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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

美國選民分裂投票行為之研究──以一九九二年選舉為例 / The Research of Split-Ticket Voting in 1992 American Elections

許增如, Hsu, Tseng-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的研究目的在探討美國選民的分裂投票行為, 以一九九二年的選舉為研究對象. 資料來源是1992年NES的資料. 本文所指的--分裂投票, 是指選民在該年的總統與眾議員選舉中, 分別投給不同政黨的候選人. 茲分成以下章節一一探討. 第一章包含研究動機, 文獻檢閱, 與研究方法. 在本章中, 我們將美國有關分 裂投票的研究, 做了全面性的探討, 並配合一九九二年特殊的選舉環境, 建構屬於本文的假設. 第二章是在探討分裂投票選民的特質. 第三章則是探討政黨認同對選民分裂投票行為的影響. 當選民的政黨認同越弱時, 選民越傾向分裂投票,合乎我們的假設. 在政黨認同的方向上, 在一九九二年民主黨的認同者比較傾向一致 投票. 第四章在探討候選人因素對分裂投票的影響. 在1980年代的文獻中,相當強調候選人因素的影響, 特別是國會的現任者, 常常是造成選民分裂投票的誘因. 但是在1992年的選舉中, 無論是總統或眾議員候選人都不強. 因此我們認為1992年選民分裂投票的誘因, 應該是議題因素. 在第五章中,我們藉由經濟性投票模式及政策中和模式, 來解釋1992年選民的分裂投票行為.

Majority-Preferential Two-Round Electoral Formula: A Balanced Value-Driven Model for Canada

Esmaeilpour Fadakar, Shahin 06 May 2014 (has links)
This research is an enquiry to find an electoral formula that conforms to Canadian constitutional values. Three core values that are pertinent to the issue of electoral systems are identified: democracy, diversity, and efficiency. Each of these core values is divided into different aspects. These aspects will form the backbone of the evaluation of different electoral systems in this work. I will begin with an evaluation of the plurality model of elections, which is currently used in Canada. I will demonstrate that many of the attributes of the current system are not in tune with Canadian constitutional values, in particular with the progressive interpretation that the Supreme Court of Canada has given to the right to vote as enshrined in Section 3 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Although the interpretation of the right to vote will be the main thrust of the constitutional scrutiny in this work, attention will also be given to other pertinent rights such as equality rights, minority rights, and the freedom of expression. Next, I will examine provincial electoral reform initiatives that were initiated in five Canadian provinces. All of these initiatives - three of which were put to referenda and eventually defeated - proposed adopting a variant of proportional representation. Accordingly, I will evaluate proportional systems according to the intended values. I will conclude that these systems have problems of their own and they also cannot strike a fine balance between competing values. In the final stage, I will make a new proposal for elections to the Canadian Parliament. First, I will demonstrate that majority systems are better candidates to attain the envisioned values. Then I will introduce a new variant of the majority model, which I call a majority-preferential two-round variant. I will demonstrate that this new variant will outperform the other variants in the attainment of values if adopted for elections to the House of Commons. Finally, I will argue that the combination of a House of Commons elected through the majority-preferential formula and a proportionally elected Senate will result in a more balanced approach to the relevant constitutional values.

Essays on the Liquidity Trap, Oil Shocks, and the Great Moderation

Nakov, Anton 19 November 2007 (has links)
The thesis studies three distinct issues in monetary economics using a common dynamic general equilibrium approach under the assumptions of rational expectations and nominal price rigidity. The first chapter deals with the so-called "liquidity trap" - an issue which was raised originally by Keynes in the aftermath of the Great Depression. Since the nominal interest rate cannot fall below zero, this limits the scope for expansionary monetary policy when the interest rate is near its lower bound. The chapter studies the conduct of monetary policy in such an environment in isolation from other possible stabilization tools (such as fiscal or exchange rate policy). In particular, a standard New Keynesian model economy with Calvo staggered price setting is simulated under various alternative monetary policy regimes, including optimal policy. The challenge lies in solving the (otherwise linear) stochastic sticky price model with an explicit occasionally binding non-negativity constraint on the nominal interest rate. This is achieved by parametrizing expectations and applying a global solution method known as "collocation". The results indicate that the dynamics and sometimes the unconditional means of the nominal rate, inflation and the output gap are strongly affected by uncertainty in the presence of the zero lower bound. Commitment to the optimal rule reduces unconditional welfare losses to around one-tenth of those achievable under discretionary policy, while constant price level targeting delivers losses which are only 60% larger than under the optimal rule. On the other hand, conditional on a strong deflationary shock, simple instrument rules perform substantially worse than the optimal policy even if the unconditional welfare loss from following such rules is not much affected by the zero lower bound per se. The second thesis chapter (co-authored with Andrea Pescatori) studies the implications of imperfect competition in the oil market, and in particular the existence of a welfare-relevant trade-off between inflation and output gap volatility. In the standard New Keynesian model exogenous oil shocks do not generate any such tradeoff: under a strict inflation targeting policy, the output decline is exactly equal to the efficient output contraction in response to the shock. I propose an extension of the standard model in which the existence of a dominant oil supplier (such as OPEC) leads to inefficient fluctuations in the oil price markup, reflecting a dynamic distortion of the economy's production process. As a result, in the face of oil sector shocks, stabilizing inflation does not automatically stabilize the distance of output from first-best, and monetary policymakers face a tradeoff between the two goals. The model is also a step away from discussing the effects of exogenous oil price changes and towards analyzing the implications of the underlying shocks that cause the oil price to change in the first place. This is an advantage over the existing literature, which treats the macroeconomic effects and policy implications of oil price movements as if they were independent of the underlying source of disturbance. In contrast, the analysis in this chapter shows that conditional on the source of the shock, a central bank confronted with the same oil price change may find it desirable to either raise or lower the interest rate in order to improve welfare. The third thesis chapter (co-authored with Andrea Pescatori) studies the extent to which the rise in US macroeconomic stability since the mid-1980s can be accounted for by changes in oil shocks and the oil share in GDP. This is done by estimating with Bayesian methods the model developed in the second chapter over two samples - before and after 1984 - and conducting counterfactual simulations. In doing so we nest two other popular explanations for the so-called "Great Moderation": (1) smaller (non-oil) shocks; and (2) better monetary policy. We find that the reduced oil share can account for around one third of the inflation moderation, and about 13% of the GDP growth moderation. At the same time smaller oil shocks can explain approximately 7% of GDP growth moderation and 11% of the inflation moderation. Thus, the oil share and oil shocks have played a non-trivial role in the moderation, especially of inflation, even if the bulk of the volatility reduction of output growth and inflation is attributed to smaller non-oil shocks and better monetary policy, respectively. / La tesis estudia tres problemas distintos de macroeconomía monetaria utilizando como marco común el equilibrio general dinámico bajo expectativas racionales y con rigidez nominal de los precios. El primer capítulo trata el problema de la "trampa de liquidez" - un tema planteado primero por Keynes después de la Gran Depresión de 1929. El hecho de que el tipo de interés nominal no pueda ser negativo limita la posibilidad de llevar una política monetaria expansiva cuando el tipo de interés se acerca a cero. El capítulo estudia la conducta de la política monetaria en este entorno en aislamiento de otros posibles instrumentos de estabilización (como la política fiscal o la política de tipo de cambio). En concreto, se simula un modelo estándar Neo-Keynesiano con rigidez de precios a la Calvo bajo diferentes regimenes de política monetaria, incluida la política monetaria óptima. El reto consiste en resolver el modelo estocástico bajo la restricción explícita ocasionalmente vinculante de no negatividad de los tipos de interés. La solución supone parametrizar las expectativas y utilizar el método de solución global conocido como "colocación". Los resultados indican que la dinámica y en ocasiones los valores medios del tipo de interés, la inflación y el output gap están muy influidos por la presencia de la restricción de no negatividad. El compromiso con la regla monetaria óptima reduce las pérdidas de bienestar esperadas hasta una décima parte de las pérdidas obtenidas bajo la mejor política discrecional, mientras una política de meta constante del nivel de precios resulta en pérdidas que son sólo 60% mayores de las obtenidas bajo la regla óptima. Por otro lado, condicionado a a un choque fuerte deflacionario, las reglas instrumentarias simples funcionan mucho peor que la política óptima, aun si las pérdidas no condicionales de bienestar asociadas a dichas reglas no están muy afectadas por la presencia de la restricción de no negatividad en si. El segundo capítulo de la tesis estudia las implicaciones de la competencia imperfecta en el mercado del petróleo, y en concreto la existencia de un conflicto relevante entre la volatilidad de la inflación y la del output gap de un país importador de petróleo. En el modelo estándar Neo Keynesiano, los choques petroleros exógenos no generan ningún conflicto de objetivos: bajo una política de metas de inflación estricta, la caída del output es exactamente igual a la contracción eficiente del output en respuesta al choque. Este capitulo propone una extensión del modelo básico en la cual la presencia de un proveedor de petróleo dominante (OPEP) lleva a fluctuaciones ineficientes en el margen del precio del petróleo que reflejan una distorsión dinámica en el proceso de producción de la economía. Como consecuencia, ante choques provinientes del sector de petróleo, una política de estabilidad de los precios no conlleva automáticamente a una estabilización de la distancia del output de su nivel eficiente y existe un conflicto entre los dos objetivos. El modelo se aleja de la discución los efectos de cambios exógenos en el precio del petróleo y se acerca al análisis de las implicaciones de los factores fundamentales que provocan los cambios en el precio del petróleo en primer lugar. Esto último representa una ventaja clara frente a la literatura existente, la cual trata tanto los efectos macroeconómicos como las implicaciones para la política monetaria de cambios en el precio del petróleo como si éstos fueran independientes de los factores fundamentales provocando dicho cambio. A diferencia de esta literatura, el análisis del capitulo II demuestra cómo frente al mismo cambio en el precio del petróleo, un banco central puede encontrar deseable bien subir o bajar el tipo de interés en función del origen del choque. El tercer capitulo estudia el grado en que el ascenso de la estabilidad macroeconómica en EE.UU. a partir de mediados de los 80 se puede atribuir a cambios en la naturaleza de los choques petroleros y/o el peso del petróleo en el PIB. Con este propósito se estima el modelo desarrollado en el capitulo II con métodos Bayesianos utilizando datos macroeconómicos de dos periodos - antes y después de 1984 - y se conducen simulaciones contrafactuales. Las simulaciones permiten dos explicaciones alternativas de la "Gran Moderación": (1) menores choques no petroleros; y (2) mejor política monetaria. Los resultados apuntan a que el petróleo ha jugado un papel no-trivial en la moderación. En particular, el menor peso del petroleo en el PIB a partir de 1984 ha contribuido a una tercera parte de la moderación de la inflación y un 13% de la moderación del output. Al mismo tiempo, un 7% de la moderación del PIB y 11% de la moderación de la inflación se pueden atribuir a menores choques petroleros.

A system approach to an outcomes-based competence profile of education, training and development practitioners in the South African National Defence Force

Moorhouse, Christa 28 February 2007 (has links)
This study concerns the identification of the particular competences required by education, training and development practitioners (ETD practitioners) in the South African National Defence Force to develop suitable and appropriate career and training strategies. An applied research approach and a primarily quantitative approach were used. Questionnaires were completed by the commanding officers or the training managers, as well as the ETD practitioners at the education, training and development providers in the South African National Defence Force to determine the actual utilisation of ETD practitioners. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the roles, core competences, levels of competences and clusters of competences required by ETD practitioners in the South African National Defence Force. In addition, the actual utilisation of ETD practitioners was compared with a proposed competence profile that was based on the literature study in order to determine the competence gap that has to be addressed by means of career and training strategies. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.(Didactics)

La transparence des élections en droit public africain, à partir des cas béninois, sénégalais et togolais / The transparency of elections in the African public law, based on the Beninese, Senegalese and Togolese cases.

Afo Sabi, Kasséré 26 March 2013 (has links)
Souvent prônée au regard de l’abondant discours politique et juridique dont elle fait l’objet, mais en même temps fréquemment et subtilement « torpillée », « combattue », la transparence des élections est l’une de ces notions-méridien des temps modernes.La présente thèse lève ainsi le voile sur ce que, quelle qu’en soit la forme, cette notion est tout logiquement reprise − et tant bien que mal consolidée ou en voie de consolidation − dans l’ordre juridique interne des différents États, notamment africains et tente de faire prendre conscience que, à l’analyse, une telle consécration, ou le cas échéant une telle consolidation, apparait bien plus embarrassée. En sus de cela, d’un point de vue de théorie et de pratique juridiques, naissent des incertitudes, au double regard de sa nature et de sa portée juridiques, instaurant ainsi un climat d’insécurité juridique dont il devient donc impérieux de sortir. Sans doute est-ce parce que, assez récente dans un domaine lui-même en quête d’autonomie : le droit électoral, cette notion se révèle très redoutable à cerner. Cette modeste contribution tente-t-elle justement de répondre à l’ensemble de ces préoccupations. Dans cette perspective, le travail pionnier de la Cour constitutionnelle du Bénin qui a érigé la transparence électorale en un principe à valeur constitutionnelle mérite d’être poursuivi. Elle est donc davantage un « construit » qu’un « donné ». En tout état de cause, un tel approfondissement assurerait une cohérence au droit public et renforcerait la sécurité juridique. Cette exigence est donc un terreau fertile à l’éclosion et au triomphe de la démocratie libérale. À y voir de près, elle est à même de réaliser la révolution juridique chère à Montesquieu et que n’a pu, malheureusement, pérenniser le principe de séparation des pouvoirs : la modération du pouvoir politique dans l’État. / Often advocated in view of the abundant political and legal discourse of which it is the object, but at the same time and often subtly "torpedoed", “fought”, transparent elections are one of these meridian notions of modern times.Whatever form it may take, this Thesis is lifting the veil on this notion which is logically repeated, and somehow not well consolidated or being consolidated - in the internal legal order of the various States, particularly African States and which tries to make people aware that, in the analysis, such a consecration, or if any such consolidation, appears more embarrassed. In addition to this, a point of view of legal theory and practice, uncertainties arise, the double view of its nature and scope of legal, thus creating a climate of legal insecurity that it becomes imperative to quit Without any doubt, this recently field is seeking itself autonomy, and this concept , electoral law proves to be very formidable to understand. This modest contribution, consequently tries to answer all these concerns. In this perspective, the pioneering work of the Constitutional Court of Benin which erected electoral transparency principle to a value worth pursuing. Therefore, it is more of “a constructed” than a "given”. In any event, such a deepening should ensure coherence to public law and enhance legal certainty. This requirement is a fertile ground for the emergence and triumph of liberal democracy. A close look at it, it is able to perform the legal revolution dear to Montesquieu who could not, unfortunately, perpetuate the principle of separation of powers: the moderation of political power in the state.

Résilience et vieillissement cognitif : une approche de modération en neuro-imagerie structurelle et fonctionnelle

Ducharme-Laliberté, Gabriel 09 1900 (has links)
De nombreux changements cérébraux s’opèrent au cours du vieillissement normal, et ce, tant au niveau structurel que fonctionnel. Ces changements résultent le plus souvent en une certaine détérioration du fonctionnement cognitif et se répercutent ainsi sur la qualité de vie des personnes âgées. Il appert toutefois que certaines personnes se voient relativement épargnées et parviennent à maintenir un niveau de fonctionnement cognitif comparativement élevé en dépit de l’avancement en âge. En présence d’une accélération du vieillissement populationnel, il devient donc criant de comprendre les facteurs et les mécanismes neurobiologiques qui contribueraient à cette meilleure résilience face aux effets du vieillissement sur le cerveau et la cognition. Bien que plusieurs modèles aient tenté de rendre compte de ce phénomène, la compréhension des mécanismes qui le sous-tendent demeure à ce jour relativement lacunaire. L’objectif principal de cette thèse était ainsi d’exposer les corrélats neurobiologiques associés à une meilleure résilience face aux effets du vieillissement normal sur le cerveau et la cognition, et ce, par l’entremise de mesures d’imagerie par résonance magnétique structurelle (IRM) et fonctionnelle (IRMf). Cette thèse contient quatre articles. L’intention du premier article (Chapitre II) était de faire une synthèse des connaissances quant aux mécanismes impliqués dans la résilience contre les effets délétères du vieillissement normal sur la cognition. Dans cette revue de la littérature, nous nous sommes intéressés à deux des principaux modèles visant à rendre compte de ce phénomène de protection : la réserve cérébrale et la réserve cognitive. L’examen de la littérature empirique amène à la conclusion qu’une meilleure résilience pourrait reposer sur des différences cérébrales à la fois structurelles et fonctionnelles, et donc que les deux modèles proposés pourraient amener une contribution indépendante au phénomène de résilience. Par ailleurs, nous soulevons l’hypothèse que les corrélats de la résilience s’apparentent grandement aux différences cérébrales associées aux entraînements cognitifs. Les trois articles suivants sont des articles empiriques qui s’intéressent à la mémoire de travail, une fonction qui décline avec l’âge, mais qui montre d’importantes différences interindividuelles. L’objectif du second article (Chapitre III) était d’investiguer la relation entre la scolarité, un indicateur de réserve (reserve proxy) bien établi, et le volume régional de la substance grise, ainsi qu’entre la scolarité et les activations cérébrales lors d’une tâche de mémoire de travail chez des participants âgés et cognitivement sains. Les résultats indiquent qu’un nombre d’années de scolarité plus élevé est à la fois associé à une moindre perte de volume liée à l’âge dans les régions frontales et pariétales, ainsi qu’à une plus grande activation liée à l’âge dans certaines régions préfrontales faisant partie du réseau de la mémoire de travail. La troisième étude (Chapitre IV) visait à examiner si les différences cérébrales fonctionnelles associées à la scolarité sont compatibles avec des mécanismes d’efficacité ou de flexibilité neuronale. Elle avait ensuite pour objectif d’examiner l’effet « protecteur » de ces différences fonctionnelles sur le plan de la performance en mémoire de travail. Les résultats suggèrent que les deux mécanismes posés seraient associés à une meilleure préservation de la mémoire de travail face aux effets de l’âge, mais que leur implication respective dépendrait du niveau d’exigence de la tâche. Enfin, l’objectif de la quatrième étude (Chapitre V) était de tester, dans un premier temps, la relation entre l’engagement dans un style de vie stimulant et le maintien de l’intégrité de la substance blanche. Puis, l’étude visait dans un second temps à examiner si une plus grande intégrité de la substance blanche diminuait l’impact de l’âge sur la mémoire de travail. Les résultats de l’étude suggèrent qu’un style de vie plus stimulant serait associé à un moindre volume de lésions de la substance blanche liées à l’âge et que ce moindre volume de lésions de la substance blanche serait en retour associé à de meilleures performances en mémoire de travail. / Many changes to the brain occur in normal aging, both structurally and functionally. These changes most often result in a certain deterioration of cognitive functioning, and thus affect the quality of life of the elderly. It appears, however, that some people are relatively spared and manage to maintain a comparatively high level of cognitive functioning despite advancing in age. In the presence of an acceleration of population aging, there is a striking need to understand the factors and neurobiological mechanisms that may contribute to this better resilience to the effects of aging on the brain and on cognition. Although several models have attempted to account for this phenomenon, the understanding of the mechanisms that underpin it is still relatively incomplete. The main objective of this thesis was to expose the neurobiological correlates associated with a better resilience to the effects of normal aging on the brain and cognition, through structural (MRI) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). This thesis contains four articles. The intention of the first article (Chapter II) was to synthesize knowledge about the mechanisms involved in the resilience against the degenerative effects of normal aging on cognition. In this literature review, we were interested in the two main models attempting to account for this protective phenomenon: the brain reserve and cognitive reserve. Examining the empirical literature leads to the conclusion that better resilience might be based on both structural and functional brain differences, and therefore that the two proposed models could make an independent contribution to the resilience phenomenon. In addition, we hypothesize that the correlates of resilience are very similar to the brain differences associated with cognitive training. The following three articles are empirical articles which focus on working memory, a function that declines with age but shows significant inter-individual differences. The purpose of the second article (Chapter III) was to investigate the relationship between education, a well-established reserve proxy, and the regional volume of gray matter, as well as between education and brain activation during a working memory task in cognitively healthy elderly participants. Results indicate that higher years of education are associated with lower age-related loss of volume in the frontal and parietal areas, as well as greater age-related activation in some prefrontal regions that are part of the working memory network. The third study (Chapter IV) sought to examine whether functional education-related brain differences are compatible with neuronal efficiency and/or flexibility mechanisms. It further aimed to examine the "protective" effect of these functional differences on working memory performance. The results suggest that the two proposed mechanisms would be associated with a better preservation of working memory in the face of the effects of age, but that their respective involvement would depend on the level of the task requirement. Finally, the objective of the fourth study (Chapter V) was to first test the relationship between engagement in a stimulating lifestyle and white matter integrity maintaining. Then, the study aimed to examine whether greater white matter integrity decreased the impact of age on working memory. The results of the study suggest that a more stimulating lifestyle would be associated with a lesser age-related white matter lesions volume, and that this smaller white matter lesions volume would in turn be associated with better working memory performance.

Challenges confronting school management teams in the implementation od school-based moderation of mathematics assessment tasks in the Thohoyandou Cluster in the Limpopo Province, South Africa

Nndwamato, Tendani Elizabeth 18 September 2017 (has links)
MEd (Educational Management) / Department of Educational Management / The aim of the study was to investigate challenges confronting SMT members in the implementation of school-based moderation of Mathematics assessment tasks. An in-depth study of literature was undertaken, taking into consideration the following research question: What are the challenges confronting SMT members in the implementation of school-based moderation of Mathematics assessment tasks in the Thohoyandou cluster of the Limpopo Province? The study used the qualitative and quantitative approaches. Purposive sampling was used in the selection of participants for the qualitative data and simple random sampling was used in the selection of participants for the quatitative data. Qualitative data was collected through the interviews and quantitative data was collected through questionnaires. The interview schedule was employed to collect qualitative data and 12 participants (8 SMT members and 4 curriculum advisors for Mathematics in the Thohoyandou cluster) were interviewed. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative data and were completed by 75 Mathematics teachers. Qualitative data was analysed thematically and quantitative data was analysed through SPSS version 23. The study revealed that: Lack of understanding and knowledge of the process of school-based moderation of mathematics is a serious worm that needs to be addressed soon. Moderation of school-based assessment was not monitored appropriately. The study recommended that the Department of Basic Education should conduct workshops and train SMT members on the importance of school-based moderation to ensure quality teaching and learning of Mathematics.

Klid duše jako topos epikurejského životního stylu reflektovaný v životopisných vyprávěních současníků / Calmness of Heart as Topos of the Epicurean Lifestyle Reflected in the Biographical Narration of Contemporaries

Havlová, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT Title: Calmness of Heart as Topos of the Epicurean Lifestyle Reflected in the Biographical Narration of Contemporaries Author: Pavlína Havlová Department: Oral History - Contemprorary History Supervisor: Mgr. David Bartoň Abstract: The proposed diploma thesis focuses on the presence of the Epicurean tradition in the biographical narration of selected contemporaries. The main emphasis is laid on substantiating relatedness between the thoughts that were formulated by the Greek thinker Epicurus at the turn of 3rd and 4th century BC and the values and lifestyle of the given individuals. The theoretical basis of the thesis is Epicurus's Letter to Menoeceus, which contains the explication of human life and ethics in particular. Based on the analysis of the letter, four general topics were defined (sobriety, moderation, internal and external lifestyle). These topics served as starting points for the interviews that also enabled their analysis and interpretation. The interviews were recorded using the oral history method, which facilitates individual approach to the scrutiny of biographical narration of selected contemporaries. Keywords: Epicurus, Epicurean, Ethics, Character, Sensibility (Temperance and Sobriety, Sophrosyne resp.), Happiness (Well-fare/Flourishing, Eudaimonia resp.), Moderation...

Majority-Preferential Two-Round Electoral Formula: A Balanced Value-Driven Model for Canada

Esmaeilpour Fadakar, Shahin January 2014 (has links)
This research is an enquiry to find an electoral formula that conforms to Canadian constitutional values. Three core values that are pertinent to the issue of electoral systems are identified: democracy, diversity, and efficiency. Each of these core values is divided into different aspects. These aspects will form the backbone of the evaluation of different electoral systems in this work. I will begin with an evaluation of the plurality model of elections, which is currently used in Canada. I will demonstrate that many of the attributes of the current system are not in tune with Canadian constitutional values, in particular with the progressive interpretation that the Supreme Court of Canada has given to the right to vote as enshrined in Section 3 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Although the interpretation of the right to vote will be the main thrust of the constitutional scrutiny in this work, attention will also be given to other pertinent rights such as equality rights, minority rights, and the freedom of expression. Next, I will examine provincial electoral reform initiatives that were initiated in five Canadian provinces. All of these initiatives - three of which were put to referenda and eventually defeated - proposed adopting a variant of proportional representation. Accordingly, I will evaluate proportional systems according to the intended values. I will conclude that these systems have problems of their own and they also cannot strike a fine balance between competing values. In the final stage, I will make a new proposal for elections to the Canadian Parliament. First, I will demonstrate that majority systems are better candidates to attain the envisioned values. Then I will introduce a new variant of the majority model, which I call a majority-preferential two-round variant. I will demonstrate that this new variant will outperform the other variants in the attainment of values if adopted for elections to the House of Commons. Finally, I will argue that the combination of a House of Commons elected through the majority-preferential formula and a proportionally elected Senate will result in a more balanced approach to the relevant constitutional values.

L’émission des comportements inadaptés au travail : adaptation ou explication quant à la relation entre la perception de la justice organisationnelle et la santé psychologique des individus au travail

Durand, Jean-Christophe 05 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse de doctorat porte sur la relation entre la perception de la justice organisationnelle, l’émission de comportements inadaptés au travail et la santé psychologique des individus au travail. En plus de développer un outil de mesure des comportements inadaptés au travail et d’entreprendre un processus de validation de celui-ci, le présent travail propose que les comportements inadaptés au travail puissent occuper un rôle soit protecteur ou explicatif dans la relation qui unit la perception de la justice organisationnelle avec la santé psychologique des individus au travail. Au sein de cette thèse, le premier article recense la documentation scientifique quant aux variables de la perception de la justice organisationnelle, de l’émission des comportements inadaptés au travail et de la santé psychologique des individus au travail, ainsi que les liens qui unissent ces variables. Aussi, les modèles conceptuels des rôles modérateur et médiateur des comportements inadaptés au travail sont proposés au sein de la relation entre la perception de la justice organisationnelle et la santé psychologique des individus au travail. Le deuxième article a pour objectif de développer un outil de mesure des comportements inadaptés au travail et de tester ses propriétés psychométriques. Ainsi, des analyses statistiques exploratoires et confirmatoires ont été effectuées. Afin d’appuyer la valeur critériée de l’outil proposé, une analyse corrélationnelle a été réalisée avec le critère de l’adaptation. Certaines valeurs psychométriques de l’outil sont validées par les résultats obtenus. Le troisième article examine empiriquement les modèles conceptuels des rôles anticipés des comportements inadaptés au travail dans la relation entre la perception de la justice organisationnelle et la santé psychologique des individus au travail. La perception de la justice organisationnelle a été vue sous les composantes distributive, procédurale, informationnelle et interpersonnelle. De son côté, la santé psychologique des individus a été observée par le biais des éléments du bien-être et de la détresse psychologique au travail. Les différentes analyses de régressions multiples hiérarchiques ont permis d’observer l’absence du rôle modérateur des comportements inadaptés au travail. Pour sa part, l’utilisation du test de Sobel a démontré la présence du rôle médiateur des comportements inadaptés au travail dans certaines relations. Plus exactement, celles-ci sont la relation entre la justice interpersonnelle et le bien-être psychologique au travail, la relation entre la justice interpersonnelle et la détresse psychologique au travail, ainsi que la relation entre la justice distributive et la détresse psychologique au travail. Finalement, la conclusion de la thèse présente une synthèse des résultats et expose les limites et pistes de recherches futures. / The present doctoral thesis treats of the relation between perception of organizational justice, emission of misbehaviours at work, and individuals’ psychological health at work. In addition to developing and undertaking a validation process for a measuring scale of misbehaviours at work, the present thesis proposes that these behaviours may occupy either a protective or an explicative role in the relationship that unites the perception of organizational justice with individuals’ psychological health at work. Within the thesis, the first article lists scientific literature concerning the perception of organizational justice, the emission of misbehaviours at work, and individuals’ psychological health at work. This article also includes a revue of links that unite the variables presently at study. Following this review, two conceptual models about possible roles played by misbehaviours at work in the relationship between perception of organizational justice and individuals’ psychological health at work are developed. More precisely, these models are conceptualisation of the moderating and mediating roles of inadequate work behaviours. The second article’s goal is the development of a measuring scale for misbehaviours at work and testing its psychometric proprieties. In this context, exploratory and confirmatory statistical analyses were made. Also, in order to support the criterion value of the proposed tool, a correlation analysis was made with the criteria of adaptation. The results showed that certain psychometric values were validated. The third article empirically examines the conceptual models developed about the possible roles played by misbehaviours at work in the relationship between perception of organizational justice and individuals’ psychological health at work. Organisational justice perception was analysed under distributive, procedural, informational and interpersonal components. As for individuals’ psychological health at work, it was observed through the psychological well-being and distress elements. The different multiple hierarchical regression analyses helped observe the absence of a moderator role for misbehaviours at work. Using the Sobel test showed the presence of a mediator role for misbehaviours at work in the relationship between the interpersonal organizational justice component and well-being, as well as psychological distress at work. This same test highlighted the mediator role of misbehaviours at work in the relationship between the distributive component of organizational justice and the psychological distress at work of individuals. Finally, the conclusion of this thesis presents a synthesis of the results and highlights the limits and future research ideas.

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