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Diffusion of environmental awareness: experience from RussiaWiesmeth, Hans, Lösch, S., Okhrin, O. 14 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Georytmus / GeorthythmRoček, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Video instalation which is focused on virtual space, in gnoseology context.
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Patientsäkerhet i relation till sjuksköterskors arbetsbelastning : En litteraturöversikt / Patient safety in relation to nurses workload : A literature reviewSchwalbe, Ingrid, Ekeberg, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Background The workload of nurses is a frequently discussed issue, the subject often concludes that it is unsustainable on both a national as well as an international level. The background explains the main focus of this litterature review, which is patient safety, which also is one of many of the nurses responsibility tasks. The background also explores what work enviroment and workload is and how stress can affect the nurses own health, responsibility tasks and empathic ability. Aim The aim of the study was to examine how patient safety is affected in regards to the workload of nurses. Method The litterature review analyzed ten articles of either quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. The articles for the results were subjected to a quality review based on Fribergs model. Searches were made on PubMed and Cinahl Complete. Results The results showed several factors that have an effect of nurses workload and patient safety. These factors are described in three themes; (1) Workload and staffing, (2) Tubulence/work environment and organisational responsibility, (3) Social and cultural diffrences. Conclusions The more factors applied to the nurses workload the greater the consequenses on patient safety and risks for the nurses health. / Bakgrund Sjuksköterskors arbetsbelastning är ett omdiskuterat ämne, där diskussionen enas i att den är nationellt och internationellt ohållbar. I bakgrunden förklaras litteraturöversiktens huvudsakliga fokusområde patientsäkerhet, som är ett utav sjuksköterskans många ansvarsområden. Bakgrunden belyser även vad arbetsmiljö och arbetsbelastning samt hur stress kan påverka sjuksköterskors hälsa, ansvarsområden samt empatiska förmåga. Syfte Syftet var att undersöka hur patientsäkerheten påverkas av sjuksköterskors arbetsbelastning. Metod Med metoden litteraturöversikt analyserades tio stycken artiklar av antingen kvantitativ, kvalitativ samt mixad metod. Kvalitetsgranskningen av resultatets artiklar gjordes med hjälp av Fribergs modell. Databassökningarna gjordes i PubMed och Cinahl Complete. Resultat Resultatet visade på flertalet faktorer som påverkade sjuksköterskans arbetsbelastning och patientsäkerheten. Faktorerna beskrivs i tre teman; (1) Arbetsbelastning och bemanning, (2) Turbulensfaktorer, arbetsmiljö och organisatoriskt ansvar, (3) Samhälleliga och kulturella skillnader. Slutsats Desto fler faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans arbetsbelastning desto större risker för patientens säkerhet och risker för sjuksköterskans hälsa.
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College students' attitudes towards green hotel practicesPerez, Elvis 01 May 2013 (has links)
This research was conducted to discover college students' attitude towards green hotel practices and will be helpful to the hospitality industry to help focus their marketing efforts Based on the survey correlations between variables it appears that the people who use green practices at home are more aware of green practices when staying at a hotels. Implementing green practices into hotels will help the environment and also create a positive brand image and loyalty from guests. The movement of "Green" benefits everyone: the employer, the employees, and the guests.
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"Lyft det, då kan vi förändra" : En undersökning över svenska rederiers arbete för att motverka trakasserier och kränkande särbehandling ombord på sina fartyg. / Talk about it so we can inprove. : A study on how Swedish shipping companies' work to counter harassment and abusive discrimination on board their ships.Fredäng, Embla, Larsson, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
In this study, we investigated how Swedish shipping companies work to reduce harassment and abusive discrimination on board their ships. Through qualitative interviews, we have collected data on the shipping companies' understanding of today's situation, their preventive work, as well as their future vision and goals. It appears that the shipping companies are working actively to increase knowledge and awareness of gender equality issues and are working to change the harsh jargon that previously existed on board the ships. There is a desire for a zero tolerance against harassment and bullying on board ships, but at the same time an understanding that getting there is a challenge due to the human interaction that characterizes the work environment. Despite the challenges, the shipping companies see the future brightly and have a desire to continue working on these issues to create a safe and inclusive work environment for everyone on board. The discussion emphasizes the importance of continuing the work to prevent harassment and bullying onboard ships and to regularly follow up and evaluate the work environment, the results are put in perspective to the previous research presented in the study. By constantly being aware of the challenges and actively working to change the work culture, shipping companies can create a safer and healthier work environment for all seafarers. Overall, the results indicate that the shipping companies have taken important steps towards creating a safe and inclusive work environment, but there is still room for improvement and continuous work on these issues. / I studien har vi undersökt hur svenska rederier arbetar för att minska trakasserier och kränkande särbehandling ombord på sina fartyg. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer har vi samlat in data om rederiernas förståelse för dagens situation, deras förebyggande arbete, deras framtidsvision och målsättningar. Det framkommer att rederierna arbetar aktivt med att öka kunskapen och medvetenheten kring jämställdhetsfrågor och arbetar med att förändra den hårda jargongen som tidigare funnits ombord på fartygen. Det finns en önskan om en nollvision mot trakasserier och mobbning ombord på fartygen, men samtidigt en insikt om att det är en utmaning att nå dit på grund av den mänskliga interaktionen som präglar arbetsmiljön. Trots utmaningarna ser rederierna ljust på framtiden och har en vilja att fortsätta arbeta med dessa frågor för att skapa en trygg och inkluderande arbetsmiljö för alla ombord. I diskussionen betonas vikten av att fortsätta arbetet med att förebygga trakasserier och mobbning ombord på fartyg samt att regelbundet följa upp och utvärdera arbetsmiljön, resultaten gämförs med den tidiager forskning som presenterats. Genom att ständigt vara medveten om utmaningarna och aktivt arbeta med att förändra arbetskulturen kan rederierna skapa en mer säker och hälsosam arbetsmiljö för alla sjöfarare. Sammantaget tyder resultaten på att rederierna har tagit viktiga steg mot att skapa en trygg och inkluderande arbetsmiljö, men det finns fortfarande utrymme för förbättring och kontinuerligt arbete med dessa frågor.
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Fronteiras do biológico e do social na saúde. Um estudo sobre a epidemiologia no Brasil - 1990 - 2002 / Bounderies of Biologic and Social on Health. A study of Brasilian Epidemiology 1990 - 2002Ianni, Aurea Maria Zöllner 17 August 2004 (has links)
Verificar o estado da biodiversidade e as intervenções que provocaram ou provocam a sua destruição ou a sua conservação implica problematizar aspectos fundamentais do fenômeno da vida, das relações entre saúde e ambiente. Na dinâmica ecológica, a freqüência de determinados seres vivos depende em grande medida da freqüência de outros seres vivos. Também na saúde, a história de cada doença é dependente da história de todas as doenças, da história natural e dos homens. A emergência e reemergência de doenças infecto-contagiosas põem em evidência a fragilidade do equilíbrio ambiental. Tais problemas colocam a necessidade de reposicionar o limiar crítico das relações do homem com a natureza, do biológico com o social. Articular a interface dessas categorias por meio da Epidemiologia, disciplina estrutural da Saúde Pública no Brasil, possibilita desvendar as implicações ecológicas desta prática social. / Verifying the biodiversity and the human interventions, which causes and determine their destruction or conservation implies considering the phenomenon of life, the relationship between environment and health. In ecological processes, the frequency of plants, animals and humans depends on the frequency of all alive entities. The same happens in health, where a history of one disease depends on the history of all diseases. It depends on the natural and on the human history. The emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases demonstrates the environmental fragility balance. These problems replace the critical threshold between men and nature relationship, also between biological and social categories. Disclosing the connection between these categories through the Epidemiology, a structural discipline of Public Health in Brazil, allow to disclose the ecological consequences of this social practice.
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Arbetet för en tillgänglig lärmiljö : Pedagogers arbetssätt ur ett relationellt perspektiv på en Montessoriförskola samt en Utvecklingspedagogiskt inriktad förskola.Birgersson, Sandra, Karlsson Borg, Minnie January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning De senaste åren har begreppet utbildning och undervisning fått ökat fokus i förskolan. Samtidigt har barngrupperna ökat i storlek och barn i behov av särskilt stöd ska erbjudas en plats i verksamheten. En tydlig beskrivning av hur ett sådant inkluderande arbete ska gå till finns inte och pedagoger upplever att de inte har den kunskap som behövs för att bemöta barn i behov av särskilt stöd. Skolverket beskriver begreppet likvärdig utbildning som en utbildning som är tillgänglig för alla barn. Vårt syfte med den här studien är att utifrån ett relationellt perspektiv undersöka om pedagogerna på en Montessoriförskola respektive en Utvecklingspedagogiskt inriktad förskola arbetar lika eller olika för att skapa en tillgänglig lärmiljö. Vi har en förhoppning om att det kan skapa nya perspektiv på hur ett arbete kring att skapa en tillgänglig lärmiljö skulle kunna gå till. Teori Urie Bronfenbrenner's ekologiska systemteori där individer och miljö påverkar varandra i en dynamisk, ömsesidig interaktion används som analysverktyg för studien. Metod Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning där fokusgrupp samt observationer använts som verktyg för insamling av dataunderlag. Resultat Resultatet visar att för att skapa en tillgänglig lärmiljö spelar grundläggande pedagogisk inriktning mindre roll om pedagogerna arbetar medvetet utifrån barns behov. Pedagogerna bör arbeta aktivt för en god sammanhållning i arbetslaget. Kommunikationen mellan pedagoger kring ett gemensamt förhållningsätt i arbetslaget är av vikt för att lärmiljön ska bli tillgänglig för alla barn. Pedagogens kompetens kring specialpedagogiska hjälpmedel underlättar för att möta barns behov och i större utsträckning kunna sträva efter att nå en tillgänglig lärmiljö.Resultatet tyder på att om ett relationellt arbetssätt upprättas i arbetslaget kan möjligtvis behovet av specialpedagoger ute i verksamheterna minska.
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A educação ambiental no município de Palmas – TO: análise entre o discurso e a práticaQuintas Neto, Mario 25 April 2017 (has links)
A Educação Ambiental representa hoje um caminho em direção ao equilíbrio e para um relacionamento Sociedade e Meio Ambiente. Foi neste contexto, retomando as matizes dos discursos ambientalistas das décadas de 1960 e 1970, que atribuiu-se especial papel à EA na busca de uma sociedade sustentável. Neste sentido, quando se planeja e se constitui a capital do Tocantins, Palmas, em meio ao Cerrado, têm-se um discurso todo voltado para a construção de uma Capital Ecológica e ambientalmente correta. Baseado nessa premissa, o presente estudo buscou identificar as representações sociais e ambientais atuantes no contexto de formação e desenvolvimento de Palmas, bem como a forma como estas representações foram capazes em transformar as práticas relacionadas ao Meio Ambiente e à Conscientização Ambiental, sobretudo através da Educação Ambiental. Para a identificação dos discursos, foram analisados o histórico e projetos de formação da cidade, bem como a legislação municipal relacionada ao Plano Diretor, ao meio ambiente e à educação ambiental. Os dados obtidos por meio da revisão bibliográfica e das fontes consultadas foram tratados através da análise do discurso, que se serviu da hermenêutica jurídico ambiental para compreensão da forma como a Educação Ambiental era tratada dentro dos discursos das representações e como estes discursos, que davam conta de Palmas – a Capital Ecológica –, eram efetivamente postos em prática. Durante a investigação, ficou evidenciado o uso da ecologia e de um discurso ambientalmente responsável e sustentável pelas representações, em especial pelo Poder Público, ao mesmo tempo em que muito pouco das preocupações levantadas eram tratadas. Ficou evidenciado, também, um descaso com a efetividade e a perenidade dos projetos educacionais ambientais, os quais foram realizados de forma estanque, desconexos, para atender fins específicos e momentâneos. Foram divididos três importantes períodos temporais para análise dos discursos e das representações, cada uma cobrindo cerca da uma década da existência de Palmas e com significativo aprimoramento junto à legislação que acompanhou o desenvolvimento urbano. Evidenciou-se, ainda, o papel do espaço urbano no distanciamento entre as práticas e o discurso das representações existentes e o surgimento de uma nova abordagem, um novo programa chamado Palmas Sustentável, ainda em andamento, o qual retoma o discurso de Palmas Capital Ecológica dos primórdios da cidade, ainda que não se verifique alteração na intencionalidade e na garantia de eficiência e continuidade dos projetos de Educação Ambiental. / The Environmental Education represents today a way towards the balance and for a relation Society and Environment. It was in this context, retaking the nuances of the environmental discourses of the 1960s and 1970s, that EA is given a special role in the search for a sustainable society. In this sense, when the Palmas capital is planned and constituted, in the midst of the Cerrado, there is a whole discourse aimed at the construction of an Ecological and Environmentally Correct Capital. It is in this sense that the present study sought to identify the social and environmental representations in the context of the formation and development of Palmas, as well as how these representations were able to transform practices related to the Environment and Environmental Awareness, especially through Education Environmental. For the identification of the speeches, the history and projects of formation of the city, as well as the municipal legislation related to the master plan, the environment and the environmental education were analyzed. The data obtained through the bibliographical review and the sources consulted were treated through the analysis of the discourse that used the environmental legal hermeneutics to understand the way Environmental Education was treated within the speeches of the representations and how these discourses that gave account of Palmas to Ecological Capital, to be effectively put into practice. During the investigation, the use of ecology and a discourse environmentally responsible and sustainable by the representatives, especially by the Government, were evidenced, while very little of the concerns raised were addressed. It was also evidenced a disregard for the effectiveness and permanence of environmental education projects, which were carried out in a watertight, disconnected way to meet specific and momentary purposes. Three important temporal periods were divided for analysis of the discourses and representations, each covering about a decade of the existence of Palmas and with significant improvement along the legislation that accompanied the urban development. The role of urban space in the distance between the practices and the discourse of existing representations and the emergence of a new approach, a new program called Palmas Sustentável, still in progress, which resumes the discourse of Palmas Ecological Capital of the Early Years Of the city, although there is no change in the intentionality and the guarantee of efficiency and continuity of the Environmental Education projects.
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Postoj studentů UK FTVS k letním dětským táborům / Attitudes of UK FTVS students to summer camps for childrenProcházka, Petr January 2019 (has links)
Title: Attitudes of UK FTVS students to summer camps for children Objectives: The main aim of this work is to find out what was benefit of children 's camps for UK FTVS students and what they are currently attitude. Methods: The research was divided into two parts. In part A I used the method of questioning followed by analysis. In testing were 175 participants. I interviewed students of the Charles University FTVS and it took period from June 2018 to July 2019. The data were subsequently evaluated using classical statistical methods and interpreted by graphs and frequency tables. Part B conducted semi-structured interviews with 9 probands who were selected as a representative sample based on Part A interviews. The data were evaluated by basic statistical methods, exactly by using the frequency table and Likert's scaling method to determine the level of attitudes among respondents. Results: In part A we find out that only 7% of the individuals in the sample had never participated in a children's summer camp. It was also found that fourteen respondents of the whole sample had a negative attitude to the camps, equivalent is 8%. Participants of one or two camps reported a negative attitude in 28% (ten of twenty six). In the second group, three to six camps, it was 5% of cases (three of fifty three)....
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An Analysis of the Technological, Organizational, and Environmental Factors Influencing Cloud AdoptionMalak, Joe 01 January 2016 (has links)
Cloud computing provides an answer to the increasing costs of managing information technology (IT), and has become a model that aligns IT services with an organization's business strategies. However, concerns and uncertainties associated with cloud computing are deterring IT decision makers from making sound decisions regarding the adoption of the technology. The purpose of this online survey study was to examine the relationship between relative advantage, compatibility, organizational size, top management support, organizational readiness, mimetic pressure, normative pressures, coercive pressure, and the IT decision makers' intent to adopt cloud computing. The theoretical framework incorporated the diffusion of innovations theory, a technology-organization-environment framework, and institutional theory. The survey participants were 136 IT decision makers from different U.S. industries. The Pearson's coefficient analysis indicated a significant correlation between the dependent variable (intent to adopt) and all independent variables except organizational size. The regression model was a statistically significant predictor of the dependent variable and accounted for approximately 74% of the variance in the dependent variable, primarily predicted by top management support, normative pressure, relative advantage, and organization readiness. The implications for positive social change include the potential of implementing innovations that would augment technology efficiency, decrease workplace personnel issues, and create a more desirable and flexible workplace. Flexibility at work enables employees to be able to participate in other nonwork roles such as family, child, and elder care, or education.
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