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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Derivation of continuous zoomable road network maps through utilization of Space-Scale-Cube

Aliakbarian, Meysam 17 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The process of performing cartographic generalization in an automatic way applied on geographic information is of highly interest in the field of cartography, both in academia and industry. Many research e↵orts have been done to implement di↵erent automatic generalization approaches. Being able to answer the research question on automatic generalization, another interesting question opens up: ”Is it possible to retrieve and visualize geographic information in any arbitrary scale?” This is the question in the field of vario-scale geoinformation. Potential research works should answer this question with solutions which provide valid and efficient representation of geoinformation in any on-demand scale. More brilliant solutions will also provide smooth transitions between these on-demand arbitrary scales. Space-Scale-Cube (Meijers and Van Oosterom 2011) is a reactive tree (Van Oosterom 1991) data structure which shows positive potential for achieving smooth automatic vario-scale generalization of area features. The topic of this research work is investigation of adaptation of this approach on an interesting class of geographic information: road networks datasets. Firstly theoretical background will be introduced and discussed and afterwards, implementing the adaptation would be described. This research work includes development of a hierarchical data structure based on road network datasets and the potential use of this data structure in vario-scale geoinformation retrieval and visualization.

Reakce skákavky Evarcha arcuata na aposematické ploštice / Reactions of the jumping spider Evarcha arcuata to aposematic true bugs

Raška, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Jan Raška: Reactions of the jumping spider Evarcha arcuata to aposematic true bugs Abstract: This paper studies the effect of qualities of a prey on predatory behaviour of Evarcha arcuata (Araneae: Salticidae). Naturally coloured aposematic larveae of Pyrrhocoris apterus have been compared to two types of prey: 1) to identically coloured but in defensive secretion different larvae of Scantius aegyptius, and 2) differently coloured larvae of white mutants of P. apterus. The defensive secretion of S. aegyptius has been found less effective in the first interaction with predator than that of P. apterus, however, after several trials the difference of reactions of the spider has not been noticeable. When changed the species of prey, E. arcuata has symmetrically and considerably generalised between the two species. Significant difference has been established in memory test - while P. apterus has been avoided even after one day, S. aegyptius has been attacked as thought the spiders were naive. The learning sequence has been similar in both colour forms of P. apterus; the generalisation of the two colours has been symetrical as well. Both colour forms succeeded in memory test (e.g. spiders have proven difference in comparison with the naive ones), however, white mutants have been successfully attacked...

Learning from Synthetic Data : Towards Effective Domain Adaptation Techniques for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes / Lärande från Syntetiska Data : Mot Effektiva Domänanpassningstekniker för Semantisk Segmentering av Urbana Scener

Valls I Ferrer, Gerard January 2021 (has links)
Semantic segmentation is the task of predicting predefined class labels for each pixel in a given image. It is essential in autonomous driving, but also challenging because training accurate models requires large and diverse datasets, which are difficult to collect due to the high cost of annotating images at pixel-level. This raises interest in using synthetic images from simulators, which can be labelled automatically. However, models trained directly on synthetic data perform poorly in real-world scenarios due to the distributional misalignment between synthetic and real images (domain shift). This thesis explores the effectiveness of several techniques for alleviating this issue, employing Synscapes and Cityscapes as the synthetic and real datasets, respectively. Some of the tested methods exploit a few additional labelled real images (few-shot supervised domain adaptation), some have access to plentiful real images but not their associated labels (unsupervised domain adaptation), and others do not take advantage of any image or annotation from the real domain (domain generalisation). After extensive experiments and a thorough comparative study, this work shows the severity of the domain shift problem by revealing that a semantic segmentation model trained directly on the synthetic dataset scores a poor mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) of 33:5% when tested on the real dataset. This thesis also demonstrates that such performance can be boosted by 25:7% without accessing any annotations from the real domain and 17:3% without leveraging any information from the real domain. Nevertheless, these gains are still inferior to the 31:0% relative improvement achieved with as little as 25 supplementary labelled real images, which suggests that there is still room for improvement in the fields of unsupervised domain adaptation and domain generalisation. Future work efforts should focus on developing better algorithms and creating synthetic datasets with a greater diversity of shapes and textures in order to reduce the domain shift. / Semantisk segmentering är uppgiften att förutsäga fördefinierade klassetiketter för varje pixel i en given bild. Det är viktigt för autonom körning, men också utmanande eftersom utveckling av noggranna modeller kräver stora och varierade datamängder, som är svåra att samla in på grund av de höga kostnaderna för att märka bilder på pixelnivå. Detta väcker intresset att använda syntetiska bilder från simulatorer, som kan märkas automatiskt. Problemet är emellertid att modeller som tränats direkt på syntetiska data presterar dåligt i verkliga scenarier på grund av fördelningsfel mellan syntetiska och verkliga bilder (domänskift). Denna avhandling undersöker effektiviteten hos flera tekniker för att lindra detta problem, med Synscapes och Cityscapes som syntetiska respektive verkliga datamängder. Några av de testade metoderna utnyttjar några ytterligare märkta riktiga bilder (few-shot övervakad domänanpassning), vissa har tillgång till många riktiga bilder men inte deras associerade etiketter (oövervakad domänanpassning), och andra drar inte nytta av någon bild eller annotering från den verkliga domänen (domängeneralisering). Efter omfattande experiment och en grundlig jämförande studie visar detta arbete svårighetsgraden av domänskiftproblemet genom att avslöja att en semantisk segmenteringsmodell som upplärts direkt på den syntetiska datauppsättningen ger en dålig mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) på 33; 5% när den testas på den verkliga datamängden. Denna avhandling visar också att sådan prestanda kan ökas med 25; 7% utan att komma åt några annoteringar från den verkliga domänen och 17; 3% utan att utnyttja någon information från den verkliga domänen. Ändå är dessa vinster fortfarande sämre än den 31; 0% relativa förbättringen som uppnåtts med så lite som 25 kompletterande annoterade riktiga bilder, vilket tyder på att det fortfarande finns utrymme för förbättringar inom områdena oövervakad domänanpassning och domängeneralisering. Framtida arbetsinsatser bör fokusera på att utveckla bättre algoritmer och på att skapa syntetiska datamängder med en större mångfald av former och texturer för att minska domänskiftet.

Automatic Generation of Levels of Detail : A Study on the Swedish National Road Database / Automatisk generering av detaljnivåer

Börjesson, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
When creating a map, the amount of data and which geographical information chosen to bepresented are decided based on the purpose of the map. Trafikverket is responsible for theNational Road Database that is a reference road network with a large amount of dataconnected to it. The database is built at a carriageway level where several links can be usedto represent a single road. In this thesis the database has been studied as well as thepossibilities to create an automatic workflow that creates a generalisation to road level. Someapplications and analyses that use this database are requesting input data of a higher level ofdetail. It is also found important from a cartographic point of view. Possibilities to create alinear referencing for the data between the different levels was studied as well, to make theupdates between the levels easier and not having the need to maintain two differentdatabases. It would make it possible to inherit attributes and the generic features connectedto the network.The first fully automated workflow for a generalisation of an entire map was developed in theNetherlands in 2014. Several other agencies in Sweden and Norway are currently working ongeneralisations as well and using different approaches. Statens Vegvesen, which is theNational Road Agency in Norway, has already implemented the different levels of detail intheir road database. Lantmäteriet currently has a project where their goal is to create a fullyautomated map to easily change to a larger scale.After studying the programs used in other generalisations and which programs Trafikverketnormally use, FME and ArcGIS were chosen to be used in this thesis. A small study area waschosen, and the proper data was collected from the National Road Database. The study wasconducted by a set of experiments and trying different parameter values in order to obtain asatisfactory result.Three different areas where studied, where the goal was to find a sequence of functions thatsuccessfully generalised all the areas. The areas were parallel roads, complex intersectionsand roundabouts. The result consists of a suggested workflow, but alterations hade to bemade manually since it was not possible to find a fully automated generalisation for the areachosen. Therefore, a set of functions and tools that could be developed were collected as wellin the end to make a more automated workflow possible.The result found in this thesis show that if the cartographic generalisations are more studiedand examined it should be possible to get a more automated workflow to create ageneralisation between the different level of detail. However, it might be difficult to get theworkflow fully automated due to the complexity of the intersections. / När en karta skapas baseras mängden data och vilken geografisk information som skaförmedlas beroende på syftet med kartan. Trafikverket ansvarar för den NationellaVägdatabasen som är ett referensvägnät med en stor mäng data kopplad till vägnätet.Referensvägnätet är byggt på en körbanenivå. I det här arbetet har databasen studerats ochvilka möjligheter som finns för att skapa en automatisk generalisering till vägnivå. Det finnsett behov att representera data på en annan detaljnivå för vissa applikationer och analysersom använder sig av vägdatabasen. Det är även viktigt utifrån ett kartografiskt synsätt.Möjligheterna att skapa en linjär referering mellan de olika detaljnivåerna har undersökts, föratt förenkla uppdateringar mellan nivåerna samt att inte behöva ajourhålla två olikadatabaser. Det skulle även göra det möjligt att attribut och företeelser kan ärvas mellan deolika nivåerna.Det fösta helt automatiserade arbetsflödet för en generalisering av en karta utformades 2014i Nederländerna. Flera andra myndigheter i Sverige och Norge arbetar just nu med den härtypen av generaliseringar och har använt sig av olika tillvägagångssätt. Statens Vegvesen,vilket är den statliga myndighet som ansvarar för vägar i Norge, har redan implementerat olikadetaljnivåer i deras vägdatabas. Lantmäteriet har ett projekt med målet att skapa en fulltautomatisk generalisering för olika skalor.Efter att ha studerat de olika program som vanligtvis används vid generaliseringar samt vilkaprogram som Trafikverket använder sig av så valdes FME och ArcGIS i det här arbetet. Ettmindre studieområde valdes ut och relevant data hämtades från den NationellaVägdatabasen. Studien bestod av olika experiment och tester av olika parametervärden föratt få ett acceptabelt resultat.Tre olika områden studerades, där målet var att hitta en följd operationer som skapade enlämplig generalisering för alla områden. De tre olika områdena var parallella vägar,trafikplatser och cirkulationsplatser. Resultatet består av förslag på ett arbetsflöde, men delarhar behövt göras manuellt då det inte var möjligt att hitta en helt automatiseradgeneralisering för det valda området. Förslag på olika funktioner och verktyg som kanutvecklas har sammanställts, för att kunna utvecklade ett mer automatiserat arbetssätt.Resultatet av det här arbetet visar att om kartografiska generaliseringar studeras och testasmer skulle det kunna vara möjligt att skapa ett mer automatiserat arbetssätt med syfte attmöjliggöra generaliseringar mellan olika detaljnivåer. Det kan däremot vara svårt att få dettahelt automatiserat på grund av de olika komplexa trafikplatserna.

Derivation of continuous zoomable road network maps through utilization of Space-Scale-Cube

Aliakbarian, Meysam January 2013 (has links)
The process of performing cartographic generalization in an automatic way applied on geographic information is of highly interest in the field of cartography, both in academia and industry. Many research e↵orts have been done to implement di↵erent automatic generalization approaches. Being able to answer the research question on automatic generalization, another interesting question opens up: ”Is it possible to retrieve and visualize geographic information in any arbitrary scale?” This is the question in the field of vario-scale geoinformation. Potential research works should answer this question with solutions which provide valid and efficient representation of geoinformation in any on-demand scale. More brilliant solutions will also provide smooth transitions between these on-demand arbitrary scales. Space-Scale-Cube (Meijers and Van Oosterom 2011) is a reactive tree (Van Oosterom 1991) data structure which shows positive potential for achieving smooth automatic vario-scale generalization of area features. The topic of this research work is investigation of adaptation of this approach on an interesting class of geographic information: road networks datasets. Firstly theoretical background will be introduced and discussed and afterwards, implementing the adaptation would be described. This research work includes development of a hierarchical data structure based on road network datasets and the potential use of this data structure in vario-scale geoinformation retrieval and visualization.:Declaration of Authorship i Abstract iii Acknowledgements iv List of Figures vii Abbreviations viii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Problem Definition 2 1.1.1 Research Questions 2 1.1.2 Objectives 3 1.2 Proposed Solution 3 1.3 Structure of the Thesis 4 1.4 Notes on Terminology 4 2 Cartographic Generalization 6 2.1 Cartographic Generalization: Definitions and Classifications 6 2.2 Generalization Operators 9 2.3 Efforts on Vario-Scale Visualization of Geoinformation 10 2.4 Efforts on Generalization of Road Networks and Similar Other Networks 16 2.4.1 Geometric Generalization of Networks 17 2.4.2 Model Generalization of Networks 18 2.5 Clarification of Interest 20 3 Theory of Road Network SSC 21 3.1 Background of an SSC 21 3.1.1 tGAP 21 3.1.2 Smoothing tGAP 23 3.2 Road Network as a ’Network’ 24 3.2.1 Short Background on Graph Theory 5 3.3 Formation of Road Network SSC 26 3.3.1 Geometry 26 3.3.2 Network Topology 27 3.3.3 Building up tGAP on The Road Network 28 3.3.4 Smoothing of Road Network SSC 31 Smoothing Elimination 32 Smoothing Simplification 32 3.4 Reading from a road network SSC 34 3.4.1 Discussion on Scale 34 3.4.2 Iterating Over The Forest 35 3.4.3 Planar Slices 35 3.4.4 Non-Planar Slices 36 4 Implementation of Road Network SSC 37 4.1 General Information Regarding The Implementation 37 4.1.1 Programming Language 37 4.1.2 RDBMS 38 4.1.3 Geometry Library 39 4.1.4 Graph Library 39 4.2 Data Structure 40 4.2.1 Node 40 4.2.2 Edge 41 4.2.3 Edge-Node-Relation 41 4.3 Software Architecture 42 4.3.1 More Detail on Building The SSC 42 Initial Data Processing 42 Network Processing 43 4.3.2 More Detail on Querying The SSC 46 Database Query 46 Building Geometry 46 Interface and Visualization 47 4.4 Results 48 5 Conclusions and Outlook 49 Bibliography 51

Elementarunterricht und Sprachbildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Unterrichtspraxis am Berliner Königlichen Taubstummeninstitut zwischen Aufklärung und Frühmoderne

Wolff, Sylvia 26 August 2013 (has links)
Aktuelle Debatten in der Hörgeschädigtenpädagogik beschäftigen sich vor allem mit den Fragen der Sprachbildung hörgeschädigter Kinder im Rahmen der schulischen Inklusion. Übersehen wird dabei oft, dass dieser Diskurs nicht neu ist, sondern bereits historische Vorläufer hat. Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist deshalb, Veränderungsprozesse von Elementarbildung und Sprachbildung hörgeschädigter Kinder im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert vor dem Hintergrund einer sich etablierenden Volksschulbildung zu analysieren, um den schulstrukturellen Wandel und seine Auswirkungen nachzuzeichnen. Auf der Grundlage einer quellenkritischen Rekonstruktion wurden dafür ideen-, sozial- und institutions-geschichtliche Ereignisse und Diskurse im Sinne des kritisch-konstruktiven Ansatzes von Klafki (1971) analysiert. Im Fokus standen dabei die konkreten Auswirkungen (national-) sprachlicher und bildungspolitischer Konzepte auf den Unterricht am Berliner Königlichen Taubstummeninstitut und auf die ländliche Schulpraxis in der Provinz Brandenburg. Die Analysen zeigen, dass die sprachphilosophischen Diskurse in dieser Zeit Fehlannahmen über die Funktion und Bedeutung von Laut- und Gebärdensprachen enthielten, die die Sprachbildungskonzepte für gehörlose Menschen maßgeblich prägten. Außerdem führte die Verallgemeinerungsbewegung, in deren Rahmen zunehmend gehörlose Menschen auch in Volksschulen unterrichtet wurden, dazu dass die ausschließliche Förderung der Lautsprache propagiert wurde. Zweisprachige Bildungskonzepte, mit der Gebärdensprache als festem Bestandteil, wurden aufgegeben. Die besonderen Bedürfnisse gehörloser Menschen wurden weder an allgemeinen Schulen noch an Taubstummeninstituten berücksichtigt und der Zugang zu Bildung setzte damit in der Folgezeit eine einseitige Anpassungsleistung gehörloser Menschen voraus. / Current debates in deaf education are primarily concerned with questions of language education of hearing impaired children as part of school inclusion. It is often overlooked in this context that this discourse is not new, but already has historical antecedents. The aim of this study is therefore to analyse the changing processes of elementary education and language education of hearing impaired children in the 18th and 19th centuries against the background of the on-going establishment of elementary education, in order to reconstruct the structural change of the culture of schooling and its impact. To this end, historical ideas, social and institutional discourses and events were analysed in terms of the critical and constructive approach of Klafki (1971) on the basis of a source-critical reconstruction. The focus was on the specific impact of (national) linguistic and educational approaches to teaching at the Berlin Royal Institute of Deaf and Dumb and the rural school practice in the province of Brandenburg. The analyses show that the discourses on linguistic philosophy at this time contained misperceptions concerning the function and meaning of spoken and signed languages that significantly shaped approaches to language education for deaf people. Furthermore, the movement towards generalisation, in the framework of which deaf people were increasingly also taught in elementary schools, led to the exclusive propagation of the promotion of oral language. Bilingual education concepts, with sign language as an integral part, were abandoned. The special needs of deaf people were not taken into consideration in either public schools or in deaf and dumb institutions, and access to education in the subsequent period thus presupposed a successful unilateral adaptation of deaf people.

Exploring learners' understanding of trigonometric functions using GeoGebra software : a case of grade 11 Mathematics learners at a school in Tshwane South District

Makandidze, Lancelot Sibanengi 05 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The purpose of this study was to explore the learners’ understanding of trigonometric functions using GeoGebra software. A qualitative case study approach was used with six Grade 11 learners at a school in Tshwane South District. The data were collected during a seven-day period using multiple methods: a diagnostic test, worksheets, a smart recorder, a trigonometric functions test, one-on-one interviews and focus-group discussions. The findings showed clearly that the use of GeoGebra enhanced Grade 11 learners’ understanding of trigonometric functions. The findings also showed that the use of GeoGebra helped the learners to understand the basic trigonometric functions graphs. This enabled them to sketch freely without using the point-by-point method. Based on this study, it is recommended that GeoGebra should be made available to all Grade 11 learners. This will encourage them use the software out of regular school hours. / Die doel van hierdie studiegids was om die leerder se kennis van die gebruik van GeoGebra sagteware, ten opsigte van trigonometriese funksies te ondersoek. ‘n Kwalitatiewe benadering is gevolg met ses Graad 11 leerders by ‘n skool in die Tshwane Suid Distrik. Die data is ingewin oor ‘n periode van sewe dae, deur gebruik te maak van verskeie metodes: ‘n diagnostiese toets, werkkaarte, ‘n “smart” opname, ‘n trigonometriese funksies toets, een-tot-een onderhoude en fokusgroepe waar besprekings plaasgevind het. Die data-analise wys duidelik dat die gebruik van GeoGebra, die Graad 11 leerders gehelp het om trigonometriese funksies beter te verstaan. Die uitkomste wys ook duidelik dat GeoGebra die leerders gehelp het met ‘n beter begrip van die basiese trigonometriese funksies. Dit het hulle gehelp om vryhand sketse te doen en nie noodwendig die punt-tot-punt metode nie. Gebaseer op hierdie studie beveel ons aan dat GeoGebra beskikbaar gemaak moet word aan aale Graad 11 leerders. Dit sal leerders motiveer om ook die sagteware op hulle eie buite skoolure te gebruik. / Injongo yocwaningo lolu bekuyikuhlola ukuzwisisa kwabantwana amagrafu e-trigonometry ma bewafunda nge softhiwe ye GeoGebra. Abantwana abayisithupha abakubanga letshumi lanye abaphuma kusigodi se Tshwane South babambiqhaza kulolucwaningo lwendlela ye ‘qualitative case study’. Imininingo iqoqwe kumalanga ayisikhombisa kusetshenziswa indlela ezilandelayo: ukuhlolwa kwe-diagnostic, amaphepha okusebenzela, isingxoxo zamunye ngamunye lezingxoxo leqembu. Iziphumo ezinkulu zikhombe ngokucacile ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwesofthiwe yeGeoGebra kukhulise ukuzwisisa kwamagrafu e-trigonometry ngabafundi bebanga letshumi lanye.Iziphumo njalo zibonise ukuthi abafundi bazwisisa izinto eziyisiseko ngala magrafu ma bewafunda ngesofthiwe ye GeoGebra. Lokhu kunike abafundi amandla okudwebadweba lamagrafu ngokushesha ngokukhululeka. Kusekelwa ngalezi ziphumo, kunconyiwe ukuthi abafundi bafumane isofthiwe yeGeoGebra ngaso sonke isikhathi. Lokhu kuzabakhuthaza ukuthi basebenzise lesofthiwe noma bengaphandle kwesikolo. / Mathematics Education / M. Ed. (Mathematics Education)

La protection sociale de l'agriculteur victime d'accidents / The social welfare of the farmer victim of accidents

Meftah, Leïla 07 December 2018 (has links)
L’étude de la protection sociale de l’agriculteur victime d’accidents fait le constatd’inégalités manifestes entre les victimes elles-mêmes et entre le régime des accidents dutravail et celui du droit commun. Ces inégalités sont inhérentes à la qualité d’agriculteur ;qu’il soit salarié ou non, ce dernier ne bénéficie pas des mêmes droits. En outre, l’agriculteurblessé dans le cadre de son activité professionnelle n’aura qu’une réparation forfaitaire. Cettedernière tend à compenser la perte de revenu et l’incidence professionnelle de l’accident.L’indemnisation des préjudices personnels est exclue, sauf dans l’hypothèse d’une fauteinexcusable de l’employeur. Quant aux victimes d’accidents de droit commun, leur protectionsociale n’est optimisée que si elles possèdent une complémentaire prévoyance qui va parfaireles remboursements en espèces et en nature du régime agricole. En dehors de la prise encharge du régime légal de base, la réparation des accidents de droit commun tend à êtreintégrale. Afin que toutes les victimes d’accidents soient traitées de manière égale par le droitet qu’une réparation de tous leurs préjudices puisse être réalisée, nous préconisons dessolutions pour tenter de faire disparaître les inégalités entre les agriculteurs victimesd’accidents. / The study of the social welfare of the farmer victim of accidents reveals theexistence of disparities between the victims themselves and between the industrial accidentsand the common law. These disparities are inherent to farmer’s quality; whether he isemployed or not, the latter does not benefit from the same rights. In addition, the injuredfarmer in the course of his professional activity will have only a fixed compensation. Thelatter tends to compensate the loss of income and the professional incidence of the accident.Compensation for personal injury is excluded except in the hypothesis of unforgivablemisconduct of the employer. As for the victims of accidents of common law, their socialwelfare is only optimized if they possess a top up insurance plan that will completerepayments in cash and in kind of the agricultural system. Except the coverage of the basiclegal system, the compensation of accidents of common law tends to be complete. In order toensure that all accident victims are treated with equal manner by law and that compensationfor all their injuries can be achieved, we recommend solutions so that the disparities betweenthe farmers victims of accidents can disappear.

Human Pose and Action Recognition using Negative Space Analysis

Janse Van Vuuren, Michaella 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis proposes a novel approach to extracting pose information from image sequences. Current state of the art techniques focus exclusively on the image space occupied by the body for pose and action recognition. The method proposed here, however, focuses on the negative spaces: the areas surrounding the individual. This has resulted in the colour-coded negative space approach, an image preprocessing step that circumvents the need for complicated model fitting or template matching methods. The approach can be described as follows: negative spaces surrounding the human silhouette are extracted using horizontal and vertical scanning processes. These negative space areas are more numerous, and undergo more radical changes in shape than the single area occupied by the figure of the person performing an action. The colour-coded negative space representation is formed using the four binary images produced by the scanning processes. Features are then extracted from the colour-coded images. These are based on the percentage of area occupied by distinct coloured regions as well as the bounding box proportions. Pose clusters are identified using feedback from an independent action set. Subsequent images are classified using a simple Euclidean distance measure. An image sequence is thus temporally segmented into its corresponding pose representations. Action recognition simply becomes the detection of a temporally ordered sequence of poses that characterises the action. The method is purely vision-based, utilising monocular images with no need for body markers or special clothing. Two datasets were constructed using several actors performing different poses and actions. Some of these actions included actors waving their arms, sitting down or kicking a leg. These actions were recorded against a monochrome background to simplify the segmentation of the actors from the background. The actions were then recorded on DV cam and digitised into a data base. The silhouette images from these actions were isolated and placed in a frame or bounding box. The next step was to highlight the negative spaces using a directional scanning method. This scanning method colour-codes the negative spaces of each action. What became immediately apparent is that very distinctive colour patterns formed for different actions. To emphasise the action, different colours were allocated to negative spaces surrounding the image. For example, the space between the legs of an actor standing in a T - pose with legs apart would be allocated yellow, while the space below the arms were allocated different shades of green. The space surrounding the head would be different shades of purple. During an action when the actor moves one leg up in a kicking fashion, the yellow colour would increase. Inversely, when the actor closes his legs and puts them together, the yellow colour filling the negative space would decrease substantially. What also became apparent is that these coloured negative spaces are interdependent and that they influence each other during the course of an action. For example, when an actor lifts one of his legs, increasing the yellow-coded negative space, the green space between that leg and the arm decreases. This interrelationship between colours hold true for all poses and actions as presented in this thesis. In terms of pose recognition, it is significant that these colour coded negative spaces and the way the change during an action or a movement are substantial and instantly recognisable. Compare for example, looking at someone lifting an arm as opposed to seeing a vast negative space changing shape. In a controlled research environment, several actors were instructed to perform a number of different actions. After colour coding the negative spaces, it became apparent that every action can be recognised by a unique colour coded pattern. The challenge is to ascribe a numerical presentation, a mathematical quotation, to extract the essence of what is so visually apparent. The essence of pose recognition and it's measurability lies in the relationship between the colours in these negative spaces and how they impact on each other during a pose or an action. The simplest way of measuring this relationship is by calculating the percentage of each colour present during an action. These calculated percentages become the basis of pose and action recognition. By plotting these percentages on a graph confirms that the essence of these different actions and poses can in fact been captured and recognised. Despite variations in these traces caused by time differences, personal appearance and mannerisms, what emerged is a clear recognisable pattern that can be married to an action or different parts of an action. 7 Actors might lift their left leg, some slightly higher than others, some slower than others and these variations in terms of colour percentages would be recorded as a trace, but there would be very specific stages during the action where the traces would correspond, making the action recognisable.In conclusion, using negative space as a tool in human pose and tracking recognition presents an exiting research avenue because it is influenced less by variations such as difference in personal appearance and changes in the angle of observation. This approach is also simplistic and does not rely on complicated models and templates

Zero-Error capacity of quantum channels. / Capacidade Erro-Zero de canais quânticos.

MEDEIROS, Rex Antonio da Costa. 01 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-01T21:11:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 REX ANTONIO DA COSTA MEDEIROS - TESE PPGEE 2008..pdf: 1089371 bytes, checksum: ea0c95501b938e0d466779a06faaa4f6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-01T21:11:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 REX ANTONIO DA COSTA MEDEIROS - TESE PPGEE 2008..pdf: 1089371 bytes, checksum: ea0c95501b938e0d466779a06faaa4f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-09 / Nesta tese, a capacidade erro-zero de canais discretos sem memória é generalizada para canais quânticos. Uma nova capacidade para a transmissão de informação clássica através de canais quânticos é proposta. A capacidade erro-zero de canais quânticos (CEZQ) é definida como sendo a máxima quantidade de informação por uso do canal que pode ser enviada através de um canal quântico ruidoso, considerando uma probabilidade de erro igual a zero. O protocolo de comunicação restringe palavras-código a produtos tensoriais de estados quânticos de entrada, enquanto que medições coletivas entre várias saídas do canal são permitidas. Portanto, o protocolo empregado é similar ao protocolo de Holevo-Schumacher-Westmoreland. O problema de encontrar a CEZQ é reformulado usando elementos da teoria de grafos. Esta definição equivalente é usada para demonstrar propriedades de famílias de estados quânticos e medições que atingem a CEZQ. É mostrado que a capacidade de um canal quântico num espaço de Hilbert de dimensão d pode sempre ser alcançada usando famílias compostas de, no máximo,d estados puros. Com relação às medições, demonstra-se que medições coletivas de von Neumann são necessárias e suficientes para alcançar a capacidade. É discutido se a CEZQ é uma generalização não trivial da capacidade erro-zero clássica. O termo não trivial refere-se a existência de canais quânticos para os quais a CEZQ só pode ser alcançada através de famílias de estados quânticos não-ortogonais e usando códigos de comprimento maior ou igual a dois. É investigada a CEZQ de alguns canais quânticos. É mostrado que o problema de calcular a CEZQ de canais clássicos-quânticos é puramente clássico. Em particular, é exibido um canal quântico para o qual conjectura-se que a CEZQ só pode ser alcançada usando uma família de estados quânticos não-ortogonais. Se a conjectura é verdadeira, é possível calcular o valor exato da capacidade e construir um código de bloco quântico que alcança a capacidade. Finalmente, é demonstrado que a CEZQ é limitada superiormente pela capacidade de Holevo-Schumacher-Westmoreland.

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