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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Saving the Baltic Sea – A Question of Business? : An Exploratory Case Study from a Business Model Perspective / Rädda Östersjön – En fråga om affärer? : En utforskande fallstudie ur ett affärsmodellsperspektiv

Tell, Eric, Ökvist, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
The Baltic Sea has for a long time had a problem with eutrophication. Historical phosphorus emissions from land, but nowadays the greatest source of eutrophication is the internal leakage of phosphorus from the bottom sediment. Both the European Union and Sweden has identified this problem and stated that the Baltic Sea should be saved, but only counteractive measures have been taken. Upstream work to limit the phosphorus emissions into the Baltic Sea will not solve the problem with eutrophication. The aim of this study has been to develop a business model that contributes to a reduction of the internal leakage of phosphorus in the Baltic Sea and at the same time makes it possible to make use of the resources that reside in the bottom sediment. The study has a deductive approach which consists of a literature review and semistructured interviews with stakeholders to the resources of the bottom sediment. The literature review creates a framework for the business model and the results from the interviews are used to define how the business model should meet the requirements of the stakeholders. The result indicates that there is an interest in circulated materials from the Baltic Sea, but there are challenges within price and politics that need to be faced. Circulated materials are often more expensive to produce than new materials due to the fact that the established methods have existed for a long time and have become cost-effective to stay competitive. Laws and regulations are not adjusted for a circular philosophy, which needs to be revised for the market to target circular solutions. The developed business model has a basis in the concept of the circular economy and focuses on utilising all the substances in the sediment as resources to meet the requirements of the market. / Östersjön har länge haft problem med övergödning. Historiskt sett har det släppts ut mycket näringsämnen från land men idag är den största källan till övergödning ett internläckage av fosfor från bottensedimentet. Både EU och Sverige har identifierat problemet med övergödning och fastställt att Östersjön bör räddas, men endast förebyggande åtgärder har vidtagits. Att bara arbeta uppströms kommer inte att lösa problemet. Uppsatsens syfte har varit att ta fram en affärsmodell som bidrar till minskning av internläckaget av fosfor i Östersjön och samtidigt gör det möjligt att nyttja de resurser som finns i bottensedimentet. Studien har en deduktiv ansats som består av en litteraturstudie och semistrukturerade intervjuer med intressenter till de resurser som finns i bottensedimentet. Litteraturstudien skapar ett ramverk för affärsmodellen och resultatet från intervjuerna används för att definiera hur affärsmodellen bör möta intressenternas behov. Resultatet visar att det finns intresse för cirkulerade råvaror från Östersjön, men att det finns utmaningar inom pris och politik som måste bemötas. Cirkulerade material är ofta dyrare att producera än nya material då de etablerade processerna har funnits länge och blivit kostnadseffektiva för att vara fortsatt konkurrenskraftiga. Lagar och regleringar är inte anpassade efter en cirkulär filosofi vilket behöver revideras för att marknaden ska inriktas på cirkulära lösningar. Den resulterande affärsmodellen har en utgångspunkt i cirkulär ekonomi och fokuserar på att nyttja samtliga ämnen i sedimentet som resurser för att möta marknadens behov.

An Explorative Design Study of a Booking System : Evaluating the Usability and Experience of a User Interface for Novice Admin Users

Gustafsson, Filip January 2019 (has links)
This study explored how the UI of booking sunbeds could be designed to be efficient and effective while being satisfactory to use for novice admin users of the system. Personas were created through a workshop that together with visual heuristics helped drive the design of an initial paper prototype that was evaluated with users. Iterating the design of the paper prototype, a hi-fi prototype was created using Adobe XD. The hi-fi prototype was evaluated using a task-based usability test with seven participants who provided quantitative data of time spent per task and number of clicks required, and qualitative data through a SUS questionnaire along with semi-structured interviews. The prototype was effective and efficient while scoring a high 90 points on the SUS scale. Qualitative data from the participants indicated that the inclusion of transitions and transformation in the UI helped create a playful experience and a system that was perceived to be easy to learn and use. The results and data of evaluating the prototype can help future designers of systems account for transitions and transformations earlier in the design process that could improve the overall usability for novice users in general. / Den här studien utforskade hur ett gränssnitt för ett bokningssystem kunde designas för att vara effektivt och ändamålsenligt samtidigt som användargruppen av administrativa förstagångsanvändare uppfattar systemet som tillfredsställande. En workshop hölls för att skapa personas, vilket tillsammans med visuella heuristiker drev designen av en första pappersprototyp som utvärderades med användare. Med feedback från pappersprototypen skapades en digitalt interaktiv prototyp som utvärderades baserat på kvantitativa data från hur användare klarade av att utföra uppgifter, samt kvalitativa data från semistrukturerade intervjuer och användbarhetsenkäten SUS (System Usability Scale). Prototypen var effektiv och ändamålsenlig och fick 90 poäng enligt SUS-skalan. Den kvalitativa data indikerade att inkluderingen av övergångar och transformeringar i gränssnittet skapade en lekfull upplevelse och gjorde att systemet ansågs vara enkelt att använda. Studiens insamlade data och resultat kan hjälpa framtida designers av system ta hänsyn till övergångar och transformationer tidigt i designprocessen för att öka den generella användbarheten för förstagångsanvändare

Score-Based Approaches to Heterogeneity in Psychological Models

Arnold, Manuel 30 May 2022 (has links)
Statistische Modelle menschlicher Kognition und Verhaltens stützen sich häufig auf aggregierte Daten und vernachlässigen dadurch oft Heterogenität in Form von Unterschieden zwischen Personen oder Gruppen. Die Nichtberücksichtigung vorliegender Heterogenität kann zu verzerrten Parameterschätzungen und zu falsch positiven oder falsch negativen Tests führen. Häufig kann Heterogenität mithilfe von Kovariaten erkannt und vorhergesagt werden. Allerdings erweist sich die Identifizierung von Prädiktoren von Heterogenität oft als schwierige Aufgabe. Zur Lösung dieses Problems schlage ich zwei neue Ansätze vor, um individuelle und gruppenspezifische Unterschiede mithilfe von Kovariaten vorherzusagen. Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation setzt sich aus drei Projekten zusammen. Projekt 1 widmet sich dem Verfahren IPC-Regression (Individual Parameter Contribution), welches die Exploration von Parameterheterogenität in Strukturgleichungsmodellen (SEM) mittels Kovariaten erlaubt. Unter anderem evaluiere ich IPC-Regression für dynamische Panel-Modelle, schlage eine alternative Schätzmethode vor und leite IPCs für allgemeine Maximum-Likelihood-Schätzer her. Projekt 2 veranschaulicht, wie IPC-Regression in der Praxis eingesetzt werden kann. Dazu führe ich schrittweise in die Implementierung von IPC-Regression im ipcr-Paket für die statistische Programmiersprache R ein. Schließlich werden in Projekt 3 SEM-Trees weiterentwickelt. SEM-Trees sind eine modellbasierte rekursive Partitionierungsmethode zur Identifizierung von Kovariaten, die Gruppenunterschiede in SEM-Parametern vorhersagen. Die bisher verwendeten SEM-Trees sind sehr rechenaufwendig. In Projekt 3 kombiniere ich SEM-Trees mit unterschiedlichen Score-basierten Tests. Die daraus resultierenden Score-Guided-SEM-Tees lassen sich deutlich schneller als herkömmlichen SEM-Trees berechnen und zeigen bessere statistische Eigenschaften. / Statistical models of human cognition and behavior often rely on aggregated data and may fail to consider heterogeneity, that is, differences across individuals or groups. If overlooked, heterogeneity can bias parameter estimates and may lead to false-positive or false-negative findings. Often, heterogeneity can be detected and predicted with the help of covariates. However, identifying predictors of heterogeneity can be a challenging task. To solve this issue, I propose two novel approaches for detecting and predicting individual and group differences with covariates. This cumulative dissertation is composed of three projects. Project 1 advances the individual parameter contribution (IPC) regression framework, which allows studying heterogeneity in structural equation model (SEM) parameters by means of covariates. I evaluate the use of IPC regression for dynamic panel models, propose an alternative estimation technique, and derive IPCs for general maximum likelihood estimators. Project 2 illustrates how IPC regression can be used in practice. To this end, I provide a step-by-step introduction to the IPC regression implementation in the ipcr package for the R system for statistical computing. Finally, Project 3 progresses the SEM tree framework. SEM trees are a model-based recursive partitioning method for finding covariates that predict group differences in SEM parameters. Unfortunately, the original SEM tree implementation is computationally demanding. As a solution to this problem, I combine SEM trees with a family of score-based tests. The resulting score-guided SEM trees compute quickly, solving the runtime issues of the original SEM trees, and show favorable statistical properties.


Darbanhosseiniamirkhiz, Mirmahdi, Darban 29 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Curio-Urbia: A curiosity exploration of hidden urban interactions

Nilsson, Therese January 2011 (has links)
Firstly, this research is a collaboration with Granny’s Dancing on the Table, a transmedia film project in which the public has the chance to affect a film script through different social media channels. Before the actual film release there will be different game-episodes released in connection to the film. I have mainly been in contact with the game company Ozma, a part of the ‘Granny team’ working on cross-media games for the project. This thesis is a side-project with the aim of exploring a more “hidden universe”, which can later be applied to the design process.Secondly, the research provides a broad picture of the dilemmas faced when applying cryptic design strategies in an urban environment. I explore a few design qualities, how they can enhance user experience and make the user curious about hidden artefacts found on the street or in a public environment. I approached the problem by placing experiments linked to one of Granny’s Dancing on the Tables’ social media channels, in the streets and institutions of the Möllan neighbourhood in Malmö, Sweden. I collected information from both field studies and the interaction design world, regarding the application of design qualities to an artefact. Moreover, I based the research on street art, human behaviour, the psychology of curiosity and visual perception within the field of (transmedia) experience design. Based on my findings from these experiments and interviews I have come up with a set of guidelines to use when applying “hiddenness” to an artefact or design concept.

Är AI vår nya lärare? : En komparativ studie om gymnasielärares och AI:s skriftliga respons på vetenskapligt skrivande i svenskämnet / Is AI our new teacher? : A comparative study of upper secondary school teachers’ and AI’s written feedback on academic writing in the subject of Swedish

Eeliya, Onel January 2024 (has links)
Studien behandlar respons på elevtexter där målet är att bidra till en diskussion om AI som hjälpmedel på gymnasiet. Därför är syftet med studien att explorativt utforska potentialen hos AI och dess genererade respons på elevers utredande texter i svenska 3 jämfört med kvaliteten hos respons given av lärare. Materialet består av tolv elevtexter, två från varje betygsnivå (A-F), insamlade från fyra lärare med varierande antal texter per lärare. Analysmetoden kombinerar kvalitativ textanalys av lärarresponsen med en explorativ jämförande analys av AI-responsen. Det teoretiska ramverket består av en kombination av Hattie och Timperleys (2007) responsmodell samt Cerratto Pargmans och Jahnkes (2019) begrepp om aktörer. Resultatet visar att lärarresponsen på elevtexterna varierar i stadium och nivå, med Feed Up som den vanligaste responsen och Feed Back som den minst förekommande. ChatGPT tenderar att inte ge liknande bedömningar som lärare och saknar ofta den detaljerade och specifika återkoppling som lärarna ger, särskilt när det gäller att främja elevens utveckling och nyansering av resonemang. Studien kommer fram till att det finns stor potential för generativ AI i skolan, men med vissa begränsningar i nuläget. / The study addresses feedback on student texts, aiming to contribute to the discussion of AI as an aid in upper secondary school education. Consequently, the purpose of the study is to exploratively investigate the potential of AI and its generated responses to students' analytical texts in Swedish 3, compared to the quality of feedback provided by teachers. The material consists of twelve student texts, two from each grade level (A-F), collected from four teachers with varying numbers of texts per teacher. The analysis method combines qualitative text analysis of the teacher feedback with an exploratory comparative analysis of the AI feedback. The theoretical framework consists of a combination of Hattie and Timperley's (2007) feedback model and Cerratto Pargman and Jahnke's (2019) concept of agency. The results show that the teacher feedback on student texts varies in stage and level, with Feed Up being the most common response and Feed Back being the least frequent. ChatGPT tends not to provide similar assessments as teachers and often lacks the detailed and specific feedback that teachers give, especially when it comes to promoting the student's development and nuanced reasoning. The study concludes that there is great potential for generative AI in schools, but with certain limitations at present.

Explorative Suchstrategien am Beispiel von flickr. com

Wenke, Birgit, Lechner, Ulrike 13 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Positive mental health from the adolescent girls’ perspective : A qualitative study

Aqaian, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Background: Psychosomatic problems are increasing among adolescent girls and levels of life satisfaction, well-being and self-esteem are lower among adolescent girls compared to boys at the same age. Aim: The aim of this thesis was to explore adolescent girls’ perceptions of the concept of PMH and to identify influential factors for PMH from their own perspectives. Methods: A qualitative explorative study was designed. The data collection was through four semi-structured focus group interviews. Participation in the study was completely voluntary and 14 high school girls aged 16-17 participated in the study. An inductive content analysis was conducted to analyze the collected data. Results: Six categories and sixteen subcategories emerged from the data analysis, answered the two objectives of the study and met the purpose of this thesis. The six categories were: 1) when you feel well and things go well; 2) school-related factors, 3) factors at home and at leisure time, 4) key personal characteristics, 5) coping skills and balanced healthy lifestyle, 6) more attention to PMH. The findings showed that PMH was perceived as a two-dimension concept of feeling well and functioning well in life. The main influential factors for PMH was healthy social relations within and outside the family, key characteristics such as optimism, high self-esteem, sense of control, purpose and progress as well as coping skills and paying more attention to PMH.     Conclusion: A combination of positive factors promoting feeling well and functioning well in life should be taken into account in the development of mental health promotion approaches and programs to improve PMH among adolescent girls. / Bakgrund: Psykosomatiska besvär ökar bland flickor och livstillfredsställelse, välbefinnande och självkänsla bland flickor är lägre än pojkar.    Syfte: Syftet med studien var att studera uppfattningar av flickor på gymnasiet om begreppet positiv psykisk hälsa (PMH) och identifiera faktorer som påverkar PMH utifrån målgruppens egna perspektiv. Metod: En kvalitativ explorativ studie utformades. Datainsamlingen skedde genom fyra fokusgruppsintervjuer och 14 gymnasieflickor i åldern 16-17 deltog i studien. Deltagande i studien var helt frivilligt. En kvalitativ induktiv innehållsanalys utfördes för att analysera insamlade data. Resultat: Sex huvudkategorier och sexton subkategorier återfanns i dataanalysen som svarade på syftet och två frågeställningarna i studien. De sex huvudkategorierna var: 1) när man mår bra och allt går bra 2) skolrelaterade faktorer 3) faktorer hemma och på fritiden, 4) viktiga personliga egenskaper, 5) coping färdigheter och balanserad hälsosam livsstil, 6) mer uppmärksamhet till PMH. Resultatet visade att PMH uppfattades som ett tvådimensionskoncept, att må bra och att fungera bra i livet. De centrala faktorerna för PMH identifierades som hälsosamma relationer inom och utanför familjen, viktiga egenskaper som optimism och bra självkänsla, känsla av utveckling, kontroll och meningsfullhet, stresshanteringsförmåga, samt att uppmärksamma PMH. Slutsats: En kombination av positiva faktorer för att må bra och fungera bra i livet, bör beaktas inom utveckling av strategier för att förbättra PMH bland flickor på gymnasiet. Nyckelord: Positiv Psykisk Hälsa, Flickor På Gymnasiet, Kvalitativ Explorativ Studie, Fokusgrupp Intervjuer.

Key components of building customer trust in the space industry : An investigation of the future of satellite applications

Nittler, Josefine, Ahlsén, Mattias January 2021 (has links)
This study is an empirical case study of the Swedish space- and automation company Unibap AB about how to build trust in the space industry. The space industry is distinctive in the way that space missions are at high stakes because of the high costs and the fact that the technology can not be modified after launch. Reliability and trust are therefore crucial factors of doing business in the space industry. Also, AI-based satellite solutions can bring huge benefits but 60% of the resistance from companies to running AI is linked to lack of trust. The concept of trust has been discussed before in the industrial marketing literature and differentiates between social sources and offer-related sources of trust. However, there appears to be an empirical as well as a theoretical gap when it comes to building trust in the space industry. Because the topic is unexplored, an exploratory methodology is used when interviewing 12 actors in the space- and high-tech industry worldwide. Since one important aspect of offer-related trust seems to be usability, this study also includes a usability evaluation of Unibap's space computer solution SpaceCloud which enables on-board AI applications. Key antecedents of trust in the space industry were found to be transparency, competence, reliability of technology, and exact delivery times. It appears that social- and offer-related trust significantly influence partnerships between companies and that offer-related trust is the most important type of trust to win contracts of tax-funded agencies. Strengths and improvements of the usability of SpaceCloud are also identified, and it is concluded that SpaceCloud has the potential to offer a new way of building satellite applications in the future.

Explorative Suchstrategien am Beispiel von flickr. com

Wenke, Birgit, Lechner, Ulrike January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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