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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da Sustentabilidade Ambiental em Estabelecimentos Agrícolas em Goiás / Analysis of Environmental Sustainability in Agricultural Plants in Goiás

ALVES, Luiz Batista 18 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T12:05:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Doutorado_Luiz_Batista_Alves.pdf: 808407 bytes, checksum: e20899c9693a781375144f37ec5c91a4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-18 / In this work are presented and discussed other forms of studies related to analysis of environmental sustainability with the use of methods that permit the human environment to demonstrate its environmental impacts on rural properties in the town of Silvânia, State of Goiás. The choice of the municipality of Silvânia occurred because of present permanent preservation areas susceptible to exploitation by various activities in the city, allowing checking the environmental sustainability in land reform settlements in comparison with other rural property. The Project for Sustainable Development (PDS), established in 1999 comes meet the new brazilian environmental laws, seeking the durability and perpetuity of the settlements (family farm) in order to provide less environmental impact. On the other hand, has been observed that in large farms (agricultural employer) occurs deforestation to expand the area explored, giving rise to a particular crop, in seeking increases in production. Studies have shown the link between deforestation and biodiversity conservation consequences that hinder sustainable development. Still, the methodology of the indices applied to the settlement of São Sebastião da Garganta and João de Deus, the results showed considerable levels of sustainability. Analyzing the settlements in comparison with the Farm Silvânia through satellite images, it appears that the agrarian reform, there were minor differences of deforestation between periods and a greater difference occurred in the Farm Silvânia as favoring extensive livestock farming. But we can not say that the settlements have a higher level of environmental sustainability, where by means of observation of annual averages, there are almost identical proportions of deforestation, and that the settlements, deforestation occurred in a more fragmented than in Farm Silvânia and may cause a greater reduction of species in the environment, reducing the potential for environmental sustainability. Finally, the results may serve as guidance in formulating environmental policy to keep families in agrarian reform settlements, contributing to sustainable development of rural properties in the region, coupled with supervision to allow continuity in the production process in a sustainable manner. / Neste trabalho são apresentadas e discutidas outras formas de estudos relacionados à análise de sustentabilidade ambiental com a utilização de métodos que permitem observar o meio antrópico para demonstrar seus impactos ambientais em propriedades rurais no município de Silvânia, Estado de Goiás. A escolha do município de Silvânia se deu em razão de apresentar áreas de preservação permanente suscetíveis à exploração por variadas atividades no município, possibilitando verificar a sustentabilidade ambiental em assentamentos de reforma agrária em comparação com outra propriedade rural. O Projeto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (PDS), implantado em 1999 vem atender as novas legislações ambientais brasileiras, buscando a durabilidade e a perpetuidade dos assentamentos (da agricultura familiar) com o propósito de proporcionar menor impacto ambiental. Por outro lado, tem se observado que nas grandes propriedades rurais (da agricultura patronal) ocorrem desmatamentos para a expansão da área explorada, dando lugar à determinada monocultura, na busca de aumentos na produção. Estudos têm apontado a relação entre desmatamento e consequências à conservação da biodiversidade que impedem o desenvolvimento sustentável. Ainda, pela metodologia dos índices, aplicados aos assentamentos São Sebastião da Garganta e João de Deus, os resultados demonstraram níveis de sustentabilidade consideráveis. Analisando os assentamentos em comparação com a Fazenda Silvânia, por meio de imagens de satélite, conclui-se que nos assentamentos de reforma agrária, constataram-se diferenças menores de desmatamentos entre os períodos analisados e uma diferença maior ocorrida na Fazenda Silvânia, dado o favorecimento a pecuária extensiva. Porém, não se pode afirmar que os assentamentos apresentam maior nível de sustentabilidade ambiental, onde por meio da observação das médias anuais, verificam-se proporções quase que idênticas de desmatamentos, e que nos assentamentos, os desmatamentos ocorreram de forma mais fragmentados do que na Fazenda Silvânia, podendo ocasionar uma maior redução de espécies no ambiente, reduzindo o potencial de sustentabilidade do meio ambiente. Por fim, os resultados podem servir a orientações na formulação de política ambiental à manutenção das famílias em assentamentos de reforma agrária, contribuindo ao desenvolvimento sustentável das propriedades rurais naquela região, conjugada a fiscalização que permita a continuidade no processo de produção de forma sustentável.

"Metodologias para geração e atualização de mosaicos de fotos aéreas no Projeto ARARA" / Methodologies for generation and updating of aerial photographs mosaics in the ARARA Project

Rodrigo Borges dos Santos 17 August 2004 (has links)
A produção de mosaicos fotográficos é uma atividade de apoio bastante importante em diversas áreas tais como a geração de mapas, o monitoramento ambiental e o gerenciamento agrícola. A fotogrametria, e em especial a aerofotogrametria, é a ciência que trata, entre outros tópicos, da geração de mosaicos através de procedimentos trabalhosos, o que torna sua manutenção uma tarefa difícil e de alto custo. O Projeto ARARA (Aeronaves de Reconhecimento Assistidas por Rádio e Autônomas) representa uma alternativa de baixo custo para a aquisição de fotografias aéreas. Câmeras digitais de pequeno formato a bordo das aeronaves permitem a obtenção automática das fotografias necessárias para a geração de mosaicos. Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia para a geração e a atualização de mosaicos compostos por fotografias aéreas oblíquas digitais e de pequeno formato, adquiridas com o auxílio das aeronaves do Projeto ARARA. As fotografias podem ser submetidas a procedimentos que associam técnicas de ortoretificação e processamento digital de imagens para corrigir suas distorções geométricas e radiométricas. A metodologia apresentada neste trabalho procura evitar a necessidade de pontos de controle no solo e focaliza a geração automática ou semi-automática dos mosaicos. Procedimentos automáticos têm o potencial de permitir a utilização de uma grande quantidade de fotografias de pequeno formato em substituição às fotografias normalmente utilizadas pela aerofotogrametria convencional. / The generation of photographic mosaics is an important activity in many areas such as map production, environment monitoring and agricultural management. Photogrammetry, and specially aero-photogrammetry, are the sciences that deal, among other subjects, with mosaic generation using time consuming procedures, making the maintenance and updating of photographic mosaics a difficult and high-cost task. The ARARA Project (Autonomous and Radio Assisted Reconaissance Aircrafts), presents a low cost alternative to acquire aerial photographs. An onboard, small format digital camera can take automatically the photographs used for the mosaic generation. This work proposes a methodology for mosaic generation and updating using oblique, digital, small format aerial photographs taken by ARARA aircraft. Photographs can be corrected both geometrically and radiometrically by orthorectification and digital image processing procedures. The methodology presented in this work avoids the use of ground control points, focusing on the automatic and semi-automatic mosaic generation. An automatic procedure make possible the use of a large number of small format photographs to replace the photographs normally used in conventional aerophotogrammetry.

Avaliação da fertilidade do solo e balanço nutricional das em áreas culturas de soja e trigo em áreas com agricultura de precisão na região oeste do Paraná / Evaluation of soil fertility and nutritional balance of cultures of soybean and wheat in areas of precision farming in western region of Paraná

Rampim, Leandro 20 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:40:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014_Tese_Leandro_Rampim_p1.pdf: 10356000 bytes, checksum: de1466960bb8af924712f044ad548b7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-20 / Fundação Araucária / There is a growing use of the division of soil sampling in grids to make the recommendation to lime and fertilizer into a system of precision agriculture in western Paraná, disregarding the presence of terraces, essential for soil conservation.Thus, this study, funded by the Araucaria Foundation under agreement with Unioeste (Project 217/2012), aimed: (i) evaluate the spatial variability on the terraces; (ii) define and evaluate the variability of chemical attributes in management units; (iii) evaluation of nutritional balance using the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) in units of management in soybean; (iv) determine DRIS norms and appropriate range for the wheat crop; (v) validate the recommendation for phosphorus and potassium fertilization, by modeling the recommendation of lime and fertilizer to the soybean crop (SIRSo) and Table of fertilizer recommendation for soybean grown in Oxisol system. The studies were conducted in areas of cultivation in Guaira/PR, with the the delimitation of areas with Garmin GPS 12, and subsequently georeferenced from two precise points collected GPSs GTR-GII - L1/L2 - Geo Tech in each area, which were corrected with information from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Was conducted the assessment of soil chemical properties, foliar concentrations of macro and micronutrients except boron, nutritional balance with DRIS, number of plants and productivity.The experiments were performed during the cultivation of soybean crops in 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 and in the cultivation of wheat in the 2011 season. At the end of the work has been concluded: (i) the sections of the terraces have variability of soil chemical properties, but without interfering in foliar nutrient concentrations and nutrient balance in soybean; (ii) the implementation of precision farming system in western Paraná should be performed with the division of areas in management units, paying attention to the slope, historic area, cropping system, good sense of agronomist and especially the terraces; (iii) in soybean culture can be used for grouping methodology foliar concentrations in soybean in precision agriculture system in conjunction with the assessment of nutritional balance through DRIS, allowing to identify nutritional problems; (iv) in wheat culture, DRIS norms obtained, allows to interpret the nutritional status with adequate range of nutrients in other properties in the region; (v) fertilizer applied in the area of suitable soil chemical attributes, with the Tables of recommendation of the Embrapa or by modeling SIRSo levels do not increase the productivity of soybean, it is possible to omit the phosphate and potassium fertilization, following guidelines of Embrapa / É crescente a utilização da divisão em malhas de amostragem de solo para realizar a recomendação de corretivos e fertilizantes em áreas com sistema de agricultura de precisão na Região Oeste do Paraná, desprezando a presença de terraços, fundamentais para a conservação de solo. Desta forma, o presente trabalho, financiado pela Fundação Araucária do convênio com a Unioeste (Projeto 217/2012), teve como objetivos (i) avaliar a variabilidade espacial nos terraços; (ii) definir e avaliar a variabilidade dos atributos químicos em unidades de manejo; (iii) avaliação do balanço nutricional utilizando o sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação (DRIS) em unidades de manejo na cultura da soja; (iv) determinar normas DRIS e faixa adequada para a cultura de trigo; (v) validar a recomendação para adubação fosfatada e potássica, por modelagem no sistema de recomendação de corretivos e fertilizantes para a cultura da soja (SIRSo) e Tabela de recomendação de adubação, para a cultura da soja cultivada em Latossolo Vermelho Eutroférrico. Os trabalhos foram realizados em áreas de cultivo no município de Guaíra/PR, com a realização da delimitação das áreas com GPS Garmin 12, e posteriormente georreferenciadas a partir de dois pontos precisos coletados por GPSs GTR-GII L1/L2 Geo Tech em cada área, que foram corrigidos com informações do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Foi realizado a avaliação dos atributos químicos do solo (pH CaCl2, Al+3, H+Al, Ca+2, Mg+2, K+, P, S), teores foliares de macro e micronutrientes, exceto boro, balanço nutricional com o DRIS, número de plantas e produtividade. Os experimentos foram realizados durante o cultivo da soja nas safras 2010/11, 2011/12 e 2012/13 e no cultivo de trigo na safra 2011. Ao final do trabalho foi concluído: (i) as secções dos terraços apresentam variabilidade dos atributos químicos do solo, mas sem interferir nos teores foliares de nutrientes e no balanço nutricional na cultura da soja; (ii) a implantação de sistema de agricultura de precisão na região Oeste do Paraná deve ser realizado com a divisão das propriedade em unidades de manejo, atentando para o declive, histórico da área, sistema de cultivo, bom senso do engenheiro agrônomo e principalmente os terraços; (iii) na cultura da soja é possível utilizar metodologia de agrupamento de teores foliares na cultura da soja em sistema de agricultura de precisão em conjunto com a avaliação do balanço nutricional através do DRIS, permitindo identificar problemas nutricionais (confuso); (iv) na cultura do trigo, as normas DRIS obtidas, permitem interpretar o estado nutricional com faixa adequada dos nutrientes em outras propriedades da região; (v) a adubação aplicada em área com níveis adequados dos atributos químicos do solo, pelas Tabelas de recomendação da Embrapa ou pela modelagem SIRSo não incrementam a produtividade da cultura da soja, sendo possível omitir a adubação fosfatada e potássica, seguindo orientações da Embrapa

Distribuição espacial e temporal de percevejos da soja e comportamento de piezodorus guildinii (westwood, 1837) (hemiptera: pentatomidae) na soja (glycine max (l.) merrill) ao longo do dia / Spatial and temporal distribution of soybean stink bug and behavior of piezodorus guildinii (westwood, 1837) (hemiptera: pentatomidae) on soybean (glycine max (l.) merrill) on day time

Roggia, Rejane Cristina Roppa Kuss 27 February 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / From december 2006 to april 2008 was conducted a experiment at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil, with objective to verify spatial and temporal distribution of soybean stink bug, with georeferenced surveying. The samplings was accomplished in area of 6,64 hectares of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), it was divided in a sample grid of the 105 points, spaced in 25 x 25 m. Colonization of the field occurred on soybean s vegetative period, from its adjacent borders to the fields of early soybean and sunflower, by the adults entry from these crops to the experimental area, because later sowing. From the beginning seed until the pod filling of the soybean, the tendency of stink bug population increase by the borders was kept. In the crop 2007/08, due to the sowing have been carried through at that recommended period, the spatial distribution of stink bugs started simultaneously in several points in the field and it did not present clear influence of the adults entry from other areas. In both the crops the populations increase occurred from beginning pod and beginning seed and to species abundance and its population s peaks varied of a crop for another. During overwintering it verified presence of stink bug in the area, feeding itself in the straw on the soil and living on grains fallen into the harvest, or in alternative host plants as Raphanus sp. With objective to study nymphs and adults of Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood, 1837) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) behavior on day time on soybean, was conducted a experiment at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, from april to may 2007. The experimental design employed was a factorial of order fourth, in randomized complete block design (24x3x3x3) (day time x distribution x location x behavior), with five blocks. The stink bugs were observed hourly, during 24 times. The stink bugs plant distribution (top, middle and botton), their location in plant organs (pod, leaf ou HRPR stem, branch, stick or raceme) and their behavior (resting, locomotion, feeding ativity) was registered. During the first and second instars, the nymphs had presented gregarious habit, and a small percentage in movement around of the posture. The nymphs started the feeding activity on second instar, and the locomotion was just around of the posture and the same organ where they were. From the third instar nymphs became more active, with bigger ditribution on plant and feeding more frequently. Locomotion times were near and precedents to feeding times and precedent the dusk, indicating the search for preferential locations for feeding or shelter. Nimphs and adults P. guildinii located preferentially in pod, them whats are associated to repose and feeding activity behaviors. In the nocturnal period, with air temperature lower than in the diurnal period, P. guildinii s nymphs had remained in stems circled by pods, because of the search by sheltered locations. Percentage P. guildinii in feeding activity increased of 7,37% of second-fourth instar for 16,92% in the fifth instar, and 34,77% adult phase. P. guildinii remained, preferentially, in middle plants stracta along the day time, not presenting a clear behavior of distribution in superior plants stracta in defined chedules. Thus, should not be indicated groups ideal schedule's for insecticides application for your control. / De dezembro de 2006 a abril de 2008 foi conduzido um experimento na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil, com o objetivo de verificar a distribuição espacial e temporal de percevejos da soja, através de levantamento georreferenciado. As amostragens foram realizadas em uma área de 6,64 hectares de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) dividida em uma grade amostral com 105 pontos, espaçados em 25 x 25 m. A colonização da lavoura ocorreu no período vegetativo da soja, a partir das bordas adjacentes a lavouras de soja precoce e girassol, pela entrada de percevejos adultos destes cultivos do entorno para a área georreferenciada, em função da semeadura tardia. Desde o início do enchimento de grãos até o enchimento pleno de grãos, a tendência de aumento populacional de percevejos pelas bordas foi mantida. Na safra 2007/08, devido a semeadura ter sido realizada na época recomendada, a distribuição espacial dos percevejos começou simultaneamente em vários pontos na lavoura e não apresentou clara influência da entrada de adultos de outras áreas. Em ambas as safras o aumento das populações ocorreu a partir da formação de legumes e do início do enchimento de grãos e a abundância de espécies e seus picos populacionais variaram de uma safra para outra. Durante todo o período de entressafra, verificou-se a presença de percevejos na área, abrigados na palhada sobre o solo e alimentando-se de grãos caídos na colheita, ou em plantas hospedeiras alternativas como Raphanus sp. Com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento de ninfas e adultos de Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood, 1837) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) ao longo do dia em soja, foi conduzido um experimento na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, de abril a maio de 2007. O delineamento experimental foi um fatorial de quarta ordem em blocos ao acaso (24x3x3x3) (horários x distribuição x localização x comportamentos), com cinco repetições. Os percevejos foram observados de hora em hora, por 24 horas. Registrou-se a sua distribuição nas plantas (terço superior, médio e inferior), a sua localização nos órgãos (legumes, folhas e HRPR haste, ramo, pecíolo ou racemo) e o seu comportamento (repouso, movimento e atividade alimentar). Durante o primeiro e segundo ínstares, as ninfas apresentaram hábito gregário, e uma pequena percentagem de ninfas em movimento em torno da postura. As ninfas começaram a alimentar-se no segundo ínstar, e tornaram-se mais ativas a partir do terceiro ínstar, movimentando-se não só a pequenas distâncias entre órgãos próximos, mas distribuindo-se pelos terços da planta, e alimentando-se mais regularmente. Os horários de movimento foram próximos e antecedentes aos horários de atividade alimentar, e do anoitecer, indicando a procura por locais para alimentação ou abrigo. Ninfas e adultos de P. guildinii localizaram-se preferencialmente em legumes, os quais estão associados aos comportamentos de repouso e atividade alimentar. No período noturno, com a temperatura do ar mais baixa que no período diurno, ninfas de P. guildinii se localizaram em hastes circundadas por legumes, em função da busca por locais abrigados. A percentagem de P. guildinii em atividade alimentar aumentou de 7,37% do segundo ao quarto ínstar para 16,92% no quinto ínstar, e 34,77% na fase adulta. P. guildinii permaneceu, preferencialmente, no terço médio das plantas ao longo do dia, não apresentando um comportamento claro de distribuição no terço superior das plantas em intervalos de horários definidos. Desta forma, não devem ser indicadas faixas de horário ideais para a aplicação de inseticidas para seu controle.

GIS využití krajiny obce Jinačovice / Land use GIS of Jinačovice municipality

Kelblová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on the development of the GIS in the Jinačovice municipality, particularly on the land use. The core data used for the research has been gathered by aerial photography since 1950. Other data sources include other types of maps, especially Cadastral map, ZABAGED data and statistical data. An analysis of the Land use has been carried out as well as additional analyses of the area. The research has been conducted specifically for the Jinačovice municipality.

Propuesta de sistema web para la optimización de búsqueda y selección de proveedores a través de georreferenciación y árboles de decisión en el sector de organización de eventos / Proposal for a web system to optimize the search and selection of suppliers through georeferencing and decision trees in the event organization sector

Mundaca Retuerto, Laura Jeanette, Mundaca Retuerto, Leslie Carol 14 December 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis tiene como objeto de estudio a la empresa Fantastibox S.A.C que pertenece a la industria de la organización de eventos tales como onomásticos, graduaciones, eventos corporativos y alquiler de cabinas de fotos instantáneas. La principal motivación de este proyecto es abordar la problemática principal de la empresa que hace referencia a los tiempos elevados en la búsqueda y elección inadecuada de los proveedores; lo cual se produce por el manejo manual de información y una inversión de tiempo considerable para la aplicación de los criterios al momento de seleccionar al proveedor (precio, ubicación, años de experiencia en el servicio) necesarios para garantizar un evento exitoso. Esto conlleva, a que se produzcan pérdidas de oportunidades de negocio, una baja fidelización de sus clientes. Asimismo, no realizan el seguimiento adecuado a los proveedores con los que trabajaron en algún momento incurriendo en contrataciones fallidas. Después de identificar la problemática y analizar los procesos de la empresa se propone como objetivo del proyecto la implementación de un sistema web que logre la automatización del proceso de búsqueda de proveedores y la tendencia a la baja de precios con la subasta inversa. Asimismo, se plantea el uso de árboles de decisión para lograr elegir a los mejores proveedores por cada servicio solicitado por el cliente. La propuesta está alineada al objetivo de la empresa en cuanto a incrementar la respuesta al número de solicitudes de los clientes independientemente de la fecha del evento. / The present thesis has as object of study the company Fantastibox S.A.C that belongs to the industry of the organization of events such as onomastics, graduations, corporate events and rental of instant photo booths. The main motivation of this project is to address the main problem of the company that refers to the high times in the search and inappropriate choice of suppliers; This is produced by the manual handling of information and a considerable investment of time for the application of the criteria when selecting the supplier (price, location, years of experience in the service) necessary to guarantee a successful event. This leads to loss of business opportunities, low customer loyalty. Likewise, they do not adequately monitor the suppliers with whom they worked at some point, incurring failed contracts. Based on the identification of the problem and analysis of the company's processes, the project's objective is to implement a web system that achieves the automation of the supplier search process and the downward trend in prices with reverse auction. Likewise, the use of decision tree algorithms is proposed to be able to choose the best providers for each service requested by the client. The proposal is aligned with the company's objective in terms of increasing the response to the number of customer requests regardless of the date of the event. / Tesis

Automatische Extraktion von 3D-Baumparametern aus terrestrischen Laserscannerdaten

Bienert, Anne 11 January 2013 (has links)
Ein großes Anwendungsgebiet des Flugzeuglaserscannings ist in Bereichen der Forstwirtschaft und der Forstwissenschaft zu finden. Die Daten dienen flächendeckend zur Ableitung von digitalen Gelände- und Kronenmodellen, aus denen sich die Baumhöhe ableiten lässt. Aufgrund der Aufnahmerichtung aus der Luft lassen sich spezielle bodennahe Baumparameter wie Stammdurchmesser und Kronenansatzhöhe nur durch Modelle schätzen. Der Einsatz terrestrischer Laserscanner bietet auf Grund der hochauflösenden Datenakquisition eine gute Ergänzung zu den Flugzeuglaserscannerdaten. Inventurrelevante Baumparameter wie Brusthöhendurchmesser und Baumhöhe lassen sich ableiten und eine Verdichtung von digitalen Geländemodellen durch die terrestrisch erfassten Daten vornehmen. Aufgrund der dichten, dreidimensionalen Punktwolken ist ein hoher Dokumentationswert gegeben und eine Automatisierung der Ableitung der Geometrieparameter realisierbar. Um den vorhandenen Holzvorrat zu kontrollieren und zu bewirtschaften, werden in periodischen Zeitabständen Forstinventuren auf Stichprobenbasis durchgeführt. Geometrische Baumparameter, wie Baumhöhe, Baumposition und Brusthöhendurchmesser, werden gemessen und dokumentiert. Diese herkömmliche Erfassung ist durch einen hohen Arbeits- und Zeitaufwand gekennzeichnet. Aus diesem Grund wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit Algorithmen entwickelt, die eine automatische Ableitung der geometrischen Baumparameter aus terrestrischen Laserscannerpunktwolken ermöglichen. Die Daten haben neben der berührungslosen und lichtunabhängigen Datenaufnahme den Vorteil einer objektiven und schnellen Parameterbestimmung. Letztendlich wurden die Algorithmen in einem Programm zusammengefasst, das neben der Baumdetektion eine Bestimmung der wichtigsten Parameter in einem Schritt realisiert. An Datensätzen von drei verschiedenen Studiengebieten werden die Algorithmen getestet und anhand manuell gewonnener Baumparameter validiert. Aufgrund der natürlich gewachsenen Vegetationsstruktur sind bei Aufnahmen von einem Standpunkt gerade im Kronenraum Abschattungen vorhanden. Durch geeignete Scankonfigurationen können diese Abschattungen minimiert, allerdings nicht vollständig umgangen werden. Zusätzlich ist der Prozess der Registrierung gerade im Wald mit einem zeitlichen Aufwand verbunden. Die größte Schwierigkeit besteht in der effizienten Verteilung der Verknüpfungspunkte bei dichter Bodenvegetation. Deshalb wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, der eine Registrierung über die berechneten Mittelpunkte der Brusthöhendurchmesser durchführt. Diese Methode verzichtet auf künstliche Verknüpfungspunkte und setzt Mittelpunkte von identischen Stammabschnitten in beiden Datensätzen voraus. Dennoch ist die größte Unsicherheit in der Z-Komponente der Translation zu finden. Eine Methode unter Verwendung der Lage der Baumachsen sowie mit einem identischen Verknüpfungspunkt führt zu besseren Ergebnissen, da die Datensätze an dem homologen Punkt fixiert werden. Anhand eines Studiengebietes werden die Methoden mit den herkömmlichen Registrierungsverfahren über homologe Punkte verglichen und analysiert. Eine Georeferenzierung von terrestrischen Laserscannerpunktwolken von Waldbeständen ist aufgrund der Signalabschattung der Satellitenpositionierungssysteme nur bedingt und mit geringer Genauigkeit möglich. Deshalb wurde ein Ansatz entwickelt, um Flugzeuglaserscannerdaten mit terrestrischen Punktwolken allein über die Kenntnis der Baumposition und des vorliegenden digitalen Geländemodells zu verknüpfen und zusätzlich das Problem der Georeferenzierung zu lösen. Dass ein terrestrischer Laserscanner nicht nur für Forstinventuren gewinnbringend eingesetzt werden kann, wird anhand von drei verschiedenen Beispielen beleuchtet. Neben der Ableitung von statischen Verformungsstrukturen an Einzelbäumen werden beispielsweise auch die Daten zur Bestimmung von Vegetationsmodellen auf Basis von Gitterstrukturen (Voxel) zur Simulation von turbulenten Strömungen in und über Waldbeständen eingesetzt. Das aus Laserscannerdaten abgeleitete Höhenbild einer Rinde führt unter Verwendung von Bildverarbeitungsmethoden (Texturanalyse) zur Klassifizierung der Baumart. Mit dem terrestrischen Laserscanning ist ein interessantes Werkzeug für den Einsatz im Forst gegeben. Bestehende Konzepte der Forstinventur können erweiterte werden und es eröffnen sich neue Felder in forstwirtschaftlichen und forstwissenschaftlichen Anwendungen, wie beispielsweise die Nutzung eines Scanners auf einem Harvester während des Erntevorganges. Mit der stetigen Weiterentwicklung der Laserscannertechnik hinsichtlich Gewicht, Reichweite und Geschwindigkeit wird der Einsatz im Forst immer attraktiver. / An important application field of airborne laser scanning is forestry and the science of forestry. The captured data serve as an area-wide determination of digital terrain and canopy models, with a derived tree height. Due to the nadir recording direction, near-ground tree parameters, such as diameter at breast height (dbh) and crown base height, are predicted using forest models. High resolution terrestrial laser scanner data complements the airborne laser scanner data. Forest inventory parameters, such as dbh and tree height can be derived directly and digital terrain models are created. As a result of the dense three dimensional point clouds captured, a high level of detail exists, and a high degree of automation of the determination of the parameters is possible. To control and manage the existing stock of wood, forest inventories are carried out at periodic time intervals, on the base of sample plots. Geometric tree parameters, such as tree height, tree position and dbh are measured and documented. This conventional data acquisition is characterised by a large amount of work and time. Because of this, algorithms are developed to automatically determine geometric tree parameters from terrestrial laser scanner point clouds. The data acquisition enables an objective and fast determination of parameters, remotely, and independent of light conditions. Finally the majority of the algorithms are combined into a single program, allowing tree detection and the determination of relevant parameters in one step. Three different sample plots are used to test the algorithms. Manually measured tree parameters are also used to validate the algorithms. The natural vegetation structure causes occlusions inside the crown when scanning from one position. These scan shadows can be minimized, though not completely avoided, via an appropriate scan configuration. Additional the registration process in forest scenes is time-consuming. The largest problem is to find a suitable distribution of tie points when dense ground vegetation exists. Therefore an approach is introduced that allows data registration with the determined centre points of the dbh. The method removes the need for artificial tie points. However, the centre points of identical stem sections in both datasets are assumed. Nevertheless the biggest uncertainness is found in the Z co-ordinate of the translation. A method using the tree axes and one homologous tie point, which fixes the datasets, shows better results. The methods are compared and analysed with the traditional registration process with tie points, using a single study area. Georeferencing of terrestrial laser scanner data in forest stands is problematic, due to signal shadowing of global navigation satellite systems. Thus an approach was developed to register airborne and terrestrial laser scanner data, taking the tree positions and the available digital terrain model. With the help of three examples the benefits of applying laser scanning to forest applications is shown. Besides the derivation of static deformation structures of single trees, the data is used to determine vegetation models on the basis of a grid structure (voxel space) for simulation of turbulent flows in and over forest stands. In addition, the derived height image of tree bark using image processing methods (texture analysis) can be used to classify the tree species. Terrestrial laser scanning is a valuable tool for forest applications. Existing inventory concepts can be enlarged, and new fields in forestry and the science of forestry are established, e. g. the application of scanners on a harvester. Terrestrial laser scanners are becoming increasingly important for forestry applications, caused by continuous technological enhancements that reduce the weight, whilst increasing the range and the data rate.

Evaluating an Automated Method for Digitizing Detailed Plans : Using a Swedish Municipality as Test Case / Utvärdering av en automatiserad metod för digitalisering av detaljplaner : Med en svensk kommun som utgångspunkt

Bergmark, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
Frågan om digitala detaljplaner är mer relevant än någonsin i Sverige efter nya direktiv från svenska myndigheter som ålägger kommunerna att digitalisera delar av sina planarkiv. Att digitalisera redan existerande detaljplaner är en tidskrävande process, vilket innebär att effektiva automatiserade metoder kan bli värdefulla för att kunna spara tid. Men för att att veta om en metod kan sägas vara effektiv behöver den först utvärderas. Denna studie syftar till att utvärdera en nyligen presenterad metod för automatiserad digitalisering av detaljplaner, och är den första kvantitativa undersökningen av metoden. De frågeställningar som undersöks är huruvida metoden är effektiv och om den har några svagheter. Dessutom analyseras resultatet utifrån ett antal egenskaper hos detaljplanerna, för att se om dessa egenskaper påverkar kvalitén. Eftersom kvalitén på digitala detaljplaner inte har studerats systematiskt i något tidigare sammanhang har ett av studiens bidrag också varit att ta fram ett ramverk för hur detta kan mätas och bedömas. Metoden består av totalt tre steg och de två första stegen som innefattar automatiserad georeferering samt automatiserad vektorisering har applicerats på totalt 75 detaljplaner. En kvantitativ utvärdering av metodens två första steg har sedan genomförts med hjälp av jämförelsedata i form av manuellt digitaliserade detaljplaner. Studien visar att ungefär 70% av detaljplanerna i testen kunde georefereras, och 44% av bestämmelseytorna kunde vektoriseras med hjälp av metoden. Resultaten har dock stor spridning i fråga om kvalitét, med felvärden på 5 meter för de mest lyckade resultaten och över 100 meter för de sämsta. Svagheterna som identifierades för metoden handlar främst om att georefereringsprocessen krävde omfattande manuell granskning och att den var begränsad till detaljplaner med plankarta i fyrfärg. Dessutom hade de vektorer som genererades ingen självklar tillhörighet till något bestämmelseområde. Gällande vilka egenskaper som påverkade resultatet fann studien att det framför allt var en liten detaljplanearea som hade ett negativt inflytande. De huvudsakliga slutsatserna från studien var att metoden till viss del kunde anses digitalisera detaljplanerna på ett effektivt sätt, och att utvärderingsmetoden kan byggas vidare på i framtida studier genom att ta hänsyn till ytterligare faktorer såsom form på- och avstånd mellan polygonerna. / With new directives from Swedish authorities imposing municipalities to digitize sections of their plan archives, the question of digital detailed plans is becoming more relevant than ever in Sweden. Digitizing already existing detailed plans is time consuming, so effective automated digitizing methods will be valuable to save time in this process. However, in order to know if a method is effective it first has to be evaluated. This study aims at evaluating a recently introduced method for automated digitizing of detailed plans, and it is the first one evaluating this method in a quantitative manner. The questions to be answered within the study is whether the implemented method is effective and if it has any weaknesses. Additionally, whether a number of defining characteristics of the detailed plan maps influence the quality of the result. As the quality of digitized detailed plans have not been subjected to systematic evaluation before, a novel contribution of this study is also suggesting a framework for how this can be measured and evaluated. The method consists of 3 steps and the first 2 steps, namely automated georeferencing and automated vectorization, have been performed on a set of 75 detailed plans. Using manually digitized versions of the same detailed plans as ground truth, the results of these two steps have been compared and evaluated using a set of quantitative measures.  Findings from this study have shown that about 70% of the detailed plans tested can be georeferenced, and 44% of relevant areas in the plan maps can be vectorized using the method. However, the results have displayed a significant disparity of quality, with error values for georeferencing ranging between under 5 meter for the best results and over 100 meters for the worst. The weaknesses that have been identified for the method are mainly that the georeferencing procedure requires extensive manual supervision, that the vectorization produces polygons of ambiguous belonging, and that the method is limited to multicolor detailed plans. Furthermore, a small plan area has been identified as the most influential factor for a low quality result. Main conclusions of this study have been that the method can be considered effective for digitizing detailed plans to some extent. Additionally, the method for evaluating the quality of digitizing could be expanded by reviewing more factors such as shape and gaps between polygons in future work.

On improving the accuracy and reliability of GPS/INS-based direct sensor georeferencing

Yi, Yudan 24 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Georeferering för 3D-visualisering av Sveriges historiska kartor med Open Source och öppna data : En undersökning av samtida möjligheter och begränsningar / Georeferencing for 3D-visualisation of historical maps of Sweden using open source and open data : A study of current possibilities and limitations

Hermansson, Johan January 2024 (has links)
Den första detaljerade topografiska karteringen som täcker en större del av Sverige är den s.k. Häradskartan som framställdes under 1800-talets andra hälft och som följdes av Generalstabens topografiska karta under början av 1900-talet. För framställning av kartorna upprättades först stomkartor genom transporter av äldre kartor i större skala från skiften och lantmäteriförrättningar. Historiska topografiska kartor ur Häradskartan och stomkartorna till Generalstabens topografiska karta publicerades under 2023 av Naturvårdsverket i form av digitala kartraster som georefererats med en automatisk metod baserad på rutnät av kartbladshörn för kartserierna. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka huruvida resultatet av den automatiska georefering som utförts med kartbladshörnen kan förbättras med en metod baserad på identifiering av gemensamma passpunkter mellan de historiska kartan och den moderna topografiska karta som finns tillgänglig som öppen data från Lantmäteriet. För att den metod som används ska vara användbar för en intresserad allmänhet undersöktes de möjligheter för georeferering av de historiska topografiska kartorna som finns med kostnadsfria Open Source-programvaror och öppna data. För att resultatet av georefereringen ska kunna utvärderas i en praktisk tillämpning undersöktes skapande av 3D-visualiseringar av de historiska kartorna. Studien avgränsas till ett område omfattande 400 000 ha huvudsakligen i Örebro län och de georefereringsmetoder som finns i programvaran QGIS. Passpunkter identifierades i den moderna topografiska kartan där byggnadspunkter för slott, kyrkor och herrgårdar som kunde verifieras genom sökningar i bebyggelseregister kompletterades med gränspunkter, vägkorsningar och hydrografiska objekt som visuellt kan antas sammanfalla vid studie av geometrier i de automatiskt georefererade kartorna. För att de kartblad som bygger upp kartserierna ska passa ihop över skarvarna efter georeferering mosaikerades dessa kartblad till ett gemensamt virtuellt kartraster. Resultaten av georefereringen visade att de medelavvikelser som uppmättes i de automatiskt rektifierade kartorna, ca 50 m för Häradskartan och ca 150 m för stomkartorna, kunde förbättras till ca 30 m för båda kartmaterialen med ca sex passpunkter/kvadratmil. Det framgår dock att stora lokala variationer i storleken på felen finns såväl före som efter transformationerna och studien visar på att en mer komplex lokal transformationsmetod med en stor mängd passpunkter fördelade över kartan behövs för att erhålla generella förbättringar av passningen. De skapade 3D-visualiseringarna visade på att en visuellt bättre passning ändå kunde erhållas även med de relativt få passpunkter som använts här. / The first detailed topographic mapping of larger parts of Sweden is the so-called District Economic Map that was produced during the second half of the 19th century and which was followed by the General Staff Map in the beginning of the 20th century. These maps were produced from skeleton maps that were constructed from transports of older large-scaled maps from legal shifts and parcel acts. Historical topographic maps from the District Economic Map and the skeleton maps for the General Staff Map were published in 2023 as digital raster maps that has been georeferenced using an automatic method based on a grid of corner coordinates for the map series. This study aims to investigate whether the result of the automatic georeferencing method can be improved using a method of identifying common ground control points between the historical maps and the modern topographic maps that are available as open data from the Swedish Land Survey. In order for the applied methods to be available to an interested general public this study investigates the possibilities of performing the georeferencing using free open-source software and open data. To allow the evaluation of the georeferencing results in a practical application the historical maps are visualized in 3D. The study is limited to an area encompassing 400 000 ha mainly in Örebro county and the georeferencing algorithms that are available in the QGIS software. Ground control points were identified in the modern topographic map by supplementing building points representing castles, churches and manor houses that can be verified by researching registries of built heritage with boundary points, road crossings and hydrographic objects that visually appear to coincide when studying the geometries of the automatically georeferenced maps. In order to ensure that the map sheets that make up the map series fit over the sheet edges the sheets were mosaicked in a single virtual raster. The results of the georeferencing process show that the mean deviations that could be measured in the automatically referenced maps (approx. 50 m for the District Economic Map and approx. 150 m for the skeleton maps) could be improved to approx. 30 m in both cases using about six control points per 10 000 ha. Large variations in the sizes of local errors are prevalent both before and after the transformations and the study shows that a more complex local transformation method using a large amount of control points is required in order to achieve a general improvement of the fit with modern data. Visualizing in 3D did show, however, that a visually significant improvement could be achieved already using relatively few control points as in this study.

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