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Reformation av utsatta områden : Brottsprevention & trygghet genom utformning. / Reformation of exposed districts : Crime prevention & security through environmental design.Stening, Tor, Dunåker, Anton January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: This study is based on one of 60 residential areas in Sweden which is evaluated to have low socio-economic status and where criminals have an impact on the society. Råslätt in Jönköping is referred as an exposed area and this studys aim is to identify, analyze and assist Vätterhem with guidance concerning crime prevention and providing safe design in urban space. The aim of this study is to comprehend how urban spaces can be designed to prevent crime in exposed areas in general and Råslätt in particular. In this way, this study will contribute with knowledge to make Råslätt a secure and safe area. Method: This study’s methods is both qualitative and quantitative. First, a literature research was conducted on where CPTED has been implemented as a tool in crime. A document analysis has been carried out using statistics from the police department regarding reported crimes in Råslätt. Interviews were conducted on people with good knowledge of Råslätt, in order to supplement and compare the document analysis. The questions asked were regarding perceived crime and insecurity. To map Råslätt, an area analysis was then implemented based on the tool Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). Findings: This study shows that parking lots on the outskirts of Råslätt, Havsörnsgatan and Stadsgården with its surrounding areas are common places for crimes within three crime categories: Public acts of violence that risk damaging third parties are found where you can find problems with natural surveillance. Open drug dealing is found where there is a problem with natural surveillance and natural access control. Outward dissatisfaction against society is found in places where there is a problem with natural surveillance and territorial reinforcement. Implications: This study shows that there is a connection between the tool CPTED and the crimes that are reported in Råslätt as well as the perceived feeling of where crimes are committed is in consistent with the reality of where crimes are reported. The conclusion shows that there is some improvement to make when it comes to the built environment and reduce the occurrence of criminal acts. Examples of such measures are better lightning, concealed walking paths and restrict the car traffic in the area. Limitations: This study only includes the residential area Råslätt with its surrounding parking lots and garages. This means that forest areas, outdoor areas and roads that connect Råslätt with nearby residential areas are excluded. This study also focuses on the indirect oppressions in the assignment of exposed areas. The aspect in CPTED regarding the natural access control and segregation from surrounding areas will not be evaluated in this study. / Syfte: Studien har sin grund i ett av de 60 områden i Sverige som bedöms ha låg socialekonomisk status och där kriminella har en påverkan på samhället. Råslätt i Jönköping benämns som ett utsatt område och studien syftar till att identifiera, analysera och bistå Vätterhem med vägledning rörande brottsförebyggande och trygghetssäkrande utformning i urban miljö. Målet med studien är att komma till insikt om hur offentliga platser kan utformas för att preventivt och aktivt förhindra brott i utsatta områden i allmänhet och Råslätt i synnerhet. På så sätt bidra med information för att göra Råslätt till ett säkrare och tryggare område. Metod: Studien innehåller både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Först genomfördes litteraturstudier om CPTED som verktyg i brottsbekämpning. En dokumentanalys genomfördes sedan av statistisk från polismyndigheten angående anmälda brott som återfinns i området. För att komplettera och jämföra dokumentanalysen gjordes intervjuer på personer med god kännedom över Råslätt. De frågor som ställdes handlade om upplevd brottslighet och otrygghet. För att kartlägga Råslätt genomfördes sedan en områdesanalys utifrån verktyget Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). Resultat: Studien visar på att parkeringsplatserna i Råslätts utkanter, Havsörnsgatan och Stadsgården med omnejd är vanligt förekommande platser för anmälda brott inom de tre brottskategorierna: Offentliga våldshandlingar som riskerar att skada tredje man återfinns i högst grad där problem med den naturliga övervakningen återfinns. Öppen narkotikahandel återfinns där det är problem med den naturliga övervakningen och den naturliga åtkomstkontrollen. Brottshandlingar i form av utåtagerande missnöje mot samhället återfinns på platser där det är problem med den naturliga övervakningen och den territoriella förstärkningen. Konsekvenser: Studien visar att det finns en koppling mellan verktyget CPTED och de brottshandlingar som anmälts i Råslätt. Även att den upplevda känslan om var brott begås, till viss del stämmer överens med verklighetsbilden över var brotten anmäls Slutsatsen visar även att det finns en del förbättringsåtgärder att vidta när det kommer till den bebyggda miljön för att reducera uppkomsten av brottshandingar. Exempel på sådana åtgärder är bättre belysning, mindre avskärmningar vid gångstråk och att begränsa biltrafiken in i området. Begränsningar: Studien innefattas bara av bostadsområdet Råslätt med dess omkringliggande parkeringar/garage. Det innebär att skogsområden, friluftsområden samt vägar som förbinder Råslätt med närliggande bostadsområden exkluderas. Studien har också fokus på de indirekta påtryckningarna i bedömningen av utsatta områden. Aspekten i CPTED rörande den naturliga åtkomstkontrollen och hur segregerat området är från kring liggande områden kommer inte att beaktas i studien.
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Caractérisation du profil lymphocytaire B et de la réponse vaccinale des enfants exposés non infectés par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaineRaymond Marchand, Laurence 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Vývoj nových technologií průsvitných architektonických betonů / Development of new technologies of translucent architectural concreteAdámková, Aneta January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis follows up on the bachelor thesis and deals with the issue of light-transmitting concrete LTC. The aim of thesis determines the transparency and its decrease due to durability. The terotical part deals with extension of LTC issues and follows up reserch from bachelor thesis. The teory is also focused on the issue of glass optical fibers. The experimental part deals with the influence of selected durability test on transparency of LTC. Transparency is determined by mesuring devise called black box. In the conclusion is summarized influences witch affects transparency and evaluation of whether the selected fibers are suitable for outdoor use.
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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta kvinnor som utsatts för våld i nära relationer : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experiences of encounters with women who are exposed to intimate partner violence : A literature reviewAndersson, Sandra January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund Våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer är ett stort globalt och nationellt samhällsproblem där kvinnor oftare utsätts för grövre våld än män. Våld i nära relationer kan bestå av psykiskt, sexuellt, fysiskt, ekonomiskt, digitalt och materiellt våld. Kvinnors fysiska och psykosociala hälsa påverkas negativt. Som sjuksköterska behöver man vara väl förberedd på hur man bemöter kvinnor som drabbats av våld och stödja till att främja hälsa i mötet med drabbade kvinnor. Syfte Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta kvinnor som drabbats av våld i nära relationer. Metod Litteraturöversikten grundar sig på tio utvalda vetenskapliga originalartiklar av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Datainsamlingen genomfördes i Cinahl Complete, PubMed samt PsycInfo. Resultat Litteraturöversikten ledde fram till tre teman. Det första temat var Brister i organisation och kompetens med tillhörande underteman Tidsbrist, Kunskapsbrist samt Behov av utbildning gällande våld i nära relationer. Tema två speglar Att våga ställa frågan om våld med underteman Relationsskapande, Att fråga om våld som en rutinåtgärd och Underlättande faktorer. Tema tre berör Emotionella aspekter av att möta kvinnor utsatta för våld med underteman Svårigheten att hålla den professionella rollen och Att ställa den svåra frågan. Sammanfattning Resultatet i litteraturöversikten visar att sjuksköterskans kompetens i mötet med kvinnor som utsatts för våld var bristfällig. Det fanns en kunskapsbrist i omvårdnaden och otydliga rutiner på organisationsnivå. I vårdmötet var relationen och dialogen gällande frågan om våld central och därmed var tiden och platsen för samtalet viktig att ta hänsyn till. För att sjuksköterskan i sin profession skall kunna utföra adekvat omvårdnad så behövs det tydliga instruktioner och riktlinjer samt fortlöpande utbildning. Sjuksköterskor påverkas emotionellt i mötet med drabbade kvinnor och omvårdnaden har godare förutsättningar att bli bättre om de har en bredare kompetens gällande när/hur/var de ska ställa frågan om våld. / Background Violence against women in intimate relationships is a major global and national social problem, where women are more often exposed to more severe violence than men. Violence in close relationships can consist of pschological, sexual, physical, financial, digital and material violence. Women`s physical and psychosocial health is negatively affected. As a nurse, you need to be well prepared on how to deal with women affected by violence and support to promote health in the meeting with affected women. Aim The aim of the literature review was to describe how nurses' experiences of encounter women who have suffered violence in close relationships. Method The literature review is based on ten selected original scientific articles and the chosen articles are both qualitative and quantitative method. The data collection is carried out in Cinahl Complete, PubMed and PsycInfo. Results The literature review led to three themes. The first theme was Deficiencies in organization and competence with associated sub-themes Lack of time, Lack of knowledge and Need for training regarding violence in close relationships. The results indicate that further education about violence is needed, as well as guidelines to deal with ignorance and unclear routines. Theme two reflects Dare to ask the question about violence with the sub-themes Relationship building, Asking about violence asa routine measure and Facilitating factors. Theme three concerns Emotional aspects of meeting women exposed to violence with the sub-themes The difficulty of maintaining the professional role and Asking the difficult question. Summary The result in the literature review shows that nurse's competence in meeting with women who have been subjected to violence in close relationships was deficient. There was a lack of knowledge in nursing and unclear routines at organizational level. In the care meeting, the relationship and the dialogue regarding the issue of violence were central, and thus the time and place of the conversation were important to take into account. In order for the nurse in her profession to be able to perform adequate care, clear instructions and guidelines as well as ongoing training are needed. Nurses are emotionally affected in the meeting with affected women and nursing has better conditions to improve if they have a broader competence regarding when/how/where to ask questions about violence.
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[pt] Esta dissertação aborda a aplicação da legislação às instalações de radioterapia visando à proteção no ambiente ocupacional. O estudo de caso foi realizado no INCA, na unidade HC 1, um hospital público vinculado ao SUS, situado no Rio de Janeiro. Ao menos 52% dos casos de câncer são tratados através
de técnicas medicinais que envolvem a radiação ionizante. Estas técnicas são aplicadas através dos equipamentos de telecobaltoterapia, aceleradores lineares de partículas ou ainda, através de aplicações de radiofármacos diretamente nos pacientes. A radiação possui particularidades físicas que, apesar de suas vantagens como tratamentos, em doses elevadas, são nocivas e podem causar sérios danos ao
organismo. A radiação ionizante recebida é cumulativa e, ao longo do tempo, os danos eventualmente provocados são severos. Durante os tratamentos na radioterapia é imprescindível manter condições seguras quanto às blindagens, inclusão de equipamentos de proteção, treinamentos e supervisão constante para que os profissionais que atuam nestas áreas não sofram exposição excessiva. Ao longo das últimas décadas foram elaboradas legislações e normas de segurança que visam proteger a saúde dos indivíduos ocupacionalmente expostos que operam diretamente com a radioatividade. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo apresentar as principais legislações relacionadas à saúde e segurança no meio ambiente ocupacional que visam à radioproteção para os IOE no setor de radioterapia do INCA. Verificou-se que as medidas de segurança adotadas pela Instituição são as previstas na legislação tornando possível manter o atendimento aos pacientes e garantira segurança dos profissionais envolvidos, dos usuários e
do meio ambiente de modo geral. / [en] The study addresses at relevant laws that guide and regulate the use of ionizing radiation in radiotherapy services inside a public hospital (INCA - National Cancer Institute, HC 1), situated in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Radioactivity is a phenomenon of natural origin easily found in the environment or artificially generated. It has beneficial applications being applied in agriculture, energy production, industry and medicine in health treatments. It brings harmful effects when used inappropriately, as it has physical peculiarities
that, despite of advantages, in high-level doses can cause severe damage to the body (PERUZZO, 2012).
During radiotherapy treatments, it is essential to maintain safe shielding conditions, including protective equipment and constant supervision so that professionals working in these areas do not suffer excessive exposure. Radiotherapy assists in the treatment of diseases using diagnostic and therapy
techniques employing radioactive substances such as Cesium, Cobalt, Iodine, Technetium among others. These substances are present in radiopharmaceuticals, applied directly to patients through brachytherapy techniques or into the capsules installed in the pieces of equipment used in teletherapy.
Currently, regulation of activities involving radioprotection and nuclear safety in Brazil is under the responsibility of the CNEN (National Nuclear Energy Commission), an autarchy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations. It is a government agency responsible for licensing and controlling
all practices involving ionizing radiation.
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Flerbostadshus i trä och dess betydelse för välmåendet i bostadsmiljön / Apartment Building In Wood And Its Significance For The Well-Being Of The Living EnvironmentCakici, Baran, Blennestrand, Robin January 2022 (has links)
The shortage of housing increases the demand for apartment buildings, while pressing climate change forces the construction sector to reduce its carbon footprint. In this context, solid wood and engineered wood products have been shown to be a more sustainable alternative to traditional building materials. The present study investigates how living in wooden high-rise apartments impacts the wellbeing of its occupants. Nine people currently living in high-rise wooden buildings were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The data was processed using a qualitative content analysis. The residents expressed having a “clear conscience” regarding their choice of housing and were proud to contribute to sustainability from an ecological perspective. In addition, the majority of the participants linked exposed wood in the indoor and outdoor living environment to feelings of comfort and wellbeing. In general, the touch of wood was perceived as softer, warmer and more alive than other materials such as stone. The conclusion points towards the outdoor and indoor environment of wooden high-rise buildings having a positive effect on the wellbeing of its residents.
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“Med tanke på den statistiken som finns gällande hur många barn som far illa, så upptäcker man ju en pytteliten del” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av lärares och elevhälsoteams arbete med att uppmärksamma våldsutsatta barn i hemmet / "Considering the statistics on the number of children who are mistreated, we only detect a tiny fraction." : A qualitative interview study of teachers' and student health teams' work in identifying children exposed to domestic violenceHöök, Rebecka, Tornell, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur lärare och elevhälsoteam på grundskolor arbetar med att identifiera barn som är eller har blivit utsatta för fysiskt eller psykiskt våld i hemmet. Studien utgår från två frågeställningar som berör lärare och elevhälsoteamets möjligheter att identifiera våldsutsatta barn, utmaningar i arbetet och strategierna de använder sig av. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod i form av tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med en lärare, två elevcoacher, tre skolkuratorer och fyra skolsköterskor på grundskolor i Halland. De teorier som tillämpas för att analysera det empiriska materialet är relationsteorin, rollteorin och begreppet tillit. Resultatet påvisade vikten av att lärare och elevhälsoteamet arbetar med att skapa relationer präglade av stark tillit till eleverna. Dessutom är det av relevans att ha en god samarbetsförmåga mellan de olika professionerna samt att visa engagemang och vara lyhörd gentemot barnen. Intervjupersonerna belyste även de utmaningar som de står inför. Dessa är bland annat kopplade till resurser, socialtjänstens hantering av anmälningarna och barnens lojalitet till föräldrarna. Genom att vara ute hos eleverna och skapa starka relationer med tillit, underlättas arbetet med att uppmärksamma och identifiera våldsutsatta barn. / The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers and student health teams in elementary schools work to identify children who are or have been subjected to physical or psychological violence at home. The study has answered two questions about the ability of teachers and student health teams to identify children exposed to violence at home, the challenges they face, and the strategies they employ. We used a qualitative method based on ten semi-structured interviews with one teacher, two student coaches, three school counselors, and four school nurses at elementary schools in Halland. The theories we applied to analyze the empirical material are relationship theory, role theory, and the concept trust. The results indicated the importance of teachers and student health teams working to build strong, trusting relationships with students. Additionally, it is relevant to have good collaboration between the different professions and to show engagement and be perceptive to the children. The interviews also showed the challenges they face, including resources, the Social Services handling of reports, and the children's loyalty to their parents. By being present among the students and creating strong, trusting relationships, the work of identifying and recognizing children exposed to violence was facilitated.
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Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, and COVID-19 Impacts among South AsiansRafiuddin, Hanan S. 08 1900 (has links)
South Asians are the third fastest growing racial/ethnic minority group in the United States with distinct cultural characteristics. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has disproportionately impacted racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S, including South Asians, across several life domains: work, home life/education, social activities, economic, emotional and physical health, infection, quarantine, and positive changes. The COVID-19 pandemic may have critically impacted South Asians with traumatic event experiences and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom severity across several life domains. Limited work suggests high rates of interpersonal traumas and substantial PTSD symptom severity in the South Asian community. Uniquely, the current study examined which life domains impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic associated with a greater count of traumatic event types, interpersonal vs. non-interpersonal traumas, and PTSD symptom severity. Results revealed that negative experiences in social activities, as well as distress in economic, emotional, and physical health domains, were significantly associated with the count of traumatic event types. Negative social activity experiences, and distress in the economic and emotional health domains, were also significantly associated with PTSD symptom severity. Quarantine and physical health domains significantly associated with the count of interpersonal traumas, while COVID-19-related experiences (in social, quarantine, and infection domains) significantly associated with the count of non-interpersonal traumas. Findings inform clinically relevant pandemic research in a vulnerable population and provide trauma and PTSD prevalence estimates in the South Asian community.
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