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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Erfarna lärares historiedidaktiska insikter och undervisningsstrategier / Experienced teachers insights and strategies in history teaching

Nygren, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study has been to investigate, through the narratives of ex-perienced teachers, insights and strategies in the teaching of history in upper secondary school. Based on a flexible grounded theory, life history and theories of pedagogical content knowledge, seven experienced history teachers have been interviewed about their conceptions of history teaching.</p><p>Development of insights into history teaching and the formation of knowledge can be described as involving both a refinement of practice and more revolutionary turning points. These insights emphasize that good knowledge of the subject is central for legitimacy and creativity. History teaching in Sweden is described as increasingly international and contem-porary, and focussed on students’ learning from various points of view. Varied teaching is stressed with the teacher in centre and also being able to take the role of arranger. Of importance is also the handling of teaching in history as a foundation course as well as an advanced or specialized course.</p><p>Influences from other subjects have had a diverse impact at the same time as personal interests and experiences, as well as external influences, have been important for the development of strategies. History teachers’ teaching strategies may be described in terms of 1) multiperspectivity, where different points of view and interpretations of history are central; 2) narrative history, where through both major and minor stories, a chronological structure and animation of the subject of history are strived after; 3) social scientific history, which uses history to explain contemporary society through making comparisons and seeking general patterns; and 4) an eclectic strategy, which strives after varieties of an individualised teaching of history by allowing students to make their ways into history in diverse ways. The experienced history teachers’ narratives make evident how the subject of history can be transformed, they demonstrate different conceivable ways of teaching history and reveal its complexity.</p><p>The teachers’ narratives show how, through their strategies in interaction with their insights in history teaching, they have created an overview and structure in the complex reality of teaching history. The teachers’ insights and strategies constitute a practice based contribution to a more experience informed practice and research on the teaching of history.</p>

Barns behov av pappa och av skydd från våld : Diskurser inom verksamheterna Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP) och kvinnojourer i form av skyddade boenden

Prichard, Sabrina January 2012 (has links)
This qualitative study aimed to examine which discourses can be found within the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (BUP) and women’s shelters against domestic violence, concerning children that have experienced violence within the family, from two perspectives: the child’s need of father and of protection from violence. The study also aimed to examine which discourses can be found within the organisations concerning children’s well-being, how they define their mission concerning domestic violence and how this can affect the practical work with children that have experienced violence and their parents. The questions that the study aimed to answer were which discourses can be distinguished within BUP and the women’s shelters against domestic violence and how they can affect the different agencies’ view of the child’s need and well-being. These questions have been answered with collected interviews from the two respective agencies which have then been interpreted and processed through a critical discourse analysis from different theoretical concepts such as dominant discourses and service discourses in relation to Social Work, children’s need as a social construction and discourses of the child as a victim and an active participant. What the study showed was that the active participant-discourse overall was more prominent within BUP and that the victim-discourse was more prominent within the women’s shelters against domestic violence but also that both discourses were distinguishable in different ways and to different extents in both agencies in different combinations and variations. The study also found that the discourses, in different ways and to different extents, also affected the agencies’ view of the child’s need of father and of protection from violence.

Erfarna lärares historiedidaktiska insikter och undervisningsstrategier / Experienced teachers insights and strategies in history teaching

Nygren, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to investigate, through the narratives of ex-perienced teachers, insights and strategies in the teaching of history in upper secondary school. Based on a flexible grounded theory, life history and theories of pedagogical content knowledge, seven experienced history teachers have been interviewed about their conceptions of history teaching. Development of insights into history teaching and the formation of knowledge can be described as involving both a refinement of practice and more revolutionary turning points. These insights emphasize that good knowledge of the subject is central for legitimacy and creativity. History teaching in Sweden is described as increasingly international and contem-porary, and focussed on students’ learning from various points of view. Varied teaching is stressed with the teacher in centre and also being able to take the role of arranger. Of importance is also the handling of teaching in history as a foundation course as well as an advanced or specialized course. Influences from other subjects have had a diverse impact at the same time as personal interests and experiences, as well as external influences, have been important for the development of strategies. History teachers’ teaching strategies may be described in terms of 1) multiperspectivity, where different points of view and interpretations of history are central; 2) narrative history, where through both major and minor stories, a chronological structure and animation of the subject of history are strived after; 3) social scientific history, which uses history to explain contemporary society through making comparisons and seeking general patterns; and 4) an eclectic strategy, which strives after varieties of an individualised teaching of history by allowing students to make their ways into history in diverse ways. The experienced history teachers’ narratives make evident how the subject of history can be transformed, they demonstrate different conceivable ways of teaching history and reveal its complexity. The teachers’ narratives show how, through their strategies in interaction with their insights in history teaching, they have created an overview and structure in the complex reality of teaching history. The teachers’ insights and strategies constitute a practice based contribution to a more experience informed practice and research on the teaching of history.

Intensivpasientens gåtefulle kunnskap : om erfart kunnskap og kunnskapsformidling i enintensivkonteks / The enigmatic knowledge of intensive care patients experience and interpretation based knowledge in intensive care tutoring

Fredriksen, Sven-Tore D. January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrunn og hensikt: For mennesker som blir akutt/kritisk syk blir livet oftest endret på kort tid fra å værevelfungerende i hverdagen til innleggelse i intensivavdeling hvor selveste livet kan stå på spill. Tradisjonelt settblir intensivpasienter tatt vare på gjennom medisinsk kunnskap og et naturvitenskapelig kunnskapsparadigme. Åvære akutt/kritisk syk innebærer å få spesielle opplevelser og erfaringer som går ut over hverdagserfaringene, oghvordan disse erfaringene trer fram i situasjonen. Denne kunnskapen pasientene bærer i seg er ikke bareindividuell og privat kunnskap, den representerer også en form for viten som trenger å forskes fram og løftes inni det offentlige rom både folkehelsevitenskapelig og sykepleievitenskaplig, nettopp fordi den omhandler viktigeforutsetninger for at pasientene skal bli sett og møtt også eksistensielt. Denne kunnskapen representerer en annenontologi og epistemologi enn den naturvitenskapelige kunnskapen og representerer derfor et annetkunnskapsperspektiv, også når det gjelder kunnskapsformidlingen i en klinisk veiledningssammenheng. Avhandlingens overordnede mål er å øke forståelsen av det å være alvorlig syk og hvordan kunnskap ut fraerfaringer har betydning i kunnskapsformidling i en intensivkontekst. Data og metoder: Avhandlingen har en kvalitativ tilnærming. I delstudie I ble det gjort en review avartikler for å se på stress relatert til kropp, rom og relasjon. I delstudie II ble det gjennomført intervju medtidligere intensivpasienter om opplevelsen av kropp, kraft og bevegelse under kritisk sykdom. I delstudie III bletidligere intensivpasienter intervjuet angående deres opplevelse av kroppsnærværet til pårørende under kritisksykdom. I delstudie IV ble det gjort observasjoner med påfølgende intervjuer av intensivsykepleiere om deresformidling av erfart og fortolket kunnskap i en klinisk veiledningssituasjon. I alle fire delstudiene benyttes detfenomenologisk-hermeneutiske analyser. Funn: I delstudie I kommer det fram at pasientene opplever stress knyttet til kropp, rom og relasjon.Kroppen påvirkes gjennom søvnavbrudd, smerter, angst og pasientene mister kontrollen over kropp og situasjon.Stress knyttet til rom framkommer gjennom at rommet blir et speil av situasjonen ved at den både representererlivet, men også redselen for døden. Gjennom det horisontale leie opplever pasientene at situasjonen utgjør enform for makt og de selv settes i avmakt. Relasjonelt stress framkommer oftest knyttet til sammenhenger hvordet utføres observasjoner, stell og behandling. Travelhet og organisering i avdelingen påvirker det relasjonellesamværet i form av stress. I delstudie II opplever intensivpasientene at kropp kraft og bevegelse trer fram bådegjennom ”tapet” av kroppen, hvordan de handterer situasjonen og hvordan de gjenerobrer kropp, kraft ogbevegelse. De opplever kraftløshet og bevegelsesbergrensninger. Dette innvirker på avhengigheten til andre ogskaper konflikter til pårørende. Pasientene handterer det kroppslige tapet gjennom mobilisering av familiengjennom å involvere dem. Samtidig blir de selvbeskyttende og utestenger familiesammenhengene. Kampen forlivet håndterer de gjennom galgenhumoren og skriket om hjelp som siste nødrop. Gjenerobringen av kroppen erknyttet til små framskritt, gjennom personalets motivasjon og gjennom drømmen om å utrette noe i livet. Idelstudie III opplever pasientene konflikt mellom nærheten og distanse til pårørende. De kjenner seg utestengt,samtidig som de bekreftes med gaver. Pasientene opplever det konfliktfylt når de sammenligner pårørendesreaksjoner og egen situasjon. De er redd at fellesskapet med pårørende skal opphøre, samtidig må de begrensesamværet. Å ikke kunne kommunisere med pårørende i kroppsnærværet oppleves motsetningsfullt. I delstudieIV formidler sykepleierne kunnskap til intensivstudentene gjennom meningsskapende kunnskapsbevegelser. Deformidler inntrykk fra situasjonen for å skape oversikt, de formidler kunnskap om fenomenene som framtrer ogde formidler hvordan de kan hjelpe kroppens egne prosesser. De vurderer og formidler også pasienteneskroppslige uttrykk og hvordan disse kan forstås og imøtekommes. Sykepleierne er også opptatt å formidlekunnskap for at studentene skal utvikle og få egne erfaringer i kroppen. Konklusjon: Gjennom fire delstudier løfter avhandlingen fram kunnskap som står i klar kontrast til dennaturvitenskapelige kunnskapen. Pasientene utsettes for store opplevelsesmessige belastninger i situasjonen somakutt/kritisk syke som setter de i en avmaktssituasjon ved at sykepleierne ikke fanger opp og handterer kroppensegen kunnskap i situasjonen. Pasientene befinner seg ofte i en eksistensiell situasjon som er preget avmarginalitet og eksistensiell væren. Pasientene viser at de har forutsetninger for å mestre situasjonen, menhjelpes lite til slik mestring. Intensivsykepleierne formidler ulikt faglig innhold til studentene for å skapeerfaringer og forståelse i situasjonen. Erfaringskunnskapen fra intensivkonteksten må derfor sees som et viktigkunnskapssupplement til folkehelsearbeidet. / Background and purpose: Acute/critically ill patients have had their life-conditions severely altered from awell-functioning everyday situation to a situation in which they struggle to survive. Traditionally the knowledgeparadigmfrom natural sciences together with medical expertise constitutes the framework for treatment. To beacute/critically ill involves experiences and events and phenomena typical to the situation. The patients’embodied knowledge is not limited to the personal and private sphere, it refers to highly relevant preconditionsfor visibility and reception, also on an existential level; it represents knowledge which needs to be researchedand discussed openly within the public health and nursing sciences. This knowledge represents a differentontology and epistemology from the natural sciences and thus a different perspective, also with regards toclinical tutoring. The dissertation’s primary target is to increase the knowledge about how critical illness isexperienced and how experience based knowledge is significant to teaching in an intensive care context. Data and methods: The dissertation is based on qualitative methods. Sub-study I includes reviews ofarticles on stress in a perspective of body, space and relationship. Sub-study II contains interviews with formerICU patients relating to their experience of body, strength and movement during critical illness. Sub-study III isbased on former ICU patients’ experience of the physical presence of their significant others during criticalillness. Sub-study IV contains observations and interviews of ICU nurses on how they teach experience basedand interpretation based knowledge in clinical tutoring. Phenomenological-hermeneutic analysis method isapplied to all four sub-studies. Findings: Sub-study I describes how patients experience stress in a perspective of body, space andrelation. The body is influenced by sleep deprivation, pain and anxiety. Patients experience loss of control withtheir bodies as well as with the situation. The room mirrors the situation patients are in, creating stress by itsrepresentation of life as well as fear of dying. The patient’s horizontal position reflects disproportionate powerinducing a sense of disempowerment. Relational stress situations usually appear in contexts involvingobservation, care or treatment. The organizational structure and activity on the ward affects stress levels. In substudyII the ICU patients experience how power and movement is affected by a sense of loss of body, how theymanage to respond to the situation and how they eventually reclaim the body, power and movement. Theyexperience disempowerment and limitations to movement. This causes dependency and creates conflicts withtheir significant others, especially with regards to proximity and distance. The patients address their loss of bodyby drawing on resources from their significant others, yet refrain from allowing themselves involvement infamily matters. The struggle for survival is characterised by gallows humour and the cry for help as their finalcry. Reclaiming the body happens stepwise with the aid of staff combined with a need to achieve. Sub-study IIIdescribes problems related to proximity to, and distance from, the significant others. A sense of exclusion iscontradicted by being showered with gifts. It is unsettling for patients to have their situation compared to theirsignificant others’. They fear the loss of community with loved ones, yet they need to limit visits fromsignificant others. The lack of ability to communicate when others are physically present is unsettling. Sub-studyIV describes how ICU nurses tutor students in practise by demonstrating knowledge in meaningful actions. Theyconvey their impressions of situations to provide an overview, convey knowledge of observable phenomena, andteach skills to assist the body’s own processes. They also assess and evaluate physical expressions in the patientand how these can be read and addressed. Nurses are also concerned with conveying embodied knowledge totheir students. Conclusion: In four sub-studies this dissertation highlights a form of knowledge which clearly contraststhat of the natural sciences. During acute critical illness patients experience severe stress and disempowermentcaused by a lack of response and action from nurses who are unable to interpret the body’s own knowledge inthe situation. Patients are often facing life and death questions characterised by marginality and existentiality.Patients demonstrate ability to cope with the situation, but are rarely assisted with coping. Intensive care nursesdisseminate a variety of professional skills and knowledge to their students in order to provide comprehensionand understanding of situations. Experience based knowledge from an intensive care context thus becomes asignificant supplementary factor in the public health perspective


2014 November 1900 (has links)
It is a common practice for therapists-in-training and experienced therapists to ensure their self-care and ethical competency requirements through seeking and maintaining therapeutic counselling when dealing with significant personal concerns (Moulden & Firestone, 2010; Everall & Paulson, 2004; Spelliscy, 2009; Pope, Sonne, & Green, 2006; Amundson, 2009; Tjetviet & Gottlib, 2010). However, therapists-in-training and experienced therapists have reported challenges and barriers that arise when making the decision to seek and maintain therapy. Some of these challenges and barriers of seeking and maintaining therapy noted in the current research literature, includes concerns of public and self stigmas, a fear of emotion, fear of treatment, confidentiality concerns, difficulties with the choice, accessibility, and acceptability of therapists’ credentials or educational programs, and the actual financial costs associated with obtaining therapy (Dearing, Maddux, & Tangney, 2005; Komiya, Good, & Sherrod, 2000; Holzman, Searight, & Hughes, 1996; Ey, Henning, & Shaw, 2000; Siebert & Siebert, 2007; Barnett & Hillard, 2011; Gilroy, Carroll, & Murra, 2002; Siebert, 2005). Similarly, current research literature regarding the challenges and barriers that Asian individuals face when deciding to seek or maintain therapeutic counselling, have also reported a list of institutional and sociocultural barriers to seeking services (Shea & Yeh, 2008; Sue & Sue, 2003; Braun, Tanji, & Heck, 2001; Park & Kim, 2008; Tsang, Tam, Chan, & Cheung, 2003; Chen & Mak, 2008; Akutse & Chu, 2006; Zane & Yeh, 2002). Acculturation is the process of adapting to behaviours, values, knowledge, and identity of the dominant society (Kim & Abreu, 2001). It has been found, that different levels of acculturation will affect an individual’s level of tolerance towards social, professional, and cultural stigmas, as well as their level of confidence in seeking therapy (Zhang & Dixon, 2003). Leong & Lau, 2001, stated that an individual’s level of acculturation has a major influence on the attitudes towards seeking therapy. It is these themes in the current research literature on the challenges and barriers to seeking and maintaining therapy that resonated with my own personal experience navigating through the mental health system for therapeutic support as a first generation Asian individual, therapist-in-training. Being an acculturated first generation Asian and therapist-in-training, through careful consideration, I use analytic autoethnography as my methodology to explore, reflect, and share my experiences and journey navigating through my self-care journey before and after my father’s death. With the use of analytic autoethnography, I bring together parallels between my personal experience with what themes are noted in current research literature on the challenges and barriers to seeking and maintaining therapy.

On the evaluation of temporally extended experiences

Cojuharenco, Irina 27 June 2007 (has links)
La evaluación de las experiencias extendidas en el tiempo se puede hacer de muchas formas. El paradigma --hedometer' en economía sugiere que la evaluación global de la experiencia se puede explicar por las impresiones de satisfacción durante la experiencia. Hay una creciente evidencia empírica sobre una simple ley de Pico-Final. Se ha demostrado que el Pico (la impresión mas extrema) y el Final (la ultima impresión) pueden explicar la evaluación global de la experiencia sin tener en cuenta las demás impresiones. Presento pruebas empíricas de la ley de Pico-Final utilizando datos recolectados en estudios de campo en aulas universitarias y en estudios de laboratorio con imágenes afectivas, e investigo, además, la capacidad de esta ley de explicar la intensidad del estado de animo posterior a la experiencia. Revelo, utilizando una novedosa tarea de estimación intuitiva, las opiniones de las personas sobre la composición de las evaluaciones globales de las experiencias. Finalmente, demuestro las condiciones que dificultan el aprendizaje de la ley Pico-Final, lo que explica porque las personas creen que sus evaluaciones globales representan el promedio de todas las impresiones sin excepción. / There are different ways of evaluating experiences lived across time. The --hedometer' paradigm in economics suggests that momentary impressions determine overall evaluations of experiences. There is a mounting empirical evidence for a simple Peak-End rule. Peak (the most extreme) and End (the very last) impressions have been shown to explain overall evaluations without the need to account for other impressions. I test the Peak-End rule using field data from university classrooms and lab data from image-viewing experiments, as well as explore its ability to predict post-experience mood valence. I elicit, using a novel guessing task, lay intuitions about overall evaluations of experiences. Finally, I demonstrate why decision-makers may find it difficult to learn the Peak-End rule and believe rather, that overall evaluations reflect average impressions.

Advisors and groups: essays in social decision making

Müller-Trede, Johannes 04 May 2012 (has links)
The three chapters of this thesis investigate social aspects of judgment and decision making. Chapter One analyses the consequences of making decisions based on predictions of future well-being, and the conditions under which advice can improve these decisions. It shows that an interaction between errors in affective forecasts and the choice process leads to suboptimal decisions and disappointment, and establishes conditions under which advice reduces these effects. The second chapter investigates the boundaries of the result that eliciting more than one estimate from the same person and averaging these can lead to accuracy gains in judgment tasks. It reveals that the technique works only for specific kinds of questions, and people are reluctant to average their initial answers when asked for a final estimate. Finally, Chapter Three reviews experimental results regarding individual and small group behaviour in strategic decision tasks and provides a theoretical framework to analyse the observed differences. / Aquesta tesi investiga diferents aspectes socials de la presa de decisions. El primer capítol analitza les decisions preses en base a les prediccions del benestar futur, i en quines situacions els consells d’altres persones poden millorar aquestes decisions. Es mostra que una interacció entre el procés de l’elecció i les imperfeccions de les prediccions condueix a decisions subòptimes i a la decepció, i s’estableixen les condicions sota les quals els consells redueixen aquests efectes. El segon capítol investigaels casos en què les persones poden millorar les seves prediccions numèriques donant més d’una estimació i prenent-ne la mitjana. A base d’un experiment, es mostra que la tècnica funciona només amb determinats tipus de preguntes, i que les persones són averses a prendre mitjanes de les seves estimacions inicials quan es pregunta per una estimació final. L’últim capítol revisa els resultats experimentals referents a la presa de decisions estratègiques de la persona individual comparats amb els de la persona que forma part d’un grup reduït i proporciona un marc teòric en el que analitza les diferències que s’observen en el seu comportament

Unga vuxnas uppfattningar och upplevda ansvar om turismens miljöpåverkan

Nilsson, Angelica, Öhman Lundin, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Turismindustrin är en bransch som allt mer ökar och bidrar till en mycket positiv utveckling i form av arbetstillfällen, kulturutbyte och många andra positiva aspekter. Men då det även bidrar till negativ inverkan på jordens miljö, som hotas av förstöras av det ökade resandet, måste branschen ta sitt ansvar och gå mot en mer hållbar framtid som också värnar om miljön. Det krävs av industrin att gå mot en allt mer hållbar framtid där miljön värnas om och negativa effekter minskas, ett arbete som även förväntas förvaltas av turisterna själva. Det har i tidigare studier visats på en stor skillnad mellan turisters attityd till miljöansvar och faktiska beteende. Individuella behov och preferenser prioriteras framför miljö och hållbart handlande i samband med en turistresa, är det då möjligt att placera ett större ansvar på den enskilda personen i framtiden? Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka unga svenska personers förståelse om den miljöproblematik som turism ger upphov till och vilket typ av ansvar den individuella personen är villig att ta för att minska denna problematik. Empirisk data har insamlats genom tio kvalitativa intervjuer med personer bosatta i Sverige i åldrarna 20-30 år, som reser utomlands i privat syfte minst en gång per år. Studiens resultat visar att det finns en viss förståelse för turismens negativa inverkan på miljön, men att det inte sätts i relation till det individuella resandet. Det spelar heller inte någon avgörande roll när en resa planeras eller utförs, utan det som prioriteras är framförallt individuella intressen och preferenser. Trots att ansvaret gentemot miljön anses vara stort upplevs det vara svårt att ta hänsyn till miljö innan och under en utlandsresa, då det riskerar hindra individuella intressen och huvudsakliga syften med att resa. Resultaten visar även på att förståelse för den miljöproblematik som det individuella resandet bidrar till är lågt. Det finns dock en tydlig önskan om mer information och möjlighet till att göra val som är mer fördelaktiga för miljön. Detta upplevs kunna bidra till att mer hänsyn tas till miljö i samband med utlandsresor. Något som på sikt kan innebära ett allt mer hållbart privatresande. / The tourism industry is growing every day and contributes to a more positive growth concerning work opportunities and cultural exchange to mention a few of the many positive effects. The industry also has a negative impact on the environment and is endangered to be destroyed due to the increased amount of travel, this is something which requires action from the industry that must head for a more sustainable future. It is required by the industry to aim for a more sustainable future where the environment is taken care of and negative effects decrease, a task that also is required by the tourists. Former studies have shown a significant difference between tourists’ attitude to environmental responsibilities compered to their actual behaviour. Individual needs and preferences are first priorities rather than environmental thinking and action connected toa trip. Is it therefore possible to put more individual responsibility on the people in the future? The purpose of this study is to examine knowledge of young adults living in Sweden about the problems that tourism contributes to and what kind of responsibility the individual person is willing to take in order to decrease these impacts. Empirical data has been collected thru ten qualitative interviews with persons living in Sweden, between the ages of 20-30 years old, that travels abroad for holidays at least once a year. The result of this study shows that there is some understanding for the negative effects that tourism cause to the environment, but not in relation to the individual travel. Neither does planning nor the traveling it self contain environmental thinking, what is mainly prioritised is mainly individual interests and preferences. Despite great perceived responsibility against the environment it is seendifficult to take the environment into account,before and during a holiday.As it risks interfering with individual interests and main purpose of traveling.The results also show that the perceived knowledge of environment problems caused by individual travelling and tourism is low. There is a clear wish for more information and abilities to make choices which are profitable for the environment. This indicates that more environmental responsibility might will be taken in relation to international travelling, which eventually will lead to a more sustainable travel.

Kontrollierte Fragebogenentwicklung zur Messung erlebter Qualität von Produkten der Dräger Safety auf haptischer, optischer und akustischer Ebene

Schneider, Julia, Wölfel, Christian, Wandel, Sarah, Richenberger, Michael 06 September 2021 (has links)
Das Design eines Produktes gibt immer Hinweise auf seine Funktionalität, was es kann oder nicht kann, was es aushält oder nicht aushält. Die menschliche Wahrnehmung solcher Eigenschaften und Qualitäten kann daher wesentlich dafür sein, wie das Produkt gehandhabt und benutzt wird. Qualität wird durch formale Eigenschaften, Form und Detailgestaltung wahrgenommen. Diese muss mit der tatsächlichen Robustheit eines Produktes übereinstimmen, um den beabsichtigten Gebrauch und Einsatz des Produktes zu provozieren. Ein Missverhältnis zwischen erlebter und tatsächlicher Qualität eines Produkts kann zu Ausfällen, hohen Wartungskosten, geringerer Benutzerzufriedenheit oder geringerem Markenwert führen. In der (interdisziplinären) kollaborativen Produktentwicklung basieren die Anforderungen und die Produktbewertung meist auf quantitativen Maßen. Während die Definition und Bewertung der tatsächlichen Qualität und Robustheit in der Produktentwicklung gut etabliert ist, fehlt noch eine standardisierte Methode zur Definition und Bewertung der erlebten Qualität eines Produkts. In diesem Beitrag wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, durch den die Übereinstimmung zwischen tatsächlicher und erlebter Qualität durch eine objektive Skala festgelegt bzw. kontrolliert werden kann. Dazu wurde eine semantisch-differentielle Skala entwickelt, die relevante Aspekte der haptischen, visuellen und akustischen Eigenschaften von Produkten erfasst. Es kann sowohl in der Anforderungsdefinition, als auch in den Evaluationsphasen und der Produktentwicklung des Designprozesses eingesetzt werden. Dadurch kann kontrolliert werden, ob die Designziele erreicht wurden oder nicht.

Tester l’effet du crédit d’impôt pour le prolongement de carrière sur le taux d’activité des travailleurs de 55 ans et plus

Lecomte, Daphné 03 1900 (has links)
While we are witnessing an acceleration of the phenomenon of demographic aging in Canada, a spectacular increase in the participation rate of the elderly has been felt since the end of the 1990s. Several factors may be at the origin of this increase, but few studies really focus on empirically verifying these. It is in this register that this research is focused. In fact, in 2012, the government of Quebec implemented a tax initiative dedicated to the maintenance and return to the labor market of the elderly, namely the “Tax credit for experienced workers”, today. renamed as the “Tax Credit for career extension”. However, to date, no study has been carried out on the effectiveness of this Quebec tax measure in which the government has spent nearly $ 700 million and is preparing to spend more in the coming years. Testing the effect of this incentive policy for experienced workers will therefore be the main objective of this research. In order to meet this objective, we performed multivariate regression analyzes using a statistical model developed from our review of the literature on labor force participation rates of people aged 55 and over. Our sample consists of 360 data or 36 observations (one for each of the years covering the period 1983 to 2018) for each of the 10 provinces of Canada. For the purposes of our analyzes, we selected the participation rate of those aged 55 and over as the dependent variable as well as a realistic selection of 10 independent variables divisible into three categories, i.e., trend and non-trend structural variables (term linear trend, squared trend term and set of 9 provincial dichotomies), economic variables (unemployment rate, interest rate and average weekly earnings) and public policy variables (income tax benefit work, incentive nature within pension schemes and tax credit for experienced workers). Our results show that the Quebec incentive, the tax credit for career extension, did not have the expected effects on workers aged 55 and over, while particularly noticeable changes are observable for this age group. It seems that the good performance of the economic situation is sufficient to explain a good part of the behavior of the participation rates of people aged 55 and over in Quebec. These results are sufficient to encourage further evaluation of the tax credit program, as well as all current and future incentive policies put in place by governments. / Alors que nous assistons à une accélération du phénomène du vieillissement démographique au Canada, une remontée spectaculaire du taux d’activité des personnes âgées se fait sentir depuis la fin des années 1990. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent être à l’origine de cette hausse, mais peu d’études se concentrent réellement sur la vérification empirique de ceux-ci. C’est d’ailleurs dans ce registre que se concentre cette recherche. En effet, en 2012, le gouvernement du Québec s’est vu mettre en place une initiative fiscale explicitement dédiée au maintien et au retour sur le marché du travail des personnes âgées, soit le crédit d’impôt pour les travailleurs expérimentés, aujourd’hui renommée sous le nom de « crédit d’impôt pour le prolongement de carrière ». Or, à ce jour, aucune étude n’a été réalisée sur l’efficacité de cette mesure fiscale québécoise dans laquelle le gouvernement a dépensé près de 700 millions de dollars et s’apprête à en dépenser davantage dans les prochaines années. Tester l’effet de cette politique d’incitation pour les travailleurs expérimentés sera donc l’objectif principal de cette recherche. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, nous avons réalisé des analyses de régression multivariée à l’aide d’un modèle statistique développé à partir de notre recension des écrits sur les taux d’activité des personnes âgées de 55 ans et plus. Notre échantillon se compose de 360 données, soit 36 observations (une pour chacune des années couvrant la période de 1983 à 2018) pour chacune des 10 provinces du Canada. Pour les fins de nos analyses, nous avons choisi le taux d’activité des 55 ans et plus à titre de variable dépendante ainsi qu’une sélection réaliste de 10 variables indépendantes divisibles en trois catégories, soit des variables structurelles tendancielles et non tendancielles (terme de tendance linéaire, terme de tendance au carré et ensemble de 9 dichotomiques provinciales), des variables économiques (taux de chômage, taux d’intérêt et rémunération hebdomadaire moyenne) et des variables de politiques publiques (prime au travail, prestation fiscale pour revenu de travail, caractère incitatif à l’intérieur des régimes de pensions et crédit d’impôt pour les travailleurs expérimentés). Nos résultats démontrent d’ailleurs que l’incitative québécoise, soit le crédit d’impôt pour le prolongement de carrière n’a pas eu les effets escomptés sur les travailleurs âgés de 55 ans et plus, alors que des changements particulièrement marquant sont observables pour ce groupe d’âge. Il semble que la bonne tenue de la conjoncture économique soit suffisante afin d’expliquer une bonne part des comportements des taux d’activité des 55 ans et plus au Québec. Ces résultats sont suffisants afin d’inciter à la poursuite de l’évaluation du programme de crédit d’impôt, de même que l’ensemble des politiques d’incitation actuelles et futures mises en place par les gouvernements.

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