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Att leva med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom : En litteraturöversikt / Living with inflammatory bowel disease : A literature reviewAl-faris, Ayat, Lindberg, Camilla January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) är ett samlingsnamn för de kroniska tarmsjukdomarna Crohns sjukdom (CD) och Ulcerös kolit (UK). Det gemensamma för de två sjukdomarna är att de löper i skov med försämringsperioder och långa besvärsfria perioder samt att de drabbar relativt unga personer. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan kan stödja dessa individer genom evidensbaserad och personcentrerad vård för att kunna ge en så god omvårdnad som möjligt. Syfte: Beskriva individers upplevelse av att leva med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom Metod: En litteraturöversikt valdes som metod. Artikelsökningen genomfördes i databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed. De begränsningar som gjordes i databassökningarna var vetenskapliga originalartiklar, skrivna på engelska, genomgått peer-review och publicerade mellan 2009-2019. Totalt inkluderades elva artiklar i resultatet, av dessa var tio artiklar kvalitativa och en var kvantitativ. Resultat: Resultatet visade att individerna upplevde att sjukdomen påverkade deras arbetsliv, sociala liv, känslor och identitet. Deras möte med hälso- och sjukvården påverkade personernas förtroende för vården samt deras vilja att söka vård framöver. Det visades även att personer med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom genomgick en transitionsperiod efter deras diagnos. Hur personerna upplevde att leva med IBD påverkades av om de för tillfället befann sig i ett skov eller nyligen fått diagnosen. De personer som befann sig i ett skov eller nyligen fått diagnosen hade en övervägande negativ syn. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades utifrån Katie Erikssons teori om lidande och hälsa. Författarna resonerade om individernas negativa påverkan kunde kopplas till stigman av sjukdomen. De diskuterade även angående den långsiktiga påverkan av frånvaron från arbetet och sociala sammanhang. Författarna fann i resultatet att individer med IBD upplevde sjukdomen olika i sin vardag beroende på hur länge de haft sjukdomen och vilken inställning de har gentemot sin IBD. Därmed bör vården anpassas efter de individuella behoven för att säkerställa att insatserna främjar hälsan. / Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic illness that includes Crohn´s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UK). Both diseases have in common that they have relapse and periods with improvement. The diseases effects relatively young people. It is important that the nurse can support these individuals through evidence based and person-centred care in order to provide the best possible care. Aim: Describe individuals experiences of living with inflammatory bowel disease Method: A literature review was chosen as the method. The article search was carried out in the databases CINAHL complete and PubMed. The limitations made in the database searches were scientific original articles, written in English, peer-reviewed and published over the last ten years. A total of eleven articles was included in the result, of which ten were of qualitative design and one was quantitative design. Results: The results showed that the individuals experienced that the disease affected their working life, social life, feelings and identity. Their meeting with healthcare services affected their trust in the care and their willingness to seek care in the future. It was also shown that people with inflammatory bowel disease underwent a transition period after the diagnosis. How the individuals experienced living with IBD was affected by whether they were relapsing or in remission. People currently in a relapse had a more negative view of the disease. Discussion: The result was discussed based on Katie Eriksson´s theory of suffering and health. The authors reasoned if the negative impact of the individuals could be linked to the stigma and shame of the disease. They also discussed the long-term impact of the absence from work and social activities. The authors found in the results that individuals with IBD experienced the disease differently in their daily lives depending on how long they had the disease and what attitude they had towards their IBD. The care should be adapted to the individual needs to ensure that the efforts promotes health.
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Importance Sampling of Rare Events in Chaotic SystemsLeitão, Jorge C. 19 August 2016 (has links)
Rare events play a crucial role in our society and a great effort has been dedicated to numerically study them in different contexts. This thesis proposes a numerical methodology based on Monte Carlo Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to efficiently sample rare events in chaotic systems. It starts by reviewing the relevance of rare events in chaotic systems, focusing in two types of rare events: states in closed systems with rare chaoticities, characterised by a finite-time Lyapunov exponent on a tail of its distribution, and states in transiently chaotic systems, characterised by a escape time on the tail of its distribution.
This thesis argues that these two problems can be interpreted as a traditional problem of statistical physics: sampling exponentially rare states in the phase-space - states in the tail of the density of states - with an increasing parameter - the system size. This is used as the starting point to review Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a traditional and flexible methodology of importance sampling in statistical physics. By an analytical argument, it is shown that the chaoticity of the system hinders direct application of Metropolis-Hastings techniques to efficiently sample these states because the acceptance is low. It is argued that a crucial step to overcome low acceptance rate is to construct a proposal distribution that uses information about the system to bound the acceptance rate. Using generic properties of chaotic systems, such as exponential divergence of initial conditions and fractals embedded in their phase-spaces, a proposal distribution that guarantees a bounded acceptance rate is derived for each type of rare events. This proposal is numerically tested in simple chaotic systems, and the efficiency of the resulting algorithm is measured in numerous examples in both types of rare events.
The results confirm the dramatic improvement of using Monte Carlo importance sampling with the derived proposals against traditional methodologies:
the number of samples required to sample an exponentially rare state increases polynomially, as opposed to an exponential increase observed in uniform sampling. This thesis then analyses the sub-optimal (polynomial) efficiency of this algorithm in a simple system and shows analytically how the correlations induced by the proposal distribution can be detrimental to the efficiency of the algorithm. This thesis also analyses the effect of high-dimensional chaos in the proposal distribution and concludes that an anisotropic proposal that takes advantage of the different rates of expansion along the different unstable directions, is able to efficiently find rare states.
The applicability of this methodology is also discussed to sample rare states in non-hyperbolic systems, with focus on three systems: the logistic map, the Pomeau-Manneville map, and the standard map. Here, it is argued that the different origins of non-hyperbolicity require different proposal distributions. Overall, the results show that by incorporating specific information about the system in the proposal distribution of Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, it is possible to efficiently find and sample rare events of chaotic systems. This improved methodology should be useful to a large class of problems where the numerical characterisation of rare events is important.
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Immigrant-receiving societies emphasize the need for immigrants to integrate intomainstream life. In Sweden, this trend has manifested itself in integration policies. Inthe present study, the author aims to understand sports and outdoor events experienceand its effects on social integration of immigrants and refugees’ in the JämtlandCounty, Sweden. By ‘giving voice’ to 19 participants from different nationalities, thisstudy explores the new Swedes’ perspectives on social integration process andconceptualizes their engagement and experience of sports and outdoor eventsthroughout this process. The participants speak of the benefits and needs to participateactively in the society of settlement, but they also describe the barriers and obstaclesthat they may face. Their perception of integration is based on their life stories andexperiences. Based on findings and results, three descriptive themes are described.The outcomes of three descriptive themes are interpreted in one overarching themeelaborating the role of sports and outdoor event as a social connection leading to socialintegration of newcomers. It is assumed that sports and outdoors are not strongenough to achieve social integration, rather they can act as social bridges and providea common ground where integration can be cultivated. The results of this study canbe useful for the sports and events planners and organizers specifically in 2021 whichis appointed as ‘Friluftslivets år 2021’ (Year of outdoor life) as well as those who dealwith newcomers’ integration in Sweden and Jämtland. / <p>2021-02-01</p>
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Identifying and Encouraging Active Learning Through Speech EventsMcGarry, Theresa 24 September 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Att nöja sig med ett ekologiskt OS-silver : En studie om ekologisk hållbarhet i kandidaturerna till Olympiska Spelen 2024 och 2028.ter Harkel, Lucia January 2020 (has links)
Ekologisk hållbarhet är en högst aktuell, allomfattande samhällsfråga. Arrangemang av idrotts- megaevents som Olympiska Spelen medför åtskilliga påfrestningar på miljön och även utvecklingen i den specifika värdstaden. I kandidatförfarandet till Olympiska Spelen (OS) presenterar kandiderande städer omfattande planer för stadsutveckling som ska möjliggöra genomförandet av OS; och av vikt är att det sker ekologiskt hållbart. Den här studien har genom en kvalitativ dokumentanalys av kandidaturerna för värdstäderna Paris (OS 2024) och Los Angeles (OS 2028) analyserat på vilket sätt kandidaturerna belyst ekologisk hållbarhet och i vilken utsträckning den har legat till grund och utgjort en genomgående utgångspunkt vid föreslagna planer. Även studerades vilken funktion den Internationella Olympiska Kommittén (IOK) intagit vid utvärderingen av kandidaturerna, i förhållande till den ekologiska hållbarheten. Resultatet visade att ekologisk hållbarhet belyses i kandidaturerna och att presenterade planer, inom olika områden beträffande OS i viss utsträckning har tagit ekologisk hållbarhet i beaktning vid argumentation för planering, utveckling och genomförande. Däremot är initiativen främst kopplade till det kapitel särskilt tillägnat ’hållbarhet’ och utgör ingen avgörande eller heltäckande utgångspunkt för presenterade planer. Yttermera efterlämnar såväl kandidaternas som IOK:s formuleringar stort utrymme för tolkning, där IOK:s roll många gånger kan anses odefinierad.
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Effekter som idrottsevenemang har på en destination : En studie av idrottsevenemangs effekter och hur de påverkar Jönköpings utveckling.Ehrlander, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
Idrottsevenemang används ofta för att attrahera turister till en destination. Jönköping har med framgångsrika arrangörer, föreningar och destinationsbolag etablerat sig som en idrottsevenemangs stad. Dessa evenemang har bidragit med olika hållbara effekter till destinatioen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur idrottsevenemang har påverkat Jönköpings utveckling. Det har genomförts elva intervjuer med personer som är verksamma i Jönköping och undersökningen har kartlagt hur Jönköping arbetar med idrottsturism samt vilka hållbara ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga effekter som idrottsevenemang lämnar kvar på destinationen.
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Why is a spectator’s eye caught? : A qualitative study exploring Sponsorship Communication in an Entertainment Event contextHåkansson, Agnes, Bengtsson, Emma, Lina, Karlsson January 2020 (has links)
Background: Sponsorships are a way for brands to communicate with their observers at entertainment events. Sponsorship cues, event context, and consumer/sponsor relationships are important to be aware of in order to create impacting sponsorship communication. Purpose: The purpose was to explore sponsorship communication from the viewer’s perspective in an entertainment event context. The research question was “How does the viewer characterize impacting sponsorship communication?” Methodology: The study undertook a qualitative research strategy and was of an exploratory nature. The research design used was unstructured interviews and the sample was collected through a convenience sample. The participants of the study were students between the ages of 18-30 with no preference between males and females. After seven interviews had been conducted, theoretical saturation was reached. Conclusion: The main findings of this study was that Astonishment, Acceptance, Status, Affiliation, Authenticity and Apprehension are important categories to consider in sponsorship communication. It became evident that there was not one correct way of conducting sponsored communication, instead a balance between the different categories is needed in the communication. It was further discovered that each category has its individual impact on the viewer’s perspective of the sponsored communication and entertainment events.
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DROUGHT CHARACTERIZATION USING PROBABILISTIC MODELSGaneshchandra Mallya (5930027) 23 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Droughts are complex natural disasters caused due to deficit in water availability over a region. Water availability is strongly linked to precipitation in many parts of the world that rely on monsoonal rains. Recent studies indicate that the choice of precipitation datasets and drought indices could influence drought analysis. Therefore, drought characteristics for the Indian monsoon region were reassessed for the period 1901-2004 using two different datasets and standard precipitation index (SPI), standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (SPEI), Gaussian mixture model-based drought index (GMM-DI), and hidden Markov model-based drought index (HMM-DI). Drought trends and variability were analyzed for three epochs: 1901-1935, 1936-1970 and 1971-2004. Irrespective of the dataset and methodology used, the results indicate an increasing trend in drought severity and frequency during the recent decades (1971-2004). Droughts are becoming more regional and are showing a general shift to the agriculturally important coastal south-India, central Maharashtra, and Indo‑Gangetic plains indicating food security challenges and socioeconomic vulnerability in the region.</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p><br></p><p>Drought severities are commonly reported using drought classes obtained by assigning pre-defined thresholds on drought indices. Current drought classification methods ignore modeling uncertainties and provide discrete drought classification. However, the users of drought classification are often interested in knowing inherent uncertainties in classification so that they can make informed decisions. A probabilistic Gamma mixture model (Gamma-MM)-based drought index is proposed as an alternative to deterministic classification by SPI. The Bayesian framework of the proposed model avoids over-specification and overfitting by choosing the optimum number of mixture components required to model the data - a problem that is often encountered in other probabilistic drought indices (e.g., HMM-DI). When sufficient number of components are used in Gamma-MM, it can provide a good approximation to any continuous distribution in the range (0,infinity), thus addressing the problem of choosing an appropriate distribution for SPI analysis. The Gamma-MM propagates model uncertainties to drought classification. The method is tested on rainfall data over India. A comparison of the results with standard SPI shows significant differences, particularly when SPI assumptions on data distribution are violated.</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p><br></p><p>Finding regions with similar drought characteristics is useful for policy-makers and water resources planners in the optimal allocation of resources, developing drought management plans, and taking timely actions to mitigate the negative impacts during droughts. Drought characteristics such as intensity, frequency, and duration, along with land-use and geographic information, were used as input features for clustering algorithms. Three methods, namely, (i) a Bayesian graph cuts algorithm that combines the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) and Markov random fields (MRF), (ii) k-means, and (iii) hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm were used to find homogeneous drought regions that are spatially contiguous and possess similar drought characteristics. The number of homogeneous clusters and their shape was found to be sensitive to the choice of the drought index, the time window of drought, period of analysis, dimensionality of input datasets, clustering method, and model parameters of clustering algorithms. Regionalization for different epochs provided useful insight into the space-time evolution of homogeneous drought regions over the study area. Strategies to combine the results from multiple clustering methods were presented. These results can help policy-makers and water resources planners in the optimal allocation of resources, developing drought management plans, and taking timely actions to mitigate the negative impacts during droughts.</p>
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[pt] Esse início do século XXI marcou definitivamente a entrada da cidade do
Rio de Janeiro no rodízio mundial de cidades que recebem importantes e grandes
eventos político, culturais e esportivos. A história nos mostra que este último, os
esportivos, tem significantes impactos políticos, econômicos e sociais para as
cidades sede. Defendidos por uns e criticados por outros, os grandes eventos
esportivos tem se mostrado como poderosos viabilizadores dos chamados grandes
projetos urbanos. Diante de seus impactos na cidade e na sociedade, e em especial
nos assentamentos precários e favelas do Rio, movimentos sociais têm se
organizado em torno desses megaeventos questionando seus legados prometidos e
principalmente a quantidade de dinheiro destinado a sua realização. A história da
cidade do Rio de Janeiro nos mostra que bairros inteiros vêm lutando por
melhores condições de habitabilidade, já outros lutam pelo básico direito a
permanência e contra as práticas remocionistas, característica essa tão presente
nas cidades que recebem grandes eventos esportivos. O trabalho visa estudar uma
experiência de organização comunitária que questiona os megaeventos e ao
mesmo tempo reivindica intervenções básicas de infraestrutura no bairro da
Rocinha. O grupo chamado Rocinha Sem Fronteiras se reúne há nove anos, uma
vez por mês em um espaço cedido por uma igreja dentro da Rocinha. É um grupo
apartidário que tem conseguido provocar importantes discussões e reflexões junto
à população residente da Rocinha desenvolvendo rodas de conversas com
políticos e autoridades públicas em um espaço de diálogo horizontal entre
moradores e convidados. / [en] This early 21st century definitely marked the entrance of the city of Rio de
Janeiro in the global rotation of cities that receive large and important political,
cultural and sport events. History shows us that the latter, the sports, has
significant political, economic and social impacts for the host cities. Defended by
some people and criticized by other, major sports events have proved to be
powerful enablers of so called major urban projects. Due to their impacts in the
city and in society, and especially in slums and favelas of Rio, social movements
have been organized around these mega events, questioning their pledged legacies
and mainly the amount of money intended for their realization. The history of the
city of Rio de Janeiro shows us that entire neighborhoods have been fighting for
better living conditions, others fight for the basics right to stay in their homes and
neighborhoods, and against the removal policy, this feature so present in cities
that receive major sports events. This paper looks at a community organization
experience that questions the mega events, while claiming basic interventions on
infrastructure in the Rocinha neighborhood. Called Rocinha Without Borders,
the group have been meeting once a month for six years in a space provided by a
church in Rocinha. They are a nonpartisan group that has managed to cause
important discussions and reflections with the resident population of Rocinha,
developing meeting of conversations with politicians and public authorities in a
horizontal dialogue between residents and guests.
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Stressful Life Events Among Incarcerated Women and Men: Association With Depression, Loneliness, Hopelessness, and SuicidalityMoore, Kelly E., Siebert, Shania, Brown, Garrett, Felton, Julia, Johnson, Jennifer E. 01 December 2021 (has links)
Background: Justice-involved populations report a higher than average number of pre-incarceration stressful life events. However, few studies have described stressful life events which occur during incarceration, explored gender differences in these events, or evaluated the effect of these events on well-being. Method: This study draws from a sample of male and female adults incarcerated in 6 prison facilities across two states (n = 160) to identify the number and type of stressful life events they experienced during incarceration, gender differences in stressful events, and the relationship between stressful life events and markers of well-being (i.e., depression, hopelessness, loneliness, suicidality). We also examined whether perceived social support would buffer the relationship between stressful events and well-being outcomes. Results: Participants on average reported experiencing 4 stressful life events during their current incarceration, the most common being relocation to another cell and being made fun of/insulted by someone in the prison. There were few gender differences in types of events experienced. Regression analyses showed that stressful life events were associated with more loneliness, as well as suicidality, but only when participants had low perceived social support. Conclusions: Stressful life events, and drawing on social support networks to cope with stress, should be addressed in the context of correctional treatments to reduce suicide risk during incarceration.
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