Spelling suggestions: "subject:"genderdifference"" "subject:"genderdifferences""
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Étude de la dynamique hémisphérique pour le traitement des mots chez les gauchers et les droitiersTremblay, Tania January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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2007至2009中華台北男女籃國家代表隊在瓊斯盃新聞中的性別差異 / Gender differences in news coverage between men and women players for Chinese Taipei basketball teams in Jones Cup from 2007 to 2009江佳琪, Chiang, Ricie Unknown Date (has links)
無 / The current study is aimed to more closely examine the gendered coverage for basketball in Taiwan’s newspapers. Newspaper coverage of the Jones Cup from 2007-2009 was content analyzed, along with in-depth interviews with the reporters and editors. The results revealed that quantitatively, news coverage on women’s basketball has greatly improved in comparison with data in the past literature. However, qualitatively, the gendered values proved, such as infantilization and sexualization, still exist and are embedded in sports news nowadays.
The examples of better the reporting patterns for women’ws basketball were identified with the principle of emphasizing on sports performance. In addition, there are a few consensuses among the interviewees on the challenges and suggestions for women’s basketball in Taiwan, including (1) the current system, (2) marketing and (3) media relations. In short, the purpose of the current study provides and offers practical suggestions of how to fairly report women basketball games and other women sports.
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青少年情緒經驗、反芻風格與自我傷害行為的關聯性 / The correlation between emotion experience, rumination style and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescent李羿璇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究對象為508位北部某私立高職部學生,請學生填寫包含基本資料、反芻風格、自傷狀況及情緒經驗的評估共四部份問卷。研究結果顯示,在預測過去一年自傷行為的因子上,的確有性別差異。對女性來說,預測過去一年是否自傷的有效因子分別為負向情緒及負向低激發情緒,男性則是負向情緒及正向低激發情緒。在自傷頻率方面,對男女性來說,沒有任何情緒經驗或反芻風格為有效預測因子。在自傷種類數方面,沒有任何情緒經驗或反芻風格為女性自傷頻率的有效預測因子;對男性來說,則是負向情緒及低激發情緒能夠有效預測過去一年自傷種類多寡。研究最後針對這樣的結果做進一步討論及提供實務上的意涵及應用。 / The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of emotion experiences and rumination styles on Non-suicidal self-injury behavior (NSSI) in males and females. According to past studies, emotion was considered a critical factor in motivating individuals to practice NSSI. However, most studies focused on negative emotion experiences, and ignored the role of positive emotions and the effect of emotion activation level. Moreover, Selby’s Emotional Cascade Model proposes that rumination style will increase the negative affect intensity, suggesting that rumination style may be another key factor to NSSI. In addition, due to several studies have shown gender differences in risk factors for NSSI, the gender difference will be also take into account in the present study. To sum up, the present study aimed to examine gender differences in predictors (i.e., emotion experiences and rumination styles) for NSSI.
The participants were 508 high school students from one of the private vocational high school in Northern Taiwan. All participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire pack which included demographic questionnaire, short-form rumination style questionnaire, deliberate self- harm inventory, and affect valuation inventory. The results show that gender differences in predicting NSSI existed: First, in predicting the occurrence of NSSI in the past year, negative affect and low arousal negative emotion were the most effective factors for females; negative emotion and low arousal positive emotion were the most effective ones for males. Second, neither emotion experience nor rumination style can predict the frequency of NSSI in the past year for males and females. Third, in predicting the numbers of types of self-injury used in the past year, there was no effective predictor for females; negative emotion and low arousal emotion were the effective predictors for males. Finally, the results and the practical implication were discussed in the thesis.
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Éduquer à l'égalité des sexes en conduisant des recherches sur la littérature jeunesse : une recherche-action à l'école primaire / Conducting research on youth albums to educate to gender equality : a primary school action-researchLe Saux Pénault, Elsa 22 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse, qui s'appuie sur une une recherche-action, s'est intéressée à la façon dont des professeur-e-s des écoles peuvent s'approprier, puis s'emparer de la demande qui leur est faite d'éduquer leurs élèves à l'égalité des sexes. Le point de départ du travail qui a débuté au début de l'année scolaire 2014-2015, a été l'analyse, collective et en collaboration entre praticien- ne- s et chercheuse, des albums pour la jeunesse exploités ou à exploiter dans les classes dans l'optique de la mise en œuvre de cette éducation. Dans une démarche d'investigation pratique, les expérimentations dans les écoles ont visé à développer l'esprit critique des enfants quant aux stéréotypes de sexes véhiculés par les albums jeunesse et à leur implication dans les inégalités entre les sexes. Les enfants, en adoptant des techniques de "petits chercheurs" (observations, tris, utilisations de grilles d'analyse, statistiques, ...), ont été amenés à effectuer des recherches quantitatives et qualitatives sur les albums de leur école afin de cerner les représentations sexuées, leurs expressions et conséquences. La Recherche-Action a montré comment les enseignant-e-s en analysant les avancées de leurs élèves ont transformé leur vision de l'éducation à l'égalité des sexes et leur pratique professionnelle à ce sujet. / Based on an action-research approach, this thesis focuses on how teachers consider and embrace the injunctions to educate their students to gender equality. The starting point of this work began in 2014 when teachers and researchers collectively analyzed youth albums exploited or to be exploited in classrooms. Schools experiments aimed to develop the children’s critical thinking on gender stereotypes conveyed by children's books were also carried out. By adopting a "little scientists" technique (commenting, sorting, use of analysis grids, use of statistics, ...), the children were asked to perform quantitative and qualitative research on their school albums in order to identify gendered representations, their expressions and consequences. The action-research process has revealed how teachers, by analyzing the progress of their students, transformed their own vision of education to gender equality and their professional practice in this regard.
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Om sexistiska attityder, sociala relationer och arbetstillfredsställelse i en mansdominerad branschBergström, Molly, Larsen, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka medarbetares sexistiska attityder samt hur de skattar arbetstillfredsställelse och sociala relationer på sin arbetsplats. Detta genomfördes på en organisation i en mansdominerad bransch. Urvalet bestod av 600 anställda inom depånätet på den aktuella organisationen. Medarbetare och chefer besvarade en webbenkät som innehöll frågor gällande sexism-, arbetstillfredsställelse-, sociala relationer och ett antal bakgrundsfrågor. Data analyserades i statistikprogrammet IBM SPSS Statistics 22 med hjälp av tre hierarkiska regressionsanalyser. Resultatet visade att det inte finns någon signifikant samvarians mellan antal kvinnor på en depå och sexistiska attityder. Däremot framkom att män och medarbetare i högre grad än kvinnor och chefer har sexistiska attityder samt att chefer skattar högre på både sociala relationer och arbetstillfredsställelse än medarbetarna. / The purpose of this study was to investigate sexist attitudes among employees and how they value job satisfaction and social relations at their workplace. This was carried out in a male-dominated organization. The sample consisted of 600 employees within the depots of the current organization. The employees answered a web survey which contained questions about sexism-, job satisfaction-, social relations and a number of background questions. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 22 where three hierarchic regressions were performed. The result showed that there was no significant covariance between the number of women on a depot and sexist attitudes. However, it was found that men and workers to a greater degree than women and executives showed sexist attitudes and that executives got a higher score than workers on both social relations and job satisfaction.
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The Effects of Perceived Sex-Appropriateness of a Task on Performance of Selected Sports SkillsHarris, Victoria L. (Victoria Lou) 05 1900 (has links)
Recent literature reveals that sex differences in performance actually might be reflections of sex differences in perceptions about the sex-appropriateness and the masculinity and femininity of certain activities. Therefore, this study was designed to determine the effects of perceived sex-appropriateness of a task upon performance of selected sport skills.
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Influência de gênero no desenvolvimento somático e sensório motor de ratos wistar submetidos à anóxia neonatal / Not informed by the authorAmrita Jha Kumar 24 February 2017 (has links)
Na atualidade, uma das causas importantes de lesão encefálica em neonatos é a anóxia neonatal. Este é um problema grave nos serviços de perinatologia dos hospitais em todo o mundo sendo ainda pior em países subdesenvolvidos, devido à carência de precauções e cuidados requeridos. Modelos animais de anóxia vêm sendo empregados para avaliar seus efeitos, tanto em nível neurológico, como em nível comportamental. A anóxia neonatal tem sido estudada pelo laboratório de Neurociências do Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo, com modelos de estudo já desenvolvidos, adaptados e validados. Para investigar se a anóxia neonatal afeta o desenvolvimento motor somático e sensorial, ratos foram submetidos a um modelo não invasivo de anóxia global (Takada et. al., 2011). Ratos Wistar com 30 h de idade (6-8 gramas), machos e fêmeas, foram expostos por 25 minutos a gás nitrogênio 100% num fluxo de 3L/min, pressão 101.7 kPa e temperatura de 37ºC em câmara semi-hermética de policarbonato. O grupo controle foi submetido às mesmas condições porem com o ar ambiente normal. Os animais foram avaliados durante o período de aleitamento (P2 a P21) quanto a parâmetros do desenvolvimento somático; desenvolvimento ontogenético e quanto a reflexos sensório motores. Os resultados indicaram que o grupo Anoxia macho(AM) apresentou aumento no peso corporal {AM(42.25±3.62);CM(38.76±5.60);AF(40.64±5.08);CF(41.33±5.45)}e diminuição do eixo longitudinal do corpo {AM(10.15±0.27);CM(10.39±0.50);AF(9.82±0.44);CF(10.82±0.46)} em relação ao grupo Controle macho(CM) e Anoxia fêmea(AF), AF foi menor em relacao ao Controle fêmea (CF). AM apresentou maior eixo látero-lateral do crânio em relação CM e AF {AM (3.18 ±0.10); CM (3.17 ±0.13); AF(3.06 ±0.16); CF(3.00 ±0.15)} No desenvolvimento ontogenético houve retardo na abertura do canal auditivo {AM (13.79± 0.58); CM (13.75±0.83); AF(14.21±1.01); CF(13.36±0.50)} e abertura dos olhos {AM (14.00± 0.88); CM (14.64±1.28); AF(15.14±0.86); CF(13.79±0.42)} no grupo AF em relação a CF e AM, mas no grupo AM não houve diferença significante. Na erupção dos incisivos superiores {AM (10.79± 0.43); CM(11.71±1.68); AF(11.43±0.65); CF(10.07±0.27)} o grupo AM adiantou enquanto o AF atrasou em relação ao grupo controle. A avaliação dos reflexos sensóriais mostrou que a anoxia adiantou a colocação pelas vibrissas {AM (8.80± 1.21); CM (9.50±1.56); AF (9.93±1.14); CF(10.14±1.28) no AF e AM. Apenas o AM adiantou {AM (10.93± 2.09); CM(13.43±0.94); AF(10.50±0.85); CF(9.57±0.76)} no reflexo de aversão ao precipício. Nos relfexos de geotaxia negativa {AM (14.87± 1.30); CM (13.57±2.34); AF(14.57±1.40);CF (12.00±2.11)} e sobressalto ao susto {AM (14.00±0.53); CM (13.21±1.31); AF (13.29±0.61); CF (11.93±0.27)} e preensão palmar {AM (6.60±0.83); CM (4.71±0.47); AF(10.14±0.83); CF(4.71±0.47)} a anóxia provocou atraso tanto em macho quanto em fêmeas motores. Houve atraso na ontogênese da maioria dos testes de reflexos dos filhotes do grupo Anóxia. Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que a anóxia causa danos persistentes na maioria dos parâmetros avaliados em relação aos grupos controle, e diminuição no número de neurônios do córtex sensóriomotor {M2: AM (46.84±1.72); CM (52±1.66); AF (45.55±1.80); CF (52±1.55)M1: AM (23.70±1.33); CM (41.89±1.49); AF (25.69±0.83); CF (43.88±1.46) S1HL: AM (27.93±2.69); CM (30.19±1.31); AF(23.42±2.38); CF (38.88±1.48) S1FL: AM (31.85±1.09); CM (33.88±0.48); AF(27.66±1.36); CF(32.28±1.70)}, com diferença de gênero o que evidencia a importância de que estratégias e procedimentos para minimizar os efeitos desse estímulos sejam consideradas em relação ao gênero / At present, one of the important causes of brain injury is the neonatal anoxia. This is a serious problem in the perinatology services of hospitals around the world being even worse in underdeveloped countries because of the lack of precautions and care required. Animal models of anoxia have been employed to assess their effects, both at the neurological level and at the behavioral level. Neonatal anoxia has been studied by the Neuroscience Laboratory of the Biomedical Sciences Institute of the University of São Paulo, with animal models already developed, adapted and validated. To investigate whether neonatal anoxia affects somatic and sensory motor development, rats were subjected to a non-invasive model of global anoxia (Takada et al., 2011). Male and female 30-h old (6-8 grams) Wistar rats were exposed for 25 minutes to 100% nitrogen gas in a flow of 3 L/min, pressure 101.7 kPa and temperature of 37ºC in a semi-hermetic chamber of polycarbonate. The control group was subjected to the same conditions but with normal ambient air. The animals were evaluated during the lactation period (P2 to P21) for parameters of somatic development; Ontogenetic development and for sensorimotor reflexes. The results indicated that the male Anoxia (AM) group presented increase in body weight (AM (42.25 ± 3.62), CM (38.76 ± 5.60), FA (40.64 ± 5.08), CF (41.33 ± 5.45)) and decrease in the longitudinal (10.82 ± 0.46), in relation to the male control group (CM) and the female Anoxia (AF), AF was lower in relation to the control group (AM) (10.15 ± 0.27), CM (10.39 ± 0.50), AF (9.82 ± 0.44) Female control (CF). AM increase in the cranio-lateral axis in relation to CM and AF (AM (3.18 ± 0.10); CM (3.17 ± 0.13); AF (3.06 ± 0.16); CF (3.00 ± 0.15). Concerning the ontogenetic development there was delay in opening the (13.79 ± 0.58), and the eyes {AM (14.00 ± 0.88); CM (14.64 ± 1.28), AF (15.14 ± 0.86), CF (13.79 ± 0.42)} in the AF group in relation to CF and AM, but in the AM group there was no significant difference. In the eruption of maxillary incisors (AM (10.79 ± 0.43), CM (11.71 ± 1.68), AF (11.43 ± 0.65), CF (10.07 ± 0.27), the AM group advanced while the AF delayed in control ration. The evaluation of the sensory reflexes showed that anoxia improved the placement of vibrissae (AM (8.80 ± 1.21), CM (9.50 ± 1.56), AF (9.93 ± 1.14), CF (10.14 ± 1.28) in AF and AM. Only AM advanced (AM (10.93 ± 2.09), CM (13.43 ± 0.94), AF (10.50 ± 0.85), CF (9.57 ± 0.76) in the reflex of aversion to the precipice. In negative geotaxia relays (AM (14.87 ± 1.30); CM (13.57 ± 2.34), AF (14.57 ± 1.40), CF (12.00 ± 2.11)} and startle reflex {AM (14.00 ± 0.53); CM (13.21 ± 1.31); AF (13.29 ± 0.61); CF (11.93 ± 0.27) and palmar grip (AM (6.60 ± 0.83); CM (4.71 ± 0.47), AF (10.14 ± 0.83), CF (4.71 ± 0.47)), anoxia caused delay in both male and female groups. There was a delay in the ontogenesis of most of the reflex tests of the puppies of the anoxia group. The results of this study demonstrated that anoxia causes persistent damage in most of the parameters evaluated in relation to the control groups, and a decrease in the number of sensory motor cortex neurons (M2: AM (46.84 ± 1.72), CM (52 ± 1.66), AF 1.80), CF (52 ± 1.55) M1: AM (23.70 ± 1.33), CM (41.89 ± 1.49), AF (25.69 ± 0.83), CF (43.88 ± 1.46) S1HL: AM (27.93 ± 2.69), CM (30.19 (31.88 ± 1.48), FA (27.66 ± 1.36), CF (32.28 ± 1.70), , which shows that strategies and procedures to minimize the effects of such stimuli should be considered in relation to gender
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Conduct disorder among girls: violent behaviour, suicidality and comorbidity:a study of adolescent inpatients in Northern FinlandIlomäki, E. (Essi) 02 October 2012 (has links)
Conduct disorder (CD) among girls is a common but seldom studied psychiatric disorder. The aim of this study was to examine risk factors for CD, the factor structure of CD symptoms, suicidal behaviour, comorbid disorders and nicotine dependence of adolescent girls with CD in an inpatient sample in Northern Finland.
The study subjects were 508 12- to 17-year-old inpatients treated in an acute psychiatric ward, Unit 70, at Oulu University Hospital between April 2001 and March 2006. These adolescents were interviewed using the Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children Present and Lifetime (K-SADS-PL) to obtain psychiatric diagnoses according to the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). In addition, the European Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI) was used to obtain information on somatic health, family situation and delinquency. From the data collected, 63 girls and 92 boys fulfilled the criteria for current DSM-IV-diagnosed conduct disorder.
It was observed that, although the number of symptoms and severity of CD was lower among girls compared to boys, the level of functioning was lowered to the same degree. Physical abuse increased the risk for violent CD, and living apart from at least one biological parent increased the risk for both violent and non-violent CD among girls. The results of this study also suggest a gender difference in the factor structure and developmental model of CD. Alcohol dependence increased the risk for suicide attempt and self-mutilation almost fourfold among girls with CD. Girls with CD had more comorbid affective and anxiety disorders than boys. Girls with CD also had more self-reported allergies. Finally, the number of CD symptoms was positively correlated with the level of nicotine dependence (ND) among both girls and boys, and a gender difference was found in the correlation between symptom subscales and the level of ND.
The findings suggest that gender differences exist in conduct disorder. Special attention should be paid to the prevention, identification and treatment of CD among girls. It seems that, among girls with CD, the well-being of primary family is important in prevention. Alcohol dependence and depression in girls with CD should be treated with special care. DSM-IV might not always be sensitive enough to diagnose CD among girls, and this should be considered when behavioural symptoms are evaluated in girls. / Tiivistelmä
Tyttöjen käytöshäiriö on vähän tutkittu mutta yleinen psykiatrinen häiriö. Tässä tutkimuksessa analysoitiin tyttöjen käytöshäiriön riskitekijöitä, oireiden faktorirakennetta, käytöshäiriöisten itsetuhoisuutta, samanaikaista psykiatrista ja somaattista sairastavuutta sekä nikotiiniriippuvuutta psykiatrisessa osastohoidossa olleiden alaikäisten nuorten keskuudessa.
Tutkimusaineistoon kuului 508 12–17-vuotiasta nuorta, jotka olivat hoidossa psykiatrisella akuuttihoito-osastolla Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa 1.4.2001–31.3.2006 välisenä aikana. Nuoret haasteteltiin käyttämällä puolistrukturoitua Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children Present and Lifetime (K-SADS-PL) -haastattelua, jonka avulla määritettiin nuorten psykiatriset diagnoosit Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) -diagnoosiluokituksen mukaisesti. Lisäksi potilaat haastateltiin European Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI) -haastattelulla, josta saatiin tietoa fyysisestä terveydentilasta, perhetilanteesta ja rikollisuudesta. Aineiston nuorista 63 tyttöä ja 92 poikaa täyttivät käytöshäiriön kriteerit.
Tämä tutkimus osoitti, että vaikka nykyisten DSM-IV-kriteerien perusteella tytöillä käytöshäiriön vaikeusaste oli aiempien tutkimusten tapaan poikia alhaisempi ja oireiden määrä vähäisempi, oli tyttöjen toimintakyky silti yhtä huono kuin poikien. Fyysinen perheväkivalta lisäsi tyttöjen riskiä väkivaltaiseen käytöshäiriöön ja asuminen erossa vähintään yhdestä biologisesta vanhemmasta lisäsi riskiä sekä väkivaltaiseen että ei-väkivaltaiseen käytöshäiriöön. Käytöshäiriöoireiden faktorianalyysi osoitti, että tytöillä ja pojilla oli eroa oireiden faktorirakenteessa eikä tyttöjen oireiden jako selkeästi noudattanut Loeberin esittämää polkumallia. Alkoholiriippuvuus lisäsi käytöshäiriöisillä tytöillä riskiä itsemurhan yrittämiseen ja itsensä vahingoittamiseen lähes 4-kertaiseksi. Käytöshäiriöisillä tytöillä oli poikia enemmän mieliala- ja ahdistushäiriöitä samanaikaisina psykiatrisina häiriöinä. Somaattisista häiriöistä käytöshäiriöiset tytöt raportoivat poikia enemmän allergioita. Käytöshäiriön oireiden määrä oli yhteydessä sekä tytöillä että pojilla nikotiiniriippuvuuden voimakkuuteen. Tyttöjen ja poikien välillä oli eroa nikotiiniriippuvuuteen korreloivissa oireryhmissä.
Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella tyttöjen ja poikien käytöshäiriöllä on eroavaisuuksia. Tyttöjen käytöshäiriön ennaltaehkäisyyn, tunnistamiseen ja hoitoon tulee kiinnittää erityistä huomiota. Primaariperheen hyvinvointi näyttäisi olevan tärkeää ennaltaehkäisyssä. Käytöshäiriöisen tytön hoidossa tulee kiinnittää erityinen huomio alkoholin käyttöön sekä depression hoitoon itsetuhoisuuden ehkäisemiseksi. DSM-IV ei ehkä nykyisellään ole riittävän herkkä työkalu tyttöjen käytöshäiriön diagnosoimiseksi, ja tähän tulisi kiinnittää huomiota kun käyttäytymisellään oireilevia tyttöjä hoidetaan.
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La répression discriminatoire des infractions liées à la sexualité en droit pénal irakien / The discriminatory repression of sex-related crime in Iraqi criminal lawGaznai, Safaa Aldden 20 October 2011 (has links)
La sexualité et les infractions sexuelles restent parmi les questions les plus sensibles dans les sociétés en général et dans la société musulmane en particulier, notamment parce qu'ils touchent à la l'intimité profonde de la personne. Chez les peuples du Moyen-Orient, dont l'Irak, la question de l'honneur sexuel (‘ird) est une question de vie ou de mort liée étroitement à la tradition dominante.Au sein de la société irakienne, l'inégalité entre hommes et femmes est une évidence reflétée par plusieurs aspects de la vie courante, notamment dans la gestion de la sexualité, la tolérance que la société y accorde, et la polygamie, qui, toutes, semblent avantager l'homme aux dépens de la femme. Le traitement discriminatoire des libertés sexuelles masculine et féminine est renforcé et affirmé dans le droit irakien lui-même. L'importance de la discrimination sexuelle a des répercussions néfastes sur le statut et l'émancipation des femmes irakiennes, ainsi que sur l'évolution globale de la société. / This Ph.D. dissertation examines how Iraqi criminal law with regard to sex and sex-related crimes severely discriminates women in Iraq. It looks at this issue in light of ancestral traditions of prejudice and violence against women that are deeply rooted in Iraqi society. Honor is an extremely important notion in the mentalities of Iraqi people. Women are supposed to maintain chastity and sexual purity in order to be considered "honorable". Anything that compromises their chastity, including crimes of which they are victims such as rape, destroys their honor and along with it, that of their entire family. Many women in this situation find themselves killed, injured, or forced to marry their attacker in order to allow their families to recover their honor. This study shows how Iraqi legislation, case law and legal doctrine all contribute to encourage and perpetuate this problem, and suggests some possible solutions.
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Gender and Language similarities and differences in mixed sex conversations and same sex conversations in the American TV series Modern FamilyAli, Feisal January 2021 (has links)
The study aimed to analyze females and males in mixed-sex conversations and same-sex conversations using cooperative speech, competitive speech, interruptions, and similarities and differences in their communication styles in the Tv series modern family. Men and women are said to use different speech styles regarding cooperative, competitive, and interruptions. I used three conversations taken from Season 1 Episode 24, Family Portrait, for mixed-sex conversations in my analysis. I also used three same-sex discussions taken from Season 3, Episode 5, Hit and Run, and Season 1, Episode 11, Up all night. The result shows similarities in both same-sex and mixed-sex conversations regarding women’s use of cooperative speech styles and men’s use of competitive speech styles and interruptions. However, my study found differences regarding women in mixed-sex and Same-sex conversations when it comes to interruptions. Women interrupt in mixed-sex discussions and not in same-sex discussions. Therefore, my analysis of the series modern family is in line with previous research on gender and language.
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