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O Espaço cotidiano dos agregados sociais da Praça da Alfândega em Porto Alegre-RSPedroso, Luciano Fernandes January 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o cotidiano dos agregados sociais da Praça da Alfândega localizada no centro da cidade de Porto Alegre no Rio Grande Sul. Foram investigados a partir deste espaço os aspectos relacionais, identitários, as expressões subjetivas e estéticas, as fronteiras de convivências assim como as territorializações empreendidas pelos indivíduos que compõem estes agregados sociais no espaço da Praça da Alfândega. Além disso, esta dissertação tem como intuito discutir as questões pertinentes sobre a função do espaço público, cidadania e dos aspectos sobre as formas de sociabilidade e de insociabilidade nas metrópoles contemporâneas. Pode se dizer que a Praça da Alfândega, nesse mosaico de representações sociais, territórios justapostos e signos compreendem um importante lócus de análise do espaço urbano, motivo pelo fato que ela se apresenta para as formas sociais, denominado de agregados sociais um espaço dicotômico da sobrevivência material e da convivência social. Por esse motivo, o estudo do cotidiano dos agregados sociais presentes no espaço da Praça da Alfândega constituem também uma investigação sobre os fenômenos urbanos contemporâneos e suas múltiplas e emergentes práticas sociais se apresentam nos estilos de vida, das formas simbólicas e nos usos dos espaços nas grandes metrópoles. / This paper aims to study the social aggregations’ every day life from Praça da Alfândega, located in the center of Porto Alegre city in Rio Grande Sul. The aspects of relationship and identity, the subjective and esthetic expressions, the borders of acquaintance as well as the territories settled by people who compounded these social groups in the space of Praça da Alfândega were investigated. Besides, this paper also aims to discuss relevant questions about the function of public space, citizenship and aspects about the forms of sociability and unsociability in modern metropolis. It is possible to affirm that Praça da Alfândega, on this mosaic of social representation adjacent territories and symbols form an important locus of analysis about urban space. For this reason, it becomes a dichotomic space both of material survival and of social acquaintance for the social forms, called social aggregations. Because of this reason, the study of the social aggregations’ every day life settled in Praça da Alfândega constitutes also an investigation about recent urban phenomena and their several and emergent social practices according to ways of life, symbolical forms, and settlement in big cities.
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O Espaço cotidiano dos agregados sociais da Praça da Alfândega em Porto Alegre-RSPedroso, Luciano Fernandes January 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o cotidiano dos agregados sociais da Praça da Alfândega localizada no centro da cidade de Porto Alegre no Rio Grande Sul. Foram investigados a partir deste espaço os aspectos relacionais, identitários, as expressões subjetivas e estéticas, as fronteiras de convivências assim como as territorializações empreendidas pelos indivíduos que compõem estes agregados sociais no espaço da Praça da Alfândega. Além disso, esta dissertação tem como intuito discutir as questões pertinentes sobre a função do espaço público, cidadania e dos aspectos sobre as formas de sociabilidade e de insociabilidade nas metrópoles contemporâneas. Pode se dizer que a Praça da Alfândega, nesse mosaico de representações sociais, territórios justapostos e signos compreendem um importante lócus de análise do espaço urbano, motivo pelo fato que ela se apresenta para as formas sociais, denominado de agregados sociais um espaço dicotômico da sobrevivência material e da convivência social. Por esse motivo, o estudo do cotidiano dos agregados sociais presentes no espaço da Praça da Alfândega constituem também uma investigação sobre os fenômenos urbanos contemporâneos e suas múltiplas e emergentes práticas sociais se apresentam nos estilos de vida, das formas simbólicas e nos usos dos espaços nas grandes metrópoles. / This paper aims to study the social aggregations’ every day life from Praça da Alfândega, located in the center of Porto Alegre city in Rio Grande Sul. The aspects of relationship and identity, the subjective and esthetic expressions, the borders of acquaintance as well as the territories settled by people who compounded these social groups in the space of Praça da Alfândega were investigated. Besides, this paper also aims to discuss relevant questions about the function of public space, citizenship and aspects about the forms of sociability and unsociability in modern metropolis. It is possible to affirm that Praça da Alfândega, on this mosaic of social representation adjacent territories and symbols form an important locus of analysis about urban space. For this reason, it becomes a dichotomic space both of material survival and of social acquaintance for the social forms, called social aggregations. Because of this reason, the study of the social aggregations’ every day life settled in Praça da Alfândega constitutes also an investigation about recent urban phenomena and their several and emergent social practices according to ways of life, symbolical forms, and settlement in big cities.
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O Espaço cotidiano dos agregados sociais da Praça da Alfândega em Porto Alegre-RSPedroso, Luciano Fernandes January 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o cotidiano dos agregados sociais da Praça da Alfândega localizada no centro da cidade de Porto Alegre no Rio Grande Sul. Foram investigados a partir deste espaço os aspectos relacionais, identitários, as expressões subjetivas e estéticas, as fronteiras de convivências assim como as territorializações empreendidas pelos indivíduos que compõem estes agregados sociais no espaço da Praça da Alfândega. Além disso, esta dissertação tem como intuito discutir as questões pertinentes sobre a função do espaço público, cidadania e dos aspectos sobre as formas de sociabilidade e de insociabilidade nas metrópoles contemporâneas. Pode se dizer que a Praça da Alfândega, nesse mosaico de representações sociais, territórios justapostos e signos compreendem um importante lócus de análise do espaço urbano, motivo pelo fato que ela se apresenta para as formas sociais, denominado de agregados sociais um espaço dicotômico da sobrevivência material e da convivência social. Por esse motivo, o estudo do cotidiano dos agregados sociais presentes no espaço da Praça da Alfândega constituem também uma investigação sobre os fenômenos urbanos contemporâneos e suas múltiplas e emergentes práticas sociais se apresentam nos estilos de vida, das formas simbólicas e nos usos dos espaços nas grandes metrópoles. / This paper aims to study the social aggregations’ every day life from Praça da Alfândega, located in the center of Porto Alegre city in Rio Grande Sul. The aspects of relationship and identity, the subjective and esthetic expressions, the borders of acquaintance as well as the territories settled by people who compounded these social groups in the space of Praça da Alfândega were investigated. Besides, this paper also aims to discuss relevant questions about the function of public space, citizenship and aspects about the forms of sociability and unsociability in modern metropolis. It is possible to affirm that Praça da Alfândega, on this mosaic of social representation adjacent territories and symbols form an important locus of analysis about urban space. For this reason, it becomes a dichotomic space both of material survival and of social acquaintance for the social forms, called social aggregations. Because of this reason, the study of the social aggregations’ every day life settled in Praça da Alfândega constitutes also an investigation about recent urban phenomena and their several and emergent social practices according to ways of life, symbolical forms, and settlement in big cities.
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Begreppsanvändning i geometriska resonemangTchini, Adrian, Segaqa, Azem January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra hur elever formulerar geometriska resonemang med utgångspunkt i vardagliga och vetenskapliga begrepp. Studiens syfte motiveras genom de svårigheter eleverna upplever på grund av detta fenomen. Utifrån studiens syfte har forskningsfrågan formulerats på följande vis: Hur formulerar elever geometriska resonemang med utgångspunkt i vardagliga och vetenskapliga begrepp? 15 elever från två årskurs femmor deltog i studien. Metoden som vi har valt i denna kvalitativa studie är tematisk analys. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av Duvals (1995) teori om visualisering och kognitiva modell. I resultatet framgår det att elever som formulerar geometriska resonemang med enbart vardagliga begrepp och inte vetenskapliga begrepp begränsar sina möjligheter till att utveckla sina geometriska resonemang. Dessa elever tenderar även att ha större svårigheter att använda vetenskapliga begrepp för att beskriva deras geometriska konstruktioner. / Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore how do students formulate geometric reasoning based on every day and scientific concepts. The purpose of the study is motivated by the difficulties students experience due to this phenomenon. Based on the purpose of the study, the research question has been formulated as follows: How do students formulate geometric reasoning based on every day and scientific concepts? 15 students from two fifth graders participated in the study. The method we have chosen in this qualitative study is thematic analysis. The results were analyzed using Duval's (1995) theory of visualization and cognitive model. The results show that students who formulate geometric reasoning using only every day concepts and not scientific concepts limit their opportunities to develop their geometric reasoning. These students also tend to have greater difficulty using scientific concepts to describe their geometric constructions.
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Důvěryhodnost a důvěra: analýza vztahu kriminality všedního dne a interpersonální a institucionální důvěry / Trustworthiness and Trust: The Analysis of the Relationship between Everyday Crime and Interpersonal and Institutional TrustŠebestová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The theme of this work is the phenomenon of trustworthiness. With reference to the approach of the European Values Survey, the trustworthiness is mapped by attitudes justification of behaviours called as the every day crime (avoiding a fare on public transport, cheating on taxes, etc.) and other phenomena, that might be questionable or dilemmatic from an ethical perspective (adultery, abortion, etc. ). Through cluster analysis are defined four groups of people, different in trustworthy level and the importance they attach to the problems under consideration. The aim of the following analysis is to discover whether and to what extent, from each of these groups differ in terms of trust and socio-demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. The results show, that interpersonal and institutional trust is not the same in the groups, but this diference, with the exception of trust in the Church, is not great. The analysis also suggests a connection between untrustworthiness and younger age and dissatisfaction with a life. The phenomenon of trust is examined using data from the European Values Study, specifically the wave realized in 2008. The work relates to the situation in the Czech Republic Key words: trustworthiness, interpersonal trust, institutional trust, every day crime, legal cynicism, social...
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Posouvání hranic v chápání pojmu/významu "populární kultura" jejími konzumenty (na příkladu ženského publika sledujícího televizní seriály pro celou rodinu) / Changes in understanding of conception !popular culture" by the users (example of women's audience watching TV series "for the whole family" xFišerová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of popular culture for example, television series like a typical product of this culture and of research of their consumers. It deals with the shift in the understanding of the importance of the concept of popular culture for example, female audience pursuing series called series "for the whole family. With this selected audience watching the series at the time of normalization, and at the same time pursuing current series I am trying to trace the development, as well as the changes in understanding of pop culture. The aim of this thesis is to determine the movement, changes in the understanding of the concept / importance of popular culture occurred during the period of normalization to the present days. At work I deal with social and political context, defining of popular culture, everydayness and watching TV serials. This is a qualitative research on female audience through in-depth interviews.
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Réévaluer ce que le quotidien pourrait un jour impliquer dans l’art du XXIème siècle : la ville, l’espace et l’identité / Re-evaluate what everyday life might one day involve in the art of the 21st century : City, space, and identityShin, Hye jung 03 December 2018 (has links)
La notion de quotidien est inévitablement liée au présent. L’art découle del’expérience des individus, de leurs intentions et des circonstances propres à tout lieu.Tout artiste participe inévitablement de la vie quotidienne qu’il ou elle partage avec lepublic, de même qu’en envisageant un art « vivant », l’artiste peut réellement vivre savie afin d’enrichir, éprouver et confirmer son existence. Nous concernant, dans le cadrede notre pratique artistique, nous devons donc penser aux instants où nous rencontronsdes situations nouvelles, aux hasards de la vie quotidienne. Ceux-ci permettent des’ouvrir aux autres, à un monde indifférent, dangereux, mais aussi séduisant etfascinant. L’expérience qui en découle peut alors être considérée comme une manière deralentir le cours des choses, d’influer sur le monde en interrompant son caractèremécanique et en prolongeant les espaces, au lieu de les segmenter, ne serait-ce que pourun bref moment. Dans notre étude, l’« ici et maintenant » se manifeste au moyen d’unensemble de procédés dévolus au champ du visuel, notamment en exacerbant les traitsd’un milieu, d’un environnement, d’un lieu. Cette thèse questionne ainsi les processus d’élaboration et d’expressionintervenant dans la production de certaines oeuvres, afin de déterminer le rôle etl’importance d’une dynamique, d’un contexte, que l’on pourrait qualifier de quotidien.Il s’agira alors d’examiner les oeuvres sous la perspective de certaines caractéristiquesqui répondent de ce quotidien – l’ordinaire, ou un certain rapport au temps et à l’espace–, dans le projet de redécouvrir des formes, des cultures, avec, plus particulièrement,une attention centrée sur l’homme : sa représentation, son environnement et son modede vie constituant les trois volets de cette thèse.Cette thèse, interroge, au final, les usages quotidiens de la rencontre dans le cadrede pratiques associées à l’art contemporain, tel qu’il se fait le reflet d’une quotidiennetéamplifiée. Discours qui, s’il n’est pas nouveau, mérite cependant, selon nous, qu’il soitcontinuellement reconstruit et reconsidéré. Dans cette optique, si chacun devient sonpropre médiateur, contribuant au renouvellement et à la spectacularisation du monde, ilsemble que nous nous destinons à nous heurter de nouveau à un mur, alors que nous savons,simultanément, qu'il est de notre devoir de nous greffer à la réalité. Dans le mêmetemps, nous avons de nouveau la possibilité d’en appeler à l’universalité, afin de révélerla structure interne de la vie quotidienne contemporaine, quand bien même il s’agiraitde contempler la duplicité et l’ambiguïté de sa propre existence quotidienne1. / The notion of everyday life is inevitably linked to the present. Art arises from theexperience of individuals, their intentions and the circumstances of any place. And,every artist inevitably participates in the daily life that he / she shares with his / her audience.We must therefore think of the moments when we encounter new situations, atrandom in everyday life. It opens up to others, to a world that is indifferent, dangerous,but also seductive and fascinating. This experience would be considered as a way tostop the world, to stop the mechanical life and space, if only for a brief moment. Inshort, the "here and now" is manifested through visual tools, exacerbating, in particular,the features of a milieu, an environment, a place. This thesis attempts to narrate someprocesses involved in the production of works, in order to insist for each work on methodsof expression and transformation. It will then be a question of presenting the worksunder the sign of a daily reading, in the optics of a rediscovery of forms and, cultures,with a centered attention on the man: his representation, his environment and his modeof life are the three components of this thesis. More precisely, it is a matter of testingthese notions of "monad" and "nomad" in the real space of life. For this reason, thisstudy could be perceived as a momentum comparable to an art lived "here and now".Unlike painting, in this respect, this art is not only representable by a variety of people�� �� ����in itself, but it has a limit in that it can not solicit the same reactions from each of thesepeople. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is that there is no imposition of a certainbehavior, at a certain time in the face of a certain work, but rather an instantaneity assumedin the face of always renewed situations. Thus, through this thesis that drawsutopias of proximity, we question an urban bodily experience that differs from the usualreferences (city-neighborhood, territorial construction and identity). Our questioningtherefore remains guided by the consideration of variations of the urban by the body andvice versa.This thesis finally becomes possible to provoke the daily use of the meeting, toplay the practices of contemporary art, become the reflection of an amplified daily life.All this is a discourse heard but whose modalities, in our opinion, are constantly to bereconsidered and rebuilt. In this hypothesis, everyone becomes his own mediatorcontributing to the renewal and spectacularization of the world. Finally, we are back onthe wall yet we know that it is our job to graft the reality. At the same time, we haveagain the possibility of appealing to universality in an attempt to reveal the internalstructure of contemporary daily life, even though it would be a question ofcontemplating the duplicity and ambiguity of one's own daily existence.
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På tal om matematik : matematiken, vardagen och den matematikdidaktiska diskursenRiesbeck, Eva January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to describe and analyze how discourse as a theoretical and didactical concept can help in advancing knowledge about the teaching of mathematics in school. The dissertation has been written within a socio-cultural perspective where active participation and support from artefacts and mediation are viewed as important contributions to the development of understanding. Discourse analysis was used as a theoretical point of departure to grasp language use, knowledge construction and mathematical content in the teaching practises. The collection of empirical data was made up of video and audio tape recordings of the interaction of teachers and pupils in mathematics classrooms when they deal with problem-solving tasks, as well as discussions between student teachers as they engage in planning a teaching situation in mathematics. Discourse analysis was used as a tool to shed light upon how pupils learn and develop understanding of mathematics. The results of my studies demonstrate that discussions very often are located in either a mathematical or in an every-day discourse. Furthermore, the results demonstrate how change between every-day and mathematical language often takes place unknowingly. Also the results underline that a specific and precise dialogue can contribute towards teachers’ and pupils’ conscious participation in the learning process. Translated into common vocabulary such as speak, think, write, listen and read teachers and pupils would be able to interact over concepts, signs, words, symbols, situations and phenomena in every-day discourse and its mathematical counterpart. When teachers and pupils become aware of discursive boundary crossing in mathematics an understanding of mathematical phenomena can start to develop. Teachers and pupils can construct a meta-language leading to new knowledge and new learning in mathematics. / Syftet med avhandlingen är att beskriva och analysera hur diskurs som teoretiskt- didaktiskt begrepp kan bidra till att utveckla kunskap i och om matematik i skolan. Avhandlingen skrivs utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv där aktivt deltagande med hjälp av artefakter och mediering är viktiga bidrag till förståelsen. För att få syn på språket, kunskapen och matematiken i matematikundervisningen används diskursanalys som teoretisk utgångspunkt och metod. Data insamlingen består av video- och ljudbandsinspelningar av lärares och elevers samtal i ett matematikklassrum då de arbetar med problemlösning och lärarstudenters samtal när de planerar en undervisningssituation i matematik. Diskusanalys har använts som ett redskap för att upptäcka hur elever lär och utvecklar sin förståelse av matematik. Resultaten visar att i mina studier befinner sig samtalet ofta antingen i en matematisk eller i en vardaglig diskurs. Växlingen mellan vardagligt och matematiskt språk sker ofta omedvetet. I avhandlingen understryks att ett specifikt och precist samtal i matematik underlättar ömsesidig förståelse och kan bidra till att lärare och elever blir delaktiga i lärandet. Med hjälp av orden tala, tänka, skriva, lyssna och läsa skulle lärare och elever kunna interagera kring begrepp, tecken, ord, symboler, situationer och företeelser i den vardagliga och den matematiska diskursen och förståelse skulle lättare kunna äga rum i matematik. Genom att lärare och elever blir medvetna om hur de passerar diskursiva gränser både i matematiken och mellan matematik och vardag kan förståelse klargöras. Lärare och elever skulle kunna utveckla ett metaspråk som leder till ny kunskap och nytt lärande inom matematiken i skolan.
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I, Gamer : A qualitative study of the institutionalizing, cultivating, and socially constructing processes of computer game usageHedin, Ellen January 2011 (has links)
Author: Ellen Hedin Tutor: Ingegerd Rydin Title: Computer Games as Culture – A qualitative study of the institutionalizing, cultivating, and socially constructing elements of computer game usage Subject: Media and Communication Studies Year: 2009 Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore the creation of identities related to the interaction mediated through the use of computer games. By perceiving computer game playing as a form of social interaction, searching for the relations between actors and their function, I hope to find that the social features of computer game playing can nurture a self-confident, healthy identity as well as enchancing the players’ quality of life. Method: The methods used are interview, narrative interview and observation. Conclusions: The study concludes that there is a visible culture surrounding computer games that enrich the players’ quality of life as well as enriching their personas through institutionalizing, cultivating and socializing processes. Keywords: Computer, computer game, usage, online culture, communication, gaming, play, dota, gamer, popular culture, reception, young adults, new medium, modern technology, every-day-life.
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Vad är vardagsteknik? : Niondeklassares syn på ämnet teknik och teknikundervisningen. / What's every-day technology? : Grade 9 pupils view on the technology subject and teaching of technology.Elfgren, Carl January 2015 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för det här examensarbetet är några av de synpunkter som Skolinspektionens har i sin kvalitetsgranskning av teknikämnet 2014. Undersökningen ställer frågorna; vad tycker eleverna om teknikundervisningen, hur ser eleverna på teknikämnets utformning? I examensarbetet har en enkätstudie genomförts i en förortsskola i Stockholm. Enkäten har gått ut till 125 elever i årskurs 9. Examensarbetet fokuserar på arbetsområdena som eleverna anser att de kan använda i sin vardag. Enkäten omfattar även bakgrundsfrågor med elevernas värderingar av den aktuella skolan, undervisningen i stort och teknikundervisningen. Resultaten visar att eleverna uppfattar teknikundervisningen som varken intressant eller ointressant. Undervisningen är heller inte användbar i vardagen. Engagerade elever är också de elever som värdesätter teknikundervisningen mest. Dessa elever ser också mest nytta av undervisningen. Nyttan de ser är av relativt komplex teknisk natur. Det är också komplexa tekniska områden de skulle vilja arbeta med i undervisningen. / Based on some of the objections of the Swedish Schools Inspectorate quality audit of the subject technology in 2014 this research puts some questions; What do the students think about the technology subject, what do the students think the subject should teach? The research was conducted as a survey in a suburban school in Stockholm, presented to 125 students in grade 9. The research is focused on objects that the students they have worked with and the objects they want to work with, and where the objects can be used in the students' everyday lives. The questionnaire also includes background questions with the students' assessments of the current school teaching in general and the teaching in technology. The results show that students perceive a technology education that is neither interesting nor uninteresting. The technology teaching is not useful in their everyday life. Students who value technology education the most also see the most benefits from the subjet. The benefits they see are of relatively complex technical nature. It is also complex technological objects or areas they would like to work with.
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