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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Get in the Game : A study on social media marketing activities to achieve market access and enhance mainstream adoption of blockchain gaming / Kom in i spelet : En studie av marknadsföring på sociala medier för att öka marknadsandelen och användandet av blockchainspel

Johansson Sundqvist, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Gaming is booming, and over the past few years, blockchain games have found their way into this market. These games operate in a highly competitive environment, where marketing is vitally important for their success. This study, commissioned by Crypto Rogue Games, aimed to explore social media marketing activities to promote their blockchain game, Crystals of Naramunz. Given this purpose, an analysis of competing developers' activities on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram was conducted. Additionally, interviews were performed with a sample of the gaming community. The interviews also explored attitudes toward an experience with blockchain gaming. Essentially, the study indicated that Twitter is the most effective platform to target the audience. On this platform, sharing a variety of content, such as artwork, news, and game graphics, was shown to be most engaging. In addition, it was important to communicate in a creative, personalized, and interactive manner. The interviews also indicated that attitudes toward and experience with blockchain must be considered in the marketing efforts. However, as the study was limited, additional research is required to draw more detailed conclusions and to generalize these findings. / Intresset för videospel ökar, och under de senaste åren har spel baserade på blockchain hittat sin väg till denna marknad. I denna hårt konkurrensutsatta bransch är marknadsföring viktigt för att lyckas. Denna studie genomfördes i samarbete med Crypto Rogue Games. Syftet med studien var att undersöka möjligheten för marknadsföring av deras blockchain-baserade spel, Crystals of Naramunz, på sociala medier. Utifrån detta syfte genomfördes en analys av konkurrerande aktörers aktivitet på Twitter, Facebook och Instagram. Dessutom utfördes intervjuer med ett urval spelare. Dessa intervjuer undersökte även attityder till och erfarenhet av blockchainspel. Studien indikerade att Twitter är den mest effektiva plattformen för att fånga publikens intresse. På denna plattform skapade en variation av visuellt material, nyheter och spelgrafik högst engagemang. Att dela kreativt, personligt och interaktivt innehåll visade sig även vara viktigt. Vidare indikerar intervjuerna att marknadsföringen behöver ha spelarnas attityder till och erfarenhet av blockchain i åtanke. Eftersom studien var begränsad krävs det dock ytterligare forskning för att dra mer detaljerade slutsatser och generalisera resultatet.

Impact of Metaverse on Marketing Communication : A case study of the fashion industry

Nabukalu, Resty, Wanjohi, Ambrosena January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Anti-Money Laundering Compliance When Dealing with (Art) NFTs

Uhink, Konrad, Gruel, Hendrik, Neuhaus, Yannick 28 November 2023 (has links)
The article discusses the intersection of anti-money laundering (AML) compliance and the handling of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) under German law or EU law applicable in Germany. It begins by acknowledging the negative perception of cryptocurrencies in the context of money laundering, emphasizing the need to explore AML regulations for NFTs, which have gained attention for tokenizing art. The text delves into the legal nature of NFTs, examining whether they can be classified as securities, asset investments, or crypto assets. It also explores the implications of these classifications on AML compliance, detailing the specific obligations for entities dealing with NFTs. The article concludes by highlighting the legal ambiguity surrounding NFTs and emphasizing the importance of conducting a case-by-case risk assessment for AML compliance.

La monnaie comme objet de sûretés / Money used as security

Lemaitre, Freddy 14 October 2014 (has links)
Partant du constat que l’affectation en garantie de la monnaie est aujourd’hui susceptible de revêtir de multiples qualifications et d’obéir à des régimes tout aussi divers, selon que la monnaie est analysée comme un bien corporel ou incorporel et selon que les sommes affectées en garantie sont ou non confondues dans le patrimoine du créancier, cet essai propose d’adopter une conception unifiée de la monnaie susceptible de la soumettre à un régime simplifié d’affectation en garantie qui, sans faire fi de l’irréductible dualité tenant au caractère individualisé ou non des sommes d’argent, est appelé à remplacer les actuels gage de choses fongibles, nantissement de compte, nantissement de créance ou fiducie-sûreté sur créances et sommes d’argent, par un unique nantissement de monnaie. Les modalités de constitution de ce nantissement seront propres à évincer les sempiternelles querelles sur le caractère ou non translatif de propriété du « gage-espèces » puisque la confusion des sommes nanties dans le patrimoine du créancier nanti opérera un démembrement de propriété sui generis qui, s’apparentant à un quasi-usufruit à titre de garantie, ne conférera au créancier ni un simple droit de préférence, ni un droit de propriété plein et entier, ni même un droit comparable à celui d’un fiduciaire, mais un droit de disposer à titre provisoire grevant temporairement la propriété restée entre les mains du constituant. Ses conditions de constitution ainsi clarifiées, le nantissement de monnaie pourra se réaliser plus rapidement et plus efficacement par la reconstitution de la propriété démembrée entre les mains du constituant ou du créancier nanti, selon que la dette garantie aura ou non été payée, sans même qu’il soit besoin s’interroger sur le fait de savoir s’il faut recourir à l’attribution judiciaire ou conventionnelle ou à la compensation. / As the law stands, security rights in money are likely to be subject to different legal treatment, depending on whether money is regarded as a tangible asset or as an intangible asset, and depending on whether sums of money as a guarantee are assimilated with the secured creditor’s property or not. Taking this observation as its starting point, the present essay suggests adopting a unified approach of legal nature of money, that is likely to justify that money should be subject to a simplified security regime. Without ignoring that it is bound to be dual, depending on whether sums of money as a guarantee are separated from the secured creditor’s property or not, this security regime would be called upon to replace the present fungible assets, bank account and receivables pledge agreements, and also security trust on receivables and money, with a single money pledge agreement.The rules of the lodging of this money pledge agreement will be designed to eliminate the never-ending debates as to whether the “cash collateral” vests ownership of the encumbered money in the secured creditor, or not. Indeed, the assimilation of the encumbered sums of money with the secured creditor’s property will involve a sui generis division of the ownership rights that will be like an irregular usufruct by way of collateral, and that will grant the creditor neither mere preferential rights, nor ownership rights, nor any right similar to the right of a security trustee, but the right to dispose of money provisionally. This right of disposal will encumber temporarily the ownership rights that will remain in the hands of the grantor of the security.The rules of its lodging being therefore clarified, the rights granted by the money pledge agreement will be enforced more quickly and more effectively since the divided ownership of money will be reconstructed in the hands of the grantor of the security or in the hands of the secured creditor, depending on whether the secured debt will be paid or not, and without there being a need to wonder if the rights granted by the pledge have to be enforced either through judicial or contractual award of the right of ownership, or through legal, judicial or contractual compensation.

Happy, risky assets: Uncertainty and (mis)trust in non-fungible token (NFT) conversations on Twitter

Meyns, Sarah C.A. January 2022 (has links)
Background: Non-fungible token (NFT) trade has grown drastically over recent years. While scholarship on the technical aspects and potential applications of NFTs has been steadily increasing, less attention has been directed to the human perception of or attitudes toward this new type of digital asset; in particular, about potential concerns that users may have around the use of NFTs.  Aim: The aim of this research is to investigate what concerns, if any, are expressed in relation to non-fungible tokens by those who engage with NFTs on social media platform Twitter, with special attention to possible concerns about crime, using NFT marketplaces, and market dynamics.  Methods: This research offers a mixed methods, largely qualitative, study. The method of data gathering is online non-participant observation of NFT-related posts and conversations on the social media platform Twitter. The methods of data analysis are topic modelling and thematic analysis, with additional attention to visual analysis of images and animated or video material associated with posts. Two datasets (with 18,373 and 36,354 individual tweet records respectively) were obtained for quantitative analysis; two smaller-scale datasets (both ca. 1000 records, with supplementary conversation details and visual material) were obtained for qualitative analysis.  Conclusion: This study proposes an interpretation of NFTs as functioning as ‘happy objects’ in NFT conversations on Twitter, wherein NFTs are represented as digital objects that hold a ‘promise’ of the happiness or fulfilment associated with financial gain. Concerns around NFTs as expressed on Twitter fall into broadly three categories: (1) concerns relating to not being to able to engage in, or being locked out of the possibility of, NFT trade; (2) concerns about the conditions, security and safety of engaging in NFT trade; and (3) concerns about whether any of the anticipated (financial) rewards or gains from engaging in NFTs will actually be obtained. Hence, many of the concerns that come up within NFT conversations on Twitter relate to conditions that may stand in the way of these happy object in fact bringing about their desired result. Overall, this study offers a better understanding of the expressions of attitudes of concern, uncertainty and possible experience of barriers associated with NFT trading. These findings contribute to theoretical insight, and can moreover function as a basis for developing practical (design or policy) interventions.

A study of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). : Diagnosis through the lenses of classical Economics.

Dalai, Subham January 2022 (has links)
NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are digital assets representing real-world objects like art, music, videos, gaming items, etc., originally, they reside on a blockchain indicating a certificate of authenticity or proof of ownership deeming the uniqueness and scarcity of commodities. They have shown astonishing market attention and inconceivable price margins are being set for certain NFTs. The NFT phenomenon being in a nascent state, not much research has been conducted from the standpoint of value from the users and this thesis tries to fill the gaps in that area from a socio-economic point of view. The use of NFTs is on a rise with several companies delving in and speculated to grow even bigger bringing a transformative shift in the way businesses work today, using the blockchain technology NFTs are heralded as a new way to define ownership and property constructs. Going forward it is expected that they could be a gateway to a tokenised future through a new form of value assessment of commodities and transitioning economic functions. This dissertation ventures on to look at the value perspective from the masses on how they shape an individual's viewpoint. Through a classical economic intervention of theories as discoursed in the literature review, this research tries to infer nuances of users employing a qualitative study whereby unstructured interviews were the source for data collection and using a thematic analysis various themes are derived which are pointed out in the discussion section. The analysis gives us an indication that many people are indulged in the NFT space as a source of profit maximisation and several indications are portrayed towards community building as a means of value creation. The qualitative nature of the study relies on interpretivism and a radical structuralist paradigm shedding light on the thought process behind an individual’s behaviour, trying to understand the context of ‘value’ as perceived by the people.

Vem äger NFT-innehavarens egendom? : – En studie av äganderätten till en non-fungible token / Who Owns the NFT Holder's Property? : – A study of the property law of a non-fungible token

Landström, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
Handeln av non-fungible tokens (NFT) har vuxit fram i en drastisk fart de senaste tre åren med försäljningar till miljonbelopp. Begreppet non-fungible åsyftar en icke-utbytbar egendom som karaktäriseras av sin unika kvalité och dessa tokens bygger på blockkedjeteknik med decentraliserade system. NFT:s effektiviserar överlåtelsetransaktioner av såväl materiell som immateriell egendom genom kryptering av äganderättigheter.  Den här framställningen syftar till att studera ägande i förhållande till ny teknik och egendomsslaget kyprotillgångar. I uppsatsen utreds vilket äganderättsligt skydd som ges till innehavaren av en NFT och i vilka specifika delar de ur tekniken härrörande riskerna inte omfattas av förevarande lagstiftning. För att utreda rättsläget för dessa tokens görs en genomgång av äganderättsliga och immaterialrättsliga bestämmelser ämnat att bilda en förståelse för traditionella egendomsslag och hur ägandeskap har förändrats i takt med samhällsutvecklingen. Vidare görs en övergripande presentation av decentraliserade databaser, blockkedjor samt smarta kontrakt, vilka utgör teknologin bakom NFT:s. Därtill görs en längre studie av en NFT och dess risker, följt av en redogörelse för de bestämmelser som appliceras på handeln av dessa tokens idag. Avslutningsvis dras slutsatserna att ett förvärv av en NFT enbart ger äganderätt till denna token och inte per automatik ger äganderätt till ytterligare egendom. En sådan äganderätt tilllerkänner innehavaren en ensamrätt att använda, att modifiera, att sälja samt att exkludera andra från egendomen. I den mån en NFT även är tänkt att representera en underliggande tillgång krävs att parter överenskommit om det. Förutsatt att ett smart kontrakt erkänns som juridiskt bindande kan det ensamt aktualisera köplagen och andra avtalsrättsliga bestämmelser. Ett juridisk erkännande är avgörande och fram tills att så skett krävs en separat överenskommelse mellan kontraktsparter bortom blockkedjan. Kontrollen och besittningen över tillgångarna kan få praktisk betydelse. Framställningen landar i att NFT:s är unika, såväl i karaktär som i funktion, och bör betraktas som sui generis i stället för att försöka omfattas av redan befintlig lagstiftning. Förevarande lagstiftning är otillfredsställande och i praktiken är det svårt att vidga bestämmelser att även omfatta denna nya teknologi. Därför är ytterligare skyddsregler nödvändiga och teknologin fordrar skydd i en lagstiftning efter sitt eget slag, särskilt anpassad för handeln av NFT:s.

Alienação fiduciária de produtos agropecuários no financiamento do agronegócio

Rodrigues, Rafael Molinari 08 October 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rafael Molinari Rodrigues.pdf: 958282 bytes, checksum: fbab66e40a4153aa98ad880dd360f379 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-08 / This study has the purpose of analyzing the possibility of constituting fiduciary alienation over farming products as guarantee to the financing of the Brazilian agribusiness. For this purpose, we have divided this paper in three big parties. Firstly, in order to contextualize this study, we have mentioned brief considerations about the Brazilian agribusiness, its importance to the country and to the world, and indicated an overview about the public and private financing of the activities related to the agribusiness sector. Also as a background to reach the purpose of this study, we have established in the second chapter some notions about the historical origin of the fiduciary alienation and, further, we highlighted the types of fiduciary alienation as guarantee, its legal bases and requirements, as well as we pointed out the main advantages of the fiduciary alienation as guarantee before pledge and mortgage. After this important part of contextualization, the research follows in the last chapter with a detailed analysis of the doctrinaire and jurisprudential understandings consolidated in the 1990s and until today applicable, regarding the supposed impossibility of fiduciary alienation of fungible, consumable and alienable (in stock) movable goods, as it would be the case of the farming products. After that, we propose a reanalysis of such understanding, mainly based on the legislative evolution of the fiduciary alienation as guarantee in the Brazilian legal system in the last decades and on new jurisprudence about the issue, to then defend the possibility of the fiduciary alienation over fungible, consumable and alienable movable goods. Finally, we highlight existing peculiarities and special legislation about the fiduciary alienation of farming products and we conclude that is possible the constitution of fiduciary alienation as guarantee over farming products to the financing of the agribusiness, both when those products are fungible, consumable and alienable (in stock), and in case such farming products are duly individualized, thus, they have become not fungible products / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a possibilidade de constituição de alienação fiduciária sobre produtos agropecuários, como garantia para o financiamento do agronegócio brasileiro. Para tanto, dividimos a dissertação em três grandes partes. Primeiramente, de forma a contextualizar o estudo, tecemos breves considerações sobre o agronegócio brasileiro, sua importância para o país e para o mundo, e traçamos um panorama geral sobre o financiamento público e privado das atividades relacionadas ao agronegócio. Ainda como pano de fundo para se atingir o objetivo deste trabalho, trazemos, no segundo capítulo, noções sobre a origem histórica da alienação fiduciária, para depois destacar as modalidades de alienação fiduciária em garantia, suas bases e requisitos legais, bem como as principais vantagens da alienação fiduciária em garantia frente ao penhor e à hipoteca. Após esta importante fase de contextualização, a pesquisa segue, no último capítulo, com análise detalhada acerca dos entendimentos doutrinário e jurisprudencial consolidados em meados de 1990 e até hoje aplicados, quanto à suposta impossibilidade de garantia fiduciária de bens móveis fungíveis, consumíveis e comerciáveis ou de estoque, como seria o caso dos produtos agropecuários. Em seguida, propomos uma reanálise de tais entendimentos, principalmente com base na evolução legislativa da alienação fiduciária em garantia no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro nas últimas décadas e em nova jurisprudência sobre o assunto, para depois defender a possibilidade da alienação fiduciária sobre bens móveis fungíveis, consumíveis e comerciáveis. Por fim, destacamos peculiaridades e legislação especial existentes sobre alienação fiduciária de produtos agropecuários e concluímos pela possibilidade de constituição de garantia fiduciária de produtos agropecuários para financiamento do agronegócio, tanto quando tais produtos forem fungíveis, consumíveis e comerciáveis ou de estoque, quanto no caso em que os produtos agropecuários estiverem devidamente individualizados e, por isso, terem se tornado produtos infungíveis

Christopher Kaczmarczyk-Smith Dissertation Fall 2022

Christopher Kaczmarczyk-Smith (14209127) 06 December 2022 (has links)
<p>\textbf{Chapter 1}\\</p> <p>This paper explores the implications of the mismatch hypothesis in the context of the labor market using a survey on newly licensed US lawyers called the After the JD Study. Using a triple difference approach, I measure the impact of diversity quotas on marginal minority workers’ future salaries, promotion rates, and leaving rates for occupation and job. With middling statistical power, my findings are in line with the mismatch hypothesis in that beneficiaries of the diversity quota policy are made ex-ante worse off. My findings are also in line with recent literature on diminishing racial outcome gaps by skill.</p> <p><br></p> <p>\textbf{Chapter 2}\\</p> <p>In this paper, we provide theoretical framework for three models of Digital Media Firm behavior called \textit{Premium}, \textit{Free-to-Play}, and \textit{Play-to-Earn} as well as suggest an empirical measure of firm ponzi-likeness. First, we study a baseline model optimal price and quality of a digital product, the premium model. Second, we extend the baseline model where some customers, called minnows, receive the product for free and other customers, called whales, pay a price for a better version of the product, this is the free-to-play model. Finally, we explore a model where customers receive a security-like asset from the firm and this asset acts like a negative price while also subsidizing the firm's revenue. This final model provides an environment for much research. We show that, even when firms are ponzi-schemes in this final model, quality of the product need not be at a minimum. We also briefly discuss how one would measure the ponzi-likeness of a digital media firm in the third model setting. </p> <p><br></p> <p>\textbf{Chapter 3}\\</p> <p>In this paper, I explore unique measures of racial prejudice and their impact on black wages in the labor market using the General Social Survey, Current Population Survey and the NLSY79. I generate two variables to proxy for racial prejudice which are extracted from the GSS and the NLSY79. The first variable, drawn from the GSS, measures prejudice sentiment towards blacks and the second, drawn from the NLSY79, measures individual experience with racial discrimination. I use these measurements to proxy for racial prejudice and its impact on the black-white wage gap. I find that these variables are two distinctly different measures of racial discrimination in the labor market, providing a powerful instrument for measuring racial discrimination in the labor market. They also provide the insight that, while racial prejudice may be high in certain occupations and regions, this sentiment does not directly impact black outcomes. Specifically, wages are more sensitive to racial prejudice in WC jobs than in BC jobs. </p>

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