelve young people's views on the library : A study at the City Library Dynamo

Broberg Bro, Cecilia, Fallby, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is based on a study conducted at the City Library Dynamo in Gothenburg where data have been collected through qualitative interviews with young people aged 15 - 25 years. Our intention was to examine what young people think about the City Library Dynamo as a venue, and how they perceive its activities and functions.In order to compare two different cultural venues for young people, where Dynamo is one, interviews were also conducted at a location other than the library, at Arena 29, a cultural activity house for young people in Gothenburg. Twelve qualitative and semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to collect data which was then transcribed and structured. As a theoretical framework we have used the new model for the public library, developed by Hvenegaard, Jochumsen and Skot-Hansen 2010.Our result shows a thoroughly positive image of the City Library Dynamo, particularly as a meeting and study place. Young people stated that they felt welcome and that the City Library Dynamo was designed and tailored to match their needs. Through our interviews, we understood that the need to feel recognized and welcomed is primary for this age group, regardless the type of institution. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Rektor och skolbiblioteket : en kvalitativ studie av rektorers syn på sin betydelse för skolbibliotekets pedagogiska roll / The headmaster and the school library : a qualitative study about headmasters´ view on their importance for the school library’s pedagogical role

Hütten, Robert, Johansson, Mats January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this Bachelor´s thesis is to contribute to theunderstanding of the headmaster´s view of his role when it comes to developing the school library and in particular the work of integrating the library into the teaching. The basis is three questions: What views do the headmasters express regarding the libraries´ main functions? What views do the headmasters express regarding their own importance for the school libraries´ pedagogical role? How do the headmasters regard the interaction between teachers and librarians, as to how the interaction works? To get answers to these questions we conducted semi-structured interviews with headmasters of secondary schools. As a theoretical starting point, we used our own taxonomy for headmasters. The basis of our taxonomy are from the points by the “Svenska biblioteksföreningen” and “Kungliga biblioteket”, which together form a description of a school library integrated in the school curricula. Loertscher´s taxonomy for teachers has contributed as a role model. Our taxonomy has like Loertscher´s four levels. We call the different levels: the Traditionalist, the Contended, the Agential and the Pedagogical Leader. To a certain extent our interviews have contributed to the descriptions of what characterizes the headmasters’ way of working at respective level. Every level initially describes the headmaster´s view and way of using the school library and what characterize the activities. The result of our study reveals many different opinions as to the headmaster’s role, but a view of the school library as mainly a reading promoting institution dominates. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Att tillgängliggöra distributionsstödda titlar med hjälp av marknadsföring : En studie om bibliotekariers ansatser på området / How library staff market state supported distribution

Jansson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this master&apos;s thesis is to study how librarians at public libraries make the literature with state supported distribution available through marketing. By qualitative interviews with nine heads of libraries the thesis examines how the library staff in each library market the state supported distribution by the Swedish Art Council. My theoretical framework is based on Philip Kotler&apos;s thesis on marketing. My conclusion is that the library staff rather market the library as whole, than focus on just one specific type of books. The attitudes toward the state supported distribution are a mixed one, but the library staff is glad for what is given.

Folkbibliotekarier om omvärldsbevakning : Intervjustudie med 5 svenska folkbibliotekarier / Public librarians about environmental scanning : Interview study with 5 Swedish public librarians

Lindström, Emilie January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to reach knowledge about how public librarians understands and describes environmental scanning as a working process in a Swedish public library. The study consists of 5 interviews with public librarians working within the same organization. The empirical material is presented in two ways. The first one is what aspects of the external world the librarians find important. The second is through a theoretical framework based on Magnus Hoppes model of environmental scanning, including communication and cognitive processes aswell as ways of analyzing information from the external world. Analysis shows that the relationship between the library it&apos;s environment requires different kinds of environmental scanning, often directed by the interests and professional ideals of the individual librarian. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Språkhistoria – ”man får den liksom på köpet i undervisningen” : En studie som utforskar olikheter och likheter i gymnasielärares arbete med språkhistoria i ämnena Svenska och Svenska som andraspråk / Language History –”It comes naturally with the other teaching subject” : A study which examines the differences and similarities in upper secondary school teachers' work with language history in the subjects Swedish and Swedish as a secondary language

Karlstedt, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
This essay presents a comparison between Secondary teachers' work in language history in the courses Swedish and Swedish as a second language. This is ​​based on the idea that there are differences between the two courses that can’t be explained by the curriculum's different objectives and criteria. This study has its focused on working methods, attitude and problematics in Teacher's education of language history. Six Teachers' were interviewed and their answers form the basis of the study results. The results of the interviews were analyzed through curriculum theory to give the teachers a common starting point in their education in language history. What could be learned from this study was that there are differences between the course's working methods and attitude among the teachers in the different courses. There was also a lack of confidence in the curriculum, which the teachers did not consider gave adequate support in different problematics and issues that arose in their classrooms. A distinct difference that was read from the result was that the students in Swedish as second language ​​had a better attitude to the education in language history, likewise its teachers. / Denna uppsats presenterar en jämförelse mellan gymnasielärares arbete med språkhistoria i ämnena Svenska och Svenska som andraspråk med utgångspunkt i tanken att det finns skillnader mellan de två ämnen som inte kan förklaras med läroplanens olika mål och kriterier. Studien har fokuserat på arbetsmetoder, inställning och problematik i lärares undervisning av språkhistoria. Sex informanters intervjuer ligger till grund för studiens resultat. Intervjuernas resultat analyserades genom läroplansteori för att ge denna studie en gemensam utgångspunkt utifrån samtliga informanterns olika perspektiv. Vad som kunde utläsas från denna undersökning var att det finns skillnader mellan ämnenas arbetsmetoder och inställning hos lärarna i de olika ämnena. Det framkom även en bristande tillit till läroplanen som lärarna inte ansåg gav tillräckligt stöd i deras problematik som uppstod i deras klassrum. En tydlig skillnad som utlästes från resultatet var att både lärarna och eleverna i Svenska som andraspråk hade bättre inställning till momentet språkhistoria.

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