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Syfte som karta och kompass under loopande översättning : En undersökning av skopos betydelse när en källtext översätts parallellt med två olika skopoi / Skopos as Map and Compass : An Analysis of the Importence of Skopos in Parallel Translations with Different SkopoiLindve, Katarina January 2010 (has links)
För att se hur olika skopoi påverkar en översättning översattes en källtext parallellt med vardera sitt specifika skopos. En facktext om vikingarna i Irland på 800-talet översattes dels för publicering i en fackbok, dels för publicering i en populärvetenskaplig tidskrift. För att analysera översättningsprocessen under de två översättningarna registrerades det som Christiane Nord (2005) kallar loopar, återkopplingar under översättningsprocessen när ny kunskap kräver en omformulering av strategin. I en egen metodutveckling av Nords modell registrerades och kategoriserades looparna. Den kvantitativa studien visar att klart flest loopar inträffar i inlednings- och avslutningsskedet av översättningen, oavsett skopos. Antalet loopar för ett skopos som går ut på att producera en nära översättning av denna vetenskapliga text, med dess specifika genremarkörer, är högre än antalet loopar vid produktionen av en kraftigt omarbetad populärvetenskaplig översättning. Den kvalitativa studien visar att kulturspecifika kategorier orsakar flest loopar och ofta kräver individuella strategier. / The Skopos theory, as formulated by Vermeer (1984), stresses that all translations have a purpose to fulfil. However, how this purpose is fulfilled depends on the strategy used by the translator. In order to see the effect of two different purposes for one and the same text, a study, conducted as two parallel annotated translations, was carried out on a scientific text about Vikings in Ireland. Nord‟s (2005) term and understanding of „translation loop‟ was used in order to pinpoint when and how often the different skopoi made it necessary to stop, make a loop, and adjust the translation strategy. The quantitative study shows a pattern where most loops occur at the start and at the end of the translation. The qualitative study of the translation loops shows that cultural aspects originate most loops, and they often demand individual strategies.
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"Det är ju en överlevnadsfråga" : Hinder och möjligheter att undervisa i och för Hållbar Utveckling i Engelska A/B / "It's a question of survival" : Impediments and possibilities for teaching sustainable development in English language studies in Swedish upper secondary schoolsJohansson, Ellen January 2009 (has links)
År 2003 utnämnde UNESCO årtiondet 2005-2014 till decenniet för utbildning i hållbar utveckling och även andra internationella och nationella beslut togs för att föra in utbildning för hållbar utveckling (Education for Sustainable Development) i skolans alla ämnen. ESD syftar till att eleven ska utveckla sin förmåga att kritiskt granska olika såväl ekologiska, sociala och ekonomiska perspektiv samt kunna ta ställning till dessa genom ett aktivt deltagande i olika demokratiska processer för att stödja hållbar utveckling. Forskning på området har dock visat att integreringen i skolans alla ämnen inte har fungerat på det sätt det har varit avsett. Denna uppsats syftar till att ta reda på om ESD förekommer inom engelskaundervisningen på gymnasienivå (inom Skaraborgs län). Den försöker också att identifiera vilka hinder och möjligheter det kan finnas för att arbeta med ESD i engelska A/B. Detta har gjorts utifrån en teoretisk litteraturstudie och en semistrukturerad enkätundersökning. Frågeformulär skickades ut till alla engelskalärare på tre gymnasieskolor i länet. De viktigaste resultaten som framkom var att ett av de största hindren för att arbeta med ESD i engelska var bristande kännedom om både skolans uppdrag gällande ESD, men också om vad begreppet innebär innehållsmässigt och didaktiskt. Även litteraturen speglar fortfarande uppfattningen att ESD till största del handlar om miljöfrågor och det finns mycket få praktiska råd vad gäller ESD i språkundervisningen. Det framkom dock framförallt att det verkar finnas stora möjligheter för att föra in ESD i engelskaämnet, eftersom det finns både intresse och motivation för detta bland majoriteten av de tillfrågade lärarna. / In 2003 UNESCO proclaimed the years 2005-2014 as a global decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Likewise other resolutions stated that ESD should be integrated in all school subjects. ESD focuses on developing the students’ ability to critically examine different ecological, social and economical perspectives and to participate actively in democratic processes in order to support sustainable development. Nevertheless, research has shown that the integration of ESD into all subjects has not been accomplished successfully. This degree project aims at examining if ESD occurs in English language lessons at three Swedish upper secondary schools. It also attempts to identify which impediments and possibilities there might exist for working with ESD in English lessons. This has been done by a literary review and a semi-structured questionnaire. An inquiry form was sent to all English teachers at the schools mentioned above. The most important results derived from this study were: Firstly, one of the biggest obstacles for working with ESD in English lessons was insufficient knowledge about UNESCO’s and the Swedish Education System’s commission as well as insufficient knowledge about what the concept ESD implies, both on a content level and on a didactical level. Secondly, literature reflected the common misconception that ESD is primarily concerned with environmental issues and modern research did not provide much information about how to teach ESD within language lessons. Above all, though, the results showed that one very important condition for integrating ESD into English lessons is fulfilled, since the majority of the teachers involved in this study seemed to be motivated to do so.
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Bibliotekarien som detektiv : Representationer av bibliotekarier i detektivromaner / The Librarian as Sleuth : Images of Librarians in Mystery NovelsJohansson, Cecilia January 2013 (has links)
This master's thesis is a study of how librarians are depicted in crime fiction. 12 American and English mysterynovels featuring librarians in a central role were studied and analysed using character theory. Recurring traitswere identified and organised into themes. A number of prominent traits and themes emerged that show librariansas orderly and organised bibliophiles, but with a taste for adventure and excitement. They are keen problem solverswho enjoy a challenge, at work, or in the form of crime detection. These traits show fairly different sides ofthe characters, and hint of librarians having something of a dubble nature. Some of the traits resonate with findings in earlier studies in the field, but the old stereotype was only parti -ally confirmed. In general the image of librarians presented in the mystery novels is a positive one, which inmany respects also rings true against the background of actual librarians and library work. This is a two years master's thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.
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Bild, musik och rörelse i engelskundervisningen i årskurserna 1-6 : Kan bild, musik och rörelse främja lärandet i engelska i årskurserna 1-6 / Art, Music and Movement in Teaching and Learning of English in school years 1-6. : Can Art, Music and Movement facilitate Early English Language Learning?Falestål, Rebecka, Isholt, Axel January 2012 (has links)
This is a qualitative study aiming to find out how and why teachers work with art, music and movement in the English subject in the early years. In this study we have conducted a background study of previous research and as a starting point and as a point for reference we have relied on education policy documents like The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Swedish curriculum for the English school subject. Our research has consisted of interviews with six teachers and ten observation occasions in a total of three different primary schools. Our result show that there seems to be a consensus in both theory and praxis when it comes to integrating art, music and movement in learning and teaching of English in the early school years. The use of methods including art, music and movement in early language learning seems to promote the language development for all students but especially for young learners that require extra support for their language development.
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Laptops in English language teachingAlvring, Simon January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the use of laptops in English language teaching, its benefits and disadvantages. Three classroom observations, six student interviews and three teacher interviews were carried out to answer the study’s research questions, namely, what are the benefits and disadvantages of using laptops in the teaching of English at schools under study? How do teachers solve technical and pedagogical problems related to the use of laptops? What kinds of IT-support and possibility to develop teaching skills required by laptops are available for teachers of English? Results of the study indicate that easy access to authentic English through laptops is a benefit when teaching English at two Swedish compulsory schools and one high school. Furthermore, the study has shown that laptops are beneficial tools when teaching writing proficiency and working with problem-solving tasks in the classroom. The results of the study have also pointed to the disadvantage in the use of laptops during classroom activities, which are caused by students who are engaged in browsing off-task websites. However, a solution to this could be to include these websites into English language learning activities. The data from the interviews with the three English language teachers have provided evidence about different possibilities for IT-support and IT-development for these teachers. This study makes it clear that a successful implementation of one-to-one laptop programs requires teachers who can invest their time and energy into learning new technology, IT-development provided by the school and municipality through courses, workshops and visits at IT-fairs and other schools with one-to-one laptop program as well as a functional IT-support.
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Subjects Matter : The Subject-Object Dichotomy in Toni Morrison's JazzGustavsson, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
This essay examines the subject-object dichotomy between men and women in Toni Morrison’s Jazz and the thesis of the essay is that this dichotomy develops into subject-object harmony. Through Simone de Beauvoir’s theory regarding the subject-object dichotomy and a close reading of the novel, this essay concludes that Jazz shows the possibility of reciprocal relationships built on friendship. In other words, the dichotomy changes into harmony, which makes it possible for both men and women to reach freedom and fulfilment in transcendence.
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Gender-Related Terms in English Depositions, Examinations and Journals, 1670–1720Lilja, Sara January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on gender-related terms as well as adjectives and demonstratives in connection with these terms used in texts from the period 1670–1720. The material in the study has been drawn from both English and American sources and comes from three text categories: depositions, examinations and journals. Two of these text categories represent authentic and speech-related language use (depositions and examinations), whereas the third (journals) is representative of a non-speech-related, non-fictional text category. While previous studies of gender-related terms have primarily investigated fictional material, this study focuses on text categories which have received little attention so far. The overarching research question addressed in this study concerns the use and distribution of gender-related terms, especially with regard to referent gender. Data analyses are both quantitative and qualitative, and several linguistic and extra-linguistic factors are taken into account, such as the semantic domain to which the individual gender-related term belongs, region of origin and referent gender. Adjectives and demonstratives collocating with the gender-related terms are also investigated, as previous research has shown that referent gender has an impact on the use of adjectives as well. The results show that the use of gender-related terms is influenced by both region of origin and referent gender. It is suggested that this is due in part to the difference in nature between Early Modern English society and the early American colonies, and in part due to the social roles which men and women had. Referent gender also has an impact on the type of adjectives used in connection with gender-related terms: adjectives collocating with gender-related terms denoting men have positive connotations to a larger extent than do adjectives collocating with their female counterparts; meanwhile, gender-related terms denoting women tend to collocate with negative adjectives.
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Reciprocal Haunting : Pat Barker's Regeneration TrilogyKnutsen, Karen Patrick January 2008 (has links)
Pat Barker’s fictional account of the Great War, The Regeneration Trilogy, completed in 1995, is considered to be her most important work to date and has captured the imagination of the reading public as well as attracting considerable scholarly attention. Although the trilogy appears to be written in the realistic style of the traditional historical novel, Barker approaches the past with certain preoccupations from 1990s Britain and rewrites the past as seen through these contemporary lenses. Consequently, the trilogy illustrates not only how the past returns to haunt the present, but also how the present reciprocally haunts perceptions of the past. The haunting quality of the trilogy is developed through an extensive, intricate pattern of intertextuality. This reciprocal haunting at times breaks the realistic framework of the narrative, giving rise to anachronisms. This study offers a reading of trauma, class, gender and psychology as thematic areas where intertexts are activated, allowing Barker to revise and re-accentuate stories of the past. Drawing on Michel Foucault’s concept of discourse and Mikhail Bakhtin’s notion of dialogue, it focuses on the trilogy as an interactive link in an intertextual chain of communication about the Great War. Received versions of history are confirmed, expanded on and sometimes questioned. What is innovative about the trilogy is how Barker incorporates discursive formations not only from the Great War period, but from the whole twentieth century. The Great War is regenerated and transformed as it passes from one dialogic context to another. My reading shows that the trilogy presents social structures from different historical epochs through dialogism and diachronicity, making the present-day matrices of power and knowledge that continue to surround, determine and limit people’s lives highly visible. The Regeneration Trilogy regenerates the past, simultaneously confirming Barker’s claim that the historical novel can also be “a backdoor into the present”.
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Room for Improvement? : A comparative study of Swedish learners’ free written production in English in the foreign language classroom and in immersion educationKjellén Simes, Marika January 2008 (has links)
The present study examines the effects of immersion education on the English of two groups of advanced Swedish learners at upper secondary school. In immersion education, or CLIL, subject content is taught through a second language as a means of enhancing target language competence. In this study, language proficiency was measured in terms of the ratio of low frequency vocabulary (LFV) and the ratio of motivated tense shift (MTSh) in the learners’ free written production in English. An additional aim was to see whether the results were related to the students’ motivation as reported in a questionnaire. This longitudinal study was based on three sets of narratives, written by 86 students, half of them enrolled at the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB) where English is the medium of instruction, and the other half at national programmes (NP), where English is studied as a foreign language. At the outset, the IB and NP groups had similar results on a general diagnostic test, which was the basis for the formation of three subgroups: I, II and III, with above average, average and below average scores respectively. Mean LFV and MTSh ratios as well as different kinds of motivation were compared, both overall and in the subgroups. The IB students overall, and those in subgroup III in particular, showed the best results. As to the overall results, the IB students used significantly higher mean ratios of LFV and MTSh than the NP students in the final set of compositions. There were also a number of motivational factors that were stronger in the IB students. As to the subgroups, the most interesting results were found in subgroups I and III. While the IB students in subgroup I had high mean ratios already in the first composition, and retained them over time, their use of MTSh tended to grow subtler. The NP students had lower mean results initially, and while their mean MTSh ratio increased and ended up on a level similar to that of the IB students, their mean LFV ratio remained low. In subgroup III the results of the IB and NP students diverged over time. While the IB students progressed as reflected in their mean LFV and MTSh ratios, the NP students tended to regress. The difference in mean LFV ratios was statistically significant. The IB students were also better motivated than their NP peers. In all, this study suggests that immersion education has positive target language effects, especially on less proficient but motivated students.
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"Det är ju en överlevnadsfråga" : Hinder och möjligheter att undervisa i och för Hållbar Utveckling i Engelska A/B / "It's a question of survival" : Impediments and possibilities for teaching sustainable development in English language studies in Swedish upper secondary schoolsJohansson, Ellen January 2009 (has links)
<p>År 2003 utnämnde UNESCO årtiondet 2005-2014 till decenniet för utbildning i hållbar utveckling och även andra internationella och nationella beslut togs för att föra in utbildning för hållbar utveckling (Education for Sustainable Development) i skolans alla ämnen. ESD syftar till att eleven ska utveckla sin förmåga att kritiskt granska olika såväl ekologiska, sociala och ekonomiska perspektiv samt kunna ta ställning till dessa genom ett aktivt deltagande i olika demokratiska processer för att stödja hållbar utveckling. Forskning på området har dock visat att integreringen i skolans alla ämnen inte har fungerat på det sätt det har varit avsett. Denna uppsats syftar till att ta reda på om ESD förekommer inom engelskaundervisningen på gymnasienivå (inom Skaraborgs län). Den försöker också att identifiera vilka hinder och möjligheter det kan finnas för att arbeta med ESD i engelska A/B. Detta har gjorts utifrån en teoretisk litteraturstudie och en semistrukturerad enkätundersökning. Frågeformulär skickades ut till alla engelskalärare på tre gymnasieskolor i länet. De viktigaste resultaten som framkom var att ett av de största hindren för att arbeta med ESD i engelska var bristande kännedom om både skolans uppdrag gällande ESD, men också om vad begreppet innebär innehållsmässigt och didaktiskt. Även litteraturen speglar fortfarande uppfattningen att ESD till största del handlar om miljöfrågor och det finns mycket få praktiska råd vad gäller ESD i språkundervisningen. Det framkom dock framförallt att det verkar finnas stora möjligheter för att föra in ESD i engelskaämnet, eftersom det finns både intresse och motivation för detta bland majoriteten av de tillfrågade lärarna.</p> / <p>In 2003 UNESCO proclaimed the years 2005-2014 as a global decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Likewise other resolutions stated that ESD should be integrated in all school subjects. ESD focuses on developing the students’ ability to critically examine different ecological, social and economical perspectives and to participate actively in democratic processes in order to support sustainable development. Nevertheless, research has shown that the integration of ESD into all subjects has not been accomplished successfully. This degree project aims at examining if ESD occurs in English language lessons at three Swedish upper secondary schools. It also attempts to identify which impediments and possibilities there might exist for working with ESD in English lessons. This has been done by a literary review and a semi-structured questionnaire. An inquiry form was sent to all English teachers at the schools mentioned above. The most important results derived from this study were: Firstly, one of the biggest obstacles for working with ESD in English lessons was insufficient knowledge about UNESCO’s and the Swedish Education System’s commission as well as insufficient knowledge about what the concept ESD implies, both on a content level and on a didactical level. Secondly, literature reflected the common misconception that ESD is primarily concerned with environmental issues and modern research did not provide much information about how to teach ESD within language lessons. Above all, though, the results showed that one very important condition for integrating ESD into English lessons is fulfilled, since the majority of the teachers involved in this study seemed to be motivated to do so.</p>
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